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08x03 - Day 8: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/05/22 06:44
by bunniefuu
Tell me what you know.

The hitter has someone on the inside.

Victor Aruz told me right before he d*ed that the assassin's working with someone very close to President Hassan.

Someone hacked into the U.



They downloaded the security protocols, the schematics to the U.


and Hassan's personal itinerary.

HASTINGS: Did you get a name? The computer's owner is listed as Meredith Michelle Reed.

She's a reporter.

Applied for security clearance at the U.


We got a match.

Everybody move back! Move back! Mr.

President, you need to come with us.



I can't believe she's part of this.

If this affair becomes public, it will destroy your credibility and everything that you've worked for.

I just spoke to my brother.

I told him to deny the affair.

The reporter's claims need to be discredited.

CTU needs to continue to think she's my contact on the inside.

We might have the wrong person.

We've been scanning through the traffic cam footage from outside Meredith Reed's apartment building.

This man was going into the service entrance.

What if he went through her apartment and used her laptop to break into the servers? He hailed a cab when he left.

JACK: See the medallion? Phone the cab company.

Find out where it went.

Hands in the air now! Against the wall! Chloe tracked the man in the surveillance photo to a second location.

We didn't think you'd follow through with an investigation.

So you had no choice except to steal weapons from the armory.

Would you follow through with an investigation if I'd asked? I'm not debating this anymore.

You want to waste your time chasing ghosts, knock yourself out.

Hello? "Dana Walsh.

" I like that.

I told you to stop calling me.

Yeah, I know what you told me, Jenny.

You must be mistaking me for someone else.

That's funny 'cause you sound a lot like this girl I used to know from Rock Springs named Jenny Scott.

Hey, Mike, what's going on? Mind if I come in? Oh, Mikey.

Call Captain Ravello.

Tell him you're sick, and I'm filling in for you.

Now listen, you son of a bitch, there's no way (silenced g*nsh*t) What's the matter with you?! Next time I won't miss the bone.

(muffled screams) Make the call.

This is Hastings.

WEISS: Tell me you've gotten something out of that reporter you arrested.

No, sir.

I'm continuing to press her, but she's maintaining her innocence.

She's a co-conspirator in an assassination plot.

Of course she's gonna deny it.

Listen, I need to be able to tell the president we're making progress toward averting this thr*at.

Sir, right now our only course is to go after Meredith Reed with the evidence we have in hand.

Our top analyst is decrypting a file we obtained from her laptop.

We're hoping it provides the intel we need about the assassin she's working with.

Well, it'd better provide something because if your people fail, and President Hassan is k*lled, this peace process dies with him.

Do you understand me? I understand your concern, Mr.

Weiss, but I assure you we're on top of the situation.

I've dispatched tactical personnel to liaise with U.


security forces and stepped up the alert with NYPD at the perimeter.


I'll have that to tell her at least.

Let me know when that file is decrypted.

Dana, you got a minute? I thought you were on your way to the U.


I am.

What's the status on that file decryption? We I.


'd the cipher.

It's a standard Issacs-Adler algorithm.

Requires a 12-character decryption key to unlock the data.

The search cycle has identified two characters already.

Should have the rest in about 30 or 40 minutes.

Why do you ask? Jack Bauer just caused a big scene with Hastings.

He thinks Meredith Reed may have been framed.

He must have gotten that from Chloe.

I thought that she'd dropped it.

Apparently not.

She has surveillance of someone exiting Reed's apartment building.

Jack thinks this same person may have planted the encrypted file on Reed's computer.

You believe that? I'm not sure.

If that evidence was planted, the file you're decrypting is irrelevant at best; at worst a misdirection.

Cole, I traced the U.


breach to Reed myself.

The biometric scans of her interrogation all indicate that she's withholding.

I just don't see a frame here.

I hope you're right because Jack's going after this guy on his own.

Hastings sanctioned that? Not exactly.

Agent Ortiz? We need to move out, sir.

Be careful.

Don't worry.

JACK: Okay, I'm at the corner of Broadway and West 23rd in Queens.

Any location on the suspect? Negative.

I talked to the cab driver directly.

All he remembers is dropping the fare at the corner.

Nothing shows up in the aerial archives.

Chloe, I need something to go on.

