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03x01 - The Big Dog Problem/The Three Friends Problem

Posted: 10/08/22 16:04
by bunniefuu

- One, two...
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey, what do you know ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- ♪ Whoa, what comes next ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best
We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪


- The big dog problem.


(lullaby and Cat snoring)

- Woohoo!


- Huh?


- All right, all right,
all... Whoa!

(Cat mumbling)
Oh, good! You're awake.

I'm Peg and this is Cat,

and right now I'm REALLY
excited. Want to know why?

- (yawning): Why?

- Because my mom
just gave us five letters

to put in the mailbox! See?

Four important letters...

and one really important letter.

- No one's ever
given us anything
really important before.

- She said it's because
we're becoming so responsible.

- Somebody's growing up, yo!

- Shyah! Us!

Check out the changes
in our height.

- And height is...?

- You know, how high up
something comes.

- ♪ Height, height, all right,
all right, yeah ♪

- When I was younger,
I was only this tall,

but then I got taller,
and taller,

and now I'm... this tall!

- Your tallest height yet!
- I've been keeping track

of your height over here!

You've gotten taller too.

- I've really watched me
grow up.

- And now that
we're both taller than ever,

we can go
on our historic mission!

- ♪ Mailing really
important letters ♪

- Ooh! So how about
if I carry these three letters

and you take these two?

- We could do that or...

I could take three
and you could take two!

- Uh, how about if I take four,

so you only have to hold one?

- Why don't I hold the four,

so you only have to hold one?

- Ugh! I get the chills.
Hey, I know!

Why don't we divide up
these letters with fair sharing?

- Fair what-ing?
- Fair sharing is when

you divide things up
like you're dealing cards,

so everyone has the same amount.

♪ One for you, one for me ♪

One for you, one for me!

- One for you.
- One for me.

- One for you, one for me.

- These letters
can't be divided fairly,

and we both want to hold
as many letters as we can.

- (both): Especially this one!

- We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

- (Mom): You two aren't
dillydallying, are you?

- No.
- The mailman's coming soon.

- You can count on us, Mom,
we're about to leave.

- Right after
we solve our BIG PROBLEM.

- Big problem?

- No, uh, Cat just said
he needs to solve

his jig problem.
Once he starts doing a jig,

he just can't stop.

- I have a jig problem, alright.

I have a wig problem too.

- OK.
- But don't worry, Mom,

we won't let any problem
stop us from mailing

your really important letters.

- Thanks, you two.
- Oof!

- Close one.
- Here you go, Cat.

You can hold that extra letter.
- You can have it, Peg.

- I couldn't.
- You could.

- I shouldn't.
- You should.

- If we keep passing
the letter back and forth,

we'll each get to hold it
for the same amount of time!

- Works for me!

- To the mailbox!
♪ Problem solved ♪

♪ The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem sol... ♪ YAAA!

Hi! I mean high.

You come up higher than me.

- Way higher than me.
- I've never seen a dog

you have to reach up to pet!

- I'd have to stand
on my tippy-toes.

- Right now,
I do not feel very tall.

- Not feeling tall at all.
- Arf?

- RUN!
- Yaa!

- OK, so I've stood up to...

a dragon, two giants,

a space creature, and a T. rex!

But I am totally afraid
of that dog.

And we can't go to the mailbox
without going past him!


Cat, you're the expert
on being scared.

- True.
- What do you
think we should do?

- Well, we could
sneak behind the dog.

- Sneaky, I like it.

- ♪ Come and take a look
at the plan that I've designed ♪

♪ The dog is sitting here,
so we'll sneak up from behind ♪

♪ Go a little faster, Cat,
move those feet ♪

- ♪ I think he hears us ♪

- Retreat!
(Peg and Cat scream.)

♪ We didn't make it past him,
but we're on the right track ♪

♪ Let's go behind the dog,
but running further back ♪

♪ We've got to charge ahead
with the mission we've begun ♪

- Big dog is standing up

- Then run!

