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05x04 - Day 5: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Posted: 10/06/22 07:49
by bunniefuu
The t*rrorists are controlling the main terminal at Ontario Airport.

Today, your president and the president of Russia have come together to sign an anti-terrorism alliance.

I have hostages.

Unless President Logan and President Suvarov make a joint statement repudiating this accord, I will order their execution.

I want this handled! Do you understand? I don't care how you do it.

I don't care what it takes.

Fix it! David Palmer called me last night.

He said it was a matter of national security.

Those were his exact words.

I need to talk to you.

It's hardly a matter of national security.

- That's not what he said.

- Yes, it is.

No, that is a trick.

I know that all phone conversations are recorded.

Where do they store those transcripts? Archive room, down the hall.

This is Bill Buchanan.

I'm hoping we can resolve this peacefully.

I don't think you understand just how serious we are.

You make any efforts to enter the terminal, you will spend the rest of the day collecting body parts.

Jack, I'm going to need you to quarterback this thing from inside.

I'm staring straight down on the main concourse.

We've got 6 hostiles wearing expl*sive vests.

We have to assume their orders are to detonate if we try to make a move.

Hey, I got a woman, Diane Huxley, says she has info for CTU.

Diane, what's going on? What's wrong? Derek is inside the terminal.

You! No Curtis, they're moving another one of the hostages.

Oh, my God, it's Derek.

You have a problem at the terminal.

Jack Bauer is inside providing recon for CTU's rescue operation.


Bauer, Derek has 5 seconds left to live.

Beresch! We've been trying from here, but we still can't make contact with Jack.

Can you make a visual, Curtis? Negative.

Maybe Jack went dark intentionally.


He was talking to us when his transmission cut off.

We have to assume he's been captured or k*lled.

Which means we need to mount this as*ault without his help.

Without Jack directing our teams, success probability falls to less than 20%.

President Logan is going to sign this treaty in less than 1 hour.

If the t*rrorists are still in control, they'll k*ll all the hostages.

What do you want me to do, Bill? Work up an as*ault plan that doesn't include Jack.

All right, I'm going back to the staging area.

We'll coordinate from there.

Back to your stations.

Prepare to reconfigure.

All teams, stand down.

We're working up a new mission profile.


Bauer, what is CTU's as*ault plan? The boy means something to you, otherwise you wouldn't have given yourself up so easily.

Tell me the plan.

They're going to storm the north concourse doors on my command.

I'm coordinating the operation from in here.

Is there anyone else inside? No.

Get me the plans to the terminal.

You've been a great help.

We'll keep the boy alive from now.

Bring me another hostage.

Anything you do in here today will not stop that treaty from being signed.

The United States Government does not negotiate with t*rrorists, you know that.

Your President is a weak man.

He'll back down once more blood is spilled.

Not him.

You! Get up! Move! Move! I'm not your enemy Please Please, you don't have to do this.


I can help you buy more time, please! No! You don't have to do this now.

CTU was supposed to have raided the terminal by now.

Why haven't we heard from them? Bill Buchanan said they had a setback.

What kind of setback? They lost contact with Jack Bauer.

Why? What happened to him? They're not sure what happened to him, but they need to reconfigure their as*ault plan.


I'll tell the President.

Beresch is transmitting from the terminal.

He's got another hostage.

We have waited patiently for you to renounce this unholy pact with our oppressors, but we have heard nothing.

This is the cost of that silence.

What happens next is your choice, Mr.


If you choose to sign this corrupt document, understand that you will also be staining it with the blood of the remaining hostages.

If CTU can't pull this off in time, that's upwards of 60 people, Mike.

You know, I've never done anything in my presidency that I didn't feel was right for the country.

Of course not, Sir.

Nobody thinks otherwise.

I know I'm ambitious, that I want this treaty to be the hallmark of my presidency, but I never thought I would sacrifice innocent life.


President, you are not responsible for the actions of these murderers.

I could postpone this.

Sir?! I give them what they want, maybe nobody else has to die.

Do you think these people would actually release the hostages? We both know that would never happen.

You're doing the only thing you can do.


