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08x01 - The Peanut Problem/More Adventures of Robin Hood

Posted: 10/10/22 07:12
by bunniefuu
- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey, what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, tuh?
- (kids): Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

- ♪ We are two, na na na na na ♪
- Huh?!

♪ Me plus you, na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

- The Peanut Problem. Weeee!


- Ooh!

(insects buzzing)

- Check out the fields
of peanuts!

- The swarms
of mosquitos!

- Welcome to the South, Cat.

- Where it gets kind of hot.

- And very cool
when we're visiting, like,

the most amazing inventor ever!


George Washington Carver!

- Hey, Peg and Cat!

- George is working
on an invention, Cat.

An invention's a brand new,
really useful thing.

- ♪♪ When you want something ♪

♪ That can't be found
on any shelf ♪

♪ Create it yourself ♪

♪ Invention ♪♪

- Cool!
- Careful, Cat!

This isn't a play room.
It's George's lab

where he invents stuff,
using imagination,

- And peanut shells.

- Oh yeah!
George has invented

so many things using peanuts.

We came today
to help him celebrate

peanut-based invention
number !

- "peanutty" inventions!

- Only so far,

but this peanut soap makes .

- George just invented

this new soap
that's made of peanuts.

- So is he almost at ?

- Pretty close.
Check it out.

Each of these boxes
has inventions,

so altogether he's got...

, , , , ,

, , , --
- ! Say ! Please!

- Not yet. This last box
only has inventions.

And now .

- (Peg): Making inventions

We still need one more
to get from to .

- So, have you got an idea

for number yet, George?

- No one idea in particular.

- Hmm... How about now?

Now? NOW!

- You gotta be patient, Cat.

- You never know
just when an idea will come.

- I can't wait
for that th invention

because I have zero patience
and a--

- (Peg and Cat): BIG PROBLEM!

- No use getting all
- Huh?

- "Flustrated" is this word
I made up

for when you're feeling
frustrated and upset.

- George even invented a word!
He's really inventive.

- Whoa!
- Instead of pacing,

why don't you help me name
these last few inventions?

(Cat gasping)

- I've always dreamed
of being an invention namer!

- !
- ♪♪ Peanut floor cleaner ♪

- ♪ Call it cleanut butter ♪

- !
- ♪ A shell umbrella ♪

- ♪ Peanutbrella! Do another ♪

- !
- ♪ Peanut fudge ♪

- Pudge. !
- ♪ Nut rubber ♪

- Nubber!
♪ Pudge is mighty tasty ♪

♪ To a bouncy nubber lover ♪

- !
- ♪ Nut-based face powder ♪

- ♪ Call it
the peanut powder peader ♪

- ♪ Nut-based fuel ♪

- ♪ This peanut-powered car's
the leader ♪

- ♪ Call it peanut gas,
or pass ♪

- ♪ Fill 'er up with passoline ♪

- ♪ Scrub 'er down
with cleanut butter ♪

♪ For a sparkly clean machine ♪

♪ Nutty noodle ♪

- ♪ Nut-based leash ♪

- ♪ Neash ♪
- 's soap!

♪ Scrubber nutter
- For just one more I wish ♪

♪ I guess I made a mess ♪

- ♪ You kinda goofed
- I sorta blundered ♪

- ♪ And invented peanut paint
- Nutter colors ♪

- ♪ Makes ♪♪

- He made it
to "peanutty" inventions!

- And they've all
been named.

- And so...

♪ Problem solved
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem
Problem-- ♪

- Uh oh!
- What is it, George?

- A few of my new inventions
are missing!


- Oh, that is so flustrating!
- It sure is.

- Whoever took 'em
was really fast.

- And an incredible hider.
- Or an incredible spider!

- What's a spider
doing with inventions?

- She does seem to enjoy them!

- ♪♪ Inventions, inventions ♪

♪ They whirr and clang
and spin ♪

♪ Inventions, inventions ♪

♪ They always make me grin ♪

♪ Inventions, inventions ♪

♪ So colorful, they shine ♪

♪ Inventions, inventions ♪

♪ They're mine mine
mine mine mine ♪♪

I got inventions! Weee!

- We've got to get
George's inventions back

so he'll have !
- We've got a--

- (Peg and Cat):

- That spider got one, two,

three, four inventions.

