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09x06 - Day 9: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/07/22 08:26
by bunniefuu
(NARRATOR READING ALOUD) Are you happy? Is he good to you? I know that I should have defended you more when I heard all those things Audrey, no.

Everything they said is true.

I k*lled those people.

I looked into the protocol of handing Bauer over to the Russians.

Rendition requires the President's direct approval.

So, I went ahead and drafted the executive order, which he needs to sign.

You're a terrible liar, Naveed.

You switched off one of the security buffers so they could find us.

You still need me to pilot the drones.

MARGOT: Ian's a quick learner.

He's been watching you.

Please, Margot, don't do this.

I treated you like a son.

Trusted you with my daughter.

Margot, please.

If you love Simone, you have to know that she wouldn't want you to do this.

Ask her.

Simone? (SHOUTING) Simone? I think you have your answer.

Two years ago, a m*ssile destroyed a meeting hall in Ghundi Kala.

The U.


claimed they were targeting my husband, who they called a t*rror1st.

I demand justice from the man responsible for this slaughter, President James Heller.

Unless President Heller surrenders himself to me in three hours at a place of my choosing, thousands of people in London will die in his stead.

We've confirmed that Margot Al-Harazi has six U.


drones under her control.

We believe they're headed for London.

So I was right.

What's going on? Possible hit on the Al-Harazi tape.

The back-trace program was being bounced from proxy to proxy, but it suddenly spat out an IP address.

We think we've located Al-Harazi.

Our local station chief, Agent Navarro, is personally leading a raid on where we think she's hiding out.

CHLOE: Someone inserted a redirect.

Your team's headed into a trap.

Steve, your team is in danger.

Get out of there right now! Take them.


MARK: Confirmation from joint base Lower Heyford.

"Satellite confirmed target site expl*si*n "was result of m*ssile strike from Vanguard-class drone.

" Oh, my God.

It was an ambush! How many agents did we lose? It's too soon to say, sir.


President, I'm sorry for your losses, but my immediate concern is for London.

Thai drone is still loaded with missiles, and there are five more drones en route.

We have AWACS and fighters in the air, searching.

And naturally, we're going to coordinate with the RAF.

Well, I must insist that our people be given full access to all technical data and codes pertaining to the drone program.

COBURN: Respectfully, Prime Minister, the security protocols for that information are highly sensitive.

Am I to believe you're hiding behind protocols, General? I was assured that the CIA had this matter in hand.

HELLER: General, please.

Provide the Ministry of Defense with all the information that the PM is requesting.

As you say, sir.

And, General, let's start coordinating our efforts with the RAF.

I'm repeating myself.

DAVIES: I have to go and confer with the cabinet.

We have to decide when and how to make this public.

MARK: I'll see you out.

I know the way, thank you.

Is there anything you want me to do? Have the Secret Service bring Jack to my office.

Sir, I've been loath to bring this to your attention.

We have intelligence, unverified, that Heller's being secretly treated by a neurologist.

Possibly for Alzheimer's.

Poor bastard.

Do you mean I'm counting on a man to protect our soil who hasn't got his wits about him? God help us.

(KNOCK ON DOOR) Come in.


President, Jack Bauer's here.

Thank you.

You can leave us.

Sit down, Jack.

(SIGHS) We were duped into thinking we had the location of Margot Al-Harazi.

When we got there, the as*ault team was blown up with a m*ssile from one of the drones controlled by Al-Harazi.

So, the drones are in range of London? One of them is.

The others are expected in two or three hours.

This arms dealer that you know, are you sure he can lead us to her actual whereabouts? Mr.

President, I can't be absolutely certain, but I believe he can.

He's done business with her for years.

She trusts him.

And right now, he's the only chance we've got.

Would he be willing to make a deal? No, Mr.


Like I told you before, he can't be bought, and we'd never be able to break him in time to stop these att*cks from happening.

All right.

NAVARRO: Latest count is four confirmed dead and six wounded.

Agent Ritter's got some burns, but he'll be all right.

I just put out the cover story that it was a gas main expl*si*n, per your orders.


Sir, I've got President Heller on the line for you.

All right.

Jordan, patch him through.


President, this is Steve Navarro.

I have you on the speakerphone with Jack Bauer.

He's got a play to find Margot Al-Harazi, but he needs to operate in the dark.

No surveillance, no tracking of any kind.

Do you understand? I'm not sure I do, sir.

HELLER: You are to give Jack Bauer whatever he needs.