Logan, if someone altered the recording of your conversation with David Palmer, the President needs to know.


Not now.

Not yet.

What are you waiting for? Charles is much too preoccupied.

Between the Summit and the hostage situation, he's not in the frame of mind to deal with this.

Besides, he thinks I'm unstable.

Which means I have to show it to him in just the right way.

So, until the treaty is signed, I'm not letting this out of my sight.

What's happening? I'm sorry, I don't have time to explain.

You said you were going in to get the hostages.

We lost contact with Jack.

What does that mean? We're not sure what happened.

But we need to change our as*ault plan.

- Is Jack okay? - We don't know.

What about Derek? As soon as we get more information, I'll make sure you're told.

- Please, I - Ms.

Huxley I need to go.

The situation continues to grow more tragic.

We've just received a video feed confirming that another hostage has been ex*cuted inside the main terminal at Ontario Airport.

Jack Don't say anything.

We're going to get through this.

Just don't say anything right now.

You're going to call CTU and tell them you've revised your as*ault profile.

Tell them to come to the emergency door south of gate 12.

They won't just do that because I ask them to.

They'll need an explanation.

That's your concern, Mr.


Overwrite volume four with the approach vectors, and re-key with the airport grid.

Okay, hold on, just for one second.

We don't have one second.

We're running out of time to save the hostages.

Want some help, Spenser? He doesn't need any help.

Just keep managing the two-ways or else we're gonna have dropout.

Excuse me.

You're Ms.

O'Brian, right? - Who are you? - Lynn McGill.

I'm from District.

I met you when you came out for that memory management lecture.

If you say so.

What do you need? I need to talk to Bill Buchanan.

- Is he around? - He's in the Situation Room.

He's kind of busy right now.

I see him.


I look forward to working with you today.

You don't know who Lynn McGill is, do you? No, and I don't care.

Get back to work.

Once Curtis and his teams go in there, I want an update on deployment of HRT.



Buchanan, I assume they told you I was coming.

Lynn, please call me Bill.

If we were having a beer or something, but at work, it's better if we maintain a more formal mode of address.

Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Look, we're in the middle of final prep here I know, I understand President Logan wants us to go into the terminal as soon as possible.

Yes, before the treaty is signed.

Is Curtis Manning ready to send his teams in? He is, but we're flying blind.

My briefing sheet says that we have Jack Bauer on the inside.

And we haven't heard from him for close to 20 minutes now.

Well, that's interesting.

Lynn, I read the bulletin from Division, but I still don't know why you're here.

District was getting heat from the White House.

Heat about what? Jack Bauer.

They just want to know things are running smoothly.

- We're on track, Lynn.

- Well, I'm sure you are but that's my assignment.

Is your tactical wired through to all the servers? Yes, it is, you can go ahead and plug into Station Four.

I'd prefer to work from your office, Mr.


I hate to displace you, but I think I should have a central vantage point, and I just want to make sure that you're okay working from another station.



And, uh, it's not a big deal, but just so that everyone's clear on the chain of command, I think you should address me as Mr.

McGill in front of the others.

You know, Lynn, I'd rather not.

Just a suggestion.

Anyway, I need your office.

And that's not a suggestion.



Buchanan, it's Jack Bauer on line 1.

Is Curtis plugged into this call? I'm on, Bill.

Go ahead, put Jack through.

You're both on with Jack Bauer.

Jack, what happened? One of the hostiles got too close, I had to end the transmission.

All right, we'll restart the countdown.

Negative, Curtis.

We need to scrap the existing plan, find a new breach point.

My men are already in position.

They moved the hostages within the k*ll zone.

They'll be taken out with the crossfire.

There's an emergency door just south of gate 12.

It's unguarded.

You should be able to punch through with no opposition.

I see it, but I'm not comfortable with this entry point.

It's the only sh*t we've got.

Are you there now? Yes.

It's clear.

I'm in a flank two position.

I repeat, I am in flank two position.

Curtis, how long before your teams can redeploy? About 20 minutes.

The President's going to sign that treaty within 30 minutes.

