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01x29 - Tricks of The Trade/The Taste Race

Posted: 10/05/22 18:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪


Sorry, guys.

I'’m just a little excited
for trade-a-thon!

Whoo-hoo! Oops.

Heh heh heh!
Did it again.

I'’m just so excited
for trade-a-thon.

It'’s the biggest knightly
trading card event
in the kingdom.

Trinket: yeah!

I can'’t wait to see
all the sparkly
unicorn cards there.

And meet some of
my favorite knights
of all time.

They'’ll be there
signing cards.

Clod: and I'’ll be
at the hot dog

Rumor has it
they have kinds
of ketchup. !

they sure do, buddy,
but the best part

Of trade-a-thon is
that it'’s a chance

For collectors to share
the thing they love.

Nella: whoa.
I didn'’t realize you had
so many cards, garrett.

Almost have them
all, nella.

I'’ve got
a wobblin'’ goblin,

A gummy mummy, a badalf
the wicked wizard.

I'’m only missing
one card...

the furmaid.

Trinket: let me guess.
Is that a furry mermaid?

Garrett: mm-hmm.

I'’m hoping someone
will trade one

For my spare
underwear wolf card.

[Chiming]badalf: I'’ve got it!

I'’ve got it! I'’ve--

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


[Chiming continues]

Heh! It seems my wizard warning
system has something to show me.

yes! Look at that!

That little knight has
the very thing I need--

An underwear wolf card.

And since he has what I want,

I will go and take it

With my magic!


I'’ve got to stop carrying
spaghetti around.

All right, everybody,
we'’re almost there.

here we come!


Trinket: uh, guys?

I think something funny
is going on around here.


[All gasp]


Look out!

Garrett: gauntlets!

The trees are trying
to grab us, nella!

Trinket: yeah! I'’d say they are!
What is happening? Help!

Nella: hold on, trink!
I'’ll save you!

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

I wouldn'’t trade that
for anything.

Hold on, trinket.


Garrett: go, nella!

Yay, nella!

most impressive.

[All gasp]
the wicked wizard?

hello, kids!

How nice to see

Nella: what are you
doing here, badalf?

Oh, nothing much,
princess nella.

Just enchanting
a few trees.

Trinket: um, why?

To stop you,
so I can do this!

Garrett: hey, stop!

Give that back!

Sorry. No can do.

You know what
they say:

Takers, keepers!

That'’s not what
they say.

Garrett: what do
we do, nella?
What do we do?

The wizard just took
my backpack with
all my cards!

Don'’t worry, garrett.
We can catch him.

Yeah! Hop on!

Come on, garrett!

[Laughs evilly]

And now for the second
part of my plane.

[Sputters, crashes]

Mmm. I mean, plan.

I'’ll take the cards out
of the backpack

And then stuff
the pack with leaves

So no one will know
they'’re missing.

[Laughs evilly]

oh! There he is!

And there'’s
my backpack!

Badalf: what?
You mean this backpack?

The one I'’m clearly
holding up right here?

Nella: that'’s the one.


Nella: and now...

It'’s backpack
to where it belongs.

All right!you did it, nella!

Badalf: oh, no.
I have been defeated.

Well, I guess I
learned my lesson.

Better go back
to my castle

And think about
what I did.

Whoa! All right!oh, he'’s gone!

Um, what'’s wrong,

You just beat
the wicked wizard.

Yeah. Why aren'’t you
pumping your fists
triumphantly in the air?

Nella: I don'’t know.
It'’s just...

Badalf doesn'’t usually
give up that easily.

But I'’m just glad we got
garrett'’s cards back
for trade-a-thon.


Let'’s go.

Garrett: trade-a-thon!


Ooh, just look at all
these sparkly unicorny cards.

Can you make it out
"to princess nella?"

Clod: sour ketchup,

Sweet ketchup,

Enchilada spice ketchup.

This is the finest
hot dog buffet in the world!

you will?


You'’ll trade your
furmaid card

For my underwear wolf card?

Of course.

Always happy
to share with
another collector,

Provided your card'’s

In perfect,
mint condition. Hmm.

Oh, it'’s certified
grade triple-a.

No mud, no slime.

You'’d never even know
it'’s been on a quest.


Then we have a deal,

My fellow card

Finally, my collection
will soon be complete.

Um, uh...ok.

my card collection?


What do you mean?garrett: I mean,

My backpack'’s
just filled with...

All: leaves?

Oh, no!

Badalf must have
tricked us.

I thought he gave up
too easily.

He took the cards
right out of the bag.

We were fools!

Dragon: oh, dear.

I'’m sorry,
young knight,

But without
your card,

I'’m afraid I can'’t
make the trade.

I do wish you luck,

Oh, garrett,
I'’m so sorry.

it'’s ok, nella.

I'’ve only been working
on that card collection

For the past / years.

Clod: / years?

That'’s almost
a lifetime!

It is my lifetime,

And so I'’m just
going to go home.

No, wait, garrett!

We can'’t give up

You were so close
to completing
your collection.

