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03x07 - Clean Air!

Posted: 10/05/22 03:51
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists, it's me--

Sid. I want to know what to do

When the air we breathe is

Dirty, so my friends and I are

Going to investigate and

Discover that there are lots of

Ways we can help keep the air we

Breathe clean. Come explore with

Me, sid the science kid,

Coming up next.

Hey, is this thing on? Ha ha!

* Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? *

* I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to

Know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what

It just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning

And I want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas

I'm... *

[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Hello. I am sid the science

Reporter, and I have a big, big

Story. My dad is wearing a mask,

And I'm going to find out why.

Hmm. It looks like he's painting

The picnic table. Well, maybe

He's wearing a mask so the table

Doesn't recognize him. Ha ha.

Or--ah, maybe he has a new job

As a painting superhero. He's

Paint man! Ta-da! Huh. Let's go

Find out. Ho, dad!

Hey, sido!

I have a question.


Why are you wearing a mask?

Ah, good question, reporter

Sid. I was painting varnish on

The picnic table to protect it

From the rain, and the mask

Protects me from breathing in

Varnish fumes.


But don't worry. I sealed

Everything up so there's no more

Fumes to worry about.

Fumes? What are those?

Well, it's a strong smell in

The air. I guess you could say

It sort of makes the air dirty,

And it's important for our

Bodies to breathe in clean air.

[Inhales deeply]

Hmm. But, dad, I don't see

Any dirty air. Hmm. The air

Looks just fine to me. Well, I

Just got to know: how can the

Air be dirty if it doesn't look


["Dirty" echoes"]

Sid! Mort! Breakfast time!

Oh, race ya!

, , , Go!

Hey! Hang on a second!

Yay, I won! Yahoo!

Yeah, you always do, sid.


Hey, zekey!


Hey, zeke!

Oh, looks like I better wash

My hands before I eat.

Hmm. Well, at least you can

See the dirt on your hands.

Hey, mom, did you know that air

Can be dirty even if you can't

See it's dirty?

Yes, I did. Dirty air is

Called air pollution, and you're

Right, we can't always see it,

But I can show you some pictures

Of things that make air

Pollution on the computer.


Hmm. Ok.

Oh, time to drive the big


That's right. And when a

Bulldozer and other construction

Vehicles drive around, pollution

Comes out of their engines.


And look at this one.

Hmm! Vroom! Honk! Honk!

You got it. Trucks also make

Air pollution. And look at this.

Oh, no. Cars make pollution,


Yes, they do.

But, well, we see bulldozers

All the time, and trucks drive

Down our street, and--and we

Drive a car. Aw, mom, our air is

So polluted.

Sid, our air is safe to



There are things around us

That make pollution, but we just

Have to make an effort to keep

The air as clean as we can.

Well, I have an idea. All

Right, we can make less air

Pollution by not driving in the

Car to school today.

Hey, you know, that gives me

An idea. Instead of driving to

Work today, I should ride the

Mighty zoomster!

Ha! Zoom!

Oh, yeah, your favorite


Yeah, exactly. This afternoon

I'll bring the mighty zoomster

Into the bike shop for a tune


Yeah, great idea, dad.

Walking and biking are really

Good ideas, and since I don't

Have to be at work until later,

Let's do it! Let's walk to



Sid, you better eat a good

Breakfast, too. You're gonna

Need lots of energy.

Right, 'cause today's a

Walking day.

* I love my mom

My mom is cool

But now it's time

For having fun at school, yeah *

Ha ha ha!

Hi, sid. Hello, alice.


Did you all walk to school?

Yes, we did. Since we didn't

Drive our car, we helped to make

Less air pollution.

Wow! What a wonderful thing

To do.

Mm-hmm. Oh, bye, mom.

Bye, sid.


Bye, susie.

* I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you

There's gabriela *

* Watch what I can do

Ha ha! Yeah! Here we go.


* I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald *

Yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

Uh! Uh! Ha ha ha!

I'm a dancing machine!


* I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may *

May I show you how I groove?

Ha ha ha! Whoo!



* We're looking

For our friends

We're looking for you

Hey, there's sid *

Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That's you.

You got me.


* Da da da da da

* We're looking

For our friends

And look what we found

We found each other

Friends *


And now it's time for sid the

Science reporter! Ha ha! Hello,

It's me again, sid the science

Reporter. I am back with another

Question: how would you clean

Dirty air? Ha! Let's go get some

Answers. Whee!

Oh, hey, gabriela.


I have a question.


How would you clean dirty


Hmm. Uh, let's see, I would

Take out my gabriela wonder

Wand, and I would wave it around

And call out the magic words:

Oogilly woogilly! Dirt go away!

Wow! That sounds good to me.

