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09x09 - Day 9: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/07/22 08:28
by bunniefuu
_ You said you were going to stop your analyst.

- If he sees those partitions, - _ he's going to know that you're the source of intel I've been selling to China.

Is there someone you can send me? I'm just a middleman here.

You've been well-paid.

Sort it out.

Steve Navarro sent you to k*ll me.

- He's the only one - _ who knows where I am.

We've lost contact with six Vanguard attack drones.

Take them.

We now believe that they're under the control of Margot Al-Harazi.

Surrender yourself to me on the terms I set out and you have my word, this will be over.

If a price has to be paid, I'm the one who should pay it.


President, there has to be another way.

- I've been diagnosed - _ with Alzheimer's.

If you were standing right here, in these shoes, in my position you would do the exact same thing.

This is the right way for me to go.

Mark, you knew? Tell me that it's not too late.

It is.

- I will never trust you again! - _ No, never! I don't trust Your father was the greatest man I ever knew! Today he asked for one last service.

I hated doing it, but I'd do it again if he asked me to.

Be at Wembley Stadium in the center of the pitch in one hour.

My God.

He really is there.

I'll do it.

_ _ _ _ _ Switch it off.

Audrey Your father was a was a courageous man and a dear friend.

To sacrifice himself in such a way it was an act of bravery that my nation will never forget.

Thank you, Prime Minister.

Well, let's just hope Al-Harazi keeps her word.

News is still coming in about an expl*si*n at Wembley Stadium just moments ago.

Eyewitnesses at the scene are reporting that they saw a m*ssile hitting the stadium echoing events at St.

Edward's Hospital earlier today.

Why would Al-Harazi fire a m*ssile into an empty football stadium? Because it wasn't empty.

Kate, what's wrong? President Heller was in the stadium.

What? He agreed to Margot's demands, to turn himself over he was the target.

That's impossible.

Secret Service would never allow that.

Bauer broke him out of the presidential quarters and delivered him to Wembley.

This is real.

The president is dead.

The British Navy have just reported an expl*si*n off the waters of Dover.

Suspected light aircraft.

Make that two.

Margot's statement said that she would destroy the drones if Heller turned himself in, so she must be keeping her end of the agreement.

Just the MLX drone left.

You're sure about this? Heller kept his word.

So must we.

Sending it into a dive.

Mahmoud is looking down on you from above, Mother.

He's looking down on us all.

Family meant everything to your stepfather.

When he came into our lives, he gave us a purpose.

Something to believe in.

Something to fight for.

I only wish he was alive to see this day.

Something's not right.

That look he gives I'm going to enhance it.

What?! What am I looking for?! He-he looks to the right like he just spotted something, and then a few seconds later There.

That's a repeat.

They must have cloned the footage.

They found a way into the feed.

They've tricked us Heller's still alive! Well, get that last drone back! - I'm trying! - Oh, for Hurry up! I'm heading out.

Meet me at the helicopter.

It's all clear, Mr.


We can go.

So Margot thought I was in the field when the m*ssile struck? That was the plan, sir.

Why didn't you tell me what you were doing? Because you wouldn't risk it.

Well, did it work? We'll know soon enough.

If Margot destroys the drones.

Go ahead.

The feed on five of the drones showed them in a dive and then went dead.

The last one's on course to join them.

- So it worked? - Looks that way.

She bought it, Mr.


Hang on.

- Chloe? - Wait.

Chloe, what the hell is going on? They changed the vector on the last one.

It was heading into a dive, now it's going back towards shore.

Son of a bitch.

What, Jack? - She's seen through it.

- Jack, I'm sorry.

I told you I didn't know if it would work.

Okay, I want you to send the feed over to the RAF.

Maybe they can intercept the last drone.

- Doing it now.

- Have you got a location - on her? - I've been trying to trace the signal being transmitted from the override device.

The best I can come up with is somewhere in East London.

I'll start heading in that direction.

Get back to me when you find her.

