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09x04 - Day 9: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/07/22 08:25
by bunniefuu
(NARRATOR READING ALOUD) (BEEPS) Somethings taken control of my drone! It's armed a m*ssile to attack! (BEEPING) TANNER: Get to cover now, sir! Sir, move, move! No! No! DAVIES: In the light of this morning's unfortunate events, President Heller would like to offer some words.

Ladies and gentlemen What are you going to do about today's incident? I wish there were words that could explain what happened There are words! It was m*rder! You can't control your soldiers or your weapons! Yates designed an override device that can take control of as many as 10 U.



That device is now in the hands of a known t*rror1st.

The new drones carry six Hellfire missiles.

You have any idea what that could do to a city like London? Looks like Interpol has a facial rec match.

We got her.

Simone Al-Harazi.

Multiple EU warrants on terrorism-related charges.

Is she related to Margot Al-Harazi? Yes.

Why? Because she was responsible for an attack on a military housing complex in Iraq.

Most of the victims were women and children.

Well, Simone is her daughter.

It's no small thing to k*ll a man.

To see the Hie go out of him.

(CHOKING) I didn't think I could do it.

But I did.

And so will you.

Because what we're doing is necessary and just.

MARGOT: We are fighting a w*r, Naveed.

All that matters is winning.

The drone pilot's name is Tanner.

It's all over the news.

CHELL: Tanner's about to arrive at the U.


embassy in London, where the handover will lake place.

I'm gonna need you to build me an identity, high-level clearance.

Enter it into the visitors log at the embassy.

How quickly can you get that done? The ID's not working.

Get out, Jack.

Get out of there now.

JACK: I can't.

I have to get into the embassy.

(g*nshots) They're sh**ting at us! They're sh**ting at us! Go! Bauer! (JACK READING ALOUD) (PEOPLE SCREAMING) Chloe, I'm inside the embassy.

How? What's going on? JACK: I created a diversion.

Bit of an understatement.

We've got a problem.

Agent Morgan and her partner saw me outside.

How did they manage to do that? I'm not sure.

She's good.

I got to get in and out of here with the flight key as quickly as possible.

Hold on.

(GRUNTING) (BREATHING HEAVILY) Where am I going? They're keeping Tanner on the second floor, east wing, room 217.

You're gonna need an access pass.

I got one.

This wouldn't have happened if Chell didn't screw up his ID at the gate.

You wanted this to happen, didn't you? And who brought him in here? I just want him out.

People are gonna die.

Is that what you want? And who would be responsible for that? Hmm? I put this group together, at some risk to life and liberty, all of us here, to expose governments, not to assist them with the crises they've created by putting drones in the skies.

Get out of my sight.

(TYPING) How will you get Jack out of there? I'm in the embassy security camera system.

I've got a building schematic.

I'm gonna talk him out.

The building is full of U.



I didn't say it was gonna be easy.

But I'm gonna do everything I can.

I owe Jack.

I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him.

Then we have that in common.

Your friend is lucky we still might need his help.

Adrian was just doing what he thought was right.

Right for who? MAN OVER PA: All Marines, we need all hands to cover the embassy.

Heads up.

Captain Cordero, Agents Ritter and Morgan.

We're in pursuit of a dangerous fugitive who escaped CIA custody earlier today, Jack Bauer, and he's somewhere in this embassy.

Well, my priority right now is to secure this building.

CIA business will have to wait.

Captain, Bauer's the reason that all of this happened.

He shot two protesters to incite the crowd and cover his entrance into the embassy.

You're sure about that? We saw him do it.

We have reason to believe that he's here for Lieutenant Tanner, the drone pilot, and we need to get to him right now, or God knows what he's gonna do in there.

With me.

Lopez, Osborne, your men, let's go.

MARINE: Yes, sir.

CORDERO: Find out what holding room Tanner is in, call the officer guarding him.

Patch me in.

(LOCK BEEPING) Lieutenant Tanner? Yeah.

