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03x24 - The Big Cheese!

Posted: 10/05/22 04:08
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists! It'’s me,

Sid! I'’m curious. How do you

Know if things on the computer

Are true? So gabriela'’s mom is

Coming to school to teach us how

To do our own research.

Come explore with me, sid the

Science kid, coming up next.

Hey, is this thing on? Ha ha!

Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how

And I want to know

Everything now

Oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do

What it just did? Hmm!

What'’s up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning

And I want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas. I'’m... ♪

[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Ha ha! Good morning,

Everybody! Ha ha ha! Ah, good

Morning, dr. Beaks. Hello,

Arnie! Ha ha! Good morning,

Ignatz. Woo! Ha ha! Hi,

Backyard. Good morning,

Tree house. And good morning,

Sun, and good morning, uh, moon?

Huh? Huh! The moon is still in

The sky. Hey, I thought it went

Like this: daytime--sun in the

Sky, nighttime--moon in the sky,

But there'’s the moon right in

The sky, in the daytime, and

It'’s glowing during the day.

Wow. What'’s inside the moon that

Makes it shine so bright? Hmm.

I just got to know, what stuff

Is inside the moon?

["Moon" echoes]

Sid! Breakfast time!

Oh, boy. Ha! I'’m going to

Find out about you, moon.

Breakfast tiiiiiiiime!

Uh, dad, mom.

Hey, sid.

Something'’s wrong with the

Moon. It'’s daytime and the moon

Is still up in the sky, and it'’s


The moon? Well, the moon is

Always up there, buddy. We just

Can'’t always see it.

Oh, it is?


Oh, well, but I got to find

Out what'’s inside the moon

Because something'’s making it


Sid, sweetie, let'’s

Investigate. Maybe we can find

The answer on the computer.

Oh. Ok.

Ok, here we go. It says here

That the moon is made of rock.

Oh, rock. Hmm, interesting.

Well, those don'’t glow.

Look at this.

This silly web site says the

Moon is made of glowing green

Cheese. Ha ha ha! How funny.

Green cheese, huh? Ha! Now,

That is funny. Ha ha!

[Gasps] I smell burning


Huh? Oh! The stove!

Pancakes, pancakes.

Hmm. Oh, wow! Did you hear

That? The moon is made of rock

And it'’s also made of glowing

Green cheese. Ha! Well, after

Breakfast, I'’ve got to tell my

Friends at school.

♪ I love my mom


My mom is cool


But now it'’s time

For having fun in school ♪


Ha ha ha!



♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

There'’s gabriela ♪

Watch what I can do.

Ha ha! Yeah! Ready, set, go!


♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s gerald ♪

Yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha ha ha! I'’m a rock star!

Yeah! Ha ha! Huzzah!


♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s may ♪

Ha ha! May I show you how I

Groove? [Giggling]


♪ We'’re looking

For our friends

We'’re looking for you

Hey, there'’s sid! ♪

Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That'’s you!

Ha ha! You got me!

[All humming]


♪ We'’re looking for our friends

And look what we found

We found each other

Friends! ♪

Ha ha!

Now it'’s time for science

News you can use. Hello, it'’s

Me, sid. I got to tell all my

Friends what I saw on the

Computer. Ha! Oh, hey, may!

I have big, big news to tell

You. Come on down.

Oh, ok. Here I come. Hey! Ok,

What'’s the big news?


Who has big shoes?

No, big news!

Oh. Ha ha ha ha!

Ok, my big news is, the moon

Is made of rock and glowing

Green cheese!

Wow! I never knew that.

Oh, no wonder I get hungry

When I look at the moon. Ha ha!

I love cheese. Ha ha! Oh, wait.

Um, sid, are you sure that'’s


Well, my mom and I saw it on

The computer together, so--

Hey! Hey, we should tell


Ooh, yeah. Hey, gabriela!

Hey, gabriela!

I'’m here.

Guess what! The moon is made

Out of rock and glowing green



Yeah, I saw it on the



Hmm. My mom is a scientist,

And she uses the computer a lot,

And I don'’t know if that's true.

Oh. Hmm.

Everybody, rug time!

That'’s teacher susie! Ha ha!

Come on.

♪ It'’s rug time

Come on in!

Rug time, take a seat

Rug time ♪

We'’re ready!

♪ Everybody move your feet

Rug time ♪

Teacher susie!

♪ Good times on the way

Rug time, come on in!

We'’ve got a lot

To learn today! ♪

Squeak squeak squeak!

Squeak squeak squeak! Ha ha!

Squeak squeak, munch munch!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

I am a mouse, eating the

Green cheese on the moon.

Munch munch, squeak squeak!

Ha ha ha!

Well, moon mouse, welcome

To planet earth. Wouldn'’t it be

Funny if the moon really was

Made of green cheese?

