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09x11 - Day 9: 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/07/22 08:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on 24 Mr.

President, I'm calling to alert you that the override device used in today's att*cks was stolen from our facility.

We believe that Adrian Cross and his people are in possession of it and it's important that you understand that this device can get past the basic firewall security most countries use to protect their military command and control systems.

Why did you do this? We paid you to develop the override, not for you to give it away for the rest of the world.

You're working with Cheng? Are you insane? How do you know him? He kidnapped Jack, had him put in a secret prison outside of Beijing and tortured him for over a year.

When Audrey went to go look for him, he did the same thing to her.

Well, I really don't have any use for you anymore.

No, no No, no! No! We've got a lock on the override device.

We need to move immediately, we don't know how long Adrian Cross is gonna stay put.

Erik, I want your tac teams to hold their position.

We can't run the risk of them being seen on satellite.

They'll be two miles behind you.

The moment Jack Bauer showed up in London, things changed for you.

What happened between Jack and I that was a long time ago.

Clearly, you have not resolved your feelings for him.

I can't talk to you when you're like this.

I hope you're calling to tell me you have Jack Bauer ready to turn over to us.

He's using an encrypted CIA comm link.

Your men will be able to pinpoint his location.

Hold on! Come on.

I'm inside the Naval Command server.

- Draft the order.

- That's a nuclear sub.

Send it.

- What is it, sir? - Fire order.

We're to sink the Chinese carrier Shenyang.

Fire torpedoes one and two.

Oh, my God.

With Cross in possession of the device, the intelligent asset's primary targets are likely those places he's publicly denounced in the past.

Now, we've stepped up our, uh, security.

And we're deploying Patriot m*ssile batteries at Cambridge Naval Tracking Station and the NSA depot at Emery.

Do we have a problem, Admiral? Sir, our KH-12 satellites are tracking a massive series of explosions aboard the Chinese carrier Shenyang.

Was that our doing? All we know is it started below the waterline.


Sir, DIA is patching through live sat feed now.

Just got to get out of here behind that building.

You ready? - Yeah.

- Go.

_ Adrian Cross has Russians working for him? I don't think this is Cross.

It's too sophisticated.

They're gonna try and flank us.

I'm gonna move to the front of the car.

You ready? - Yeah.

- Go.

The American sub commander's sending confirmation of the Shenyang's sinking.

- Should I reply? - No.

Disconnect from the Naval Command server.

If there's a vulnerability with the software, we don't want the transmission of the order traced.

If you wanted to use the override to start a w*r between the U.


and China, why attack - your own country? - China turned its back on me.

It's not my country anymore.


You need to see this.

That closed-circuit camera's less than a quarter mile from here.

Just up the road.

Freeze it.


How did he find us? Did you search her and Cross for any tracking devices? They're both clean.

It's time to go.

Scramble the closed-circuits.

- What do you want to do about her? - Bring her with us.

What's in her head is extremely valuable.

Get up.


You're trying my patience, Ms.


Do not cause any more trouble than you're worth.

Get going.

_ _ Aim for the propane tanks.

I'm out.

I'm out, too.

Jack, backup is here.

Federal agents.

Drop your weapons.

- Identify yourself.

- Agent Morgan.

I'm glad to see you.

We were ambushed.

I need a few magazines for an HK 30.

You got 'em? I still got a clean signal.

Override device hasn't moved.


I need your people to get back on comm.

- I'm going after the device.

- Looks like we were expected.

They were Russian.

I want to know exactly who they are, I want fingerprints on everyone.

Lock down the entire area, okay? Let's lock it down.

Oh, son of a bitch.

My God.

Adrian Cross is dead.

What about Chloe? Don't know.

The override device is missing.

Whoever has it was smart enough to take off the tracker.

Jack, this phone is still recording.

You're trying my patience, Ms.


Do not cause any more trouble than you're worth.

Get going.

Play it again.

Play it again.

You're trying my patience, Ms.


Do not cause any more trouble than you're worth.

Get going.

My God.

Do you recognize the voice? I'll never forget it.

Bring your people in, I need to talk to the president.

Excuse me, Mr.

President, Jack Bauer is calling for you.

