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01x34 - The Unicorn of the Lake/Trinket's Toy Trouble

Posted: 10/05/22 18:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing ♪

♪ Now she'’ll find away ♪

♪ With help
from her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing it right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪



Garrett: let'’s do this!

double do this!


Nella: go get it, guys!

Come on!
Hit that target!

Yeah, garrett!
Go, go, go!

Garrett: whoo-hoo!




[Nella and trinket gasp]

Oh, man! We came
so close this time.

Jousting is way harder
than it looks.

Trinket: our turn!

I polished my horn
for just this occasion.

Here we go, trink.
Ready, aim, giddy-up!


Ooh, aah!

Nella: gotcha!


Ha ha ha!
Great job, nella.

You, too, trink.

Just look at that
thing spin!

Trink, look out!



Nella, trinket!

Are you guys ok?

Thanks, guys!

I think we'’re fine.

Never better.

Ohh! I'’m not so sure
about that!

Ohh! Trinket!oh, my gosh!

What? What?

Why is everybody
looking at me
like that?

Clod: your horn!


Ha ha ha!
Don'’t be silly.

How can my horn

My horn!
My beautiful, beautiful horn!


calm down.

How can I possibly
calm down?

I'’m a unicorn.

My horn is what makes
me special!

We can fix it.

Wait! You can?

Garrett: wait. We can?

Nella: yeah.
We'’ll just, you know,

Bend it back.

Well, then hurry,

Don'’t worry.
This won'’t
hurt a bit.

A little help
here, please.



Is it working?

Clod: come on,
come on, come on.

Garrett: whoa!

Did it work?
Did it work?

Nella: not really.
It just won'’t budge.

Oh, it'’s hopeless.

If only there were
another unicorn around

To give us advice.

Yeah. Like the unicorn
of the lake.

The you know what
of the huh?

The unicorn
of the lake.

to my knightly
trading cards,

There'’s a wise
unicorn that can
be found

the magical waters
of rainbow lake.

Nella: that'’s it.
I'’m sure

The unicorn of the lake
will know what we should do.

We need to get trinket
there as soon as possible.


But are you
sure the unicorn
of the lake can help?

Only one way
to find out, trink.

Let'’s all go
to the rainbow lake!

Nella: giddy-up!garrett: whoo-hoo!

Clod: are we
there yet?

Yeah. Where is this place?

It'’s got to be
around here somewhere.

Ohh! Look!

Clod and garrett: whoa!

Rainbow lake woods!

Trinket: it'’s
everything I love

into nature!

Everything here
is so pretty,

Even those
happy, little clouds.


Rainbow beams!


This place
may be beautiful,

But it'’s
dangerous, too!

Nella: trinket, look out!

Nella: run!

Hey. The rainbow
beams bounce
off my horseshoes.

That'’s awesome, trink!
Keep kicking!


Yes, perfect!

Garrett: aah! Aah! Whoa!

Yes! Thanks, nella.

Clod: helllllp!

Trinket: come on!

Whoa! Yaah!



And stay away, you
cute, little, puffy things!

Nella: trink, you did it!

Garrett: look!
There'’s rainbow rapids.

That should lead us
all the way down
to rainbow lake.

Then let'’s go!

Hoo! Thanks for helping
me out back there, guys.

You can thank,
trinket, clod.

She'’s the one
who kicked away most
of those rainbow beams.

That'’s the power
of sensible footwear.

You see--ohh!

Garrett: trinket,
are you all right?

My horn! I think
it'’s coming loose!

Garrett: loose?!oh, boy!

Now wait
a minute, trink.

It'’s gonna be ok.

Ok?! My horn
is wobbly.
It'’s wiggly.

What if part
of it falls off?!

That'’s not
gonna happen.

Yeah. We won'’t let it!

Here! This should
keep it in place

Until we reach
the unicorn of the lake.

I'’m sure she'’ll be
able to help us, trink.

I sure hope so.

Rainbow rapids!

So pretty.

