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07x01 - The Too Big Dog Problem/The Giant Baby Problem

Posted: 10/09/22 06:54
by bunniefuu
(elephant trumpeting)
- Ooh! A race! Go, go!

- Not a race, Cat. It's a chase!

- (gasping): A chase?!
Who's being chased?

Who's chasing?
Why is the chaser chasing?!

- We'll cut to the chase,
after this message thingy!


One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ One two three
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six
- Hey, what do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

- The Too Big Dog Problem. Phew!

I'm glad we don't have
a problem with this elephant.

We're all good!
(elephant trumpeting)

♪♪ Headin' to the circus ♪

♪ That's where I'm gonna go ♪

♪ Headin' to the circus
In time for the big-- ♪♪

WHOA! This reminds me of
the time I lost a tiger.

What a fiasco that was!

Better check on the elephant.

Still here!
(elephant snorting)

You sit tight and we'll be
at the circus in no time!

(elephant trumpeting)

- Hi! I'm Peg and this is Cat
and this is Big Dog.

- Ruff!
- And we've got... junk!

- So much junk!
- There's all kinds of stuff

you can do with junk. Like...

Make a new friend
out of a tennis ball.

(low voice): Hello, everybody!

- Or we could do
something less creepy...

and make a seesaw.
- Ruff!

- Good idea!

- I see'd but I can't saw!

- That's 'cause I'm
heavier than you.

To balance, we need the same
amount of weight on each side.

- Mmm?
- That's right, Big Dog!

We can put more weight
on Cat's side, till...

- Goin' down...
- We're balanced!

(bird chirping)
- Woohoo!

- Whoa-ho!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Your turn, Big Dog.

- Take a brick, Cat. Or three.

The seesaw still
isn't balanced.

- Big Dog's weight

(Big Dog howls.)
- But...

if I add my weight to Cat and
the bricks, we're balanced!


OK, so next,

let's make beds
out of shoeboxes.

- Shoebox bed. So cozy!

- What do you think, Big Dog?

- Drool means he likes it!

- Cat's the length
of one shoebox,

and I'm the length of two.

Now you make a bed, Big Dog.

(Big Dog howls.)

All three boxes aren't
long enough for Big Dog.

He needs one, two more!

- Big Dog's length

A long problem, really.

- This crate is as long
as two shoeboxes.

If we use three boxes
and one crate,

that's the same as three,
four, five shoeboxes.

A big bed for Big Dog!

- You're not too long
for a bed, Big Dog!

You're just the right--
Oh. Although maybe

a teensy bit too heavy.
(Big Dog howls.)

- But you're not
too big for... a play!

We can act out...

Little Red Riding Hood!

- Don't have to ask me twice!

Oh. Big Dog wants to be
Little Red Riding Hood,

whom, they say, is little.

- The costume's too
small for you. See?

Cat's the shortest,

so he'll play Little
Red Riding Hood.

And when you stand on two legs,
you're the tallest.

So you'll play the Big Bad Wolf.

- What's the matter, Big Dog?

Tired of being so long?
So heavy? So tall?

(Big Dog sighs.)
You've got a big problem.

- Ruff!
- Oh, Big Dog...

♪♪ We have something
to tell you ♪

♪ It may come as a surprise ♪

♪ But each and every one of us ♪

♪ Has a different size ♪

♪ So if we held a contest for
who takes up the most space ♪

- ♪ You'd win the gold medal ♪

- ♪ That's right,
you'd take first place ♪

- ♪ Cause you're the ♪

- ♪ Heaviest, the widest ♪

- ♪ The very hardest
to hide-est ♪

- ♪ With your size,
you're good at taking charge ♪

(Big Dog sighs.)
♪ You're the longest ♪

♪ The tallest
- The least
smallest of all-est ♪

- ♪ Yes you, Big Dog,
are really ♪

♪ Really large ♪

- ♪ You stand out
from the crowd ♪

♪ So stand up and be proud ♪

♪ Don't crouch down or
make yourself look small ♪

- ♪ 'Cause you are a big dog ♪

- ♪ A very, very big dog ♪

- ♪ Big Dog, you're
the biggest of all ♪♪

- Ruff! Ruff!
- You're the best at being big!

- You'll be the best
Big Bad Wolf EVER.

So go backstage and
wait for your entrance,

as we use this junk to make
the woods for our play.


(Big Dog sighs.)

- La, la-la, la-la, la-la.
Going to Grandma's house.

Sure hope I don't
run into any wolves.

Especially ones
that are big and bad.

Whoa. You're
a REALLY Big Bad Wolf.

My, what big eyes you have.
And what a long nose.

(elephant trumpeting)

Peg! PEG!

I know I'm a cat,
and I tend to overreact.

Sometimes when you sneeze,
I freak out.

But seriously! Big Dog grew

into a really,
really big Bad Wolf!

