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02x01 - The Unicorn Rescue

Posted: 10/08/22 06:20
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

[Trinket giggling]nella: whoa!


Faster, trinket!

Ok, hold on!

Ha ha ha!

Ooh! Whoa!

That was close.
Look out!



Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!


This is fun!

we'’re unstoppable.

Um, trinket, I think we'’re
about to be stoppable.



Ha ha ha!
Ooh, sorry, nella.

These new horseshoes
are great for running,

Not so much
for stopping.


"Whoa" is right.

[Nella gasps]
it'’s the fountain
of friendship.

I thought that was
just in storybooks.

Me, too.

They say that
if you look into

Its enchanted waters,
you can see--

The greatest memories
you shared with your
best friend,

But that'’s just a myth,
isn'’t it?

Only one way to find out.
Want to take a peek?

You bet
that sassy sash I do!

Nella, that'’s you!

Yeah, only younger,

Before I met you,

♪ Out there, action ♪

♪ Adventure, and mystery calls ♪

♪ Somewhere ♪

♪ Beyond all the pictures
and books ♪

♪ And the big castle walls ♪

♪ And though I'’m a princess ♪

♪ There'’s something in me ♪

♪ That knows there is more,
so much more ♪

♪ That this princess can be-- ♪

[Trumpet fanfare]

The knight brigade!

Captain: hurry, men!

Off we march
to victory.

Knight brigade: huzzah!

I heard the alarm.

Are you going on
another knightly quest?

Will it be full of adventures
and fraught with dangers

And packed with
excitement and--
oh, ha ha!

princess nella.

Yes, we'’re going out
in search of a

Mysterious creature
who has been

Taking things from
our kingdom.

It took the bell
from our bell tower.

And my best shield.

And my shiniest
pair of boots.

And the helmet
my dad gave me.

It won'’t be easy.

We'’ll have
to travel over
dangerous terrain...

Leap over
perilous gorges...

Scale impossible cliffs...

And confront dangerous beasts.

Wow. You'’re all so brave.

Yep. It takes
a lot of courage
to be a knight.

Now, you stay put,

The knight brigade
will soon return

In triumph!


All: huzzah!

♪ Out there,
deep in the forest ♪

♪ Beyond kingdom gates ♪

♪ That'’s where ♪

♪ I want to roam on a quest ♪

♪ Where adventure awaits ♪

♪ If I take that journey,
as hard as it seems ♪

♪ Do I have the courage
to be who I am in my dreams? ♪

♪ My heart would soar if
I could shine my light ♪

♪ Bold, brave, strong, I'’d try
with all my might ♪

♪ If I were a princess knight ♪

♪ My heart would leap ♪

♪ It'’d be an awesome sight ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ With courage shinin'’ bright ♪

♪ If I were a princess knight ♪

♪ Could I be
a princess knight? ♪

♪ But there'’s no such thing ♪

♪ As a princess knight ♪

Trinket: help!
What was that?

Trinket: help!

Someone'’s in trouble!

Trinket: help!

Trinket: help!

Nella: it'’s coming
from in there.


Hello? Anybody here?

Trinket: help!

Over here. I'’m stuck!

Don'’t worry.
I'’ll help you.


Hold on! I'’m coming!


Please hurry!

Grab on!


Hold tight!

Trinket: ooh!




Are you ok?

Well, I'’m covered
in disgusting goop.

But you saved me.
Thank you.

Wait a sec.

Are you a unicorn?


Are you a princess?

Yes! My name'’s nella.
What'’s yours?

I don'’t really have
a name. I mean, I do,

But in unicorn,
it'’s pronounced...



What were you doing
down in this cave?

I was trying
to get this.

It'’s called
a sparkle stone.

Isn'’t it gorgeous?
It'’s supposed to have
magical powers or something.


It'’s so beautiful.

It'’s shaped
like a heart.

Here you go.

You know what?
You keep it.

Just a little trinket
to thank you for saving me.

It'’s the least I can do.[Gasps]

Really? For me?


Now let me give
something to you.

A nickname--trinket.


Because trinkets are
unique and beautiful,

Just like know something?