I know.

I've been searching for private security cameras in the area.

Not all of them are registered.

Without the serial numbers, I don't have access to them.

Okay, I'm gonna get out and look around on foot.

Maybe we'll get lucky.

Stay on the line.

It's all right, Mags.

It's gonna be okay, right? Keep your hand on the table where I can see it.

You're not a cop.

you?ou? How did you manage to fool everybody, Mikey, or whatever the hell your name is? Talk to me, you son of a bitch! (muffled screams) (muffled cries) (muffled protests) (muffled screams) Shh-shh-shh.

Look, I don't want to hurt you, Jim, or Maggie.

I am just doing my job.

(phone rings) (sighs) This is the captain calling back.

Just say what I told you to say.

Please don't make me do anhing I don't want to do.

Okay? Yeah.


Koernig, Captain Ravello.

What's up? Uh, yeah, Captain, sorry to drop this on you last-minute.

I just came down with some kind of bug.

I got to take a sick leave.

You could have told me earlier, Jim.

You're due at the U.


in 20.

Yeah, I know.

It's okay.

I asked Mike Farmer to cover my shift for me.

Farmer's already on in the morning.

He said he doesn't mind working a double.

I guess he could use the time-and-a-half.

Anyway, I already told him he could use the bike that I pulled from the motor pool.

All right, Sergeant.

I'll take care of the paperwork.

Look, you tell Mike to get his butt to Midtown.

You got that? Get better, will ya? Yeah.

(beeps phone off) You did well.

I did what you wanted me to do, all right, so Do what you got to do and leave us alone.

We're not gonna make any trouble for you.

You still there? CHLOE: Jack, go ahead.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Okay, I got two security cameras overlooking the park, one pointing straight at the corner.

I'm gonna get you the serial numbers.

Hey, man, what you doing? Chloe, I got to get back to you.

What's up? You lost, man? Actually, I am.

I'm looking for a friend of mine.

Well, unless you a cop, I suggest look somewhere else, 'cause this is our court.

We don't like strangers on it.

I ain't a cop, and I'm not looking for a problem.

My friend was let off on that corner by a cab 20, 25 minutes ago.

I guess you didn't hear what I'm saying, did you? I've got a hundred bucks; anybody can tell me if they've seen this guy.

Anybody? I seen him.

Yo, shut up, Jay! What was he wearing? That: green coat, black shirt.

Where'd he go? That light blue house over there across the street.

I seen him go up the steps to the stoop.

Are you sure? Yeah, I'm sure.

Yo, man, what you doing, Jay?! You don't even know what's going down.

Man, I don't know about you, but I got a hundred dollars.

It's your play.

Let's go.

Man, I'm about to take that hundred dollars.

Give me the ball, man.

(rustling) (indistinct conversation) MAN: All right.

(speed dial tones beeping) Jim! Hello.

Jack? Got a call from one of your neighbors.

Jim? Hello, Jack? CHLOE (over phone): Jack, what's happening? Are you there? Put the w*apon down now.

Do it.

My name is Jack Bauer.

I'm working on behalf of CTU.

I'm investigating a thr*at to the peace conference at the U.


If that's true, drop your w*apon.

I can't.

The man I'm pursuing k*lled two people in this house.

If I lower this w*apon, I'll be sidelined.

That can't happen.

(muffled sh*t) (taser crackling, Jack groaning) What are you doing? He's down.

Son of a bitch is a cop k*ller.

John, stop! We got to call this in.

Not yet we don't.

Help me get him in.

Come on! Help me get him in! So where are we? As of right now, we've got half the decryption key.

That's all? Can't we accelerate the program? It's already running at capacity, sir.



Sir, we just found this among Meredith Reed's personal effects.

It's a dedicated key card, United Nations issue.

Issued to who? President Hassan and his family.

It accesses their private residence.

We got her.

(phone ringing) Dana Walsh.


Walsh, this is security at Perimeter Gate 9.

You have a visitor.

A visitor? A Mr.

Kevin Wade.

Says he's a friend of yours.


Walsh? Tell him I'll be right there.

So this, uh this CTU-- some kind of government deal, huh? Law enforcement? Ms.

Walsh is on her way.


(sighs) Hey, Dana.

