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06x12 - Save Royal Woods!

Posted: 10/09/22 15:12
by bunniefuu
This program is rated G

and is suitable for
general audiences.

♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls like
ping-pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the
bathroom on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's gotta do what he
can to survive ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

♪ Duck, dodge, push and shove,
it's how we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

♪ One boy, ten girls, wouldn't
trade it for the world ♪

♪ Loud ♪

♪ House ♪

♪ Loud, Loud House ♪


Hm, what do you think?

It's been awhile since
I've played this course.


I think you can chip this one.

But watch out for the Lynn-mill.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

(Hushed): Lori Loud
is now two under par.

On that last hole, she handled
Cliff's sand trap with ease.


That's right, Lola!
She's looking sharp.

Like the all new, Sharp Cheddar
Chicklynn Club Sandwich

at Lynn's Table,
sponsor of today's match!

Lynn's table.
Come in, if you're able.

Let's get back to the action!

(Zooming and ricocheting)



(Dramatic music)


(Cracking ceramic)


Oh, ho, ho! Man. I would
hate to be you right now, Lori!

Me?! Lincoln was the one
who told me to chip it!

Well, Charles was supposed to
be protecting the vase!

You leave Charles out of this!

Who came up with
this dumb game anyway?!

(Indistinct arguing)


We need to figure out what
we're gonna do about this vase!

Remember what happened
the last few times it broke?

Nice try, Stinkoln.


What happened?!

That was a wedding gift!

You're all grounded
for the night!

Heh. Told you it would fit!

(Gastrointestinal noises)





That was a wedding gift!

You're all grounded for a week!

Hot chemicals coming through!



El Diablo! Drop it!

(Crashing and exploding)

Our wedding gift!

You guys are grounded
for a month!

If Mom and Dad find out
we broke the vase again?

We'll definitely be grounded
for the whole year!

Can't we just get rid of it?!

Eh, they'd notice.
In case you haven't heard?

It was a wedding gift.

That vase has been nothing
but a pox on this house.

Ugh! I wish Mom and Dad

never got this heinous thing
in the first place!

Are you thinking
what I am thinking?

To the lab!


I figured out a way to save
our collective gluteus maximi.

A while back, I unlocked
the secret of time travel.

I swore to never use it again,
but desperate times

call for desperate measures.
My plan is simple!

I'll travel back to the day of
Mom and Dad's wedding.

There, I'll prevent
our parental units

from ever receiving the vase.

In layman's terms,
no vase, no grounding.

Any questions?

Yeah I've got one, brain box.

Won't removing the vase

affect the fabric of
the space-time continuum?

Actually, that is
a highly perceptive question.


And, I am stunned quite frankly,
it came out of your mouth.


But, don't worry! I have done
the requisite calculations.

I found that swapping
the vase with another gift,

in this case a mundane,
gently used toaster,

would have the least impact
on the space-time continuum.


Dibs on going
back in time with Lisa!

(Indistinct arguing)

(Clearing throat)

I can't risk something
going wrong at the wedding.

That's why I shall be
going alone!

You are all far too reckless
to bring along.

Hey! Who you
calling reckless?!

(Loud expl*si*n)

(Laughing uncomfortably)

...And I rest my case.

You can, of course,
all watch the launch.

I just need a few minutes
to construct the time machine.

I'll be in the garage.

(Various loud noises)


Ah, dangit!
The door is stuck.

Everyone just crawl under.

Ding-dang door
ruining my reveal!


So... Where's
the time machine?

You're looking at it!

You built a time machine
out of Vanzilla?!

In seven minutes?!

Oh, it's not like it was hard.

All I needed was
an alkaline-coated crankshaft,

and some plutonium.



You even had time to get a tux?

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a wedding to attend.

Good luck my friend.

And farewell to you,
mundane toaster.


All systems go!




Is it just me, or did that van
appear out of thin air?

Ah, another scientific
success, without a hiccup!

(Hiccupping and splashing)

What was that?!

Um, nothing!

No one here hiccupped
green juice out of their nose.

Phew! That was
a close one, huh?

Gah, dangit, Leni!

How in Galileo's micrometer
did you get here?!

We snuck in the back seat
when you weren't looking.

You have terrible
peripheral vision.

We wanna help you,
with the mission!

And I'm not one to miss a party!

Fine. Since you're here?
You can help me find the vase.

But remember, it's crucial that
we get it, swap it, and get out

without being seen.

Let's roll!

(Crowd noise)

Now focus.

Let's move to the gift table.

Divide and conquer.
This could take awhile!

Everybody, grab a gift.

Alright, uh.
Is the vase inside here?

(Rattling and breaking)

Nope. Sounded
expensive, though.


Lynn! What are you doing?!
You have to be more careful.

And that goes
for the rest of you...


Thanks a lot for coming, Flip.
It really means a lot to Lynn...

Oooh! What a beautiful
wedding dress!

Is that taffeta?

(Hiccupping and splashing)


Yawnsville, dudes.
This is supposed to be a party!

What?! You don't
like me ballads?

Try a lick like this!

(Playing heavy metal)

(Farting noise)

'Til death do us fart!


