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01x08 - The Cold Truth

Posted: 10/09/22 06:27
by bunniefuu
What is it?

It's a polar bear.

No, I meant where... where'd you get it?

Balbriggan Road.

Best spot in Dublin for roadkill.
Isn't that what you always say?

They drive like lunatics around there.

You never come down here.

You always say my animals
give you nightmares.

Well, I was actually looking
to borrow a bit of money.

Not much, just a few thousand.

Well, I would say a few thousand
is not much for me,

but for you it's a fortune, no?

Yeah, it's just that...

Yeah, I was going to say
we've had a lot of expenses,

what with Blanaid and
the new school and...

When was the last time
you visited your mother?

What? Just now. I just saw her upstairs.

You came to ask for money,
not to see Minna.

God knows what would become of her
if anything happened to me.

- Well, she'd be looked after.
- By you?

Her mind is going.

Every week I lose
a little bit more of her.

And all she ever says is,
"When will JP come?"

I have my own family now.

You never forgave her, did you?

- Don't know what you're talking about.
- Come on.

She dressed you in
your sister's clothes.

It can't be a happy memory.
Or maybe you liked it?

So, are you gonna give me
the money or not?


f*cking hell.





I'm telling you, he's in the freezer.

- There's no way.
- You don't believe me?

No, but Grace said
that George walked out on her.

- He couldn't cope with Minna's dementia.
- That's just what JP told her.

Right, so how did he die?

Isn't it obvious?

- F...
- No way.

No. John Paul is not a k*ller.

There's a time I would have said
the same about us.

Yeah, but why would he
m*rder his own father?

Why do you think? Money.

George is dead. Minna
inherits everything.

Yeah, exactly. So,
how would that have...

Well, as long as everyone
thinks he's alive,

- JP can spend his money as he wants.
- Fu...

Maybe it was an accident?

If it was an accident,

then why would he hold onto the body
for how many years?

I mean, he keeps it in a drawer
in his freezer room.

He goes to check on it every Friday night
after he drops off Minna's shopping.

I mean, he's a sick bastard.

Wait a minute.

Then we have him, right?

Have him how?

Well, all we'd have to do now is
ring the Guards.

One phone call,
and he's out of Grace's life forever.


Well, he won't be out of Grace's life.

Not as long as he's still breathing.

Yeah, but he won't have control
over her, will he? Not if he's inside.

What, and you think
the minute he's sent down,

Grace is gonna be going to Connolly's
disco night for mature singles with you?

No offense.

None taken.

She'll stand by him.

There'll be a trial, then an appeal,
and it will go on and on and on,

and even if he does get a sentence,
she'll wait for him.

Or he'll say it was Minna who
k*lled him. I wouldn't put it past him.

Jesus, he might even k*ll her

when he realizes it's cheaper
than putting her in a home.

Calm down, Becka.

I was thinking I could
lock him in there.

- What?
- Make it look like an accident.

Let him freeze to death.

- Jesus, Becka.
- What?

Well, it's just the way you said it.

Well, we still want him dead, don't we?

- Yeah, but...
- Not like that.

I mean, that's just...
Come on, that's a bit risky.

Risky. Exactly.

Come on! Give me a chance.

It's not a clean k*ll, Becka.

You with the cabin fire?
Her with the poisoned liver?

I mean,
when has it ever been a clean k*ll?

The paintballing? The marina?

Yeah, exactly, which is why
we can't afford any more cock-ups.

Look, I don't want you
to end up in prison.

Answer's no.

I rubbed it down with a wet cloth.

You'd never even know
there was marmalade on it.

Still no sign of Roger.

You don't think it's true, do you?

No smoke without a fire, Mammy.
You know that.

Where is he, though?

Why won't this thing tie?

It's just nerves. It's only natural.

I know quite a few people that would be
very upset if I got that job.

Be nice to get it just
to see their faces.

Well, hope Eva isn't too disappointed.

She worked really
hard for that promotion.

And what? I didn't?


You want your sister to get the job.
I get it.

Blood is thicker than water.

And there's still marmalade
on this jacket.

Have a nice day.

Is Dad okay?

Yeah. He just has a lot on his mind.

Come on. I'll walk you to school.

I hate how that woman makes tea.

No, you just hate her.

Yeah, but because of how she makes tea.

My granny, when I was little,

used to put a drop of whiskey in my tea
when I was feeling under the weather.

It was delicious.