Thanks, gabriela.

No problem.

Oh, hi, may.


Nice butterfly.

Thank you. Her name is

Sparkle cakes.

Hmm. Well, sparkle cakes and

May, I have a question.


How would you clean dirty


Oh, that's easy. I'd scoop it

Up with a big net--

Hmm. Ok.

No, wait. That won't work. A

Net has too many holes. Oh, I'd

Use a blanket, and wrap it

Around the dirty air, and then

Put the blanket in the washing

Machine and clean it. Ta da!

Clean air!

Wow. That is a great answer.

Thank you.

Ha ha. You're welcome.

Scoot, scoot!

Ooh. Hello, gerald.

Oh, hi, sid!

I have a question.

Oh, a question?



Here it is. How would you

Clean dirty air?

Dirty air?


Whoa, that's a tough

Question, sid.


Um, uh, oh, hey, hey, I know!

See, ok, see, I clean my hands

With soap and water, so I'd get

A lot of soap, I mean, like a

Lot of soap, and then I'd scrub!

I'd scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub,

Scrub! Which, uh, which might be

Kind of hard to do, but I'd find

A way!

Oh, I bet you would.

You're smart.

Thanks, sid.

Thanks, gerald.


Huh. And now the results of

My survey. Gerald says he would

Use soap and water to clean

Dirty air. Gabriela says she'd

Use her magic wand to get rid of

The dirty air, and may would

Trap the dirty air in a blanket

And then put it in a washing

Machine. Huh. Well, there you

Have it. I am sid the science

Reporter and dirty air expert.

Everybody, rug time!

That's teacher susie.

* It's rug time

Come on in

Rug time

Take a seat

Rug time *

* We're ready *

* Everybody move your feet

Rug time *

* Teacher susie

* Good times on the way

Rug time

Come on in

We've got a lot to learn today *

Whoosh! I am a floating

Balloon filled with air, and I

Am about to pop myself.


Ha ha! Pop! Ha ha! Whoosh!




Oh, no!

Well, I can guess that you

Were talking about air on the

Playground, right?

Yeah, yeah! We were thinking

Of ways to clean dirty air.

This morning my mom and dad

Told me that dirty air is called

Air pollution.

Yeah, so how do you get rid

Of air pollution and clean the

Dirty air?

Yeah. We all need to breathe

Clean air.

And we all share the same

Air. Ok, we have to do something

To clean it.


Yeah, let's do something!


What do we do?

Well, I'm so proud of you.

Taking care of our planet is one

Of the things scientists do, and

You know what? There is

Something you can do to help

Clean the air and keep it clean.

What is it?

Let's see if you can guess.

Everyone stand up nice and tall.


All right.

Stretch your arms out wide.

Like this?

Yeah. Oh, I see branches

Stretched out with lots of

Leaves. Can you guess what

You are?

Um, trees!

Huh, wait. I don't get it.

How do trees clean the air?

Good question, sid. Trees do

Something really special. They

Take in dirty air and change it

To clean oxygen, which all

People need to breathe.

Animals need to breathe clean

Air, too.

Absolutely, may. Ok,

Scientists, today we're going to

Have a special super fab lab.

We're going to plant a tree at

Our school.

To help clean the air!

Right. All the supplies we

Need are outside, so grab your

Journals and let's go.

Come on!


I'm gonna plant a tree!



It's the super fab lab.


Observe! Compare! Contrast!


Right over here. Ok,

Scientists, this is the spot

Where we'll plant our new tree.

And the tree will help clean

The air and give us oxygen.


Thank you, tree.

Ok, who can tell me what we

Are going to need to plant this


Oh, we need shovels to dig a

Hole in the ground for the tree.


Yeah, yeah, and after we put

The tree in the ground, then we

Have to cover it with the dirt

In this bag because

Trees like dirt.

Oh, and then we have to water

The tree. We have a watering can

By the playground sink that we

Can use.

Oh, good idea, gabriela.

And you're right, all living

Things need water to grow. Ok,

But there's just one more thing

The tree needs.




Oh, I know. Lots and lots of


That's right! Ok, let's start

By digging together. Then we'll

Work as a team to get this tree

In the ground.

Ok, let's go dig!

Hey, you're a scientist. You

Can try this, too.

Ok, scientists, let's gather

Everything we need to plant two

Trees in the classroom. We'll

Need two big pots, some soil,

And some water. First put a

Little bit of soil into each

Pot. Now lift out the first tree

And place it into the pot. Hey,

That's a good fit. Now lift up

The second tree and place it

Into the second pot. Perfect.

These leaves are gonna make lots

Of oxygen for you to breathe.

Next, fill up the pots with more

Soil. Make sure to cover all the

Roots. Good job, scientists.

