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05x01 - Peg and Cat Save the World: Part I

Posted: 10/09/22 06:41
by bunniefuu

One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ Ten nine eight
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Seven six five
- Hey, what do you know ♪

- ♪ Four three two
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, one?
- One!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at!

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(Peg and Cat laughing)


- Peg and Cat Save The World,

part .

(country music)

- Welcome to the farm!
The Farmer went to market,

so Cat and I are watching
his chickens.

- Who are NOT going crazy!

- Chicken-sitting
has never been so easy,

which means Cat and I
have time to do...

- ♪♪ A puzzle, a puzzle
- We razzle and we dazzle ♪

- ♪ Every time we do a puzzle ♪

- ♪ The shapes give us clues
- Where things go ♪

- ♪ In with out
- Out with in ♪

- ♪ And smooth with smooth
like so ♪
- Woohoo!

- ♪ It's all about that shape
'bout that shape, no trouble ♪

♪ It's all about that shape
'bout that shape with a puzzle ♪

- Excuse me. I wonder if
that piece might go over there.

- That's a really good
suggestion, Hog,

but we're on a roll here, just
the two of us doing the puzzle.

- That's how we duh-duh-duzzle.
- Thanks anyway.

- ♪ We're on a total
- Razzling-dazzling ♪

- ♪ Busy-sizzling
- Puzzle tear ♪

- ♪ We're a perfect
puzzle-making pair ♪

- ♪ Cheep ♪♪
(Peg gasping)

- The chickens!

They made a pyramid,
and they can't get down!

- Chickens!

- I told you guys. You can get
into any flat shape you want.

You can make squares
or triangles, no problem.

They just lie flat. But this
pyramid is a tall, solid shape.

It has height
and goes straight up!

If you don't come down
just right, you could
hurt yourselves.

- (together): ♪ CHEEP ♪

- That means, we're sorry,
but HELP, in chicken.

- We've got a big problem!

- While we're figuring
this one out,

could we get back to the puzzle?
- That's it,

you puzzling genius!
- Huh?

- To get the chickens down,
let's do

some puzzle-making in reverse!
- OK!

(Cat speaking in reverse)

- No, Cat. I mean
let's take the pyramid apart,

one triangle at a time,
to get the chickens down.

- Ti tog!
I mean, got it!

- ♪ Problem solved
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem
Problem solved ♪

- And now back to...
- ♪ Our puzzle, our puzzle ♪

♪ We razzle and we DAAA ♪

- Could it be?!
- It would have to be...

- Ramone! What brings you
to the farm?

- In your plane
which runs entirely on pebbles.

- I'm working for someone
really important today.

- (gasping): Who?
- Who?

- (chicken): Cheep?

- It's top secret,
but you'll find out soon enough

because this really important
person wants to meet with YOU!

- (gasping): Me?
- (gasping): Me?

- (chicken): Cheep?
- (Ramone): Not you, chickens.

- But we're watching
the chickens 'til the
Farmer gets back.

- You can't just
leave us here unattended.

- I guess the chickens
can come too, long as
they stay out of trouble.

- How could chickens
possibly get into trouble?

- OK, chickens,
who wants to go for a...


This place you're taking us

is packed
with giant, solid shapes.

- (Cat): Watch out
for that pyramid!

- That's
the Washington Monument.

One of the many historic sites
in Washington, DC,

capital of the United States.

- It's like a pyramid
in the sky...

on top
of a giant rectangular prism!

- That tall pointy shape
is called an obelisk.

- Bye, obelisk!
Hello, thing with so many sides!

- One, two, three, four, five.

A five-sided shape
is a pentagon, right?

- Which is why they named it
the Pentagon.

- (Peg): What's that thing
with half a sphere on top?

- (Ramone): The Capitol!
- (Cat): Nice cap, Capitol!

- Check out the big triangle
on that house!

It takes four super-tall
cylinders to hold it up.

What's that white house
called, Ramone?

