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02x13 - Bouncy Babies and Springy Kings/Rock-A-Bye-Baby

Posted: 10/08/22 06:31
by bunniefuu
* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* Adventure is calling,
she can't stay away *

* Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great *

* Her necklace is glowing,
now she'll find a way *

* With help from
her best friends *

* They'll save the day *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* True to herself,
doing what's right *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

Girls: * princess nella,
dressed in yella *

*Had a dragon friend
named stella *

Huh? What is it?

Slow down!

What's wrong?


Trinket, look!

He lost his baby tooth!


This is a big day,
a really big day.

Huge! Do you know
what this means?

Oh, my gosh, oh,
my gosh, oh, my
gosh, oh, my gosh!

The tooth fairy's coming!

Um, he's not getting tooth
fairy levels of excited.

Do you know who
the tooth fairy is?


The tooth fairy is only
the most famous fairy
in all the land!

You see, when you lose
a baby tooth,

You leave it
under your pillow--

And in the middle
of the night,

The tooth fairy
takes it and leaves
a fabulous present

In its place!

Hee hee hee!

Oh, I wish I could
see your little face

When you find your
special present
in the morning.

Hey! You two should
sleep over tonight

So we can all be there
when you find it.

A great idea!

Come on!
Let's get ready.

I'm so excited.

Ha ha! Me too.
Good night, trink.

Good night.

little fleagle.





Oh! Good morning,
little fleagle.

I can't wait
another second!

Let's look under
your pillow!

We finally get to
find out what the
tooth fairy brought you.

It's a...



There's no present,
just your tooth.

That means the tooth
fairy didn't come!


[Bell ringing]
man: hear ye, hear ye!

Huh? What's going on?

Man: citizens of castle haven,

We have breaking news.

The tooth fairy is missing!

How horrible!

The tooth fairy's
Oh, no!

yeah, thee didn't
leave me a pwesent.

Or one for junior.

This is terrible!

We've got to do something.

Come on, trink,
to the sparkly table!

Garrett: the tooth
fairy is missing?

Oh, I thought running
out of pancakes
this morning was bad,

But this?

Oh, this is
way worse!

Don't worry, everybody.

The sparkly table
will help us find her.

Now let's see where
the tooth fairy is.

There she is!

At the top of
tricky rock mountain!

Tooth fairy:
in a huge dragon's mouth!

The tooth fairy's
in trouble!

We have to help her.

My heart is bright,
time to be a princess knight!

* My heart grows strong
it's time to shine my light *

* Sword! Shield! Boots!
My courage shining bright *

* Now I am
the princess knight! *

The tooth is,
that rocked!

Come on, guys, to
tricky rock mountain!

We've got a tooth
fairy to save.

Garrett: my wrist
compass is telling me

We're close to
tricky rock mountain.

Your wrist compass
is right. Look!

Come on!

Nella: we're here.

This is gonna be
horrible on my hooves,

But for the tooth
fairy, I'll do it.


Nella! Trinket!



[Boing boing]

Garrett: now I see why they
call it tricky rock mountain.

We'll never rescue
the tooth fairy like this!

I can't stop

That's it!
We don't stop.

We use these bouncy
boulders to get to
the top of the mountain.

Like this!



Bouncy time!

[Boing boing]




We did it!



That's the cave we saw
in the sparkly table!


Yep. The dragon's
in there, all right.

He sounds...[Gulp] big.

How are we gonna
get in there

With a giant dragon
on the loose?

Um...very quietly.
Come on.

I don't see it.

Me neither.

Me neither.

What's going on?


go away!

It's the dragon!

Nella: and the tooth
fairy's in her mouth!

Let's go, guys!
We've got to stop
that dragon!


Come back, dragon!

Trinket: she's getting away!

This ought to
block her way.


Nella: stop!

There's nowhere to run.


Except right through
those ribbons.

Let's go!




What's going on out there?



Garrett: whoa!

You won't get away, dragon!





Oh, no!


Talia, I'm coming!

no! We're coming!

There she is,

Heading toward all those
spiky things sticking up
out of the ground!

Oh! I can't look!

Oh! Coming, tooth fairy!

Oh! Uh!

Got her!



We won't let you
hurt her!

Hurt her?

Why would she want
to hurt me?

Pearl is my friend.

All: your friend?

Tooth fairy: yeah!

So why were you
in her mouth?

Oh, that?

I was just checking
for a loose tooth.

All: ohh!

It was time for me
to go, but pearl said

She had another loose tooth.

So I was just
checking it out.