Admiral, I want the Massachusetts to initiate all rescue efforts.

And bring General Coburn up to speed when he gets to Euro Comm.

Yes, sir.

You're on, sir.


President, I'm sorry about the noise.

Can you hear me? Loud and clear.

Have you found Adrian Cross? Does he still have the override device? Sir, Adrian Cross is dead and the override device is gone, but I know who has it.


President, you're not gonna believe this, but it's Cheng Zhi.

That's not possible.

I just heard a recording of his voice on a phone left behind by Chloe O'Brian.

Jack, Cheng was k*lled three years ago trying to escape from a Chinese prison.

Our sources in China confirmed that.


President, I thought so, too.

But we were wrong.

Sir, if this man held me c*ptive and tortured me for over a year and a half, I would never forget his voice.

I promise you, it's him.

Well, a short while ago, one of our subs ex*cuted a false order to destroy a Chinese carrier.

I guess we can assume the override device gave that order.

Oh, my God.

Whoever Cheng's working for is trying to start a military conflict between China and the West.

What makes you think he's working with someone else? Because when we were en route to apprehend Adrian Cross, we were att*cked and held back by Russian operatives.

- Russian? - Yes, sir.

It's imperative that you find Cheng and the override device, so that we can show the Chinese that we were not responsible.

Understood, Mr.


I'll keep you apprised.

You all right? He was dead.

Everyone said he was dead.

Excuse me, Mr.

President? - Do you want to go? - No, I'm-I'm, uh - You all right? - I'm all right.

I'm all right.

We need to know where Cheng went after using the override.

Satellite coverage has been off-axis.

And I'm having trouble trying to get into the local CCTV feed.

Why? That's what I'm trying to find out.

I somehow doubt this isn't a coincidence.

Look, I know you're still trying to get up on Jordan's system.

But we need you to do this and do it now.


Before Cheng manages to start a w*r.

I'm running some purpose-built subroutines, but it's gonna take a moment.

Damn it.

Make sure you tell Bauer.



Bauer, all closed-circuit cameras for a two-mile radius have been scrambled for several minutes.

Copy that.

What about satellite? I'm scrolling through now, but it was out of position.

So you're telling us we've got nothing? Not unless you can tell me what vehicle or vehicles that Cheng is traveling in.

We were pinned down.

We didn't get a visual.

Jack, it's Erik.

Listen, our tac agents found a tablet inside the Russians' van.

They were tracking you, using the transmitter code from your comm link.

How did they get that code? It's encrypted.

Only this station and the White House have access.

The White House? Why the White House? The president's chief of staff, Mark Boudreau, he requested it.

Copy that.

Son of a bitch.

Let's go.


It's done.

Yes, I'm watching it on television.

But Bauer is still in the picture.

You were supposed to have taken him out.

I sent a team to recover him.

You should have sent a bigger one.

He traced the override device to my location.

Where is Bauer now? I don't know.

But he's not gonna stop until he finds me.

We have history.

Get to the docks.

You'll be out of the country in less than an hour.

You will be leaving on a cargo ship under a Dutch flag.

My people will meet you at the dock.

- All right.

- Dockside security was reinforced after the drone att*cks.

You will need to be careful.

Yeah, I understand.

Just keep trying.

Still no sign of Cheng.

Looks like he made it outside the CCTV network before it was restored.

What does Cheng have to gain by starting a w*r between China and the United States? Cheng was part of the old guard.

Ten years ago, when the political landscape in China really started to shift, Cheng and a group of extremists pushed for complete power.

He lost.

And he was imprisoned.

Up until today, the entire intelligence community thought he died there.

Somehow the Russians must have got him out.

Right, so the Russians are behind the attack on the carrier.

That's a dangerous game, even for them.

This might not be official policy.

This could be an off-book intelligence op.

Either way, U.


goes to w*r with China, Russia has a freer hand to expand into Eastern Europe.

Yeah, I get that.

What I don't get is why the hell is Mark Boudreau helping them? We'll find out soon enough.

Audrey, you don't have to stay here - if you don't want to.

- I want to.

We've got plenty of people to cover things.

My father needs me, and I'd like to think that my country needs me, too.

Mark, please, just let me do - my job.

