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02x07 - The Arch Villain Problem/The Straight and Narrow Problem

Posted: 10/07/22 10:12
by bunniefuu

One, two...
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey, what do you know ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa, what comes next ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best
We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- The Arch Villain Problem.

(people screaming)


(car honking)
- Mathropolis,

a bustling city, a fair city,

and a safe city, thanks to...


♪ Super Peg
- And Cat Guy ♪

- We're superheroes
with superpowers.

Behold my Sphere of focus!

This little ball
helps me thinks really hard.

And Cat Guy here
has nine lives.

- Oh, yeah!
- Not literally of course.

- Oh, no!

- But he can do
nine clumsy things

without even scraping a knee.
Just look at those knees.

- Soft as butter,
smooth as silk.

We keep watch
over Mathropolis.

- The Teens are skating
on their half-pipe,

and everything is fine
at Max Dos and Donuts.

- (Cat): How about
the bridge and tunnel crowd?
- The chickens that hang out

on the bridge near the tunnel?

(chickens chirping a melody)

They're fine. You know,
Mathropolis is so safe,

there's hardly anything
for us to do here.

- Hey, it's Mayor Ramone!
(Peg gasps.)

- Ramone!?
- He's standing next

to a statue of us
with a huge pair of scissors.

- Oh no,
Mayor Ramone is honoring us,

and we're supposed to cut the
ribbon in front of our statue!

- When?
- Right now!

- Ah!
- But we're at the top

of a nine-story building.
We'll never get down in time!

We've got A BIG PROBLEM!
- Ah! Ugh! Ah!


- Cat guy, you genius,
that's it!

You moved the platform
from the ninth floor

to the sixth floor. It moves
three floors at a time,

so it can get us
to the ground really fast!

- Then, let's floor it!

- ♪♪ Cat Guy,
pull the lever please ♪

♪ While I count back
from nine by three ♪

Nine, six,

three, zero!

We're on the ground! And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- Super Peg! Cat Guy!

Would you do the honors?
- It would be our honor.

- Hey! What gives?

- Now, now, Super Peg,
no need to get snippy.

Get it?

Snippy like with scissors.

- Oh, I get it!
It's pretty good.

- Who are you anyway?

- I'm the Arch Villain,
and I vow to turn every shape

in Mathropolis into a beautiful,

bendy, curvaceous arch.

- You won't get away with this,
Arch Villain!

Super Peg and Cat Guy
will stop you.

- Yeah, we will! Two questions:

what's an arch and what's a

- An arch is a line
that's curved up in the center,

like that.
- Got it!

- And a villain is a bad guy
like him.


- Cat Guy, we have a real
villain to stand up to.

someone to oppose!

- I've always wanted
to oppose someone.

- So, let's cut this ribbon
and get to work.

(groaning with effort)
It's too high!

If this is the kind of thing
the Arch Villain is doing

all over town, that's

Or at least vaguely annoying.


- Police Chief Toad!

- I'm getting reports
of arch-based crime

all over Mathropolis.

- Is anyone hurt?
- No, but they're all
somewhat annoyed.

(all gasping)
- That's it!

The Arch Villain
has gone too far!

If only slightly.

- Come on, I'll take you
to the scene of the first crime.

(Peg and Cat gasping)

- Teens, isn't your half-pipe
supposed to go like this,

so you can skate on it?
- This, like,

totally arch-shaped dude
came and flipped it over.

- Yeah, and now,
we can't stake. Hello!

- Like, help us.
- Sphere of focus,

help me think!
How can we fix the half-pipe?

That's it! We can flip
the arch back over!

- It's worth a shot.
- I'm in.

- Flipping is good!
(grunting with effort)

- It worked! Skating is saved!
- (Teens): Woowoo!

- Oh, yeah!

Ugh! Ow! Oh!
- Cat Guy, are you alright?

- Yep, I can do
nine clumsy things

without even scraping a knee.

- You just did three,
so you only have

eight, seven, six
clumsy things left.

- I've got another report

of arch-- Goodness! Golly!
Look at those knees!

Do we have time
for a quick picture?

(camera clicking)

- Max Dos and Donuts?

What could the Arch Villain
have done here?

- My Joanie, no!

- Who's Joanie?
Is she OK?

- No! She's been sliced
in half

and turned into two arches.
- That's Joanie?

- Sphere of Focus,
how can we fix

Max's donut?

That's it! We could take
the two halves of the donuts

and stick them back together.

(heroic music)

- Oh, Joanie, you're beautiful!

You can't even tell
she's had work done.

(people screaming)

- That came from the hair salon!

- Ah, Super Peg and Cat Guy,

things are about to get hairy.

- Oh no! He's turned
their hair into arches!

