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07x13 - Day 7: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/05/22 06:36
by bunniefuu
[Jack Bauer]

Previously on 24.


Burnett, you are a traitor and a t*rror1st.

Where's the target? Where's the target? Take Mr.

Bauer away.

He's under arrest.

Have you learned anything else about the att*ck? Renee Walker followed a lead on her own.

Got a visual on a heavily armed commando unit led byJuma himself.

- [Cell Phone Rings]

- Bill Buchanan.

Renee Walker says the target is the White House.

Condition red.

Secure the president.

There's no safe path out.

We need to secure her in the first floor lockdown.


Hostage rescue teams are moving into place.

They'll be prepared to storm the building as soon as the order's given.


Vice President, t*rrorists are in control of the White House.


Until you can provide me with more intel on what's going on in there you are instructed to refrain from launching any action.

President Taylor's locked in the safe room.

- What is it I can do for you? - I need you to find me another way in.


Well, I'm looking at the White House manifest.

And according to this, Olivia Taylor is presently in the building with you.

Now, you find Olivia Taylor, and you'll get the president to open that door.

- [Juma On Monitor]

President Taylor.

- God, no.

If you don't open the door - I'm gonna cut out your daughter's eyes one by one.

- [Whimpering]

Open the door.

- Madam President, I can't- - No! Open the door.

- Open the door! - I can't! - Do you have children, Jack? - I have a daughter.

Could you do what you're asking me to do- just stand by and watch her butchered? No, ma'am, but I am not the president of the United States.

Well, I am the president, and I am ordering you to open that door.

All right, General, you've got me now.

There's no reason to hold anyone else.

Let them go.

[Jack Bauer]

The following takes place between 8:00 p.


And 9:00 p.


Now, what we do know is that the president was in the building when the att*ck took place and she may have been taken hostage along with numerous other White House personnel.

Vice President Hayworth was not in the building and we're told he was moved to a secure location.

- The F.



Has cordoned off a nine-block perimeter- - Mr.

Vice President.

- [TVShuts Off - That was Agent Moss.

- What does he have to say? - He's still requesting that you authorize a rescue operation.

Does he have any more intel about what the hell's going on in there? No, sir.

He deployed two units with deep-band parabolics.

All they were able to get was static.

They thinkJuma's using jamming equipment.

They've also got spotters at every possible angle around the building but they haven't been able to see inside.

So we still don't know whetherJuma has the president or whether the president is locked inside the safe room.

No, sir, we don't.


I will not authorize any action until I know the status of the president.

- Relay that to Agent Moss.

- Yes, sir.


Mom, I know that I hurt you.

I'm so sorry for cutting you out of my life.

- It's okay.

- No, it isn't.

You were right to fire me off the campaign.

I felt so betrayed, I turned my back on you.

- Don't worry about it.

- It all seems so stupid now.


I hope you can forgive me.

Oh, darling, I forgave you a long time ago.

Livy, you have to listen to me.

We really are gonna be okay.

Just keep your eyes open and be ready.

- Abo.

- [Snaps Fingers]

- No, no! Leave her alone! - Get up.

- Get away from her! - Get back! - I said leave her alone, please! - [Taylor]

Livy, it's okay, darling.

- It's okay.

- [Olivia]

Please, please- Bill, we need to make a move to try to save the president.

- How? - In the lockdown room there were five canisters of CH4.

Before we surrendered ourselves over toJuma, I opened the valves.

Within the next few minutes, that room is gonna be saturated with natural gas.

It's gonna take one spark to set it off.

I think the expl*si*n's gonna be large enough to take out most ofJuma's men.

- That's when you can make your move.

- How do we set it off? I'll make a run for the lockdown room, try and draw their fire.

All we need is one stray b*llet.

- It's a su1c1de play, Jack.

- We don't have a choice.

Just make sure you can get to the president and get her out ofhere.

She knows about the plan.

She'll be ready.

What are you planning? Are you going to do something? When it happens, you'll know about it, Senator.

If you're planning something, I want to know what it is.

- Senator, shut up.

- [Juma]

Read this statement.

It is a confession of your crimes against my country.

The atrocities that you have committed will now be seen by the whole world.

I'll read your statement, General.

But I need you to release the other hostages.

You got what you came for.