I know, but badalf
has my cards, nella.

What'’ll we do, track him
back to his house?

Yes! That'’s exactly
what we'’ll do.

Now, let'’s see.
Where does he live?

All: over the mountain,
through the cave,

Third castle on the right.[Nella giggles]

Thanks, everyone!
Come on.

This way to battle.

Boy, those cards
are useful.

[Bird screeches]

This is it.

Badalf'’s castle.

Garrett: come on!

Badalf: this card belongs
in the magical creature section,

And that one goes
in weird critters.

ooh, and that card belongs--

Nella: to garrett.[Gasps]

Princess nella?

Ugh! I should have
known you'’d come
for the cards.

Trinket: yes,
you should have because
nella never gives up.

Nella: now give
the cards back, badalf.

Uh, let me think. way!

I took these cards,
fair and square.

They'’re mine.
Takers, keepers.

Clod: I keep telling you,
that'’s not a thing.

Yeah, well, point is
you'’ll never get
these cards,

Especially when you'’re
covered in magic glue!

Look out!


I'’m stuck!

We'’ll get you out, buddy.

There'’s more where
that came from.

Glue! Glue! Glue!

with meatballs!

Badalf: aah!

Would you hold still
for a second, please?

Um, actually,

I will.

You will?
Thank you.

[Laughs evilly]


You'’re most welcome.


Badalf: how could I
fall for that?

Defeated by my own
magic glue!

Yup, and now it'’s time
to collect...some cards.

Here you go, garrett.

Your collection.

Thanks, nella!

Whoo-hoo! You did it!

But, actually, there'’s
two card collections here.

There is?
There is?
Garrett: yeah.

This collection'’s mine,
and this one is...


You collect knightly
trading cards, badalf?

Have been my whole
wicked life,

And my collection'’s
almost complete, too.

All I need is an
underwear wolf card.

so that'’s why you
took my cards.

You saw
that I had one.

Of course.

You had the one
I wanted.

And what else
could I do
but take it?

Well, you could trade.

Trade? Hmm.

Is that a kind
of spell?

No, it'’s a way
to share.

If someone has
something you want,

You can give them
something they want
in exchange.

Hmm. Interesting.

But the trouble is,
all I have to trade

With is this spare
furmaid card.

that'’s the exact
card I want.

Nella: so you two
should trade them.


Both: it'’s a deal!

Whoo-hoo! My collection
is complete!

Way to go, buddy!

Thanks for everything, guys.

Now, come on. Let'’s
get back to trade-a-thon.

Uh, have fun.nella: ooh!

You should come,
too, badalf.

If you can stop taking
people'’s stuff, that is.

Badalf: oh, I'’ve
learned my lesson,
princess nella.

From now on,
this wizard will be
trading, not taking.

Ha ha!

We did it, guys.

[All clamor]


We'’ve been on a lot
of quests together,

Yes, but today
we embark

On our greatest
quest ever.

Both: window shopping!

Trinket: oh, nella,
I'’m so glad you enjoy
shopping as much as I do.

I feel exactly the same.

Ooh! I wonder
if they have those
in my favorite color--

Wait a sec.

How do you know that'’s
my favorite color?

Because it'’s
my favorite, too!


We have, like, everything
in common, nella!

Of course we do.
We'’re best friends.

I bet I can name
your favorite band--

The harpsi-chordz.

They are literally
my favorite
troubadours ever.

Mine, too.

You have
great taste, nella.

Well, it'’s exactly
like yours, trink.

[Both giggle]

Ooh, I see
perfume samples!
Be right back.

[Crowd gasps and murmurs]

Nella: hi. What'’s going on?i'’m not sure.

Woman: ladies
and gentlemen,

That'’s me.

And uta...
That'’s me--

Are pleased
to announce the first

Annual frozen yogurt
flavor contest. Ha ha ha!

Ida: to enter
our contest,

You must create
a brand-new flavor

Of frozen yogurt.nella: ooh.

Uta: bring us your
special new yogurt by
the end of the day,

And then we'’ll choose
the most delicious one.

Both: good luck.

A frozen yogurt
flavor contest?

Ooh! It sounds

Are you going to enter
the contest, nella?

Absolutely, and I know
the perfect flavor

To win it--

Both: mmm!

I'’ve always loved
on my pancakes.

I think it would make
the best new frozen
yogurt flavor ever!

I'’ve got to go tell
trinket the good news.

With her help,
we can'’t lose.

Oh, my gosh!

I'’m so excited!

Oh, my gosh!
Me, too!

I just heard they'’re
having a frozen yogurt
flavor contest!

I know, and I
thought of the perfect
new flavor to win it!



Isn'’t it perfect?

Can you imagine it
in a frozen yogurt?

Um, yeah,

But I'’ve got an even
better flavor idea--



What do you think?

Honestly, I'’ve
never really cared
for honeyswipple.

Too sticky and messy.

Butterfluzzle is
so much better.

we'’re best friends.

We'’re supposed to like
the same things, right?

Ida: ooh, and remember,
to be entered in the contest,

You must turn in
your frozen yogurt
flavor by sundown!