Are you feeling under the weather?

Just nerves.

- What are you nervous of?
- Rejection.

Do you not remember?

- Hey, that's not the Eva Garvey I know.
- My God.

Are you gonna give me a pep talk now?

Why do you always do that?

- What do I do?
- Make a joke.

Maybe I was about to say something,
I don't know, profound.


Go on then, Aristotle. Let's hear it.

- I admire you.
- Why would you say a thing like that?

I... To do what you did
when your mom and dad d*ed.

To raise a family...
I mean, you are a lioness, Eva.

- Well, you would have done the same.
- Me? No, I run away from everything.

Look, I'm just saying
you deserve this job.

So, go in there and act like it.


And then we'll get some whiskey
for your tea.


Your granny has a lot to answer for.

I know! She raised a lush.

Sit down there, Eva.

Well, I am sitting.

Of course you are. No, I'm sorry.

Look, at the outset,

I just wanna say that I really,
really value the work that you do here.

I didn't get it, did I?

Do you mind if I ask why?

Because I'm better qualified than him

and you said I did a great interview.

Well, sometimes these decisions
are based more on

just who's the best-qualified candidate.

- Are they? I...
- Yeah.

I just feel that JP is more, well,
temperamentally suited to the role.

Temperamentally suited?

This wasn't an easy decision, Eva.

Right. So, I'm temperamentally unsuited.

No, I'm just concerned
that you might not have the...

Well, shall we say mental resources
to cope with the additional pressure

in a way that's healthy.


It's not true, Grace.

I know it's... You don't need to pretend.
I know everybody's been talking about it.

Well, I don't listen to rumors, Roger.

It was terrible.

They were asking me
all sorts of questions.


"How come a man
of your age has never married?"

And, "You seem to have
an unnatural interest in children."

But that's ridiculous.
Just because you run a youth club

- does not automatically mean you're...
- I know.

I've had text messages from parents,

people who've known me for years,

telling me to stay away
from their children.

But I don't understand.
How did this happen?

Well, somebody called the Guards.

Somebody round here would be my guess.

Six hours they held me for, Grace.

If they hadn't have taken
my shoelaces off me,

I'd have topped myself.

Darling, don't cry on my account.

I'm not. I mean, I'm sorry. I'm...

What is it, Grace?

Grace, what is it?

It's John Paul.

They found him unconscious
in the water at the marina.

- I nearly lost him.
- What?

- He tried to k*ll himself.
- JP?

- But why?
- I don't know.

He won't say. He keeps shutting me out.

Jesus, here's me going on
about my problems,

and you've got this going on.

I can't make him talk to me.

He will in time.
And yous will both get through this.

Look, I know he will.
He's got you, hasn't he?


- Don't cry, love.
- Sorry.

Apparently, I'm not
emotionally equipped for the job.

- What, and JP is?
- Yeah, well, yeah.

- He seemed to think so.
- Come on!

I fished him out of the marina
the other night

with his balls hanging out.

I'm sure he said something to him,
to poison his mind against me.

- Poisoned it how?
- Well, I wasn't well, was I?

Had a spell in rehab.

- Right. God, I'm sorry.
- Yeah.

Not such a lioness after all.

- And you think he told him?
- Well, yeah!

I mean, he was the only one who knew.

Apart from my sisters,
they wouldn't have said anything.

I mean, I wouldn't put it past the...

Excuse me, ladies.

What the f*ck?

There we go.
You're looking at your new boss.


I knew that job inside out. It was mine.

Gerald as good as said it.

And you definitely think it was JP
who told him?

- About the breakdown?
- Yeah.

I could hear it in his voice.
See it in his face.

You know, the fear.

Like he was gonna
have to phone an ambulance.

Have the madwoman sectioned.


Ben, this isn't a good time.

And when has it ever been?
I need to see you.

I can't. I'm at Bibi's.

And what if I told you I had
the answer to everything?

Okay, tomorrow lunchtime. Where?

I'll send you the location.

Can you not just tell me?

Honestly, I'd almost s*ab him
to death in the office at this stage.

- Take me chances with a jury.
- Eva.

What? All you need is
one juror who's sympathetic.

What about my plan?

You were told no, Becka.

- No, let's hear it again.
- Okay.

Well, I did some research.
And I bought a ham.

A ham?


I was trying to figure out how long
it would take JP to freeze to death.

Anyway, the ham weighed two kilos.