This is a big

I'm princess nella
of castle haven,

And this is trinket,
garrett, and clod.

Hey there!
Nice to meet ya.

I am such a fan!

Hi. Call me talia.

Some of our friends
lost teeth last night.

And when you didn't
show up, we thought
you were in trouble.

Wait, last night?

How long have I been here?

Oh, molars!

According to my
tooth fairy tablet,

I've missed a lot of
lost baby teeth notifications.

I lost track of time.

I have to go!

Oh, but you can't go!

You're my best friend.

I have to go.

Being the tooth fairy
is my job.

But i--i think I have
another loose tooth,

And--and there's something
stuck in here...

All the way in the back.

Ow! Ow! Owee! Owsers!

Pearl, are you sure
all those things
are wrong,

Or do you just
want talia to stay?

I want her to stay.

Sorry, talia.

I told a teeny-tiny,

Pearly-white lie,

'Cause I never had
a friend before you.

And when you came, well,
I just wanted you to stay.

All: aww...

I suppose I can't be angry
about being so loved.

you know, pearl,

Just because talia
has to go,

Doesn't mean you can't
still be friends.

Of course.

There's plenty of me
to go around.

* Don't worry pearl,
it's gonna be fine *

* We'll always be
friends, you and I *

* And when the time
comes that you lose
another tooth *

* You know I'll be back,
that's the triple truth! *

* You don't need
your wisdom teeth *

* To know friendship
needs room to grow *

* A friend is a friend
whether near or far *

* A friend stands by you
wherever you are *

* A friend is a friend
like a permanent tooth *

* So smile, I'll be back
that's the triple, triple,
triple, truth! *

Pinky promise?

pinky promise.

I promise I won't tell
any more pearly white lies

Just to keep you to myself.

All: aww...




eee! I'm so excited!

Nella: the moment
we've been waiting for.

All: wow!

Open it!


You're right, nella.

It's not so bad
sharing your

My work here is done,
but I'll be back.

That's the triple, triple,
triple truth.


Nella: knights of the
sparkly table, charge!

All: charge!

Heyah! Whoa! Uhh!

Whoa! Yeha! Uhh!

Whoo hoo!


Nella: this way, everyone!

Follow me!

Wow! That was fun!

Hi, nella.

Where were you?
We've been practicing
our nightly skills

In the sparkly table
training course.

I accidentally fell and
broke my arm yesterday,

And I have to wear
this for a month.

What is that?

It's a cast.
It protects my arm
until it gets better.

[Tap tap]
sort of like armor!

All: cool!

Does your arm hurt?

Not anymore, but it
does get really itchy

And I can't reach
inside the cast
to scratch it.

Oh! It's so frustrating!

Blaine: uh, I'm sorry
to tell you, garrett,

But if your arm
is broken,

You can't be a part of the
knights of the sparkly table.


I can't? Oh, no!
I didn't think about that.

of course he can.

Nella, his arm is broken.

He can't do all the
stuff we just did.

Knights with broken arms
stay home.

Blaine's right.

My dad told me
I have to take it easy
until it heals.

I can't do everything
I did before.

That's true, garrett.
You have to let
your arm heal,

But you're still
part of the team.


* You may be
on the sidelines *

* But it doesn't
mean you're through *

* You just gotta press pause
until you feel better soon *

* You may have to take it
easy, but it doesn't
mean you're through *

* If you can't do what you
used to, just do the things
that you can do! *

princess nella!
Princess nella!

We've got
an emergency.

Flutter, what is it?
What's wrong?

A bunch of creatures
are causing mayhem
in the forest!

Ah! We better see
what's going on.

To the sparkly table!

Yeah! Let's go!

Now let's see
what the problem is.

Gork: wow! Look at that!

[Creatures growling]

Uhh! Ickyguanas!

Giant ickyguanas!

Eww! They're
the ickiest!

they're scaring away all
the little creatures

That live in the forest!

Gork: and knocking
everything over!

Garrett: yikes! They
sure look grumpy.

What are we gonna do?

We gotta stop them
before they do more
damage to the forest.

My heart is bright.
Time to be a princess-knight!

* My heart grows strong
it's time to shine my light *

* Sword! Shield! Boots!
My courage shining bright *

* Now I am
the princess knight! *

That was outstanding!

Nella: knights...
All: unite!

Time to fight
for what's right!

Come on, team!
Let's go!


Come on, garrett.

Are you sure, nella?

I mean, with my arm
in a cast,

How helpful
can I really be?

Very helpful, garrett.