That joke was a gas!

You want the petals
to cascade, not fall!

You know what?
Lemme just do it.



I got the vase!

Gather the siblings.
We need to get out of here

before they cause
any more damage.

On it! No more damage.


I'll just replace the vase

with the toaster
and mission complete!



Eight, nine, ten...
Wait! Where's Lily?!


Liwy want cake!

Lily, no!





Our cake is destroyed!

Our wedding is ruined!

Whose kids are these?!

Heh, mazel tov!

(Panicked breathing)




Let's get out of here!


I knew it! Irrefutable
proof of aliens!



We did it!

Despite your interference.

Locked... Well,
at least Mom and Dad

always leave a spare key
under the...

Oh. That's weird.

They must've used it,
and forgot to put it back.

I'll just go in
through the doggy-door.

There's no doggy-door?!

That's also weird.

Well, there's always
the other way in.



Mom and Dad are
gonna feel pretty bad

when they hear we had to...

This feels... different.

That's 'cause it is different!

Mom and Dad would
never shell out

for a high quality
upholstery like this!

The blood, I mean ketchup,
stains on the walls are gone.

This carpet feels
softer than normal.

And where are
all the mud stains?!

(Sniffing): And it doesn't
smell like Cliff's farts.

Or Lynn's!

Oh, ho! I can
fix that!

(Door opening and screaming)

What happened to my room?!

My trophies! My head sh*ts!
Mr. Sprinkles!

My head sh*ts!

Why is your room
full of gym equipment?


Guys, look!

It's a wall of just Mom and Dad.

Looking amazing, I might add.

Where are the photos of us?!

Well, I'm in this picture.

I'm, uh, forming
a terrifying hypothesis,

but I need confirmation.
(Car honking)

(Cool rock music)

Europe was amazing, babe!
17 countries, three weeks.

What a vay-kay!

Wow! Mom and Dad got it
going on!

They went to Europe without me?!


Who are you children? And what
are you doing in our house?!

Mom! Dad! It's us!

Your kids!

Uh, what are you talking about?
We don't have kids!

Look, I don't know what you
want, or who put you up to this,

but I think it's time
that you all go home

to your real families!

Shoo! Shoo, shoo,
shoo, shoo, shoo.

Ugh! Kids are the most
annoying creatures!


Well, it seems my hypothesis
was correct.

We've altered
the course of history!

I'm afraid we don't exist!


What do you mean
we don't exist?!

We altered the timeline,
and erased our own existence!

In this timeline,
Mom and Dad never had kids!

The question's why.

Perhaps there is someone

who could help us
fill in the blanks.


Um, is this the, uh,
Grouse residence?!

You betcha! Bud Grouse!
What can I do ya for?

He, he, he!

Hey, that tickles!

What happened to you?!

The Grouse I knew
would a hated that!

Uh, pardon my sister. We're
a bit weary from travelling.

From the future!

Uh, eh she means from the town
of Future, Michigan.

Our parents are thinking of
moving into this neighbourhood.

How do you like it?

Peaceful as a pond 'round here!

I sleep like a baby at night.

That's why I got
this youthful glow

on the downhill side of 70!

And your neighbours?
They seem like fine people.

I'm surprised
they don't have children...

Ha, ha! Lynn and Rita?!
Whoa-ho, not a chance!

They swore off 'em,

after a bunch of rascals
ruined their wedding.

Who are you calling
'rascal, ' pal?!


Well that was rude!


What. Why are you
all staring?

Do I have a zit?!

Ugh! I knew time travel would
wreak havoc on my pores!

Nah, sis!
You're flickering!

I'm what?...?

Where's Lori?
What just happened?!

Dibs on her mattress!

Oh, she's gone!

Lori?! Are you
down there?

She's not there, Leni!

It seems our situation is more
dire than first anticipated.

The universe is

If we don't fix the rift

we've caused in
the space-time continuum,

we will all disappear.


I can't disappear forever! What
would the world do without me?!

I may have a solution.

All we have to do
is travel back in time,

and stop ourselves from ruining
Mother and Father's wedding.

That should restore
our normal timeline,

and prevent us
from disappearing.

Great, let's do it!
To Vanzilla!


Oh, no! It's doing
what Lori did.

It's going to disappear!

Not if I can help it!



My baby!


Without us Mother and Father had
no earthly need for Vanzilla.

They must no longer own it.

Correct, sister.

We'll have to build a new time
machine from scratch.

We'll figure out whose car
to 'borrow' later.

But first, we need to find
an alkaline-coated crankshaft.

It looks like a double-helix
DNA strand, but for a car.

Like a curly pasta noodle
made of metal.


Don't break any of these, Luce.
It's seven years bad luck!



(Gasping): Ooh, look at this
one! It must be from a fun house.

Leni, that's not
a fun house mirror.

Your legs are gone.


Uh-oh. There goes
another one.


Boy, that's
a beauty right there.

Chunk?! What
are you doing here?

Do we know each other?

Oh, uh! Uh, I've
seen your band play!

Must've been ages ago.

Last gig I played was
this disaster of a wedding.

Me and me mates never got
hired after that.

Crushed me musical dreams.