Look at you, all pressed and pretty.

I think I like you as a blonde.

What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave me alone.

And I told you not to hang up on me, Jenny.


Don't call me that.

Oh, you-you you want me to play along? Okay, I'll play along.

But I'm not going to let you pretend that you don't know me.


You found me, so now what? You think we're just going to pick up where we left off? Why not? We had a good thing going.


No, we didn't.

I was naive, and I let myself be taken in by you.

I am not that person anymore.

Yeah? CTU.

Senior Data Analyst.

Well, sounds like an important job.

I'm thinking you always were the smart one.

How the hell did you pull this off? What, you steal a dead girl's birth certificate or something? Look, I have money.

Not a lot, but some.

If that's what it'll take.

If you really still care about me, you'll leave me alone.

Say my name.

What? If you're gonna beg, I want to hear you say my name.

Just like you used to.


Say, "Please, Kevin.

" Please Kevin.

There's my bad girl.

Damn it! What do you want from me?! A place to crash for starters.

I'm getting a little tired of living out of the van.

No, that is not gonna happen.

Yeah? Well, now you don't want me to tell everyone you work with your little secret now, do you? You see, I don't want to do that.

Come on.

It'll be fun having me around.

It'll be just like old times.

You'll come home and we'll catch up.

Fine, fine.

(keys jangling) You can stay the night.

I want you out tomorrow.

Whatever you say.

Do you want my address? I already got it.

HASTINGS: I'm going to ask you again, Ms.

Reed, and this time I want an answer.

Now we know that this key card was issued to President Hassan and his family at the U.


I want to know where you got it.

I'm not saying another word until my attorney gets here.

You're already looking at a life sentence in a federal penitentiary.

So if this plot succeeds and Hassan dies, I promise you the death penalty.

If you give me the name of the assassin, maybe we can cut a deal.

I told you I don't know anything.

You know who you stole his key card from.

I didn't steal it.

Then you manufactured it, cloned it somehow! No.

And used it to gain access to the U.


security data.

I, I Where did you get it?! Tell me! He gave it to me.

Who? Who?! Omar.

Omar gave it to me.

President Hassan? Why would he do that? So I could have access to his private residence when he wanted to be alone with me.

You really expect me to believe that you're involved with him? Believe what you want.

It's the truth.

(punches number) This is Hastings.

Put me through to Rob Weiss at the U.


What are you doing? I need to speak with President Taylor to get permission to talk with Omar Hassan.

Now if there's something you want to say to me, Ms.

Reed, now is the time to say it.

WOMAN (over phone): I'm sorry, Mr.



Weiss is in a closed session, but they're expecting to break shortly.

All right, just relay the message to have him call me back as soon as he can.

Yes, sir.

Looks like you have a bit more time to reconsider your story.

You let me know when you're ready to change it.


Hastings, I need your help.

I've lost contact with Jack.

He called me 15 minutes ago.

We got cut off.

I haven't been able to reach him since.

This is your operation, Chloe-- yours and Bauer's.

I don't see why this should be my concern.

He could be in some kind of trouble.

You need to send for backup.

Even if I wanted to, we don't have the manpower.

I dispatched all field personnel to the U.


for Hassan's protection.

I watched the interrogation.

I heard what Reed said about her affair with Hassan.

If that's true, it supports our idea that she was framed.

And how do you figure that? Because it explains why the biometrics registered her deception, and why the real insider within Hassan's camp chose her to divert our investigation.

Reed is lying.

There is no affair.

But what if there is? If President Hassan corroborates Reed's claim, will you consider sending units to find Jack? All right, fine.

Just so you can hear for yourself, I'll have someone alert you when Hassan calls me back.

Is that good enough? No, but it's better than nothing.

That couple you m*rder*d upstairs were friends of mine, dirtbag.

Good people.

Mazoni, you can't do this.

No, what I can't do is watch another creep like this walk on a technicality, or because some lawyer didn't file the right papers to the right clerk.

John! I've seen it happen more times than I can count.

You're new here, Phil.

You don't know.

Wait till you spend grinding your teeth in this job.

You talk to me then.

What about that thing he said? About him working with CTU? Did we find credentials on him? No.

That's because he is a lying piece of garbage.

This was a home invasion robbery.