And so, I put it in the freezer,

and it was frozen solid
after about an hour.

So, JP weighs, I'm guessing,
what, like kilos?

- So, it would be times how...
- Jesus Christ, Becka.

It's not like the cartoons.

What do you mean?

I mean, you don't die the second
your body is frozen all the way through.

He'd die from hypothermia first,
long before the body's actually frozen.

Well, how long we talking?

Two to three hours?
Depending on how cold the room is.

That's a good point.
Is there temperature control?


I actually don't know.

Let's go and check it out.

I want $ a night for three weeks.
That's $ .

I'll give you a hundred.

Got it. I got the job!

I was so worried when you didn't call.

Gerald took me out for a long lunch.

Blanaid, Daddy got a new job.

Will you get a pay rise?

There'll be more money, all right.


Can I get my teeth straightened?

No, 'cause there's
nothing wrong with them.

You have a smile
that would give Mona Lisa a complex.

- I'll get that.
- Okay.

You, there's nothing wrong
with your teeth.

It's your nose you need sorting out.

What do you want?

Listen, JP, I just wanted to say,

Grace told me about your trouble.

Did she now?

Yeah. Is it a bad time?

With everything I'm hearing about you,
Roger, I'd say anytime is a bad time.

Well, that was a setup.

So, where have you been all this time?

I was questioned by the police.

No, not for a week you weren't.

Well, I went away for a few days.

I've got a sister up in Bettystown.

And she can vouch for that, can she?
That you were there the whole time?

"Vouch for that," JP?
Why you asking me all these questions?

It's like I said, it's probably better
that you stay away from here.

I have a -year-old daughter
in the house.

And it's my duty to protect her.

Come on. Minna's asleep.

And we definitely won't wake her?

She'd sleep through an earthquake.


We might need these.

Thermostat's on the outside.

Yes! I knew it! I knew there was
a thermostat. Had a feeling.

He keeps the key in here.

I was thinking of hiding in there.

JP walks past, goes inside, I jump out,
lock the door, turn the temperature up.

- Down.
- Down.

Yeah. It goes to minus
degrees Celsius.

What if he takes the
key inside with him?

I was gonna get a spare key cut.

Yeah, but he'd still
have a key in there.

There's no lock on the inside,
so there's no way he can get out.

- Then what happens?
- I come back after a few hours,

unlock the door, take the spare key,
turn the temperature back up.

Grace reports him missing.
The Guards come.

And find him curled
up with his dead dad.

Like a Swedish Norman Bates.

Then what?

Then they presume he fell asleep.

I like it.

Oh, my God.

- Jesus, my nips.
- It's very chilly.

- Urs, I don't think you want...
- Please.

Do you know how many
dead bodies I've seen in my life?

Jesus. Image of John Paul, isn't he?

It's been a long time
since JP was that hard.

So, what would happen?

His body temperature
would fall very quickly.

He'd have a burning sensation
like pins and needles all over his body.

His heart rate, respiratory rate,

blood pressure would drop.

His body would slow the supply
of oxygen to his brain.

He'd feel drowsy,
and he'd slip into unconsciousness.

Then his heart would just...

- Stop.
- Yep.

Have you got mobile coverage in here?

- I've no signal. No.
- No.

Me neither.

Do you think it's soundproof?

- Who's gonna hear him screaming?
- Well, Minna might.

Are you deliberately trying
to find holes in the plan?

Yeah! I am because that's what it means
when you recce a job.

Recce? Profesh.

What's the matter with you?

This is exactly the kind of thing

that's gonna land us in prison
for the rest of our lives.

Okay, okay.

You all go outside
and see if you can hear anything.



Help! My mad bitch sisters-in-law
are trying to k*ll me!

sh*t. It's freezing. I'm coming out.

It worked?

Well, it's not soundproof.

What are you talking about?

I literally couldn't hear a thing.

Well, tough sh*t because I could.

What did you hear then, bat ears?

It doesn't matter.
You're not doing it, Becka.

Why? 'Cause you don't trust me?

- I can do this, Eva!
- No, you can't.

Sorry, Becka. Mommy says no.

Matt, where in the name of Jesus
are you? I said to you nine o'clock.

Inspector Loftus coming through.

What the hell are you doing here?

Inspector, brought
you a bit of breakfast.

Heard you're partial
to a rasher sandwich.

Not when I'm digging
up a corpse, I'm not.

Bloody eejit.

I just wanted to be here
in case there was any news.

