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02x04 - The Blockette Problem/The Tulip Problem

Posted: 10/07/22 10:10
by bunniefuu

- ♪♪ One, two,
a one, two, three, four! ♪

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

- (kids): ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- (kids): ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- (kids): ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- (kids): Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- (kids): ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪♪
(both laughing)

- "The Blockette Problem."

- (man): That's nice.
Take five, ladies!

(Honk! Honk!)

- Hi! I'm Peg and this is Cat,

and we're sending you greetings
all the way from New York City!

- New York City?

- That's our space alien
friend, Richard.

- I can't see a thing.

- We're covering his eyes,

because we've got a special
surprise treat for him.

- Can I take off
my blindfold now?

- Almoooost. And now...

- Surprise!

- Radio City
Music Hall?!

- One of the biggest stages
in all of New York!

And home to...

- A five, six, seven, eight!
- (Richard): The Blockettes?

- (Cat): Wow, can they dance!

- They've learned a song about
how it's hot in the summer.

- And cooooold
in the winter!

- And Cat and I built this set
with giant flowers on it!

- And snowflakes!
Bring 'em in, Mac!

- Oooooh!

- Everything's ready!
The audience will be here soon!

All that's missing is
a director

to tell the dancers what to do.
And, Richard,

you're about to live your dream,
because the director is

gonna be you!
- Me?

- Cool, right?

- But I'm not ready!
I'm not worthy!

Thanks anyway, guys,
but I just can't do it.


- Uh... take five, ladies.

- Poor guy.
- Cracked under the pressure.

- Well, if you can't
take the heat...
- That's showbiz.

- Richard's scared
to direct the show,

but the audience is
on their way!

We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

- My mom is the only one who can
help when I feel this way.

- What does she do?

- She tells me I'm great

- Thirteen times?

- Look, if you don't want
to help...

- We'll help.
- Thirteen times?

- I'll keep track.
Here we go.


- ♪♪ You're great, you're
great, you're great
- No, I'm not. ♪

- ♪ You're great, you're
great, you're great
- Aw, go on. ♪

- ♪ You're great,
you're great, you're great
- Nah. Stop. What? Really? ♪

- We're at !
Only three more to go!

- ♪ You're greeeeaaaat ♪

♪ You're greeeeaaaat ♪

♪ You're greeeeaaaat ♪♪

(Richard sighs.)

- You're right!
And because I'm so great,

I shall direct the show!

- (Peg and Cat): Yay!

- ♪ Problem solved
- I'm great! ♪

- ♪ The problem is solved
- So great! ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem,
problem-- ♪

- Waaaaait!
We have A FEW problems.

- Problems?
- Well, first of all,

I can't be expected
to work with this set.

The snowflakes and the flowers
are simply not right.

- Not right?
- Uh, they look OK to me.

- That's because you're
not a director.

I'm telling you
they're just not right.

And in a Richard production,

and I do mean everything,
has to be just right!


- If we don't get that set
just right,

our show about how it's hot
in the summer...

- And cold in the winter.
- ...can't go on!

And that's

(camera clicks)
(crowd cheering)
- No more autographs. Sorry!

- Ramone, what are you
doing here?

- Oh, hi, guys!
I'm starring in the show

that's rehearsing downstairs.
What are you doing here?

- We built this set,
but Richard says--

- It's all wrong,
wrong, wrong!

The set is not right.
The snowflakes are lopsided.

The flowers are uneven.
What I need is...

- Symmetry!
- (Peg and Cat): Huh?!

- I'll call you right back, Mom.
What did you say?

- What you're looking for
is symmetry!

Symmetry is when everything
looks balanced and even.

- Tell me more.

- ♪♪ Just take a shape ♪

♪ This shape will do ♪

♪ Draw a line down the middle ♪

♪ To divide it in two ♪

♪ If one side matches
the other ♪

♪ Exactly to a T ♪

♪ Then whoop-dee-dee,
that's symmetry ♪

- ♪ That's symmetry! ♪

- ♪ Now fold it in half ♪

♪ To guarantee ♪

♪ If all the edges
don't line up ♪

♪ No symmetry ♪

- ♪ Oh, woe is me! ♪

- ♪ Just trim a little
here and there ♪

♪ And quick as one two three ♪

♪ Unfold and see ♪

♪ That's symmetry!
- That's symmetry! ♪

- ♪ Keep on trying
and you'll find ♪

♪ You're getting nearer
- Nearer ♪

- ♪ When each side looks like ♪

♪ It's looking in the mirror ♪

- ♪ Just like a mirror! ♪

- ♪ It's nature's law ♪

♪ That's what I said ♪

♪ It's found in seesaws,
airplanes, lobsters ♪

♪ And my head!
- Even his head! ♪

- ♪ A butterfly can
fold its wings ♪

♪ In half so perfectly ♪

- ♪ Because its wings are
both alike ♪

- ♪ And when both sides
are alike ♪

♪ That's symmetry! ♪♪

- Wow!
- Everything looks so balanced!

