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02x14 - Piece of Cake/A Tale of Two Nellas

Posted: 10/08/22 06:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright

♪ She's nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can't stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing

♪ Now she'll find away

♪ With help
from her best friends ♪

♪ They'll save the day

♪ Her heart is bright

♪ She's nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing it right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright

♪ She's nella
the princess knight ♪

Remember, everything
has to be

Perfectly perfect
for our tea party.

Hmm. Hmm.

I think it's good,

Queen mom: wow!
This looks like

It's gonna be
one fancy tea party.

It has to me, mom!

Trinket and I entered
the tip top tea party contest.

The famous tea party
judge sir brantley

Is looking for the best
tea party in castlehaven.

Yeah! You've
probably seen him on
"tip top tea parties."

A tip top tea party
has things--

Perfect tea,
perfect food,

And perfect manners.

Why, thank you.



Terrible tea!

Oh, my gosh!


This tea party is
not tip top!

It's a tea-tastrophe!

We have to be perfect
tea party planners

If we want ours to be
tip top

And not a tea-tastrophe.

Which is why you
wanted this recipe

For your grammy's
famous, very-berry

Exactly! Sir brantley
loves muffins,

And grammy's are
the best in castlehaven,

But we need lots
of ingredients
to make them:

Swipple butter,
flour, eggs,

And different types
of berries

Of every size and hue--



and a couple

Baubleberries, too!

I'll gallop over
to ida and uta's store

And get
the ingredients

While you finish
setting up here.

Wait! Don't you want
to take the list

So you don't forget
the ingredients?

Eh, nella. What kind
of tea party planner
would I be

If I couldn't remember
a few muffin ingredients?

Ok, but hurry back!

Different types of berries
of every size and hue--

Glowberries, plumberries,

What was it again?

Oh, yeah. Spangleberries,

And--and a couple
of baubleberries, too!

Piece of cake!

Ida: trinket,
how can we help you?

Let's see. I need
swipple butter,
flour, eggs,

Glowberries, glitterberries,

And a couple of...

A couple what?

A couple...uh--

I think it starts
with a "b."

Oh! Boingyberries!

Yeah! Some
of those, too.

Both: boingyberries?

Are you sure you
want boingyberries?

Yeah! Definitely!

Ida: all right.
If you say so.

Here you go.

[Boingyberries popping]

Thank you! Ta-ta!

Nella: ooh!
I can't wait!

These are
gonna be the best
muffins ever.

The first batch
is done.


Trinket and nella: mmm!

They smell perfect!

Sir brantley is going
to love them!

But they're
too hot to eat.

I'll set them
over there to cool.

Ok! Let's go finish
preparing everything.

King dad: look out!

The princess is
galloping down the hall
towards adventure.

Hee hee!

Mmm. This royal pony
smells grammy's
very-berry muffins.

Ya ya ya!

I don't think
anybody's gonna miss

One little muffin.

Want to try, norma?

Ha! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Hee hee hee!

Mmm. These muffins
are so good,

They make you want

I'm bouncing!

Hee hee hee!

Aah! Yeah! Hee
hee hee!

Help! Whoa!

Whoa! Agh! Ohh!

Everything looks

Oh, I'm so nervous.

Don't worry.
I'm sure our tea party
will be tip top.

Now all we have to do
is wait for...

[Doorbell rings]

Nella and trinket:
sir brantley!

King dad: whoa!

Whoa! Oh!

Whee! Hee hee hee!

Queen mom: norma?!
Nella: dad?!

Help! We can't
stop bouncing!

Bouncing around
the castle is not

Perfect manners
for a tea party.

This is going to be
a tea-tastrophe!

King dad: whoa!

It's all right.
I'll help dad
and norma

While you and mom
take sir brantley
to the tea room.

I'm coming!

King dad: help!

[Norma giggling]

It's fine.
We'll just keep calm

And pretend nothing
is wrong.

Trinket: hello.
Terribly sorry
for the delay.

You must be
sir bouncy--brantley!

I mean, sir brantley.


The pleasure's
all ours, I'm sure.

Ha ha ha.
Right this way.

Uh, this is our
hallway. Heh.

Lovely, isn't it?

Mm-hmm. Hmm.

Norma: hee hee!
King dad: whoa!

Nella: aah!

Uh, could you
excuse me.

King dad: whoa!
Norma: whee!

King dad: look out!
What can I do to help?

We have to keep
them from
bouncing away.

Let's try to catch
them with these.

Ooh! Good thinking.

Norma: whee!
King dad: whoa! Whoa! about
some tea?

Heh. Why, thank you.


King dad: whoa!

Heh heh heh.

That must mean
the muffins
are ready!

I'll be back
in two shakes
of a unicorn's tail!


King dad: whoa!
Norma: whee!

Nella: yipes!
Queen mom: oh, no!