I'll go as fast as I can.

Jack, I'll call you when my men are in position.

You can call us in.

Copy that.

I'll be standing by.

Ivan and Ishmael, stay with the hostages.

The rest of you come here.

Vlad, guard them.

- Manning.

- It's Buchanan.

How long until your people are ready to move on the t*rrorists? About 15 minutes.

Why so long? When Jack called and changed the breach point, I had to modify everything, including the expl*sives.

They have to be repositioned precisely.

Maybe it's a mistake to write down Jack's new information.

It might take too long.

Jack's aware of our deadline.

If he didn't think it was worth the delay, he wouldn't have made the call.

I trust him.

All right, Curtis, 15 minutes.

You have to make this happen.

I will.

Call when you're in position.


Buchanan? Mr.

McGill needs to see you in his office.

It'll have to wait.

Tell him I'm busy.

He said it had to be now.


No, I'm settled in fine.

If I need anything, I'll call.

Thanks, Donna.

What is it, Lynn? I'm up to my ears trying to coordinate this hostage situation.

Sit down, Mr.


Would you stop with the "Mr.

Buchanan"? We need to get this as*ault in motion now.

Sit down, Bill.

I informed the White House that the rescue operation is back on track.

Thank you.

I must admit, though, I felt a little inappropriate talking about an operation that I didn't personally review, so before you send your men into the terminal.

I'd like to see the Playbook.

Look, I can't have you micro-managing my work here, Lynn.

If you want to do my job, just let me know.

I'll go home.

Please don't be defensive.

I'm not challenging you.

I'm just trying to do my job.

I'll have Chloe send it to your laptop.

Anything else? That's all for now.

Bill? Fighting me isn't going to increase our chances of saving those people's lives.

Lynn wants to look at the revised as*ault plan.

Send it to him.

Does that mean he's running point, instead of you? It just means he wants to see the plan, Chloe.

Bill, Curtis just confirmed that his team will be ready in ten minutes based on Jack new intel.

As of this time, there is no word as to whether or not the president is going to call off the signing of the historic treaty agreement between the United States and Russia scheduled for just under an hour.

There been any response from the White House since we k*lled the last hostage? They released their statement confirming the signing of the treaty is going ahead as planned.

They won't capitulate, as long as they think their rescue attempt will succeed.

Once we k*ll them, then they'll realize their options have run out.

The only chance these people had of being rescued is gone because of me.

People were going to die here today, Derek.

That was their plan.

This is not your fault.

I'm the reason you went along with them.

If I wasn't here Stop it.

This is not over.

While there has been no official rebuke of the t*rrorists' demands, statements from the White House appear to confirm the president's position is unchanged, and that the treaty will be signed within the hour, as scheduled.

That puts the lives of the approximately 60 men, women and children being held as hostage in question.

Were the t*rrorists to carry out their intentions Good news, Sir.

CTU has reestablished contact with Jack Bauer.

The rescue operation is back on track.

But that's still no guarantee.

Excuse me, Sir? The hostages may be k*lled when we go in there.

Let's be honest.

That's more likely than not.

We don't know that, Sir.

President Suvarov is waiting for you outside.

You're walking outside together onto the stage.

We all agreed to the protocol.

It's time already? Yes, Sir.



Shall we? My people have just informed me that the as*ault has been delayed.

It's happening now.

It will happen before the treaty is signed.

Don't worry.


President, like you, I have staked much of my political future on the success of this treaty.

If this rescue attempt fails it will not only be rendered meaningless, it will become a mockery.

And so will we.

I'm here to escort Mrs.


The ceremony's beginning any minute.

- She'll be out in a moment.

- Oh, may I have a word? You're aware Mrs.

Logan was found in one of the archive rooms? Uh I don't know anything about that.

Aaron Pierce said you lied to him.

You told him Mrs.

Logan was in her room, when she was actually going through classified documents.

I don't think you understand just how grave this situation is.

What do you mean? Mrs.

Logan removed a document from the archive that contains highly-sensitive intelligence protocols.

That's not what she said it was.

What exactly did she say she took? I think that you should talk to her about this.

