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01x19 - Ruff Ruffman Spaces Out

Posted: 10/09/22 05:26
by bunniefuu
Oh, hi.
I'm Ruff Ruffman.

I was just about to watch
one of my favorite TV shows.

It's funny, touching,
and I have to admit,

I pick up a lot of tips
watching this star.

One and two and...

[ laughing]

Oh, that Ruff.

What will he think of next?

That was a mistake.Uh-oh.


Hip-hop...Come on!

[ groans]

This has been happening
all week!

Well, let's see here.

Uh-huh. The checks out.

[ gasps]

There's only one explanation:

something's wrong
with the FETCH!satellite.

[ beeping]

You've reached NASA.

Yeah, hello, NASA.

We'll be with you
in approximately hours.

[ growls]

Okay, I'll just
have to fix it myself.

I got this suit back when I was
training to be a dog cosmonaut.

[ grunting]


Think I put on a few pounds
since my training days.

Somebody around here
needs to walk me more!

Well, I guess someone else
will have to go up into space.

But who?

♪ Life was missing
its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys
had lost their squeak. ♪

And then, out of the blue,
I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it,
thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract
back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm,
a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants,
all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on
the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show
and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪ With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me
why we got cats singing?

Funding for Fetch with Ruff
Ruffman has been provided by

The National Science Foundation

where discovers begin

Dedicated to strengthening
America's future

through education.

Here come the contestants now!

He really likes to bing.

Oops, sorry.

I mean, he really likes tubing.


Can she speak Spanish? Mucho.


If he had one wish,

he'd end poverty in the world.

Someone get this man a wish!

She would save her money,

but there's just so much
shopping to do.


On her days off,
she might play a little golf.

Nice swing, Julia!

Straighten the front of his hair

and it'll reach
down to his mouth!


Let's get an update
on the scores.

Julia in fifth with , .

Brian and Taylor are tied
for fourth with , .

Khalil has slipped to third
with , .

Five points ahead in second
is Noah with , .

And one point ahead
in first place is Anna

with , points.

Hello, and welcome to FETCH!,
the new reality game show

that'll leave you
feeling fairly up.

And I mean up.

Up, up.

Way up!What?

I have a very important mission
for you today, Fetchers.

But first, I got to tell you
this funny joke that I heard.

These two guys
walking into this...

How much is the pound cake?

[ static]

I have no idea

where the anvil went,
but then the other guy said...

[ static]

...why we all have

static cling sheets.

What's up with that static?

I knew this was going to happen.

This started this morning.

I don't know
if you guys know this,

but FETCH!has
its own satellite.

That's how I communicate
with you guys,

when I link up
to the satellite feed.

Now, I called NASA.

Oddly enough, they're a little
too busy to help Ruff Ruffman.

And I need this thing fixed,
otherwise I can't do my show!

Now, I'd go up myself,

because I used to be
an astronaut in training.

Ah, took a crash course.

Really wasn't for me,
so I bailed in the third week.

But I did get to keep
my astronaut gear,

which I tried to put on.

Unfortunately, I can't
fit in my space suit,

so you guys are
going to have to help me.

So challenge number one:

I need you guys to take a crash
course in astronaut training.

Now, you complete the training,
and I will somehow

get Henry to pony up the money

for a FETCH!satellite
rescue mission.

The Fetchers going out
on the challenge are Ju...


No... and mailbox.

Fetch!Go fetch, I think.

Okay. All right.
Plane tickets and there's six.

Where are we going?

Straight to Alabama.

See you later, Ruff.

We got a plane to catch.See ya, Ruff.

All right...


There go my Fetchers,

getting ready
to go on an airplane.

Hey, kids.

How ya doing?
Nice to meet you.

I'm Julia.

Nice to meet you, Julia.
I spoke with Ruff,

said I need to fly you
to Alabama today.

We don't know what
we're doing in Alabama.

Well, you'll have to
get on board to find
out, all right?

Here's the deal, g*ng.

Fasten your seat belts

'cause you're going
to space camp!

Guys, hello?

Is this working?

Can you hear me?

We're going to space camp!

It's going to be sofun.

Hey, Ruff, I wonder what you
look like in a space suit.

You'd probably get stuck in it

like you got stuck
in the bee suit.

Now wait a minute.