- She's still around here
someplace, right?

- I'll look high.
Peg, you look down low.

- What do I do?
- Guard the box

so she doesn't get any more.
- Box guard!

- I see the soup can!

- Weee-heeheehee!
- Here it comes, Cat!

- I think I can! I think I can!

I can!
- Hey, Cat, how many we got now?

- Uh... Counting in the nineties
is way too high for me. Um...

- It's just like counting
from one to ten,

but with a nine in front.
So it goes

- One.

- Ninety--
- Two. Ninety-three.

Ninety-four. I can't believe
I'm doing it!

Ninety-five. Ninety-six.
Ninety-- Uh, where was I?

Oh right, after six comes seven,

so after ninety-six
comes ninety --

don't tell me -- seven!

- Here comes the soap!
- A clean catch!


- I got the nutter colors!

- A colorful catch!

- Oooh!
- Ah!

Here comes the neash!

- I got the neash! Sheesh!

- How many does that make?
- You had ninety-seven so...

- Ninety-eight. Ninety-nine!

- (laughing):
There's no ninety-ten!

After ninety-nine
comes one hundred.

- One hundred!
Got it on my second try.

- Woohoo!
- Yes!
- Well done.

- I got all ten inventions
on MY second try!

- Don't let her get out!

- Those inventions
won't get past us!

- Not gonna happen.
- Oh?!

- And yet, it happened.
- Awww...

- ♪ I got inventions
I got inventions ♪

♪ Oh, did I mention
I got inventions ♪

- What's a gopher
want with inventions?

- ♪♪ Inventions ♪

♪ They're these cool things
nobody else has ♪

♪ So when you've got 'em
everybody says ♪

♪ Wow look at all those cool
inventions that gopher has ♪

♪ That gopher has
so many inventions ♪♪

See you later!

- That annoying little gopher
lives underground.

When he gets ahold
of something, it's gone.

- It's all my fault!

- (together):
We are totally flustrated!

- Cat's right.
- We should count backwards

from five to calm down.
- (Peg, Spider, George): Five,

four, three, two,

- Yo!

It's my cousin
who lives in the South!

Hey, Virginia!

Ah, you're not Virginia.
You're sticky!

- It's a glop of peanut glue

I'm working on.
- I still see a resemblance.

Virginia always has
this nutty smile.

I see a way to catch
the gopher!

You thinking
what I'm thinking, George?

- I think I am.
- I'm thinking it too! I think.

- I have no idea
what anybody's thinking.

- We just invented
the Peanut Glue Gopher Trap,

which works like this.

I can't believe you stole
nine of my inventions, Gopher!

- You've got
the most inventions

of any gopher
in the whole South!

- You're the fastest, trickiest,

most annoying gopher ever!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Yeah! Now what?

- Shh!

- Hey, pal.
You got nine inventions?

So what? I got ten!
Right here! See?

Ten's more than nine.

So who's the trickiest?
Not you!

Now get out of here! Go!

Oh, you are stubborn.
And sticky!

Get me out! Somebody!

- We'll get you out...

- Now that my inventions
are safe.

- Ooh! Getting unstuck is sweet!

- So is having
peanut-based inventions!

- And so...

- ♪♪ Problem solved
The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ No more flustration
- Just peanut celebration ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪
- There's no celebration for me.

I don't have
any inventions!

- I don't have
one invention!

- ♪♪ Don't you whine ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't take mine ♪

♪ Pay attention ♪

♪ You can make
your own invention ♪

♪ The idea you choose should be
something folks can use ♪

♪ Think of what people
really need ♪

♪ Then draw up a plan,
sketch yourself a diagram ♪

♪ Do some research,
think and read ♪

♪ Get materials ♪

♪ Boards or tubes or cereals ♪

♪ Stuff you borrow,
find or reap ♪

♪ I use nuts from the ground ♪

♪ They're growing all around
You can get them really cheap ♪

- ♪ Cheep ♪

- And then...
♪ Fit fidget fiddle ♪

♪ Maybe improvise a little
Tapping, tapping, taping ♪

♪ Gluing, concentrate
on what you're doing ♪

♪ Don't give up
Twisting, turning, messing up ♪

♪ Re-thinking, learning,
jammin', slammin', hammerin' ♪

♪ Nailin', flailin',
wrenchin' until ♪

♪ The thrill of invention ♪

- (together): Yay!