- Okay.


- Thank you.

- Mr.


President Wei is on the line now.



- President Heller.

- I'm calling you about the attack on your aircraft carrier.

The attack initiated by an American sub.

It was a mistake, Mr.


An accident.

It was not ordered by me or by anyone else in the American chain of command.

You're telling me the captain acted on his own initiative? No, sir, I'm not telling you that.

He received an order he believed to be authentic.

But the order was issued by someone who penetrated our defense communications network.

And do you know who is making these so-called intrusions? We know who issued the false order that sank your carrier.

Someone we both know and have every reason to distrust, Cheng Zhi.

That's nonsense.

Cheng is dead.

We thought so, too.

But we have reliable evidence that he's alive and he's here in England.

We have evidence of our own proving that Cheng was k*lled three years ago trying to escape from prison.

Suppose we produce Cheng and the device I've told you about.

Would that satisfy you? It's well-known that you disapproved of our carrier sailing into the Mediterranean.

Its sinking and the deaths of thousands of crewmen is a brazen act of w*r - that cannot go unanswered.

- Mr.

President, believe me I'm a reasonable man, Mr.


I do not want w*r.

But we will do what you have forced us to do.

Whatever happens today is on your head.

So if we could just deliver Cheng to him, show him the device, maybe we could get him to back down.

Then we have to catch Cheng and quickly.

I want you to use all of our resources on it.

Stay in touch with Jack Bauer.

- Whatever he needs, get him.

- Understood.

Mark, I want a crisis management plan.

Their moves, our counter moves.

I'm on it, Mr.



I know this is a long shot, but I have a contact at the Chinese Embassy here in London.

- Who's that? - Her name is Jiao Sim.

We worked together on a trade agreement in Beijing about a year ago, but the point is, her father is on the politburo.

Let me arrange a meeting, and I will bring evidence about the drone att*cks, whatever I can get my hands on that indicates the penetration of our systems was out of our control.

It's not as good as having Cheng.

But it will buy us some time until we find him.

I know that she trusts me and she'll take what I say seriously.

All right, give it a try.




Our satellites have detected movement - from the Chinese military.

- What movement? Six J-16s are being scrambled from Datong Air Base and three destroyers off the China coast that weighed anchor.

Where do you think they're headed? Well, it's too soon to tell, Mr.

President, but whatever their plan of action might be, they're not wasting any time.

White House switch port.

This is a secure line.

This is Jack Bauer.

I need you to patch me through to Audrey Boudreau.

- Please hold sir.

- Thank you.


Audrey, it's Jack.

- Look, I need to tell you - k*ll him.

What? Cheng.

Do what you have to first and then you k*ll him.

How do you know about Cheng? I was next to my father when you called.

Look, I I need you to know that the only reason I surfaced today was to try and protect your father.

For you.

Also because I think he's a really good man.

But things have gotten complicated.

Some things are gonna happen.

And I just don't want you to hate me forever.

Jack, stop.

I could never hate you.

I never have.

Do what has to be done, do you hear me, Jack? I hear you.


I got to go.

The Chinese destroyers are steaming at full speed.

The J-16s have been joined by another squadron, but they're holding at 30,000 feet.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what their target is.

Sir, their vector is consistent with an attack on our naval bases on the Japanese island of Okinawa.


President, if the Chinese plan to attack Okinawa, we have to stand ready to respond in force.

Otherwise our defense of Japan, South Korea - and Taiwan - I understand all of that, Colonel.

It seems to me that we are responding in force.

Sir, I believe our response to be insufficient.

What does that mean? May I suggest raising the alert level of our nuclear forces? I think that's premature, Colonel.

This conflict could escalate very quickly.

We can't afford to be unprepared.

I do not want to be the first one to thr*aten the use of nuclear weapons.

Sir, we have warhead superiority of ten to one.

If push comes to shove, the Chinese will blink.

What makes you think they're gonna blink? As I said, Mr.

President, we have nuclear superiority of ten to one.

We fired the first shot, albeit unintentional.

- Yes, we did, but, sir - I think we should keep the alert level where it is.

Yes, sir.


I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr.



Bauer said it was urgent.

