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09x10 - Day 9: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/07/22 08:29
by bunniefuu
(NARRATOR READING ALOUD) MAN: I looked into the protocol of handing Bauer over to the Russians.

Rendition requires the President's direct approval.

He needs to sign.

How soon can we expect to take custody of Jack Bauer? Is there some reason you are uncomfortable involving President Heller? Chloe, I've got the override device.

I want you to take a look at it.

I'm not coming.

Margot's dead, and it's not my problem anymore.

Thank you.

For what? Another chance.

I know that this was about Adam.

Her own husband selling secrets to the Chinese? And she didn't know? ADRIAN: You said you were going to stop your analyst from retrieving the deleted partitions from Adam Morgan's files.

If he sees those partitions, he's going to know that you're the source of Intel I've been selling to China.

ls there someone you can send me? A cleaner? I'm just a middleman here.

You've been well-paid.

Sort it out.

(g*nsh*t) (SCREAMING) (g*nshots) They found Jordan, Steve.

He's dead.

NAVARRO: What happened? I'm not sure, but they said that they found two bodies.

Two bodies? If it's the operative I sent to k*ll him, he can be traced back to me.

I need money, paperwork and safe transport.

I understand the override device is on its way to you.

Bring it to me.

And you have everything you ask for.

General Coburn's sending over a DOD tech to analyze it.

What we're dealing with here Unlimited access to any defense system out there.

I'm going to find out who this guy is.

I'm going to run his fingerprints through the database, see if I can find a match.

We have a hit.

JACK: Who was he associated with? Steve Navarro.


Kate, it's Jack.

I need your help.

What's going on? The operative that k*lled your agent was sent by Navarro.

What are you talking about? Navarro and the k*ller were in the same covert unit together.

He was his handler.

Well, why would Navarro want Jordan k*lled? Before I could confront him, he took off with the override device.

Kate, this thing is more dangerous than we thought.

It's not restricted to drones.

It can access multiple weapons systems.

Even those from other countries.

Oh, my God.

I'm in pursuit now.

I need you to send a tac team unit.

Use satellite and closed circuit television, lock into my phone.

Get back to me.

(LINE RINGS) ADRIAN: (DISTORTED) Do you have it? Yeah.

I'm almost at Finsbury square.

Meet me at Liverpool Street station.

How will I recognize you? Don't worry, I'll find you.

Once it's in my hands, of course, the car will arrive, and all the arrangements have been made to take you safely out of the country.

And once I hand over the device, how will I know you're going to keep your end of the bargain? Well, not keep up your end of the bargain, and spend the rest of your life in federal penitentiary, if you like.

That is, if you can avoid the death penalty.

It's your choice.

I'll be there in five minutes.

Hello? What's going on? I'm taking the override back.

Yates' device? My device.

You told me that Yates designed it.

Yates engineered certain aspects of it, but I designed it.

He stole it from me.

And modified it for the US drone system, just so he could sell it to t*rrorists and line his own pockets.

Never gave a damn about the fact that it could be worth far more.

What are you talking about? Far more than k*lling hundreds of innocent people? (PEOPLE SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) We're going to save lives, Chloe.

Millions of them.

How? We're going to break into the world's arsenals, and exploit the vulnerability in their firewalls.

We're going to share that information with every nation on Earth.

How effective could a country's weapons systems be if its adversaries could take control of them? Not very.

Right, so, one stroke and technological warfare is obsolete.

Adrian, the override is locked up at CIA.

How do you expect to get it out of there? It's out already.

Navarro will be in momentarily to deliver ii.

He and I did some business together.

He provided me with classified files, some of which I then brokered to the Chinese intelligence.

Operations cost, Chloe.

Even ours.

Chinese were willing to pay.

They assumed they were exploiting me, I was using them.

It's all part of the same fight.

Better world.

What you would have wanted for Morris and Prescott.

Have some faith in me.

We're so close.

Come on.

You're with me? (PHONE RINGING) Go ahead.

Gavin Leonard, West London Station.

Agent Morgan instructed me to call you.

What do you got? Agent Navarro locked out our access to CCTV cameras.

I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to get us back in.

Okay, I want you to switch over to satellite, get a fix on my location, get the tac team over here now.

Will do.

(HONKING) I'm approaching the west side of the station.

ADRIAN: (DISTORTED) There should be a blue construction wall just ahead of you on the left.

I see it.

Okay, I'm there.

I'm at the wall.

You'll find an envelope in the cement mixer.

I see it.

Okay, I've got it.


Drop the device through the slot directly behind you through the construction wall.