You should've let me take the hit, Jack.

I was prepared to die back there.


President, if there was a chance to save your life, I was gonna take it.

Five drones are down.

She has one left.

Which is capable of k*lling thousands of people.

Not if we get to her first.

Sir, where we were an hour ago, I consider this a success.

This your guy? - Yes.

- Good.

Hey, take me to the president's quarters.

Sir, we can't do that.

Margot Al-Harazi knows you're alive.

You need to stay dark.

I listened to you before, Jack.

I'm not listening to you again.


President, please.

Get in the car and let me do what I know how to do.

No phones.

She might be running a voice recognition scan.

I'll get back to you as soon as we're clear.

Got it.

Hand me your phone, I'll call the Secret Service.

They'll come and pick me up.

Jack said no phones.

I am the president of the United States of America and I just gave you an order.

I am not American citizen.

This is not America.

- Morgan.

- Kate, this is Jack.

I need you to patch me through to General Coburn in the president's quarters.

I need the president's entire staff to be able to hear me.

You got it.

It's Bauer.

He wants the president's staff in on this call.

Despite the prime minister's advice to stay indoors, an unprecedented number of people are queuing for trains out of London.

Well, nothing causes a panic like telling people to remain calm, does it? CIA is patching us into a call with Jack Bauer.

Put him on speaker.

You have everyone, Jack.

Thank you.

Is Audrey there? Yes, Jack, I'm here.

Audrey, your father's still alive.

What? What are you saying? I was with him just a moment ago, he's fine, he's safe.

We managed to get Margot Al-Harazi to believe that the president was on the field when the m*ssile struck.

Her end of the deal was to ditch the drones into the sea.

She took five of them down till she saw through it.

She pulled the sixth one out of a dive, now it's headed back to London.


Bauer, this is the prime minister.

Do we know Al-Harazi's target? No, sir, I'm sorry.

Can this last drone be stopped? Chloe O'Brian's sending the video feed from the drone over to you now.

She's also sent it to the RAF.

Hopefully they'll be able to intercept it before it gets back to the city.

- I'll liaise with our Chief of Defense staff.

- Jack, where's the president now? We can have Secret Service bring him in.

No, that's not safe.

She'll be monitoring Secret Service movement.

The president's agreed to stay with one of my men until this is over.

This is Navarro with CIA.

We're getting the drone feed now.

Yeah, we're seeing it, too.

Jack, what do you need from us? Manpower.

Look, if we can't intercept this drone, our only other play is to get to Al-Harazi before she targets those missiles.

Chloe O'Brian's narrowed down her location to somewhere in the East End.

I'm on my way there now.

All right, Kate and Erik will head out there and rendezvous with you.

Anything else we can do from this end? Have your tech guys contact Chloe O'Brian.

Give her whatever support she needs.

She can't do this on her own.

We're on it.

Jack? I'm still here.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Can you help Chloe trace the signal? I can try.

I'm still getting up to speed with how Jordan set up his system.


This is not like Jordan to leave in the middle of a crisis.

Let me worry about Jordan.

You and Erik get out to the East End, provide Bauer with backup.

I'll have a tac team follow.


Got him! Time codes confirm it.

Heller's alive.

Who's that with him? His name's Bauer, ex-CTU.

How long until the drone is back in range of London? Assuming they don't sh**t it down first.

What, is that likely?! They've hacked into our feed, Mother.

They can see everything we can! If they're quick, they can even track our signal.

We're expecting company.

We'll be ready for them.

I should've known I couldn't trust a liar like Heller.

I can still track him from after he left the stadium.

We can get him.


I want him alive.

I want him to see what happens next as a direct result of his cowardice.

Set a course for Waterloo Station.

Shall I lock in the targeting coordinates? Not yet.

Not until it's too late to do anything about it.

Every life lost will be on his conscience.

_ Chloe, it's Jack.

I'm circling over the East End.

Have you got a fix on Al-Harazi's position? The signal from the device is pinging off three different cell towers.