Evelyn, this is important.

What did she tell you? She said it was a transcript of a call she had with David Palmer.

And I'm sure when she said that, she believed it.

You're aware if this document finds its way into the wrong hands, that you'll be held responsible.

I'm not the one who took it.

No, you aided and abetted.

You'll not only lose your job, you'll be prosecuted.

That's not fair.

I tried to talk her out of this.

All I'm asking is that you tell me where did she put it.

She has it with her.

It's in her blouse.

She said she wouldn't let it out of her sight until she talked to the president about it.

Walt? Sorry to keep you waiting.

I'm ready now.

Presidents Logan and Suvarov will each make statements, which will be followed by the signing of the treaty.

There will be How much time will there be between the moment I step out on stage and when I sign the document? Not long.

Does CTU know that's how long they have to launch the rescue attempt? Yes, Sir.

They're completely synchronized with what's going on here.

I hope so.

The lives of those hostages depend on it.

Today was supposed to be the crowning achievement of my presidency.

Instead, everybody's waiting to hear what's going to happen at the airport.

So, how are you feeling? I'm fine.

Don't worry about me.

How come you just keep getting better looking as you get older, and I just keep getting older? What are you talking about? You're the most beautiful first lady Pennsylvania Avenue has ever seen.

Ladies and gentlemen, President Logan and President Suvarov.

The treaty signing is a minute and a half ahead of schedule.

Should you call Curtis and let him know he might need to speed up the as*ault prep? No.

Curtis is moving as fast as he can.

A call from me isn't gonna make him move any faster.

- I just thought he might like to - I said no, Chloe.

The only way to make sure the as*ault happens in time to save the hostages is to try to slow down the signing.

- What's wrong with Buchanan? - Nothing.

I think he just realizes we're not gonna be able to save the hostages.

Before we begin the treaty signing, I would like to address what's happening just a few miles away from here.

As you know, t*rrorists have already taken innocent life in an attempt to stop this historic treaty from being signed.

President Suvarov will not let this happen.

I will not let this happen! Yes, Mike? Bill I should have heard from you by now.

Have your men gone in yet? We're not quite ready.

You have to go in now.

The president's about to sign that treaty.

I understand.

We're pushing as hard as we can.

In the meantime, is there anything you can do on your end? Like what? Can you stall things? Can you slowdown the ceremony? Bill, the entire world is watching this on live television.

The presidents of the United States and Russia are on stage now.

This process has been set in motion.

No, I can't stall.

Okay, I'll call you back.


You stay on the phone with me.

I need to know the moment your people go in.

Yes, Sir.

This barbaric lawlessness that's taking place at Ontario airport, only underscores the need the necessity for this accord and for our continued vigilance and commitment to fighting terrorism around the world.

It looks like President Logan is going through with the signing.

He said he's not going to give in to your demands.

Are you sure this is going to work? It will work.

And the reason the president is so confident is that he thinks his rescue attempt will save the day.

Are you sure can end up that as*ault? As soon as the CTU agents come through the entry point that Jack Bauer fed to them, they'll all be k*lled.

One of the president's aides will then walk up to the podium and whisper into his hear that there'll be no rescue, that his signature on the treaty will be the death warrant of the hostages.

That will stop him, I assure you.

Well, just in case you're wrong and he signs the treaty, you'll be ready to carry out your thr*at? Every one of my men is committed to doing what needs to be done today.

We've upgraded our estimate of how many wounded there'll be.

I need ten more ambulances at the airport before we launch.


The rescue operation you're about to execute is radically changed from your initial approach.

It was revised based on new intelligence from Jack Bauer.

Which he phoned in after being dark for nearly 20 minutes; - I was there.

- Right.

I need to call you back.

Well, I can't say that his explanation for being out of touch is entirely satisfactory.

Jack said he was trying to avoid detection.

Wh What are you suggesting? There's too many unusual circumstances at work here I want to try to understand it better before we send our people in.

I'll need the entire transcripts of your communications with Mr.

Bauer since he's been inside.

To what end? Thouroughness.