Drop it now.

Okay, it's done.

Where's my car? Hello? Where the hell is my car? Talk to me, you son of a bitch! Don't you move! OFFICER: Drop your w*apon! JACK: On the ground now! Interlock your fingers behind your head.

OFFICER: Now! Get down! Where is it? Where is the override device? 'Cuff him.

OFFICER: Hands behind your back.


Damn it! Out of the way.

Out of the way, move! Out of the way, move! Police emergency, out of the way! Move! Chloe! Yeah, it's Jack.

I need you to track a train leaving Liverpool Street Station, heading westbound now.

Someone triggered the emergency brake three minutes ago on the Circle line before the next station.

Two people on the train got off in the tunnel.

Where there's no closed circuit television.

This was planned.

They're gone.


(PHONE RINGS) Go ahead.

Jack, it's Kate.

You've got me and Agent Ritter on speaker.

We're back at CIA.

What's your status? We got Navarro.

But he handed off the override device to Adrian Cross before I could get to him.

What does Adrian Cross have to do with any of this? I don't know yet.

I'll put out an all-agencies search on him now.

You can try, but Adrian Cross has spent the last decade eluding authorities.

Kate, Chloe O'Brian was with him.

Jack, are you sure? Positive, I saw her.

I tried calling, but the line's dead.

That doesn't make any sense, Chloe's been helping us all day long.

If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have gotten to Margot in time.

I know.

You think O'Brian was playing us? Biding her time until we got the device back so she could give it to Cross? My gut says no, but I can't be sure.

I'm coming in with Navarro now.


You're the ranking now.

Can I have everyone's attention, please.

As some of you may already know, Station Chief Navarro has been taken into custody as a suspect in the m*rder of analyst Jordan Reed.

And for the theft of the override device used in today's att*cks.

As senior agent, I'm assuming the duties of Station Head for the time being.

Recovering this device is our number one priority.

I'll be issuing protocols and responsibilities shortly.


Let's get back to work.

(EMPLOYEES MURMURING) I need you to get into Jordan's system and see if he was working on anything specifically to do with Navarro.

Something worth k*lling him for? Yeah.

Dad, you can't mix alcohol with your medication (GROANS) Just the one.

I was asked to tell you that Air Force One is on the tarmac, and it's fueled and ready.


You know, I came over here to keep our drone bases in Diego Garcia.

And now I'm going back with nothing.

Except a slew of British and American lives on my conscience.

You are not responsible for what Al-Harazi did.

You were willing to give up your life to save others, Dad.

Do not blame yourself for anything.

I think I'll leave that one up to the historians.

We should tell the Secret Service that I'm ready to go home.

Putin a call to the Vice President, tell him that I'm getting ready to make the announcement, and that he should prepare himself to take over.

(SIGHS) Dad, um We've already talked about this.

Yeah, he's gonna be at Andrews Sir? Mark, please! Agent Ritter is calling from the West London Station.

He needs to speak to you immediately.

Well, put him on.

Agent Ritter, you're on with the President.


President, I'm calling to alert you that the override device used in today's att*cks was stolen from our facility.

We believe that Adrian Cross and his people are in possession of it.

How did that happen? Agent Ritter, where is your Station Chief Navarro? Agent Navarro is responsible for the theft.

What? Jack Bauer just apprehended him.


President, it's important that you understand that this device seems to be far more dangerous than we realized.

How's that? The tech that the DOD sent over was assaulted by Navarro before he could complete his analysis, but it seems from his notes that this device can get past the basic firewall security most countries use to protect their military command and control systems.

Where's Bauer now? He's transporting Navarro back here for interrogation.

When he gets back, give him everything he needs.

And keep me posted.

Yes, sir.

(SIGHS DEEPLY) I want a full report from DOD and any counter measures that they can think of.

Yes, sir.

And, Mark, tell Air Force One to stand down.

We're not going anywhere till we figure this out.

Got it.

Agent Morgan, I think I found something.

That connects to Navarro? Yeah.

Before Jordan left, he was running some data restoration protocol.

What was he trying to recover? Some files that Navarro was working on sometime last year and then deleted.

Those files, they contain classified material that was supposedly leaked to the Chinese by your husband.

The intel originated from Navarro.

You're telling me Navarro was the one who sold the intel to the Chinese, but he made it look like my husband did it? He set my husband up.

Is that right? Yeah.

Son of a bitch! ERIK: Kate! Kate, hold on.

Kate! Do you understand what he did? I get it, I get it, I know.

But this is not the time or place.

Go to your office.

