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01x33 - Quest in The Castle/Cute Critter Watching

Posted: 10/05/22 18:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪




A yummy stack of
chocolate chip pancakes!

A yummy stack of

Hey, we might get
hungry on our quest.

that'’s true!

Especially when
we don'’t know

Where we'’re gonna
go questing yet.

Well, you know what?

I think it'’s time
we find out.

[All cheering]

This way
to adventure!

[Rain falling]


Garrett: uh-oh.

It'’s all right, guys.

A little rain
never stopped
us before.

Great idea!

This way
to adventure!



That was lightning.[Thunder]

A lot of lightning!

There'’s no way
my mom

Will let us
go outside now.

That'’s right,

It'’s too dangerous.

Oh, it'’s not
that dangerous,

Mrs. Your high--whoa![Thunder]

[Laughs] sorry, kiddos.

Looks like you'’ll have
to play inside today.

[Both sigh]

Ahh. Well, at least

Nothing dangerous
will happ--ooh!

Nella: whoa!
Look out!


Nice catch,

You saved that portrait
of lady umm...

Ah, yes, the fabled
lady umm!

No, clod, that'’s
not her name.

I don'’t know
who she is.

She kind of
looks like

This is actually
nella'’s great-great-

Great aunt winnie.

And they don'’t
just look alike.

They are a lot
alike, too.

Aunt winnie loved
going on adventures

And hanging out
with cute critters.

So cool!

Wow! Aunt winnie
sounds awesome!

But the thing
she loved most of all

Was having fun
with her friends.



Is that a note?

Yeah! It'’s from
aunt winnie!

It says, "somewhere
in this very castle,

"I'’ve hidden
a treasure.

The greatest
of all!"

Clod, trinket, and garrett:
no way!

"Yes way.

"But in order
for this quest
to be done right,

It must be done
by a princess knight!"

Wow! Just imagine

What the treasure
could be.

Like gold?
Or jewels?

Or diamond-encrusted
full-sized mirrors!

Ooh, can we go
find it, nella?
Can we?

Nella: of course!

[Gasp] in fact,

It'’ll be our quest.

A quest
in the castle!

Clod, trinket, and garrett:

Whoa, we'’ve never been
on one of those before.

Whatever the adventure,
we'’ve got to be ready.

My heart is bright,
time to be
a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

She'’s officially
dressed to quest.

Woohoo! So,
where do we start?

Aunt winnie
gave us a clue.

It says, "to put
you on track,

Find a book
that says quack!"

A book
that says quack?

Where would
one of those be?

Maybe in
the royal library.

Ooh, good call, mom.
Come on, guys.

Garrett: our quest begins.

Trinket: yay!
Clod: woohoo!

Here we are--
the royal library.

That'’s a lot
of books, people.

well, one of '’em'’s
gotta say quack.

Nope. No...

come on!

Both: hmm.


Not this one.

Not this one.

Clod: nope. Nope.

Nope.[Garrett giggling]

Um...what are
you doing, buddy?

Listening to see if
the book quacks, of course.


Wait a minute.
That'’s it!

Really? You want us

To hold books
to our ears?

No. We need to find
a book about ducks.

It'’ll have the word
"quack" in it!

Good call,

Ooh! There'’s one!
Way up there!

Don'’t worry.
I got it.

"Sir mallard'’s
knightly guide

To ducks, geese,
and puddle-dragons."

Perfect! [Gasp]
and look!

There'’s a button!



All: whoa!


a secret passage!

Nella: aunt winnie'’s treasure
must be through there.

Follow me.

Ooh, I'’ve
never been in

This part of
the castle before.

Yeah! Wonder
where else

This quest
will take us.

Yeah, and when will we get
to the daring paaart!


Whoa! The floor
looks normal...

All: whoa!

But it'’s
super duper bouncy!


Come on, guys.

We'’ve gotta get
to the other side.

Yeah!trinket and garrett:

Almost there!

Ooh, we made it![Clod laughing]

This is so much fun!
Whoooa, wow!

Nella: [gasp] clod'’s
out of control!

I can save him.
Hold this, guys.

I'’m coming, clod!