Can I help you? Sir.

Diplomatic security.

I have orders to move you and Lieutenant Tanner.

I wasn't informed about this.

Security's just been breached.

We have protesters in the building.

(PHONE RINGING) Sir, if you don't follow me now, I cannot guarantee the safety of you or the prisoner.

(RINGING CONTINUES) You stay rig ht there.

Don't be afraid.

My name is Jack Bauer.

I know your drone was h*jacked.

You know I'm innocent? Yes, I do.

The technology that was used to control your drone is gonna be used in a massive t*rror1st attack against civilians later today.

The only way that I can stop that attack from happening is from the data from your flight key.

Lieutenant, please, where are they holding it? Wait, how do I know whether or not to believe you? Son, right now, the point is that I believe you.

From everything that I can see, no one else does.

You want your name cleared? I'm your only shot.

It's on Captain Denovo.


Jack, Agent Morgan and her partner, they're headed your way with Marine back-up, JACK: Got the flight key.

CHLOE: Get out of there, Jack.

They're on your floor.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

You're gonna be fine.

Chloe, get me out of here.

The end of the hallway, take a left.

That should lead you to a rear stairwell.

Let's get a medic up here right away.

(KEYPAD BEEPING) This is Captain Cordero.

Get me a keypad override on 217.

(WHIRRING) (BEEPING) Casualty down.

Room is clear.

Ah, he's gone.

Bauer was here.

All right, what did he do and what did he take? I have nothing to say to you.

He took Tanner's flight key.

And he was wearing an embassy security jacket, and he has a pass.

Prepare to move.

I want an override on all security passes.

Lock down every door and keypad now.

CHLOE: Go all the way down to the basement, Jack.

A door leads to the storage area.

From there, you'll have access to the street level.

JACK: I got it.

(PANTING) Okay, I'm there.

(BEEPING) Come on.

Come on.

Damn it.

Everything's locked down.

The key's useless.

Find me another way out.

Jack, I don't see another way.

They've got more Marines joining the search for you.

They're everywhere.

Hold on, hold on.

Every U.


embassy has its own shielded communication room.

I can use their system to upload the data from the flight key.

That's not gonna help you get out of the embassy, Jack.

I know.

Just find me the comms room.

Okay, but I don't think you understand.

You're not getting out of there.

It's over.

They're gonna put you in prison.

Jack! (CROWD SHOUTING) Yates's override device is officially interfaced with our system.

All we need to do now is get its software talking to ours.

Oh, how long? Well, I need to check each of the How long? Naveed will be able to take control and pilot the drones in less than an hour.


But it kept me sane knowing that when all this is over, we'll have time for everything we've put on hold.

Travel, have a family.

Sounds wonderful, but it doesn't change how I feel.

(INHALES) You have doubts.

I understand.

But you don't have a choice.

Do you realize what my mother will do to you if you refuse? I'm not gonna give her the chance.

What are you talking about? Leaving.

You and I, together.

You can't be serious.

Even if I agreed, it's impossible.

My mother's people watch who comes and goes.

We wouldn't get past the front door.

Yasir makes a supply run every other day between 5:00 and 5:30.

He's due for one later.

No one watches the back gate while he's gone.

But that gate is locked.

I have keys.

And a car parked down the road.

You've made up your mind.

You've planned this.

I could have left a week ago, but I waited for you.

(INHALES DEEPLY) Naveed, I love you, so, please, please just go through with this and then we can leave, and we never have to be a part of my mother's plans again.

You believe she'll let you go? Ever? I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

But I'm leaving today, as soon as Yasir goes on his run.

(EXHALES) You're putting me in a terrible position.

I know, and I'm sorry.

But you need to make a choice.

Your mother or me.


I'll come.

You okay? Yeah? Mmm.

(SNIFFLES) We got a flash that the embassy's on lockdown.

What's going on there? Bauer's here.