KATE: I can't do that.



That's an order.

What's that about? I'm still finding out what else Navarro was into.

Looks like he was the one who sold secrets to the Chinese, and set Kate's husband up to take the fall.

I'm getting authorization to have him sent down to special activities for enhanced interrogation.

That's not gonna work.

Navarro was in covert ops.

He's been trained to resist those exact same techniques.

What do you suggest? Let me talk to him.

Bauer He views you and everybody else here as a subordinate.

He will not be afraid of you.

But he knows my history.


Okay, you can talk to him.

Soon as he's set up in interrogation.

But if you cross the line, I'm pulling you.

Just so we're clear, I wasn't asking.

That was me being courteous.

JACK: Kate I don't need you to say anything.

I know.

At least your husband's name has been cleared.

(SNIFFLING) It's too late for that, Jack.

My husband got a life sentence, and a month into it, he hung himself all because of that son of a bitch who I thought was my friend.

I'm sorry.

I have to interrogate Navarro.

We need to find the override device.

You need to decide whether or not you want to stay here.

Nobody would fault you if you chose to step aside, especially me.

MAN: Okay.

The readings are coming in Respiration and thermal elevated, as you'd expect.

It's gonna be hard to get a reading until we get him settled into a baseline.

I don't need biometrics.

As long as you remember the ground rules.


I'd like to observe.

I'm fine.

Take off the restraints, give us the room.

You know the drill, but I'm gonna lay it out for you anyways.

The CIA knows you had Agent Reed m*rder*d.

And you've been selling secrets to the Chinese, and had Agent Morgan's husband framed for it, who was also a federal agent.

I am an eye witness to you stealing the override device and handing it over to Adrian Cross, knowing its full potential as a w*apon of mass destruction.

There is only one outcome here, and that is the death penalty.

Unless, of course, you cooperate.

Help us find it.

Then I'm pretty sure I can get them to take that off the table.

The truth is I never knew I was dealing with Adrian Cross.

He kept all of our interactions anonymous.

But I do know how you can find him, and the override, if you move quickly.

In return, I want full immunity.

Signed by the President.


No negotiations.

End of discussion.

Nobody here is going to give him immunity, right? And before you bother to object, remember we are talking about a w*apon of mass destruction.

Aren't we, Jack? I'm going to ask you one last time nicely.

Where's the override device? Come on now.

You and I both know they're not going to let you hurt me.

Agent Ritter is acting Head of Station, and there's no way he's going to let you screw up his career.

Let's face it, Jack.

Anything you say or do between now and me getting that immunity is just a waste of time.

Tick took.

Well, I can assure you full immunity is not on the table.

But your hand is.

(SCREAMING) JACK: Where is the override device? Clear this room! Get him out of here! Medic! Get off! Medic! Get a medic in here.

Sergeant You're not going to get away with this.

Not after what you did to Adam! Go! Put a guard on him.

Take him down to the medical.

Yes, sir.

No one near him.

You cannot make a deal with this man.

Go! Listen to me, Kate.

Listen to me.

If Navarro really does know how to find the override device, then I have to make the case for immunity in return for information that might lead to recovery of the device.

The rest is up to the President.

The President wants an immunity agreement drawn up for Steve Navarro.

That's hard to understand after what he did.

You don't have to understand, just draft it out for him as soon as possible.


The AG needs to sign off on it too so set up a link to the Justice Department.

You want me to patch it through to the office or the cell? Sir? Uh, the office.

Thanks, Ron.

You got it.

(SIGHS) I'm sorry that I snapped at you when I was with my father.


Mark, look, I know that he put you in an impossible situation ordering you not to tell me that he was turning himself over to Al-Harazi.

But that's not what this is really about, is it? The distance between us? What do you mean? The moment Jack Bauer showed up in London, things changed for you.

That's the truth.

Admit it.

Mark What happened between Jack and I, that was a long time ago.

That may be true, but clearly you've not resolved your feelings for him.

Why are you going there? Because I'm tired of dancing around like this.

I want to know where we stand.

I made a commitment to our marriage and I intend to honor it.

Well, I'm glad that I'm an obligation that you're taking seriously.

That's not what I meant.

What did you mean? (SCOFFS) I can't talk to you when you're like this.


(SIGHS) It's Mark Boudreau.

Put him on the phone.


I hope you're calling to tell me you have Jack Bauer ready to turn over to us.

Not exactly.

Moscow will be very sorry to hear that they'll be letting your State Department know you forged your President's signature on Bauer's rendition order.

I suspect prison may be in your future, my friend.