- ♪ Don't boohoo ♪

♪ As you give in to ♪

♪ Flustration ♪

♪ Time for guts
and concentration ♪

♪ Snip snap doodle ♪

♪ Rearrange the whole kaboodle ♪

- ♪ Fixing! Mixing!
- Fixing! Mending! ♪

- ♪ Testing
- ♪ Don't give up ♪

- ♪ Keep on tapping
- Scraping ♪

- ♪ Scrapping
- Never napping ♪

- ♪ Jamming
- Jolting
- Hammering ♪

- ♪ Bolting
- Nailing
- Wrenching ♪

- ♪ Until the thrill
of invention ♪

- ♪ Until the thrill ♪

♪ Of invention ♪♪

- Woohoo!
- Yeah!

Hoho! Fun!

- George invented
a whole new way to end the show

that uses peanuts.
- You just relax

with your friends,
eating peanuts!

The Carver Close!

- Whoa, whoa!
You invent 'em. I name 'em.

- OK!
- I say we call

the peanut-based close the...

OK, actually Carver Close
is good.

(all laughing and sighing)

- Live from the tree, it's...

- Amazing People!

- Today on Amazing People,

we're gonna check out
these amazing people

who make animation.

- I love cartoons! I can't wait
to see how they do it!

They're drawing stuff.

- (Peg): Jamming!

Clicking buttons.

- (Cat): Ooh!


(Peg gasping)

- I wanna make animation!
- It does look cool, right?

By drawing and jamming
and clicking buttons,

they make pictures come to life!
- Could they make

a dinosaur fly?
- I don't know.

- Those drawing, jamming

button clickers are amazing!
- Whoa.

- Everyone's amazing on...

- Amazing people!


- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey, what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Aaah! Ten?!
- (kids): Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(Cat screaming)

♪ We are two, na na na na na ♪
- Ugh! Ugh!

- ♪ Me plus you, na na na na ♪
- Aaah!

- ♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

- More adventures of--
(cell phone ringing)

Robin Hood.
(indistinct talking over phone)

- NO! This sounds
like a job for...


(medieval ballad music)

- ♪♪ Wandering balladeers
are we ♪

♪ In the Forest of Sherwood
- Fa la ♪

- ♪ We sing our stories merrily
of brave Robin Hood ♪

- ♪ Fa la ♪

- ♪ It's Maids Marion and Mora
- La ♪

- ♪ Robin Hood evens the score-a
- La ♪

- ♪ By giving the ones
with less ♪

♪ More than before-a
- Ta da ♪

- ♪ Not any more-a ♪♪
- Wha?!

- Ever since you gave
Robin Hood this!

- The sign
for greater than...

Or less than...

♪♪ When it's turned around
- Fa la ♪

- You told him it opens
towards the side with more.

- ♪ Like with these stones
upon the ground
- Fa la ♪

- He used it to take
from more and give to less

so we each had
the same amount.

- And then the evil Sheriff of
Nottingham steals it all away.

- But after stealing it,
the Sheriff would take a nap,

we'd hold up the sign,
and Robin would take

from the Sheriff who had more
and give back to us.

- ♪ Totally defeated,
the Sheriff went away ♪

- The Sheriff of Nottingham
is gone?!
- ♪ Fa la?! ♪

- ♪ No longer needed,
Robin Hood didn't stay ♪

- Robin's gone too?!
- Fa la?!

- ♪ We have the same
of everything ♪

♪ So all day I skip and sing ♪

♪ She just stands there
smiling ♪♪

- Sure it's great for you,
but for the Balladeers,

no more adventures of Robin Hood
to sing about


Less than! Cat's right!

Today, we Balladeers can just
sing "less than" we usually do.

- Math can help you
be happy with less!

- And so...

♪ Problem solved
- Life's greater than before ♪

- ♪ Fa la la
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ Less trouble 'ever more
- Fa la la ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem
- So everything is
ending early ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪

- Cat?
- Yes?

- Usually, before
we get to the tree,

there's some
really big adventure, right?