♪ I hope
you're feeling bouncy
- Dare I ask why ♪

- ♪ Because we'll go right over
him by bouncing really high ♪

♪ Big dog is way too high,
I don't know what to do ♪

♪ OK, let's skedaddle
- I'm way ahead of you ♪

- ♪ One final plan for us,
another daring stunt ♪

♪ We'll throw a stick behind the
dog and then we'll
run in front ♪

♪ Look, our plan is working,
he's gonna go and play ♪

- ♪ Oops, he's seen us ♪♪


- You haven't mailed
those letters yet?

- Uh, well...

- Have you two
been dillydallying?

- No.
- Lollygagging?

- (both): Of course not!

- You haven't been
shillyshallying, have you?

- Maybe a little...
- Teeny bit.

- Cat and I are totally going
to get these letters mailed.

- Well, there's no time
like the present.

- No time like the present!
- That's so true!

- That means you can mail
the letters now.

- Yes, mail the letters now.

- Letters to be mailed!
- The mailbox is that way.

- Oh, right!
- That-a way!

- We can't let my mom know
we're scared to deliver
the letters;

she'll never give us
another grown-up job.

- Why aren't grown-ups
scared of anything?

- Because they're really tall.
Instead of being scared

of things, things
are scared of them.

- I wish I were tall and scary.

- That's it, you amazing Cat!

- Huh?
- If you're on my shoulders

wearing this,

you'll look like
one really tall person.

- Ready!
- Up you go!

- And on you go!

Tall and handsome, right?
- Hang on there, Cat!

- Hello there, Mr. Dog sir.
Come here often?

I don't t think
he's scared of us.

- Then, let's increase
our height with these!

- Heads up, Mr. Dog,

tall cat person coming your way.

So big, so tall! Ha, ha, ha.

He's getting closer!
(dog sniffing)

And closer!
- RUN!

- Ah!
- The letters!

- I got two!
- I got two too!

But where's
the really important letter?!

(Peg gasps.)
Right on the big dog!

I can't let my mom down!

This dog's taken our pride

and he's taken our courage,

but he'll never take

our really important letter!

I'm going in!

No, please don't hurt me,
your bigness.

(dog sniffing)
He's helping me up?

- I'll save you, Peg!
- Cat, look!

The dog isn't mean!
(dog panting)

He's cuddly as a kitten.

(Cat laughing)
- Tickling me, big guy!

(truck honking)
- The mail truck!

Right now, we've got
to mail some important letters!

- And one
really important letter!

- I'm not tall enough
to reach the box!

If we don't mail these letters
right now,

my mom will never let me
do anything important again.


Cat's right, I should count

backwards from five
to calm down.

Five, four,

three, two,


You genius dog! From on top
of you, we're tall enough!

- To reach the mailbox!

- Because we know all
about height and growing taller,

we are totally mailing four
important letters and one...

- (Peg and Cat):
Really important letter!

- We mailed all five letters.

- With a little help
from a big friend...

who drools.

- And so...

♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪
(dog barking the tune)

♪ Problem solved ♪
- Oh, that is one big dog!

- He's big,
but he is friendly.

- I better call
my supervisor.

Hey, boss, little help?

- Ramone? The mailman
needs your help

when there's
a really big dog?

- Even grown-ups
are scared of some things.

- Who knew?
- We did it, Mom!
We really did it.

- You mailed
my important letters?

- And one really important one!
- Awww, Peg!

♪♪ It seems
like only yesterday ♪

♪ You used to creep and crawl ♪

♪ You couldn't walk,
you couldn't talk ♪

♪ Couldn't do much at all ♪

♪ Then you grew
a little bigger ♪

♪ And turned into a tot ♪

♪ You made a sound
and soon I found ♪

♪ You liked to talk a lot ♪

♪ You were growing, growing ♪

♪ Bigger than before ♪

♪ Every day you grew some more ♪

♪ You were growing ♪

- ♪ When I was just a kitten ♪

♪ I was tall
as a cup of tea ♪

♪ But with some time,
I hit my prime ♪

♪ Now I'm tall as three ♪

- ♪ We're bigger
than we've ever been ♪

♪ And we know how to count ♪

♪ We learnt to share
and compare ♪

♪ To get the same amount ♪

- ♪ We're growing, growing ♪

♪ Bigger than before ♪

♪ Every day, we grow some more ♪

♪ We're growing ♪

- ♪ And now
you're getting older ♪

♪ And I'm giving you
new chores ♪

- ♪ But we were scared
- Not prepared ♪

- ♪ To see you on all four ♪
- Woof!