Where nothing was taken.

Because we showed up! Look, you got a problem with what I'm doing here, Phil? Then go upstairs and wait till I'm finished.


Now! And remember, you don't call this in until I say so.

You stick to the story.

He was resisting arrest.

You got that? You got that? Just, uh don't k*ll him.

I'll do my best.

(blow lands, Jack groans) RABINOWITZ: Hey, Farmer, what are you doing here? Koernig called in sick.

Stomach thing.

No kidding? I talked to him this morning.

He was feeling fine.

Probably a few too many at lunch.

COLE: continue to receive real-time updates at the U.


CTU is confirming the link between the Stinger m*ssile att*ck and the assassination plot against President Hassan.

In response, we're gonna push the traffic perimeter out another six blocks and close the Queensboro Bridge in both directions until noon tomorrow.

Now, roadblock assignments are on pages two and three of your briefing packets.

Go ahead and double-check those now.

CTU has also arrested an individual inside the U.


who we believe is a part of the plot.

Hopefully, this will yield some information about the assassin himself.

Until then, we have to assume that he could strike at any time and will stop at nothing to achieve his objective.

He's already k*lled five people that we know of, including two CTU agents.

Whoever he is, he's a professional, which means everyone is to be on high alert at all times.

History is happening upstairs, people, and it's on our watch.

Our position remains unchanged, Madam President.

We will not allow NATO to transit supplies to Afghanistan through our territory.

What about non-m*llitary supplies? HASSAN: It is our belief that any NATO deployment in theegion, m*llitary or otherwise, will lead to more extremism, not less.


President uh, my director of Counterterrorism here in New York is requesting to speak to you on the phone.

Now? It's an urgent matter.

It's relating to the reporter who was arrested earlier.


Weiss will escort you to the conference room.

That is, unless you have any objections.

No, not at all.

This way, Mr.


Do I have to remind you of our conversation? Omar, you must deny your involvement with this woman.

She has a name, Farhad.

And I still can't believe that she can be part of this plan.

That should not be your chief concern right now.

If word of this affair gets out, not only is your political career over, but so is the peace process itself.

You know what you have to do.

Thank you.



Hello? Mr.

President, this is Brian Hastings at CTU.

I appreciate you getting back to me.

What can I do for you, Mr.

Hastings? Well, sir, I have a matter of some delicacy to discuss with you.

Go on.

Thank you, sir.

I know that your time is valuable, so, I'll come right to the point.

I understand Meredith Reed is writing an article on you for the Sunday Magazine.

Yes, that's correct.

Do you know of any reason she would be in possession of a key card to your residence at the U.


? y card? Yes, sir.

She claims that she got it from you.

And that your relationship with her is perhaps more than professional.


President? Is there anyone listening to our conversation, Mr.

Hastings? Are we being recorded? No, sir.

I'm speaking to you on a secure line.

Then I will tell you what Ms.

Reed said is true.

Omar! What are you doing?! Sir, are you confirming a romantic involvement with Meredith Reed? Mr.

Hastings, I trust your complete discretion in this matter.

And I'm sure you understand the ramification if what I'm telling you becomes public knowledge.

Yes, sir, I understand.

I gave Ms.

Reed this key card for reasons I'm sure are clear to you.

I'm telling you all this in the interests of justice because I'm convinced that Ms.

Reed is not part of this conspiracy.

Excuse me for asking, sir, but are you basing that certainty on anything other than your personal feelings? No, I suppose not.

I see.

Well, thank you for your candor, Mr.


I assure you that nothing we discussed will be disclosed from this office.

I appreciate that, Mr.


Good-bye, then.

HASTINGS: Good-bye.

Have you any idea what you've done? The honorable thing.

You said you'd send backup to Jack's location.

I said I'd consider it, and I have.

Confirmation of the affair does not prove Reed's innocence.

For all we know, it's a ploy she used to gain access to the U.


security files, Hassan's itinerary.

In the meantime, Jack's still missing.

He's not missing.

You lost contact.

His phone battery may have d*ed.

Or more likely, he's in an area with bad cell reception.

There's pockets of them all over the five boroughs, which you would have known if you were from around here.

Fine, if you're not sending someone, I'll go myself.