- I know!
- This time,

hardly anything happened.
- I just hope we still get

to end with--
- A laugh and a sigh, right?

- You're talking my language!

That's all I need!
(both laughing)

(Cat sighs.)
- (women): HELP!

(Peg and Cat gasping)

- Neighbor Ladies
Connie and Viv, what is it?

- Our trinkets
have been stolen!

- Along with our knickknacks!

- And our tchotchkes!
- Who would take them?

- Who would tell me
what they are?

- Little thingy-things.
- He did it!

(pig snoring)

- (Peg): The Sheriff
of Nottingham!

- (Cat): So that's where he came
when he left Sherwood Forest!

- Don't worry, Neighbor Ladies.

We can take back your stuff
while he's snoozing.

- Not snoozing!

- Run away!

- Help! Pig!
- Pig! Help!

(all gasping for breath)

He is really scary.

- I don't get it.
He used to sleep a long time.

- But now he's got
my egg timer.

- He took that too!

- (Connie): Before he snoozes,
he sets it to five seconds.

- Five seconds
is only like

one, two, three,

four, five.
(timer dinging)

We can't get their stuff back
that fast!

- We've got a--

- But don't worry,
Neighbor Ladies.

I'm calling someone
who can stand up

to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
- This sounds like a job for...

- ♪ I am the gallant
Robin Hood ♪

- I got his recording.
- Robin Hood's too busy

to answer his phone?
What is he? Ramone?

- Finish the song already
so I can leave a message!

- What kind of name
is Robin Hood?

- He's a bird.
He wears a hood.

- It's actually a hat.
- He should be called Robin Hat.

- Hi, Robin Hood. It's--

- (recorded woman's voice):
To leave a message for--
- (Robin): Robin. Hood.

- (voice): Wait for the beep.
- I've been waiting!

- (voice): To hear your message
when you're finished, press one.

- Come on!
- (voice): To re-record

your message, press two.
- UGH!

- (voice): If you think
math doesn't show up

in everyday life, press three.

- Hey, Robin, it's Peg and Cat.

The Sheriff of Nottingham
is in our neighborhood

and we really need your--
- (Neighbor Ladies): HELP!

(cell phone ringing)
- Robin Hood?!

- Robin: [Sorry I didn't
hear your call, Peg.]

I'm using more and less

to help George Washington
cross the DelaWARE!

- You OK, Robin?
- Robin: [The back of the boat]

[is too low!
And the front, too high.]

- To even things out,
you need more weight in--

- Back?
- Peg: [Uh, front actually.]

Weight makes things go down.

You want more weight in front,
so the front will go down.

- Then I, Robin Hood, shall move
everything to the front.

- Peg: [If you move everything
to the front...]

[the front will be too heavy.]

- How right you are!
- Peg:

[to the back
and leave some in the front,]

[so both sides
have equal weight,]

[and the boat is balanced.]

- Done and done! Doodle ho!

♪♪ I am the gallant Robin Hood ♪

- Mrahahaha?
- Roarrr?

- ♪ At giving more to less,
I'm good ♪

♪ And now off
to Peg's Neighborhood ♪♪

- It's Rabbit Head!
- Not Rabbit Head!

I am Robin Hood!

Where is that evil Sheriff
I long to face?

- You can face him over there!

- I, Robin Hood, shall
take the stolen goodies

from the one with more--
- The Sheriff.

- Who has 'em all!
- Right. Thank you.

And give to those with less.

- That would be them.
- I knew that, more or less.

Sheriff of Nottingham,
we meet again.

(timer dinging)
(Robin screaming)

Run away!
- (Connie and Viv): Help! Pig!

- I thought you couldn't wait
to face the Sheriff!

- I can't face him
when he's awake! He's scary!

- How long will it take you
to take back that stuff?

- I, Robin Hood,
could do it in one minute.

- But the Sherriff's alarm
goes off after five seconds.

One minute is seconds.

So you need way more
than five seconds to get back

the Neighbor Ladies'--
- Trinkets!

- And...
- Knickknacks!

- And...
- Tchotchkes!

- We are--
- Totally freaking out!

- Cat's right.
We should count backwards

from five to calm down.
- And I, Robin Hood,

should watch television.
- (girls): Five, four,

three, two,

- Mind if I change the channel?

