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01x39 - Knight Riders/The Knight Who Cried Seamonster

Posted: 10/05/22 18:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

Hammer, wrench,
sequins, glitter,

Pom poms.


Love it, love it, love it!

It'’s so us.

Yep, it'’s the perfect
racer for us

To drive in the big
castlehaven go-cart race.

We'’re gonna be drivin'’
and stylin'’.

nella, look.

Whoo-hoo!wow, this is awesome.


Hey, guys, check out
the racing go-cart

We made for the big race.


May I present
the "speedy dragon."

It'’s awesome, guys.

nella, that'’s what our
carriage is missing--

A name!

What are we going
to call it?

Clod: well, it'’s really
pink and shiny.

And it'’s fast
as lightning.

I'’ve got it.

I, princess nella,
hereby dub thee,

The "pink thunderbolt."

The "pink thunderbolt."

With a name like that,
we'’re bound to win.


That means we have to get
to the starting line.

Come on, the race
is about to begin.

Oh, yeah!

Welcome to the castlehaven
go-cart race.

All contestants, please
report to the starting line.

Whew! We made it
just in time.

The race course will take
our racers through the forest,

Across great geyser meadow,

Around the winding
river roadway,

Through the
swampy marshland,

And back to the kingdom.

The first home-made go-cart
to cross the finish line

Will be declared the winner

And receive this.

Look at that
gorgeous trophy.

Do you think we actually
have a chance to win it?

Not with me racing.

Wow, cool.

Oh, hey.
Like my new ride?

It'’s incredible,

You actually made that?

Of course not.
My dad bought it for me.

I call it
the "champion,"

Because that'’s what
it'’s going to be

At the end of
this race.

Check it out.
It'’s got an ultra fast

Pedal-powered engine,
super-traction tires,

And a dashboard
control panel for
some special tricks.

Don'’t tell me these are
what you guys are racing in.

What a cute craft project
you'’ve got there, nella.

Is there an actual go-cart

Under all that glitter
and ribbon?

Don'’t worry, blaine.

The "pink thunderbolt"
is going to do just fine.

please get ready.

The race is about to begin.

Well, I'’ll see you guys
at the finish line.

You can'’t miss me.

I'’ll be the one
holding the trophy.

come on, trink.

I just know the
"pink thunderbolt"
can win this race.

Ok. But blaine'’s racer
looked pretty powerful.

I'’m not so sure
the "pink thunderbolt"

Will be able to beat it.

Don'’t worry, trink.

Blaine'’s car
may be fast,

But sometimes it takes
more than that

To win a race.

it takes heart.


Heart means having the
courage to keep trying

No matter what.

Well, then, let'’s
give this race

All the heart we got.

on your mark,

Get set,


[All cheering]

Clod: whoa!

Wow. I knew blaine'’s
racer would be fast,

But not that fast.

Come on, trink.
Let'’s show him what

The "pink thunderbolt"
has got.

[Both panting]

Come on, garrett.

It'’s working!
It'’s working!


Aww. They actually
think they can win.

Heh heh heh!



Whoa! Whoa! Ahh!

Oh! That wasn'’t fair.

[Blaine laughing]

Nella: hang in
there, trinket.

This race
isn'’t over yet.

And look, we'’re
heading straight

Into great geyser meadow.

Wow, what a pretty area.

I wonder why they call it
great geyser--


Oh, mummy!

Well, I got my answer.


Wow, these geysers
are everywhere.

Maybe they'’ll slow blaine
down a little.

Oh, look, geysers.
This ought to be fun.

Yeah! Heh heh heh!

Nope, didn'’t slow
him down at all.

Oh, no! Look, we'’re
heading for the biggest
geyser yet.

Hold on, trinket.
I'’ve got an idea.

Full speed ahead.

Trinket: eee!nella: whoa!

Uhh! Uhh!



And we'’re in the lead.


What? Nella and trinket?
How did they do that?

Trinket: "pink
thunderbolt," away!


Uh-oh. Blaine is
gaining on us.

So they think they can
beat the "champion"?

Well, I'’ll show them.




Oh, no!



Blaine: yeah!

Oh, no, we'’re stuck.

That'’s it?
We'’re out of the race?

We might as well
give up, nella.

Oh, no, trink.
We'’re not giving up,

Because we'’ve got
a secret w*apon.

We do?

Yes, we do. Heart.
Don'’t forget...

♪ Hearts that power,
that beats inside you ♪

♪ That feeling
deep within your chest ♪

♪ Heart gives courage,
it helps to guide you ♪

♪ Believin'’ you can
do your best ♪

♪ So make sure
you have heart ♪

♪ So make sure
you have heart ♪

♪ Yeah, make sure
you have

Both: ♪ har-ar-ar-ar-art ♪

♪ Make sure you have heart ♪


We'’ve got heart,

And that means we'’re
never giving up.

Come on, trink.

We'’ve got a lot of
catching up to do.


[Engine vrooms]

Ah, what a lovely day
to win a trophy.

faster, clod.

We'’ve almost caught
up with blaine.


Huh. Will you look at that?

I totally forgot
those guys were

In the race with me.