[Clod moaning]

Both: ooh.quick! Pull!

Clod: whoa!


Woohoo! That was
so much fun!

We should do it again!

Not now, buddy.

We got a great
and probably very bling-y

Treasure to find.

But I was having fun. Aww.

Nella: come on, everybody.

Hey! We'’re
in my kitchen!

Trinket: [gasp] ooh.


Ooh, look!

Another note
from aunt winnie!

"Way to go.

"You got
this far, but

"Now another
clue awaits.

"To find the treasure,
you must find

A yummy food
that grates."

Grates? Does she mean

Like with
a cheese grater?

a cheese grater!

[Gasp] why
did you say

extra loud?

Because you grate it,
and it'’s yummy!

You got it, garrett!

Nella: look!
Another button!

All: whoooaaa!

Clod: oh, boy,
oh, boy, oh, boy!

[All shouting indistinctly]

Nella: that
was amazing!

Yeah! Let'’s do it
another , times!

[Giggles] buddy.

What? It'’s fun!

There'’s no time
for fun.

We gotta get
to the treasure!


Come on, clod.

Let'’s keep looking.

♪ Just imagine the things ♪

♪ Aunt winnie'’s treasure
could be ♪

♪ C'’mon, let yourself dream ♪

♪ And share what you see ♪

♪ A new sword?
Or new shield? ♪

♪ Fine silk by the yard? ♪

♪ If I had my wish, we'’d find
rare knightly cards! ♪

Nella, garrett, and trinket:
♪ whatever the treasure ♪

♪ We cannot delay! ♪

♪ Whatever the treasure,
we find it today! ♪

♪ We must not, we shall not,
we cannot delay! ♪

♪ Whatever the treasure,
we find it today! ♪

Woohoo! Woohoo!

Come on, buddy!


Nella: ooh! We gotta
be close now!

Look! Another note!

Check it!
Check it!

"You'’re almost there.

Treasure'’s just across
this room."

[Garrett, trinket,
and clod gasp]nella: "but if you dare,

"Tread with care,

For this room is filled
with"--[gasp] "doom!"

Filled with doom?

Actually, I don'’t
see anything

Particularly doom-y
in here.

Yeah, just some--

Great squirting
gargoyles! Look out!


Quick! To the other side!
This way!

All: whoooaaa!

Garrett: gauntlets!

We can'’t get
past them!




Grab your shields, guys.

We'’re gonna fight water
with water!

Like this!




Nella: we did it!

And now we can get
to the treasure!


Nella, trinket, and garrett:
come on, clod!

Here we are!
This is it--

The moment we'’ve
been waiting for!

It'’s aunt winnie'’s

Quick! There'’s gotta
be something!

Uh, I don'’t
think so, garrett.

There'’s no treasure
here at all!

You mean we went
on that whole quest...

all: for nothing?

What do you mean
"for nothing"?

I had fun!


We bounced on a floor,

Slid down a slide,

Sang a fun, upbeat,
poppy song,

And I even got to play

In a gargoyle sprinkler.

It was great!

Huh. I guess
it was kind of fun.

But we were so busy
hunting for treasure,

We didn'’t realize it.

That'’s it, guys.

Remember what mom said
about aunt winnie?

She loved playing with
her friends most of all.

And that'’s what
she gave us--

An amazing day together.

You know,
that'’s actually

A pretty awesome

Well, it wasn'’t

But you'’re right.

Ohh, bring
it in, questers.

All: aww!

[Rumbling]all: huh?


All: whoooaaa!


Hey! One last note!

You found

"My secret playroom!

"This is where my friends and I
made so many memories.

"And I hope you have
just as much fun together

"In it as we did!

Love, aunt winnie."

Why are we just
talking about it?

Let'’s start playing!

All: yay! Woohoo!

Let'’s do it!


Whee! [Giggling]

Gosh. Thanks
for taking me

Cute critter
watching, nella.

Of course, olivia.

I think you'’re really
gonna enjoy it.

Who doesn'’t love a hobby

That comes with
sparkly binoculars?

And these awesome
cute critter watching

[Giggles] I don'’t
think I'’ll need

A guidebook,

Sure ya will.