Thought you were on the hunt for Cheng.

I was.


President, I need to speak with you and Mr.

Boudreau privately, please.

You set me up for the Russians, you son of a bitch.

Why?! Jack, take it easy.


President, the Russians that att*cked me were tracking me using my comm link.


Boudreau here gave it to them.

Mark, tell me that's not true.

You tell him the truth.

Now! I'm sorry.

Sorry? You're working for the Russians, and you're telling me - you're sorry?! - I am not working for the Russians! I thought Bauer was a traitor! I thought he was here to assassinate you.

The Russians have been pushing us for four years to turn him over to them.

So, yes, I I I forged your signature on the rendition order.

I thought I was k*lling two birds with one stone.

I can't believe what you're telling me.

Sir, as long as Jack Bauer is free, he is our political liability.

I was trying to turn him into an asset.

I was doing my job.

Your job?! Mr.

President, don't don't be so naive.

My job is to keep your hands clean.

That means mine get dirty.

I had no idea Anatol Stolnavich was working with Cheng.

Stolnavich's cover is that of deputy foreign minister.

He's a covert intelligence operator, you idiot! If the U.


goes to w*r with China, who do you think benefits? Russia.

I am placing you under arrest for treason.


President, I can still use him.

Have you had personal contact with Stolnavich? He doesn't return my phone calls, but I, I do know where his personal residence is.

Sir, I'm gonna need him to set up a meet.

All right.

Keep me posted.

Yes, sir.


President, I want you to know, - I, I thought - Enough! I don't want to hear any more, nothing.

Where does he live? Knightsbridge.

In a heavily guarded compound there.

Gonna have to figure out something on the way.


We're having some difficulty acquiring the updated schematics for the Stolnavich residence.

An old one's better than nothing at all.

Just send it through.

All right, Gavin's sending it now.

What kind of intel do you have on their security detail? So, what we know is that there's one guard at the main gate.

But we have no idea how many in total.

To get you inside, we need to know the name of the alarm system Stolnavich is using before Gavin can disable it or take control of it.

Copy that.

We'll get it for you.

Get back to you when we're on site.

This is a wireless comm unit.

I want you to put it in your right ear.

You'll be able to hear everything that Agent Morgan and myself say.

We'll also be able to hear you.

Agent Morgan, can I have the camera? Turn to me.

Okay, when you approach the house, I need you to stand directly in front of the security panel.

It's the only way that we're going to be able to identify what kind of security system they have.

Okay? You're set.

What if he doesn't go for this? You make him go for it.

You persuade him.

You're good at that.

What happens when the b*ll*ts start to fly? You're gonna want to try and stay low.

Look, as soon as we enter the house, it's gonna happen very fast.

Stolnavich is gonna want to get to a more secure area of the house.

Anything you can do to slow him down will help us.

Look, I understand that you hate me because of what I tried to do to you, and that's fair enough.

But what I did I thought was the best for the president and for this country.

I'll do whatever it takes to Make it right.


Camera's online.

Haven't you finished? We'll be there in half an hour.

I'm still trying to add this truck to the manifest at port security.

You're taking too long.

Perhaps she'd have better luck.

I can do this.

I just need a few minutes.

Tell me, how do you intend to keep port authority from inspecting the cargo? Customs have the manpower to only inspect two percent of all shipping containers.

Do you need any help? You'd better move this truck.

There's no stopping here.

Yes, sir.

_ Mr.

President, the Chinese fighter squadron has cleared their airspace.

They're moving to support their fleet steaming toward Okinawa.

Our own squadron is shadowing them.

Any sh*ts fired? Not yet, sir.

You hear anything from Jack or my daughter? No, sir.

That was Prime Minister Davies' office.

What did he want? Well, the prime minster finally got through to President Wei in China.

He was hoping to help convince him regarding the override device.

And? Unfortunately, he had no more luck than you did, sir.

Damn it! Hey.

I'll get them.

We're good.

We're good.

Let me get these things, okay? Hey, you want some water? No, I'm good, I'm sure.

Throw 'em in there.

- Thanks.

- No, don't worry.

- Sir? - Yeah.



President? I'm getting confirmation of two SC-19 missiles launched by the Chinese.


