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08x04 - The Big Dig Problem/The Crayon Problem

Posted: 10/10/22 07:15
by bunniefuu

- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ One two three
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six
- Hey, what do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

- The Big Dig Problem!
- Can you dig it?

- I certainly can!
- You go, girl!

(cheerful music)

- I, Peg...
(Cat grumbling)

And Cat, too, of course!

...welcome you to...
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

- Our totally awesome
new tree house!

- Uh, Peg, I think
we forgot something.

- Cat's right, our treehouse is
definitely missing something.

I better check my blueprint.
- A blue who?

- A blueprint. It's like
a map that shows

where everything should go
in our tree house.

These four rectangles on the
blueprint are the walls.

They go next to each other
and connect at the corners.

- One, two, three,
four walls. Check.

- And this pyramid is the roof.

According to the blueprint, it
goes on top of the four walls.

- Roof. Che... Nope! No roof!

- That's our pyramid roof,
down there.

- You mean we have to
lift that big, heavy roof

all the way up into this tree?
That's impossible!

- Peg, we've got
a BIG PROB... Ramone?

- Hey, Cat. Don't let me
interrupt your freak out.

I was just putting this roof
on your treehouse for you.

- Thanks, Ramone!
- Whoa, Ramone solved

our problem before it
even became a problem.

- He is that good.
- I do what I can.

- Four walls and a roof. Now all
we have to do is decorate!

But first, time for
a jelly donut break.

- Uh oh. Tummy rumbles.
I'm so hungry!

- Jelly donut, Ramone?
- No thanks, Peg.

I have places to go, people to
help... You know how it is.

- So cool!
- To our new treehouse!

- (very slowly and deeply)


- Looks like our donut break's

gonna have to wait, Cat!
The neighbor ladies


- Let's roll.
- Whoa.

(spy music)

- Peggy! I came out here

to water my beautiful irises--

- I came out here to water
my beautiful tulips--

- Only to find that
they had been plundered--

- Dug up even!
- By a pack of pesky--

- Smelly--
- (together): Pirates! Eek!

- That would explain
the giant pirate ship.

(bell clanging)

- I told you they be
talkin' 'bout us.

- I'm not smelly!
I took a bath last month!

- More like last year!

- Did you pirates dig up the
neighbor ladies' gardens?

- Uh, well...
- They did. Awk!

- You can't just run around
digging up gardens.

- But it was for gold and glory!
- Yeah, and treasure, too!

- The only treasure in my
garden is my prized irises!

- You pirates have to fix the
neighbor ladies' gardens!

- Mmm-hmm. All these flowers

need to be replanted
in rows of five.

- One, two, three, four, five.

They go in rows of five,
all right!

- Uh, rows o' what?
- What's a five?

- What's a rose?
- I gots no idea.

- I can explain rows of five,

- Sing it, Pegarino!

- ♪♪ Listen up me hearties
Avast and look alive ♪

♪ The flowers in the garden
Are arranged in rows of five ♪

♪ Five ten fifteen twenty
That's all there is to it ♪

- ♪ Five ten fifteen twenty ♪

- ♪ I knew you could do it ♪

♪ Each row will end in five ♪

♪ Or end with a zero ♪

♪ We'll fix up the gardens♪

- ♪ And give a pirate cheer-o
- Ahoy ahoy ♪

♪ Ahoy ahoy ahoy ♪

♪ Five ten fifteen twenty
- Is that all there be? Yo ♪

- ♪ Five ten fifteen twenty ♪

- ♪ Now back to our tree yo ♪♪

- The pirates replanted all
the neighbor ladies' flowers!

And so...
- ♪ Problem solved ♪

♪ The problem is solved
We solved the problem ♪

♪ So everything is ♪

- Oh, jelly donut,
how I missed you!

- Ahh...

- Stop everything, Cat!
- Everything?

- The pirates are digging up
the whole neighborhood!


(musical riff indicating doom)

- Let's do this thing!
(dog barking)

- Out of me way, land beasty!

- Pirates! What's going on here?

- Yarr, we be diggin'
for treasure!