You have the president of the United States.

As a sign of good faith I will release one of the hostages.


Stand up.

- [Silenced g*nsh*t]

- [Hostages Screaming]


Quiet! Do you want me to release any more hostages, President Taylor? You son of a bitch.

You will read the statement or I will do the same thing to everyone here starting with your daughter.

General, the uplink is complete.

All right.

The world is waiting, Madam President.

This is the president of the United States.

Six hours ago, I ordered our armed forces to inv*de Sangala without warning and without provocation.

This att*ck was a criminal act motivated solely by America's desire to exert its power and influence.

- Tell me you're shutting this down.

- We can't, sir.

- It's a live feed straight to the Internet.

- I don't care.

- Shut it down! - It's going out on multiple servers, sir.

It would take hours just to trace them.

- [Phone Rings]

- This is Derek Watts.

- Hold on.

Sir, it's Agent Moss on teleconference.

- Put him on.

- Sir, are you gettin' this? - Yes.

So is the rest of the damn world.


Vice President, I believeJuma came here to humiliate the president and stage a public execution.

Now, we have a rescue operation in place.

All we need is your authorization.

You don't know whatJuma's intentions are.

This could be a prelude to a set of demands.

There are no demands here, sir.

This is about revenge.

- Juma knows he'll never get out of the White House alive.

- You're speculating, Agent Moss.

My advisers are telling me the most prudent course of action is to try to initiate communication with Juma.

We've been trying to do that.

He hasn't responded.

Juma has no desire to negotiate anything.

He is going to k*ll the president.

Sir, we have a tactical plan in place.

It's a two-pronged as*ault and we're confident that it stands a good chance of catching Juma off guard.

But we're losing time.

We have to initiate now.

I cannot authorize any action that might result in the president's death.

Keep trying to open dialogue with Juma.

Hold your position till you're told otherwise.

I will keep this feed open.


General Juma has demonstrated that even a tyrant state like the U.


- Be ready.

- Jack, listen to me.

Juma's not solely coordinating this att*ck.

- What do you mean? - I heard him talking on a sat phone.

He's coordinating with someone on the outside.

They were giving him real-time intel.

- You think it's someone in the White House? - I don't know.

But even if we takeJuma down, the president may still be in danger.

You're the only one I know who can do this, Jack.

Find out whoJuma's working with.

- No- - Sit back down! [Screaming, Shouting]

Agent Moss, a device has been detonated in the West Wing.


Vice President, there's been an expl*si*n at the White House.

- An expl*si*n? - Yes, sir.

The president's Internet feed has gone dark.

- We saw that.

What's happened? - I don't know, sir.

But we're going in under my authority.

Let's go! - That is not your decision.

- All teams, att*ck plan delta.

- Agent Moss, you're under orders! Agent Moss! - Code green! Go! Go! Go! Go! [Man]

They're coming in! Pierce, get to the president! Madam President, are you okay? We need to get out of here right now.

Both of you, come with me.

This way.

Three down.

[Gasping, Panting]

Madam President, get down.

Stay low till I know we're clear.


k*ll the hostages.

The president is mine.


Udo! No, no, no, no! Don't move! Don't you move! [Shouting, Indistinct]

Clear! We're clear! [Aaron]

Secret Service! I have the president! Aaron Pierce, Secret Service.

- Let's go, ma'am.

- Mom.

Madam President, this way! We have the president.

The president is secure.

Repeat: We have the president.

This way, ma'am.

- [Man]

Let's go.

Move out! - [Man #2]

Move in medical teams! Renee, we gotta get the president outta here now! This way, ma'am.

It's all right, darling.

You're gonna be all right.

- [Shouting Continues]

- Let's go.

Let's go! Madam President.

We're still sweeping the West Wing but we do believe all the hostiles have been accounted for.

Now, you and your daughter will stay here until we finish securing the building.

- I understand.

- Now, once we get the "all clear" we're going to move you to Andrews Air Force Base.


I'm staying right here.

Ma'am, it's for your own safety.


Do what's necessary to make sure this building's safe because I'm not going anywhere.

The American people need to know that the president is in the White House.

Yes, Madam President.

How many people did we lose? It's too early to tell.

Medical teams are on their way to treat the wounded.

We're going to set up a triage unit in the East Wing.