So now, I crush metal
in me junkyard!

AKA 'the Chunkyard.'
You alright, luv?




Found a crankshaft!

Ooh, also found this
junkyard burrito! Double score.




Brilliant! I just
found me lunch.


A bit of bad news, though.

I think your punk rock friend
flew the coop.

Now Luna disappeared!
So did Leni.

Of course! They're disappearing
in birth order.

We gotta move fast, if we wanna
save the rest of us!

What's next, brain box?

Believe it or not, there's
trace amounts of plutonium

in Lincoln's favourite beverage.
The Flippee!

Say what now?


Oh, no. We ruined
the Food and Fuel too!

It's all different!

Watch it, lame-o!

Well, Chandler's still the same.


Watch it, lame-o.

Nice! Chide McBrand.


Ooh! Ow! Ungh!

Ah... Oh.

Let's dust this dork.


Without me, Chandler took
my spot in the friend-group!

(X-Files-y music)

Hey! What kinda cow
produces oat milk?!


(Shattering and splashing)

This is getting very grim.

Yeah! You can
say that again!

Now we're never
gonna know the punchline!

Actually... silver lining.

Clean-up on aisle eight!

Sorry, Flip!
We know the rules.

Ya break it, ya bought it.

Flip?! Well that's
a blast from the past!

No one's called me that
in years!

Phillip's the name.

And beans and greens
are my game!

'Phillip's Beans
and Greens?!'

Well, Phillip.
We're in a rush.

So we'll just take 100 of
your finest Flippees to go.

I don't have the foggiest clue
what a Flippee is!

But, we got Leafees!



There's no plutonium in this!

All I taste is kale, arugula,
and is that...

Bok choi?!

That's a great palate
ya got there!

See, the idea came to me
years ago at a wedding.

Someone spilled green juice
on the bride's dress.

And the Lea fee was born!

And so was my health food store!


Please, come back again!
Oh! Stay groovy.

(X-Files-y music)

Okay, Lisa. Where else
can we find Plutonium?

Mr. and Mrs. Gurdle?!

The alien knows our name!

Get 'em!


Aliens?! We're not aliens!

Save it! We've spent years
looking for you.

Ever since you disappeared into
thin air at the Loud wedding!

Pft! That's bogus. I mean,
do we look disappeared to you?



Someone get us out of here!
We're running out of time!


(Tires squealing)


Use the alien-retrieval
device, babe!


Ahh! Whoa!


(Tires squealing)

We're doomed.

Let's not panic.
Lincoln is still out there.


Hang tight!
I'll save you!


Okay. We're
definitely doomed.

Come on, let us out!

How many times do
we have to tell you?

We're not aliens!

That's exactly
what an alien would say!

LISA: Oh! (Unclear) Stephen
Hawking! That's plutonium!

And metal parts,
and computer models!

I think the Gurdles are
trying to build a spaceship.

Can we use it to time travel?

Oh, no need. Their '96 minivan
will do just fine.

Um, uh, excuse me!
Uh, Gurdles?

Yeah, um, my sisters and I,
we were, um just communicating,

uh... telepathically?

And we've decided to come clean.

Eh see, we are,
in fact, uh aliens.

I knew it!

Tell us everything.

How's this for starters?

I can show you
how to build a spaceship.

But... I'm going
to need help.


Well! That'll do it.

Now, all we need is
a radioactive energy source.

Uh, it could be... I don't know,
uranium, thorium, plutonium?

Any 'um, ' really.

We have plutonium! I found it
at a garage sale in Ohio!

I had to haggle 'im down
a bit, though.

(Dramatic music)

(Lily giggling)

They're escaping!



Never mind!
Grab the alien baby.




Hold tight, Lucy!

We're gonna get you outta there!

No. Leave me.

I'll keep the Gurdles distracted
so you guys can fix the wedding.



I bid thee farewell,
dear sisters.


Her sacrifice will
not be in vain.



It's a rental.


Ah! You're flickering!

I'm scared, Lola.
Hold my hand!

Ew! Were you picking
your nose?!





Ah, another scientific success
without a hiccup!

(Hiccupping and splashing)

There we are, Lily!

Time to stop alternate timeline
us from ruining the wedding!


Oh! Over there!

The maintenance closet!



The wedding is this way!


Phew! We did it, Lily!


Lily! Where did you...






Ya! Ya!


Oh, well isn't that the cutest
thing you've ever seen?!

Aw, hon. I can't wait for us
to have kiddos of our own!



Looks like we did it!

Ooh! Smell that?!

Pet dander and farts!

Look! There are
pics of us on the wall!

Yes! The couch is sticky!
Whop, uh...

Yeah, the timeline
has been repaired!

Kids! We're home!

We picked up pizza for d...



You broke our vase again?!

And you're happy about it?!

Okay, that is it! Everyone
is grounded for two months!


We'll stay home with you
as long as you'd like!



♪ Cramped inside this
tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad but ain't
the case ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
Loud House ♪

♪ Duck and dodge and push
and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we
show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
Loud House ♪

♪ Laundry piles stacked
up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs that
make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with 11 kids ♪

♪ That's the way it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud House ♪