It's time to water the trees.

And now that we're done, it's

Cleanup time. Find a nice spot

In the classroom where your

Trees can get lots of sunshine

To help them grow. You can draw

Pictures in your journal so you

Can remember how you planted the

Trees. Then you can show your

Friends how to plant a tree,

Too. First, you poured some dirt

Into the pot. Then you put in

The baby tree. Then you put in

More dirt, and after you watered

The tree, you put the tree in a

Nice sunny spot. Soon these

Trees will be making lots of

Clean air for your classroom.

Oh, wow, look at the tree! It

Looks beautiful! You all did a

Great job.

Thank you, susie!

Every time I see this tree,

I'll remember that we planted


Yeah, yeah. And I'll remember

That it helps keep our air


Susie, can I show you the

Pictures I drew in my journal?

Why, sure, may, I'd love to

See your pictures.

Ok. I call this how to plant

A tree. First, dig a hole with a

Shovel. Next, put a little tree

Into the hole. Then use your

Shovel and put in more dirt and

Then water the tree.

Great job, may.

Thank you.

Now you'll always remember

How to plant a tree.

Ha ha.

Ok, my tree and clean air

Experts, let's clean up and then

It'll be time to play with all

Your new ideas.


Ok! Ok.

All right.


Let's play a game of

Telephone. Ring! Ring!


Trees help clean the air.

Pass it on.

Oh! Ok. Uh, may! May, I have

Something to tell you.


Ok, trees help clean a bear.

Pass it on. Ha!

Ok, I can't wait to tell sid.

Ring! Ring!

Hi, sid, I'm calling you.

Oh. Hello, this is sid.

Hi. Knees help a mean bear.

Pass it on.


Sid, do you have a message

For me?

Oh, yes, I do. It's please

Help! I see a green bear!


Ha ha!

No, the message was, trees

Help clean the air.



Trees help clean the air.

Grr! Ha ha!

Now that's beary funny.

[Recorded laughter]

Gather round, gather round,

Folks. Sid the salesman here for

Another super duper sale. Are

You tired of all the dirty air

From cars, bulldozers, and


Why, yes.

Well, worry no longer! What I

Have here is a bottle of sid's

Duper duper clean air. When the

Air pollution makes you not want

To breathe anymore, just pop

Open a bottle of my sid's super

Duper clean air and inhale! Ahh!

All the clean, airy goodness.


I have to have a bottle.

I knew you'd say that. Well,

Sid's super duper clean air can

Be all yours for...$ Million.


Ok, I'll buy one.

I'll buy .

Wait, wait, wait!

Oh. Excellent. Just get out

Your wallets and--

If you want clean air,

Wouldn't it be easier to just

Plant trees instead?



And maybe we could use our

Cars a little less. That would

Keep the air from getting dirty

In the first place.

Ha ha! No way! That sounds

Like a lot of work! No, people,

It's way easier to just buy my

Bottle of sid's super duper

Clean air and breathe. Ahh.

And then when we breathe all

The air from your bottle, how

Will we get more?

Um, that's simple! You just

Buy more sid's super duper clean

Bottled air.

Oh, I agree with may. Let's

Go plant some more trees.

Yeah, yeah, I'm with you.

More trees!

More trees!

Um, ok, wait. I have

Something else to sell.



And now...

It's time...

For susie...

To sing!

Go, susie!

Oh, let me guess. You're all,

Um, trees!



Well, since you're all trees,

This is the perfect time to say

Thanks to all the trees of the

World for helping clean our air.

Thank you, trees!

* Pine trees in the forest

Palm trees by the sea

Oaks and maples help you and me

With air to breathe

And food to eat

Shady shade to beat the heat

Beautiful trees

You know we love them

Beautiful trees

We need more of them

They take in carbon dioxide

Through their leaves

And put out oxygen

For everyone to breathe

Trees, beautiful trees

Elms and magnolias

In the towns and cities

Cacti in the desert

Are sure enough pretty

So let's salute 'em

And let's applaud 'em

And plant more of them

And be glad we got 'em

Beautiful trees

You know we love them

Beautiful trees

We need more of them

They take in carbon dioxide

Through their leaves

And put out oxygen

For everyone to breathe

Trees, beautiful trees

Trees, beautiful trees *



Thank you.

Good job.

It's a good thing our earth

Has lots of trees.

I agree. Ok, tree experts and

Clean air experts, it's time to

Go home. Follow me!


I'm spreading out my


Now where's my sid?

Oh, right here, grandma.

Oh! There's my sid.

Grandma, hi! Mmm!

So, your mother told me you

Walked to school this morning.

Oh, that's right. We didn't

Drive, so we didn't make

Any air pollution.