Well, I can fix that
in a jiff.


Oh, no!



Oh, dear.

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

We'’re sinking.


What was that?

It sounded like
garrett and clod.

We'’re sinking!

Nella: they'’re in trouble.
We'’ve got to help them.

Don'’t worry, guys.

My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’
bright ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ The princess knight ♪

That always makes
my heart race.

Nella, help us!

Just hold tight, guys.


There, that ought
to help.

Ok, let'’s do it.

[Both grunting]

This is so cool.

Nella: almost.



Whew. Thanks, nella.

But now the "speedy
dragon" is broken,

And we'’ve made you guys
lose the race.

What do you mean lose?

The race isn'’t over yet,
is it?


Then we can'’t
give up.

But blaine'’s
so far ahead.

Listen to me.

We may be down, but
we'’re not out yet.

And we'’re not going
to stop until

We'’ve given it our all.
Know why?

No, why?

Because we'’ve
got heart.

♪ So make sure
you have heart ♪

♪ Yeah, make sure
you have har-ar-ar-art ♪

♪ Make sure you
have heart ♪

Now let'’s get this
dragon thunderbolt
on the road.

Dragon thunderbolt?


This is marvelous.

Yeah, here we come!

Dragon thunderbolt!

[All panting]


Here we go!

Well, race fans,
the winner of the race

Should be arriving here at
the finish line any moment.

And it looks like
we won'’t have to wait long.

Blaine is in the lead
and heading our way.

Way to go!
Almost there, blaine!

Ah, the finish line.

I'’d better make sure
I look my best

For when they give me
that trophy.

What?! I can'’t believe it.

Don'’t those guys ever quit?

Dragon thunderbolt,

Wait a minute!

It looks like
the "pink thunderbolt"

Has joined forces with
the "speedy dragon,"

And they'’re catching up.
I can'’t believe it.

Clod: I can see
the finish line.

Come on, guys.
It'’s now or never.

[All grunting]

There'’s no way I'’m
losing this race.

Time to bring back
my tower tires.

See ya!

Oh, no!
Blaine'’s cheating again.

Don'’t worry, trink.
We'’re not giving up.

Yay! Whoo-hoo!

Yeah, nella!

Ahh. Oh, no!



Oh! Uhh.

All: yeah!

What? But that'’s not fair.

I was supposed to win.




Tell us, nella, what'’s
your secret to success?

Well, it took
some teamwork,

A little bit of luck,
and lots and lots of heart.

All right!

Ooh, nella, I just
love, love, love
your family boat--

Sparkly without
going overboard.


It'’s perfect for some
fun water critter

Ooh, I hope we get to see
some pink-stripe pufferfish.

Ooh, or maybe some
jumping jellyfish.

Boing! Boing!

Heh heh heh.
Careful, buddy.

You don'’t want to scare
off any water critters.

Most of them get frightened
by even the slightest sound--

[Horn blares]huh?

[Horn blares]

Look out!

What is that?

Oh, hey.

Blaine, is this your boat?

Of course it is.
It'’s awesome, like me.

What a boat.nice ride.

Yeah. It'’s called
the "sea stallion."


It'’s pretty much
got everything.

You'’ve got your
a*t*matic rowing system,

Your personal burrito


And listen to this--
different horns.

[Different horns blaring]


The noise from your
horn is scaring away

All the
water critters.

Pfft! Who cares about
seeing all the tiny
fish around here?

I'’m going where the water
critters are way cooler--

Foggy waters.

[Gasps] that'’s where
the moat lake monster lives.

The moat lake what now?

The moat lake monster.

He'’s a mysterious
water critter

That no one has
ever seen before.

I'’d show you his
knightly trading card,

But he doesn'’t
even have one.

Ugh. Sounds boring.

Even if I did run into
any water monsters,

They'’d be no match
for the "sea stallion."

Know why?
'’Cause it'’s the best.

Ok, but be careful, blaine.

Foggy waters can be
pretty dangerous.

Heh! You'’re
just saying that

Because your tiny
boat could never
make it out there.

system engaged.

All: whoa!

Blaine: full speed ahead
toward foggy waters.

Come on, guys.
Don'’t mind him.

Let'’s get back to our
water critter watching.

Come on!

[Gasps] look,
a snorklemander.


Blaine does not know what
he'’s missing out on.

These creatures
are so cool.

Yeah. I hope he'’s
ok out there on
foggy waters.

♪ Who'’s the greatest
sea captain ♪

♪ To sail the sea ♪

♪ With the awesomest boat
you ever did see? ♪

♪ More courageous or handsome,
he just couldn'’t be ♪

♪ He'’s charming,
he'’s brilliant ♪

♪ He'’s dashing, he'’s me ♪

♪ Wey-ho, it'’s blaine, yo ♪

♪ Wey-ho, it'’s blaine-- ♪


Dragon burps!
My camera.

Huh? Now I see why
they call these foggy wat---

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, no. Overdrive.

I'’m being att*cked--whoa--
by my own burrito machine.

Abandon ship!
Abandon ship!


My boat,
the "sea stallion."

It'’s totally wrecked by
these rotten rocks.

