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09x02 - Day 9: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/07/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
(NARRATOR READING ALOUD) What's going on out there? Got a tip that a high-value suspect is here in London.

NAVARRO: Jack Bauer.

ERIK: The target's on the run! KATE: Bauer stayed off the grid for the last four years.

He didn't do that by being careless.

He's up to something.

So you're saying that Bauer wanted us to catch him? He wasn't trying to get away, he was trying to get caught.

This isn't about Bauer, this is about Adam.

Your husband betrayed his country and he betrayed you.

Forget finishing out the week.

I need you to find out if anyone in this building has a prior history with Jack Bauer.

Okay, I'm running the cross-check.

Take me to her now.

JORDAN: You were right about Bauer.

He does have a connection with someone being held by Special Activities.

Jack, what are you doing here? JORDAN: Chloe O'Brian.

She's one of those free-information hackers.

She was responsible for releasing over 10,000 classified DOD files.

Is charged with treason.

He's here to break her out.

Bauer! You're done.

You're not getting out of here! Come on.

Put your hands behind your head.


Go! Put me back in the field.

I'm your best shot at getting him back.

You got a signal from the transmitter that we put in her phone? Yes.

This is Mark Boudreau.

MARK: You don't know what Bauer did to that family, what he did to Audrey.

I stood by her for three years.

And I brought her back.

As long as she lives, she'll never hear the name Jack Bauer.

The mistake that you made in the meeting.

Mark said it was nothing.

That I shouldn't worry.

It's progressing a lot quicker than the doctors anticipated.

It's terrifying, the thought of slowly losing yourself.

Wait, what? What is this? Wait.

My God.

Major Shepherd.

Sir, you need to get away from that vehicle! Somethings taken control of my drone! No! (GASPS) It's done.


This is everything you got off Chloe O'Brian? MAN : Yeah, there wasn't much.

Prepaid from a stolen shipment.

Did you check the SIM card numbers from the rest of the shipment? O'Brian's group might be using other phones from the same batch.

We can run a trace.

Yeah, usually we get the local police to track it down.

MAN 2: Their procedures can be a little slow.


Never mind.

I've got my own procedures.


Listen, I sent you the SIM number for a mobile phone from a stolen shipment.

I need the numbers from every other phone in the same lot.

No, I've told you before.

I won't do this anymore.

It's getting too risky.

This is important, Ken.

It's always important.

What do you think your DCI is gonna think when I tell him that you've been on our payroll for the last three years? You'd be in just as much trouble as I would.

You know, I seriously doubt that.

(SIGHS) All right, fine.

I'll do it.

But this is the very last time.

You've got (BEEPS) (BEEPING) ERIK: What is she doing here? I reinstated her.

Just until we get Bauer back.

I'm putting her on this with you.

Sir And she deserves ii.

Shes the only one who knew that Bauer was up to something.

Well, she wasn't that perceptive when it came to her husband.

She might be trying to prove something.

That's fine.

But you don't really expect me to be working with her I expect you to do your job without questioning my orders.

NAVARRO: That one.

(RATTLING) (COUGHS) (BEEPING) (ALARM BUZZES) (KEYBOARD CLACKING) CHELL: Chloe! She's back! STOSH: My God, Chloe! Chloe? We thought you'd left us.

CHELL: What happened to you? Um PETE: Chloe, you look terrible.

You okay? ADRIAN: Three days? Where in God's name have you been? Locked in a CIA black site.

What? Um They grabbed me.

I was making a supply run on my own.

I was careless.

I'm sorry.

How badly were we compromised? I didn't say a word.

So they just let you go? Uh A guy I used to work with broke me out.

Told me to go somewhere safe.

I know that sounds crazy.

Yeah, I mean, he broke you out.

That's impossible.

Not for him.

He's a former head of CTU, Jack Bauer.

(SIGHS) on.

Have to shut it down.

We'll have to shut it down.

ADRIAN: We're moving to another spot.

CHLOE: No! He's my friend.