- And even!
- And perfect!

- Thanks, Ramone!

- Well, I better go work
on my show:

I Do What I Can:
The Musical!

♪ I do what I can ♪

♪ And what I can ♪

♪ Is what I doooo ♪
- What a guy.

- OK, ladies, from the top.

A five, six, seven, eight!
Kick, turn, spin, hop, wiggle,

wiggle, bump. Smile, people!

- Well, I guess
it all worked out.

The set looks great,
Richard is directing,

and the audience is
on their way. Which means...

♪ Problem solved! ♪
- Kick!

- ♪ The problem is solved ♪
- Stop!

There's a problem.
- Ohhh, no.

- These dancers are
not symmetrical!

- They're not?
- Well, look at that one's hair!

It's wilting, tilting,
bunched up on one side!

It needs to be...

- (Peg and Cat): Symmetrical!
- But there's no time!

The audience will be here
any minute!

- ♪ Let's get
this Blockette groomed! ♪

- ♪ We're doomed!
- Just give her hair a brush ♪

- ♪ Please rush!
- Add product,
make it wetter ♪

- ♪ Better
- Then set it in a curl ♪

- ♪ Go, girl!
- Shake it out,
then blow it out ♪

- Whoaaaaaaa!

- ♪ And give it a final spray
- Hooray! ♪♪

- There, now they're
all symmetrical.

You can see the line of symmetry
down the middle.

- Do you mind?
- Sorry.

- Wait!

But what about that one
over there!

She's this much shorter
than the others!

- They had a growth spurt.
- She needs to match!

They all need to be
exactly the same height!

- Oh, boy.
- ♪♪ We can't make
the others shrink ♪

- ♪ Think!
- So we'll make
this one un-shrunk ♪

- ♪ I'm sunk! ♪

♪ I'll get bad reviews! ♪

- ♪ Just take her shoes,
put platforms on the bottom ♪

- ♪ Got 'em! ♪♪

- You did it! Now they're
all the same height!

- Uh, guys,
the audience is here.

- Well, I guess
we're ready for 'em.

- Wait! I must have
one last look at the finale

to make sure the final
stage picture is just right.

Ladies, take your positions.

Send 'em in, Mac!

Ready, everyone?

And... lift!

Put your back
into it, girls!

- (girls and Cat): Whoaaaaa!

- They can't lift them
without our help.

- They can't lift the set pieces
on their own? But the audience

is right outside those doors!

(Girls and Cat gasp.)
And the critic is coming
and he might not love my show!

(Girls and Cat gasp.)
And I am totally FREAKING OUT!

- Me too!
- Us too!

- Me too!
- Thank you, Mac.

(all yelling)

(Cat blows a whistle.)

Everyone, take five!

- Five, four, three, two, one.

(All sigh with relief.)

- You know, Richard, putting on
a show is supposed to be fun.

It may not be perfect,
but maybe you should try

to relax a little
and enjoy it.

- You're right, Peg.
I wanted to get it just right

so much that I forgot
to enjoy it.

I'm sorry, everyone.
Can you forgive me?

- Oh, it's OK, sweetie.
- No worries.

- Honey, we've all been there.
- Showbiz'll do that to ya.

- Thanks, Peg.
Can we still do that thing

where you notice something Cat's
doing and solve the problem?
- Why not?

Look! He's standing
on that platform,

which makes him the same height
as the Blockettes!

That's it!

- Oh, I love this part!

- If Cat stands
on the high platform,

and I stand
on the low platform,

we could be the same height as
the dancers, dance in the show,

and help them hold up
the giant set pieces at the end!

- Brilliant!
- We won't look EXACTLY
like the others, though.

- That's OK. You'll look great
to me, because you're
my friends.

- Awww!
- Come on, everybody!