Look, I don't have Bauer but I can tell you how to find him.

Go on.

He's in the field.

He's using an encrypted CIA comlink.

I have the transmission code.

Your men will be able to pinpoint his location.

That would be satisfactory.

My aide will text you on a secure channel.

Upload the code to him there.

Needless to say, my involvement in this remains between us.

If we successfully acquire Bauer, no one will ever need to know.

(TEXT MESSAGE CHIMES) (RINGING) Adrian? Do you have it? ADRIAN: Yes.

ls everything ready? Yeah, we should be fully operational in about Right, Chloe and I should see you then.

Have you told her everything? ADRIAN: Yes.

Speak to you shortly.


Adrian, I gotta go pee.


Yes? All right, all right.

Hey! Wait, wait! No, wait, wait! Don't go! Give me that.

Just give me that.

Just give me that.

Why do you insist on disappointing me? What is wrong with you? You can't actually think this would work.

I would've thought, of all people, you might have understood.

Distributing weapons to everyone? Get in the car.

Just get in the car.

Are you asking me or telling me? I think you know the answer to that.

How about giving me something for the pain? I've been instructed not to.


Get your hands up right now.

Kate, what are you doing? You, shut up.

Get your hands up.

Turn around, right now.

Turn around, get against the wall, now.

On your knees.

You too.

On your knees.

Kate, you don't have to do this.

Son of a bitch.

You framed my husband.

He's dead because of you.

Just think about what you're doing.

You've got a long career ahead of you.

Do you understand that, when Adam was arrested, I blamed myself for not knowing he was a spy.

And, all the while, you stood by me pretending to be my friend.

Kate, if you k*ll me, the CIA will never get their hands on that device.

I don't give a damn about that! Easy, Kate! Bauer, get her off of me! Kate, put the w*apon down.

Back off, Bauer.

This has got nothing to do with you.

We need him alive to know what he knows.

He doesn't know anything.

He's playing us.

That's not true.

Bauer! Agent Morgan, put it down! He's got no idea where the device is.

He's lying just like he lied about everything else! No, I'm not! I put a tracker on the device.

I can tell you where it is.

You lying bastard! Please, put the w*apon down and let him talk! I can give you the trackers code.

I don't believe you.

I'm going to put a b*llet in your head.

Kate, Kate! Put the w*apon down! Three, eight, four, six, nine, romeo.

Three, alpha, four, six, nine, romeo.

That's the code.

I'm telling you the truth.

Did you get that? Gavin.

Running the trace now.

Seems to be legit.

It's already triangulating within a four mile area.

Copy that.

He's logging onto the override device.

It worked.

You're done.

You're going to be ex*cuted for m*rder and for treason.

And I'm going to be thereto watch.

ERIK: What the hell's going on? Agent Morgan broke Navarro.

We got a lock on the override device.

We need to move immediately.

We don't know how long Adrian Cross is going to stay put.


w*apon systems in the Middle East may also be vulnerable to the override.

The Chinese carrier making its way into the Mediterranean is fraying a lot of nerves.

What's your recommendation? Should we alert NATO? Sir, I'd be very wary about broadcasting the existence of a device that can access our defense systems.

It would be extremely destabilizing.

Sorry, I'm late.

Here's that immunity agreement you asked for.

Not going to be necessary.

They managed to get Navarro to talk.

That's good news.

What did he tell them? He installed a tracker on the override device.

We're not taking anything for granted.

We're just praying that Jack and the lac teams can locate it and locate it quickly.

Bauer's involved in the operation? Yeah, he's leading it.

All right, General, what are we doing to protect ourselves against this? GENERAL: All branches of the military are on system-wide security alert.

Gavin, we're approximately five miles from the outer perimeter of the search grid.

Do you have a location? It's taking a while to lock in.

Something must be blocking the signal.

Can you do something about it? Try and compensate.

Send you approximate coordinates.

Still going to be a large search radius.

JACK: Work fast.

Tactical one, do you copy? Tactical one.


We can't enter as a convoy.

Adrian Cross's people will see us coming from a mile away.

I want you to enter the grid from the south.

Teams two and three from the east and west, respectively.

Copy that.

You okay? The last time I saw my husband, he was in custody.

We were going to go over his appeal.

He was really happy to see me until he realized that I no longer believed him.

I'll never forget the look in his eye.

I know that was the moment that he decided to take his own life.

Not because he was convicted, but because I had deserted him.

How am I supposed to live with that? You just do.

Four years ago, my partner My friend was k*lled.

And I took as much revenge as any man could possibly take.