Well, it'’s not? Uh, well,

Then why can you see it glowing

During the day?


Well, the moon is always in

The sky. You just can'’t always

See it. This morning, you saw a

Reflection of the bright sun on

The moon.

But sid and his mom saw that

The moon is made out of glowing

Green cheese on the computer.

Oh, I see. Well, scientists,

Not everything you see on the

Computer is correct.

[All gasp]

The computer can be wrong?

The computer'’s a great source

Of useful information, but there

Are also jokes and made-up

Stories on the computer.

I'’m so confused. How do we

Know what'’s true?

Well, lucky for us, we have a

Special guest today who uses the

Computer to get lots of good

Information. Gabriela, would you

Like to introduce our guest?

Yes, I would. Sid, may I

Borrow your microphone?

Uh, yeah, sure. Here you go.

Thank you. Ok. Today'’s

Special guest is dr. Rosalinda

Cordova. She'’s really smart and

She'’s a scientist, and she's a

Marine biologist and she'’s my


["Mom" echoes]

Yay! Ha ha ha!

Gracias, gabriela. Hello, my

Scientist friends. It'’s so great

To see you again.

Hello, rosalinda. Please,

Come join us.

Well, as gabriela said, I'’m a

Marine biologist, so I study

Living things that live in

Water, and I spend most of my

Time doing research on whales.

Whoa! Awesome!

Wait, wait. What does

"Research" mean?

[Gasps] buena pregunta.

Great question. Research is the

Way scientists investigate and

Find information about new


Oh! Ha ha!

Here is one way I do

Research--at the library. I can

Read books about whales.

Oh, yeah, because I go to the

Library for story time.

Oh. Well, listening to other

People is another way to do

Research. It'’s important to

Learn from other scientists and

Ask lots of questions.

Hmm. Yeah.

And here'’s another way I do


Wow! Ha ha!

My mom gets to swim really

Close to whales.

Yes, I do. Making

Observations is very important

When you do research. Ok, here'’s

One more way to do research.

Oh. But, well, computers are

Not always right.

Oh, that'’s true, gerald, but

A computer can be a terrific

Science tool if you know how to

Use it.

Hey, are there any scientists

Here who might like to try doing

Some research?

Ooh, I would, I would!

Great! Grab your journals

And let'’s go to the super fab



Come on.


I love my journal.

[All giggle]



Super fab lab! Investigate,

Explore, discover! Ah!

Today, we'’re going to do a

Special super fab lab

Investigation. Dr. Cordova'’s

Going to give you your very own

Research project.


That'’s right. Let's divide

You into research teams. Ok,

May and sid, you'’ll be one team

Of research scientists...


And, gerald and gabriela,

You'’ll be another team.

Awesome! Ha ha ha!

Um, hey, dr. Cordova, I know

What we can research. We can

Find out how to fly to the moon!

Yeah, great idea, sid. Then

We can see that it'’s not made

Out of green cheese.


Well, unfortunately, we can'’t

Travel to the moon, but I do

Know a fun research project we

Can do right here on earth.

Ooh, what is it?

You can try finding as many

Living things as you can in the

Classroom and on the playground.

All right. Oh, but wait. How

Do we know if something is a

Living thing or not?

Good question, may. We

Definitely have to figure that

Out before we start.

Hmm. Ooh! Hey, lots of living

Things move and breathe.

Oh, and they eat, too.


Very good. And living things

Need water.

Ok, research teams. Grab your

Journals so you can make a list

Of all the living things

You find.

Yay! Hey, you'’re a scientist.

You can try this, too. Ha ha!

Let'’s research all the living

Things we can find around the

School. A book is one way to do

Research. Will we find a

Starfish or a turtle? Well,

Let'’s go outside and

Investigate. Exploring and

Making observations is another

Way to do research. You'’ve found

A tree. It grows and it needs

Water and nutrients, so it'’s

Definitely a living thing.

This leaf fell off the tree, so

It'’s no longer a living thing.

Keep on exploring.

Oh, your teacher brought out the

Class pet. It'’s a hermit crab.

That'’s a living thing. You

Discovered the flowers. Those

Are living things, too.

Remember to draw pictures of

What you find in your journals.

You'’ve found another tree.

This one is much smaller than

The other tree, but it'’s still a

Living thing. Look up there. A

Beehive! It'’s a home for bees,

And those are living things, but

The beehive isn'’t a living

Thing. What else did you find?

Clouds. They move, but are they

Living things? Let'’s find out.

A grownup can help you do

Research on a computer. The

Science center web site says

That clouds aren'’t living

Things. It'’s time to share your

Research with everyone. You

Found flowers and a hermit crab

And trees, and we discovered

That clouds are not living

Things. Great job, research


Ooh. Hey! Hey, hey, look over

There. Ha ha! Manny the praying

Mantis. He'’s a living thing.