He was trying to protect me.

(POWER SHUTS DOWN) (DOOR CRASHING) JACK: Nobody move! CHLOE: Jack? Put your hands where I can see them.

Jack, what are you doing? So, you're Adrian Cross.

What is this? What's going on? No need to introduce yourself.

Certainly see enough of your name in the files we take.

Which one of you is Derrick Yates? (EXHALES SHARPLY) I said, "Which one of you is Derrick Yates?" Yates no longer works with us.

We had a clash of styles.

Then you're gonna help me find him.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

I'm afraid you don't have any choice.

ADRIAN: We always have a choice, Mr.


That's what this organization represents.

Were I to help you, what would happen to my credibility? Your credibility? I am not gonna ask a third time.

CHLOE: Stop! Stop! We will help you.

I promise.

I will help you.

(INHALES SHARPLY) CHLOE: Why are you looking for Yates? (EXHALES) I need to know what he's doing, or else I can't begin to find him.

(g*n CLICKS) Two weeks ago I intercepted intel framing an assassination attempt on President Heller.

It's supposed to take place in London here today.

The only hard name I could pick out was Derrick Yates.

I tracked it to this organization.

Your organization.

You want that on your hands, Chloe? ADRIAN: Yates got greedy.

Began selling data to the highest bidder like it was some sort of auction house or something.

Also I caught him hacking into military w*apon systems.

Why? ADRIAN: I really don't know.

I knew it was time for him to go.

We don't do that sort of thing.

Take direct action like that.

We don't We just acquire information and disseminate it.

Nothing more.

You make it sound like what you do is benign.

We both know it isn't.

ADRIAN; Do we? Get started, Chloe.

I don't want to be here any longer than I have to.

Pete, make sure the others have access to the closed-circuit surveillance system from the London transport.

Uh, okay, which ones? All of them.

We'll be doing lots of back-tracing.

We may need to piggyback servers.

Chell, pull up your facial recognition program.

We'll use it for the CCTV.

We're gonna be scanning for any signs of Derrick Yates.

(KEYBOARD CLACKING) You were my friend.

If you wanted my help, you should've just asked.


MAN: How long's that junkie bastard Yates here for anyway? He's paying his way.

Don't worry about it.

MAN: How about her ladyship? Is he paying for her, too? I said, don't worry about it.



You working too much.

(KISSES) Do you want me to send you to the other room? No! Those men scare me.

Why can't we go to nice hotel? Those scary men are protecting us, baby.

Who from? (CELLPHONE RINGING) Speak of the devil.

(BEEPS) Yeah? Yeah, hi.

Did you get it? MARGOT: I'm watching it now.

Very impressive.

And the Americans had no idea that you were controlling the drone? YATES: No, no, no.


I monitored their comm traffic for weeks to find the perfect patsy, plant the evidence.

Aren't you clever? So we're still on schedule? Baby I didn't hear what you said.

Yeah, we're on schedule.

Even with the modifications I requested? Baby, I don't care to be ignored.

What? Would you shut up? Yeah, uh, yeah, ifs almost done.

Is there someone there with you? I asked you a question.


No, of course not.

It's just It's the TV.

You haven't told anyone else about this? About your device? No.

All right.

I'll be at the arranged place with your money.

Don't keep me waiting.


Greg, this is crazy.

They won't let me talk to my wife.

Let's stick to ranks right now' Lieutenant.

Sit down, please.

You gotta know I didn't do this.

Just tell me again what happened.

I was piloting the MQ-1 Predator, doing recon and surveillance for a convoy outside Kandahar.

Major Shepherd's convoy.

Out of nowhere, the drone suddenly banked to the southwest.

I assumed computer failure, tried to abort.

Systems wouldn't respond.

That's when the missiles armed themselves.

Missiles don't arm themselves.

That's how it seemed.

It was like someone else had control.

So "someone else" decided to target Shepherd's vehicle right after he revoked your weekend pass.