Well, I think that's a

Wonderful idea. And guess what?

We're gonna walk, too.

All right! Woo!

Okey-dokey, let's stroll!



Side-by-side strolling with


Ok, kiddo, tell me

About your day.

Oh, it was great. I learned

That trees help keep

Our air clean.

Oh, they certainly do, and we

Have to do our part to help keep

The air clean, too.


Did you know in our very own

City, people used to rake up

Their leaves in the fall and

Then burn them? It was always

Done safely, and it seemed

Like a good way to get rid of

A big pile of leaves, but

Scientists discovered that with

Everyone burning their leaves,

It made lots of smoke which made

Lots of air pollution. Yeah! I

Remember you could really smell

The smoke in the air. Ho ho!

Yucky! So now, instead of

Burning our leaves, the city

Picks them up in garbage trucks

And turns them into mulch, which

You can put on soil so plants

And trees can grow. How about

That? Isn't that a great idea?

That is a great idea.


You know, grandma, if we stop

Our air from getting dirty in

The first place, well, then we

Won't have to worry about

Cleaning it later.

You got that right, kiddo.

The best solution

Is less air pollution.

Ha ha. Right.

Hey, let's both take a deep

Breath of clean air, ok?


, , .

[Both inhale deeply]

Ah! Ha ha!

I have the best grandma in

The whole world! Ha ha!

Ha ha!

* I learned something cool

Something cool today

I know it upside down

And inside out

I learned all about clean air *

Ha ha! Scientist in the house.


[Recorded applause]


Whoa! Hey, kiddo!

Oh, hi, dad.

Oh, hey, you want to hop in

The car with me, and we can go

Pick up the mighty zoomster

From the bike shop?

Ha ha!

Remember I'm gonna start

Riding my bike to work instead

Of driving.

Oh. We can all go. It'll be a

Fun, family outing.

Oh, that sounds great.

Ha ha!

Well, I'd love to go, and

Riding your bike is a great way

To make less air pollution, but

I do have an idea how we can

Make even less air pollution!

Oh, how?

Well, I'll show you. Just

Wait here and come outside when

I call you, ok?



You got it. Ha ha!

Mom, dad, grandma, zeke, come

On out now.

Oh, boy.


Ok, everyone, follow me.

Oh, this is so exciting. Sid,

What are you up to?

Well, grandma, today I

Learned that we all need clean

Air to breathe...


So the best way to keep the

Air clean is to prevent it from

Getting dirty in the first


Oh, sounds good to me, so

What did you have in mind?

Well, let's not drive the car

And make more air pollution.

Let's use these.



Ta-da! Zeke's wagon, my

Tricycle, and a scooter!

Great idea, sid.

Oh, my sid's so smart, always


I love it. Sid, you can ride

Your tricycle, and I'll pull

Zekey on the wagon.

And I'll walk.

And I got a helmet in the

Trunk of my car. I'll slap her

On and ride that scooter. Ha ha!

Let's roll!

Ah, let's roll!

Yeah! Ha ha. Ah, today was a

Really good day because I

Learned that everyone needs to

Breathe clean air. Ha ha! Um,

Except for arnie. You know, he

Doesn't breathe since he's just

A stuffed animal. Hee hee! But

We all need clean air to

Breathe, so I'll take care of

Trees and put new ones in the

Ground whenever I can. Ha ha.

There's just one problem, dr.

Beaks, yah! It takes a long time

For a tree to grow, like a

Really, really long time. It

Would be great if we could plant

Trees that grow super fast all

Over the world. Ha ha! Ok, I've

Got it. Here's my super duper

Ooper shmooper big idea!

I'm going to invent the instant

Tree-a-go-grow! It's like a big

Laser cannon that doesn't sh**t

Out lasers. It sh**t out big,

Already grown trees! I'll go all

Over the world blasting trees

Everywhere. I'll put trees on

The top of cars, on top of

Houses, on top of buildings, and

I'll put lot of trees on the

Tops of every school in the

World! That way kids can play on

The playground and the roof! Ok,

With all these trees making all

This clean air, it's time to

Breathe it in.


Ahh, that's good, clean air. The

Instant tree-a-go-grow is gonna

Be go-go-great! And that's my

Super duper ooper shmooper

Big idea!

[Recorded applause]

Yay! Ah, and I'll do my part to

Help keep the air clean because

I am sid the science kid.

["Science kid" echoes]

And remember, keep asking lots

Of questions and keep the air

Clean. See you later,

Scientists. I've got some

Planting to do. Be sure to check

Out another episode full of

Amazing science. My friends and

I will investigate how to keep

Our air and water clean,

Discover how to make less trash,

And protect our habitats.

See you next time on

"Sid the science kid."

There's lots more science fun to