Plus, silence.

This is Jack.

I'm gonna need a car, unmarked, civilian.

A clean phone with a scramble caller, field interrogation kit and a small weapons package.


Jordan, you'll take care of that? I'll send them right over.

You have an agent, Kate Morgan.

I want her assigned to me.

NAVARRO: I'm afraid I can't help you there.

Agent Morgan's no longer on roster.

What are you talking about? Why? She'd already been earmarked for transfer back to Langley.

I only had her in the field provisionally.

Well, put her back in the field.

Jack wants her, Jack needs her, Jack gets her.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, Mr.


I'll get started.

What's wrong? The President just sanctioned a mission for Jack Bauer.

Bauer wants you with him.

I'm sorry.

What? I don't know details, except we're under orders not to monitor the operation.

And I don't like it, Kate.

Without any surveillance or tracking, we can't provide you with any backup.

Did Navarro okay this? He told me to tell you there's a chopper warming up on the pad to take you where Bauer's waiting.

Right now? That's what he said.

The drone that took out the CIA team has four missiles left.

I'm flying it within cloud cover to minimize the chance of it being visually located.

And the others? They're on their way here now and invisible to radar.


I'm worried about Simone.

I understand what you had to do with Naveed.

You just shouldn't have done it in front of her.

She had real feelings for him.

I have no reason to doubt your sister's dedication to me or the cause.

She was in love with him.

When you second-guess your sister, you're second-guessing me.

You don't need to watch this.

I'm fine.

(CELL PHONE RINGING) FARAH: Naveed, it's your sister.

First you tell me to pack my bags, and then you don't pick up the phone.

I'm worried about you.

Are We still getting out of London? Call me back.

Did you know about this? No.


If Naveed had planned to take his sister out of London, then he must have told her about our operation.

No, no.

We don't know that.

Go to her.

Find out exactly what she knows and if she's told anyone else.

And if she has? Think of what we've sacrificed thus far.

What you have sacrificed.

I trust you to do what needs to be done.

The CIA just delivered this clean phone.

Thank you.

I'm Mark Boudreau.

I know who you are.

I just didn't expect the Chief of Staff to make the delivery.

I understand my wife came to visit you? Just curious.

What happened? Maybe you should ask her.

I'm asking you.

We talked.

When I first met Audrey, she was in pretty bad shape, in large part because of you.

I'm worried what your presence here may do to her.

What do you want from me? Your help.

Stay away from her.


Boudreau, if I live through today, which, by the way, is highly unlikely, I'm going straight to prison.

I'm the last thing you need to worry about.

(KNOCK ON DOOR) I'm sorry to interrupt, sir.

Agent Morgan is en route and should be arriving any minute.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I have to go.

She said you were good.

A good man.

And that she's happy.

(LINE RINGING) Hello? Chloe, it's me.


I saw you arrested.

Where are you? I don't have time to explain.

Is Belcheck with you? Yeah, he's here.


I'm gonna need help from both of you.

Put him on speaker.

(PHONE BEEPS) Go ahead.

How will you explain our military presence on the streets? Surely you can't say it's because a half dozen stealth drones are soon to be over London and under t*rror1st control.

I have no intention of causing a panic.

The elevated threat levels will be framed as a precautionary measure.

Excuse me, sir.

President Heller is calling for you.


Thank you.

Excuse me.

Well, I hope you have some good news for me.

I may soon enough.

Listen, Alastair, if you're thinking of putting a military presence on the streets, I wish you'd hold off.

And why would I do that? I'm concerned it'll compromise a covert operation we're running to locate Margot Al-Harazi.

Yes, with all due respect, you'll understand that after your last operation, I'm going to need more specifics.

(SIGHS) Jack Bauer intends to draw out a business associate of Al-Harazi's.

Bauer is a disgraced agent with international warrants out against him.

Why not just move in and pick up this contact ourselves? Jack convinced me the man won't deal and the man won't break.

Bauer needs to go in there and do it himself.

Well, you'll forgive me if I don't have your confidence in Bauer.

Remember, it is my country that will suffer if you're wrong.

(SIGHS) Alastair, listen.

Please do not deploy any military for at least an hour.

All right.

But you'll keep me apprised of every development.

I will.

And thank you.

Allowing a man with Jack Bauers record to direct an operation Maybe James is losing his mind after all.

I hope you don't think I'm speaking out of turn, PM, but should you be placing this kind of faith in his judgment? Especially in the light of his condition? Get hold of Woodfeld at MI-5.