The man about whom you wrote, "I'm gonna put Shepherd down like the bitch he is.

"There's only so much a man can take.

“ I didn't write that We got it off a military posting site you frequent.

Dated three weeks ago.

You think I'd be stupid enough to write something like that down? People say and do a lot of things when they're angry.

Oh, come on! You know that's not me! You really think I'm a m*rder*r? I know four people are dead.

Where's my flight key? MPs took it.

Check the data on it.

It'll have all my keystrokes logged, back up what I'm saying.

It's been checked.

And cross-checked with the on-board flight recorder.

Every command came directly from your console.

You gotta come to grips with this, Chris.

But I can't help you unless you own up to what you did.

You can let the MPs know when you're ready to talk to me.

Greg, the answer has to be on my flight key, okay? I've been setup.

I swear to God! Check it again! Just, please.

They're missing something, I know it.

Something that'll clear me.

Greg! HELLER: I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your support on this, Alastair.

I know it hasn't been easy.

Well, (CHUCKLES) sitting down with opposition leaders rarely is.

That's why I do it as little as possible.

But your presence here I believe will go a long way towards securing the votes needed for an extension on the lease of your base.

HELLER: Audrey! Mr.

Prime Minister, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Audrey.

Yes, we know each other, of course.

Thank you so much for everything you've clone for the guest list for this reception.

Thank you.

I do have to give my staff all the credit.

I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Mark needs to have a word with you when you have a moment.

I'm sure the Prime Minister and I can find plenty of things to talk about until you return.

Thank you, Alastair.

(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Sir, we just received word, an American drone fired a m*ssile at one of our own armored vehicles in Afghanistan.

Four people were k*lled.

It appears one of our own pilots is responsible.

Two of the dead were British officers.

Oh, my God.

By our hand? Yes, Mr.


This incident is gonna wipe out the support we needed to maintain our drone base in Diego Garcia.

We have to discuss the implications.

I know.

I think it's important that the Prime Minister hear this news from me.

RON: Hold on.

Agent Navarro.

What is it, Navarro? NAVARRO: I've been trying to reach you, sir.

There's been a situation.

Bauer escaped.

What are you talking about? You just apprehended him! Yes, sir.

Which may have been exactly what he wanted.

What? He broke out another prisoner, an ex-colleague of his.

It appears that Bauer's purpose for being in London was to effect that rescue.

So you're saying he has no designs on President Heller? From what we know, it appears unlikely.

But you can't be sure.

I mean, for all you know, he may need this colleague to carry out his attack on the President.

I suppose it's possible.

Should I alert the Brits? No.

We have enough to contend with.

It is on you to reacquire Bauer.

And I'd do it quickly, or you can kiss your career goodbye.

Yes, sir.


No, that's not why I'm calling.

When was the last time you saw Yates? Your friend's tattoo.

CHLOE: It's Serbian mob.

One slash for each m*rder he's committed.

What the hell have you been doing the past four years? What have you got on Yates? (KEYBOARD CLACKING) Nothing on the Underground.

We're gonna start searching block by block.

Work fast.

(ADRIAN TALKING ON PHONE) Why are you doing this, Jack? Some fantasy that if you stop the attack, save Heller, all will be forgiven? You can return back to your daughter, her family? There's no going back for me.

It's not about that.

I told you this is bigger than Heller.

CHLOE: No, you said that for Adrian's benefit.

But I know you, Jack.

For better or worse.

You know Heller.

You know he's a good man.

No, I don't know that.

And you didn't answer my question.

Why you? I owe him.

I owe his family.

You mean Audrey.

Audrey and her dad are part of the same system that screwed us both.

At least I'm doing something to fight against it.

How? By leaking classified information? Military secrets? People are out there dying in the field, Chloe.

Intelligence agencies keep secrets because what they're doing is criminal.

(SCOFFS) You're smarter than that.

I can see you talking, but all I can hear is Adrian Cross.

You don't get to judge me, Jack.

Not after what I've been through.