He shot two protesters and forced his way inside the embassy and he got to Tanner.

So they are working together.

I'm not sure if that makes sense anymore.

He didn't try to release Tanner when he had the chance.

He just took his flight key.

Level two clear.

We're moving down.

So Bauer wanted the flight data to Tanner's drone.

Why? We're gonna ask Bauer when we get to him, but right now he's still somewhere inside the embassy and we're going floor by floor.

All right, keep me posted.

There's a fire door on your left.

Comm room is coming up on your right.

Got 'em.

Don't turn around.

Open the door.

(BEEPING) Get inside.

Everybody on their feet now! Now! Move slowly towards the corner.

Sit on the ground and don't move.

Chloe, I'm inside.

You need a terminal with a USB port.

I got it.

Plugging in the flight key now.

Okay, go to a command line, open a T-net window.

I'll give you a secure IP address.

JACK: Hold on.


It's 2.





How close are the Marines? Really close, Jack.

Chloe, no matter what happens to me, you get this evidence to President Heller, okay? Okay.

Give me your word.

You have my word, Jack.

(BEEPING) What the hell was that? I don't know.

The data on the flight key is encrypted.

It needs to be unlocked from his end before it can be transmitted.

JACK: What do we need to do then? Well We could send you a software program that will decrypt it and then upload it to us.

You should be receiving that now.

Son of a bitch.

How long is this gonna take? I've no idea.

It depends on the level of encryption they've used.

Come on.

Come on.

Jack, they're in the corridor, right outside.

You have to buy more time.

Which direction are they coming from? Rounding the corner on your left.

Can you see if the Marines are wearing body armor? CHLOE: Looks like it to me.

You, in the black jacket, what's your name? Jenny.

Jenny, slowly come towards me.

I need you to open the door on my command.

It's all right, Jenny, you're doing great.

Just put in the code.

Chloe, where are they? They're on you, Jack.

Open the door now.

(SCREAMING) I've got hostages! Stay back! Close the door now! (SCREAMING) (DOOR OPENS) (DOOR CLOSES) MARGOT: Well? (GASPS) Cup of tea? Yes, please.

(GAS BURNER CLICKING) You're trying to find the right words to tell me something.

A problem.

It's that obvious? It's Naveed, isn't it? He says he can't go through with it, pilot the drones.

He has a plan to leave, and I've said I'll go with him.

Just to give us time to work out what to do.

Please don't hurt him.

And do you think a stern talking-to will get him to change his mind? No, but But what? I love him.

And he's very lucky that is the case.

This family has worked too hard for too long to let anything or anyone get in its way.

Naveed may be your husband, but you must understand, I will do whatever's necessary to get him to pilot those drones.

I wish there were words that could bring back the fathers and husbands lost today on both our sides.

My hope is that you will hear me out, so that we might find a way to move forward together.

Moving forward together begins with an understanding of the threat that we face, a determined enemy sworn to destroy our way of life.

Thousands of our citizens k*lled in att*cks against our cities and our infrastructure.

(CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Thousands k*lled on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq.

But we can prevail.

This is Mark Boudreau.

Sir, this is Head of Station Navarro calling to give you an update on the Bauer situation.

Have you apprehended him? Not exactly, sir.

Bauer has barricaded himself inside the communications room at the American embassy.

And He's taken hostages.

What? Why? We're still trying to get a complete picture, but you gave me specific instructions to keep Bauer's presence here in London a secret.

And I just wanted to give you advanced warning that that will no longer be possible, obviously.

Agent Navarro, we'll talk about my disappointment with your performance later.

But now, tell me, have the Marines taken control of the situation? Yes, sir, they have.

And I assume it's only a matter of time before they send this up the chain of command to the President.

The President needs to hear it from me.

I need to know what you know.

(PEOPLE SHOUTING) Okay, the decryption program is up and running, but slowly.

I can see that.

Hang on a second, Jack.

(PHONE RINGING) You wrote this.