- If Big Dog seemed bigger when
he was playing the Big Bad Wolf,

that's just good acting.
- Uh, OK.

- Do the scene again
and this time I'll watch.

- Going to Grandma's house.
Hope I don't run into

any Big Bad Wolves. Especially
the really, really big kind.


- That's not a big wolf, Cat.

- It's just a mouse.

- Then where's Big Dog?

- Being chased by an elephant...

- Who's being chased by a mouse!


(panting and barking)

Quick, up in the tree!
That always works!


(elephant trumpeting)

- I think we're safe in here.

- This garage is smaller
than I remember.

And it smells a lot
more like a circus.

(screaming and barking)

- Squeak! Squeak!

- The mouse is floating away!

- Squeak!
- I can't reach him.

Even with Cat on my head!
- Squeak!

- This is a...

- Squeak!
- Big Dog, are you tall enough

to reach the mouse?

- He's embarrassed
to show how tall he is.

- Squeak! Squeak!

- Poor mouse!

- Big Dog's bigness
saved the mouse!

- Mwah!
- Ruff!
- Now where's the--

(elephant trumpeting)
- Elephant?!

(elephant trumpeting)
- That's not good.


- The elephant is
stuck in the ground!


- We can use the seesaw!

- Weee!

- To get the elephant free.
- Oh, right.

- Elephant, put your legs
onto this side of the seesaw.

Then we'll lift you out by
pushing the other side down.

- Mouse!

- Squeak!

- Ramone?
- Hey, Peg!

Trying to get an elephant
out of the ground?

- You guessed it!
- Then let's make our side

heavier with some of this junk.
(elephant trumpeting)

- We need more weight!
- Big Dog?

(Big Dog barks.)
- He's embarrassed

about how heavy he is.
(elephant trumpeting)

- The elephant and I are TOTALLY


(horn and whistle sounds)

Cat's right. We should count
backwards from five
to calm down.

Five... four...

three... two... one!

- She's sinking deeper!


- Big Dog? Big Dog!

- Alright, Big Dog!
- Nice jump!

- You saved the elephant!
(elephant trumpeting)

- Because we knew
about size and weight,

we rescued the mouse
and the elephant!

- One math fits all.
- Squeak!

- And so...

- ♪♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem ♪
(elephant trumpeting)

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪
- We never did finish our play.

- Let's start over and
make it BIG Red Riding Hood!

Mouse will play
the Little Bad Wolf

and elephant can be Grandma!
(elephant trumpeting)

And starring as BIG Red...

Big Dog!

♪♪ My friend here's
small and spunky ♪

- ♪ While this guy's
big and chunky ♪

- ♪ We've each got
a different physique ♪

♪ But all widths and lengths
come with their own strengths ♪

♪ And help us do
something unique ♪

♪ Mouse fits in tight spaces
and finds great hiding places ♪

- ♪ So many objects
he can fit inside ♪

- ♪ And Big Dog's broad
shoulders make perfect
people holders ♪

- ♪ They're always good
for giving friends a ride ♪

- ♪ Different sizes
Different shapes ♪

- ♪ We each have different
things we can do ♪

♪ So whether
you're tall or small ♪

- ♪ Your size is
the best of all ♪

- ♪ 'Cause your size
is perfect ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Cat here's small and fluffy ♪

♪ So pillowy and puffy ♪

♪ He's the perfect shape
to hug and squeeze ♪

- It's true!
- ♪ And my legs are lanky ♪

♪ But that won't
make me cranky ♪

♪ 'Cause doing
the can-can's a breeze ♪

(can-can music)

♪ Different sizes
Different shapes ♪

♪ We each have
different things we can do ♪

- ♪ So whether
you're tall or small ♪

- ♪ Your size is
the best of all ♪

- ♪ 'Cause your size
And your size ♪

- ♪ And my size and your size ♪

- ♪ Yes, your size is perfect ♪

♪ For you ♪♪

- He likes it!

Little Red Riding Hood
was scared of the Wolf,

just like we were
scared of the elephant,

and the elephant
was scared of the mouse.

- Everybody's scared
of somebody.

- The only one who's not scared
of anybody is this tennis ball!

- Actually,
I'm scared of babies.

(spitting sound)


- Live from the tree, it's...

- ♪ Amazing People ♪

- ♪ The show where
we interview
- Amazing People ♪

- Today on Amazing People,

the world's greatest
chicken poet

will read his new chicken poem,

- Um, it's entitled Chickens.

- Roll the clip, Mac!

- (Cat): "Chickens,
chickens, on a farm.

"Chickens, chickens, on my arm.

"Chickens, chickens,
out in space.

"Chickens, chickens, in a race.

"Chickens, chickens,
on the sand.

"Chickens, chickens, in a band.

"Chickens, chickens, in a shoe.