What, do you think
we're gonna cr*ck open the lid

and let you check the body
for b*llet holes?

Inspector, can you sign this, please?

- Thank you.
- When will you know something?

We'll know when we know.

And you'll know
when I decide you will know.

Now, get out of here.

Would you want the...


- What?
- Good luck. I just said good luck.

Becka, I can see that you're in there.

So, go on.

You've had all night
to come up with an excuse.

Where were you?

- I'm sorry. I just... I was...
- Just what?

What are you doing here, Matt?
What do you want?

I want you.

I want you.

I've been sitting here since eight
o'clock last night waiting for you.

Another time-waster.

Look, this thing between us,

whatever it is, it's real for me.

It is for me too.

What's that?


It's last night's tortilla chips.


- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I'll get going in a second.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why it's...

- I'm sorry.
- No.

It's not like we have to have sex
every time we hang out.

I'm gonna get a glass of water.

You want one?

Shall I hit the road, or?

I don't mind.

What, you want me to go?

No, I'm not saying I want you to go.
I'm just saying I don't mind if you do.


Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Yeah, I'll call you.




They dug him up?

Jesus Christ.
I'm not gonna see the kids grow up.

Just don't go losing it, okay?

They wouldn't have dug up the body
if they weren't on to us.

No, they're gonna start
pulling at threads.

And they're not gonna stop
until they find out what we've done.

I can't believe that you can just dig up
a body without telling the family.

Should we tell Grace?

Absolutely not. No way.

Okay, I just want you to know now

that I'd rather k*ll myself
than go to prison.

Will you just calm down?

You're a nurse.

You're supposed to
be good under pressure.

How did you know, by the way?

What do you mean?

Well, just how did you know
that they dug up the body?

Is someone gonna
tell me what's going on?

Becka, if you don't, I will.

I've been seeing Matt Claffin.

What? You've been...
You've been seeing him as in you...

you've been sleeping with him?

I have slept with him. Yes.

What the hell are you thinking, Becka?

See, I knew this is how you'd react.

What the f*ck, Bibi?

I... She said she was gonna end it.

I haven't told him anything
if that's what you're worried about.

I mean, we don't even
talk about the case.

No, I'm sure he doesn't.

Yeah, I bet he didn't tell you
he was digging up

your brother-in-law's body
this morning, did he?

I mean, why him, Becka? Of all people.

I mean, did you sleep with
every other man this side of the city?

Now, now, Eva. Come on.

Who are you to tell me
who I can and can't sleep with?

I'm the one who's trying
to look out for you, okay?

- Like I always have.
- Yeah.

Spare me the martyr act.

I'm sick to the teeth of hearing
how poor Eva Garvey

gave up everything
to raise her little sisters.

Come on, stop.

Yeah, it was that
or have you put into care. Okay?

Don't lay your guilt on me.

Only reason you've got
your nose in my life is

'cause you've got no life of your own.

- You do not...
- Oh, my God.

- No!
- No.

- Get off me!
- Stop it!

Okay. Jesus, just get out of my house.

Okay? All of you.

You can rot in prison for all I care.

So, I read this thing that if you dangle
a chain over the belly of a pregnant lady,

you can accurately predict
the sex of the baby.

That's bullshit.

If it moves
in a clockwise direction it's a boy.

- If it moves anti-clockwise...
- Well, we said we didn't wanna know.

I thought you said it was bullshit.

Off... It's a boy!

- I can see you moving your wrist.
- What?

You're in good form.

They dug him up.

This morning.

And that's what it takes
to put a smile on your face, is it?

They k*lled him, Theresa. I know it.

Does Matt?

Know it, I mean.

Matt's never been
the best judge of people.

- He's in love with her, Tom.
- No, he's not.

He's thinking with his d*ck. That's all.

I can see it. Even if you can't.

Tom, are you here?

You have to know when push comes
to shove if you can rely on him or not.

Where were you this morning?

Told you I'm not hanging around
some grave like a ghoul.

I just wanted to make sure
they dug up the right body, is all.

So, where were you?

- In answer to me question, like?
- Jesus.

A copper wouldn't ask me that.

Were you with her?

- Her name's Becka.
- I know her name.

I know all their bleeding names.

Yeah, I was with her.

After me telling you
to stay away from her?

After you telling me?

Do you wanna wind your neck in?

All right, I suggested it then.

If you weren't actually
getting information from her...

