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01x40 - The Courage Carriage/Castlehaven Rescue Club

Posted: 10/05/22 18:51
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

Go, trink, go!

I wouldn'’t stop
for all the sparkle

In sparkleburg, nella![Giggles]

Excited to see
the unicorn of
the lake, huh?

Excited? Nella,
she'’s invited us

To a unicorn
brunch picnic!

Good thing we'’ve
got our carriage.

We'’ll be sure to
get there extra quick.

[Gasp] look out!



[Gasp] badalf?

Oh. Sorry, nella.

I took that last turn
a little too fast.

Terry told me
to slow down,

[Baby talk]
but the silly wizard
didn'’t listen

To his big, smart goat,
did he?

[Baaa][nella laughs]

It'’s ok, badalf.

I'’m just glad
everyone'’s all right.

Hey, what'’s that?

Uh, oh, oh, that?

That'’s just, uh, paint.
Ha ha!

Both: paint?

Yes, yes.
You see,

Terry decided he wanted

To paint his room
bright orange,

And--and then
I realized

We could both
paint our rooms.

We could paint
the whole castle!

That must be
a lot of paint.

It'’s a lot of castle.
Anywho, off to paint!


Hmm. Even when
badalf seems nice,

I can'’t help but wonder
if he'’s up to something.

Come on, nella,
we can'’t worry
about him now.

The unicorn
of the lake

Is waiting
for us.

You'’re right, trinket.
To the rainbow woods.

Both: woohoo!

Ohh...are we sure

These are
the rainbow woods?

They'’re all dark and--

Aah! Spooky!

These are definitely
not the rainbow woods

I know and love, nella!

You'’re right, trink.
Something very strange

Is going on here.

[Gasp] I hope

The unicorn
of the lake'’s ok.

Don'’t worry.
We'’ll find out
what'’s going on.

Come on!

Uh, trink?


Come on.

Actually, I have to

Tell you
something, nella.

What is it, trink?

I'’m...i'’m scared.

That'’s ok.

I'’m just
not so sure

I'’m brave enough
to make it

Through all--[lightning]

Aah! This!

Trink, don'’t worry.

Everyone gets
scared sometimes.

I know I do.


Yeah. But I try
not to let

Being scared stop me.

That'’s what really
makes someone brave.

And today, we'’ve
got to be brave.

The unicorn of the lake
could be in trouble.

Come on.
I know you can
do this, trink.

Ok. I can do this.

Phew. We made it.
Rainbow lake.

Are you sure?

It looks horrible.

Voice: yes,
it does, trinket.

[Gasp]trinket and nella:
the unicorn of the lake!

your stylishness.

Madame unicorn,

What happened
to the woods?

What we unicorns have
always feared, nella.

Someone has stolen
the rainbow prism.

Trinket: nooo!

What exactly is
the rainbow prism?

It'’s only
the crystal that
gives the unicorn world

All of its
color and light.

Unicorn of the lake:
yes, nella.

That'’s why rainbow
woods has lost

All of its pizzazz.

And the longer
the prism is gone,

The darker and gloomier
our forest will get.

Oh, no.
We'’ve gotta do
something, trink.

We have to find out
who took the rainbow prism

And get it back.

That'’s the only way
to save rainbow woods.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

[Gasp] ohh! Ha ha!

I know, right?

Don'’t worry,
madame unicorn.

We'’ll find
the rainbow prism

And be back
as fast as we can.

Come on, trink,

We'’re going on
a quest to save

Rainbow woods.

Oh, nella, how will we

Ever find
the rainbow prism?

Well, maybe whoever
took it left some--

[Gasp] tracks!

Very colorful ones.

Just like
the tracks...

Both: badalf was making!

He must have had
the rainbow prism

In the back
of his wagon.

That'’s what was making it
glow so brightly.

Come on, trink,
we'’ve gotta catch up

With badalf, and quick.

I'’ll do
my best, nella,

But he must be
halfway up

Rainbow ridge by now.

Nella: come on.
Let'’s hurry.

[Panting] nella, look!
There he is!

Great job, trink!

Badalf! Did you take

The rainbow prism?

Uh, oh, oh,
this thing?
Uh, yep.

But why, badalf?

Because I realized
it would take me

Forever to paint
my castle.

It is just
silly big.

But with this,
redecorating will be

Easy as extra cheesy
plumberry pie. See?

[Trinket gasps]

That prism
belongs to
the unicorn world!

Time to run
for it, terry!

Hurry, trink.

You'’re not gonna get away
with this, badalf!

Oh, won'’t i?


Aah!oh, no!
Look out!



Yikes. Nella,

That'’s a really, really
long way down!

I can'’t go on.
I'’m not brave
enough, nella.

I'’m scared.

Trink, remember,
it'’s ok to be--

Oh, no!
That boulder'’s
gonna fall!


Both: [gasp] on the unicorn
of the lake!

We gotta help her!

You'’re not
too scared?

Yes, but I'’m not gonna
let being scared

Stop me from helping
a friend.