Almost had him!

Oh, no. What do I do?
What do I do?

Aah! I'll serve
sir brantley some muffins!

I'll be right back.

King dad: whoa!

Look out!

Norma: ahh! Hee hee hee!


Hey! We stopped

Yes! Whoo-hoo!

It looks like our tea party
might not be

A tea-tastrophe
after all.

Nella: yeah,
but what made you

Start bouncing
in the first place?

I don't know.
One minute, we were

Eating a muffin,
and then next minute,

We were bouncing around
like a boingyberry.

A boingyberry?

Yeah. Just like
the recipe called for.

Different types
of berries

Of every size
and hue--

Glowberries, plumberries,



And a couple
baubleberries, too.


Ohh! I got boingyberries

Oh, my goodness!
I got the wrong ingredients.

I'm the worst
tea party planner ever.

It's ok, trink.
We just have to

Make sure nobody else
eats those muffins.

Uh...slight problem.

I just served them
to sir brantley.

Now to see if the food
is perfectly perfect.

Others: wait!


Mmm. This muffin is--oh.

Whoa! Aah!

Oh, no!
We're too late!

Remember, the bouncing
wears off.

We just have to keep
him safe and make sure

And make sure
he doesn't bounce away.

Norma: whee!
Hee hee hee!

Oh. You mean,
like that?

Oh, my heavens!

You think we still
have a shot
at winning

The tip top
tea party contest?

We have to help
sir brantley.

My heart is bright!

Time to be
a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong

♪ It's time to shine
my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots

♪ My courage shining bright

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Now that is what
I call tip top!

Come on!
Careful, sweetie.



Oh! Terribly sorry!

Nella: oh, no!
He's head straight

Toward the catapult lot!

Hey. Watch out, pal.


He's flying straight
toward bramble bush gorge!

We can't let him
bounce into it. Hurry!

Whoa! Ohh!
Oh, my heavens!

There he is!
We need to stop him

Before he bounces
over the edge

And into those
prickly bramble bushes.

Trinket: but how can
we stop him?

He'll just bounce
over us.

Not if we can bounce
as high as he does.

Sir brantley: ohh!
A trampoline!

Great idea!

Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup!




Aah! Ohh!

Trinket: nella,
he's bouncing closer.

Oh! Oh, no!







She did it! Whoo-hoo!

Nella: phew!

The bouncing
finally wore off.

Queen mom: sir brantley.

Are you ok?

We're so sorry,
sir brantley.

No. I'm sorry,

I really wanted
our tea party
to be perfect,

But because
of my mistake,

It turned out to be
perfectly awful.

Sir brantley:

This is the most
exciting tea party

I've ever attended!

All: what?!

Most tea parties
are so stuffy
and boring,

But bouncing
around castlehaven

Was exhilarating!

You mean, you're
not upset?

Of course not.

The decorations
were prefect,

The tea was hot,

And that muffin was
the best I've
ever tasted,

And you displayed
impeccable manners

By rescuing me!

Does that mean...

Sir brantley:
perfect tea,
perfect food,

And perfect manners.

This is the most
tip top tea party
in all of castlehaven!

King dad: hooray!

Princess nella,
princess nella!

Hi, flutter.

Princess nella,
you are needed

At the clubhouse

Why? Is everything
all right?

Your aunt winnie
says it's

For an important

Oh! Ok! Be right there!

A mission?
I'm on my way!

A mission?! Awesome!

A mission?! Yes!

Even my hair
is excited!

Hiya, knightly friends!

We've got a mission!
Isn't this exciting?

Yeah! I wonder
what it is.

Let's find out!

Hello, knights!

Hi, aunt winnie!

There's someone
in the kingdom
who needs our help.

So here's the dish
on the "mish."

Your mission
has two parts.

For the first part,
I'm giving you each

A big, important job!

Big? Important?
I am here for that!


Aunt winnie: nella,
I need you to go

To the sparkle woods
and gather

A large bundle
of twinkle twigs.

You got it,
aunt winnie!

Garrett, your job
is go to the craggy cliffs

And bring back
a bucketful
of honeyberries.

You can count
on me!

Gork, you must go
to the unicorn of the lake

And ask for a snugglehorn
wool blankie.


Go to lakey,
get the blankie.

Riley: ooh! What's
my big, important job?

Lay it on me,
your auntiness.

I can't wait!
I can't wait!

Ha ha! Take it easy,

You've got perhaps
the biggest, most
important job of all.

You must stand guard
over what's inside that box.



Ok! Consider it

Bring everything
back here,

And I'll show you what
to do for the next part

Of the mission.

Good luck, knights!

All right!
Sounds good!

I wonder what's
in here.

It's got to be
something important.

Hey. What's this

[Gears turning]

Uh...are you seeing
what I'm seeing?

Because I'm seeing
a big rock.