Yeah, manny. I'’ll draw manny

The praying mantis in our

Journal. Ok.

See any living things out


Um, hmm. Uh...

[Bird chirping]

Oh! Bird!

Oh! A living thing. I'’m

Drawing it on my page.

Ha ha! Ok. Um, tomato plant!

Oh! Living thing. Got it.

Ha! Um...ant.

Yep. Living thing.

Ha ha! This is so fun. Ha ha!

Um, let'’s see, uh--oh! Cloud!

Oh, wait a second. No, that'’s

Not a living thing.

Well, wait. I think clouds

Are living things. They move,

And living things move.

Well, yeah, but, well, they

Aren'’t animals or plants,

Are they?

Hmm, no. I guess we should

Make a list of "maybe" things.

Ha ha! Good idea! Yeah, I'’ll

Draw it in my journal.



Hmm. Let'’s see here. Is

Dr. Cordova a living thing?

Ha ha!

Can she move?

Hmm. Um, yes.

And she can talk.

Oh, yeah. Well, then I think

Dr. Cordova is a living thing.


Ha ha!

Time to switch places,



Sid and may, come outside

With me.

Great! Ok.


Hmm. Say, researcher may...


Do you think that this tree

Is a living thing?

Oh. Oh, oh, sid! I have a

Whole page in my journal about

Trees. I'’ll find it.

Oh, ok. Ooh, there it is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here'’s a

Tree when it'’s a baby and you

Have to put dirt on it.

Yes, so it can get nutrients,

And then put water on it.

Yeah, and sunshine, and

That'’s how it grows.

Yeah. Hmm. Well, then, this

Tree is a living thing. Good

Job, researcher may.

[Giggles] thank you.

This is a great time to use

The computer as a science tool.


So, what question should we


Well, we want to know if a

Cloud is a living thing.

Ok. This is a web site from

The science center, so we know

It has good information.


It says that a cloud is made

Up of tiny droplets of water.

Does that sound like a living


No, not really.

You'’re right.

Ok, then I'’m going to draw a

Big red "x" through the cloud

On our maybe page. Not a living


Ok, scientists, let'’s meet on

The rug to share your research.


Come on.


Ok, this is one of the most

Important parts of doing

Research--sharing your



May, sid, would you like to

Go first?

Oh, ok. Mm-hmm.

Come on, sid. Ok. Ahem.

Hello, scientists. I am may.

Ha ha!

And I am sid.


We did research and found

These living things: a tree...


Our pet praying mantis...

That'’s manny.

And dr. Cordova.


Thank you.

Que interesante.

Very interesting.

Great job, scientists.


Ok, team gerald and gabriela,

Your turn.

Ok! Ha ha ha!

Hello, scientists. We found

Lots of living things, too:

Ants, a bird, and a tomato


Yes, yes, scientists. We

Didn'’t know if clouds were a

Living thing, so we wrote it in

Our maybe list. Then, we used

The computer to find out that

Clouds are not alive. Thank you.

Ha ha ha!

Well, I think both teams did

A fantastic job. This has been

So much fun. I wish I didn'’t

Have to go back to work.

Oh, we loved having you as

Our special guest. What do you

Say to dr. Cordova?

Thank you!

You'’re very welcome.

Hasta luego. See you later.




I think working as a team

Made researching even more fun.

I'’m glad to hear that. In

Fact, it reminds me of a little


Oh, it'’s song time.

Let'’s go!



Bee boop boop! And now...

It'’s time--boo boop!

Doot doot! For susie...

Brrr! To sing! Boop boop boop

Boop! [Imitates crackling radio]

Go, susie!

Thank you. Thank you. You

Know, scientists can accomplish

Lots of things when they work

Together as a team, just like

You guys did today.


In fact, it took a whole team

Of scientists to send an

Astronaut to the moon!

Ooh, do we get to hear about

How astronauts went to the moon?

Oh, yes. Check this out,


♪ Putting a man on the moon

Took more than one man

It took , men and women

Working hand in hand

Cool scientists and engineers

Worked together years and years

It took a team

To get us to the moon

To the moon

It took collaboration

To the moon

We needed tons of information

Yeah, it took a team

To get us to the moon

Every detail of that trip

Had to be well-planned

Some learned how

To build the rocket

How to fly and how to land

Before they took that giant leap

They asked what to eat

And where to sleep

It took a team

To get us to the moon

To the moon

It took collaboration

To the moon

We needed tons of information

Yeah, it took a team

To get us to the moon

Some designed the lunar lander

Some the rocket ship

They researched

What the astronauts

Would wear on that trip

They put in lots

And lots of study

With many a scientific buddy

It took a team

To get us to the moon

To the moon

It took collaboration

To the moon

We needed tons of information

Yeah, it took a team

To get us to the moon ♪



Thank you!