That'’s what you said
about those

Puffy, little
clouds, buddy.

Getting down this
raging river

Won'’t be easy.

So how are
we gonna do it?

Nella: grab a branch
and hop on in, guys!

We'’re going
rainbow water rafting.

Hold tight!
Here we go!

Garrett: whoo-hoo!

Keep paddling,

Lean left,
now right.

Now hang on!



[Others gasp]

Um, did my horn
just break off?


And did it just bounce
into the river?


I see. Would you all
excuse me for a moment?


Aah! My horn!
My horn!

What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?!

We'’ll take care
of it, trinket.
I promise!

Clod: look! It'’s
floating away!

Garrett: paddle
after it! Hurry!

My horn is what
makes me special, nella.

Without it, I just
look like a horse.

Nella: you'’re special
with or without
a horn, trink,

But don'’t worry.

The unicorn
of the lake
can fix it.

We'’ve just got to
reach that horn

Before it floats

almost there.

Um, w-what'’s
that over there?

Garrett: a rainbow

Nella: keep
paddling, guys.

I'’ll grab that horn
with one of my
ribbon arrows.

Just need to
steady myself,


[All scream]

Clod: everybody ok?

Yeah, but where'’s

And where'’s my bow?

Over there!

Nella: she'’s ok.clod: yeah...

But we'’re not.

Garrett: the waterfall!
Paddle away from it!

Aah! It'’s sucking
us toward it!

Trinket, I need my bow.
Help us!

Ohh. I'’m coming, guys!


I got it!

Hurry! Trinket!

Ohh! My horn!
There it is!

Oh, no. It'’s floating
the other way.

If I don'’t go
after it now,

It'’ll be lost



uh, come on, come on!

Nella: come on, trink.

Here I come, guys!


Your bow, nella!


Whoo-hoo! Ohh!

Garrett: it'’s too late!

Clod: oh! We'’re
going over the edge!

Don'’t worry, guys.

Everyone, grab
an end of the ribbon.


Now get ready!

, , ...


Hop in, trink!

Oh, yeah!whoo-hoo!


We'’re safe
at last!

And look. There'’s
rainbow lake.

Nella: and it'’s all
thanks to you, trinket.

I'’m glad
everyone is
safe and sound,

But without my horn,

This whole journey
has been for nothing.

I'’ve lost the only
thing that ever

Made me special.

Aw, trink.

♪ Like a ring
without a diamond ♪

♪ Like a sea
without a shore ♪

♪ Without my horn,
I'’m different ♪

♪ I'’m not special anymore ♪

♪ You'’re more
than how you look, trink ♪

♪ Yeah-eah ♪

♪ You'’re all the things
you say and you do ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ It'’s what'’s inside
that matters ♪

♪ It'’s what you'’re
all about ♪

Nella: ♪ that'’s what
makes you you ♪

♪ That'’s what
makes you you ♪

♪ That'’s what makes
you you ♪

♪ You ♪

I'’ve never been
more moved
in my life.

Well, except
for last week

When I tried on
that new hoof polish

That everyone
loved so much.

No. I take
that back.

This is even

Aw. Thanks,
you guys.

I am more than
just my horn,
way more.

All: whoa!

It'’s the unicorn
of the lake.

Hello, trinket.

How do you know
my name?

Hee hee. I know
all unicorns
by name,

And I know all
that'’s happened
during your journey

To these
magical waters.

Wow! I love
your nail polish.

Thanks! I love
your shoes.

Ha ha ha!

But the true beauty
of a unicorn

Comes from within,

And your devotion
to your friends,
trinket, is

A rare and
wonderful thing.

To always remind you
of just how special
you truly are,

Please accept
this little gift.

My horn!

It'’s back, it'’s back!

And better than ever!


Thank you so much,
unicorn of the lake.