All right.

I'd like to speak to the vice president as soon as possible.

- Yes, ma'am.

- And I need to know how my husband's doing.

Would you please contact Dr.

Lee Schulman at West Arlington Hospital? - Yes, Madam President.

- Thank you.

How's Agent Pierce? They said he's gonna be okay.

What about you? I'm not sure.

I still can't believe this happened.

I thought they were gonna k*ll all of us.

I was so scared.

It's over and we're safe- thanks to a lot of brave people.

Excuse me, Madam President.

The vice president is on a secure line.

I'll be right there.

Did you mean what you said about putting the past behind us? Of course I meant it.

I don't ever want to lose you again.

You won't.


The president's safe, Jack.

She's in the residence.

She's secure.

I'm so sorry, Jack.

I know that he was your friend.

It was supposed to be me.

I was supposed to set off the expl*si*n so that he could secure the president.

He d*ed protecting his country.


This isn't over yet.

Agent Moss? - Juma and his men were not working alone.

- What are you talking about? When I was in the lockdown with the president Bill said he heard Juma talking on a sat phone.

Said he was getting real-time intel from someone on the outside.

- Who? - I don't know.

The point is, I don't think this thr*at is over and I don't think the president is safe.

You sure Buchanan heard this right? He wouldn't have told me unless he was sure.

And right now, the only lead we've got is Ryan Burnett.

He knew about the att*ck on the White House, and chances are he's gonna know whoJuma was talking to.

- All right.

All right, I'll talk to him.

- No.

The president already offered him immunity.

He turned it down.

He's not gonna tell you anything.

- But he will talk to me.

- Why is that, Jack? 'Cause you tortured him? I don't need to touch him.

I just need him to think I'm there to finish what I started.

And I promise you, he will tell us everything we need to know.

Larry, please.

The last thing Bill asked for before he d*ed was for me to follow this through.

I owe him that.

Look, I give you my word, I will not touch Burnett.

Jack, look.

I understand about your friend.

I do.

But I got standing orders from the president to take you into custody.

I gotta get you back to F.



But I promise you, I'll look into this.

Agent Powell, handcuff Mr.


Take him down to staging area "B.

" - Sir, put your hands on top of your head.

- Larry.

You're gonna tell me he's right about this, I don't wanna hear it.


That's the problem.

You're not listening to what he's saying.

- When are you gonna stop defending this guy? - I'm not defending him.

- I'm defending a good idea.

- I just said I will look into this.

Now do your job.

Finish locking down the building.

- [Chattering]

- Agent Reynolds.

I need to speak with the president.

It's urgent.

She's in a secure location.

You'll need to go through Ethan Kanin.

- Where is he? - He just arrived.

He's on his way to see the president.



The president's in the residence with her daughter.

- They've both been checked over, and they're in good condition.

- Thank God.


We got lights up.

I want a conference with the SecDef and Joint Chiefs as soon as possible.

We're routing all White House communications to the residence - and we're setting up a temporary command post.

- Good.


Kanin, I need to speak with you.

- I'm on my way to see the president.

- Yes, I know, sir.

- But it's extremely urgent.

It'll only take a few moments.

- [Sighs]

All right.

What is it, Agent Walker? Some new intel has just come to our attention, and we need to act on it immediately.

- I tried to reach the president, but I couldn't get through.

- I'm listening.

Sir, the thr*at to the president may not be over.

We have reason to believe that GeneralJuma was not acting alone.

Before Bill Buchanan d*ed, he saw GeneralJuma communicating with someone on a sat phone.

[Reporter On TV]

At this point, we can confirm that F.



Agents entered the White House moments ago and there were reports of sustained g*nf*re.

It appears that authorities are now in control of the West Wing.

- We are expecting word from our F.



Sources - [Door Buzzer Sounds]

As to the status of the hostages.

- While there has been no official comment- - So what have we got? The president's alive.

Are you sure? Well, we've been monitoring interagency servers.

Word just went out.

Juma's dead.

Taylor survived.

What happened, do you think? We don't know any details yet, but we'll keep monitoring.


Well, you gotta admire the damn bitch.

- She doesn't give up easily.

- I'm sorry, sir.

We, uh just didn't have enough control over the situation.

Greg, you look tense.

