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03x23 - The Amazing Computer Science Tool!

Posted: 10/05/22 04:08
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists. It'’s me,

Sid. I want to know all the

Things that computers can do, so

My mom is coming to school to

Help us investigate how

Computers can be an amazing

Science tool. Come explore with

Me, sid the science kid, coming

Up next.

Hey, is this thing on?

Heh heh!

♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

I want to know why things

Happen and how

And I want to know

Everything now

Oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do

What it just did? Hmm!

What'’s up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning

And I want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas, I'’m... ♪

Ha ha! Oh, hi there. I'’m

Watching mom and dad. This is

So funny.

Oh, honey, honey, remember,

Tonight we need to go to the



Oh, I think that'’s the

Calendar on my computer. Ha!

Be right back.

Ok. All right.

Hee hee! Isn'’t that funny?

The computer went ba-ding, and

Dad went running. Ha ha ha!

Well, my computer reminded me

That I have an appointment

This morning.

All right, don'’t forget that.

So, as I was saying--


I--oh, that'’s my email.

Oh, ok.

Hold on. Excuse me.


I could watch this all day.

Ha ha!

Anything important, hon?

Just an email from work.

Ha ha!

Oh, hey, siddo.

Good morning. Ha ha!


What'’s so funny?

Well, every time the

Computers go ba-ding, you both

Run around.

You'’re right. Sorry we're so

Distracted, sid.

Yeah, it'’s just that we're

Both getting a lot of emails

From work.

[Two chimes]

Oh, there goes another one.

Hey, um, wait, what are all

These email things on your


Well, an email is just like a

Letter, except it comes to the

Computer instead of to the



Oh, I think that'’s mine. Both

Of ours.

Ok. Breakfast will be ready

Soon, sid.

Ok. Oh, boy. Computers make

Mom and dad act so funny. Ha!

And that'’s why I just got to

Know, why do mom and dad run

When their computers go...

[Clicks on microphone]


["Ba-ding" echoes]

Sid! Breakfast time!

Oh, boy, breakfast time!

Ba-ding! Ha ha ha!

Breakfast tiiiiiime!

Hey, good morni--oh. Hey, look.

It'’s happening again. Check it

Out. Mom'’s on the computer and

Dad'’s on the computer, and, see,

Everybody'’s busy on computers,

Even zeke.

Ba-ding, ba-doong, ding.

Huh? Oh, hi there, sid.

How'’s it going?


Oh! Uh-oh. Another message on

The computer.

Hmm. Well, I was observing

That computers tell you what to

Do. The computer goes ba-ding

And you guys go look at it.

Hmm. You know what? These

Computers are distracting us

From you, and we'’re sorry

About that.

Yup. Your mom'’s right.

I am done.

Ha ha!

And these computers don'’t

Tell us what to do. Actually,

I tell the computer what to do.

Come on over. I'’ll show you.


You know how I make computer

Games for kids, right?

Right. You make really cool


Oh, thank you. Well, this is

A computer game called "super

Duper antibodies." It'’s a

Science game for kids.

Wow. You made that?

Well, yes.

Yeah, she sure did. The

Computer lets your mom create

Things that people everywhere

Can see and use.

Well, I bet my friends would

Love to know about all this,

Mom. Wouldn'’t it be great if you

Could come to my school and show

Them what you do?

Well, if it'’s ok with teacher

Susie, maybe I could come and

Show your class how to use a


Really? Really, really?

Really, really. Uh, mort?


While sid eats breakfast,

Would you send an email to

Teacher susie to see if it'’s ok?

I'’m on it!

Ha ha! Oh, boy! I hope mom

Can come to school to teach us

About computers because that

Would be so much fun!

So much fun!

Ha ha!

♪ I love my mom


My mom is cool


But now it'’s time

For having fun in school

Yeah! ♪

Ha ha ha!



♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

There'’s gabriela ♪

Watch what I can do.

Ha ha! Yeah! Here we go!


♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s gerald ♪

Yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha ha ha! Yeah! [Grunts]

I'’m a dancing machine!


♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s may ♪

Ha ha! May I show you how I

Groove? Ha ha ha! Whee! Cool!


♪ We'’re looking

For our friends

We'’re looking for you

Hey, there'’s sid! ♪

Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That'’s you!

Ha ha! You got me!

[All humming]


♪ We'’re looking for our friends

And look what we found

We found each other

Friends! ♪

Ha ha!

And now it'’s time for sid the

Science reporter! I am sid

The science reporter, and I want

To know if I'’m the only one

Whose parents are on the

Computer so much. Let'’s find

Out. Hmm-hmm! Oh, hi, may.


I have a question.


My mom and dad are always on

Their computers, and when the

Computers go...

Ba-ding, they run to see what

It is!


My mom does the same thing,

And then she types really,

Really fast on her computer.


Mm-hmm. Yep, that is really,

Really fast.


Thanks, may.

You'’re welcome.

Oh, hi, gabriela.


Do your parents use the

Computer all the time like my

Parents do?

Computers? My whole family

Uses them, and so do i.

Really? What do you do on


Well, every morning my dad

And I look at the weather on the

Computer so we know if we need

A sweater or a jacket.


We also look at the weather

Where my uncle toby lives, and

He lives really far away.

Wow! Well, thanks, gabriela.

Sure thing.

Nyeeow! Zoom! Beep-beep!

Hey, gerald.

Look out!


Hi, sid.

Hi. Hey, how about you? Does

Your family use computers?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, my mom uses

The computer with me, and, oh,

A couple of days ago, we found

This really neat game called

"Super duper antibodies!"

Hey, my mom made that game!



Well, I love that game! You

Know, because it goes pyoom!

Pyoom! Bing-bong! Bing-bong!


What goes pyoom, pyoom,

Bing-bong, bing-bong, bing-bong?

Oh, the game that sid'’s mom

Made on the computer.


Yeah, and my mom might be

Coming to school to show us how

To use a computer.

Whoa! That will be so cool!


Everybody, rug time!

That'’s teacher susie!

Come on, let'’s go.


♪ It'’s rug time, come on in

Rug time, take a seat

Rug time

We'’re ready

Everybody, move your feet

Rug time

Teacher susie

Good times on the way

Rug time, come on in!

We'’ve got a lot

To learn today ♪

Ha ha ha!

Tap, tap, tap, tappy-tap,

Tap, tap. I am a computer.

Ha ha ha!

Oops! Wrong button!

Shutting down now.

[Makes computer shutdown noises]

[All laugh]

So, I'’m guessing you've all

Been talking about computers.

Yes, we have. My mom and dad

Are always typing on their


Oh, yeah. My dad and I look

Up the weather on the computer.

Very good. Well, who wants to

Find out more about computers

From a very special visitor?

Oh, we do!

Oh, goodie! My mom must be

Coming today. Ha ha!

Ready for me?


Look, it'’s sid's mom! Ha ha!

Sid, want to introduce our


Oh, yes, I do. Ha ha! Friends

And teacher, here in our

Classroom is a world-famous

Computer expert, the person

I call mom!


Thank you. Thank you so much.

I'’m so excited to be here with

All you scientists.

How about if you tell us what

Kind of work you do on the


Sure. Well, I make web sites.

Web sites? What'’s that?

It'’s a place to visit on the

Computer. Think of it as a big

Book, and each page has

Something special on it. One

Page might have music you can

Listen to, one page might have

Pictures, and one page might

Have a game you can play.

Oh! Sid'’s mom, I love that

Science game that you made.

Yeah, I play it all the time

With my mom.

Oh, I'’m glad you like the

Game, and I'’m glad you're using

The computer with a grownup.


Grownups will make sure you

Don'’t use the computer for too

Long. It'’s important to get

Outside and play, too.

Well, now that you know the

Rules of the computer, maybe we

Can all learn how to use the

Computer just like scientists


Scientists use computers,


They sure do. Computers can

Be a great science tool. How

About if we do a special

Computer investigation in the--

Oh, wait, wait. May I say it?