- The White House.
- Yeah, but what's it called?

- It's called the White House.
- Huh! I can see why.

- Everybody out.

- Wait. Isn't the White House
the home of--?

- Uh huh!
- What? Who?

- You're not saying...
- I'm saying.

- Could somebody say
what you're not saying?!

- We're actually
meeting with...

the President of
the United States?

- Yep!
- Is that good?

- The President is
the most powerful,

most famous,
most important person

in the universe!

- Huh! The President's mother
must be really proud!

- You don't understand, Cat.

The President of
the United States is like...

cooler than a teenager!
- I can't do this!

- I can't do this!

But we will.
- Hoho, yeah!

Uh, Peg, did you notice

the President's office
doesn't have any corners?

- This stretched-out round shape
is an oval.

That's why it's called
the Oval Office.

- The President gets
an office shaped like an egg?!


- That sphere is a globe,
a round map of the whole world.

Leaders from all around
the world call the President

on this phone every day!

- Hoohoo! What's with
this red button?

- Does that triangle
mean danger? Warning?

- Pie?
- I would definitely not

press it.
- Me neither. And yet,

one is tempted.
- Cat!

(Peg gasps.)
- The President!

- (Peg and Cat): AAAAH!

- Madame Puh-puh-puh-President!

- Hello!
- Peg and Cat,

the Vice President and I
are so glad you could make it.

- We, uh...
- Excuse me.

(indistinct talking over phone)
- But we need that funding

for the schools, and the parks,
and the hospitals...

- The President deals with
super important stuff
every minute of the day.

- The Vice President's position
is more laid back.

- ...the roads,
the water.

A peel? That's it!

- Huh?
- We'll "ap-peal" to Congress

for the funding! That means
we'll ask them for help.

You genius Vice President!

- They have a really good
working relationship!

- I know!
- So, Peg and Cat...

♪♪ I've heard
about the work you've done ♪

♪ Impressive, I must say ♪

♪ You've solved
so many problems ♪

♪ Whatever comes your way ♪

♪ But I have got a problem ♪

♪ That might make you
somewhat more tense ♪

♪ A problem
of national importance ♪

- ♪ National importance ♪

- ♪ A problem that involves more
than a friend or two or three ♪

♪ A problem
that affects our land ♪

- ♪ From sea to shining sea ♪

- ♪ A problem facing everyone ♪

♪ From Tom to Jane to Hortense ♪

♪ This problem
of national importance ♪

- ♪ National importance ♪

- ♪ So, President, I gotta say
I'm freaking totally ♪

♪ At first I thought I mean ♪

♪ What could she want
with Cat and me? ♪

♪ But now I guess I get it ♪

♪ It's making
more and more sense ♪

♪ A problem
of national importance ♪

- ♪ National importance ♪

- ♪ It will take your all
to solve it ♪

♪ Not one bit less ♪

♪ So carefully consider ♪

♪ Before you say yes ♪

- I'm considering it
all right.

- Oh yeah?
- If we save the world,

we'll be total heroes!

♪ There'll be parades
in our honor ♪

♪ With floats of super size ♪

♪ Planes in formation
filling up the skies ♪

♪ More people cheering ♪

♪ Than the streets
have ever known ♪

♪ The President, the Congress ♪

♪ The army, Ramone ♪

♪ Who's got the world
in a whirl? ♪

♪ The national importance girl ♪

(theme music fanfare)

- I was having
the same fantasy!

Except it was me in the throne
and you who kept falling out!

- ♪ And now I need
to ask of you ♪

♪ If you've made up your mind ♪

♪ To do your best,
to heed the call ♪

♪ For all of humankind ♪

- ♪ We can't deny our nation ♪

- ♪ Yes! Let's all do
a short dance ♪

- ♪ Check out Cat's endurance ♪

- ♪ I'll across
the floor prance ♪

- ♪ I ripped up my poor pants ♪

- ♪ We're thrilled
you'll face this problem ♪

- ♪ Of national importance ♪♪

(solemn music playing)

- Peg and Cat,

I'm making you Directors
of National Problem Solving.