Do me a favor.

Have a drink.


Juma held up his part of the bargain.

We're getting what we wanted.

As far as I'm concerned, everything's still on track.

Where are the weapons now? Uh, shipment should be ready for pickup in the next couple of hours.


Get Chapman on the phone.

I wanna nail down some targets.


Sir, the chopper you requested is on its way.

- It'll be here in 10 minutes.

- All right.

You'll be escorting Mr.

Bauer back to F.



Hold him in the command center.

- Yes, sir.

- [Cell Phone Rings]

- It's Larry Moss.

- This is Ethan Kanin.

I understand you're taking Jack Bauer back to F.



Yes, sir.

He's gonna be debriefed and remanded into federal custody.

I want you to put that on hold.

- Sir? - I just spoke with Agent Walker.

She told meJuma may have been working with someone on the outside and that there may be an ongoing thr*at to the president.

Yes, that's true.

I want you to send Jack Bauer to question Ryan Burnett.

- Agent Moss? - Sir, I think that's a mistake.

Yes, Agent Walker shared your concerns with me, and I've given this some thought.

If Burnett does know whoJuma was working with Bauer's approach may be our best chance to get that information.

- With respect, sir, Bauer almost k*lled this man.

- I was there, Agent Moss.

But this will be a controlled interrogation.

We're gonna play on Burnett's fears.

Bauer's presence alone should be enough to intimidate him into talking.

Sir, Bauer is a wild card.

We have no idea what he'll do - when he gets in that room with Burnett.

- I realize there's a risk.

That's why you're gonna do this under my authority and my authority alone.

- You're not taking this to the president? - No.

If something does go wrong, I want to make sure the president is protected.

With respect, sir, I think you're not telling the president 'cause you know she'd never allow this.

You've made your objections clear, Agent Moss.

I'm not going to debate this with you.

I want you to take Bauer to question Burnett.

That's a direct order.

Do you understand? I understand.

And I'm counting on you to supervise every second of that interrogation.

I'll expect a full report as soon as you're done.

Yes, sir.

I want to speak personally to the families of everyone we lost tonight so keep me informed as they're notified.

Absolutely, Madam President.

And the minute Angela Nelson gets here, send her straight up to me.

We need to start working on the- the speech to the country.

Of course, Madam President.


You have just been through a terrible ordeal.

Are you sure you're okay? I'll be fine.

It helps to focus on work.

- I understand.

- [Knocking]

Thank you, Patrick.



Thank God you're all right.

How you feeling? Like I just woke up from a nightmare.

It was unbelievable, Ethan.

I can't even imagine it.

How's Olivia? She's shaken up, but she's- she's gonna be okay.

- I'm glad to hear it.

- We lost some good people tonight, Ethan.

We're gonna need all the help we can get.

I'm thinking about bringing Olivia on as a special adviser.

Madam President, I can understand your not wanting to be separated from your daughter after what's happened- Especially after what's happened, we need people who can do the job.

I'm not disputing Olivia's competence.

But she's also a political liability.

Nobody's forgotten what she did during the campaign.

Leaking damaging personal information about your opponent to the press? Olivia knows what she did was wrong.

- She almost cost you the election.

- She's changed.

We talked about it, Ethan.

She is accepting full responsibility.

She has learned from her mistakes.

I'm willing to put the past behind us so we can move ahead.

- I still think it's a mistake.

- I don't care what you think! I am so sorry, Ethan.

You know I don't mean that.

But I've made up my mind.

I want Olivia to join my administration and I want it to come from you.

- Me? - Your offering her this position would be a good way to extend an olive branch.

I need the two of you to make peace.

All right, Madam President.

I'll talk to her.

Thank you, Ethan.

I understand Agent Walker was trying to reach me? That's right.

But I spoke to her.

What did she want? Just some procedural matters, Madam President.

I took care of'em.

Larry, you wanted to see me? I just got off the phone with Ethan Kanin.

I didn't want to go behind your back, but you didn't leave me any choice.

I didn't leave you a- How about you choose to follow orders? - I'm sorry, Larry.

- No, I don't think you are.

Larry, I have seen Jack do some terrible things today.

Things that l-I still can't justify.

But he has been right every time.

And you know what? I can't help but think if we had just stayed out of his way none of this would have happened.