Can you speed it up? No, trouble's on his end.


The terminal he's using only has a single-core processor.

Really? Or are you just saying that to screw over Jack again? How do I know you're telling the truth? I'm doing this for you, not for him.

Jack, there's nothing we can do.

At this rate, it'll take 20 to 30 minutes to get the data unlocked and transmitted to us.

(RINGING CONTINUES) This is Jack Bauer.

Who am I talking to? My name is Captain Kevin Cordero.


Bauer, I'm sure we'd both like to find a way to end this situation without loss of life, yours or the hostages.

I'd like us to work together Captain, the situation is simple.

I have three hostages.

Keep your men back and no one gets harmed.

Make a move on this room, and I k*ll all three of them.

Are we clear? (SOBBING) Loud and clear.

We go in, I'm not giving that son cf a bitch a chance to fire on my men again.

(SOBBING) I need them to take me seriously.

I have no intention of hurting any of you.

I understand how difficult this is.

Please, just try and stay calm.


(KEYPAD BEEPING) (LOCK BEEPING) We didn't get to introduce ourselves earlier.

I'm Agent Ritter, CIA.

This is Agent Morgan.

Look, we're not here to prove any kind of case against you, Lieutenant.

We just want to talk to you about Bauer.

ERIK: And speaking of Bauer, you should know that right now, he's three levels below us, completely surrounded by Marines.

So any help you were expecting from him, don't.

Talk to us, Lieutenant.

What's the point? No one but Bauer's believed a word I've said all day.

What is your relationship with Bauer? I just met him today.

You expect us to believe that? Look, if you didn't know Bauer before this, then, uh, why did he go to so much trouble to find you? He said he knew I didn't k*ll all those soldiers, that my drone was h*jacked, and someone was gonna use the same technology to launch a full-scale attack.

So why did he need your flight key? He said it could help him prove what happened.

And stop the attack.

Okay, thank you, Lieutenant.

We should've pushed him harder.

I think he told us everything he knows.

Which wasn't much.

But you did You're buying that story? Look, when Bauer cornered me in the tower block, he said that he was in London to stop an attack on President Heller.

Meaning what? You believe what he told Tanner? Even though there's not a single piece of evidence to support it? That's not what I'm saying.

What I'm saying is that if there's even a chance that there's gonna be some kind of an attack, then we need to know about it.

We have to talk to Bauer.

I would like to thank you, on behalf of myself and my country, for this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for the special relationship that binds our two great nations together.

God bless the United Kingdom.

And God bless the United States of America.

Thank you.

You hear that? You were fantastic.

Or they're extremely polite.

It was perfect Can I talk to you privately? (MARK CLEARS THROAT) Thank you.

What's going on? There's a situation at the embassy, sir.

Protesters broke through the gates about a half an hour ago.

The Marines have reestablished a perimeter, but it's turned into a hostage situation.

Hostages? Who's taken hostages? Jack Bauer.

Jack? MARK: He fired into the crowd of protesters, shot two Marines, and is threatening to k*ll the embassy employees he's holding.

Why in God's name would Jack do this? All I know is, the CIA picked him up several hours ago on an operation, but he escaped custody.

What Is that when you found out about this? It was.

The fear was that he was in London for your visit.

I was in the process of gathering all the facts together for you when he resurfaced at the embassy.

What's the situation on the ground right now? MARK: According to General Cobum, the as*ault team is ready to go in.

They're just waiting for your go-ahead.

So they can k*ll him.

That's what you're saying? MARK: it's not a fait accompli.

I'm not making any decisions till I talk to him.

To Bauer, sir? I I'm not sure that Yeah.

Make it happen, Mark.

Yes, sir.

(TYPING) (DOOR OPENS) I checked without being obvious.

Yasir's going on his run, we're good to go.

(NAVEED EXHALES) You told her.

It wasn't easy for her.

My daughter loves you very much.

Trying to back out is a stain on your honor, Naveed.

