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03x11 - Discovering Darkness

Posted: 10/05/22 03:56
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists! It'’s me,

Sid. I want to know if anything

Scary happens in the dark, so

My friends and I are going to

Investigate and discover that

Everything stays the same in the

Dark. Come explore with me, sid

The science kid, coming up next.

Hey, is this thing on?

Heh heh!

♪ Hey, sid

What do you say?

What you want to learn today?

I want to know

Why things happen and how

And I want to know

Everything now

Oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do

What it just did?


What'’s up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning

And I want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas, I'’m... ♪

[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Sid? Sid, dad'’s leaving a

Little early for work. If you

Still want to say good-bye,

Time to get up.



Dad'’s leaving now? Well, if it's

Morning, why is it so dark in

Here? Hmm. I can always see in

The morning, but right now,

I can'’t see much of anything.

And just between you and me, I'’m

A little afraid of the dark.

Yeah, everything looks different

In the dark and you can'’t see

Anything. It'’s scary. Hmm. Ooh.


Take that, darkness! Ha ha!

Yeah. Much better. Now I can see

And I know exactly where

Everything is and nothing scary

Is happening. Hmm. Well, I just

Got to know what is happening

In the...



["Darkness" echoes]

Sid, breakfast is ready.

Oh, boy. Ha ha!


Coming! Breakfast tiiiiime!

Uh--oh. Um...

Hey. Morning, sid.

Uh, dad, are you sure it'’s



Yep. I'’m sure.

Because it doesn'’t look like

Morning to me. It looks like

Night. It'’s all dark out there.

Yeah, it kind of feels like

Night, too, but it'’s not. It's

Just winter, and it'’s dark in

The early morning during winter.


Mort, if you want to make

That meeting, you better leave


Ooh, all righty. I'’ll see ya

Guys later.

But you'’re leaving now? It's

Still dark outside.

Oh, well, thanks for worrying

About me, buddy, but I'’ll be all

Right. It'’s just a little dark

Out. Nothing to worry about.

I'’ll see ya later.

Ok, but be careful. There'’s

A whole lot of dark out there.

I will.

[Door opens, closes]

Sid, sweetie?


Tell me why you'’re afraid of

The dark.

Well, you can'’t see what's

Happening in the dark.

Is it scary when I kiss you

Good night after I turn out

Your light?

No way, because I know you'’re

Still mom. You'’re just mom in

The dark.

That'’s right. I'm always mom.

I don'’t change just because you

Can'’t see me.

Huh. So you don'’t change when

I can'’t see you in the dark.

I wonder if that means other

Things don'’t change, either.

What do you think?

Well, I think after

Breakfast, that'’s something I'm

Going to investigate at school.

Good idea, sid. But, hey,

It'’s still early and I think we

Have enough time for me to make

You some of my special scrambled

Eggs while you get dressed

For school.

Yay--oh, yeah. Ha ha! I can'’t

Go to school in my pajamas.

That'’d be silly.


♪ I love my mom


My mom is cool


But now it'’s time

For having fun in school ♪


Ha ha ha!



♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

There'’s gabriela ♪

Watch what I can do.

Ha ha! Yeah! Ready, set, go!


♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s gerald ♪

Yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha ha ha! I'’m a rock star!

Yeah! Ha ha! Awesome!



♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s may ♪

May I show you how I groove?

Ha ha!




♪ We'’re looking

For our friends

We'’re looking for you

Hey, there'’s sid! ♪

Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That'’s you!

You got me.

[All laughing and humming]


♪ We'’re looking for our friends

And look what we found

We found each other

Friends! ♪

[All laughing]

And now for sid the science

Reporter. Hello. I am sid the

Science reporter with a special

Report on the dark. Heh heh!

Attention, attention. Anyone on

The playground who'’s afraid of

The dark, please come over here

And tell me all about it.

["All about it" echoes]

Oh! Hey, sid, sid!