I'’ve always wanted to.

Ha ha ha! Go for it.

Let'’s all go to the...

Super fab lab!

Yeah! Come on! Let'’s go.

Oh, yay!

[All giggle]

Super fab lab.

Super fab lab! Investigate,

Explore, discover! Ah!

Ok, scientists, let'’s learn

How to use a computer.


Let'’s get started. First of

All, when you sit at the

Computer, make sure you sit up

Nice and straight. It'’s good for

Your back.


All right.

Ok, see that arrow? That'’s

How I choose what I want to do,

But to move the arrow around,

I use this. Does anyone know

What it'’s called?

I do! It'’s called a mouse

Because it kind of looks like

A cute little mouse moving


That'’s right, may.

Well, our computer at home

Doesn'’t have a mouse. See, it's

Got this flat place where you

Move your finger.

That'’s called a touchpad, and

You can use it just like a mouse

To move the arrow.


Then you click like this to

Choose what you want to do.


And now that we know how to

Use a computer, let'’s

Investigate how scientists use

It as a science tool.

Oh, hey, these are magnifying

Glasses and our journals.

I thought we were going to use

The computer.

We are. You see, scientists

Use computers to share their

Discoveries with each other,

So you'’re all going to use a

Magnifying glass, explore the

Room, and make a discovery.


Ok. Then we draw a picture

Of our discovery in our


Exactly, may.

Um, I still don'’t get it.

How'’s that using the computer

As a science tool?

Well, when a scientist learns

Something new, it'’s important to

Share that information.

That'’s right, and I can use

This camera to take a picture

Of all your drawings. And then

Teacher susie can help you email

Them to your parents at home.


Oh, yeah, an email'’s like a

Letter you can send on the


So we'’re using the computer

Like a journal and sharing it

With everyone.

You got it, may.

Well, I am very impressed

With all of you scientists. I

Wish I could spend all day with

You. Unfortunately, I have to

Get back to work, so after I put

All your pictures into the

Computer, I have to go.

Thank you, sid'’s mom.

Thank you, sid'’s mom.

Alice, you'’re welcome in our

Classroom anytime.

Oh. Ha ha!

And now, scientists, let'’s

Get started. Grab your

Magnifying glasses, make a

Discovery, then draw a picture

In your journal.

Yay! Let'’s go!


Hey, you'’re a scientist. You

Can try this, too.

Ok, scientists. Let'’s

Investigate how a computer can

Be an amazing science tool.

First, use a magnifying glass

To make an observation.

Find things around the room.

Take a good look...

And observe all the details.

Next, draw a picture of what you

Found. You can draw all the

Colors and textures of the

Things you observed. Now it'’s

Time to share all the

Observations you made with

Scientists or people interested

In your discoveries, like your

Parents. To do this, your

Teacher will take a photo of

All your drawings.

Then he can attach the camera to

The computer so all your photos

Can move onto the computer.

Use the mouse to move your photo

Into an email. An email is like

A letter that travels really

Fast from one computer to

Another computer. It'’s a great

Way to share information.

Up here is where we write the

Email address. This tells the

Computer where to send your

Photos. Now click the mouse to

Send the email with your photo.

You did it! You used the

Computer to share information,

Just like a real scientist.

Look at this. Sid'’s mom put all

Your journal drawings into one

Big picture on the computer.

Doesn'’t it look great?

Oh, yes! Cool!

Ok, let'’s hear about the

Discoveries you made.

I discovered what the

Butterfly on my wonder wand

Looks like.

And I looked at the face of

Our pet praying mantis up close.

Yeah, and I looked at our

Rug. It looks really different

Through the magnifying glass.

Uh, gerald, what discovery

Did you make? I can'’t quite tell

What it is.

Oh. Well, that'’s sid's elbow.



Wow. Well, you all made some

Great discoveries with your

Magnifying glasses. Now let'’s

Share them with other people.

Ooh, yeah.

Ok, gerald, since you'’re

Right here, let'’s start with

You. The mouse is all set, so

Just click right on it and this

Picture will go to your family

At home in an email.