Look, I am sorry that I went behind your back but l-I promise you, this play with Burnett will go down just the wayJack says.

If you think you're goin' with Bauer, you are out of your mind.

You may have gotten a White House order, but I am still runnin' this operation.

I'll take Bauer to see Burnett.

You're goin' back to F.



I want you to clean out your office and hand in your badge.

I'm suspending you indefinitely.

Hey, I know that you're upset, Larry, but this isn't over.

You're gonna need me.

What I need are people that I can trust.

I thought that was you.

You may think you've got what you wanted, gettin' Renee to go behind my back but Ethan Kanin ordered me to let you question Burnett.

I'm gonna be watchin' you every second you're in there.

You do one thing I don't like, you're finished.

Understand me? Understood.

You should leave Renee out of this.

She was just doing what she thought was right.

Yeah? Well, she may lose her job over it.

- She's the best agent you've got.

- She circumvented my authority.

I can't just ignore that.

I've known this woman for nine years, and I've never seen her do the kind of things she's done in the last nine hours.


We've narrowed the list down to They're all within - How many people? - 10,000 to 15,000 in each target zone.

And our k*ll ratio would be what? Well, we've chosen these areas for maximum population density so the ratio could be as high as 80%.

Let's hope we never have to find out.

Get these coordinates down to the boys in tac ops.

- Have them start programming them in.

- Yes, sir.

We just intercepted a flash memo from the F.



Jack Bauer's on his way to Kennedy Memorial Hospital to question Burnett.

Bauer was arrested.

How is this possible? There was an executive order from the White House giving Bauer access to Burnett.

Bauer will finish what he started.

Burnett will tell him everything.

No, he won't, sir.

I've already sent somebody to the hospital to deal with Burnett.

He can take care of Bauer at the same time.

- Who'd you send? - Quinn.


Quinn's good.

Bauer's good too.

Agent Moss, we've locked down the entire floor.

We equipped Burnett's room with two cameras and audio surveillance.

- Where is he? - Down the hall.

- He's gonna be a moment.

Doctor has to revive him.

- [Larry]

Why? What happened? He was given a heavy sedative.

He was in pretty bad shape when he got here.


Wyndam, Special Agent Larry Moss, Jack Bauer.

- I understand you're here to interrogate my patient.

- [Larry]

That's right.

He's still recovering from his last interrogation.

So if you're here to brutalize him again, I won't be party to it.

Your patient was involved in a t*rror1st att*ck against the White House in an effort to k*ll the president of the United States.

And I believe the people he's working with wanna try it again.

- So if you've got a problem with this- - We won't harm him, Doctor.

This'll be a controlled interrogation.

Please, we need your cooperation.

It's gonna take him a couple of minutes to come out of it.

[Woman On P.



Pinner to C.




Pinner to C.



Med tech to Three West.

Med tech to Three West.



- [Monitor Beeping]

- [Respirator Hissing]

- Who are you? - Shh.

I'm a friend.

- What's your name? - Robert.

- Robert? - Yeah.

- You're recovering from heart surgery.

- Yeah.

Do you have a wife, Robert? No, she passed away.

- Children? Grandchildren? - No.

What about this man? Does he have family? [Robert Chuckles]


Lots of grandkids.

Make a hell of a noise when they visit.

[Muffled Shouting]

- [Shouting Stops]

- [Alarm Beeping]

[Monitor: Steady Tone]

- [Alarm Beeping]

- I'll get a crash cart.

We need a crash cart now! [Man]

I'm on it.

- [Woman]

Where's that crash cart? - Still on it! [Beeps]

I got the cart! - [Man]

Charge to 200.

- [Woman]


How's your arm? I should be back on my feet in a couple of hours.

And you, ma'am? Oh, it's nothing a little aspirin won't take care of.

I want to thank you for what you did.

You took a b*llet for me.

You saved my life.

There is no need to thank me, ma'am.


You werejust doing yourjob.

Only in this case, it wasn't really your job since you retired four years ago.

Yes, ma'am, that's true.

Do you mind if I ask you why? Did it have to do with Martha Logan? Martha and I were close.

It must've been hard for you, what happened to her.

I'd prefer not to talk about it.

I'm sorry.

You don't have to apologize.