- That's it, you
trying-to-change-the channel-

on-a-broken-TV-set genius!
- Huh?

- We can change
the Sheriff's timer

from seconds to seconds.

That's one minute.
- Long enough for me,

Robin Hood, to give back
the stolen goodies!

- Sounds good.
- (Viv): Well, all right then.

- To get the timer
from to ,

I turn it down to , --
- Wrong way,

Robin! I'll turn it
to higher numbers.

, , ,

, , .

- As I, Robin Hood, take
the stolen goods back from--

- Actually, we can
get it from here.

- You take too long!
- But, but...

- Wait! Taking from more
and giving to less

is Robin's thing.
- Please, fair maids,

I may be slow, but I live
to do this. And you see...

♪♪ Maybe it takes a while ♪

♪ But I come through ♪

♪ Maybe it's just my style ♪

♪ It's how I do ♪

♪ Though it may take a while ♪

♪ I know you're gonna smile ♪

♪ When this robin
comes a-bobbin' ♪

♪ Right on through
- Ooo ooo ♪

- ♪ Slowly but surely ♪

♪ I will come through ♪

- ♪ For you ♪♪

- He had me at "fair maids."
- Me too!

- All right then!

Giving back the trinkets...

- (Ladies): Oooh!

- ...the knickknacks...
- (Ladies): Oooh!

- ...and even the tchotchkes.
- (Ladies): Oooh!

- Robin Hood is amazing!

- Hm! But now Connie
has more trinkets than I do.

- And Viv has more knickknacks!

- You need to make
each pair of piles even,

so nobody has more or less.

And we only have a few seconds,
so you should--

- Count them!
- No time.

You'll have to just...
- Put the piles on opposite ends

of a boat and make
the two sides balance?

- When there's no time to count,
you should...

- Es...
- Uh...

- Estimmm...
- Estim...

Even I know it!
- Estimate! Yes!

♪♪ I estimate which means
to make a careful guess ♪

♪ The bigger pile is more
The smaller pile is less ♪

♪ I take from bigger pile
to smaller with no stress ♪

♪ Now neither one
has more or less ♪

♪ I did it, yes ♪♪

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved
The problem is solved ♪

- Hmm?!
(timer dinging)

- (singing opera):
♪♪ You took them all ♪

♪ What have you done? ♪

♪ I loved those trinkets ♪

♪ Every single one ♪

♪ And every knickknack ♪

♪ Shiny front or slick back ♪

♪ These tchotchkes too ♪

♪ I call them whatsy-whoooos ♪

- ♪ He loves them smooth
or with fuzz ♪

- ♪ Nobody else but us does ♪

- ♪ What did he say
his name was? ♪

- ♪ I'm off to search the world
for more ♪

- ♪ Little goodies galore ♪

- ♪ Let's gather trinkets
that we all adore ♪

- ♪ We'll go together ♪

♪ Each with
his or her own feather ♪

- ♪ Getting more
and more forever ♪

- ♪ Trinkets
and knickknacks too ♪

- ♪ And whatsy-whoooos ♪

♪ What-seeeeeeeeeeeee ♪

- Whoa!

- ♪ Whooooooooos ♪♪

- Yay!
- Bravo!

- Ah-ah-ah! Bravisimo!

- Very good!

- Hahahaha! Mille grazie!

Mille grazie! Hahahaha!

- So the Neighbor Ladies
teamed up

with the Sheriff
of Nottingham...

- To go around taking
little thingy things.

People far and wide
will have less stuff.

- Huh. Less safety.
- Less happiness.

- But I'll be on their trail.

So there will be more
of one thing.

- Oh yeah!
- That's right!

- ♪ More adventures
of Robin Hood ♪

- That's me!

- So, uh...
- Yeah, well...

- Friar Ramone?!
What are you doing here?

- Going far and wide
to help in any way I can.

- We need help!
- We're doing

our second show close
under the tree in one episode.

- And we are fresh out
of witty repartee.

- I'll do what I can.
So that was some episode, right?

I mean, am I right?

So, I just flew in
from Sherwood Forest,

and boy, are my arms tired!

(drum beat)
(Ramone laughing)

(Ramone sighing)