No, you won't! Your concern for your friend is admirable, but that file we got off Reed's laptop-- it's almost decrypted, and depending what we find, I'm going to need you here.

Is that clear? Yeah.

Now, earlier today, you suggested that I speak to you more clearly and directly.

You leave the building, you're fired.

Is that clear and direct enough for you? (phone line ringing) (phone ringing) Hello? We have a problem.

My brother confessed to the affair.

I don't know if the frame's going to hold.

That's unfortunate.

Don't you understand?! CTU won't believe the file you uploaded to Reed's computer is genuine.

I agree it isn't ideal, but they will still have to act on what they find in any event.

There's no reason to diverge from the plan.

But you need to remain calm and play your part.

How much longer? I promise you.

Your brother will be dead before the hour is out.

(phone beeps off) PHIL: Don't move! Drop that! Now! Officer, everything I told you before is true.

My name is Jack Bauer.

I'm a former federal agent.

JOHN: He's lying, Phil! sh**t the son of a bitch! He broke my damn rib! Contact Chloe O'Brian at CTU.

She'll verify my identity and the thr*at to the peace conference.

What are you waiting for? sh**t him already! Sit back down, John.

You want to be pointing that g*n someplace else.

I said don't move, either of you! What the hell? I'm your partner! No, this has gone far enough.

I'm calling it in.

JOHN: You don't want to do that.

Come on, Phil.

Put the phone down.

Let's talk about this.

Shut up! This is Patrolman Phillip Lu.

I need to talk to Lieutenant Sell.

The officer upstairs has to be connected to the assassination plot.

JOHN: Oh, you happy now?! You hearing what he's saying about Koernig? All I'm saying is that there's a connection.

We need to find out what it is.

Both of you, shut the hell up! Lieutenant, sir.

I'm at the scene of a double homicide.

One of the victims is a cop, a James Koernig out of Midtown Center.

No, it's definitely m*rder.

Him and his wife.

We got a suspect in custody.

Cross street is Astoria.

Ask him what Officer Koernig's assignment was today.

Please, innocent lives are at stake.

What have you got to lose? And, sir? I need a lookup on Koernig's duty assignment.

Yeah, transfer me over.

(computer beeps) ARLO: You screwed up.

What? Yeah, surprised me, too.

You forgot to upload a Rijndael filter to my system.

Without it, I can't break the last encryption layer on the file remnant you gave me.

I'm sorry.

I will upload it to a disk for you now.

Or I can just do it at your station.

Okay, fine.

Everything okay? What do you mean? I don't know.

It's not like you to make mistakes.

You seem a little distracted.

Wedding jitters, maybe? No.

Just asking.

And Cole's a nice enough guy.

But I could see how you could start having second thoughts.

I've always been curious to know what you two find to talk about.

Drop this, Arlo.

I am not in the mood.

Hey, I don't mean anything by it.

All I'm saying is that you and the Boy Scout aren't exactly intellectual equals.

Or is that what makes him your type? See now, you and me, for instance, we have a lot in common.

We speak the same language.

Mostly techno-jargon granted, but hey, it can always lead to something much deeper.

Damn it, Arlo! (computer beeping) (beeping) That's it.

We've got it.


Is that what I think it is? Yes.

Finish decrypting your fragment and put it up on the screen.

I've got to go tell Hastings.

HASTINGS: I don't care what he's demanding.

Tell Ms.

Reed's lawyer he's going to have to wait.

We can hold his client for up to 18 hours before formatly charging her.

Sir? I have to go.

We've broken the encryption code on Reed's file.

The primary file component's up on screen.

Arlo's waiting for a second piece to finish rendering.

So, what am I looking at? Construction plans for work carried out at the United Nations eight months ago.

The U.


? Are you sure? Positive.

Two I-beams were retrofitted to provide structural support for additional interpreters' booths.

There and there.

That looks like the Council Chamber.

It's directly below it.

ARLO: The decryption's just about complete.

It's loading to the main screen now.

It looks like a schematic for an incendiary.

A b*mb.

Pulse-detonated, modified to fit between the I-beams.

Sir, judging by the size, that's big enough to drop the entire Security Council into the East River.

Get me Cole and Manners at the U.


All stations! We're implementing protocols for an immediate evacuation of the United Nations building! We are Code Red.