Ok. Um, countdown, please.

Oh, yeah. , , , Go!

[Makes sh**ting noises]

[All laugh]


Thank you. Thank you.

Ok, computer scientists,

After you each send your parents

An email with a picture, you can

Go play with your new ideas.


Today, we'’re going to pretend

This is a really, really huge

Computer and my wonder wand is

The mouse. Computer, say my

Name. Click!

Your name is gabriela.

Great. Now, computer, tell me

What sound a dog makes. Click!

Woof! Woof!

Thanks, computer. Next

Question: what is my teacher'’s

Name? Click!

Susie. Teacher susie.

Ok, now some hard questions.

What'’s my favorite kind of

Cookie? Click!

Chocolate chip!

Yes! And how tall is a

Giraffe? Click!

Very tall?

What color is the sun? Click!


What'’s yummier, a cupcake or

A pizza? Click! Do I like

Standing up or sitting down?

Click! What are my favorite

Socks? Click! How far away is

The moon? Click!

[Making computer shutdown


[All laugh]

Yay! Let'’s play family.

Gabriela, you and I will be

The kids.

Ha ha! And sid is our daddy.

He'’s very busy on the computer.

Ooh, yeah. Ahem. I'’m dad and

I'’m busy on the computer.

Very busy.

Oh, dad! Come and play

With us!

Not now. I'’m busy on the


Dad, can we eat all the

Cookies we can find?

Uh, yeah, sure. Right now I'’m

Busy on the computer.

Oh, dad, there'’s a skunk at

The door. Can we let him in?

Uh, sure. Just don'’t let him

Bother me because I'’m busy at

The computer.


♪ La la-la la la la

Dad, now the skunk is


Oh, really? That'’s great.

♪ La la la la la...

And now he'’s dancing.

Oh, that sounds good. I am

Very busy on the computer.

And now he'’s about to spray


Oh, no!

Huh? What? Oh! Aah! There'’s

A singing, dancing skunk in my

House and he'’s about to spray


♪ La la la la la laaaa!


Thank you, thank you, thank

You. Ha ha ha!

Remember, don'’t let this

Happen to you. Don'’t spend so

Much time on the computer that

You don'’t even notice if there's

A singing, dancing skunk in your


Want to hear another song?

Um, no, thank you, mr. Skunk.

Mmm. That'’s show biz.

Ba-ding! Ha ha ha!

And now...

It'’s time...

For susie...

To sing.

Go, susie!

Ba-ding! Ha ha ha!

Thank you. Hey, scientists,

We'’ve learned a lot about how

Computers can help us. Computers

Are here, there, and everywhere.


♪ Computers, computers

Everywhere, computers

Some are huge, and tiny ones

Just could not be cuter

They do what they do

Helping me and you

Computers, computers, computers

You can find them

Girls and boys

In some of your teeniest toys

Handheld video games

Talking digital picture frames

Alarm clocks that let you snooze

Pedometers and walking shoes

Escalators, elevators

Don'’t forget your calculators

Microchips to rocketships

And everything in between

Computers are working

Behind the scene

Computers, computers

Everywhere, computers

Some are huge, and tiny ones

Just could not be cuter

They do what they do

Helping me and you

Computers, computers, computers

Everywhere you turn

Computers help us learn

Music players to hear a tune

Telescopes to see the moon

At mealtimes, we'’re lovin'

Our microwave oven

Big computers

In a weather center

Tracking worldwide weather

Everywhere you go on earth

The computer has a place

And we have humongous ones

Exploring outer space

Computers, computers

Everywhere, computers

Some are huge, and tiny ones

Just could not be cuter

They do what they do

Helping me and you

Computers, computers, computers

Computers, computers

Computers ♪


That was great.

Hey, let'’s all use our


Ok, yeah.


Ha ha ha! Ok, my computer

Scientists. It'’s time to go

Home. Follow me.

Ok! Ha ha!


Now where'’s my sid?

Ooh, right here, grandma.