I don't need a sorting run on the calls, just raw transcripts will be fine.

Fine, I'll send them to you.

Thank you.

Curtis in on line 3.

Curtis, what is your situation? My men are in place, and we're setting the entry charges.

- Any complications? - No.

We're also jamming the trigger frequency so Beresch can't detonate the vests remotely.

We should be able to make our entry on target.


Stay on the line with me untill we get the go.

Allright Bill.



Uh, Miss O'Brian, I'm trying to understand the transcript of Jack's last call to CTU, and there a few items I Mr.

McGill, I'm really busy trying to help keep revised as*ault on schedule - what do you need? - I understand, and don't want to slow you down, but I'd appreciate it if you unlock me volume five, there are a few things that I'd like to see.

I don't need to know what you'd like to see.

Okay, it's unlocked.


This Lynn McGill person's really slowing things down.

Yeah, that's his style.

I worked whith him before.

He usualy loses about, in the first couple of days after taking control of the new office.

That many people quit? No.

Mostly were fired.

In the volatile climate of twenty 1st century, the sharing of detering technologies.

by responsible powers, is the surest guarantee of global peace.

But let this accord be proof that our two great nation stand together in their comitment to fight the enemies of peace and freedom.

Akhmed found Chevensky.

He's dead.

He k*lled himself we found him in the baggage room.

What about the key card? Chevensky had it hidden right where he said he would.

Round up your men.

The rest of you will work cleanup on whoever makes it through that line of fire.

Assume CTU is in body armor, so go for the head sh*t.

You and you, guard the hostages.

k*ll anyone who tries to break away.

Head down! It is time, the black night is broken by the dawning of the light of global peace.


Jack, my men are in place.


Now, remember, I am in a flank two position make sure your men don't hit me when they come in.

Roger that.

Ready to start the countdown on your word.

Jack? Move in at your discretion.

All teams, we have a green light.

Counting down from 60 seconds on my mark.


Jack, we'll see you inside.

Everyone, 60 seconds.

Look out! Stop the as*ault! Put Curtis on the phone.

What are you talking about? They're walking into a trap.

Look at the transcript.

When Jack issued the command directive, he used the term "Flank two.

" Yes, he was trying to give us his position inside the terminal.

No, he wasn't.

"Flank two" is a duress code used to indicate the agent is communicating under duress.

We ran Jack's calls through a protocol filter if there'd been a duress signal in there, we would've found it.

You filtered through the current codes.

When Jack was active, "Flank two" was a duress code.

Chloe, confirm that.

Jack is trying to tell us he's being used to send misinformation.

If Curtis Manning's teams go in now, they'll be ambushed.

He's right.

Curtis, abort the countdown.

Repeat, abort, abort.

Stand down.

All teams stand down.

We're aborting entry.

Repeat, we're aborting entry.

Confirm that we're standing down.

What's wrong Bill? We detected a duress code in Jack's call.

We have to assume that t*rrorists are feeding him the information he gave us.

Redeploy your men according to the original as*ault plan and do not contact Jack.

If Jack contacts you, buy time.

Copy that.

We're moving.

You're gonna outflank the t*rrorists? Yes.

That should work.

All teams, reposition for entry through the east and north gates plan Bravo, repeat, plan Bravo through the east and north gates.

Go! Acknowledged.

Redeploy protocol one.

What's happening? Ma'am, I need you to step back to the vehicle.


He said 60 seconds three minutes ago.

What is CTU waiting for?! I don't know.

You heard what I heard.

It's Jack.


What's happening? There was a malfunction on the entry charges.

What's the time frame? Any minute.

They're resetting the detonators.

Stand by.

Copy that.

They're in position.

Stay ready! Yeah.

Is it done? No.

CTU hasn't att*cked yet.

You said it would happen before the signing.

And you told me the president would never let it go this far.

He's signing it.

You have no choice.

k*ll them all.

No! You okay? Yeah.

Secure the terminal.

Besides the hostiles, there appears to be no further casualties.

Repeat: remaining hostages are unharmed.

Good work, Curtis.

You get that, Mike? Got it.