I will give you one chance to rectify that Tell me you'll pilot the drones.

I won't m*rder innocents.

There are no innocents.

Not when they elect murderers and collaborators like Heller and Davies to lead them.

That's nonsense.

And it's time someone here stood up and said it.

This is wrong.

And if Simone ever got free of you, she'd see that, too.

This isn't conscience.

This is cowardice.

If my husband were alive, he'd be sickened by you.

Everything he sacrificed, everything he stood for.

You will pilot the drones.

I will not.

No matter what you do to me.

I swear.

I believe you.


Mum? Come here, please.

(GROANING) Her left hand.


No! MARGOT: Her left hand! SIMONE: What are you doing? Whatever's necessary, my love.


(SCREAMING) No! Stop this! MARGOT: Only you can do that, Naveed.


Okay, all right! All right, just stop.


SIMONE: No, no, please! NAVEED: Please.

You'll do what's necessary? (GROANING) Yeah.

Yeah, just stop hurting her, please.


(SCREAMING) Captain Cordero, we just need to talk to Bauer.

Not when he's that unstable.

We don't know what could set him off.

Lives are at stake here.

If what Bauer told Lieutenant Tanner is true, then many more lives will be at stake.

We just need to know if there's any truth to it.

I'm not introducing any other variables into this equation.

This conversation is over.

All right, this ceiling vent here gives us direct access, but the problem there is we have to drop men down into the room one at a time.

We go in, we go in in numbers, understood? SOLDIER: Yes, sir.

Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but he's probably right.

Bauer shot those two Marines square in the middle of their vests, where he knew the rounds wouldn't penetrate.

That's what I call someone in control.

What are you doing? Going over Corderdo's head.

(LINE RINGING) (SIGHS) Jordan, you with Navarro? Sir.

Putting you on speaker.

It's Kate.

Were you able to debrief Tanner? Yeah, we did, and Bauer told Tanner that he has intel about an imminent attack using our own drones, but The Marine captain here in charge is refusing to let us talk to Bauer so we can get a confirmation on this.

It's a military operation, I can't overrule him.

But you know people who can.

You've been speaking with the President's Chief of Staff.

Who isn't very happy with us right now for losing Bauer in the first place.

Sir, the President needs to know about Bauer's claims.

Bauer will get his chance to address the President directly.

What? President Heller will be reaching out to Bauer personally at any moment to see if he can get him to surrender.

Well, can you patch us in to the call? I'll have Jordan tie you and Erik in.

Is it possible that Bauer really is trying to stop an attack? You're talking about the man who practically laid waste to my station this morning.

Just thinking If we'd listened to what Kate said before, we wouldn't have lost Bauer in the first place.

What are you saying? That it doesn't pay to dismiss what she says.

I'm not dismissing her.

I'm remaining objective.

Which is something you're not doing, for obvious reasons.

I'm not blind, Jordan.

You're letting your feelings for her cloud your judgment.

Yes, sir.

Kate's not infallible.

Remember how wrong she was about her husband.

Some mistakes you just can't recover from.

(PHONE RINGING) The call from the President's coming through.

(PHONE RINGING) Captain, I thought we had an understanding.

Jack? It's me.



To be honest with you, Jack, I never thought I'd have to hear your voice again.

I liked it that way.

Yes, sir.

I'm told you just shot two people out in front of the embassy.

I barely grazed them, sir.

How do you know that? Because I pulled the trigger.

And now you're holding hostages.


Are you and Erik getting this? Yeah.

I'm sure you know that there's some decisions to be made here, but before we do that, I would like to see if you and I could resolve this.

So tell me, why are you here and what do you want? Mr.

President' I'm here because I believe the U.


drone fleet is vulnerable and will be used in a t*rror1st attack later today.

Explain that, Jack.

A hacker by the name of Derrick Yates created an override device which can take control of as many as 10 U.



I believe he was the one who h*jacked Lieutenant Tanner's drone and used it as a test flight to prove to his buyers that the device worked.