You may not be able to
climb and jump with us,

But you're still
part of the team, and
we need you there.

Come on!

Ok. Thanks, nella.

Nella: these giant
ickyguanas are really
making a mess.

Where are they?

Nella: they've got to be
around here somewhere.

Maybe I can find them
with my knightly binoculars., where
could they be?

There they are!


See? What would we
have done without
you, garrett?


Ok, let's go.


Willow: oh, they look
even grumpier up close!

be careful, nella!

Nella: excuse me!

Ickyguanas, hi. I'm nella
the princess knight.

We were wondering if you
could please stop banging

Into all of our
trees and rocks.

It's kind of ruining
our forest and--



Well, that didn't work.

So, what do we do now?

Um, right now we--

[Loud cracking]



The ickyguanas are
making a mess of the forest.

Blaine: we've got
to stop them!

But first, this tree
needs our help,

And I know just
what to do!



Extra deep roots?
Nice job, willow.

Now we just need to
help stand it back up.

Come on, guys!
Ready? Pull!


Garrett, we could use
a hand here.

One hand
is all I got!

All: uhh!

Oh, yeah!

Willow: whew!
Nice work, garrett.

Garrett: thanks!

Maybe I can do more
than I thought I could.

But there's no time
to waste now.

Those ickyguanas
are still at it!

I can use my wrist compass
to track where they are!


There's one that way!

Nella: great! You can
help guide us!

Come on, everybody!

The ickyguanas are...
This way!

Look! Over there!



Oh, no!
The chipsqueeks!



Quick! Over there!

Garrett: the fleagle's
gonna fall!

Not if I can help it.

I'll keep it safe
with slime.


Nella: nice work, guys!
Come on!

[Ickyguana growling]

Uh, nella...

I think we've got
a problem!


Nella: they're headed
towards castle haven!

Oh, man!

Who knows what kind of
mess they'll make there.

Nella: come on! There's
no time to waste.

But, nella, I can't get up
the cliff like you guys can.

Oh, you're
right, garrett.

You have to take it
easy with your arm.

Nella! Hurry!

Blaine: those ickyguanas
are getting away!

You guys go ahead.

But we can't
leave you behind.

It's ok.
I'll...wait here.

Are you sure?

Nella: ok.

We'll be back
for you.
Good luck!

* I'll just sit here
on the sidelines feeling
itchy, sad, and blue *

* I wanna do the things
I used to but there's
so much I can't do *

Uhh! Why does this cast
have to be so itchy?





Wait a minute.

You're not trying to
destroy the forest.

You're just itchy!


And your arms are
too short to scratch
your itchy back!


And that's what's
making you so grumpy!

I know how you feel,

It gets really itchy
inside my cast.


Yeah. Makes me
grumpy, too.

I wish I could just
reach in there
and scratch it.

Like this!

Ahh ha ha...

Ha ha! Feels
better, right?

You're not ickyguanas.
You're itchyguanas!

Oh! But the other
ickyguanas are on their
way to castle haven!

They'll destroy everything
trying to scratch their
itchy backs there.

We've got to go help!


Do I want a ride?

Yeah! That would
be great!

Whoo hoo!

Woman: oh, hello!
Man: look at that.

Man: oh, this one's nice!
Woman: oh, how delightful.

[Ickyguanas growling]

Oh, no!

Man: ickyguanas?

Man: they're so icky!

Woman: oh, no!


Look out!


Look out!


Sorry, ickyguanas,
but we can't let you
tear up our kingdom.

Let's talk this out.


Garrett: nella!

Nella: garrett?

Nella, these ickyguanas, they're
not trying to cause trouble.

They're just like my arm.

All: huh?

No, what I mean is,
they're only grumpy

Because they're so itchy.

Ah ha ha...

They just need a good scratch
on their itchy backs.


[Willow giggling]

Hey! You figured
it out, garrett.

Come on, everybody!

Let's get scratching!


Without your itchy
broken arm,

We never
would have known.

Yeah! I guess
you're right.

But how do we keep
these big ickyguanas

From feeling itchy again
once we stop scratching them?

Yeah. We can't
do this forever.

Wait a minute. I've
got a great idea!

Those bent poles
could be...


Ickyguana back scratchers!

Huh? Ahh...

This is great.

You did it!

See, garrett,
even though your
arm kept you

From doing some things,

What you could do
really saved the day.

* He had to take it easy, yeah,
he had to change his plan *

* From all the things
he couldn't do *

* To all the things I can! *

And look!

I even made one
for myself.



[All giggling]