They list every critter
in the woods

And give
super-helpful facts.

without our books,
we wouldn'’t know

What critter
we'’re looking at.

Well, actually,
I would, nella,

Because I already
know everything,

Even the stuff I don'’t
already know yet.

I'’ll be a natural
at cute critter

Watching for sure.

[Rustling][all gasp]


Olivia: like that cute critter
over there.

I know that'’

A flop-eared fleagle!

[Fleagle vocalizing]

Heh. I--i was just
about to say that.


[Animal tweeting]

Nella: ooh!
Another critter.

What'’s that?

That, nella...

Is a wild horn-billed
feather flapper.

Yes. Yes.

That'’s what
it is, nella. Heh.


Just like that

Is a brown-bottomed

For sure!


[Giggles] actually,

I think that'’s clod.

Yup, it'’s me,
the cutest clod ever.

Oh, I knew
that was clod.


Really! I was just--

Joking that
I didn'’t know,

Which is hilarious,
by the way,

Because I totally did!

Nella: olivia,
it'’s ok

If you don'’t
know everything.

[Giggles] now
you'’re joking, nella.

Wait till
the next critter.

I'’ll show you how
knowledgeable I am.


Garrett, olivia,
nella, and trinket: aww!

Adorable overload,

Whoa, I'’ve never
seen such a cute

Critter before!

I have, of course.
Uh, garrett,

Why don'’t you
tell everyone
what he'’s called?

Ok. He'’s a fluff-bellied

Yes. Very good,

He'’s a fluff-bellied

[Baby voice]
and he'’s sooo cute!
Awen'’t you?

Um, olivia?

I'’m not sure you
should pick him up.

Yeah. We don'’t know
anything about him yet.

[Baby voice] well,
I know he'’s hungwy!

Would you wike some dewicious
wunch, wittle chompling?


First rule of

Cute critter watching--

You do not feed
wild critters lunch!

Especially when
there'’s wild clods
to be fed!

[Gasp] trinket'’s right.

My guidebook says chomplings
eat breakfast and dinner,

But they should never
eat lunch, or else!

[Laughs] oh, nella.

What could possibly
go wrong?


[All gasp]

He grew!


[Gasp] and he keeps
growing with each bite!

Quick! Hide your lunches![Chompling gobbling]

Hey!my pickle sandwich!

Aww, my lunchtime


All: uh-oh!

At least he'’s
not hungry anymore.

[Gobbling]garrett: uh...

I'’m not so sure
about that, olivia!


Oh, my gosh.
I think he'’s looking

For more lunch!

And I think we better look out!

Garrett: uhh! Uhh!this way!

Oh, no!
I gotta do something.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Forget cute critters.

Now I'’m
amazing knight watching!

All: aah! Whoa!

Aah! Log on the loose!

Don'’t worry.
I'’ll save you, clod. Huh!


Whoo! Thanks, nella!

I almost got log rolled.

Yeah! What are
we gonna do

About this
giant chompling?

Let'’s check
our guidebooks.

no need, friends.

I know what to do.
Oh, chompling!

Do you want lots and lots
of delicious lunch?


Then head to castlehaven!

[Gasp]wait, olivia!

Go get it, boy![Chittering]

Olivia: there.
We'’re safe!

No need to
thank me, everyone.

Uh, olivia?
We might be
safe now,

But our village
sure isn'’t!

He'’ll eat everything
in castlehaven!

Oh, no.nella: come on!

[Gasp] I think I have an idea!

Mm! Now that'’s a sandwich!

[Heavy footsteps]

[Chompling gobbling]


My salad!

My soup!

My peanut butter
and crackers!

Woman: my lunch!oh, no! Look--

It'’s lunchtime chaos!

Ohh, why won'’t this
chompling stop growing?

I guess the bigger he gets,
the hungrier he gets!

Then the bigger
he gets!

It'’s a vicious,
delicious cycle!

Mmm! [Panting]

Nella: we'’ve gotta
stop that cute critter.

Everyone, check
your guidebook.

Olivia: no need, friends.

Olivia is here!