- Unacceptable!
- Ghastly!

- I just wanted a donut.

- Sphere of focus,
help me find a way

to fix these customers' hair.

That's it! We can add to
or take away

from each arch to change
them into different shapes!

- Well, I just want
two small curls.

One on each side.
- ♪ Here a curl, there a curl ♪

- ♪ Everywhere a curl, curl ♪
- So we just need
to cut and curl.

- It's perfect! Ha! Ha!

- OK, Connie, talk to us.

- I want my arch filled in.

- So, we just need
to add hair here. Cat Guy?

- I love it!

Viv's gonna be so jealous.

- I'm sitting right here.
- I know.

- Your turn, Ludwig.
- My arch is fine;

all I want is a donut!
(Ludwig laughs.)

- Well done, you two. Ha! Ha!

- Arch Villain,
we're here to stop you.

- Then, you'll have
to find me first

and the biggest arch
in Mathropolis.


- Say what you will about him,
the guy can cackle.

- The biggest arch
in Mathropolis?

Where could he mean?

Maybe if we look
all around the city,

we'll find the biggest arch!

- Ooh! Can I play
with the binoculars?

- Let's see! Hmm... Too small.

- Let me try.
- And he's not there.

- Can I see?
- Cat Guy, you grabby genius,

that's it!
The tunnel is a giant arch!

And there's the Arch Villain.

Come on, we've got
to save Mathropolis!

(Cat imitates a plane)

- (both): Nine, six,

three, zero!

- Ugh! Oh! Ow!
- Oh no!

Cat Guy, now you only have

three clumsy things left.

- But would you look
at these knees!

- Believe me, I am.

- Hmm!
- Quick, Chief,

to the tunnel!

Oh no!
- Oh yes!

- I formed these chickens
into an arch! Ha! Ha! Ha!

And if even one of them
tries to get away,

they'll all fall down.

- The chickens are trapped!

That's no life
for a chicken!

They need to be freed,
so they can,

I don't know, peck things!

Super Peg is super freaking out!

- That guy is right.
You should count backwards

from nine by threes

to calm down.
- Alright!

Nine, six,

three, zero!

That's it, you
arch-stretching genius!

If you chickens straighten
your arch like Cat's back,

you'll get down safely.
- Whoa-ho-ho!

- Huh?!

- (chickens): ♪ Chip ♪
- Yah-ah-ah!

- It worked. Because we knew
how to turn arches

into different shapes
and lines,

we helped the chicken to safety!

- Math really saved

- And so...

♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem
- So everything is terrible ♪

♪ Problem solved ♪

- (chickens): Chip!
- Ooh! Ah! Oh!

- Oh no! You've done
nine clumsy things!

That means
if you do one more...

- Whoa! I scraped my knee!

It's, it's actually
not that bad.

- Aaah, Super Peg, I'm sorry.

All I wanted was to make arches.
- But you can mess up

other shapes just
to find the ones you like.

- What do you mean?

- ♪♪ There's a lot
of shapes in the city ♪

♪ Some are big
and others small ♪

♪ Not all of them are arches ♪

- ♪ And those are the ones
I'll destroy ♪

- No.
- And turn into arches.

- Would you let her finish?

- ♪ I know you love
your arches ♪

♪ And you think
they're really great ♪

♪ But living in Mathropolis,
you've got to learn ♪

♪ To tolerate ♪

- ♪ Other shapes ♪
- Huh?

- ♪ Other shapes ♪
- No!

- ♪ They're simply
all around you ♪

- ♪ Don't look now,
they found you ♪
- Ya-ahah!

- ♪ So loosen up,
don't be a square ♪

- ♪ They're not going
anywhere ♪

♪ Forget, forgive
and learn to live ♪

♪ With all the shapes ♪
- Hmm!

So tolerating
other shapes means...

not cutting them up
and turning them into arches?

- Pretty much!
- Hmm!

- ♪ Meet my trusty cruiser ♪

♪ I polish it with lube ♪

♪ To keep all six sides shiny ♪

♪ I'm proud
that it's a cube ♪

♪ And here's
my sphere of focus ♪

♪ It helps me concentrate ♪
- Nice!

- ♪ Something tells me
I could maybe learn ♪

♪ To tolerate these so-called ♪

- ♪ Other shapes ♪

♪ Other shapes ♪

- ♪ I learnt
something new today ♪

♪ We can't all be arches
and that's OK ♪

- ♪ Forget, forgive
and learn to live ♪

♪ With all the shapes ♪

- ♪ I still like triangles ♪♪

- (Ramone): Who is that
mysterious masked menace?

Is the Arch Villain
up for more arch villainy?

Can our caped heroes
stop new crimes

from taking shape?
- Find out next

same Peg place,

same Cat channel!