Let's get ready for the show!
And remember, in the summer
it's hot--

- And in the winter it's cold!
- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- Hurry!
- ♪ The problem is solved! ♪

- Places!
- ♪ We solved the problem! ♪

- ♪ So everything is awesome!
- Problem solved! ♪

- (Richard): The curtain is

- ♪♪ Oh, when
the temperature drops ♪

- ♪ Down low ♪

- ♪ When the snowflakes start
a-fallin' ♪

♪ And the cold winds start
to blow ♪

♪ That means
winter is a-callin' ♪

♪ Time for snowball throwing
and sleigh-ride going ♪

♪ For skiing and skating,
you can't beat it ♪

♪ Ride a sled in December
but always remember ♪

♪ If the snow is looking yellow
don'tcha eat it! ♪
- Huh?

- ♪ No matter how you stack it ♪

♪ You're gonna need a jacket ♪

♪ 'Cause the summer is hot ♪

♪ But the winter is cold! ♪

♪ When the temperature jumps ♪
- ♪ Up high! ♪

- ♪ When the flowers start
to blossom ♪

♪ And the sun's
up in the sky ♪

♪ Summer's here and wow,
it's awesome! ♪

- Woo-hoo!
- ♪ Take a jump in the pool
'cause there's no school ♪

♪ Take a hike, ride a bike,
or run a race ♪

♪ Eat a popsicle treat,
play outside in bare feet ♪

♪ But don't forget to put
some sunblock on your face ♪

♪ You'll have fun of all sorts ♪

♪ So go put on your shorts ♪

♪ 'Cause the winter is cold ♪

♪ But the summer is hot! ♪

♪ We get a kick
out of the season ♪

♪ If it's warm
or even freezin' ♪

♪ Life would be
a great big bummer ♪

♪ Without winter
or the summer! ♪

- ♪ 'Cause the summer is hot ♪

♪ And the winter is cooooold! ♪

♪ The summer is hot ♪

♪ And the winter is cooooold!
- Yeah! ♪♪

(cheering and applause)
- Thank you to all of you!

Thank you, Peg! Thank you, Cat!
And thank you,

critic! He loved it!

- Ah. There's no business
like show business.

- You said it, Pegarino!
- The spotlights, the glitter...

- The roar of the crowd!
- The adoring fans.
(camera click)

- Yep. That's showbiz.

(both laughing)

(Both sigh.)

- ♪ We're splashing
in the ♪♪

- ♪♪ One, two,
a one, two, three, four! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

- (kids): ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪
- Ah-choo!

- (kids): ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- (kids): ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- (kids): Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- (kids): ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪♪
(both laughing)

- "The Tulip Problem."

- I love tulips.
- I hope so - you've got

two lips right under your nose!
- You're terrible!

(Viv and Connie laughing)


- OK, so, today
I'm Peg the Amazing Artist,

and this is Cat, the Really
Amaaaaaaazing Artist!

Check out the awesome drawing
he made me!

Isn't it cool?!
It's an equal sign!

- Huh?

- He doesn't even know
what an artistic genius he is.

An equal sign is a symbol

you could put between things
that are the same. So...

three tennis balls equals
three tennis balls!

- Whoa.

- What do you say we draw
a whole bunch more masterpieces

and totally cover my room
with them?

- ♪ Scribble, scribble,
scribble, scribble ♪

♪ Scribble, scribble,
scribble ♪

♪ Scribble, scribble, scribble,
scribble, scribble! ♪
- (Viv): Harrumph!

- Did you say something?

- No.
- (Viv): Harrumph!

Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!
- It's coming from outside!

It sounded like it came from...

- Harrumph!
- (Cat): There!

- Neighbor Lady Viv. Are you OK?
- Hi, Peg.

Terrific to see you.
And no, I am not OK.

That neighbor of yours, Connie,
has FIVE tulips.

- Oh?
- And I only have TWO tulips.

- Oh.
- And all that Connie ever
talks about is her five tulips.

Five tulips this,
five tulips that.

Ooh! It just
burns me up!

- Oh, well, uh, OK.
Good luck with that.

- Harrumph!

- Back to drawing!

- ♪ Scribble, scribble,
scribble, scribble ♪

♪ Scribble, scribble,
scribble ♪

♪ Scribble, scribble,
scribble, scribble, scribble ♪

- (Viv): Harrumph! Harrumph!
Harrumph! Harrumph!

- I can't work like this!

It's distracting!

- And...
- (both): A BIG PROBLEM!

- What can we do
to help Viv?

- And save my ears.

- Hi, Ramone!
What are you doing here?

- Hi, Peg. I'm working
as a Dutch florist today,
selling tulips from Holland.

- Tulips? What is it
with tulips today?

- What do you mean?
- Viv is upset

because Connie has
more tulips than she does.