The zipper was broken
on the bee costume.

I got in it.
I just couldn't get out.

Welcome to space camp.

My name is Jay.

I'm Brian.

Hey, Jay. What's up?


Uh, Ruff told me he was sending
you guys to space camp

to fly a shuttle mission.

Follow me and we'll go ahead
and get started.

Let's go.

All right, the girls
are going to be in ,

that's right here
on my left,

and the boys are
going to be in .

Let's go ahead
and get moved in.

Right down there.

This is definitely our room.

Oh, so awesome!

It says our names on it, too!

Oh, space suits!

These are so cool.

And they probably fit,
unlike mine.

Off go the Fetchers
into the unknown.

Six Fetchers on a mission
to fix my television reception.

Challenge number one:

build and fly a model rocket.

Before these guys can fly
a real rocket,

they need to build
a model rocket

so they can understand
how rockets work.

Hey, guys, how you doing?

This is my friend Ed.

He's a rocket specialist.

Most rockets that you see
have the same general shape.

They're long, they're skinny
and they're pointy at one end.

And the reason we do this
is because

we want it to cut through
the air

really, really smoothly.

It's what we call low drag.

Make it very aerodynamic.

Have any of you ever stuck your
hand out the car window while

your family was driving
down the road?

You hold it like this,
it's really aerodynamic

and it's really easy
to hold out.

But then you turn your hand
sideways and it goes whap!

There's also something
called "control"--

our ability to steer.

Fins stabilize,
keeping it from wobbling

while it's trying to fly.

We're going to get you guys
to build some rockets.

We don't want you
to just build it,

we want you to be able

to launch it,

we want you to see
how high you can make it go;

who's got the best altitude,

and the third challenge
is to make it recoverable;

we want you to be able
to use it again.

So now you're going
to get to start building.


Okay, so the teams are Brian
and Julia, Noah and Taylor,

and Anna and Khalil.

They have three basic rocket
designs to choose from.

They can change the weight
of the rocket

and the number of fins.

If we had the four fins,

it would look
almost like this.

But I think that
if we add it,

it's just going
to add more weight

so it'll end up
not going as high,

you know what I mean?

And so when the rocket goes up,
it starts coming down like this,

this top will pop off

and the parachute
will come out,

so you can keep using
the rockets over and over.

That means it's recoverable.

Maybe we should switch
rockets, you know?

'Cause this, the other one's
lighter and more aerodynamic.

Yeah, that'd be
a good idea.

We're thinking
of switching rockets

to the thinner,
more aero...dynamic.

That's a big word.

It's a big word.
It's a big mouthful

Well, aerodynamic means

that the rocket will have
less drag.

And you don't want a dragging

So we'll start with
the top first. Yeah.

All right, now it's time
to launch the rockets.[ meowing]

I am so excited.

Objectives that we're going
to be judged on--

the first one is going to be?


That's how well it launches
off the launchpad here.

The second one is going to be?

Altitude?Altitude, or?

How high it goes.

Exactly, and the third one
is going to be?

Recoverability.And that means?

How you can recover it.If you can use it again.

This is going to send a charge
to the engine.

This is going to be so cool.

Five, four, three,

two, one. Let's see what happens.


Oh, Brian and Julia's took off!

Now, remember, Brian and Julia
went with a rocket design

that was thinner and lighter
to give the rocket less drag,

so that maybe it would go


Oh, it took off,

and there's the parachute.

That should make their rocket
quite recoverable.

That is picture perfect.

Oh, my God, that's so cool!That's unbelievable.

It survived
and it stayed intact.

Good job.Nice job, guys.

Once I get to two,
Anna, you are going

to press this button
here to the right.

Now, remember, they debated
earlier how many fins to use.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Let's see what happens.

Oh, man.

Uh-oh. Mayday! Mayday!

[ all groaning]

Ow!That was so awesome...

That lodged
right in the ground.

It was supposed to go
higher, but it didn't.

Well, they seem
a little disappointed.

It didn't go very high, and
the parachute never deployed.

[ cat meowing]

But, hey, at least
they've still learned

a lot about how rockets work.

All right, so we're on

to our next challenge,
and we're going

to do some astronaut training

Let's go.

Challenge number two:
ride the simulators.