The best I can do is measure the time lapse between each tower.

That only gives me an approximate location somewhere in Hackney.

Damn it, we need more than that! Jack, let me try something.

I'll get back to you.

Copy that.

I was wondering if I'd ever hear from you again.

Margot still has control of one of the drones.

It's heading towards London.

I need you to help me to stop it.

Sorry, we've been over this.

Even if I wanted to help your friend Jack, there's really nothing you or I can do.

Actually there is.

And you wouldn't be helping Jack.

You'd be helping me.

I think there's a way to locate the device.

I'm monitoring the tracer's signal.

I've narrowed down the location to somewhere in East London.

But I can't pinpoint it exactly.

Do you have a way to do that? Actually I have been trying out this new GPS spoofer.

Hacks straight into the Navstar satellite.

And there's no reason why I can't modify that to find the signal.

I'll send you the data.

I already have your laptop mirrored in the background.

Got everything I need.

It's working.

Might send a few motorists the wrong way, but if you're sure it's for a good cause.

Got it.

Let me know what happens.


Jack, we've narrowed down the signal to an office block in Dalston.

"Tundel House.

" Kate, did you get that? Yeah, I know it.

We're not far.

What floor is she on? If you want a more exact location, you need to cut out the noise.

What are you talking about "noise"? Phones, Wi-Fi, satellite TV those all create interference.

So if we cut off the electricity to the building, can you do it? Yeah, I guess, if she's running an uninterrupted power supply.

There's got to be a dedicated electrical junction that serves the building.

Find it.

We're approaching the building now.

Get ready.

Margot may have set up a perimeter.

Jack, we're taking fire! Half a dozen guards at the entrance! They're here.

There's a gated-off area at the south entrance.

This might be what you need.

Kate, I need you to take out that electrical junction box so Chloe can get an exact fix on Margot's location.

Yeah, I see it! I'm gonna make my approach and land on the roof.

The drone is closing in on London.

Erik, I need a grenade.

Got it.

Can you get us closer? Go.

Go, go, go, go! They're coming in.

Do we still have control of the drone? The override device is running on backup power.

We'll be within range of London in the next five minutes.

Lock in the coordinates for Waterloo Station.

Power just came on.

Did you get it? Fifth floor, middle suite, Jack.


Kate, are you inside the building yet? Negative.

Jack, backup's just arrived.

We got a fixed location.

She's on the fifth floor.

I'm taking heavy fire.

I got to find a new way in.

Jack, they've started the targeting protocol.

You don't have long.

They're locking in a target.

Where is that? _ This is the prime minister.

I need an immediate evacuation of Waterloo Station.

Jack, the drone is set to hit Waterloo Station.

It's three minutes outside of targeting range.

Engage fire.

Moving back upstairs.

Cover me.

Targeting complete.

If we're going to go, it has to be now.

We don't leave until it's done.

The coordinates are locked in.

I've programmed the missiles so they'll fire as soon as they're within range.

We don't have to be here.

Well, I want to be sure.

Fine but you don't need me.

Sit down, Ian! Your stepfather stood for a cause.

He didn't back down, he didn't run away.

He was prepared to die for what he believed in, and so should we.

You're right.

We succeed or die together.

For Mahmoud.

I love you no matter what happens.

Remember that.

No! How long do they have? About 30 seconds.

They're not gonna make it out in time.

I got Margot Al-Harazi in custody and the override device.

What now? - The m*ssile's launched.

- What? You can divert it, Jack.

It's laser-guided.

Look for a targeting inlay.

You can use that to redirect the drone trajectory.

_ He did it.

Hundreds of people died today because of you and Heller.

You think you've won, but this is all on your head.

The only death tonight on my head is yours.

So, what's your name? Belcheck.

Belcheck what? Belcheck.

Just one word, like Madonna.

We have POTUS.

Repeat, we have POTUS.

Hands above your head! Now! Gentlemen show this man respect.

He's with me.