I think this is
the beginning of
a wonderful friendship.

[Music playing]

[Both giggle]

[Crickets chirping]nella: hmm.

It'’s so beautiful,

What kind
of magic powers
do you think it has?

Beats me.
I don'’t even know
what makes it work.

Ok, lawn campers.
It'’s late.

Time for
the sleep part
of this sleepover.

Ok, dad.

Good night,
mr. Your majesty.

Good night,
you two.

good night, nella.

Good night,
best friend.

Is that what we are?

Best friends?

I think so.

That'’s what
I think, too.

Come on. We better
get to sleep,
if we can.

Don'’t worry.
With my sleep mask

And ear plugs, I can
sleep through anything.

Ok, let'’s zip you
into your sleeping bag
so you'’re warm.

I said,

let'’s zip you in!


I like plum berry
ice cream, too!

good night, trink.

I mean, good night,

[Distant trumpet fanfare]

It'’s the knight brigade!
They'’re back!

Knights: huzzelp!

Huzzelp!captain: retreat!

Ooh, captain,
how was your quest?


The gorges were
too perilous!

The cliffs were

And the beasts
were really,
really dangerous.

But did you find the creature
who'’s been taking things
from castlehaven?

But it found us!


All: ohh!



It'’s the dragon!

Dragon: roar!
It'’s coming
to take more things from us!


trinket! Wake up!

Nella: oh, no!
Trinket'’s in that sleeping bag!

Come back!




I'’ve got to save my friend

From the dragon!

♪ Can I take this journey,
as hard as it seems? ♪

♪ Do I have the courage
to be who I am in my dreams? ♪

My necklace!
It'’s glowing!


I'’m coming, bestie!




This gorge is humongous.

How can I ever get
across it?



Aw! A baby chipsqueak.

Did you fall out of
your nest, little guy?


Well, I'’m on a quest
to help my best friend,

But don'’t worry.
I--i can help you, too.

Let'’s get you--
[grunts]--back up
to your home.

Hi. Don'’t be scared.

I brought someone I
think you may have lost.


you'’re welcome.

oh, look.

Your nest has a hole.
That must be how
the baby fell out.

You can use
these ribbons to fix it.

They'’re very strong.
They can hold almost anything.

they could even hold me!

Here goes nothin!!

And now, here I go.


Whoo-hoo! Ha!

Hey...i did it.

Ha ha! I did it!

Ha ha! Bye-bye,
[All chirp]


Trinket! I'’m coming!

ooh, so drafty.



I'’ve never climbed
a cliff before,

And this one
seems really high.

Really, really high.

[Breathing heavily]
got to keep going.

I can do this.

I'’m coming, trinket!

Oh, oh, ohh!





You caught me!

Wow. I helped you
when you fell,

And then you helped
me when I fell.

thank you, friends.

[all chirp]

Where are you going?
What'’s the matter?

Who goes there?!

Um, my name is
princess nella.

Who are you?

Buzzer'’s the name.

And I'’m beezle!

And we don'’t let anybody
take our honeyberries!

But I'’m not here to
take your honeyberries.

likely story.

Yeah. Everybody wants
our honeyberries.

Not me. I'’m on my way
to help save my friend
from a dragon.

Ha ha ha!
You'’re telling me

You don'’t like
the taste
of honeyberries?

Oh, sure.
I love them. We eat them
at the castle all the time.

Tell us more.

Yeah. What do they
taste like?

Are they sweet?

Are they sticky?

Are they

You mean you'’ve
never eaten one?


Every time we try
to smash one open...

It'’s like these things
are made of rubber.

We can'’t open them

No matter how hard
we try.

Oh. I can help with that.

Whenever we have them
for dessert at the castle,

We never smash '’em open.

We just use a straw to
slurp the honeystuff out.

Both: ha ha ha!
Why didn'’t you think of that?

[Both buzzing]

[Both slurp]

Both: ohh!


Glad to help.
Now I got to get going.

My friend needs me.wait a minute.

You just did
the nicest thing

Anyone'’s ever done
for us.

So how can we help you?

Well, I got
to rescue my friend.