Way to go, trink.
Let'’s go!

[Trink grunting]

Try to get
ahead of it!



Loook ouuut!

you saved me.

Yeah, that was
amazing, trink.

You were so--courageous.

Yeah. I didn'’t let

Being scared stop me.

But we didn'’t get
the rainbow prism

Back, nella,

And the longer
the rainbow forest

Is without it,

The darker and
gloomier it'’ll get.

And we'’ll never
catch badalf now,

Not without
our carriage.

It'’s lost forever.

Unicorn of the lake:
I wouldn'’t be so sure.

Come. Do as I do,

[Nella gasps]

Your elegantness.
Our carriage.

H-how did you do it?

I didn'’t do it, trinket.
You did.

It was the power
of your courage

That lifted the carriage
out of the lake.

My courage?

Yes. Because even though
you were scared,

You didn'’t let it
stop you.

And that makes
your courage

Very powerful indeed.

Now. Repeat after me.

Brave unicorn
and princess knight

Have the courage
to make things right.

Both: brave unicorn
and princess knight

Have the courage
to make things right.

Both: whoa!

[Unicorn of the lake giggles]

Whenever you need,

You can turn your carriage

Into this courage carriage.

It will always
remind you

Of the courage
inside of you.

Try it, trinket.

Uh, ok.


Wow. Wh--what was that?

Oh, my gosh, trinket,
you were moving so fast.

I think
the courage carriage

Gives you super speed.

It does.

[Trinket gasps]
that means

We can catch badalf!

Then, come on, trink.

To badalf'’s castle!

Uh, nella?

Hold on!

Nella: goood iiideeea!

Ah, not bad if I do
say so myself, terry.

Before long,
our entire castle

Will have a glorious,
new look.



Back away from
the prism, badalf.

Nella? How did
you get here
so fast?

We don'’t let
being scared stop us

From doing what
we want, badalf.

That'’s called courage,

And there'’s nothing
more powerful.

Oh, dear.

Now, if you please,

We'’ll be taking
the rainbow prism back.

No! You--can'’t have it.

I need it for my castle!

gonna break!

Mmm. Not so sure.

We did it, nella.
We got the prism!

And now we can give
the unicorn world

Its pizzazz back.

Gah!nella: now let'’s
return the prism

To the unicorn
of the lake.

Both: to the rainbow woods.

Ah. Oh, well, terry.

Guess we'’ll have
to paint the castle

The old-fashioned

[Sigh] pass me
the big brush,

Would you, terry?


Ha! There.

Wow! Whoa!

Nella: ooh.
So beautiful. Wow.

Unicorn of the lake:
oh, thank you, nella.

Thank you, trinket.

The rainbow woods have
never looked better

You'’re so welcome,
oh, fabulous one.

And now, to celebrate,
we brunch!

Nella: whoa.
Unicorn brunch picnics

Are even more amazing
than I imagined.

Oh, nella,
this is wonderful.

I wouldn'’t trade
this moment for...

Both: all the sparkles
in sparkleburg!


[Nella giggling]

Ok, my turn.

I spy with
my little eye

Something that
lives in

A teeny, little

Hmm. Uh...[Gasp]


A cuckoo!

Yes! Wow, cici,

You'’re great
at playing "I spy."

Thanks! Now my turn.

I spy with my little eye

Something that'’s small,
red, and delicious! apple?

Nope. A strawberry.

Strawberry? Wow.

There'’s a little strawberry
in the cart, too.

How did you
pick that out?

Ever since
I got my glasses,

I have excellent vision.

Let'’s see
just how excellent.

Spy something
reeeally far away.

Ok. I spy
with my little eye

Blaine trying to
juggle pineapples

On a really high wall!

And a bunch of
cute goats below him.


[Both bleating]

Oh, that'’s
really dangerous.

Whoa! Whoa!

[Both bleating]nella: blaine! Oh, no!

It looks like he'’s gonna fall.

We'’ve gotta do something.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪


Aah, ooh-ooh-ooh!

Wah! Phew!

Thanks, nella!

[Gasp] she did it!

Man: amazing!

Way to go,

Aww, thanks,

But I couldn'’t have
done it without

Cici'’s amazing

Well, with
her eyesight

And your
knightly skills,

You two make a great
rescue team.

We do?

Yeah. In fact,
you know something?

Working together,
we could really help

People around

Yeah. We could be like

A kids'’ club
that helps people.

We could be

The castlehaven
rescue club.

Yeah! The castlehaven
rescue club!

Come on!

Ok. Let'’s get
this club started.

Uh, I'’m kinda new to

The rescue business,

What should I do?

Just use your
great eyesight

To be on the lookout

For anyone who
might need help.


[Gasp] those barrels are
rolling down the street!

And they'’re
headed straight for

Those fruit
vendors below!

Come on!





Nella! Behind you!


All right!

Oh, thank you, nella.

Don'’t thank me,

the castlehaven
rescue club.

Woohoo!people: hooray!