- ♪ We couldn't go
behind the dog ♪

♪ He saw through our disguise ♪

- ♪ He made us grow
'cause now we know ♪

- ♪ You can't judge
based on size ♪

♪ We're growing, growing ♪

♪ Bigger than before ♪

♪ Every day, we grow some more ♪

(dog barking the tune)

♪ Every day, we grow some more ♪

♪ We're growing ♪♪

- Oh, Pegster.

- I am a very tall guy
who has furry legs.

Oh! Oh!
- It's hard to stay up

like this.
- And a ukulele is sticking out

of my belly. Oh!
- It's getting hot in here!

- And a head sticking out
of my bottom.

(Peg and Cat laughing)
(sighing contentedly)

- One, two...
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey, what do you know ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- ♪ Whoa, what comes next ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best
We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- The three friends problem.

- Sounds like this one's going
to be a doozy!

- Shake a tail
feather, Connie.


- Hello. Cat and I
are getting ready

to play our favorite games

(Cat humming), we're having

a big day with a big dog!

And here he is!

- Woof!
- Big Dog, are you ready

to play a bunch
of crazy games

that me and Cat made up?
- Woof!

- Let the "cavorping" begin!

- To "cavorp",
you stick out your tongue

and hop on one foot, like this.

One, two, three! Whoa!

Ha! Ha! I "cavorped" three times

before I fell down.
That's some fine "cavorping"!

So now, I'll draw a bar graph
to record my score.

- Woof!
- Bar graphs are
a cool way to compare stuff.

First, we draw two lines,
like this.

At the bottom of the graph,
I draw a picture

to show what game
we're playing.

That's me, Cat,
and Big Dog "cavorping".

And on this side of the graph,
we write in the numbers

for how many times
we do stuff in the game!

One, two, three, four, five!

I "cavorped" three times,
so I draw a bar

as high as three and fill it in
with my color: blue!

Ready to "cavorp", Cat?
- Brace yourself

for some amazing "cavorpage"!

- One, two, three, four!

- Excuse me.

- Cat "cavorped" four times,
his best ever!

- "Cavorp, cavorp,
cavorp, cavorp!"

- Cat's bar goes higher
than mine

because he "cavorped"
more than I did.

What do you say, Big Dog?
Wanna try to cavorp?
- Woof!

- They key is to keep
your tongue out

and keep humping.

- One, two...

- Nice "cavorpitude"!

- Three! Watch out for the mud!

- Woof!

- You "cavorped" four times
on your first try, Big Dog.

So, let's put
a red bar here for you

that goes up to four.

My bar is lowest since
I "cavorped" less than you two.

And check it out!
Big Dog tied Cat

for the most "cavorping"
on his first try!

- Whoa!
- Amazing, right?

- Yeah, amazing.
- Next game...

- ♪ Shoop-a-doop, shoop-a-doop,
shoop-shoop-a-doop ♪

- Woof! Woof!
- To play Shoop-a-doop,

you get a bunch of balls,
throw them up in the air,

and try to keep them
from hitting the ground.

Give it a try, Big Dog!
- Woof!


- Big Dog can't grab
the balls to shoop-a-doop.

(Big Dog whimpering)

- Don't worry, big fella,
we'll play another game.

- Quackulate!
- Woof?

(Peg laughs.)
- Good idea! Let's "quackulate".

That's Cat's favorite game,
mine too,

because everybody
has to use their tails

to make me laugh. Ha! Ha! Ha!

