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04x11 - The Bermuda Triangle Problem/The Breeze in the Branches Problem

Posted: 10/08/22 16:15
by bunniefuu

- One, two.
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey, what do you know ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- ♪ Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Ohhh! Ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best
We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- "The Bermuda
Triangle Problem."

Now this, I would watch.



- Hi! I'm Peg,

this is Cat,
and that's the Pig,

and we're going on vacation.

- In our spaceship!

- It can take us anyplace
on this map.

- A map is...?
- A picture that shows you

where stuff is.
And today, we're going to...


♪ For relaxation or relief ♪

♪ Nothing beats a coral reef ♪

- Right...
Or we could go to...

Puerto Rico!

They've got reggaeton.

Who doesn't love reggaeton?
- Pig, what do you think?

Bermuda or Puerto Rico?

- (Peg and Cat):
The Florida Everglades?!

- It has alligators!
- Scary!

- [Hello.]
- He meant Bermuda.

(Peg sighs.)
- Or...

♪ Puerto Rico ♪

Again with the Florida. Yay.

- We can't agree
where to spend our vacation!

This is a BIG PROBLEM!

- He keeps tracing the lines
of that triangle.

- The Pig does
love triangles!

(Peg gasps.)
That's it!

A triangle's got three points,
each connected by a line.

And a line is the shortest
distance between any two points.

- So?
- So why don't we just go

to Bermuda, Puerto Rico,
and Florida

on our vacation?
We've already got a map

with the shortest distance
between all three places.

- And a super-fast spaceship
to fly us there!


- ♪♪ When three good friends
can't decide ♪

♪ Between an alligator
and a wave to ride ♪

- ♪ Or dancing all day long
to reggaeton ♪

(Cat humming)

- ♪ There's no need
to freak or flip ♪

- ♪ As long as you got
access to a rocket ship ♪

- ♪ You don't have
to take your trip alone ♪

(Cat humming)

♪ Just mark these points
and draw a line ♪

♪ From one to the other ♪

- ♪ You'll do just fine ♪

♪ I think it's time
we flew to beautiful Bermuda ♪

(Cat humming)

♪ And after, we explored
a while, off to Florida ♪

(Cat humming)
- ♪ And from there ♪

♪ Where do we go? ♪

- ♪ Back to Puerto Rico ♪

- ♪ It's a triangle ♪

♪ Why tangle over
where to stay? ♪

♪ It's a triangle ♪

- ♪ Three points
each a line away ♪♪


(steel drum music)

(Peg sighing contentedly)
This is the life.

Sun, sand,

snorkeling, Ramone...
(Peg gasps.)

- Hey, Peg.

- You're a waterskiing

- I'm teaching the Three Bears
how to form a triangle.

(Pig laughing)
- The Pig approves!

- That triangle reminds me
of our cool vacation.

(Pig laughing)
We couldn't agree on a place,
so we're flying back and forth.

(He gasps.)
Peg, somewhere inside

that triangle on your map
is the Bermuda Triangle.

(Peg and Cat gasping)
- The Bermuda Triangle?!

- What exactly is that anyway?
- Yeah, I, uh,

I have absolutely no idea.
- According to legend,

anyone who goes inside the lines
of that triangle

- Whoa!

- They're just gone?
- Stay outside of the
Bermuda Triangle.

Don't fly that way.

(Peg gasps.)
- No!

The plane's flying the Pig
into the Bermuda Triangle!

(funky music)

Stop the plane!

- You're heading straight
into the Bermuda Triangle.

- The Bermuda Triangle

from which no one has
ever returned? I'm out of here!

- (Ramone): The Pig's falling!

- I got him!

- Woohoo!
- Yes!

- Are you OK, Pig?


(Ramone gasps.)

- We're in a world
full of nothing, but...

- (Pig, in operatic voice):
♪ Triangles ♪

- The Pig!

Pig, come on!
We've got to get out of here!