I'’m afraid of the dark.

Me, too.

And you know what? Me, too.

Anybody have a story about being

Afraid of the dark?

Oh, oh, I do, I do. Ok, once

I went camping with my dad and

My brother, and there was

Something really scary outside

Of the tent.

What was it?

It was a tree. The same tree

I saw when it was light out. It

Just looked scarier in the dark.

Hmm. Very interesting.

Gerald, would you like to share

A story?

Oh, ok. Well, one time, I had

To get up and go to the bathroom

At night, and, well, the hallway

Was really dark and scary.

Ooh, did something jump out

And go, "boo"?

Nope. I turned on the light

And it was just my hallway,

Same as always.

Ha ha! Same as always.


Hmm. Hey, where'’s may? Why

Didn'’t she come over?

Oh. Uh...

[May humming]

Oh, there she is.

Oh. Hi.

Hey, may.

Oh, hi.

Are you afraid of the dark?

No, not at all.


Everybody, rug time!

That'’s teacher susie.

Come on, you guys.

♪ It'’s rug time, come on in

Rug time, take a seat

Rug time ♪

We'’re ready!

♪ Everybody move your feet

Rug time ♪

Teacher susie!

♪ Good times on the way

Rug time, come on in!

We'’ve got a lot

To learn today! ♪

It'’s so dark in here! Ha ha!

Ooh! Watch out for the


Oh! Ok! Ha ha!

We'’re over here, gerald.

Ok, I'’m coming.

There you go.

I'’m coming. Which way?

Wait. Over here.

Where? Am I there?

This way. Follow my voice.

Ok? Am I warm?

Ok. Am I there?

Yeah, gerald.

Yeah! Yay!

Hey, it'’s not dark anymore!

Ha ha!

I'’m guessing you've all been

Talking about being in the dark.


Yeah, we were. See, I'’m

Afraid of the dark because I

Can'’t see anything.

I agree. It'’s scary in the


Oh, I understand it can be

Scary in the dark, but when you

Think like a scientist and

Understand what darkness is,

It'’s not so scary.

So does that mean that

Scientists aren'’t afraid of the


Well, scientists know that

Darkness means that there isn'’t

Any light, like when you turn

Off the lights in a room.

Yeah, and even in the dark, I

Can sometimes see a little bit.


Well, I can'’t, and that means

I can'’t see the scary things

That come out in the dark.


Oh, it sounds to me like

You'’re worried about what

Happens when it'’s dark, but I

Promise you, the world'’s exactly

The same in the dark as in the

Light. Let'’s try a little

Experiment. Everybody up.


Ok, now, look very carefully

Around you, and then touch the

Things you see.


Observe everything with your

Eyes and your hands.

Ok, uh, I see the waffle


I see my favorite sweater.

Oh, I see the bookshelf.

Um, I see our backpacks and

Our lunchboxes, too. Oh.


And I can smell '’em.

Ha ha ha! Ok, now close your

Eyes and pretend it'’s dark.


Now, try touching the same

Thing you saw when it wasn'’t


Uh, feels like my sweater.

Yeah, these are the blocks.


I can feel the books.

I found the backpacks.

Ha! Ok, now open your eyes


Hey, everything is the same

When it'’s dark.

That'’s right. Ok, scientists,

I think we should investigate

Some real darkness in the...

Super fab lab!

Yes. Grab your journals.

Let'’s go.

Let'’s go! Let's go, let'’s go!


Come on, sid!

All right.

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

Super fab lab! Investigate,

Explore, discover! Ah!

Ok, scientists, in this

Investigation, we'’re going to

Make our own cave of darkness.

Cave of darkness? Oh, oh,

That sounds like it'’s going to


Well, it is. But remember,

Darkness just means there'’s not

Enough light for us to see, and

We'’re going to investigate how

This works by covering this

Table with blankets so they

Block all the light from

Getting in.