Of course.
Just remember,

♪ You'’re more than
how you look, girl ♪

♪ Yeah-eah ♪

♪ You'’re all
the things you say
and you do ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

All: ♪ it'’s what inside
that matters ♪

♪ It'’s what you'’re all about ♪

♪ That'’s what
makes you you ♪

♪ You ♪


[Indistinct chatter]

Boy: ooh!
I like that. Neat!

Whew! That was
a heavy one.

Old cloaks,
royal backpacks,

Purple griffin

Yeah. We have
a lot of stuff
we don'’t use anymore.

Good thing we'’re
having great big

Yeah. That way,
we can share
this stuff

With people
who can use it.

What are you
giving away, trink?

Oh, a bunch
of horseshoes
I don'’t wear anymore

Like these.

They'’re so last
galloping season,

And so are these
and these and--

Hey! Is that
prince teddy-corn?

Oh, my gosh!
What is he
doing in there?

I'’m not giving
him away.

He was my favorite
toy when I was
a baby unicorn.

I used to sleep
with him every night

And take him

We were like
two peas in a pod,
never apart.

That'’s so sweet.

Sounds like you sure
loved him a lot.

Not loved, nella--

He must have gotten
into my box by accident.

Isn'’t that right,
my cutie-patootie

Quickfoot: trinket,
what are you doing

With that...

All: baby toy?

Oh. Uh, hey, guys.

Welcome to our
great big giveaway.

Is that yours?


Oh. Uh, this?

That baby toy.

Oh. Well, uh, he--
he was mine,

But I don'’t play
with him anymore

Or anything because
I'’m not a baby.

See? I'’m giving
him away.

What? But you just
said you were keeping him.

Ahh, ha ha ha! Nope.

You must have
misheard me, nella.

Feel free to give
this baby toy

To whoever wants it.

Nella: are you sure?

Totally! I mean, he'’s
not even fuzzy anymore.

His fur'’s
all bristly now. Ick!

Uh, ok. If you say so.

Now come on, girls.

Queen mom'’s giving away
some of her old purses.


Hmm. Ohh!

Now this I could use!
Ha ha!

Ahh. Very bristly,

Just the right amount
of scratchiness.

Ahh. Perfect
for doing dishes!

Nella: oh,
hey, griffin.

Did you say,

Totally. I cooked
a big fish supper last night,

And this bristly
little thing

Is just what I need
to scrub

Off the greasy
fish scales.

Can I have it?

Well, I guess
you can.

Trinket did say
she was giving
it away.

Sweet! Fish grease
and grime

Are gonna be
no match for this.

Heh heh. See you!


Trinket: phew! Well,
that was a close--

Uh, nella,

Where is
prince teddy-corn?

I game him to griffin.

You did what?!

Yeah. Griffin wanted
to use the old, bristly fur
to clean his dishes.

He had a--
do his dishes?!

Ohh! I have to
get him back!

Whoa! Whaa!

Oh, no!

Oh, my gosh, trink.

I'’m so sorry.

You said it was ok
to give

Your teddy-corn away,

So that'’s what I did.

I know. It'’s just
I only said that

So my friends
wouldn'’t think
I was a baby!

But you don'’t have
to worry

About what other
people think.

If you like something,
you should keep it.

It'’s too late
for that now, nella.

I guess I'’ll never see
prince teddy-corn again!

Ohh. Of course
you will.

Don'’t worry, trink.

I know how much
prince teddy-corn
means to you.

That'’s why we'’re
going on a quest
to rescue him.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine
my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

No matter how low I feel,
that always picks me up.

Come on! Follow
that griffalsnook!

Trinket: I'’m coming
for you, prince

Hang on, nella.

Both: whoa!

Uh-oh! Mud puddles!

Normally, I try to
avoid mud

Like I avoid wearing
stripes with polka dots,

But today, I say,
"bring it on!"

Griffin: ♪ do do do do ♪

Griffin, wait!

♪ La dee da
doop dee do ♪

♪ Gonna wash
my dishes ♪

♪ With this
bristly boop ♪

Oh, no, but now
he'’s shaking those trees!

Trinket: and knocking
pine cones everywhere!