So repeat after me:
I will do my best...

- (Peg and Cat):
I will do my best...

- solve this problem
of national importance.

- (Peg, Cat): solve this
problem of national importance.

- So help me math.
- So help me math.

(The solemn music stops.)
- Now, so I can get you started,

let's head
to the secret intelligence lab.

- A secret intelligence lab!

- My intelligence
is all secrets!

- We just have
to bring the... CHICKENS?

- I left the door to the coop
slightly wide open.

- So there are chickens
loose in the White House?!


- Not really.

We can do it in no time,
if everyone lends a hand.

Even a few... chickens!

I need your help.

You're good at finding
other chickens.

Peg and Cat, you're good
at counting chickens.

Vice President,
you're good at...

walking. Lead the way.

♪♪ In the Lincoln Bedroom
making a mess!

- These each hold
chickens, so that's--

- (Peg): ♪ chickens ♪

- ♪ In the Briefing Room
speaking to the press ♪

- Madame President!
- Madame President!

- (Peg): ♪ chickens ♪

- ♪ In the Presidential Library
in a battle ♪

- (Peg): ♪ chickens ♪

Plus more is .
We just need more...

- ♪ In the Oval Office
dancing on Seattle ♪

- ♪ chickens ♪♪

That everybody-helping-out thing

really works for
gathering chickens.

- It usually takes us
a whole episode!

- To the intelligence lab!

Also known as...

the Triangular Office!
- Whoa-ho!

- Oh, so that's what it does!

- The floor-opening-
to-the-triangular office button!

Of course!
(machines beeping)

- The Triangular Office is even
cooler than the Oval Office!

- Way more corners!

- So the reason
I've summoned you is...

a mysterious object
has appeared in space,
floating near the earth.

Our first clue
that it was there was...

these signals
coming from space.

The lines represent sounds.

- Long, long,
short, short, long.

Long, long, short, short, long.

They're in a pattern!

- The lines are getting wider,

which means the sounds
are getting louder.

And whatever's making them...
is growing.

- Creepy!
- I sent an astronaut up

to film it this morning,
but he filmed this...

(dramatic musical cue)

And that's all.

- Careful with
the President's toy rocket, Cat.

It looks really expensive.

- Oh, that's no toy, Peg.

It's one of
only two golden super rockets.

The other one's gone
with the astronaut.

- This is a real rocket?!
- But no one can fit inside it!

- Don't be so sure.

(heroic music)

Astronaut Briggs
is heading into space.

She'll describe what she finds,
so you can work together

to figure out what's up
there, and keep it from
harming the Earth.

- (Peg): Uh, why is she putting
deodorant on her space suit?

- (President): Those are size
chips. The orange ones
make you smaller.

(Cat gasps.)
- (Cat): She shrunk!

- (Peg): She's small enough
to fit in that rocket!

- (President): These blue size
chips will make her bigger
when she gets back.

- Cool! I wanna be
an astronaut!

Or president.
- I wanna be him.

- (computerized voice):
Three, two, one... blast off!


I broke your super computer!
(strange repeating sounds)

- You didn't break it, Cat.
Those lines just mean

sounds are coming from
a certain part of the world.

- They're in the same pattern
as the signals from space!

- You're right. Where on Earth
are they coming from?

- Long, short, short.
That's not it.

- I can't find the spot
Cat located when he tripped.

- Trip again, Cat.

Still not it! Try again.

Hmm! Not quite...

- I'm losing
my tripping touch!

- I am really getting flustered!

- Like totally freaking out, hm?
- Right?

- Long, long,
short, short, long!

- He is GOOD!

- (President): So the sound
that's coming from space

is also coming from...

- (Peg): Where?
- (President): A farm?!

- So why are we--
- SHH!

- Why are we creeping?
- We're listening

for the thing that's making
a sound in that pattern.