Well, how will we know when

No more light is getting into

The cave?

Oh, that'’s the fun part. One

Volunteer will sit inside the

Cave and tell everyone else on

The outside where to put more

Blankets to make sure all the

Light'’s getting blocked.

Fluffles and I will do it!

"But I am a little scared of

The dark."

Oh, I'’ll be with you, fluffles.

No big deal.

All right, may.

Great, may. That'’s super.

Ok, help me put these

Blankets over the table,



All right.

Hey, you'’re a scientist. You

Can try this, too.

Ok, scientists, we'’re going

To make a cave of darkness. One

Volunteer will go into the

Middle of the chairs, then we'’ll

Use this piece of cardboard as

A roof and cover everything with

Blankets until the person inside

The cave tells us no more light

Is getting in.

It looks like you need to put on

More blankets. It'’s not

Completely dark inside the cave.

Ok, volunteer, if you can still

See light coming in, let us

Know. Oops! We forgot to cover

That space. Put on another

Blanket. Now, try shining some

Flashlights through the

Blankets. Our volunteer on the

Inside will let us know if she

Can see any light coming in.

Looks like this blanket is

Really thin, so the light can

Get in. You better add on a

Thick blanket.

And here'’s one more space where

Light can get in. You can cover

Up that hole, too. Here'’s one

Blanket and two blankets. Now

No light can get into our cave.

Draw some pictures in your

Journals so you'’ll remember how

We made our cave of darkness.

First, we covered chairs with a

Cardboard roof and blankets,

Then we used flashlights to make

Sure there were no spaces where

Light could get in. Then, we

Used more blankets to make sure

It was completely dark, and we

Did it! We made a cave of

Darkness to block out all the

Light. Good job, scientists!

May, would you like to come out

For journal time?

No, thank you, teacher susie.

It'’s fun in here.

Ha ha! Hey, that gives me a

Great idea. May, you can

Describe what it looks like in

The cave, and the rest of you

Can draw a picture of what may


Oh, yeah.


Ok, so, uh, may, what do you

See right now?

Well, um, it'’s dark. Really,

Really dark. And there'’s no

Light getting in here at all.

I can'’t even see my sweater.

Ok, who wants to show me what

You'’ve drawn in your journal?

Ooh! I do!


Ok, um, see, here'’s a picture

Of may inside the cave, and it'’s

Really dark in there.

It sure is.

Ha ha!

Over here, I drew a picture

Of fluffles, and she'’s also

Inside the cave with may, and

It'’s still really dark in there.

"It sure is."

Nicely done, gerald.

Thank you!

Ok, may, you can come on out.

Now that you'’re all darkness

Experts, it'’s time to play with

All your new ideas.


And now may is going to tell

Us a story about being in the


Ok. It'’s a story of how I

Used to be scared of the dark.

One night, right before bed, I

Gave my cat moo shu a new toy

Mouse to play with. Then I said,

"Good night, moo shu."

What did moo shu say?

She said, "meow."

Then what happened?

Then my mom came in my room.

She kissed me good night and

Then my mom...turned out the


So it was dark in your room?

Very dark. Very, very dark.


And then I heard a noise.



A noise? Well, what did it

Sound like?

It sounded like this:

Ker-thump, ker-thump, ker-thump.

The noise got louder

And louder.

Were you scared?




Why not?

Yeah, that noise sounds


Well, it was loud, but I

Wasn'’t scared because I knew

What the noise was.

What was it?

It was...

It was just moo shu playing with

Her new toy. I turned on the

Light and there was moo shu,

Using her paw to swat at her new

Toy: ker-thump, ker-thump,


Yeah, right.

Ha ha ha! Moo shu. Ha ha!

Hey, thanks for telling us

That great story, may.

Sure. Oh, and I almost



Behind moo shu was a big,

Purple monster with icky, green



Ha ha ha!