- ♪♪ I love them
I love them ♪

♪ I never tire of them ♪

♪ Below them or above them ♪

♪ They're a wonder ♪

♪ Triangles ♪♪

- The Pig is so happy here
with all these triangles.

- He's never gonna
want to leave!

- That might be a problem.

(Pig laughing)

The triangular opening
we came through is shrinking!

If we don't leave soon,
we'll be trapped here!

- This is a really
weird problem.

Come on, we've got
to get the Pig

to go back through
the opening with us!

- ♪♪ Three sides,
three corners ♪

♪ As pointy as can be ♪

♪ I love the number three ♪

♪ Three triangles for me ♪

- ♪ Pig, you've got
to come with us ♪

- ♪ No, no, no ♪

- ♪ We don't want
to leave without you ♪

- ♪ No, no, no ♪

- ♪ But the opening
is closing soon ♪

♪ It will vanish ♪

- ♪ No me importa
- I don't speak Spanish ♪

- ♪ The Pig just said
he doesn't care ♪

- ♪ There's nothing
of interest to me ♪

♪ Out there ♪

♪ But in here,
it's so clear ♪

♪ There's nothing
but triangles ♪

♪ Far and wide, all around ♪

♪ No sky or sea or ground ♪

♪ Only limitless scapes ♪

♪ Of my favorite shapes ♪

♪ Teeny loves, biggy loves ♪

♪ This little piggy loves ♪

♪ Triangles ♪

♪ Ladada dadada ♪♪

- We've got to convince him
to come out somehow.

- ♪♪ This world
is full of triangles ♪

♪ That, I will grant ♪

♪ But our world can provide you
with shapes that this
one can't ♪

- ♪ What if one day you wanna
play with rectangles? ♪
- Yeah!

- ♪ Then I can build
one out of two triangles ♪

- ♪ What about these corners?
You could stub your toe ♪
- Ow!

- ♪ If I recline along the line,
I'm good to go ♪

- ♪ But you'll get bored
of only having shapes so flat ♪

- ♪ I did and built a pyramid ♪

♪ That took care of that ♪♪

- A pyramid, that's a solid
shape made out of triangles.

- This pig has thought
of everything!

- We've got to get out of here
with or without the Pig.

- Hmm! What would life be like

without the Pig?

♪♪ It's not like
he really does much ♪

♪ But scratch himself
and stare ♪

♪ He basically
just takes up space ♪

♪ Then breathes
our precious air ♪

♪ And if he were gonna
carry on ♪

♪ And the deal
would not be big ♪

♪ Then nevertheless,
it's true, I guess ♪

♪ I'd miss my friend the Pig ♪

- ♪ Me too ♪

♪ Sorta ♪♪
- Pig, come with us!

- ♪ Four, five, six, seven ♪

♪ I am in triangle heaven ♪

- Ah! The portal's closing.

The Pig won't listen.


Cat's right. I should count
backwards from five

to calm down.
But there's no time!

Goodbye, Pig!

- When we get back,
can you show us

how to do that triangle thing
that the Three Bears were doing?

- That's it, you triangle-
formation-remembering genius!

- Huh?
- If we can get the Pig

to form a triangle with us
on the water skis,

we can bring him back home.

Oh, Pig, how about
one more triangle before we go?

- ♪ I love triangles ♪

- We got him!

- But the opening's
almost closed!

- And there's a ton of triangles
in the way.

Which way should I drive?

A curving path? A zigzag?

- The shortest distance
between two points

is a straight line,
so go straight.

We made it!
- Woohoo!

- Yeah! By working with
triangles and straight lines,

we rescued the Pig.

- Math saved our vacation!

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved,
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ And everything is awesome
- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- You know, guys,
this whole adventure

makes me think about math,
and friendship, and--

- Hmm! Are you getting ready
to, like, sing a big song?

- I was, yeah!
- 'Cause I'm kind of tired.

- Me too. Maybe,
let's not sing one this time.

- Fine with me.
♪ But what a song ♪

♪ We could sing
if we felt like singing a song ♪

- Yeah...