- Oh, right!

- Somewhere on the farm
is something that has

something to do with
that mysterious ping in space.

(swooshing sounds)
(gasping): Did you hear that?

♪♪ This massive swooshing blob ♪

♪ Has come
to swallow up mankind ♪

- ♪ It's swooshing
slimey goopy goo ♪

- AAH!
- ♪ We've been slimed ♪

(swooshing in a pattern)

- It's just crows in the mud,
swooshing short, short, long.

♪ But not the sound
we're looking for ♪

- ♪ So creep some more ♪


- ♪ A clanging
angry metal thing ♪

- ♪ I think I heard it shout ♪

- ♪ It shook the glass ♪

- ♪ It shook the wall ♪

- ♪ It's coming out ♪

(clanging in a pattern)

A cow stuck
in a bucket banging

long, short, short.
- Creepy while it lasted.

- ♪ But not the sound
we're looking for ♪

- ♪ So creep some more ♪

- Uhh, uhh, uh, uh, uhh!
(Peg gasps.)

- ♪ A wheezing beast ♪

- ♪ With lots of heads
all over the place ♪

- ♪ It's come to face us
face to face ♪

- ♪ To face to face to face ♪

- ♪ We found the sound
we're looking for ♪

- ♪ So creep no more ♪

- (crying): ♪ I love triangles ♪

(blowing his nose)
- (Peg): It's the Farmer!

- One head, whew!
- He's singing...

- Long, long,
short, short, long.
- ♪ I love triangles ♪

- (Cat): The Farmer's getting
all weepy in that pattern!

- Is this about the chickens?!

Oh, we took them on a trip,
but they're back.

Sorry we didn't tell you.
- It's not about the chickens.

I miss him!

My best friend
in the whole world!

- The Pig is your best friend?!
- Cat!

- I mean, um...
- The Pig is really good at,

you know...
- Triangle loving.

- The best!
- That's why he left me!

Said there just weren't
enough triangles on the farm.

Went searching for some place
with more.

Now, all I "got's"
the memory of his sweet singin'.

- (Pig singing opera):
♪ I love triangles ♪

- ♪ I love triangles ♪

- Oy!

- So the Pig sings
in the same pattern...

as the sound coming from space.

This problem is like a puzzle
with a piece missing!

What could it be, Cat?! Cat?

- ♪ It's all about that shape
'bout that shape, big trouble ♪

Oh, this triangle-shaped
puzzle piece you gave me

doesn't fit with any
of the others, Littlest Chicken.

(Peg gasps.)
- You genius Cat!

What did you just say?!
- Uh, triangle?

Others? Of?
- You said "Littlest Chicken"!

She's bigger than this chicken,

and this chicken,
and this chicken.

- (Cat): Since when
is the Littlest Chicken

the biggest chicken?!
- I had a growth spurt!

- That triangle Littlest Chicken
gave you...

- It was stuck under her wing!
- Of course!

Because it's not
part of the puzzle!

It's one of those size chips
from the triangular room!

So the chips that make you
grow are triangles!

- Uh, OK...

- ♪♪ A thousand puzzle pieces
are arranging in my brain ♪

♪ As the picture
comes together ♪

♪ I can finally explain ♪

♪ I can see it,
I can sing it ♪

♪ In a glorious refrain ♪

- ♪ The problem
has been solved ♪

- ♪ I can hardly wait to hear ♪

♪ The thrilling answer
that you found ♪

♪ Speak
your breath-taking conclusion ♪

♪ Let my ears
drink in the sound ♪

♪ If you've really
got it right ♪

♪ I'll shout
until the walls resound ♪

♪ The problem has been solved ♪

- (Peg): ♪ So this Pig
who loves triangles ♪

♪ Saw the obelisk so high ♪

♪ Then the triangle upon
the White House rooftop
caught his eye ♪

♪ Then this button with its
three-sided design
he had to try ♪

- ♪ The problem
has been solved ♪

- ♪ Past so many more
triangles ♪

♪ Into blue triangle chips ♪

♪ To your triangular
launch pad ♪

♪ Through a trip
to end all trips ♪

♪ Grown to planet size,
he sings so loud ♪

♪ From his enormous lips ♪

- ♪ I love triangles ♪

- ♪ Long long short short long ♪

- ♪ The problem
has been solved ♪

- So you're saying
there's a planet-sized pig?