(KEYBOARD CLACKING) CHELL: Hey, Stash, look at this.

It's raw footage from an embedded reporter.

What's going on? Ifs a friendly fire incident in Afghanistan.

There's a lot of chatter on the military channels.

An American drone att*cked an allied military vehicle.

There's four people dead.

Pilot's saying he didn't do it.

Says someone or something took control of the drone.

CHLOE: They honestly believe that? Where was this drone piloted from? CHELL: Here in the U.


Lower Heyford Air Force Base.

Tracked through Milstar satellite system? That's the same system Yates was hacking into.

Maybe that's how they plan to attack Heller.

There are easier ways to assassinate a President than hijack a drone.

Not if they're trying to make a point.

This attack was in Afghanistan.

Maybe it was a dry run.

I think you should talk to someone in the government.

JACK: Who? No one would listen.

They think I'm a t*rror1st.

This is our only play.

We need to find Yates.

He's in West Ealing, hiding in a council estate.

"Projects" as you would call it.

You sure? ADRIAN: Mmm-hmm.

Very good source on this one.

Here's the rub.

The bloke who runs the building is a heroin dealer named Aron Bashir.

"Basher" as he's known to his no doubt lovely friends.

Anyway, we know he's Yates' supplier and a bit of a nasty piece of work.

The address.

Thank you.

You can thank me by leaving and never coming back.

You can't go in there blind.

I can track the tower block's CCTV system, but I need to be on site.

I can't ask you to do that.

You're not.

You're gonna need comm support.


Let me do this.

I'll get him off our back.

Find Yates, and this will be over.

Pull up a satellite feed, cover us from there.

And get the van ready.

(CROWD CLAMORING) I'm gonna call the Prime Minister.

Make a formal request to speak to Parliament in session.

With all due respect, sir, (STUTTERS) I don't think that's a good idea.

You'll be facing a hostile mob.

Already the opposition is intimating that our government is whitewashing the investigation, that certain facts of the incident have been covered up by us.


Who was the drone pilot responsible? Lieutenant Chris Tanner.

HELLER: How long would it take to get him here? Sir? I want you to bring him here and allow the Royal Military Police to interrogate him under your supervision.

Sir, handing over an American serviceman to foreign jurisdiction is a violation of the Status of Forces Agreement.

Please, make the arrangements now.

Your protest has been noted.


This gesture of transparency is not gonna get you the votes you need.

But it may force them to hear what I have to say.

I'm not gonna prepare a speech.

I'm going to apologize from the heart.

Make them realize the threat to each and every one of us if we lose this island.

Sir, they do things differently in Parliament They're gonna respond to honesty, Mark.

Just like the voters during the election.

We were five points down in Ohio when we did that town hall meeting.

You're not addressing a bunch of undecided farmers.

These are practiced legislators who want blood.

They're gonna shout you down.

They're gonna call you a liar, they're gonna call you a m*rder*r.

It's brutal.

Especially for someone who Who Who what? Someone who what? Who isn't at the top of their game.

You don't think that I'm up to this? (SIGHS) No, sir, I don't.

You didn't think I was up to Ohio, either.

Thanks, Mark.


I just passed General Coburn.

He looks really upset.

What is going on? Could we have the room, please? Your father wants to talk to Parliament.

I told him he'd be walking into a m*ssacre, but he won't believe me.

You've got to talk him out of it.

Well, if he believes that it will work, maybe we should let him try.

You don't understand.

They're gonna come at him from all sides.

He will not be able to handle that.

So when you told me not to worry about the slip that he made earlier, were you just I meant it.

But you yourself said that pressure can accelerate his decline.

You know how important this is to him.

Well, we can prepare him.

I'll help you.

We'll do a debate prep session.

Audrey Mark.

All we have to do is get him through this trip.

WOMAN: Official word is still stressing that the strike was a tragic example of friendly fire This was you, yes? Yep.

You don't feel bad? Those people were already dead.

They just didn't know it.

After today, doomsday clock's set at one minute to.