I want to know exactly where Jack Bauer is going and who his contact is.

Yes, sir.

I'm clean.

I was given clear instructions not to have any operational surveillance.


I just wanted to make sure you understood the rules and that you'd follow them.

If you don't trust me, then why request me for this? 'Cause you strike me as someone who can handle pretty much anything that's thrown at you.

Why are they sending you back to the States? Is that relevant? I was married to a man who was convicted of selling state secrets to a foreign government.

Were you implicated? No.

But I didn't catch it when it was happening right under my nose.

Are you familiar with an arms dealer named Karl Rask? Yeah, we've been hunting him for years.

Rask's in London? Yes, he is.

I also know for a fact that he's been working with Margot Al-Harazi.

I think he knows where she is, and he can contact her.

He's not just gonna give you that information.

Of course he's not.

He's loyal to his clients, but he's also greedy.

That's how I'm gonna get him.

You seem to know a lot about Rask.

How? For the last two years, I've been working for him.

Unfortunately for us, I think the second he sees me, he's gonna want to k*ll me.

Get in the car.


I've uploaded everything we have on Karl Rask to your phone.

And the bank account? Set up in your name.

If you can get Rask to log into the account, it will insert a virus into his system.

We should be able to trace any of his interactions with Margot from there.



So, I went and I saw Jack today before he left.

Apparently, you saw him as well? Yeah.

I was gonna tell you.

I told him I was concerned about him being back, what it would do to you.

Mark, that wasn't necessary.

Well, it was probably more for me than it was for you.

What did Jack say? He said not to worry, that he was gonna be gone soon.



MAN: Mr, Boudreau, you have a call from the Russian embassy.

It's the Deputy Foreign Minister.

I got to take this.


MARK: Deputy Minister.


Boudreau, I hope I'm not calling at an inopportune time.

We are aware of the t*rror1st threat you are contending with.

Please tell President Heller to let us know if we can be of any assistance.

That's very considerate of you.

I'll pass it along.

In the meantime, I'm reviewing the transfer order that the President signed for Jack Bauer.

How soon can we expect to take custody of him? Well, there's been a change in circumstances.

The President has rescinded the rendition order.

You're aware of how strongly my government feels about Bauer being made to face justice.

You cannot just rescind it without explanation.

I understand It would be appreciated for President Heller to explain to Moscow why he is reversing his order.

Well, the President is not available right now, so So when may I tell my superiors to expect a call from him? I'm curious, Mr.


Is there some reason you are uncomfortable involving President Heller? Of course not.

I'm sure we don't need to make an issue out of this whole thing.

Let's just talk about it and we'll figure something out.

Let's meet privately.

When? I'll get back to you.


Get back to me today.

Okay, Chloe.


We're on our way.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around you working for someone like Rask.

In the last 11 months, two of Rask's clients, significant clients, have been taken down.

A human trafficking ring and an international drug cartel.

I'm using my position in Rask's organization to make sure people like that can't keep doing business.

Why? Who have you been working for? No one.

This time I'm doing it for me.

And Rask wants to k*ll you.

I disappeared on him when I discovered the threat against President Heller.

So, naturally, he'd think I was the leak.

He'd be right.


So what's your plan? (MURMURS) (TIRES SCREECHING) Rask had me working with a guy named Nils.

Nils is dead.

I need Rask to believe that Nils was the informant, not me, and that you were his CIA contact.

You want to hand me over to Rask.

It's the only way I know how to make this work.

What do you need me to do? Chloe uploaded evidence onto this phone linking you to the CIA investigation into Rask's operation.

I need to plant it on you and offer you up.

A sign of goodwill.

He's gonna want to interrogate me.

I know.

That's why I want to deliver you unconscious.

If you're unconscious, there's no one to interrogate.

Five cc's of propofol should give me enough time to get everything we need.

And if there's not enough time? I've got a guy on the ground.

He'll be covering you.

But it's not a guarantee.

Look, this is a long shot.

There is a very good chance that we will both end up dead.

If you don't want to do this, I can't force you.

It's a lot to ask.

Just make it count.

Sir, there's something you need to look at.

Files related to Kate's husband.

Can it wait? We're in the middle of an operation.

I think you'll want to see this, sir.

I was doing some routine maintenance sweeps, and I found something weird in our archives.

A partition was removed and some sectors are missing.

That's not possible.

Those partitions are locked.

They can't be deleted.

That's what I thought.