- (both): Yes, Madame President.
- Floating in space?

- (both): Yes, Madame President.
- Singing opera?

- That part sounds
a little weird,

but yeah, he's into opera.
- It's just one of those things.

- But could a pig really have
gotten into the White House

without anybody noticing?

- ♪ Earlier this morning
as I clipped this fingernail ♪

♪ Passing through
the Oval Office ♪

♪ To refill my 'nana pail ♪

♪ I saw a boy so strange
This boy, he had a curly tail ♪

- Boys don't have tails!

- It was the Pig!

- ♪ The problem
has been solved ♪♪

(computer beeping)

- Astronaut Briggs,

are you nearing the source
of that strange sound? Over.

- Briggs: [I hear it,
but I'm not close enough to see]

[what's causing it yet. Over.]

- I have reason to believe
the sound is so painfully loud,

that this morning,
it drove Astronaut Lew

to flee to
the Hushed Planet.

- So the Hushed Planet
is totally sound proof.

- You can't even hear
the Pig singing!

(dramatic music)

- [You should flee there too]

[before the sound
gets too painful.]

[But first, remove your camera.]

[Send it floating
in the direction of the sound.]

- Will do. Over.

(grandiose music)

- ♪ I love triangles ♪

- It's just a pig!

- It's the Pig!
- Yes!

- Hoohoohoohoo!
The boy with the tail!

- It's not some dangerous meteor
or flying saucer.

- It's just
a harmless, floating pig.

- The nation is safe.

I am very relieved. And so...

♪ Problem solved ♪

- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ Peg and Cat were right
and now the problem
has been solved ♪

♪ Every doubt about their theory
has completely been dissolved ♪

♪ Let us honor them ♪

♪ Parades and marching bands
will be involved ♪

♪ The problem has been solved ♪

- ♪ A problem that involved more
than a friend or two or three ♪
- That's right!

- ♪ It affected
our entire land ♪

♪ From sea to shining sea ♪
- Sure did!

- ♪ A problem facing everyone ♪

♪ From Tom to Jane to Hortense ♪
- Say goodbye to...

- ♪ The problem
of national importance ♪

- ♪ Glory glory goes to you ♪

♪ Yeah!
Glory glory to you too ♪

♪ Yeah! Glory glory go woohoo ♪

♪ Yeah! The problem has been ♪♪

(crashing sound)

- Did the Pig just smash
into that planet?

- Nobody lives
on the yellow planet, it's OK.

- Phew!

- (Peg): Now he's headed
towards that red planet!

- (President): Nobody lives
there either.

- Which is a good thing.

- He totally squashed
that planet!

- But the planet he's heading
towards next isn't empty.

It's... the planet Earth!

- That's where I live!

- Oh, we all live
on Earth, Cat.


- So we'll send up
one of those gold rocket things

to stop the Pig?
- None left.

- Build another one!
- No time!

We've gotta do something fast

or the Earth will be smushed

beneath the backside
of a planet-sized pig!

- Everyone in the world

(dramatic musical cue)

- Peg and Cat are in the middle
of an important mission

and will be unable to appear
under the tree today.

Thank you for understanding.
- What important mission?

- I can't say.
- Why can't he say?

- We don't want
to worry everybody.

- What would worry everybody?!
- I'll tell you... soon.

- He'll tell us when pigs fly.
- Huh?!

- It's an expression.
It means you'll never tell us

because pigs can't fly.
- Right. Heh heh...

Stay tuned for part

of Peg and Cat Save the World.

- I will!
- Me too!

(theme music)