♪ You can start if off slowly ♪

- ♪ And soon,
we'd be singing along ♪

- ♪ We could summarize
all of the math that we learnt ♪

- ♪ Over the course
of the show ♪

- ♪ Like how a line
is the shortest distance ♪

♪ Between two points ♪

- ♪ Yeah, we know ♪

- ♪ But we're not gonna
sing that song ♪

- ♪ We don't need to refuse
to entertain or amuse ♪

- ♪ But we're not gonna
sing that song ♪

- ♪ We're tired from,
oh, let's see ♪

- ♪ Singing on a jet ski
- So as much as we'd like ♪

♪ To wax ecstatic ♪

- ♪ On the subject
of all things mathematic ♪

- ♪ We've been doing that
all day long ♪

- ♪ So we're not gonna
sing that song ♪

- And the Pig
will probably sing.

- ♪ I would probably sing
about my favorite thing ♪

♪ About this little vacation ♪

- ♪ What was that?
- How the path that we chose ♪

♪ To fly falls in a close
to triangular formation ♪

- ♪ But we're not gonna
sing that song ♪

- ♪ Oh no!
- We don't mean to be selfish ♪

- ♪ But there's lemonade
and shellfish ♪

- ♪ So we're not gonna
sing that song ♪

- ♪ Not a word
- Perhaps the alligator ♪

♪ Will sing something later ♪

- ♪ But for now, the idea
just seems too taxing ♪

- ♪ And I think we could do
with a little relaxing ♪

- ♪ I'm not gonna say
you're wrong ♪

♪ But I wish we had sung ♪

- ♪ We could still maybe sing ♪

♪ 'Cause I think
we just sang ♪

- ♪ That song ♪♪

(sighing contentedly)

- Anyone else think
we work too much?

What a vacation!

- Sure was.
(Cat sighs.)

I feel so relaxed.
- Me too.

- Nothing could stress me out.
- Me neither.

- RUN!

- Hello there!


- One, two.
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
- (Toad): Yahoo!

- ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey, what do you know ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine
- ♪ Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best
We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- "The Breeze in the Branches."

Hmm... nope, I'm not
in this one.

Guess I won't get
to do what I can.


- Hi! I'm Peg, this is Cat,

and we're in the forest
where the Toad grew up!

- This place brings
back memories:

the trees, the dirt, the music.

- Music?
- Shhh!

♪♪ The breeze
in the branches ♪

♪ The sparrows
in their nest ♪

♪ The cricket
in his thicket ♪

♪ Who can click it
with the best ♪

♪ All of them together ♪

♪ Form a forest symphony ♪

♪ That reminds me
of the Toad I used to be ♪♪


- Hmm, wow! And just what kind
of Toad did you use to be?

- A mischievous Toad indeed.

- Who we're delighted to see.

- Oh, come here. Peg and Cat,

meet Mouse and Squirrel.

- Any friends of this old rascal
are friends of ours.

- Look, Toadsy, we packed you
your favorite.

(Toad gasps.)
- A cube-shaped picnic basket.

- Yes. Still love
cubes, do you?

- With their squares
on every side.

- Careful! You'll
shake up the... soda pop.

- Yeah, but who has
time for eating?

Let's do our old handshake.

- (both): High slap!

Belly bump!

- (both): High slap!

Belly bump!
- Oh my!

I'm fine.

- That handshake was awesome!

- It's a pattern!
That's when you do things

in a certain order
over and over.

- Like high slap!

Belly bump!

High slap!

Belly slap!

- Oh! You, belly slapper!

- I messed up the pattern.

- I love a good pattern!

♪♪ Listen to the river ♪

♪ Babbling with each bubble ♪

♪ Can't you hear the pattern? ♪

♪ Blub, gubble, blub, gubble ♪♪

- I hear it!
- It's like the
handshake patterns.

First thing, second thing,
first thing, second thing.

- Blub, gubble, blub, gubble!