Chickens, chickens, I love you."

- What inspired you to write
this amazing chicken poem?

- Chickens.
- What would you
say it's really about?

- Uh, chickens.
- Would you like to
give a shout-out to anyone?

- (all chickens): Cheep.

- Amazing things happen on...

- ♪ Amazing People ♪


- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ One two three
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six
- Hey, what do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

- The Giant Baby Problem.

Whoa! Why does this
beanstalk hate me?

(laughing): Stop! That tickles!


- I'm Peg and this is Cat.

And today we
climbed the beanstalk

to visit the Giants
and meet their brand new...

- Giant baby!
- Shhh!

- She's sleeping.

(baby gurgling)
- Aww...

- She's humongous!
- She's adorable!

- She's... driving us crazy!
- Huh?

- We love our little munchkin
more than anything.

- But with all the feeding...
- ...and the burping...

- ...and the diaper-ing...
- We could really use a break.

- Just a quick walk
around the cloud.

- So we called you guys
to come over and babysit.

- No problem, Giants!
Leave it to us!

- And by "it," we mean "her."

- Great!
- If you need us for any
reason, just call our beeper.

- Beeper?
- You can't be too careful, Peg.

- Push a few buttons on the
phone, the beeper will vibrate,

and we'll come right home.
- What number do we call?

- The number's in the cupboard.

- It's locked!

- Baby-proofed.

- You can't be too careful, Cat.

- To open the lock, you
need to know the combination.

- Combi-whata?
- Numbers that open the lock.

- "One, two, three."
So, that's the combination?

- Not quite.
- To keep it secret,

we didn't write down
the real combination.

- You can't be too careful, Peg.
- To get the actual combination,

add two to each of
these numbers.
- Wha?

- To add two to each number,

you move two spaces on
the number line, like this.

One, two.

So if we need to open the lock,

we'll add two to each of these
numbers and open the cupboard.

- Where you'll find another
piece of paper with numbers.

- The numbers we
press on the phone...

- To set off your beeper!

- Not quite.
- Ugh!

- We didn't write
down the real numbers.

- Can't be too careful, right?
- Or can you?

- To get the real
numbers to press,

take that piece
of paper in the cupboard,

and subtract two
from each of the numbers.

- Subtract? Like, take away?
- Yep.

To subtract two from a number,
you move two spaces

this way on the
number line. One, two.

- Simple, right?
- Ugh. It's making

my brain melt.
- It is kinda complicated.

I'm not so sure--
- Oh, please, please,

please stay!
- We'll give you

chocolate chip cookies!

- We'll do it!
- Let's sit that baby!

- Thanks, guys! You're the best!
- Have fun!

We'll see you soon!
(door closing)

- Babysitting does
have its perks!

- Yeah. Chocolate perks!

I don't even know
why that's funny!

- Squeak!
- The mouse!


That giant mouse is coming
after us and our cookies,

and that's a BIG PROBLEM!

What can we do?

There's nowhere to run!
Nowhere to hide!

- No milk to wash
this down with!

- Squeak!
(Cat gasps.)

- Cat! You've done it again!
- I did?

- We can use all of this
stuff to make a giant fort

that will protect us
from that mouse!

- Tell me what to do!
- Start stacking!

♪♪ First we'll use
that diaper box ♪

♪ Second, stack
those baby blocks ♪

♪ Third, we'll add the baby
chair, fourth, that
cuddly teddy bear ♪

♪ And fifth, the teething
ring and rattle ♪

♪ Sixth, that rocking
horse and saddle ♪

♪ Seventh, the globe, eighth,
a lamp, and ninth ♪

- ♪ My side has got a cramp
- Those tubes of diaper creams ♪

- ♪ I got 'em, though, they
should go on the bottom ♪

- ♪ No time for jokes,
keep stacking higher ♪

♪ Tenth, that giant pacifier ♪

- ♪ Top it with her binky thing
and a giant springy spring ♪♪

- That mouse will never
get into our awesome fort!

And so...
♪♪ Problem solved ♪

- Squeak!
- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

- Squeak!
- ♪ We solved the problem-- ♪♪

- Cookies! Whoa...

(circus music)


- Squeak!

- Whoa!
(chirping sounds)

- Ahh!
- She's awake!

- And crawling!
- We need to keep that baby

from crawling into trouble!

- And keep ourselves away
from that big mouse!

- We've got

(baby speaking gibberish)

Come here, baby!
Goochie, goochie!

We'd better call the Giants!

Where's that piece of paper
we need to open the cupboard?

- It must've blown away!
- I see it!

It's stuck in that
pipe over there!

- Where?!
- Use the baby monitor

and I'll lead you
straight to it!