I'm laughing just thinking
about Cat's "quackulation".

- May I?
- Ready, set, "quackulate"!

(Peg laughs.)

Aw, Cat!

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight!

Eight "ha"s!

Cat has set a new world record
for "quackulation": eight!

- Oh, yeah!
- You have made me laugh

more than anyone in the history
of "quackulation".

- Just "quall" me
the "quackulator"!

- Woof! Woof!
- Big Dog is really anxious

to "quackulate".
Ready, set,


(Big Dog whimpering)
Oh no!

Big Dog's tail is too short!

I invited Big Dog over to play,

but he couldn't shoop-a-doop

and now he can't "quackulate".

We've got A BIG PROBLEM!

Don't worry, Big Dog,
there are other games

we can make up, games you
could play with a short tail

or a long...

- Whoa-oh!
(Peg laughing)

- Phew!

- One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine,

ten, eleven, twelve "ha"s!

Big Dog, your quackulation
broke Cat's record.

I pronounce Big Dog

the king of "quackulation"!

Big Dog's playing
our games just fine.

And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

- Woof!
- ♪ We solved the problem ♪

Cat, I can't hear you.

- You know, the problem is,
uh, solved. there you go.

- You didn't sing at all, Cat.
What's the matter?

Usually, Cat sings nine words
in a song,

and today, he only did two.

He didn't even sing them!

Something must be
wrong with Cat!


- You have a really
big problem, Peggy?

- Is it those boots?
- They are not working
with that hat!

- The problem is Cat; he's
just sitting there like... bleh;

and usually,
he's all like, "Woohoo!"

Don't you wanna play
some more, Cat?

- Na-ah!
- See what I'm
talking about? I mean...

♪ Something's up with Cat,
shoo be doo doo ♪

- Something's up with Cat,
shoo be doo ♪
- Woof!

- ♪ He was feeling fine,
he was feeling great ♪

♪ But now he won't cavorp
or quackulate ♪

- ♪ Something's up with Cat,
shoo be doo doo ♪

- ♪ Something's up
with Cat, shoo be doo wah ♪

- ♪ Leave it up to us,
he just needs a push ♪

♪ He'll feel much better
if he shakes his tush ♪

- A little exercise
always gives me more energy.

- Mm-hmm! It gets
the blood flowing.

- That could work!

Come on, Cat!

- (Peg and Cat): Whoa!
- Is that Ramone?

- That's right. It's me,
- Cool headband!

- Welcome
to Ramone's Rocking Workout.

Are you ready to work it?

- Uh, sure, Ramone.
I'll work it!

- That's the spirit, Cat!

- All right, let's start
with hoop de loos.


♪ Listen to my voice,
just follow the sound ♪

♪ Shake it around
and around and around ♪

- One, two...

- The workout is working out!

Keep going, Cat!

- (girls): Three, four, five.

- Look, Cat! Big Dog
wants to hoop de loo too!

One, two, three,
four, five, six!

- (Neighbor Ladies):
Go, Big Dog! Go, Big Dog!

- Swivel and swirl.
Doesn't it feel great?

- Yeah... no.
(Peg sighs.)

- ♪ Something's still up
with Cat, shoo be doo doo ♪

♪ Something's up with Cat,
shoo be doo wah ♪

♪ If Ramone's routine
didn't do the trick ♪

♪ We're afraid that Cat
might be getting sick ♪♪

- Cat, are you feeling sick?

Let's get you home
and into bed.

"Once upon a time,

there was a very clever cat."

Not as clever as you of course.

But I guess he was
pretty clever. Anyway...

"One day, the cat
asked his master

for a pair of boots!"
- Woof? Woof?

Big Dog wants to act out the
part of Puss in Boots for you.

That's so cute!
"The cat's master

"gave him a pair of boots.
'Just call me Puss in Boots'

said the cat."
- Woof! Woof! Woof!

- You're an awesome
Puss in Boots, Big Dog!

Don't you want to hear
the rest of the story, Cat?