Cost me everything I had.

What was left of my family.


Somehow, I thought it would ease the pain, but it doesn't.

And, somewhere in your heart, you have to really accept that.

And then you can begin to forgive yourself.

ADRIAN: I've moved everyone here.

(CAR LOCK BEEPS) This way.

It used to be a college tech lab.

Budget cuts.

They're all going to be very happy to see you.

Do they know what you're planning on doing with the device? Yes, yes.

Stosh? Chloe? Chloe? Chloe, we've got to go.


Chloe, come on.

We've got to go.

Come on.

Stay rig ht there.


CHENG: Take the device.

How did you do this? What, this? I didn't do this, you did.

When you tried to deceive us.

Look, we've paid you to develop the override.

Not for you to give it away to the rest of the world.

Your government would have got what it paid for.

He doesn't work for the Chinese government.



You are along way from home.

(SPEAKING MANDARIN) You're working with Chang? Are you insane? How do you know him? He was with Chinese intelligence, head of security at the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles.

His own country had him arrested.

He's supposed to be rotting in prison.

He kidnapped Jack, had him put in a secret prison outside Beijing, and tortured him for over a year.

When Audrey Heller went to go look for him, he did the same thing to her.

(BANGS TABLE) The device has been altered.

What have you done? Yates has modified it so that it focuses on the US drones' core.

Well, you will restore it to the original state.

Look, I don't have the expertise for that sort of thing.

All right? I believe you.

But I'm sure you can manage.

Right? I'm not going to help you.

(ADRIAN SCREAMS) No! And the next one is in his brain.

Okay, okay, stop.

I'll help you.

(ADRIAN MOANING) Come on, answer the phone.

This is Anatol Stolnavic.

Please leave a message.

Anatol, this is my third message.

Call off your men.

Do not apprehend Bauer.

Call me as soon as you get this.

Gavin, this is Bauer, do you have a lock on that location yet? Affirmative.

Two-story building, four ground entrances.

I'm showing satellite uplinks, several T1 trunk lines.

You're less than three minutes out.

Copy that.

Send the address over to Agent Morgan.

Don't wait too long for calling in backup.

I know you have a history with Chloe O'Brian.

My priority is the override device.

Stay focused on your job.

Stop worrying about me.

How much longer? I don't know.

If you're stalling or trying to doing anything to compromise this device I'm working on the buffer configurations.

If it was easy, you wouldn't have me doing it.

It'll be done when it's done.

What are you planning on doing anyway? Don't concern yourself with that.

Just focus on the task at hand.


We're good.

I can handle it from here.

What about the virus she planted? Deleting it now.

Your screen was mirrored by his.

I knew you were going to sabotage the device.

You needed me to access the firmware interface.

Thank you for opening the door, Ms.


We're not going to get out of this alive.

Don't say that There's something I Should tell you about.

Your husband and your son What? About a year ago, I came across some documents that disproved what you had been led to believe about that car accident Their deaths.

What do you mean? It was an accident, Chloe.

No one was trying to k*ll you.

No one was responsible for what happened to your family.

Why would you keep that from me? I didn't want you to leave.

I was going to tell you eventually, no matter what.

The truth is always best.

What truth? The truth when you decide to tell it? Look around, Adrian.

All your work has led to this.

Please, don't ask me to regret all I've stood for.

I don't.

I'm inside the naval command server.

Draft the order.

What order? We're almost done here.

And I really don't have any use for you anymore.

No, no.

No! No! No, no, no! No! Erik, I want your tac teams to hold their position.

We can't run the risk of them being seen on satellite.

They'll be two miles behind you.

All teams will be standing by for your signal.

What the hell was that? Bauer? Kate, come in.

JACK: You okay? Yeah.

(SPEAKING RUSSIAN) We got two sh**t in the truck, you ready? Yeah.

Go! Move up! Move up! (TIRES SCREECHING) (g*nf*re) (INDISTINCTLY SPEAKING RUSSIAN) It's a nuclear sub.

Yes, it is.

What are you arming it to do? Waiting.

Send it.

Sir, incoming tactical action message.

Let's do it.

What is it, sir? Fire order.

We're to sink the Chinese carrier, Shenyang.

Could this be a drill? It's confirmed.

Direct from Strategic Command.

This is the captain.

Flood torpedo tubes one and two.

Make ready for launch.

Yes, sir.


Give me a solution on the Shenyang.

Bearing, one, eight, five, seven miles.

Course, zero, three, zero, at 12 knots.

All tubes report ready.

Fire torpedoes one and two.

Oh, my God.