- What makes you think there's
treasure in this neighborhood,

under our mailbox?

- Why, this old-timey
treasure map we found.

- We be minding our business...

- Enjoying our jelly donuts...

- Did you say...jelly donuts?!

- Down, boy!

- When we found this
here treasure map.

- Lookie 'ere, an X.
X means treasure!

- I guess that X on the map
might mean there's treasure

in the neighborhood. But the
treasure's not near the mailbox.

- Look. The drawings on the map

show real places in the
neighborhood, like the mailbox.

The X shows where
the treasure should be.

There's the X and there's
the mailbox way over here.

- Yeesh, don't you pirates know
how to read a treasure map?

- Aye, Cap'n knows
all about maps!

- Uh, actually, I don't. But
Buckler knows how to read a map!

- I thought Grey Beard
knew how to read the map.

- I thought you knew
how to read the map!

- Hey! What about me?

- (laughing): Oh, everyone
knows you can't read a map.

- 'Tis not me fault. I had the
sniffles the day they taught

map reading in me pirate school.
- (all together): Me too!

- So none of you know
how to read a map?

- Nope. Uh uh. Never.
- OK,

Cat and I can help you if you
promise to stop digging up

our neighborhood until we figure
out where the treasure is.

- Aye, can do that.
- So, check it out.

These tracks show us where
to go to get to the X.

- Hey, just like the blueprint
told us where the roof
should go.

- Exactly! The tracks
start at the mailbox.

- Mailbox, ahoy! I found it!

- Next the map says we
go one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven steps
to the fire hydrant.

- How come sometimes
the map thingy shows

two tracks and sometimes
it only shows one?

- That's the most ridiculous
question I ever heard.

- Actually, that's
a really good question.

I have no idea.

- That's what I said.
Good question, Buckler.

- Ooh, ooh! Maybe
when there's one

footprint, we should
hop on one foot!

- I guess we could give
that a try. Follow me!

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.

- Heave ho!
- Oh no!

This isn't where the X
is on the map. Look!

We're here. The
tracks tell us to

go around and
around the hydrant.

- Why would we go 'round
and 'round all dizzy like?

- Another good question.
I'm not sure,

but that's what the map says.
- And we follow the map!

- Aye, aye! Follow the map!
♪ To find a pirate treasure ♪

♪ Far away from shore
We'll run and run ♪

♪ and run around and then
we'll run some more ♪

- Then we go

one, two, three steps
across this bench.

One two three. Whoa!



- Here's the tree
and here's the X.

So the treasure should be
right under this tree.

- Start diggin', lads!

- The pirates' treasure
is underneath the tree

that holds our
brand new treehouse!

The pirates are gonna
dig up our beautiful tree

and our brand new treehouse!

(Cat's stomach grumbles)
- I am totally FREEE--

- Sorry, could you
hold that thought?

- I gotta have one little bite!


- Hold on, Peg!

(Cat tooting like a trombone,
whistle blowing sound)

- Cat's right. I should
count backwards

from five to calm down.

- Five, four,




You amazing jelly-donut-eating
genius, Cat!

The tracks on the map
are grape jelly!

- Parrot must've
stepped in the jelly

and walked across the map!

- Mmm! That X is jelly, all
right. Good jelly. Hey!

That's from Mac's
Do's and Donuts!

They make the best jelly donuts!
- Right ye are, Cat.

That's where we were today when
we found the treasure map.

- This isn't a
treasure map at all,

it's a drawing of a random
yard, not my yard.

The map is actually a placemat
from the donut shop,

covered with jelly
marks. Which means...

- Oh! Uh... We should
eat more donuts?

- It means there is no treasure!
- Awww!

- Which means... there's no
reason for the pirates

to dig up our treehouse
or the rest of the neighborhood!

- Yay! We totally
saved our treehouse!

- But I'm sorry you didn't find
any treasure today, pirates.


- Come aboard, landlubbers!
This treehouse

be the bestest treasure
I ever laid me eye on.

- Me too!
- Awk! It's all right.

- Come on, me hearties!
Let's get a-decoratin'!