[Sighs] nella was right.

Quick, nella, look.
A pink-striped pufferfish.

Oh, my gosh.
He'’s so adorable.

I know, right.

Hey, look, there'’s
another water critter.

Clod: wow!
And it'’s a--a--

Um, it could be a

Or a dizzy ducky?

No, wait.
It'’s a...blaine?


Nella: blaine?

What happened?

Where'’s your boat?

Um, well, uh...

Are you ok?

Uh, yeah, but...

[Gasps] oh, no!

Did you see the
moat lake monster?

[All gasp]

The moat lake monster?

Uh, yeah,
the moat lake monster.

That'’s exactly
what happened.

I saw the moat
lake monster

And he took my boat.

[All gasp]
took your boat?

Yes. Ooh,
it was horrible.

I was peacefully steering
my beautiful boat

Through foggy waters
when out of nowhere

Came the
moat lake monster.

Oh, my goodness!

First, he splashed me
with his big tail,

Then he growled at me with
his big yellow teeth.

But was I afraid?


No! I fearlessly
battled the brute

And chased him away.

But not before he
took my boat.

That'’s just not right.

I know.

And I would have taken a
picture of the horrible beast,

But he gobbled down
my camera, too.

I'’ll miss you, "sea stallion."

Aw, there,
there, blaine.

Yeah, come let cloddy
give you a big hug.

I think they actually
believe me.

That monster can'’t
just go around

Taking things from people.

We'’ve got to do

I know. I know.
What can we do?

We can go to foggy
waters and get
your boat back.

My heart is bright,

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’
bright ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ The princess knight ♪

Now that'’s a lifesaver.

Come on, blaine.
Let'’s go.

Go? Go where?

We'’re going to speak to
that mean moat lake monster

And ask him to give you
your boat back.


Come on.

We'’ll be back soon, guys.

She'’s so brave.go, nella!

Garrett: whoo-hoo!

I don'’t see him

Oh, well, guess we'’ll
never find him.

Let'’s give up.
No way.

We'’re not giving up
on your boat
that easily, blaine.

[Wind howls]

If we can just make it
through this wind.

Wait a minute.
The wind. That'’s it.


Full speed ahead.

I can'’t really
see through this fog.

Yeah, it'’s impossible
to see through.

So we should probably
head back, right?

Nope. We'’ll just
use this.

Ugh. Why doesn'’t
she ever give up?

Hey, what is that?


Excuse me,
moat lake monster?

Are you there?
We need to talk to...


[Gasps] wait.
Is that your boat?

Wait a minute.

If the "sea stallion"
is here,

Then so are the rocks
I crashed into.

Nella, look out.


Both: whoa!





Whoa. Nice going, nella.

You didn'’t crash your boat
into the rocks like I did.

[Gasps] oops.

Like you did?

But I thought you said
the moat lake monster

Took your boat?

Uh, yeah, that...

Well, the thing is
I actually crashed
the "sea stallion"

Into these rocks.

There is no monster.
I made it all up.

But why?

Because I made
such a big deal

About being the best
sea captain ever

And how my boat was so
much better than yours.

I thought if I told
you what happened,

You guys would
laugh at me.

We'’d never laugh
at you, blaine.

Yar! Hello.

Nella, it'’s the moat
lake monster.

Get me out of here!

Blaine, wait!

Where'’s he going?

Oh, I think he
just got scared.

Hey, wait a second.
You'’re not mean?

Who, me?

Nah! I'’m just a big,
old friendly fish.

Nice to meet you.
Barno'’s the name.

Hi, barno. I'’m nella
the princess knight.

A real life princess knight.

Well, what are you doing

All the way out here
on foggy waters?

It'’s a long story,

But I sailed out here
with my friend blaine--

Blaine: wah! Help!

Oh, no, he'’s getting
blown around by
those wild winds.

I have to help him.

Reckon I can help with that.

How about a tow?

Don'’t happen to have
any rope, do you?

Who needs rope
when you'’ve got ribbons?

Go long, barno.

Ah! Got it.


Hit it, barno.

Nella: whee!

Nella, help!

Hold on, blaine.


And you can'’t
forget your boat.

Set sail to
castlehaven, barno.

Aye, aye, captain nella.


Barno: yar!

Oh, no, it'’s the moat
lake monster.

And he'’s got nella.

And blaine.


Be careful.whoa, look out!

It'’s ok, everyone.

This is barno.

He helped us
get back here.

Ahoy there.
Ha ha ha!

Barno, these are my friends--

Trinket, garrett, and clod.

Nice to meet you.charmed.

Wait a second.
I thought you said

The moat lake monster
was mean, blaine,

And that he
took your boat.

Uh, actually,
it wasn'’t true.

[All gasp]

I'’m really sorry,

Barno'’s not mean at all.
He and nella saved me.

Yar. So this
must be yours?

My camera.
Thanks, barno.

Excuse me, mr. Moat lake
monster barno sir,

But do you think we
could take a picture

For your very own
knightly trading card?

Of me?
Oh, well, sure.

Let me just fix
me fins here.

Ok, yar ready.

Say "yar."


All: yar!