♪ If you feel stuck
and out of luck ♪

♪ Who can
you call? ♪

♪ When you'’re in need
of a noble deed ♪

♪ Who can you call? ♪

Both: ♪ the castlehaven
rescue club! ♪

♪ The castlehaven
rescue club! ♪

♪ If you'’re in trouble,
we'’re there on the double ♪

♪ The castlehaven rescue club'’ll
save the day! ♪

[Giggles] wowie!

This is so exciting!

Let'’s do another rescue.

Can we?
Can we?

[Giggles] well,
we can'’t just

Do another rescue, cici.

We have to wait
until we see--

[Gasp] look!
Those pipe organ movers.

They'’re about to fall
into that open manhole!

Good eye, cici.
I'’ll just--

I got this one!


Cici, wait!
Look out!


Excuse me!

Rescue club
coming through!

Sorry about that.

cici, be careful!


She didn'’t mean it.

I'’ll save you!


[Gasp] oh, no.

There! Whew.

You'’re safe and sound!


Oh, you don'’t have
to thank me.

Thank the castlehaven
rescue club.

Um, cici?

[Sigh] did you see how
I saved those guys?

Wowie. I'’ve never felt
so helpful.

What a great feeling!

So, who are we gonna
rescue next?

Yeah. Uh, cici,

I think we need
to talk about that.

Can'’t talk now, nella.

Castlehaven needs me!

Cici, wait!

Ha ha!



I'’ll help you
cross the street.

Huh? Oh!




But I didn'’t want
to cross the street.


I can help you
empty that!

But I just--ohh.

Cici, stop.

Nella! I'’m helping
so many people!

I'’ve never felt
so amazing.

That'’s great, cici, but

We can'’t help people
who don'’t need help.

Do you understand
what I'’m trying to say?

Yeah. You'’re saying

We make castlehaven

So people will never
be in danger!

Ahh, and we can
do it with pillows!

No, cici, that'’s not
what I'’m saying at all!


Ha ha!

Cici: there you go!

You'’re all pillowed up.

You'’re much safer now!

[Cici giggling]

could use

Some pillows,

Much safer!

Man: what'’s with
all these pillows?

[Woman gasps]woman : oh, no!

Woman : I don'’t like
the looks of that.

[Indistinct chatter]


There! Now
all of castlehaven

Is safe and sound!

But, cici!

Man: who is responsible
for this?

Oh, don'’t thank me.

Thank the castlehaven
rescue club.

Rescue club?

This is not rescuing.

This is not helping.
This is an outrage!

But, captain, she
didn'’t mean any harm.

No harm?
Look at my lance.

And my goats!

[Both bleating]

Man: and me!

It is kind of comfy, though.


Captain: cici,
your club

Causes too much

Therefore, the castlehaven
rescue club

Is hereby disbanded.

[Both gasp]

All: hooray!

Brigade! Let'’s clean up
these pillows.

All: aye aye, sir.let'’s go!


Cici, wait!


Oh, nella,

Oh, this is horrible.

I was just trying to help
keep castlehaven safe,

But then everyone
got mad at me.

I know.

Your heart was in
the right place, cici,

But maybe you got
a little...carried away?

I got a lot
carried away, nella.

It felt so good
helping people.

I just didn'’t
want to stop.

It'’s ok.
Everybody makes mistakes.

The important thing
is to learn from them.

Oh. I have.

If only I could have
a second chance.

I'’d do it all




Both: oh, no!

This beauty here
is the latest

In catapult technology.

Both: whoooaaa!


Oh, no!


Don'’t worry!

I'’ll stop this madness!

[Grunting] whoa!


[All groan]


Whoooa. Heeelp!

Both: everything'’s
out of control!

We need someone
to help!

We need--
we need

The castlehaven
rescue club!

Nella! Cici!

Both: huh?

Hurry! You'’re
the only ones

Who can help! Quick!

But what'’s going on?


Man: oh, no!

man: oh!
Woman: oh!

Oh, my goodness!

We gotta do something!

But where to begin?

Everybody needs help
all at once.

I can'’t even see
where to start!

I can!
I'’ll tell you, nella.

I spy with
my little eye...


Cici: knight brigade
captain in trouble.

[All gasp]


Got it.

Huh. I spy...

[Gasp] shopping cart
out of control.


I'’m on it.

Oh, thank you.

Runaway apples
and goats

Headed north, nella!

Apple delivery!

Nella: there.
Goats back where
they belong.

[Both bleating]

Whew! Great job,

You, too, nella.

[People talking at once]

Thank you, nella.

And thank you, cici.

Oh, it was nothing.

And I'’m sorry
for getting

Carried away before.

I only wanted to help!

We all understand that
now, cici.

I mean castlehaven
rescue club.

[Gasp] you mean...
Our club is back?

Of course!
♪ If you'’re in trouble ♪

♪ They'’re there
on the double ♪

All: ♪ the castlehaven
rescue club'’ll save the day! ♪

[People cheering]

Now this feels good.

It sure does.