Now, the simulators will let
the Fetchers know

what it feels like
to actually be in space!

First one we're looking at now
is called the M.A.T.

That stands for:

And what it does is it simulates
a tumble spin

upon coming in reentry.

So when they're
coming in,

if that capsule spun
out of control,

this is a sensation of
what that would feel like.

And because
you'll never spin

in the same direction
more than twice,

that doesn't give
your inner ear fluid

time to move and shift.

And if your inner ear fluid

doesn't shift,
you can't get dizzy.

I wish that were the case
when I was chasing my tail.

And who's going
to be first?

Okay, let's get a countdown.

On five...ALL:
Four, three, two, one.

Now, remember,

they say he's not going
to get dizzy from this.

Let's see how they spin him.

Are you still doing okay?

Yeah. Wow!

Be sure to keep
your eyes open.

Look at this-- they are
tumbling him left and right

and upside down and in reverse
and everything.

Ruff, where are you?

I'm here, Brian, I'm here!

Brian, your face looks
like a cherry.

Ruff, I think I might not
be going on that thing,

because it looks really scary.

How did you like it?
Good job.

I thought I was going to get
wicked dizzy on that, never did.

[ laughing]:

Are you doing okay?Yeah!

Aha, Noah did it-- good!


I want to tumble.

I think I'm going to go
next, but I don't know.

I'm not going.

[ applause and cheering]

Dude, all three of us,

all three of us...
You can take our word for it.

I have to talk to Anna.

If you don't go,
I'm not going on.Do it?

Do it, do it.

Do it?You'll like it.

Anna says, "Do it."

Come on, Julia, you can do it.

Yes, she's going in.No.

No, come on, get in there.

No! Yes!Trust me.

It's not, you don't
get nauseous.

And if you guys, if you say,
"Stop," it's over.

At least sit in the chair
for me.

Yeah, Julia! She's going in.

Go, Julia. This is very brave.

Has anybody ever said, "Stop"?

I've never heard
anybody say, "Stop."

Julia, you're going
to have a great time!

Oh, she's going to love this,
trust me.

There she goes, there she goes.

You okay?Yeah.

This was very brave of Julia.

You know, sometimes,
what's fun to some people

can be scary to others.

And Julia was a little
hesitant, but look at her now.

She's laughing, she loves it!

[ laughing]

[ Ruff mocking laughter]

This is so cool.I love you, Ruff!

It's going to be okay.
This is fun.


Five, four, three, two, one.

[ applause and cheering]

Whoo-hoo! Yes!


Good job. I knew she could do it.

My Fetchers rock!

So now it's time for
our shuttle mission.

Are you guys ready?

[ all affirming]Let's go.

Challenge number three.

The mission:
train and fly

a simulated mission to space,
just like real astronauts.


It's now time for your training.

You guys ready to get started?ALL:

Follow me.

This is Ben.

He's going to give you
some information

that you guys need.

Right now, since
you're training,

you don't have
to wear your seat belts,

but during a mission
you want to wear them.

Because of gravity--
so you can stay in your seat.

During launch, you can witness
up to five G's.

That's five times the force
of gravity on your body.

You don't want
to kind of like fall out

and then be pushed all the way
against the back wall.

Yeah, like that
would ever happen.

[ screaming]

[ loud crash]

The E.V.A.--
the extra-vehicular activity.

Okay, that's
when they go outside

and they walk around in space.

Now this is just
a simulated mission.

I'll probably have to get
permission slips signed

by the parents to actually send
these kids into space.

Hey, Murray, can you get
to work on that?

Well, after a hard day
of space training,

these astronauts need

a good night's sleep.

[ yawning]:
I could use a few winks myself.

[ reveille playing]

All right, guys, it's : a.m.

We've got a big mission today.

Go ahead and get ready
and we'll meet downstairs.

: a.m.?!

I sleep at least till noon.

Morning, guys.
It's Ruff.

Hey, what's up?

Hey, big day today.

What you're going to need
to do is...[ static]

Oh, this satellite
is driving me crazy.

I really need to get these kids
trained as soon as possible.

I can't run a show like this.
I just can't.

Yes, the final mission.

The commander
is going to be Anna.

Anna-- commander, she
will be leading the mission.

The pilot is going
to be Brian.

Brian-- pilot, will be
assisting the commander

in performing flight duties.