Gork: ooh!
I love rocks!

I got a rock
collection back
at the swamp.

Look. This one
is felicia.

She's my favorite,
and here's gerald.

He's so much fun.


But I don't get it.

How is guarding a rock
a big, important job?

Well, aunt winnie
said all of our jobs
are important,

So yours must be, too.

Yeah. Ok.
You're right.

If my job is to
guard a rock,

Then I'll be
the best rock guard

In the history
of rock guarding!

Nella: great! We'll go get
the stuff aunt winnie
asked us to bring

And be back
before you know it!

Come on, everybody!

Gork: bye!
Nella: see you soon!

All right, rocky.
It's just you and me.

Prepare to be guarded.


No rock thieves
in sight.






I wonder what
everybody else is up to.

Look at them!

Out there doing
big, important jobs

While I'm stuck
on rock duty.

There's got to be
something more important

I could be doing.

I know. I'll go see
if any of them need my help.


Hey, rocky. I'm going
out real quick.

Be a good rock
and stay here, ok?

Ehh. Who am I kidding?

You're not
going anywhere.



To the sparkle woods!

Nella: riley?

Oh. Hi, you guys.
I was just coming

To see if you needed
any help.

Nope. We've got

We're headed back
to find out what
the next part

Of our mission is.

Hey. What happened
to that rock you
were guarding?

I couldn't wait to
catch up with you guys,

So I left it
for two seconds.

I'm sure it's fine.

Ok. Well, let's go
back and find out

What's next!

Garrett: oh, no!

The rock is gone!

It was right there
when I left.

It couldn't have just

Garrett: look!
The sparkly table.

Good work, knights.
I see you've got

Uh, aunt winnie,
there's something
we should tell you.

Ok, but right
after I tell you

About the next part
of the mission.

Use the twigs
and blankie to build
ar warm nest.

The squeeze some
honeyberry juice

For the baby rock dragon
that's about to hatch

From the egg
riley was guarding.

The mama rock dragon

Was called away
and needs us

To take care
of the egg for her,

But she'll be back
by the time baby


Now what was it you
wanted to tell me?

Uh, never mind.
Ha ha ha!

Then I'll leave
you to it.




Oh, boy.
This is bad.

Oh! How did I
let this happen?

I had one job.

Even my hair
is panicking!

We can fix this.
We just have to find

The rock dragon egg
and bring it back.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong

♪ It's time to shine
my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots

♪ My courage shining bright

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

That was eggcellent!

Garrett and gork,
you guys stay here

And start building
the nest

While we look
for the egg.

All right!
We're on it!

Great! Let's go!


We have to figure out
which way the egg went.

Hmm. That way!

Look! Egg prints!

Come on!

There it is!

Man: ohh!
Girls: excuse me!


Hey. Where'd it go?

Ohh! Over there!

[Riley gasps]

The feet hatched!

Rocky, you come back
here this instant!

I know how
to stop it!



Come on!

Gork: so, uh, how
do you build a nest?

No idea.


That sounds like
a mama dragon approaching.

We better hurry!

Riley: come back
here, rocky!

Nella: oh, no!
We're in a geyser field!

[Both gasp]

Is there any way to
turn these things off?

Chasing that egg
is eggs-hausting.

The maybe we should
we should stop
chasing it.

Huh? What do you mean?

I think we can wait

For the egg to get
launched by one
of the geysers,

Then catch it
while it's
in the air.

Ok. Wait patiently.
Good plan. I'm in.



I think I can grab it!


Hang on!

Here you go!

Thanks! Sorry.

I just couldn't wait.

I really thought
I had it.

That's all right.
We can still catch it.

Remember the plan.
We have to be patient.

Right! Patient. Yes!

Hold. Hold.

This is superintense!



Nella: now! Ha!


Got it!

Yes! We did it!

Hey, rocky.
Boy is it good
to see you.

It's hatching!

Ahh! What do we do?

We've got to get it
back to the clubhouse.

I hope garrett and gork
have everything ready.

So, uh,
everything's ready,

But first, um,
how about some comedy?

Uh, what did the egg
say to the clown?


You crack me up.
Ha ha ha!

Garrett: heh heh heh.

Quick! The blankie!

We couldn't hold her
off any longer.


It's hatching!



Nella: aw!
Gork: adorable.

Garrett: that is
so cute.

My baby!

Gork: here's some
honeyberry juice.

Aunt winnie:

He's a cutie.

Oh, thank you,

And thank you all
for taking care of him

While I was away.

Good work, knights.

I'm very proud
of you all,

And, riley, I know
being patient
isn't always easy,

But good job getting
the egg back.

I wasn't sure you
and nella were
gonna make it in time.

But i--how did you--

Oh! He's a hungry,
little fella.

That's rocky
for you.

Rocky? Huh.
I like it.


Others: aw!

[All laughing]