Yeah, and I chose to not take
your suggestion on board. So...

- You're out of your depth, Matt.
- Thomas, would you relax, okay?

I have everything under control.
All right?

- And she knows, by the way.
- Knows what?

That you dug up her
brother-in-law's body.

That we dug up her
brother-in-law's body?

Yeah. We then.


Because you decided
to tell me it in a text.

She read it when I was in the kitchen.

She was gonna find out
sooner or later, Matt.

Soon as the cops know how the man d*ed,
they'll be kicking down her door.

They'll be kicking down all their doors.

Eva, do you have the pre-tender estimate
for the Robertson project?


The Robertson project.

You were asked for it yesterday,
but if it's too much for you,

- I can ask Janis.
- It's not too much.

If you are struggling to cope,
I want you to be able to say it to me.

- I said I'd do it.
- Good.

Want it by : .

And Eva, watch how you speak to me.

I can understand you're disappointed,
but I'm your boss now,

whether you like it or not.

And while we're here in the office,
you will show me respect.

Hey. Is it really necessary
to rub her nose in it like that?

Do you mind?

Eva deserved that job.

You must have said something
very bad to Gerald to change his mind.

You fighting her battles
for her now, are you?

That's sweet.

Your great mate. Except, she isn't.

- Yeah?
- I mean,

she wouldn't have told me your deepest,
darkest secret if she was, would she?

About you being a h*m*.

Is it still all right
to use that phrase?

See, the thing here is
that you haven't known Eva that long.

Her jaw gets very loose when she drinks.

- She told you?
- Told me,

told her sisters, yeah.

I'm sure the entire office knows by now,
what you are.

I'd say you thrashed the water to a foam

to be the one to give me
mouth-to-mouth, didn't you?

I should have let you drown.

Was it you who took my pants off?
Did you get a good look at it?

Hey. I could have
you up in front of HR...

Hey, mate.
You're the one who followed me in here.

I could say that you
tried it on with me.

Because I've seen
the way you look at me.

Don't do that.



All right there, Gabe? Is everything...



I can't believe you told him.
Of all people.

Told him what?

Jesus. I didn't. I...

So how does he know?

You're the only one
in the office I told.

sh*t. Grace must have said something.

Yeah, he said
you told your sisters as well.

Yeah, but only because they kept asking

if something was going on
between us. That's all.

So my private life is
what? Gossip to you?

Gabriel, please, just...
This is what he does. Okay?

He just gets inside people's heads,
and he messes with them.

So what's going on between you two?

- Who? Me and JP?
- Yeah.

You going to pretend you don't know
what I'm talking about?

You say you hate him,
but sometimes it seems to me

like there's something else.


Whatever game you two are playing,
I want no part of it.

How are you?

Didn't mean to put the shits up you.

- What do you want?
- I just...

- It's been two days.
- So?

So what was the result?

It's a postmortem, Mr. Claffin,
not a bloody horse race.

Well, then I was thinking,
the longer it goes on,

the more likely it is
they've found something iffy.

Am I right?

I've concluded my work
and sent my report to the police.

Well, so did you find anything?

I'm not at liberty
to discuss my findings with you.

Could you not even give me a steer?

A steer you want, is it?
Well, why didn't you say?

There's a steer for you. Now jog on!

My bloody business on the line.

You've a terrible personality.

You said what?

I let him have it.

Both barrels.

You're gonna get yourself arrested, Tom.

We're being dicked around, Matt.
Dicked around royally.

And what in Jesus' name am I eating,
by the way?

Breakfast roll.

Sausage, bacon, egg,
black and white pudding in a baguette.

I can feel the fur in
me arteries already.

You know what they call this
in the sandwich shop?

- What?
- The Widowmaker.


It's Loftus.

Answer the thing.

Inspector Loftus.

Yeah, I'm after been waiting all...

So, what's the story?

Now, could you gimme that
in layman's terms?

So what does it mean?


What'd he say?

Tom, what did he say?

- The results are inconclusive.
- Inconclusive as in...

Jesus, as in inconclusive.

As in nothing suspicious to report.

So, what? We had a man's
body dug up for no reason?

No, not no reason,
Matt. They k*lled him.

Just in a way that didn't leave a mark.

Tom, you're gonna
have to let this go now.

Well, that's easy for you to say.

You don't have to go home
and tell your massively pregnant wife

- you're going to jail.
- Look, I'm sorry.

They did it, Matt. I
know it. You know it.