Ok, we'’re going to play a

Game that I just made up. It'’s

Called guessing in the dark.

Oh, cool.

Ok. First, somebody needs to

Volunteer to go inside the cave

Of darkness.

Oh, um--

Oh! Oh! I'’ll do it! Yeah,

Because I like the dark now.

Great! Ok, gerald, you go

Inside the cave and we'’ll hand

You something.

Okey-doke. Here I go.

Hey, good luck, gerald.

Good luck.

Ok, going in and I'’m in here.

Ok, gerald, I'’m going to

Hand you the first item.


Hee hee! You have to guess

What it is in the dark. Hee hee!

He'’s never going to guess what

It is.

Ha ha ha!

Hey, gabriela, I can'’t see

You, but I can still hear you.



Ha ha!

Ok, here you go.

Oh. Ok. Let'’s see, uh--ooh!

I know! This is a magnifying



You'’re right!

Come on. Give me harder

Things to guess. I'’m the

Amazing gerald!

Oh. Amazing, huh? Ok, let'’s

Get more stuff.

Yeah! Ok!


Look, look, look, you guys.

Oh, cool, may.

Yeah, yeah.

It'’s a good one.

Here, gerald. How about this?

That is a hat.


Ok, how about this one?

And that'’s a block.

Ok, how about this?

A book.


Ok, gerald, guess this one.

This would be...a crayon.


Ok, I got one.

Aha! An apatosaurus,

My favorite dinosaur.

Wow. He is amazing.

Yeah, he is.

Ok, wait, wait. I have one



It'’s a ball of play-doh clay.

Ha! Great!

Ok, gerald, last one.

Ok, uh, it'’s round. Is it an



An apple?


Oh! Oh, I know! It'’s a peach!

No, it'’s not a peach.

Oh, that'’s funny. Sure tastes

Like one. Ha ha!

Well--uh, gerald, where is

It? You didn'’t really eat it,

Did you?

The peach? Oh, yeah. I ate

The whole thing.

No, no, no!

Ha ha ha! I'’m just kidding.

I knew it was a play-doh ball.

Ha ha ha!

And now...

It'’s time...

For susie...

To sing!

Go, susie!

Thank you, thank you. Well,

Now that my scientists know that

Nothing changes in the dark, I'’d

Like to take you to a world

Where everything is beautiful

In the dark.


♪ In a world of darkness

There will be

A spark of light

And life

Every spark of light shines

Through the darkest night

So bright, so bri-i-ight

In caves above

And underground

Worlds of wonder

Worlds of sound

Where rivers flow

And water falls

Crystals glisten

In the walls

Stalactites hang

Stalagmites rise

Glow worms glow

Like starry skies


In a world of darkness

There will be

A spark of light

All right

Caves are all around us

Oceans that surround us

Diving down

Down, down

To a water world

A cave of blue

Imagination carries you

To plants that glow

And light the way

Rainbow schools

Of fish at play

A natural wonder

You can see

As caves unfold

Their mystery to you

In a world of darkness

There will be

A spark of light ♪


Thank you! Ha ha!

I can'’t believe all the

Amazing things you can find in

The dark.

Yeah! I like darkness.

Me, too.

Oh, I'’m so proud of all my

Darkness experts. And now it'’s

Time to go home. Follow me.

Now where'’s my sid?

Ooh, right here, grandma.

Oh. Hmm. Ooh. Mmm!


Now, okey-doke. Let'’s roll.

Let'’s roll!

Whoo! Ha ha ha! Yeah!

♪ Backseat driving

With grandma ♪

Whoo whoo whoo! Hey, so how

Was your day, kiddo?

Oh, it was great. I learned

All about darkness.

Ooh. Tell me what you


Ok. Darkness just means that

There'’s no light, so if I ever

Wake up early again and it'’s

Still dark, I won'’t be afraid.

Well, if you'’re not afraid of

The dark, you could live in

Northern alaska.