The whole world's going to hell.

End of the world? The American President's gonna die on foreign soil.

Ironically, some might say poetically, k*lled by American drones.

That ain't gonna go unanswered.

Dominos are gonna fall, and we're gonna sit it all out in Greenland.

Greenland? Yeah.


Gold, ruby mines.

An economy that doesn't depend on the subjugation of smaller countries.

It's perfect.

And in about make the exchange, I'm gonna be able to afford much more comfortable surroundings than this.

But from what I know about this bitch I'm selling to, God help me if I don't deliver on time, so just shut up and let me get on with it, okay? JORDAN: No sign of Bauer yet on our first pass of the search grid.

They found the vehicle he escaped in empty and abandoned.

My source at the Met came through.

There are two phones in the stolen shipment that are activated and close to one another.

You think it might be Bauer and O'Brian? It's possible.

Where are these phones now? A housing project in West Ealing.

Look, I can't promise you that Bauer's there, but right now it's as good a lead as we've got.

All rig ht, take a team, check it out.

Basher's building is in the middle.


Jack, Yates isn't gonna be dangerous, but Basher and his men are.

Got it, thanks.

How long is it gonna take you to access their closed-circuit television? A couple of minutes.

I'll let you know as soon as I'm in.

Okay, I want to test our comm units.

Testing, one, two, three.

Got it.


(JET AIRCRAFT HOVERING) I assure you, the United States government will conduct a vigorous and transparent investigation of this incident.

The Royal Military Police will be granted full access to Lieutenant Tanner, the individual we believe responsible.



Doesn't this incident call into question your screening procedures, and, in fact, the entire drone program itself? Well, every U.


combat pilot undergoes a thorough psychological evaluation.

And I am confident in that screening method.

Are the families of the m*rder*d soldiers supposed to take comfort in that? Of course not.

What do you say to the children, one as young as five, whose fathers will never come home again? (INHALES SHARPLY) They deserve an answer to that question, sir.

There's never a good answer for a senseless act.

So you're saying, Mr.

President But I would help them understand that their loved ones were heroes in the truest sense of the word.

Heroes who died fighting to make this country safe.

Heroes whose names will remain in my heart forever.

And to the members of this body, I would say, if you withdraw from this fight, the deaths of these three men will serve as nothing more than a call to surrender.

They deserve better.

Three men, sir? You realize there were four men who died in the attack.


MARK: Who would you like to strike from the casualty list? None of the Americans, I suppose.

What'd I say, three? MARK: How about Captain Olson? (MOUTHING) He only had one child, and it was just a daughter.

Mark I'm curious, can you name the other British soldier k*lled in this attack? MARK: You have to consult your notes? He's not important enough to remember his name? This man who you will "hold in your heart forever"? And you can't remember his name? What's his name? Damn it, Mark.

I think I have a little work to do.



Lieutenant Wilkins.

Married father of three.

God He needs to know what he'll be up against.

Audrey (DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES) Looks like Basher's got two in the front, one in the back.

You see anything that could tell us which apartment Yates would be holed up in? CHLOE: There are He could be in any one of them.

(SIGHS) Basher would want to keep Yates close to him.

You think you could cut off the feed to the camera in the rear? Yeah.

Someone might notice.

I'm counting on it.



Camera's playing up.

(SIGHS) Bloody hell! Bash! BASHER: What are you all standing there for? Go downstairs and help! Move! Let me know what's going on.

What's all the shouting? Just get back in there and lock yourself in.



CHLOE: I got something.

Jack, fourth floor.

CHLOE: Two of them coming your way.

Jack, it's the second door on the right.

(GROANS) (BANGING) Everybody stay calm.

I just want to talk.

(g*ns COCKING) BASHER: Lei him go.

I take it you're Basher.

You're the one who came to talk.

What do you want? You're protecting a man named Derrick Yates.

Is there any chance he can hear me right now? BASHER: Why? 'Cause I want to make you a deal.