I wish we could
make things equal
so that Viv would feel better.

- Well, how many more tulips
does Connie have than Viv?

- Hmm, let's see.

Viv has two tulips,

and Connie has five tulips.

- (Ramone): So, if Viv
only has two,

how many more does she need
to make five?

- She would need...
one, two, three. Three!

Two plus three equals five!

- Exactly! The difference
between Viv's two tulips

and Connie's
five tulips is...

one, two, three!
That should do it!

- Thanks, Ramone!
- Ik doen wat ik kan!
- (Peg and Cat): Huh?

- It's Dutch for
"I do what I can!"

- Come on, Cat! Let's get
these tulips to Viv.

- Harrumph! Harrumph!
Harrumph! Ha--

- Hold your harrumph!
We've brought you...

- Three more tulips!

- Now you've got the same amount
that Connie does.

Five! And so...

♪ Problem solved ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ The problem is solved ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- One, two, three, four, five.

- Thank you, Peg!

- Glad you're happy.
Now, back to our art!

- (Connie): Oooooooh!
- Pardon?!

- Wasn't me.
- (Connie): Ooooooooh!

- Ugh.
- It's coming from the other
side of the house. Come on!

- Ooooooh!

- Hi, Neighbor Lady Connie.
Are you all right?

- I am not all right
at all, Peg.

That Viv woman on the other side
of your house--

- You mean your best friend?
- That's the one!

She's ruined my life!
- How?

- She has five tulips!
- Yeah, just like you do.

- But tulips were the only
flower I ever had more of.

She always has more
of everything!

Do you know how many irises
that woman has?

- No.
- Five! But I only have

one lonely
little iris. Look!

- One.
- It's very frustrating. Oooooh!

- If Viv has five irises
and you only have one,

that means she's got
one, two, three, FOUR

more irises than you do!
One plus four equals five.

- That sure is a lot of irises.

- You see? Ooooooh!

- There's no way we'll be able
to draw with all that racket.

This is

- We don't have any more irises
to give to Connie,

but maybe there's something else
we can try. Come on!

- ♪ La dee da, dee doo doo da ♪
Oh, hi, Peg!

What brings you back so soon?
You want me to paint your nails?

- Connie's totally upset
that you have more irises

than she does.
- Is that so?

- But if you get rid of four
irises, you'll both have one,

and she'll be way happier
and stop going--

- (Connie): Ooooooh!
- Whaddaya say?

- Four irises? Fine.

One, two, three, four.

Now I only have one iris
just like she does.

- One.
- Thanks, Viv.
We all appreciate it.

- Even the bird!
- We restored peace and quiet!

And so...

♪ Problem solved ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ The problem is solved ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ We solved the problem-- ♪
- Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!

- What now?
- That Connie creature took

my four irises from that bird
and planted them in her garden!

Now she has FIVE irises
and I only have ONE!

- Hang on to
your harrumphs, Viv.

- ♪ La dee da, dee da ♪

- Connie, Viv is really upset
that you have five irises.

Couldn't you give up
four of them so that
each of you only have one?

- Sorry, but it was a LOT
of work planting these irises.

I'm going to put on my new
sunhat and admire my plants.

- But--
- (Viv): PEG!

- One sec.
- ♪ La dee da, dee da dee da ♪

Ohhh! Do me a favor
and tell me:

if I have these five sunhats
and Connie only has one,

how many more hats
do I have than she?

- Well, the difference
between one and five is

one, two, three, four.

One plus four equals five.

So, you have four more hats
than she does.

- Wanna give 'em up so you both
have the same amount?

- Nope. I just wanted to know
so I could tell the whole

I have four more sunhats

than Connie!
- (Connie): PEG!

- Keep your hats on.
We'll be right back.

- ♪ La dee da, dee da dee ♪
Ohhh! Peg,

how many more foot baths
do I have than that Viv?

- Well, Viv only has one,
and you have three,.

so that means you have
one, TWO more foot baths

than she does.
One plus two equals three.

- But you only have two feet.

- I have two more
fancy footbaths than Viv does!

- (Viv): Peg!

How many more lawn chairs
do I have than Connie?

She only has one.

- If she has one
and you have four,

then you have one, two,
THREE more lawn chairs.

One plus three equals four.

- Hear that? Three more
lawn chairs than Connie!

- (Connie): PEG!
Can you tell me

how many more couches
I have on my lawn than Viv?

- If she has zero,
and you have one...

- Then I have ONE MORE COUCH--
- (Viv): PEG!