Taylor and Khalil--
station specialists.

They'll be performing

on board the shuttle.

Noah-- mission specialist # .

Julia-- mission specialist # .

They will be traveling
outside of the spacecraft

to perform
the necessary repairs.

All right, they're going
into the white room

to change
into their mission suits.

The white room is
where astronauts

get suited up to go into space.

After two days
of intensive training,

our young Fetchers

are ready to run through
their mission simulation.

The kids are taking this
mission very seriously.

They have already replaced
the popular high-five

with hugs.

There's Noah.

There's Julia.

They will be traveling
outside of the spacecraft.

And there's your commander
Anna... buckling in.

Forces of five G
may hit as they launch.

I got you, team.

You got me.

What is my dad doing?

Familiar voices coming through
mission control?

Mom?Communication check
with Enterprise

on air-to-ground channel one.

Dad, is that you?

Our parents are
on mission control.


That's my dad.

I wonder if he can hear us.

Hi, Dad.

As a surprise to
my young Fetchers,

their parents will be
Mission Control.

Flight controller,
instrument check.

two buttons to go.

They're running through
the checklist now.


Uplink lock on?


The engines have started.

Ruff, we're working on it.

Ready, everyone.


Five... four... Here comes the launch.

three... two... one... I'm nervous. Do I have time
for a bathroom break?

Ignition! Blastoff!

[ cheering]

We're on our way, Ruff.

I'm loving it! Loving it!

Commander, how you
doing up there?

We're good.
Six seconds ahead.

My Fetchers have
cleared the tower.

H- -T-K, one heater--
two switches to auto.

I don't know what
those letters mean,

but it's very exciting.

I wish I could be there
with you guys,

but I can't fit in my suit.

Check. CO A-F-T, left RCS.

Aft left RCS, I can't find it.

Right RCS.

Hey, Commander,
are you out there?

Pilot cannot reach.
Pilot is too short.

the pilot's...

Put a phone book on that chair.
We need your help here.

Oh-oh! Wait, we have a problem.

Brian cannot reach the controls
on the ceiling!

He's too short!

Get him a booster seat!

Check, check.

Main engine needs
to be shut down.

You got it, Julia?Yeah, I got it.

Way to go, Julia!

All right,
they're in outer space.

As part of their mission,
it's time for Noah and Julia,

the mission specialists,
to do a spacewalk

to fix a broken antenna dish.

And don't they just have
the coolest costumes?

On go the space helmets.

How they got it
over Noah's hair

is a miracle in and of itself.

Bring back some,
bring back some moon rocks.

Taylor and Khalil have opened
the inner hatch.

We're going out.

I'm right behind ya.

Don't go
behind me yet.

I'll catch you
if you fall.

Go on up, Julia.

Wow! Okay,
they're not actually in space,

but it feels like they are.

That's the test satellite

that they're going
to try and repair.

Ruff, wish me luck.

I wish you luck, Noah,
I wish you luck.

R off.

R off.

First thing Noah needs to do
is power down the satellite.

R off.
R off.

I got it.

One moment.

We're going to take off
the antenna now.

Now he needs to remove

the broken antenna dish
from the top.

Well, he's got
to take it off,
but he's there.

I can't reach there.Move closer.

This hand doesn't reach.

I need two hands to untangle it.

Well, move closer.

Uh-oh, Noah's having
a little problem

getting the broken
antenna dish off.

He's got it! Yes! Awesome!

You got it. Okay.

Now he hands it off to Julia.

Okay, I got the antenna.

I'm moving over
to replace...

I'm moving over to get
the second antenna.


Okay, I'm moving.

He's doing really well.

When the real deal comes up,
I have full confidence.


Don't drop it!

Yes, Julia has the replacement
antenna dish in her hands.

She's almost there.

My leg was stuck. Sorry.

She got it.
Don't worry about it.

You got your leg free, Julia.
You did great.

Noah, there you go.

She's handed it off to Noah

and Noah has to reattach
the antenna onto the satellite.

I'm okay.

Now they have to power
up the satellite.

Ooh, they're almost done!

This side's on.

I'm out of here.

Yes! They did it!

Mission accomplished.

Satellite is fixed, Ruff.
You're back in business.

Put your face mask back down!
You can't breathe in space!