- It's blub-glubbly glorious.

- Now, now, Toadsy,
let's not get

too excited about
patterns, hmm?

- You remember what happened
last time at Toad Lodge?

- Oh! Toad Lodge!

Oh, you guys got to see
where I grew up -

across the river.

The only safe way
to cross the river

is by hopping on these stones
in a pattern.

Circle, circle, square, square.
You see?

- What happens if we mess up
the pattern?

- Circle, circle, square...

Uh, circle? Oh! Oh!

- You get a wet tuchus.

- Hey, this pattern's different!

- You're right, Cat!

The high-slap,
belly-bump pattern goes

First thing, second thing,
first thing, second thing.

But the river-crossing pattern
goes first thing,

first thing, second thing,
second thing.

- Circle, circle,
square, square.

- Circle, circle,
square... Whoa!

The last square rock
sank into the mud!

We can't finish the pattern.
- If we don't,

I'll get a wet tuchus.
What's a tuchus?

- Your bottom.
- I don't want a wet tuchus.

- This is a BIG PROBLEM!

- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Oh-oh!

Oh, I got our basket wet.
- But you saved our tuchuses.

by making a square step.
- I did?

Since every side of the cube
is a square,

we can hop on that square

and get safely
across the river.

And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- Welcome to Toad Lodge.

The cabin is a cube,

and the flowers
are in a pattern.

- Yes, yes.
Yellow, red, yellow, red.

- First thing, second thing,
first thing, second thing.

(breeze blowing)
- Goodness me!

- Well, friends, we have seen

the lodge, so it's high time
to head back to...

Ah! It's her!

- Uh, who's "her"?
- Oh, dear!

- ♪♪ The breeze
in the branches ♪

♪ The Toad in his lodge ♪

♪ See how he prances ♪

♪ 'Round the garage ♪

♪ Revealing the Cruiser ♪

♪ For all who see ♪

♪ It reminds me ♪

♪ Of the Toad I used to be ♪♪

- A very naughty Toad.
- Who got into loads of trouble.

- Nice ride, Toad!

- It's my old
Model-Cube Cruiser.

A square on every side.

But best of all
is the pattern of sounds

the engine makes:
puff, puff, hiss, hiss,

puff, puff, hiss, hiss.

- First, first, second, second.
- He's getting all worked up.

- Puff, puff, hiss, hiss.

Puff, puff, hiss, hiss.

Puff, puff--
- Climb out of that car

this instant,
you silly swamp hopper.

- Yahoo!
- What's gotten into Toad?

- Wahoo!

♪♪ The breeze in the branches ♪

♪ The Toad in his car ♪

♪ Ignoring the road signs ♪

♪ Wherever they are ♪♪

- Oh, he's fallen into
his worst habit from childhood:

crazy driving.
- What's a habit?

- It's something
you do over and over,

hardly even realizing it.

- And Toad's crazy driving
has a dangerous pattern.

First, he swerves,
then he swerves again,

then he bumps into something,

then he bumps
into something else.

- Swerve, swerve, bump, bump.

- Oh, as a boy, he was covered
in bruises and scrapes.

- Even on his tuchus?

- Especially on his tuchus.
- Ah!

- So he could really
hurt himself.


- Yaa-ah! Aaah!

- We've got to catch him.

- We can use
one of his old carriages.

- What's a carriage?

- A big wheely-thing
pulled by a horse.

- Good explanation
of a carriage.

- The cube-shaped
carriage is faster.

- Oh yes, it is!

By sight. Mmm-hmm!

- But I can never remember
which one is the cube.

- Me neither.
Meeeee neeeee--

- Could you please stop
talking for a moment?

- Yes.

- A cube's got squares
on its sides.

This one has triangles,
but this one has squares.

- So this is the carriage
that's cube-shaped.

- Ooh! And faster!

- Wheee! Woo! Yahoo!

- I think I figured out
the pattern of your handshake.

High slap!

Belly bump!

High slap!