Who said I need my hair done?

- Your neighbor Viv!
- Who said I need a donut?

My stomach!

(Peg and Cat laugh.)

- Hold still.
(Peg laughs.)

- I warned you.

(Peg and Cat laugh
and sigh contentedly.)

- One, two...
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey, what do you know ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa, what comes next ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best
We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- Someone call the police!

Oh! I am the police.

- Mathtropolis:
a city so safe

you could let your baby
walk your dog.

Though that would be very silly.

And it's all thanks to...
♪ Super Peg ♪

- ♪ And Cat Guy ♪

- With my Sphere of Focus,
I can think really hard!

- Show 'em!


- And Cat Guy can do
clumsy things

without even scraping a knee!

Just look at those knees!

- I don't even moisturize!

- Everything is perfect
in Mathtropolis!

The sun is out; the teens
are skating on their half pipe;

and the Arch Villain is pruning
some hedges...

- (together): The Arch Villain?!

- We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

Hold it right there!

- Super Peg, Cat Guy!
It's been too long!

When did we see each other last?

- When you terrorized the city
and turned everything
into arches.

- That was it!
- Well we're here to stop you,
Arch Villain!

- There's no need!
And it's just Arch now.

I dropped the whole
"Villain" thing.

- Yeah right...
- So you're not a bad guy

- No! I'm a gardener! And I'm
all finished with arches too.

I'm on the Straight and Narrow!
- What's that?

- It's a program
for people like me.

As long as I stay
near shapes and lines

that are straight or narrow,

I won't ever have the urge to
turn things into arches again!

Let me show you!

Just look at these
messy leaves...

I'll rake them into
a straight and narrow line!

Isn't that better?
- I guess...

- And this round and curvy
hedge! That won't do at all!

But now it's a straight and
narrow rectangular prism!

- You mean you want everything
that's curvy to be straight,

and everything that's wide
to be narrow and skinny?

- That would be PERFECT!

- Cat Guy, does something
seem odd to you about Arch?

- Yeah.

- I'm happy he's not being
the Arch Villain anymore,

but all this straight
and narrow stuff...

Arch, are you feeling OK?

He's gone!

- (the teens): Ah!

- The teens!

- What happened
to your half-pipe?

- Some guy cut it in half!

- And put, like,
boards on it, hello!

- Now our one half-pipe
is two triangles.

- I think Arch
took a curvy shape

and turned it
into two triangles!

- (Cat Guy):
With , , straight sides.

- Oh no! If Arch is at it again,

- We've gotta stop him!

- First, let's turn
these triangles

back into a half-pipe!
But how?

Sphere of Focus, focal sphere,

help to make the answer clear!

That's IT! We can stick the
triangles together

and take off the boards!

Come on, teens! Let's make
this half-pipe whole again!


- Skateboarding!

- Thanks, heroes!
- You guys rock!

- Nice job, Cat Guy!
- Yeah!

And I haven't done even clumsy
thing yet! I still have left!

- Your knees look perfect!

- They certainly do!

- Chief Toad,
is something wrong?

- I've had reports
of straight and narrow crime

throughout Mathtropolis. Hop on!


This is the scene of the crime!

- Mac's Do's and Doughnuts!

The Arch Villain
struck here last time!

- Yeah! He cut that big doughnut
right in half!

- She has a name, and it's
Joanie, thank you very much.

(screaming from the salon)
- Quick! To the hair salon!

Richard, Aki,
Ludwig von Beethoven!

What are you guys doing here?

- (with a German accent): I came
to get a square haircut,

a square cut, if you "vill".
- I will.

- But zen zis dude in a mask
cut my hair into a triangle.

So uncool!

- And Richard and I were here
to get a mani-pedi.

- They cut your nails
and massage your feet! Ooh!

- Hmm... Another triangle.
Arch must have done this!

- Arch!
- But how can we make this
triangle into a square?

Sphere of Focus,
smooth and fair,

help make square
Beethoven's hair!

That's it!

If we ADD triangles here
and here, so these sides touch,

we can make a hair square!

- With , , , equal sides!

- The hair's in there!

- We need to find
triangular hairpieces

to match these shapes.

- ♪ Circle, circle ♪
♪ Rectangle, square ♪

♪ But not a single
triangle there ♪

- But wait! If we cut this
rectangular hairpiece,

like this, we'd have
perfect triangles!

- But you'd have to be a ninja
to cut that perfectly!

- HI-YA!

- I love ninjas.

- Perfect!
- We did it!

- Awesome!
- Ooooh, very straight hairdo!

Beethoven, I love it!
Gotta run!

- Arch! Wait!
- All right

Who ordered the foot massage?
- Me!

- My Sphere of Focus! Oh no!