Let him go.

I thought I'd lost you.

I'm so sorry I put you through this.

That was a damn foolish thing to do, Jim.

But I understand your reasons.

On behalf of a very grateful nation, I thank you.

I'm sure if the circumstances were reversed, you would've done the same thing, Alastair.


I put you in a bad spot.

I'm sorry, my friend.

Like everyone else, I'm just happy you're safe, Mr.


Have we heard from Jack yet? CIA has confirmed Ian and Margot Al-Harazi are dead and Bauer is in possession of the override device.

Get Jack on that phone for me.

Straightaway, sir.

I want every hard drive, I want every terminal.

Everything goes with us.

Yes, sir.

This is Bauer.

Jack, it's me.

I'm safely in the office, and I have you to thank for it.

I want to thank you for looking after me.


President, it was my honor.

Sir, we're getting ready to head back with the override device.

We need to get this thing analyzed, know what we're really dealing with.

I'll send someone to meet you there.

Thank you, General.

You're with me.

Good work.

I'll see you back there.

Agent Morgan.

Hi, Kate, it's me.

I've got something for you.

Thought you were through supplying me with information.

This is different.

I'm at a motorcycle repair shop in Camden Lock.

I'm stood next to two dead bodies, and I believe one of them to be yours.

What do you mean? We found State Department credentials on him.

Jordan Reed? What's wrong? You there, Kate? Uh, yeah, I'm-I'm here.

Do you know this guy? What happened? Looks like they were both shot.

There's no ID on the second body.

All right, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Morgan, what's wrong? It's about Jordan.

Someone finally hear from him? He's dead.

What? How? I don't know the details.

I have to go to Camden and find out what's going on.

I'm coming with you.


I just got a call from one of my police contacts.

They found Jordan, Steve.

He's dead.

What? Jordan's dead? K Kate, what happened? I don't know, but they found his body in Camden.

Erik and I are gonna go over there and find out what's going on.

What was he doing out there? I'm not sure, but they said that they found two bodies.

Two bodies? What Who was he with? I don't know.

I'm I'm gonna go find out.

I'll call you when I have more information.

Sir? What's this about Jordan? Not right now, Gavin.

I was just phoning you.

I have a problem.

The police just found the body of the analyst that was digging around Adam Morgan's files.

They found another body along with it.

If it's the operative I sent to k*ll him, he can be traced back to me.

I'm just the middleman in all of this, remember? As I said.

You once told me, if I needed to get out of here, that you would help me.

Well, I'm asking now.

I need money, paperwork and safe transport.

I'll need something in return.

What is it? I understand the override device is on its way to you.

What do you know about that? Just bring it to me.

No, all of the drones have already been grounded.

That device is completely useless.

What do you want with it? Oh, again, best you don't know.

Just bring it to me.

And, um, I'll make sure you have everything you asked for.

Look, that thing's gonna be on lockdown as soon as it arrives here.

I can't just walk out with it.

You're in charge, you'll find a way.

Ring me when you have it.

CIA One, this is Jack Bauer.

We are less than five minutes out.

Device is in hand.

Lads, can we have a minute? This your guy? That's Jordan Reed.

Morgan, you okay? What happened? Got bloodstains over here and here.

Looks like that wrench was used as well.

You can tell from the trauma wounds on the guy's skull.

There's a blood trail outside, as well.

I'd say Jordan was shot somewhere else, they both ended up in here, struggled, he somehow got the g*n, but he died from the knife wound.

- They k*lled each other? - Well, both weapons are accounted for.

- I don't think we're looking for anyone else.

- So who is he? I don't know.

There's, uh no ID on the body.

There isn't even any labels on his clothes.

Sorry, I've got to take this.


- What was Jordan into? - Nothing.

Nothing that I know about.

Give me your phone.

- What are you doing? - I'm going to run his fingerprints through the database, see if I can find a match.

I want to find out who this guy is and why he wanted to k*ll Jordan.