Cat didn't want to play
or exercise,

and now he doesn't want to read
his favorite story.

Something's definitely up
with Cat,


Big Dog's right,
I should count

backwards from five
to calm down.

- Oh no, he didn't!

You don't calm Peg down
when she freaks out;

I calm Peg down when
she freaks out. That's my job!

- Whoa! Big Dog,
would you mind waiting outside

while I talk to Cat?
- Woof!

(Big Dog panting)
- Cat, do you think

now that I'm friends
with Big Dog, I like you less?

- He makes you laugh
more than I do with his hops,

makes you cheer more
with his hoop de loos,

and with everything he does.

- Aw, Cat...
- May I?

You used to like me
this much,

but since you met Big Dog,

you only like me
this much.

And you like

- Cat, there are a lot of things

that can be compared on a graph,

like the number of hops
or the number of "ha"s,

but my feelings for you
can't be compared

to my feelings for Big Dog
or anyone else.

If there's three of us
playing together

or a hundred and three,
the way I feel about you

is always exactly the same.

- It is?

- You're totally special
to me, Cat

always and forever.
- Good!

- You want to come back out
and play?

- I need to think
about something.

- Okey doke.
- Woof-woof!

- Don't worry, Big Dog.
Not everyone can shoop-a-doop,

and that's totally OK.
- May I?
- Woof!

- You can use your nose
to toss the balls up.

- Cat, you showed Big Dog
how to shoop-a-doop.

- That big guy will be
a super "shoop-a-dooper".

- Bar graphs helped us
compare our scores

and helped me explain
my feelings to Cat.

- Math really saved
our big day with Big Dog.

- And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ So everything is awesome
- Problem solved ♪

Let's hug,
new friend and old friend.

- We're one, two, three friends!

- Woof-woo!
- Wahoo!

- ♪♪ There are lots of things
you can compare on a graph ♪

♪ Like who is the shortest
and the tallest giraffe ♪

- ♪ You can chart
how much you walk ♪

- ♪ How much that you laugh ♪
- Ramone!

- ♪ There are lots of things
you can compare on a graph ♪

- ♪ But the one thing
you can't chart ♪

- ♪ Is how you feel
in your heart ♪

- ♪ You never have to worry ♪

♪ You never have to stress ♪

♪ I couldn't love you any more
I'll never love you less ♪

- ♪ I'll shout it
from the rooftops ♪

- ♪ What a bar graph
can't express ♪

♪ I couldn't love you any more ♪

♪ I'll never love you less ♪

♪ There are, oh,
so many things ♪

♪ That we can do with three ♪

- ♪ Like hoop de loos
with Ramone ♪

- ♪ When he's on the TV ♪

- ♪ We can shoop-a-doop ♪
- Woof!

- ♪ Stand tall as a tree ♪

♪ There are, oh,
so many things ♪

♪ That we can do with three ♪

♪ But you don't need three
to tell ♪

♪ That I think
you're really swell ♪

- ♪ You never have to worry ♪

♪ You never have to stress ♪

- ♪ I couldn't love you
any more ♪

- ♪ I'll never love you less ♪

- ♪ I'll sing it
from the treetops ♪

- ♪ I really must confess ♪

- ♪ I couldn't love you
any more ♪

♪ I'll never love you less ♪

♪ I couldn't love you
any more ♪

- ♪ I'll never love you less ♪♪

- Woof-ooh!


- ♪ One, two, three
- Woof woof woof woof woof ♪

♪ Four, five, six
- Ruff! Woof woof woof woof ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Woof woof woof woof, woof? ♪

- Ten?
♪ You're the best ♪

- ♪ We are
- Three ♪

- ♪ Na na na na na
- Me plus you ♪

- ♪ And plus me
We're Peg plus ♪

- ♪ Cat plus Big Dog ♪
(Big Dog barking)

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat plus Big Dog ♪♪

(Big Dog howls.)

(Peg and Cat laughing)
(sighing contentedly)

(theme music)