Shortly after that I found him m*rder*d.

Now I believe that the device is in the hands of Margot Al-Harazi, a known t*rror1st.


President, I promise you, she will use this device without mercy.

What are you doing in that room, Jack? Uploading data from Lieutenant Tanner's flight key.

I'm working with people who believe they can use this data to prove that the device exists.

Our plan was, as soon as we had the evidence, I would turn myself in and present it to you.

Who are these people you're working with? Mr.

President, I can't say.

Sir, I need 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes and I can get you the evidence you need.

And I promise I will hand myself over without incident.

Why didn't you come to me first, Jack? With all due respect, Mr.

President, it was your State Department that labeled me a t*rror1st and made me a wanted man, a man who was never even offered an opportunity to tell his side of the story.

Which, by the way, sir, I felt I had earned.

So, no, I did not feel comfortable going to talk to your people.

I knew that I had to either arrive with the device or evidence that the device existed.

That would be the only way they would believe me.

The only way you would believe me.

All right, Jack.

Stay by this phone.

I'll get back to you.


Whatever differences we had, I never lied to you.

I always told you the truth.

I'm telling you the truth now, and I suggest you believe it.

I hear you, Jack.

Chloe, did you gel that? We don't have much time.

Could he be right? Could this Lieutenant Tanner's drone have been h*jacked? We analyzed the data on Tanner's flight key, and found no evidence of that.

And, frankly, the drone network was designed to avoid exactly that scenario.

Well, nothing's impossible.

I mean, the real question is, why would Jack make this up? To cover up what he's really doing.

Earlier today, he broke a former associate out of CIA custody.

Chloe O'Brian.

Chloe? She's a member of Adrian Cross's group, Open Cell, who liberated 30,000 secret government documents, endangering the lives of agents on the ground.

They are Jack's people.

The t*rror1st threat is a cover to buy him time lo upload data to Open Cell.

He asked for only 15 minutes? Every second we hesitate could cost lives.

Why don't we just k*ll the upload? We can't, sir.

He's in a secure comms room.

It's why he chose it.

And what if Jack is telling the truth on this attack? Are you willing to take that risk? Or risk even more damage from Open Cell? He's a designated t*rror1st.

We don't negotiate with t*rrorists.

With all due respect, sir, this is a clear call.

Maybe a clear call for you, Mark.

Not so for Audrey and I.

We know Jack Bauer.

You don't.

You're right.

All I've ever seen is the damage he leaves in his wake.

Let's not forget the k*lling spree that he went on four years ago, when he nearly assassinated the Russian president And then he fled the country, because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail.

This is not the same man you once knew.

Tell the Marines to go in when they're ready.

(PHONE LINE RINGING) CHLOE: I need to show you something.

These drone att*cks are from a few years ago.

The latest drones carry even more powerful missiles.

You hardly need to convince me that governments shouldn't be k*lling civilians by remote control.

Imagine this happening here in London when Margot Al-Harazi gets control of 10 drones.

Think of the people that will die.

I'm not really seeing your point.

lam trying to help.

My point is that the Marines think that Jack is a threat.

They're going to k*ll him, along with any chance we have of stopping this.

So if you can think of a better way to convince the government that Jack is telling the truth, then tell me now.


I'm sorry.

Me, too.

What is it with you and Bauer? Why can't you just let him go? Bauer's already shot two Marines, so this is a hair-trigger situation.

You even get a sense that he is a threat, and I will back up whatever decision you have to make in there.

Understood? ALL: Yes, sir.

The instant you get a shot, take Bauer out.

Clear? What Bauer told the President today explains everything that he's done.

Going after Yates and the flight key.

Why did he break Chloe O'Brian out? He said Yates was a hacker.

Maybe she knew him.

Margot Al-Harazi's details check out.

Shes believed to be hiding somewhere in England.

Her husband was k*lled in a drone attack.