Tell me next time
you need to fix your satellite.

I'm your man.

Satellite is fine now,
but the toilet's leaking.

Now get back
in that spacecraft.

It's time to land this puppy.

Four, three...

And they're getting ready

to enter the Earth's

You got to do a re-entry code.

They're in!

And now for the landing!

Let's hope
this baby's recoverable.

Oh, my gosh.

My Fetchers are coming home!

I'm so happy!

Seven, six, five, four,

three, two, one.


Oh, we landed. Yes!

Great job. Great job.

Great job. Yeah! Way to go.

And they have successfully

landed the spacecraft.

Well done, Commander.

Mission Control, thanks.

Couldn't have done it
without you.

Oh, yes, and I am now receiving
word, yes,

that they are touching down now
in Studio G.

Anna, Khalil, Julia, Brian,
Noah and Taylor, get in here!

You guys look great.

Looking good.

Welcome back to Earth,

You are looking quite snazzy
in your space gear.

I tell ya, you sold it to me.

I thought you guys were
really fixing my satellite.

So, let's award some points.

There were three rockets,

only two of them deployed
their parachutes

and only one of them
got this high.

Awesome! points for Brian
and Julia.

points for Taylor and Noah
for a fine recoverable rocket.

And Khalil and Anna,

even though your rocket
nose-dived to the ground,

you worked out
your design differences.


The final training mission,

success or failure depended
on the whole team.

There couldn't be a weak link,
and there wasn't.

points all around!

Yes! !


But is that all the points
a dog can give?


That's a negative, Houston.

We still have...?

Bonus points!

That's right, bonus points

to award.

And today, the bonus points

are going to the one who took

one small step

for flying hair
and one giant leap

for overcoming her fears.

Ah, it's Julia.

Ten bonus points for Julia.

Awesome job, Julia.

Which means... FETCH ,

would you kindly show me
the tally?

Julia is today's daily winner!

Ooh, nice.

Now, Julia, for being
the daily winner,

the daily prize is yours
for the taking,

but take heed, young lady.

The decision you make today
will mark your life forever.

You take this prize

and your name will go down
in history.

But will it go down in history
for something awesome

or will it go down in history
for something

not so awesome?

It's your choice, Julia.

What would you like to do?

A surprise for yourself

or pass it on to one
of your fellow contestants?

Uh, I don't know.
It didn't sound great.

The mailbox. The mailbox
awaits your decision, Julia.

Are you going for it?

You're one brave girl.

Ooh, a letter.What is it?

"Twinkle, twinkle, little kid,

"I'm so impressed
by what you did,

"Look up tonight
and you can view

A star in the sky
named after you."

Oh, my God!

"You and a star officially
have the same name."

That is sweet.

Yes, and that name will
be officially registered

in the Directory of the Stars.

This is big-time official.
This is the real deal.

Julia, from now on,

every night
before you go to bed

look up to the stars,
gaze upon yourself,

you can now make a wish
upon yourself.

But if your wish doesn't come
true, it's your own fault.

You're truly
a star now.

Congratulations, Julia,
you're finally a star.

I'm a star!

Not that you weren't
already a star

from the first episode
of this show.

Ruff, I haven't been too happy
with your electronics here.

As were all of you.

Just the rest of you

don't have a star named
after yourselves just yet.

If you want that,
you'll have to pay for it.

All right, g*ng,
enough of the fun stuff.

It's time to get down
to business.

We still have...

coming out of...

and it needs to be fixed.

Otherwise, how am I going
to give a grand prize out

to the person
who's going to win?

Which I already know
is going to be...


The smell is definitely
coming from over here.

Huh, this panel
seems to be loose.

Let's see what's in here.

[ gasps]

Whoa! So it wasn't
the FETCH!satellite at all.

It was a stray buffalo wing
from my dinner last week.

[ laughs]


Oh, well, mission accomplished,
as they say.

Time for some TV.

Ah, it might be a rerun,
but it just never gets old.

Okay, one last thing.

Not only do I host my own
television show

But I have a
fantastic website too.

Check it out. There are
tons of great games,

the inside scoop on our

and lots more.

[ Ruff scatting]

♪ Fetch!♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

[ Ruff scatting]


♪ Fetch!♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ Fetch!♪