She was carried away
by a dragon

Who'’s been
taking things away
from castlehaven.


That must be stella
the dragon.

Sh-she'’s terrifying!

Trust me, you don'’t want
to find her, nella.

I have to.

Well, if that'’s what
you really want,

We'’ll show you the way.

Here'’s stella'’s


Don'’t go in, nella.

There'’s still time
to turn back.

I can'’t go back.
My friend is in there.

[Beezle whimpers]

Good luck!

we'’ll always
remember you.

Stella: roar!


I'’ve got to do this.


[Distant snoring]



What are you doing
in my cavern?!

I--i want to talk to you!


No! I'’m not leaving.

You see, my friend'’s
in that--


Aren'’t you afraid of me,
like everybody else?

Yes, I'’m afraid,

But that'’s not going
to stop me

Because I'’ve got to stand up
and do what'’s right.

I'’ve got to try to be brave
so I can help my friend.


For a little child,
you'’ve got a lot
of courage.

I do? Yeah.

I guess I do.

And that must be what'’s
making my necklace glow.

Who are you, anyway?

My name is nella,
and I'’m a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shinin'’ bright ♪

♪ Look at me ♪

♪ Can it be? ♪

♪ Now I am ♪

♪ A princess knight ♪


I wasn'’t expecting that,
but I love it!

You may be
a princess knight,

But you can'’t catch me!

Wait! Give me back
that sleeping bag!

Oh, no.
It'’s too dark in here.

I can'’t see where
I'’m going.


My sword.
I can make it glow.

There you are.

You can'’t run
forever, dragon.

Time to see what else I can do
with these knightly tools.




Don'’t worry, trinket!

I'’m coming!


Stop, stella!


We'’ll see about that.


Nella: that'’s it, stella.
There'’s nowhere to run.

Ok, ok. I give up.

Good. Now hand over
my friend.

Your friend?in the sleeping bag.


Oh, no.


Oh, good morning,

Wow. I had
the weirdest dream

That I was carried
off by a dragon

To a faraway cavern
across the kingdom.

Ha! Isn'’t that
Heh heh--


You mean she'’s
been in there
the whole time?

Yes. That'’s why I chased
you all the way here. Mmm.

I feel absolutely

I never meant
to take your friend
away from you.

You didn'’t?
Of course not.

I--i saw
the sleeping bag,
and it was so sparkly,

I just had to take it.

Sparkles can be hard
to resist, but--but
that'’s no excuse.

I'’m so sorry.

But why have you been
taking so many things

From castlehaven?look around.

My home is so drab
and dingy, I thought

Adding some fancy things
would make it look
more special,

But it hasn'’t
really helped.

You don'’t have to
take things from others
to decorate this place.

You'’ve got everything
you need all around you

In nature.
I do?

and we can help.

Yeah! Makeovers are
kinda my thing.

[Chipsqueaks chirping]

Ok. Ready?

I think so.

Take a look
at your house.

It'’'’s gorgeous![Chipsqueaks chirp]

Oh! Thank you both
for your help
and understanding.

Is there any way that I
can ever repay you?

Well, now that you
mention it...

Look! The dragon!

All: huh?

Steady, men.
Here it comes again.

Wait! Look!

It'’s nella and trinket!

hi, everyone.

[Bell rings]

my best shield!

My shiniest pair of boots!

and the helmet
my dad gave me.

They brought
them all back.

Both: nella!

Everyone, I'’d like you
to meet stella.

Hello, everyone.

I'’m sorry I took
your things.

I promise
it will never
happen again.

Nella, you look
so knightly.

Oh. Thanks!

And you showed
such courage,
your highness.

You were pretty brave
out there, sweetie.

I dub you nella,
the princess knight,

The truest knight
I know.

[Townspeople cheering]whoa.

And the truest friend, too.


And that'’s exactly
the way it happened.

What a great memory.[Sniffles]

Trink, are you ok?

I'’m just so happy

Because you'’re still
the best, best friend

A unicorn could
ever have.

Now, what do you say
we go make some more
happy memories?

I say hop on, bestie!

Nella: best friends

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!