Yes. There'’s this little town

In northern alaska called

Barrow--and I'’m talking way

North, above the arctic circle--

Where it'’s dark all the time for

Almost two straight months. Can

You imagine a winter like that?

It'’s true. Ha ha ha!

They have to keep the lights on

All the time; otherwise, they

Wouldn'’t even know when they're

Supposed to be awake or asleep.

Kids who live up there get up in

The dark, go to school in the

Dark, and then play in the dark.

Now that'’s a whole lot of dark!

Ha ha ha ha!

I can'’t believe it. There are

Places where it'’s dark all night

And all day?

Mmm, amazing, isn'’t it?

Ha ha ha ha!

Yes, it is. And you know who

Else is amazing? My grandma!

Ha ha ha!

♪ I learned something cool

Something cool today

I know it upside down

And inside out

I learned all about... ♪

Ha ha ha!


Heh heh! Scientist in the

House. Yeah.


[Canned applause]

♪ Doo doo-doo doo-doo

Hear ye, hear ye! I have an

Announcement to make. From this

Day forward, the one and only


Isn'’t afraid of the dark!

Hey, all right!


Wow. You must have learned a

Lot about darkness at school


Yes, I did, and tonight

Before bed, I will show you

What I learned.

Hey, that sounds great!

All right, sid. We can'’t


Ha! So today, I learned that

Darkness just means that there'’s

No light. And, since everything

Stays the same in the dark,

There'’s no reason to be scared

Of the dark.

Wow. You'’re thinking like a

Scientist, sid.

Thank you, and since my

Jackets and toys will still be

My jackets and toys in the dark,

I'’m not afraid to go into the

Closet and turn the lights off.

Turn the lights off? Wow,


Wow is right.

Ok, here I go. Uh, mom, could

You please close the door

For me?

Sure, sweetie.


Good luck.

Thanks, dad.

Ok. It is now completely dark

In here and I can'’t see a thing.



No problem at all. I'’m in

The dark. Don'’t worry. Actually,

I'’m doing great. I just need

To--[grunts]--one last thing.

Hold on.



You put your pajamas on in

The dark? That'’s fantastic!

It'’s incredible!

You are amazing!

[Imitates expl*si*n sound]

Ha ha ha!

Hooray for sid.

[Canned applause]


My little scientist does it


Thank you, thank you.

We'’ll be back in a few

Minutes to tuck you in, sweetie.

Ha ha! Yup, it'’s true. I'm

Not afraid of the dark anymore.

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha ha! Closets are

The same whether the lights are

On or off. It'’s fun when they're

On and it'’s fun when they're

Off. You know, now I kind of

Like it when it'’s dark, and that

Gives me an idea. Ok, here'’s my

Super-duper-uper-schmooper big

Idea! I'’m going to invent a

Flashdark. That'’s right. Instead

Of sh**ting out a beam of light,

This flashdark'’s going to sh**t

Out a beam of darkness.

Sometimes things are too bright,

Like sunshine in the morning.

But if you have a flashdark, you

Can just switch it on, and

Suddenly sunshine no more, and

You can go right back to sleep.


Or, if you walk into the

Grocery store and the lights are

Just too bright, switch on the

Flashdark and your problems are

Over. Ha ha! The amazing

Flashdark can make any room or

Any city or any planet dark with

Just the flick of a switch.

Hooray for the flashdark! And

That'’s my super-duper-uper-

Schmooper big idea!

[Click, canned applause]

Ah! I am sid, the darkness

Investigator science kid!

["Science kid" echoes]

And remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions. See you

Later, scientists. Ha ha! Ha ha!

[Click, canned applause]

Be sure to check out another

Episode full of amazing science.

My friends and I will

Investigate darkness, discover

Where light comes from, make

Observations about our shadows,

And explore how rainbows are

Made! See you next time on

"Sid the science kid."

There'’s lots more science fun