Both: [gasp]

That'’s really soon.

We need to get
to work.

Yeah, but you don'’t want
to do butterfluzzle.

And you don'’t want
to do honeyswipple.


So then I guess
we'’re just going

To have to do our
own thing and let
the judges decide

Whose flavor
is best.

Ok, then.

Well, may
the best flavor win.

Yeah, may
the best flavor win.

hey, if you guys are
entering the contest,

You'’d better hurry.

Come on, garrett.
I'’m going to need

Your help collecting
fresh ingredients.

And, clod,

You'’re coming with me.

Whew! Are we there yet?

Trinket: come on, clod.
Hurry up.

We'’ve got to find
the butterfluzzle grove

Before sundown.


I can'’t believe
nella thinks
honeyswipple is

A better flavor,
when it'’s so
obviously not.


The honeyswipple
blossoms should be

Right at the top
of those cliffs.

Hey, nella, why aren'’t you
teaming up with trinket
for the contest?

Oh, she thinks
butterfluzzle is
a better flavor.

I love butterfluzzle.yeah.

But honestly, don'’t you
think honeyswipple
is the best?

I don'’t know.
Everybody has
different tastes.

Yeah, but we'’re
best friends.

We'’re supposed to like
the same things.

Oh! Hey!
Look who it is!

Hi, guys.
How'’s it going?

Oh. Hello there,

Ah. Hello there,

Why isn'’t anybody

I don'’t know.

Ahem. Well, we
better be on our way.

Good luck to you,

And to you,

Garrett, this way.



We'’re really
high up.

Nella: yeah, and just
a little farther,

And we'’ll be at--

The honeyswipple fields!


They'’re awesome!

Yeah, and these
honeyswipple blossoms
are just bursting

With sweet, sticky
honeyswipple syrup.

Here, catch!
Heh heh!

Nice shot, nella.

Wow. There sure are
a lot of them.

Yeah. We'’d better
get to work.

Too bad trinket'’s
not here.

She'’d be able to gallop
around and squish

The syrup out of
these flowers in no time.


Oh, yay!

Here we are.

The butterfluzzle grove!

the butterfluzzle?

Inside those nuts,
up in the trees.

And how are we supposed
to reach them?

Yeah, I'’m not
exactly sure.

Mmm, too bad nella'’s
not here.

She'’d know how
to get them down
from way up there.

Yeah. Too bad.



Ooh! Look out!

Whoa! Yikes!


Hey! The nuts
have landed!


Now all we have to do is
crack these nuts open.

Ow, ow, ow, ow! Wow!

That is a tough nut
to crack.

What are we
going to do?

Uh, hmm, uh--


Never fear!
I got an idea!

Don'’t worry.

This plan can'’t
go wrong.

What are you doing?

I'’m going to use
this boulder to
crush those nuts.

Look out below!

Take cover! Eek!

Clod: awesome!

Huh? Clod!

It worked!

You'’re a genius!

If you want to crack
a nut, you got to use
your noggin.

Come on!
Let'’s get to work.

We don'’t have much time
before sundown.


the boulder!
It'’s still rolling!

And it'’s headed
straight for--

Both: nella and garrett!



You were right, nella.

frozen yogurt
is delicious.

It makes my tummy...[Rumbling]


That wasn'’t me.

That was that!

boulder coming through!

Out of the way!
Out of the way!

What in the world?


That boulder'’s squishing
all the honeyswipple
syrup right at trinket!


And it'’s chasing her towards
the edge of that cliff!


We got to do something!

And I know what
that something is.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪


Don'’t worry, trink!

I'’ll stop it!

Whoa! Whoa!



Oh, no, no! Oh!


Trinket: aah!


Nella: hang on, trinket!

Oh, no!

Hurry, nella!

I don'’t think this stuff is
going to hold me much longer!

Hold on, trink!
I'’ll save you!


I'’m coming, trink!




Hold tight, trink.

Huh? Amazing!

Both: wow!



A ribbon


On the ground,
safe and sound.

They did it!whoo-hoo!

Oh, thank you,
nella, thank you!

I'’m so sorry about
our disagreement.

I feel awful.

Me, too, trink.
I felt terrible
about it all day.

Honestly, what'’s
the big deal?

You like

And I like

Both: and that'’s ok.

We don'’t have to like
everything exactly the same

To be great friends,

Right!garrett: uh,

If you guys still want
to enter the contest,
you'’d better get moving.

It'’s almost sundown.

He'’s right.
We have to hurry.
Come on!

Ida and uta:
mmm, mmm, mmm...

So tasty!

Well, uta, I think we
have a clear winner

Of the frozen yogurt
flavor contest.

Good luck,, too, nella.

Uda: ladies
and gentlemen,

The winning flavor
of the contest is...


All: huh?

Well, it looks like
we have two winners!


And honeyswipple![Crowd cheering]

I always said you had
great taste, nella.

you, too, trink.

[Both giggle]

Way to go, nella!

Yay, trinket![Both giggle]