I repeat: This is not a drill.

We are Code Red! Mr.

Hastings, you need to consider the possibility that this intel is fake and why they wanted us to find it.

I'm not taking any chances.

Sir, I've got Cole and Manners on the line.

Gentlemen, we have intel from the decrypted files that an incendiary device has been placed directly below the Council Chamber.

S-Sir, I don't see how that's possible.

This building's been vetted for weeks.



security have swept the area thoroughly and repeatedly.

Then they missed it.


Manners, (over phone): you need to implement evacuation protocols immediately.

Cole, I want you on President Hassan, personally.

Yes, sir.

Hey! You, you, with me! Let's go! Ladies and gentlemen, forgive the interruption.

Your attention, please.

We are evacuating immediately due to a possible b*mb thr*at.

Security personnel will be receiving protocol confirmation on designated channels momentarily.

Evacuation will proceed out these doors and down to underground parking level B.

Please, speak only with your designated handlers.

Omar Everything will be fine, Madam President.

Madam President, you and Secretary Kanin need to move now.

President Hassan, if you'll follow me.

Traffic control, I need route lockdown for northern exodus.

All units confirm.

MAN (over radio): Unit 2 in position.

MAN 2 (over radio): Unit 3 in position.

MAN 3 (over radio): Unit 4 in position.

Unit 5 in position.

(touch-tone beeps) (rhythmic beeping) Where are my wife and daughter? They're coming down the east stairwell now, sir.

No more than two minutes behind you.

I won't leav without them.


President, with all due respect, my orders are to evacuate you now.

Omar, I'll wait and go with them.

Don't worry.

I'll make sure they're safe.

Tarin, get my brother out of here.

All right, evac tunnel B! Move! (sirens wailing) (tires screeching) (cell phone ringing) Yes? He's in the third car.

The motorcade's coming up the ramps now.

RADIO DISPATCH: Vehicles are in transit.

Current location: evac tunnel bravo.

Second Avenue teams should have a visual in five minutes.

Uncle! Where's Omar? He went ahead.

We'll take the next car.

Is it true there's a b*mb? It's just a precaution, Kayla.

Don't worry.

Everything's going to be fine.

Right this way.


Let's be quick.


The guy who took his place? What was his name? WOMAN (over phone): Mike Farmer.


Come on.

Get out.

You were right.

There is a connection.

(releasing handcuffs) Sergeant Koernig was on the U.


security detail.

He called in sick about 45 minutes ago.

He was forced to make that call.

You said someone replaced him? A patrolman named Mike Farmer from the same unit.

That's your assassin.

Officer, you need to let me call CTU, and I need to get to the U.



Officer, this is going down now.

You can either stand here and do nothing, or you can help me stop it.

Make the call.

I'll drive you to the U.


Thank you.

Where the hell you think you're going? He can't leave! He's a material witness! (siren wailing) (siren wailing) CHLOE: Jack, where have you been? Chloe, please just listen to me.

The assassin k*lled a police officer and took his place in the U.


security detail.

I need to alert Agent Ortiz immediately.


I'll patch you through.

He's in the middle of evacuating Hassan.

Evacuating him? Why? Hastings' orders.

The evidence in Reed's computer indicated that there's a b*mb in the building.

Where's Hassan now? Hassan's motorcade is heading up the ramps in the parking garage, about to pull out onto Second Avenue.

Chloe, it's Cole.

Hang on.

I've got Cole.

CHLOE: Agent Ortiz, you're on with Jack Bauer.

What's going on, Jack? Oh, you need to stop Hassan's car now! What are you talking about? The assassin is part of the evacuation detail.

He's posing as an NYPD officer.

There is no b*mb in the U.


They're just trying to lure him out of the building.

Did you tell Hastings about this? We don't have time.

You need to stop the motorcade before it hits the street.

It's too late.

Hassan's car just exited the tunnel.

Cole, you need to stop that car or Hassan's a dead man.

(sirens wailing) Cole? (accelerating) Whose vehicle is that? It's Cole, sir.

Cole, what the hell are you doing? Cole! (tires screeching) (sirens wailing) (tires screeching) (tires screeching) Cole! What was that? What happened? Cole, can you verify? Was Hassan hit? Cole!