Jack, where are you? Just getting back to the CIA station.

I've got the override device.

I want you to take a look at it.

Chloe? Chloe, can you hear me? Yeah.

Yeah, I I heard you, Jack.

I I'm not coming.

Margot's dead, and it's not my problem anymore.

Chloe, what's going on? Where are you? Jack it was good to see you today.

Like old times.

I hope you get back to see your family soon.

Chloe? Chloe?! You all right? Yeah.

Thank you.

For what? Another chance.

Is that it? General Coburn's sending over a DOD tech to analyze it.

He just got here.

This needs to be locked down in a secure room.

Any possible breach needs to be identified and addressed before a single drone is put back in service, understood? Mariana, take this gentleman to the tech room.

- Give him any assistance he may need.

- Thank you.

When are you expecting Agent Morgan back? She's out in the field.

One of our agents was k*lled.

What? Jordan Reed, our comm chief.

They found his body over in Camden.

He'd been away from the station for a couple of hours.

What were the circumstances? We're trying to establish the details.

He didn't tell anyone where he was going.

Do you think this is connected to Al-Harazi and the device? I don't know.

Until we get an update from Kate and Erik, we just don't know.

Son of a bitch.


This is Jack.

What the hell happened? We're still trying to put the pieces together, but the guy that Jordan shot didn't have any ID on him, so Erik's running a fingerprint scan right now.

You didn't tell me there was another body.

We're getting the news same time as you, Jack.

Scan threw back an O Code.


Jack, did you get that? Yeah.

An O Code means that he was a covert operative.

His identity is protected.

Kate, your man was taken out by a professional.

It doesn't make any sense.

Jordan was a techie.

He didn't have anything to do with this kind of stuff.

Can you find out who this operative was, Jack? Send me over the fingerprint scan, I'll see what I can do.

Okay, I'm on it.

What are you doing? I'm gonna send the scan over to an old CIA contact I had at Langley.

If anyone can break the O Code, he can.

We can take care of that here.


You have your man do it, I'll have mine.

We'll see who gets it done first.

Come on.

How long do you think that'll take? If he agrees to do it, not long.

Excuse me.

Hey, it's Jack.

Did you manage to get anything off that print? No, it's still running.

Didn't get anything from the main database, but if he's covert ops, like you suspect, then that's not surprising.

I'm in the secure database now, so let's see if we can get a match.

I'll get back to you when I get a hit.


What can you tell us? All military defense systems use a common architecture.

They basically work off a 2048-bit encryption.

What we're dealing with here This looks like it was designed to break through the firewall.

To do what? Worst case scenario? Anything you want.

Unlimited access to any defense system out there.

This isn't just about drones.

I'm sorry.

I have to take this.

Audrey? I-I wanted to call and and thank you.


Audrey, a lot of people are involved in stopping those drones.

That's-that's not what I'm talking about.

I I-I know that he was willing to sacrifice himself, and I know that you would never let that happen.

And that means a lot to me.

I'm not ready to lose him.

Hold on one second.

Audrey, I got to take this call.



I'll find you as soon as I can, okay? Of course.

Shh! Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.


Talk to me.

We have a hit.

Hold on.

I want to log on.

Okay, go.

Who is he? James Harman.

That mean anything to you? No, nothing.

Oh, covert ops.

Top level assassin.

Deep in the program until a failed mission in Cairo a few years ago.

Who was he associated with? Find me his handlers.

Uh, four reporting seniors.

Russell Whittaker, Floyd Birmann, Roland Spaeth, Steve Navarro.

Oh, my God.

Got a report of a possible security breach.

I need you to lock this area down.

No one comes through here, you understand? Yes, sir.

Shut it.

Make a sound, and I will k*ll you.

Be right back.

- Have you got it? - Yeah, I have it.

Is there a problem? I need to know why you want it.

Do you want to leave the country, or not? Where do we meet? Finsbury Square.

Call me when you're there.

So, where are we going? I have to meet a friend.