Look out!

Don'’t worry, trink.
A little batting practice

With my jousting lance
ought to do the trick.

Go, nella, go!

Nothing'’s gonna
stop us from getting

Prince teddy-corn now!

We'’re gaining
on the griffalsnook!

♪ Do do dese
can'’t wait ♪griffin, wait!

♪ To scrub off
that scaly grease ♪

Ohh! He can'’t hear us!

I'’ll just have to
get closer!

Huh!go get him, nella!

Whoa! Ohh!





I'’m coming!

Ooh! Gotcha!

Ooh. Thanks, trink.

I almost reached

But then he turned

[Both gasp]

Windy peaks mountain!

That must be
where he lives.

Oh, dear, but that'’s
the tippiest toppiest
part of windy peaks.

Then to the tippiest
toppiest point we'’ll go!

Come on!

For prince teddy-corn!

Hold onto me, trink.

I'’m holding, nella.

[Both groaning]


Whoa! Aah!


Oh, trink.
I'’m sorry.

It'’s ok, nella.
This is all my fault.

I didn'’t want my friends
to think I was a baby,

And now, a griffalsnook
is about to use him

To wash his greasy dishes!

No way. We can still
get up there in time.

We'’re on a quest,
and we can'’t give up.

But we already tried.

The whirlwind is
just too powerful.

Ohh! That'’s it!

We'’ll use
the whirlwind'’s power

To help us climb!

Yeah. We'’ll ride

The whirlwind
to the top
of windy point...

On my shield!

Girl, what are you
talking about?

Ha ha! Trust me.

We'’ll ride
the wind up

Just like
griffin did.

Ok. If you think
we can do it,

Then I do, too!

Great! Now get ready!

Both: whoa!

Nella: like this. Lean!

Trinket: whoo-hoo!
We'’re doing it, nella!

We'’re riding the wind!

Both: whoa, whoa, whoa!

We made it all
the way to the top.

Now come on!
Let'’s find griffin.

Griffin: ♪ do do ♪

♪ Doop de dish ♪

♪ Soon, my dishes won'’t
smell like fish ♪

Ok. Time to scrub-a-dub.

Trinket: wait!

Huh? Hey. Uh, nella?!

Nella: hey, griffin.
This is trinket.


What are you guys
doing all the way
up here at windy peak?

Griffin, I'’m afraid
there'’s been

A big misunderstanding.

You see, that teddy-corn
in your hand

Belongs to me.

It does?

Uh-huh, and I didn'’t
really want to give him away.

Oh. Well,
in that case...

Oh, teddy,
you'’re back!

I love him. It'’s true,
and I don'’t care
who knows it!

That is so sweet.

I totally get it,

I'’d be miserable
without my griffy-loo.

Ok. I'’ll find another
way to scrub my dishes.

It'’s no problem.

Um, hmm. Let me see.

Ooh! I know what to do!

Will this do the trick?

Hey! That'’s
even better!

Way more bristly!

Ohh! Ho ho ho!

How can I thank you
for this?

Ooh! I know.
How about a ride
back to castlehaven?

We'’d love that!

Well, then.


Ha ha ha!

Nell and trinket:
this has got to be

The best ride home ever!

ahh. There you go.

Nella: thanks, griffin!

Trinket: thanks, griffin!

Well, my dishes
aren'’t gonna
wash themselves.

Got to fly.
See you!


Quickfoot: hey, trinket.
Check out

These fabulous purses
we just got.

Look. It'’s that
baby toy.

Actually, he'’s
my baby toy,

And I still love him
very much.

Starprancer: huh.
Well, I guess he does

Make a fab accessory!

So we'’re about to get
some strawberry fizzies.

Want to come with?

Maybe later.
Right now,

I'’m gonna clean up
prince teddy-corn.

He'’s had a long day.

Ok. See you soon.

I'’m proud of you,

You stood up
for yourself
and what you love,

No matter what
anyone else thought.

Thanks, nella!

Both: aw! Ha ha ha!