What? For him? Sorry, not really worth it on my end.

No offense, Mick.

JACK: Not for his life.

For yours.

Look, I can tell you consider yourself a pretty intimidating group.

You probably think I'm at a disadvantage.

I promise you, I'm not.

You give me Derrick Yates, and I give you the opportunity to walk out of here without being harmed.

I suggest you take it.

Really? We're getting out of here! (GRUNTS) (SLASHES) (GROANS) (GRUNTS) Damn.

They're close.

(CELLPHONE RINGING) Adrian? ADRIAN: Chloe, you're about to have some company.

There's a convoy headed your way.

Are you sure they're for us? Definitely tourists from Langley.

Closing fast.

They've been tracking us.

Chloe, you've got to get out.

(BEEPS) There.

Right there.

You in the van, come out! ERIK: Last chance! Get out of the vehicle with your hands in the air now! (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) (SIGHS) KATE: They can't be far.

(ELEVATOR DINGS) Hey! Have you seen this man in the building? Yeah, yeah.

He's crazy.

He's upstairs.

He's got a g*n.

Yates, freeze! Bauer, put it down and get on the ground! ERIK: Drop the w*apon now, Bauer! Don't let them go! Put it on the ground! Drop it now! I'm putting the w*apon down! Just stop that couple! Agent Morgan? Please, you got to trust me.

Now, you need to tell your men (g*nshots) (g*ns FIRING) He's heading down! ERIK: Kate! Lock down the area! We've got Bauer! Put the w*apon down now.

(GROANS) Slowly, slowly.

All the way to the ground.

(g*n CLATTERS) Up against the car.

You are chasing the wrong guy.

Now you seem smarter than the rest of them, so I'm gonna tell you this once.

I'm trying to prevent an attack on President Heller, and you are getting in my way.

(GRUNTS) Now that was a mistake.

(GROANS) Morgan.

Morgan! Jack, get in! Move over! We got a man down! AGENT: Agent down! Where'd you get the car? CHLOE: I stole it.

I hotwired it.

Good job.

You're bleeding.

It just grazed me.

I'm fine, but Yates got away.

Here, I got this from his CPU.

What is it? Design schematics, some kind of multi-channel override system.

There's 10 modules.

It's drones.

You were right, Jack.

This system can commandeer up to 10 U.



Son of a bitch.

They're planning a full-scale attack.

All the evidence is here to alert the authorities.

They can decrypt the data.

JACK: Okay, good.

No! No, no, no! JACK: What's happening? Yates embedded a self-destruct program.

It's erasing itself.

Can you save it? Chloe, save it! Couldn't do it.

It was erasing my hard drive.

All I have is the piece of the schematic.

Son of a bitch.

Okay, Yates was carrying a hard-shell case.

The device must be in there.

We need to pick up his trail now.

Yeah, he could be anywhere.

Start with the closed-circuit TVs from the towers.

He was headed south.

Damn it! WOMAN: Are we okay? Yeah, yeah.

Looks like it, yeah.

Just want to hang here a little while longer.

Just to be safe.

What about your work? It's all done.

Just got to find a new buyer.

A new buyer? Why? Guy who chased us, who do you think sent him? Margot.

How do you know? Well, why pay when you can k*ll me and get the device for free? Devious bitch.

(SIGHS) Yeah, but it's all right.

We're still gonna clean up.

Plenty of people want to pay for this little baby.

Back in a minute.

Two more.

Yeah, all right.

(DOOR OPENS) You are unbelievable.

But I want you.


Well (LAUGHS) Jeez, you love doing it in public places, don't you? You are gonna have to actually wait till I finish, baby.


I've got the device, but there was a problem.

What? Someone came after us.

An American.

I don't know who he was.

I've never seen him before.

We barely got away.

Are you sure you're not being followed? Yes.

But Derrick thought you double-crossed him.

Started talking about finding another buyer.

So You took care of it.


That's my girl.

Come home as soon as you can.

Mummy's waiting.