Nella: olivia, uh,

What are you doing?

Easy, nella.
I'’m going to shoo

That chompling
far, far away!

Uh, flying around
a giant critter

Might be
kind of dangerous!

And you might
scare him!

Guys, I know
what I'’m doing. Shoo!

Shoo! Giant
chompling, shoo!

H-h-huh?this cafe

Is a chompling-free zone.

Please go back to
your woods immediately!

Shoo! Shoo!


Olivia: whoooaaa!

A few ribbons should
slow this big guy down!


Garrett: nice one, nella!

That should hold
the chompling for now!

Hey! Whoooaaa!

I'’m coming!olivia: help me!

Got it!yeah. Well.

Thanks, nella.

I'’m sorry about
all this trouble.

I...i guess I don'’t
know everything.

Olivia, I'’ve been
trying to tell you.

That'’s ok!

It is?

No one
can know it all.

I barely
know it some.

Ah. Well, at least
one of us knew

How to stop
the chompling.

[Sniffing, chittering]

All: no! Wait!

Nella: come on, guys.
There must be

Something we can do.

Ooh! I know!
Actually, I don'’t.

[Gasp] so, let'’s check
our guidebooks!

Good thinking, olivia.

It says here
that the only way

To shrink the chompling
and stop its hunger...

Is to give it a bath?

Ooh! How about
at gotcha falls?

It'’s tall enough to
soak the chompling!

Great idea.
We just need

A way to lead
him there.

I don'’t know, nella.

He seems pretty excited
about that restaurant.

Oh, no!

Then we'’ll lure him away

With an even better restaurant!

Quick! I got a plan!

Man: whoa!man : my lunch!

People: get away![Chompling chittering]

Nella: oh, chompling!

Are you looking for
a really delicious lunch?


Olivia: then wouldn'’t
you rather eat lunch

At the most delicious,

The most
delectable restaurant

In all of castlehaven?


Then follow us
to cafe gotcha!

[Playing accordion]

Nella and olivia:
♪ got-cha cafe, cafe got-cha! ♪

♪ Lunch served
nice and hot-cha ♪

♪ Follow us to cafe gotcha! ♪

♪ Greatest lunch
you'’ll ever munch ♪

♪ Much better by a bunch ♪

♪ Come lunch at cafe gotcha! ♪

♪ Mac and cheese,
salad, pasta! ♪

♪ Ev'’ry thing you want-a
down at cafe got-cha! ♪

♪ Got-cha cafe, cafe got-cha! ♪

♪ You'’ll love the food a lot-cha
here at cafe gottt-chaaaa! ♪

[Chittering] ooh!

Uh! Hello there, sir.

Welcome to cafe gotcha,

The most delicious,
the most delectable,

Fanciest restaurant
in the kingdom.

Table for one,
I presume?

This way,


There you are--
the finest

Table in the house.

[Playing accordion]

[Sniffing, gobbling]

Ah, hello, sir.
I'’m trinket

And I'’ll be
your server
this lunchtime.

Would you
like to hear
our chef'’s specials?


Today, we'’re serving

A house-made
macaroni and cheese,

But we'’d first like
to offer you...

A complimentary bath!

Olivia: quick!
Bathe the chompling!

Garrett: let'’s get scrubbing!

Trinket: yay! Yeah!


All right![Chittering]

All done.he'’s covered in suds!

Ok, guys, here comes
the big rinse.


Both: whoa!


Yay! We did it!

All right!


I think he'’s glad
to be back to normal.

[Chittering][all giggling]

You did it, nella!

Your plan worked!

Don'’t you mean
"our" plan?

We couldn'’t have done it
without you, olivia!

And I think you might have
made a new friend.


But maybe
don'’t feed him
any more lunch.

[Giggles] oh,
I know that now.

But at least I was
right about something.

[Baby voice] this chompling
really is the cutest!

Clod: ahem, ahem.

Can I please order now?

Well, we did say
this was

The yummiest restaurant
in the kingdom.

Come on!nella and olivia:
♪ gotcha cafe ♪

♪ Cafe gotcha ♪

♪ Follow us to cafe gotcha! ♪