Thanks for the good work.


President, I have some good news.

I have just received word that the crisis at the Ontario Airport is over.

The rescue operation that I authorized was successful.

The t*rrorists have been captured or k*lled.

And, best of all, this has all been accomplished with no further loss of innocent life.

Excuse me, agent! My name is Jack Bauer.

I know who you are, Sir.

Can I use your pick? This is Derek Huxley.

His mother is waiting for him at the command post.

- Can you please take him there? - Of course.

What about you? Come here.

I have to finish this.

Go take care of your mother.

- Yeah.

- Okay.


I'm missing one.

Everybody, I need your attention.

We're looking for a man who was being held here with you.

He's a white male, mid-30s.

He was wearing a bright yellow tie.

Did anyone see him leave? Anyone? Keep the hostages here until I get back.

Mom! Derek! They were going to k*ll me.

Jack saved my life.

He saves everyone's life.


Huxley, I need you and your son to follow me.

Can I see Jack Bauer? I'm sorry, I have instructions to transport you to CTU.

This way, please.

Mister President.


Thank you very much.

Thank you.

- Charles? - Oh, watch your step honey.

I need to talk to you.

Sweetheart smile, it's over.

Charles, I just need a few minutes alone with you.

Yes soon.

No! Not soon, right now this is very important.

Martha, when I am done with this, I'll call for you.

I promise.

All right, this ends now.

I have played my role without interfering.

Now it is time for you to attend to me.

And I will.

Charles, do not patronize me! Something is going on.

I am not crying wolf again.

Martha please do not ruin this moment for me.

We'll talk later.


Everything all right? No, it's not all right.

I have to talk to my husband.

The situation is more dangerous than he realizes.

Whoa, and what situation is that? I'm sorry, Walt.

I can only talk to Charles about this.

Curtis just confirmed the area's been contained and they're reporting only minor injuries among the hostages.

Good, thank you.

You should probably route all field updates through Mr.

McGill, for the time being.



Bill, if you have a moment.

Lynn, uh.

I owe you an apology.

For what? Well, if you hadn't recognized the duress code that Jack transmitted, well Bill, you're the reason I figured out what he was doing.

What do you mean? Well, I admit, I was suspicious of Mr.

Bauer, but you were so adamant about his integrity that I just looked for a way to reconcile the contradiction, so thank you.

I assume Mr.

Bauer's been taken into custody? Well, I plan to debrief him here, but not as a suspect.

Well, he hasn't been officially cleared in the deaths of David Palmer or Michelle Dessler.

Well, based on mitigating evidence in Chloe O'Brian's testimony, we're confident that Jack was framed for those murders.

I appreciate that, but it still doesn't change a very tangled situation.

I mean, we have surveillance footage that places Jack Bauer at the site of David Palmer's assassination.

Well, clearly, it was doctored.

Not according to preliminary tests.

If we're gonna get to the bottom of this, Jack Bauer has a lot to answer for.

Bring him in now.

The rest of the terminal's clear.


It's good to see you again.

It's good to see you.

We've got a problem one of the hostages is missing.

He was working with the t*rrorists.

Give me a description, I'll take care of it.

I'll help you now let's go.

Jack, you need to go back to CTU.

Buchanan just gave orders to take you into custody.

I watched Beresch give this guy a key card.

Something else is going down here.

We've got to find this guy now.

And I'll get right on it, but I need you to go with these men, please.

He's a white male, mid-30s, wearing a dark suit and a yellow tie.

He's about five-eight.

We'll find him.



These are my weapons.

Altieri, Hutchinson, we have a possible sleeper among the hostages.

We're looking for a Caucasian male, five-eight, dark suit, yellow tie.

Where have you been? We had a problem with Chevensky.

Where is he? Dead.

You have the key? Masks.

All right, now.

One, two, three.

Push it, push it.

Do you have the merchandise? Yes, we're moving the canisters out now.


Transportation's been arranged.

Call me when you're out.

I will.

This will be remembered as a significant day for President Logan, perhaps a turning point in what has been up until now a Evelyn, did you get a chance to speak to my husband?