Ha ha!

Hey, I bet I know one other

Thing they researched on the


What'’s that, sid?

They learned that the moon is

Made of rock and not glowing

Green cheese.

Ha ha ha ha! You'’re right.

Ok, my research scientists, time

To go home. Follow me!

♪ To the moon

Boop boop boop boop!

Ok, , , , right.

Now where'’s my sid?

Ooh, right here, grandma.

Oh. [Chuckles] oh.

[Both grunt]

Now, okey-doke. Let'’s roll.

Let'’s roll!

Woo hoo! Ha ha!

♪ Backseat driving

With grandma ♪

Ha ha ha! Ok, kiddo. Tell me

About your day.

Well, gabriela'’s mom taught

Us how to do research, and we

Researched all the living things

At our school.

Oh, that'’s impressive.

Ha ha! It was fun, but I

Really wish we could go to the

Moon and do research.

Oh, I'’ve done research about

The moon.

[Gasps] really?

Yes, really. When I was a

Little girl, I did research to

See how the moon looked

Different in the sky on

Different nights, and I didn'’t

Have to travel to the moon

To do it.

I bet you used the computer,


Oh, no. This was before

Families had computers in their

Homes. I used good,

Old-fashioned research. For

Straight nights, I looked at the

Moon through my telescope, and

Each night, I drew a picture of

The moon. First, I could see

Only a little sliver of the

Moon, then a half-moon, and

Finally, I saw a big, bright

Full moon! By the end of my

Research, I knew all about the

Different shapes of the moon in

The sky.

Wow! Ha! Hooray for research.


My grandma knows everything

About everything. Ha ha!

♪ I learned something cool

Something cool today

I know it upside down

And inside out

I learned all about...

Ha ha ha ha!

Research! ♪

Ha ha! Scientist in the house!


[Click, canned applause]

Hi, dad!

Oh, hey, sid.

I learned so much today about

Research. We worked in teams and

Learned how scientists can do

Amazing things when they work


Wow. That sounds like a

Great day.


Boy, I sure wish a team of

Scientists could help me decide

What to make for dinner.

Oh. Huh. Well, hey, maybe we

Can do research to find the


Oh. First we need to make

Some observations. Let'’s look in

The refrigerator to see what

Food we have.

Okey-dokie. Let'’s see what

We got.

All righty.

There'’s lots of things in

Here: broccoli and peas,


Hello, everyone!

Hi, mom. Hi, zekey. We'’re

Doing research to help dad make



We have lots of vegetables.

Ooh, I love fresh vegetables.

Mm-hmm, and I like pasta. Um,

Dad, do you have any?

Yeah, I sure do. I just, uh,

Need a recipe.

Um, you could do research at

The library. And look! Ha ha! We

Have a whole bunch of cookbooks.

Hmm! It'’s like our own little

Library right here.

Ah, perfect. I'’ll find us a

Good recipe for pasta with lots

Of vegetables. Problem solved.

Thank you, scientist sid.

Ha ha! You are welcome! Heh

Heh! Research saved the day.


Hey, moon! Now I know that

You are not made of green

Cheese. You'’re made of rock! Ha!

I learned that by doing

Research. Heh heh! You know, one

Of the best parts of doing

Research is working in a team,

And you can do amazing things

When you research as a team.

Hey. That gives me an idea. Ok,

I'’ve got it! Here's my super

Duper uper schmooper big idea!

I'’m going to start a superhero

Research team with my friends.

We'’ll be team super

Researchers. Gabriela will be

Super observation girl, and

Gerald will be library research

Man. May will be talk to other

Scientists girl, and I will be

The mighty question guy because

I like asking questions. Let'’s

Say someone needs to know the

Best way to cut a sheep'’s hair.

Team super researchers will

Swoop down and find the answer.

Gabriela will observe the sheep,

Gerald will research sheep

Books, may will talk to sheep

Experts, and I will ask the

Sheep how he likes his hair cut.

"I like fluffy curls and not

Too short."

You got it, sheep! Go, team

Super researchers! And that'’s

My super duper uper schmooper

Big idea! Yay!

[Click, canned applause]

Woo hoo! Ha ha! Ah! Whew! Big

Day. Hmm. I will now do some

Very important research on

Sleeping. Ha ha! What'’s the best

Way to fall asleep? Um, lying on

My back or my side? Hmm. Head on

The pillow or feet on the

Pillow? Well, I'’m going to find

Out because I am sid the

Researching science kid!

["Science kid" echoes]

And remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions. Ha ha!

See you later, scientists.

Be sure to check out another

Episode of "sid the science

Kid." We'’ll discover different

Ways to use a computer,

Investigate how things fly, and

Explore how to solve a problem

By engineering a solution. We'’re

Investigating all kinds of

Technology on "sid the science