It's possible they transferred sensitive files during Adam's trial.

I'll make some inquiries.

Well, in the meantime, I need authorization to run a Phoenix Retrieval, see if I can bring back any ghost data from the missing files.

You better hold off on that for now.

We've got enough on our plates as it is.

I can run it in background.

Stay focused on Al-Harazi and the drones.

We'll figure out who screwed up and how when we have more time.

Yes, sir.


What are you doing here? I went to your house, and your neighbor told me you were here.

Is Naveed with you? Is there something going on? What do you mean? Naveed left me a scary message.

Telling me to pack my bags, saying he wanted us to leave town with him.

No, your brother's just been stressed.

The deadline for his dissertation's coming up.

I'm actually the one who suggested we spend some time out of London, just to clear our heads.

Why didn't he tell me himself? He asked me to tell you.

He feels really bad.

I'm so sorry if Naveed made it sound serious.

I just wish he would have told me.

I know how important this PhD is to him.



See you tomorrow.

Aunt Simone! Yasmin, you have grown so much.

The doctor said two inches this year.

We have to buy new clothes every month.

There's been a development, sir.

Bauer stopped for a few minutes beneath an overpass near Wandsworth.

We believe that's the CIA agent he was with.

Thermal indicates she's still alive, but he's put her in the boot.

DAVIES: What the devil's he doing? CAROLINE: Looks to me like he's betraying the Americans.

Should we alert them? No.

No, we handle this ourselves.

Assemble a team.

(KEYPAD BEEPS) (g*nshots) (TIRES SQUEALING) Get out of the car, Jack! Slowly.

Never expected to see your face around here again.

He's clean.

I sent you and Nils to make a payoff weeks ago.

With $200,000 of my money.

Nils is dead.

JACK: I know.

I was the one who k*lled him.

He was ratting you out.

He was working with the CIA.

(GRUNTS) You expect me to take your word for it? 'Course not.

I have his CIA contact.

She's in the trunk of my car.


You open it.

(PANTING) JACK: She's still alive.

I shot her up with propofol to keep her quiet.

RASK: Search her.

Okay, Jack.

Where's my money? It's in an account, waiting for you.

Why the hell do you think I came back? I'm trying to make things right.

You should keep her alive.

She's valuable.

She's an asset.

RASK: We have something that can counteract the propofol.

Wake her up and find out everything she knows.

Bring him.

(COCKS g*n) BELCHECK: I'm in position.

I see her.

CHLOE: Remember, this is our only chance of finding Margot.

You can't move in on Kate until Rask accesses the account I've set up.

She might not have that kind of time.

(CELL PHONE RINGING) Yes? Everything's okay.

Farah doesn't know anything about the operation.

Where did she think she was going with Naveed? I explained that he was just stressed and needed some time away.

And she believed you? Mmm-hmm.

I'm sure of it.

All right, I'm coming back.

We're too close to finishing this.

We can't take any chances.

Didn't you hear what I said? That Farah's completely in the dark.

And you also said Naveed could be trusted.

She has her daughter with her.

Then you have two loose ends to take care of.

Is that a problem? No.


Get back as soon as you can.

Thank you.

Would you like to join us for dinner? YASMIN: Please.


FARAH: Give some to your aunt.

Thank you.

Wake up.

Wakey, wakey.

Open those eyes.

Come on.

Come on.

(GRUNTS) MAN: I'm curious.

What did you offer Nils to make him turn? Eh? Was it immunity? Money? Or was it something else? (GROANS) (SCREAMS) ls the CIA working with anyone else in Rask's organization? (KNIFE SLASHES) (KATE SCREAMS) Are there any other operatives we need to be worried about? No.


Nils was it.

I don't believe you.



They're not wasting any time.

You better hurry.

All Rask has to do is sign into the account.

You disappeared for over two weeks without telling anyone.

CIA was all over me.

It was too risky to contact you.

So where's my money? In my account, GGS, Hamburg.

I can log you in.

I know GGS.

When you set up an account, you must have dealt with Metzger, right? What does it matter who helped me set up the account? Just answer my question.

Looking up GGS's personnel records now.

Did you deal with Metzger? What's his first name? I don't like being tested like this.

(GLASS SHATTERS) It's a simple question! Answer it! I don't see anyone named Metzger, but part of the bank's employee directory is locked.

Describe Metzger.

If you opened an account there, you would have met him.

Still trying to get into the directory.

He might be bluffing about someone named Metzger working there, he might not be.

There's no Metzger at the bank.