Oh! Oh! Mm-wah! Now,

Okey-doke. Let'’s roll.

Let'’s roll!

Yeah! [Humming]

♪ Back-seat driving with grandma


Doo-doo-doo-- ♪

[Turns off music]

Grandma, my mom came to school


Oh, she did? I thought she

Was too old for your school!

Ha ha!

Oh, grandma! Heh! No, mom

Came to show us how to use

A computer. Did you know that

People use computers for all

Kinds of things? Some are so

Small they fit in phones and


Oh, you'’re right about that.

Computers nowadays are so tiny,

But, you know, computers weren'’t

Always that small. No. When

Scientists first started making

Computers, they were huge. In

Fact, the very first computers

Were so large they filled up an

Entire room. Those first

Computers used lots and lots of

Power. Ha ha ha! The big, old

Room-sized computers were so

Slow in computing numbers and

Sending data. Oh! I'’ll bet that

The folks who made them never

Imagined that one day people--

Even grandmas like me--would be

Carrying around powerful

Computers the size of a small

Book. Ha ha ha! In fact, I have

A computer so small that it fits

Right here in my purse!

Wow! Grandma, that'’s amazing.

But I know one thing a computer

Can never do.

Oh, what'’s that?

Be the best grandma in the

World like you!

Oh, sid. Thank you. Ha ha ha!

♪ I learned something cool

Something cool today

I know it upside down

And inside out

I learned all about...

Computers! ♪

Ha ha! Scientist in the house!


[Clicks on microphone]

[Canned applause]

And mom showed us how to use the

Computer and to always make sure

You only use it with a grownup

You know, and how to look up

Stuff and--

And how to share the things

You discover?

Hey! You got the email I sent


Yeah, I sure did, and I love

All the discoveries you and your

Friends made.

Hi, everyone.

Oh, hi, mom.

Oh, I see you got sid'’s


Yup, and it is...

♪ Amazing!

♪ Amazing

You know, enough computers

For today.

Yeah. Let'’s all go outside...

And play! Woo hoo!


Come on, sid! Race you to the

Tree house!

Come on. Enough computers.

Ooh. I learned so much about

Computers today. They'’re

Everywhere! And grandma says

They used to be really big, but

Now they'’re a lot smaller. Hmm.

Hey. What if they were really

Small, like itty bitty teeny

Tiny? Ok. I'’ve got it. Here's

My super duper uper schmooper

Big idea! I'’m going to invent

The teeny tiny ring computer,

A computer so small you can wear

It like a ring on your finger.

It'’s small and can do lots of

Things, like when you shake

Someone'’s hand, the ring

Computer can figure out how tall

The person is, how much she

Weighs, her favorite flavor of

Ice cream, and whether she'’s

Feeling sad or happy. You are

Feet tall, weigh pounds,

And like chocolate ice cream.

You are feeling happy today.

Boop! The teeny-tiny ring

Computer can also read emails,

Show movies on the wall, tell

You how to make a hamburger, and

It becomes a phone.

[Imitates phone ringing]

Hello. I'’m talking to you on my

Teeny-tiny ring computer. Sorry.

My thumb got in the way. What

Did you say? Oh, heh! I love

You, too, mom. The teeny tiny

Ring computer. It'’s small, easy

To use, and amazing. And that'’s

My super duper uper schmooper

Big idea! Ha ha! Yay!

[Clicks on microphone]

[Canned applause]

Remember, only use a computer

When you are with your mom or

Dad or a grownup you know.

Time to shut down. Beep.

[Makes computer shutdown noises]

Beep. Ha ha ha! But I'’m

Still sid the--[clicks on

Microphone]--science kid!

["Science kid" echoes]

Remember, keep asking lots and

Lots of questions. See you

Later, scientists! Ha ha!

Ba-ding! Ba-doink! Ba-bloop!

Be sure to check out another

Episode of "sid the science

Kid." We'’ll discover different

Ways to use a computer,

Investigate how things fly, and

Explore how to solve a problem

By engineering a solution.

We'’re investigating all kinds of

Technology on "sid the science