The Marines are looking for any excuse to take Bauer down, and if that happens, we're gonna lose our best chance at stopping this attack.

Kate, we'll do an all-agency sync on what we know about Margot.

Last knowns, everything, just in case she does make some kind of move.

But that's all we can do right now.

The President has spoken.

Understood? Yes.


Captain Cordero said there was a ceiling vent that drops right down into the comms room, and I'm pretty sure this is the entrance.

ERIK: Yeah? You have to cover me.

I'm gonna go in.

You do that, and Bauer will put a b*llet in you.

Maybe, but I don't believe that he actually wants to k*ll anybody.

I'm just gonna try and get him to surrender.

Oh, he wouldn't come out for the President, but he'll come out for you? Look, if I can convince him that I am on his side Kate.

Kate, don't It's my risk to take.

Sweetheart, you're angry, and I understand.

You have a history with Bauer.

Don't patronize me, Mark.

All I did was argue the facts in there.

Yeah, because of your personal agenda.

I'm not the one who's letting their personal feelings get in the way.

Oh, really? Then why didn't you tell me that Jack was in London when you first found out? Like I said, I was gathering the facts.

I don't believe that I am telling you that this is the wrong call.

Jack is telling the truth, and that's based on me knowing him better than anyone else in that room.

That is my measured opinion.

And God help us if I'm right.

CHLOE: No, no, no.


Jack, they're cutting the cameras.

I can hear them getting ready.

Heller must have given the order.

You need to surrender.

This is your only chance.


Then all of this would have been for nothing.

I'm gonna hold them off as long as I can.

Till the transmission goes through.

CHLOE: Jack, they're gonna k*ll you.

Give yourself up.

(WHIMPERS) Jack! When they blow the door' it's going to sound like hell.

Just stay down and keep still.

You'll be safe.

I promise.

Cover your ears and keep your heads down.

(WHISPERING) Sir? We're picking up another heat signature approaching the room.

Show me.

It's Agent Morgan.

She's trying to get Bauer to turn himself in.

Give her that chance.

I have my orders, Agent.

I'm executing them.

Yeah, sh**t first, ask questions later? Get him out of my sight.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.


Repeat, shot fired.

SOLDIER: Sir! How long? Sixty seconds.

Bauer, it's Agent Morgan! Hold your fire! I'm unarmed.

Back off! I heard your call with the President.

He may not have believed you, but I do.

I'm going to come down into the room now.

I repeat, lam unarmed.

(GRUNTS) I can get you out of here alive.

That's not the priority.

I know, the flight key is.

How much more time do you have left on the upload? Less than five minutes.

You don't have that much time! Those Marines are gonna come through that door, and they're gonna k*ll you.

But you do have another option.

You can give me the flight key, and I can finish the upload for you and get it out of here.

Why the hell should I trust you? Because I really do believe you.

And 'cause you don't have another play.

Listen to her, Jack.

Ready, sir.

On three, two, one.


(INDISTINCT SHOUTING) Do not fire! Do not fire! I have Bauer in my custody! This is my prisoner.

Back off! This is a CIA matter now.

He's in our custody.

Stand down.

Erik, I need your cuffs.

Get Navarro on the phone, and tell him to get us out of here.

Shut down everything, all transmissions! Secure the hostages! MARINE: It's all right.

Come on, let's go.

Get him to a medic out there.

I said back off! Back off.

NEWSREADER: This will be President Heller's first address to Parliament and the first foreign head of state to address a joint session since the Canadian Prime Minister, Jay Gelnick, almost two years ago.

According to Department of Defense records, pilot Christopher Tanner is a 2011 graduate of the United States Air Force (DOOR OPENS) (DOOR CLOSES) (BEEPING) We are officially online.

MARGOT: Look at that.

IAN: Filtering for U.


drones operating over Europe.

Identify the 10 most heavily-armed drones closest to London, and Naveed will take over the piloting.

Yes? Yes.