There is, and you're lying.

You are the one who informed on me.

Why are you really here? Like I said before, there's no Metzger at the bank.

Do you want your money or not? (CHUCKLES) You're right.

There is no Metzger there.

Did you see that? Can't even get him to break a sweat.

The log-in and confirmation codes are here.

Your money's waiting.

Set up a secure link.

This will take a moment.

(KATE WHIMPERS) (DRILL WHIRRS) Morgan is in trouble.

I help her now, or never.

CHLOE: Wait.

You can't.

We have to wait for Rask to access the account.

BELCHECK: You don't understand.

He's going to k*ll her.

I have to take him out.

(GRUNTS) Belcheck? Belcheck, do you copy? Jack, somethings happened to Belcheck.

He's not responding.

MI-5 AGENT: Another hostile down.

Advance team in position.

We've got targets in an adjacent.

MAN ON RADIO: Leave if alone.

Our orders are to apprehend Bauer's contact in the main warehouse.

Proceed to your designated positions.

Await my order.


Proceed to the main warehouse.

(DRILL WHIRRING) (TYPING) You're connected.

There's going to be another raid.

MAN: When? Your next operation.

We have several.



Let me tell you what you want to know, okay? Let me tell you exactly what you want to know.

Rask is on the bank site.

All he needs to do is enter the pass code.

Everybody, freeze! Nobody move! MI-5! (g*nshots) CHLOE: Jack, he didn't hit "enter"! it didn't go through! (g*nshots) Enough of your lies.

(DRILL WHIRRING) MAN: Do you hear that? (g*nshots IN DISTANCE) (GRUNTS) (STABS) (GRUNTS) (COMPUTER BEEPS) I've got it, Jack.

The virus is in his system.

MAN: We have to get out of here! Hold it! (g*nshots) (GASPS) Put the w*apon down! Now! Come on.

Give me an excuse to blow your brains all over the wall.

On your knees.

Now! MAN: Drop the g*n.

I said drop the g*n! My name is Jack Bauer.

I'm working undercover on behalf of the President of the United States.

Please come with us.

He's got a grenade! (GROANING) JACK: Son of a bitch.

CHLOE: Jack, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.

What the hell is MI-5 doing there? I don't know.

Did you manage to get anything on Margot from Rask's system? There are a lot of transactions.

What am I looking for? For an operation like this, she'd have had to go dark about 30 days ago.

Start there.

Look for high-dollar transactions, work your way backwards.


I got 'em.

Is there any contact information associated with the transfers? Just a phone number, a mobile.

JACK: Run it.

See if you can pull a location.

CHLOE: Already tracing.

I need to narrow it down, but the phones somewhere in South London.

You sure you don't want something to drink? I'm glad you're staying for dinner.

Yasmin now has an incentive for finishing her homework quickly.

Are you okay? (KNIFE CLICKS) Simone? Answer me.

What's wrong? Is it about Naveed? It is, isn't it? Are you two having problems? You need to leave now.

What? Grab your daughter and leave London right now.

Why? What's going on? Has something happened to Naveed? Please.

I can explain later.

But you need to leave now before it's too late.

Too late? Too late for what? SIMONE: Wait.

What are you doing? Calling the police.



I'm trying to protect you.

Protect me? Protect me from what? My mother.

No, no! Yasmin, get out! I'm trying to help you.

Please, be quiet.

Simone, no.

(YELLING) Yasmin, get out! SIMONE: Please I'm so sorry.

(KNIFE CLATTERS) (WHISPERING) Yasmin? Yasmin, please listen to me.

Yasmin? SIMONE: Yasmin, wait, listen to me.

Somebody, help! Yasmin? Yasmin, wait! Help! Hey.

Stop! Help! Yasmin, wait! MAN: Hey, stop! YASMIN: Help! Somebody, help! (HORN HONKING) (TIRES SCREECHING) (HORNS HONKING) (COMPUTER BEEPING) (DIALING) (LINE RINGING) MAN: Hello? We have a problem.

One of my analysts has been digging around Adam Morgan's data files.

He knows about the missing sectors.

I trust you were able to dissuade him from locking further.

I did for now.

But he thinks he might be able to retrieve the deleted files.

You told me that wouldn't be possible.

I said it was unlikely.

Is he working with Agent Morgan? Still trying to clear her husband? I don't know! I don't think so.

Make sure nothing is recovered.

If the evidence you planted against her husband gets out, there won't be any way for us to protect you.