High bump!
- You high bumper!

- Oh, I messed up
the pattern again!

- Yahoo!
- It's Toad!

We've almost got him!

- Toadsy, be a good chap
and slow down.

- Ya-ah!
- Oh no!

He's driving in that pattern!

- Waah!
- Swerve!

- Wheee!
- Swerve!

- Ooh!
- Bump!

- Whoa!
- Bump!

- He went that way!
After him, Pony!

- Uh, sorry, that there road's
too rough for my hooves.

- But we'll never catch up
with Toad on foot!

- Uh, you're welcome.

- It's his old rowboat.
- Let's hop in!

- And paddle!

Are we there yet?
- Uh, we'll never
catch Toad this way.

- We need to all row together
in a pattern!

First, Mouse and Squirrel,

then me and Cat.
You two, us two.

You two, us two.
- It's working!

- (Peg and Cat): You two,
us two. You two, us two.

- Yahoo!

- Toad!
- Whee!

- He's doing
that pattern again!

- (Peg and Cat): Swerve, swerve,
bump, bump.

Swerve, swerve, bump, bump.

Swerve, swerve, bump, bump.

Swerve, swerve, bump, bump.

- Whee! Haha! Aaah!

- A leak! Abandon ship!

Abandon... Oh.

- We can't catch Toadsy
with a leaky rowboat.

- He is going to keep
swerving and bumping

till he really hurts himself.


- Mr. Cat is right, Peg.

- You should count
backwards from five

to calm down.
- Five, four,

- High slap, high slap,

- two... one!
- Belly bump. Yah!

- Ah-ah-ah! Oof-oof-oof!

Ah-ah-ah! Oof-oof-oof!

- Cat, that's it!
- No, it's not!

I didn't get
that handshake pattern!

- But you did change the pattern
into a new one.

You slipped three times,
bounced three times.

- Slipped three more times,
bounced three more times.

- Then landed softly
on your tuchus.

- So if we change Toad's pattern
to this one...

- He too might land softly.
- And safely.

- So, let's get
some pattern-changing stuff.

If this collection
of "nature-y" stuff

doesn't bring Toad
to a soft stop, nothing will!

- ♪ The breeze
in the branches ♪

(Toad humming)

- Here he comes now.

- (Cat): Swerve, swerve!
- Oh dear! Oh my!

He's doing the same old pattern.

- (Peg and Cat): Slip, slip,
slip, bounce, bounce, bounce.

- It's working!
- (Peg): Slip, slip, slip,

bounce, bounce, bounce.
- Yah!


- We did it!
- Oh, thank goodness!

- Oh my!
- Because we knew

about patterns, we saved
Toad from his old pattern.

- Math can save your tuchus.

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem
- So everything is awesome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- I'm sorry for going crazy
like that, friends.

I got so caught up in...
the beautiful patterns

of the forest...
- Sing it, Toad!

- ♪♪ Take a look
all around you ♪

♪ There's patterns everywhere ♪

♪ From the worms
on the ground ♪

♪ To the bugs in the air ♪

- ♪ The patterns in nature
are easy to see ♪

- ♪ They remind me
of the Toad I used to be ♪


♪ But don't worry, I'm not gonna
go find a cube-shaped car ♪

♪ And start crashing
into things ♪

- ♪ OK ♪

- ♪ The breeze
in the branches ♪

♪ The friends in the field ♪

♪ And what have their many
adventures revealed ♪

- ♪ You can change
an old pattern ♪

- ♪ You should listen
to your friends ♪

- ♪ And so this story
most happily ends ♪

- ♪ And so this story
most happily ends ♪♪


(Cat gasps.)
- What?

- Oh, nothing. Just making sure
my tuchus is dry.

(Peg laughs.)
- You love having a dry tuchus.

- I almost got wet
at the river.

- But knowing about patterns
"took us" to safety.

- Took us! Ha! Haha!

Oh! Oh! Never too young
for a pun.

(both laughing)

(both sighing contentedly)