My couch has two more pillows
than Connie's couch does!
- Uh, Peg?

- Yoo-hoo! Look how many more
beds I have on my lawn!

- Nonsense! I've got two beds

on my lawn,
and an antique dresser!

- Well, my antique dresser has

- Well, my antique dresser is
under the bathtub!

- Well, my bathtub has sticky
appliqués to keep me
from slipping!

- Well, I've got
a cat for a helper!

- Well, I've got a helper
with fingers!

- Well, my helper has
two arms and two legs.
- So does mine!

- And a tail!

- There's no peace and quiet!
- (Viv and Connie): PEG!

- We'll never get back
to our drawing!

- (Viv and Connie): PEG!

(Cat blows a whistle.)
Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from five to calm down.

Five, four, three, two, one.

That's it!
- Huh?

- Well, I have two oil paintings
of my ancestors!

- Well, I have
more ancestors!

- Neighbor ladies,
sure, there are

paintings and irises
and bathtubs

and many other differences
between you both.

- I have MORE differences!

- But you're best friends.

Friendship isn't about
how much stuff you have.

- She's right!

- Plus,
for all your differences,

there's even more ways
you're equal!

- Equal?
- Think about it.

♪♪ You have the same amount
of frilly Sunday dresses ♪

♪ The same amount of wind chimes
by your door ♪

♪ Little dishes of hard candies
that no one ever eats ♪

♪ You have all of these
in common, but there's more! ♪

♪ You have remote controls
you don't know how to use ♪

- (Connie): So many!
- ♪ Bowls of potpourri ♪

♪ And dresser drawer sachets ♪
- (Viv): Naturally.

- ♪ Fancy plates,
paper doilies ♪

♪ Can't you see? ♪

♪ You're both equal
in many ways! ♪

- ♪ We have the same amount
of toilet paper cozies ♪
- So true.

♪ And tchotchkes on display
in our foyers ♪
- So beautiful.

♪ And needlepointed pillows
for our home ♪

- ♪ Sweet home ♪

♪ We're both equal
in many ways ♪

♪ We're both equal ♪

♪ In many ways ♪♪

- Viv! Can you
ever forgive me?

- Oh, Connie! I was gonna
ask you the exact same thing!

- (Viv and Connie): Ohhh!
- Wow.

I guess all neighbor ladies
really are created equal.

- Oh! I'm sorry. Who knew
math could be so emotional?

- I don't want
to wreck the mood, but...

♪ Problem solved ♪
(blowing noses)

♪ The problem is solved ♪
(Cat blowing his nose)

♪ We solved the problem
- So everything is awesome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪
- Thank you, Peg and Cat,

for restoring the peace
and our friendship.

- Maybe you'd like to come over
for a home-cooked meal?

- Uh, maybe some other time.

But Cat and I CAN help you
get all of this stuff

back into your homes.
- We can?

- Sure! We'll make a game
of it. Watch!

♪♪ There are five lamps
on the lawn ♪

♪ I'll take two
and once they're gone ♪

♪ What's the difference?
- Well, let's see ♪

- ♪ What's the difference?
- A one, two, three! ♪

- ♪ Oh, I see!
Two plus three equals five! ♪

- ♪ Here are four
grandfather clocks ♪

♪ I'll drag two off
like an ox ♪

♪ And what's the difference?
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

- ♪ What's the difference?
- The answer is two!
- Yeah! ♪

♪ Two plus two equals four! ♪

- ♪ I never play
this baby grand ♪

♪ But I'll cart it off
by hand ♪

♪ And what's the difference?
- None are here, so... ♪

- ♪ What's the difference?
- Must be zero! ♪

- ♪ One plus zero equals one! ♪

♪ I may have
more rocking chairs ♪

- ♪ But in the end,
who cares? ♪

- ♪ What's the difference?
What's the difference? ♪

- ♪ Why worry about
who has more ♪

♪ Or count amounts? ♪

♪ Our friendship is the only
thing that truly counts! ♪

- ♪ La la la!
La la la la la! ♪♪

- Peace and quiet.

- Oh, sure is nice.

- I know.
- (Viv): Harrumph!


- Don't tell me Viv and Connie
are at it again!

- Going crazy about
who has more flowers!

- Or beds!
- Or bathtubs!

- Or ancestors!
- No, no, no.

I just stubbed my toe,
that's all.

But it's all better!

- Good!
- Ah!

(both laughing)

(Both sigh.)


(Cat humming)

- (Peg): For more Peg...