♪♪ Testing, testing
Lend me your ear ♪

♪ Can you hear me, Cat?
- Loud and clear ♪

- ♪ Do you see those plants?
Here's what you do ♪

♪ Climb the second one
- One and two ♪

♪ Now where do I go? ♪

- ♪ See the cupboards nearby?
Go past the third one ♪

- ♪ I'll give it a try
One, two, three ♪

♪ Hey baby wipes
- Now you need to jump ♪

♪ To the fourth of the pipes ♪

- ♪ The first one's hot
with steam and vapor ♪

- ♪ Jump the second
and the third ♪

- ♪ And the fourth
has the paper ♪♪


- Whoa!
- Squeak!

- Giant mouse! AH!

(baby giggling)
- Got it! You watch the baby

while I open the cupboard!

- Oh, no, you don't!

- To get the combination,
the Giants said to add two

to each of these numbers.
The first number is one.

So we add two. One, two.

One plus two is three!

Next is two.

Two plus one, two is four!

The last number is three.

Three plus one,
two more is five!

So the combination is...

three, four, five!

I got the numbers we
need for the phone, Cat!

- Great! Don't tip
the fishbowl, baby!

But do tip your waiters!
(baby giggling)


- It says "four, five, six."

This time we need to subtract
two from each number.

To subtract two from four,

start at four
and go back two spaces.

Four, take away one, two is two!

- Two! Let go of that
toilet paper, baby!


- Next is five.

Five take away one,
two is three!

- Squeak!
- Three!

- Don't touch the
artisanal soaps, baby!

They're mainly for display!

Ooh, lemongrass!

- And six take away one,
two is four!

- Four!

- (woman): Calling now.

- It's calling!
- Hooray!

- We did it!

What was that?
- That red thing on
the floor is buzzing.

- It's the Giants' beeper!

- They forgot to
take it with them!

(baby giggling)
Baby, let go!

- Give us the beeping beeper!


- She's squishing me!

- And squooshing me!

- We are...

(baby giggling)

- The buzzer's buzzing is
tickling the baby's tummy!

- Hee hee! She's ticklish!

Whoa! Are you seeing
what I'm seeing?

- The baby is standing!

She's taking her
very first steps!

- They grow up so fast...

- She's scaring the mouse away!
- Squeak!

(baby gurgling)

- Whoa!

Ah! Oof.

- Ah. That walk was so peaceful.

Exactly what we needed.

Wasn't it, Pookie Pie?

- It sure was, Cookieface.

Thanks so much for helping out,
guys. Was the baby OK?

- How...? Where is...? What
just...? OK... Uh... Hmm...

- She was no problem whatsoever!

(baby gurgling)

- (all): Aww.

- You know, having a little
baby isn't always easy...

- It's true.

♪♪ First, they're always
screaming for their bottle ♪

(baby crying)
- ♪ And second ♪

♪ They won't let you
sleep at night ♪

- ♪ Third, they're
always drooling ♪

♪ On your favourite clothes ♪

- ♪ Fourth, they grab your face
with all their might, ow ♪

- ♪ Fifth, they've got
no sense of proper manners ♪

- ♪ Sixth, they're sloppy,
squishy and strange ♪

- ♪ But when it comes
to this baby ♪

♪ She may drive us crazy ♪

♪ But there's nothing
about her we'd change ♪


- Uh... There is one
thing I'd change.

- ♪ Seventh, they don't
always smell like roses ♪

- ♪ Eighth, the way
they talk is bizarre ♪

- ♪ But when it comes down ♪

♪ To babies, no ifs,
buts or maybes ♪

♪ We love them for
all that they are ♪

♪ We love them
for all that they are ♪♪

- Ah!

- Anything yet?
- Um... Nope.

Why do they call it
a beeper if it never beeps?

- Why do they call it
a donut if it's not a nut?

- Huh. Why do they call it
a butterfly if it's not made

of butter? Eh?
- Mysteries of the universe...

They're calling!

How does it feel?
- Ah! Ooh!

That is sooo relaxing!




- ♪♪ We're splashing
in the bathroom ♪

- ♪ In the tub
- At the sink, on the floor ♪

- ♪ Splishing, splashing
Splashing some more ♪♪

- Welcome to the bathroom,

where Cat and I are giving
Cleopatra's camel Epidermis

a bath. Cleo says:

Pour blue shampoo
on his second hump.

- First hump, second...
- Wait, Cat!

When Cleo counts humps
she starts near his head.

- One, two, blue shampoo.
- Now scrub the second hump.

WHOA! Don't scrub the
first hump no matter what!

Epidermis's first hump
is really ticklish!

- So I'll only scrub
the second hump.

- Epidermis turned around!

The second hump's
on the other end now!

You're scrubbing his--
- First hump?


- Make Epidermis a happy camel.

Go to our totally
rocking web site

at Till then,

we're Peg and Cat...
- ♪ Splashing some more ♪

(theme music)