It's just, we're never gonna know how.

Back inside the prison,

Fred is subjected to merciless t*rture
led by Gestapo head Walter Guettner.

He was a little rat.

And I could have k*lled him
with one hand if I was free.

What am I doing here?

- So, what do you think?
- Of what?

That house.

I mean,
I know it's the same as that house.

But this one is available for rent,

and I can afford it
if I give up my studio.

You love your studio.

I don't love it as much
as I wanna be with you.

And there's a room for Molly and David,
and Michael as well.

I wanna be whatever you need me to be...

- Ben.
- No. This can work for us, Urs.

I really think it can.
If you could just...

Ben, I can't see you anymore.

- What are you talking about?
- Please don't ask me to explain.

Of course,

- I'm going to ask you to explain.
- Please. Please.

No. I deserve to know, don't you think?

- John Paul...
- What about him?

- He has a photograph of me.
- Of you?

Of my...


- You didn't...
- No, of course, I didn't.

He got into my phone.

He switched his number for yours,
and he told me to take a picture.

I thought I was sending it to you.
He sent it to Donal.

- He what?
- It's okay,

I deleted it before Donal saw it,

but he'll do it again
if I keep on seeing you.

And I don't know
what will happen if Donal sees that.

He could get nasty,
and I might lose the kids.

- I'm gonna k*ll him.
- You're only gonna make things worse.

- I wouldn't have said anything...
- No. I'm gonna f*cking k*ll him.

Ben, stop. Please. Ben.

Ben. Come here.

No lark

When Dublin city is in the dark

So if you've any money
Go up to the park

And view the zoological gardens

We went out there to see the old zoo

I'll get it.

We saw the lion and the kangaroo

There was he-males
And she-males of every hue


Up in the zoological gardens

Hiya, Becka.

- Hi.
- Hiya.

- Can we talk?
- Sure.

- I wanna do it. Tonight.
- Becka.

When he drops the shopping off
and goes to check on the body.

Eva said no, Becka.

That room was completely soundproof.
We couldn't hear a word outta you.

I'm sick of her treating me like a baby.

You know where she's coming from.
You're the daughter she never had.

Well, she's the mother I never wanted.

She just doesn't want you
to have blood on your hands.

Bibi, I have to do this.

If JP would k*ll his dad,

he wouldn't think twice
about k*lling Minna.

That's Urs.

- I told her to meet us here.
- You did what?

Seriously, Urs?

We don't have to tell Eva.

Not until it's done.

I suppose I should wish you luck.

I don't need luck.

Cleaned it off, have you?

- Evening, all.
- Hey, love.

You're just in time.

I'm cooking your favorite.

- Oh, my God. Daddy, your eye.
- Jesus, JP.

You should've seen the other guy.


Your sister's mate,
or what's... what is he to her?


Why would he do
that? He saved your life.

Did something set him off?

You know what the French are like.
Furious about everything.

Turning lorries upside down,
setting fire to fish.

- What?
- Did you call the police?

No. Gerald gave him his marching orders.

Never had much taste in men,
that sister of yours, did she?

- Your poor eye.
- It's all right, Mammy.

Listen, I'll just go do the shopping
for my mum.

- I just need to get changed.
- Okay.

It's nice to see you so...

- So?
- I don't know.

Full of yourself again.

I know I haven't been at my best lately,

but I promise it's only happy times
ahead for us now.

You make me feel young again.

My pleasure.

A few more sessions
and you'll have the hip of a...

Well, of a me, actually.

Be a lovely thing to be your hip's age.

All of me, though. Not just a hip.

What would you do differently?

If you were my age?

More sex. For starters.

And I'd get my nose pierced.

That's easy.
I'll pierce your nose for you.

No. John Paul would go mad.

That's another reason to do it.

Okay, you're gonna feel a little prick.

- A little p...
- Don't say it.

You ready?

- One. Two. Three.
- Fi... Fu...


Okay. Put that on your nose.

So what time does JP come here?

Sometime after : .

Although I don't think
I can stay awake tonight.

That massage has made me sleepy.

Give me that.


That actually looks really good.

There you go.

Do you think George will like it?

- I do.
- Yeah.

Jesus Christ. What is this madman doing?

Look, it's the lover.
What can I do for you?

Anyone sees that photograph,

I'll k*ll you and not give a sh*t
about going to prison.

Please let go.

It's done, Eva.

What's done?

The prick is dead.