- Where are they headed? - It's unclear, sir.

We're trying to ascertain their trajectories right now.

What's happening? Where are all the visuals? Sir, it appears the missiles have taken out two of our surveillance satellites.

We'll get AWACs into position as soon as we can.

- Sort it out.

- Mr.

President, we need to think about moving you to a more secure location.

And under the circumstances, I recommend we raise the alert level to DEFCON three.

Sir? Raise the level.

Gavin, Erik, we're on site.

Do you copy? Yeah, we copy.

We're ready to go.

Okay, this is it.

Good luck.

I need to speak to Stolnavich right away.

The deputy minister isn't receiving visitors.

Just tell him it's Mark Boudreau.


He can't see you right now.

No, he's got to.

Please, just, just give me the phone, give me the phone, actually, I'll-I'll talk to him, just for a second.

Please? _ Anatol? What are you doing here? You've got to give me asylum.

What? Heller found out that I forged his signature.

There's a warrant out for my arrest.

You got to help me out.

I I I I-I cannot go to prison.

This is no concern of mine.

Come on Listen to me, I am the White House Chief of Staff; think of what I know.

Think of the intelligence briefings I've attended.

I could be a huge asset to you.

To your country.

If you truly wish asylum, then go to our embassy in the morning.

I will not last till morning! I told you, they're following me! Your embassy is being watched.

If, if I turn myself over to you think of what a hero you'll be in Moscow.

Stolnavich? Come on.

Stolnavich! Stolnavich.

_ Da.

Okay, he's in.

Erik, are you receiving the images? We are.

The security panel should be just outside the front door.

Copy that.

Mark, I need you to move closer to the security panel.

Got it.

We're dealing with a Panbeck 3200 series.

Motion sensors, remote viewing.

This is pretty high-end stuff for a home security setup.

Can you disable it remotely? No Best I can do is jam the signal.

Working on it now.

Okay, Mark.

I need to see their security personnel.

Got it.

Thank you.



Follow me.


If I am to sponsor this, it would be best for you to share a bit of the classified intelligence you say you possess.

First, we nail down the details of my defection.

Details? Sell it to him.

I'll need money First of all.

It always comes down to money.

- Let's go.

- Gavin, we're moving into position.

I'm still trying to make sure I have the right signal address before I try and jam the security system.

And if you don't? Then I set off the alarm and inform the police.

I'm working as fast as I can.

Got it.

Ready to jam the security system on your signal.

Gavin, I want you to open the gate.

Stand by for the front door on my command.

Got it.

Signal is jammed.


Ready to breach the door.

On my move.



He's down! You okay? Yeah.

I'm okay.

He's bleeding out.

Get me a towel now! Where is Cheng?! Bauer.

Where is Cheng?! My country has not forgotten.

They will not give up until you pay for what you have done.

You son of a bitch.

Where is Cheng?! I'm losing him! Here.

Come on, you son of a bitch.

He's done.

He's gone.

It's okay.

Thank you.

Sorry, ma'am.


Thank you for coming on short notice.

I'm sorry it's under such unfortunate circumstances.

All the more reason we need to trust one another.


The order that sank your carrier did not come from us.

It was ex*cuted by Cheng Zhi.

Everyone knows Cheng Zhi is dead.

Unless you can prove otherwise.

We can't prove it, not now at least.

But what I can tell you is this Earlier today, we discovered a device that has the capability of hijacking and controlling our drone fleet.

That's what caused the att*cks in London.

We were able to get a partial view of the device.

Our analyst assessed it.

This contains a redacted copy of their findings.

I'm not qualified to judge such technical matters.

I understand this.

But can you take this to your father have him analyze it and decide whether or not to pass it on to the politburo? We are hoping that this evidence plus Cheng, if we can capture him, will be enough evidence to prove to the president that the att*cks were not our doing.

I can't speak officially but if there's enough evidence including proof that Cheng is still alive I believe President Wei will be able to resist the hard-liners in the party and back away from retaliation.


Take this to your father as quickly as possible.

Yes, I will.



Thank you.


My associate has his w*apon trained on you.

Sit back down on the bench and don't move.

And maybe I'll allow you to live.