- A sphere? It's round!
And curvy! We can't have that!

It needs to be straightened out,
and flattened!

- Oh no! Arch got away
with my Sphere of Focus!

How can we find him now?

- Well, last time, he was
hiding at the biggest arch

in Mathtropolis: the tunnel!

- Mayor Ramone!

- Doughnuts! May I?

- So maybe this time
he'll be at the straightest,

narrowest part of the city!
- Where's that?

- I don't know but we're gonna
find out! Thanks, Mayor Ramone!

- I do what I can.

Why don't you just go ahead and
take all the ones you touched.

- Really?
- I insist.

- So we're looking for the
straightest, narrowest place.

The park is too round.
And Main Street is too wide.

Ah-ha! The Bridge! It's totally
straight and really narrow!

That must be where Arch went!

Come on, Cat Guy!
- Awww...

- Cheep...cheep, cheep...

- Oh no! The Bridge
and Tunnel Crowd!

Arch must have stacked all
of them into a triangle!

- What is it with this guy
and stacking chickens?

- I don't know,
but we need to find way

to get them down safely!
Let's see...

Maybe if I... no... UGH!

I can't concentrate without
my Sphere of Focus!

- I've got it!

When I was young my master dance
instructor taught me a dance,

specifically designed
to get one hundred chickens

down from an upside-down

- Really?
- Yeah, well, it's really risky.

I could scrape a knee!
I am totally freaking out!

You're right! I should count
by 's to to warm up.

- And I'll help!

- ♪ , , , , , ,
, , , , wahoo ♪

- I'm ready!

- Go, Cat Guy, go!

- Cheep, cheep!

- Oof! down!

- That's clumsy thing
and chickens.

Cat Guy can do more clumsy
things before he scrapes a knee!

- I can't watch!

- Oof!
- clumsy things!

- chickens! Oof!
- !

- ! Ow!
- !
- ! Oh!

- !
- ! Uh!
- !

- ! Oof!
- !
- ! Ow!

- !
- ! Oh!

- !
- !

- Cat Guy's used up
all of his clumsy things!

If he does one more,
he'll scrape a knee!

- No! Not this time!

♪ I've seen lots of knees
In my years on the force ♪

♪ But never a pair
as perfect as yours ♪

♪ So let me take over
I'm begging you, please ♪

♪ If not for my sake
for your beautiful knees ♪

- Thanks, Chief.
- chickens! Ow.

- All better!

- Well done! You guys really
unstacked those chickens!

- That's right, Arch! And now
I want my Sphere of Focus back!

- This?
But it's round and curvy,

not straight and narrow!
I need to... flatten it!

- Arch, wait!

♪♪ I know that spheres
are curvy and round ♪

♪ Circles and cylinders, too ♪

♪ But that doesn't give anybody
the right ♪

♪ To do what
you're trying to do ♪

- ♪ Narrow and straight
are awesome and great ♪

♪ Characteristics for sure ♪

- ♪ But they don't define ♪

- ♪ Every shape, every line ♪

- ♪ In the world,
there are so many more ♪

- ♪ Kinds of shapes ♪
- ♪ For you to enjoy ♪

- ♪ Kinds of shapes ♪
- ♪ But not to destroy ♪

- ♪ Even if they're curvy
or if they're wide ♪

- ♪ They'll be right
by your side ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oh so many ♪
- ♪ Kinds of shapes ♪

- ♪ Don't try to spoil it ♪

- ♪ Kinds of shapes ♪
- ♪ Here's a public toilet ♪

- ♪ Just do your best to take
them all in stride ♪

- ♪ Just my luck,
it's occupied ♪♪

- Oh, Super Peg!

You're right! If I flatten
your Sphere of Focus,

I'll be no better than when
I was the arch Villain.

Here use it in good health!

- Thanks, Arch! By knowing about
straight, narrow,

and curved shapes,
we saved the day gain!

And soooo..

♪ Problem solved! The problem is
solved! We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ So everything is--
- Wait a minute!

Arch, you still
need to apologize

for turning everyone's
stuff into triangles!

- I didn't do that!
I've been gardening all day.

- It's true!
This isn't the dude.

That's the dude!

- ♪ I am TRI-ANGULO ♪

- My master dance instructor?
He was the villain?

- I guess so.
I'm sorry, Cat Guy.

- Me too. On the other hand,

you know what this means, right?

- Shyeah!

- ♪ We've got another vill-ain
we've got another vill-ain ♪

- I can't believe your old dance
teacher is our new villain!

- I know!
- Hm.

I wonder why he likes
triangles so much!

- Well, they're three-sided,
pointy, and they go ding!

- They do?


(singing and laughing)

- Villains have weird laughs.
- I know, right?