Well, I hope you won't be a stranger, Agent Pierce.

Thank you.

And, um, it's Aaron.

Okay, Aaron.

You get some rest.

I'd like to head back to the residence now, if that's okay.


I was just coming to see you.

I'm glad you're all right.

Thank you.

Do you have a moment to talk? Sure.

The blunt fact of the matter is this administration has just suffered some terrible losses, and we need help.

The president and I would like you to consider coming on board as special adviser to the president.

L- I have to say, I'm a little surprised.

- Surprised? - Well, that you'd sign off on this.

Your mother said she's ready to put the past behind her and so am I.

I overstepped my bounds during the campaign, and I was wrong.

I'm glad you see it that way.

But it's not the past that concerns me, Ethan.

It's what's happening right now and what's been happening ever since my mother took office.


Excuse me? Do you think any of this would have happened if my mother had a chief adviser who knew what the hell was going on in her administration? What are you talking about? Her government was corrupted on every level and it all happened right under your nose.

Even you have to admit it's an unconscionable failure on your part.

Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't tendered your resignation.

You have no right to speak to me that way.

You don't know what you're talking about.

You don't have the facts.

I intend to get the facts.

I'm going to find out exactly who failed my mother and I am going to make sure that that person never is in a position to do it again.

Excuse me.


Okay, let's go.

I'll be watching.

You lay one finger on him, it's over.



[Monitor Beeping]

- He's comin' around.

- Good.


Wake up.


Wake up.

Remember me? Oh, my God.

What the hell are you doing here? I've just come from the White House.

Juma's att*ck failed.

He's dead, and so are his men.

A lot of innocent people d*ed today.

Good people, including a friend of mine- Bill Buchanan.

You might have met him.

You stay the hell away from me.

And I wanna talk to a lawyer right now.

You hear me? I wanna talk to a lawyer! Somebody get me the hell out of here! You're not goin' anywhere.

It's just you and me, pal.

Did you really think you were gonna get away with it? Somebody, please help me! [Jack]

You're wasting your breath.

They're not comin'for you.

Please don't hurt me.

I'll tell you anything you want.

Do you hear that? I'm-I'm ready to talk.

I'll tell you anything you wanna know.

Just-Just get him out ofhere! - I'm ready to talk! - [Jack]

They're done talking to you.

- That's why they sent me.

- Please, you can't do this! You have no right! - This isn't legal! - [Static]

- What happened? - I don't know.

Looks like we lost the sound feed.

- Give me a second.

- [Static Continues]

There are no laws in here, Mr.


You aided and abetted t*rrorists who then tried to k*ll the president of the United States.

Now you have to answer for that.

The rules don't apply to you anymore.

No, please, please! You can't let him touch me! - Please, you can't let him do this! - Shut up! [Man]

It could be a glitch in the trunk line.



- Damn it! Fix the thing! - I'm trying, sir.

[Steady Tone]

[Gasping, Coughing]

- Bauer? - He jammed the electronic bolt.

- Is there another way in? - No.

- [Pounding On Door]

- Jack? Jack? Damn it, Bauer, open the door! [Tone Continues]

Have security lock down the hospital.

I want a high priority A.



Issued forJack Bauer.

All agencies.

[Man On Radio]

Security alert.

White male wearing dark suit- [Cell Phone Rings]

- It's done.

- Good.

Thank you.

It's done.

- Burnett's dead.

- And Bauer? They'll think he k*lled Burnett.

So nobody will know that we were involved.

- Good.

- Yeah.

Now we're having some fun.

[Cell Phone Rings]

Agent Moss.

- Larry, it's Jack.

Listen to me.

- Where are you? - I didn't k*ll Burnett.

I'm being set up.

- Set up? A man released some kind of nerve agent into the room.

It immobilized me.

He came through the ceiling and k*lled Burnett.

I swear to you, I'm not lying.

I watched him do it.

Get back in here.

We'll work this out.

- I can't.

You know that.

- You can if you're innocent.

Look, there is a reason why they wanted me framed and didn't k*ll me.

They're trying to keep you distracted by dealing with me so they can finish what they started.

Don't let 'em get away with this.

This thr*at is not over.

- [Sirens Wailing]

- Jack? Jack? Damn it! [Beeping]

[Crickets Chirping]