- ♪♪ A daring band
of pirates, we ♪

♪ All love to sail
the seven seas ♪

♪ In search of
pirate treasure ♪

- ♪ In search of
pirate treasure ♪

- ♪ But nothing beats
the pleeeeasure ♪

- ♪ Of eating
jelly donut snacks ♪

♪ Arranging rows of
knicks and knacks ♪

♪ As we count by fives ♪

- ♪ As we count by fives ♪

♪ Weigh hey, look alive ♪

♪ As we count in rows of five ♪

(jaunty music)

♪ , , ,
little dancing moose ♪

♪ , , ,
cans of apple juice ♪

- ♪ I'm glad that you're
all full of glee ♪

♪ But there's a problem
still, you see ♪

♪ The holes you made,
like these ♪

- ♪ And these and
these and these ♪

- ♪ So could you
fill them please ♪

- Oh, I forgot about that.

- ♪ With this here map
our steps retrace ♪

♪ We'll put the dirt
back in its place ♪

- ♪ As we count
for fun by fives ♪

- ♪ Count for fun by fives ♪

♪ , , , ♪
- Look alive there, chap! Awk!

♪ , , ,
follow the map ♪

- ♪ We'll fill the holes
that we have dug ♪

- ♪ And sweep the mess
beneath this rug ♪

- ♪ As we sing a song of fives
- A song of fives ♪

♪ We solved the problem
Problem solved ♪

♪ As we sing a song of fives
- Five ten fifteen twenty ♪

- ♪ Ahoy ahoy ♪♪

- Whoa, I'm glad we got
out of that treehouse.

- Yeah, those pirates
can get pretty rowdy.

- You think they'll be OK with
all those secret buttons

and gadgets around?
- I'm sure they'll be fine.

- Whoooaaa!
- Stop this crazy thing!

- Agreed. They'll be fine.

(both sigh in relief)
- Whee!


- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ One two three
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six
- Hey, what do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

- The Crayon Problem.

- Can you believe we've never
read the title card together?

- Huh! What were we waiting for?

(upbeat music)

- ♪♪ It's a perfect day
for a picnic ♪

♪ Just two best friends
you and I ♪

♪ Not a pebble of gray ♪

♪ Stands in our way ♪

♪ And not one cloud in the sky ♪

- There's no sky in the sky!

There's no ground on the ground!
Just a girl and a cat

with an empty background!


- ♪ The problem would be big ♪

- Except I draw with my twig!
- Yes!

- With these crayons
we brought along

♪ We'll make our
own background ♪

♪ And sing a song ♪

- ♪ La dee da-dah dee
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ La dee da-dah dee
- Totally solved ♪

- ♪ A whole row of houses
Made of straight lines ♪

- ♪ A tree of rectangles
- And two square signs ♪

- Now our houses need addresses.
- Huh?

- An address is a number on a
house so people can find it.

They usually go up by twos.
So after eighty-two

comes eighty--
- Four.
- Eighty--

- Six.
- Eighty--
- Eight.

- How'd you know counting in the
eighties is like counting to ten

but with an eight in front?
- I just remembered!

- And after eighty-eight

- I just forgot!
- Ninety.

- ♪ Now let's make a park
with a curvy-swerve hill ♪

- Can the next hill be flat?
- ♪ It can and it will ♪

- ♪ The tree trunks are curvy
The tree tops are straight ♪

- ♪ It's all topsy-turvy
- And it's all great ♪

- ♪ La dee da-dah dee
Da dah-dee dah dah ♪

♪ La dee da-dah dee
Da dah-dee dah dah ♪

- I got an idea
for a round cloud!
- Use this gray crayon.

- Can't I draw with the twig
just this once?

- The twig is my thing, Cat.
Nobody else ever uses it.

- I'll just go like-- Ahh!
(fast-paced music)

- You broke my twig!
- Sorry.

- I told you not to
use it, and you did.

- I shouldn't have taken your
twig, but it's not my fault

the boulder rolled, so stop
being upset with me.

Like you never take things
without asking

and break them by
falling on your tail!

OK, fine, so maybe you don't,
Miss Perfect.

You're still upset with me?!

Even after I said I'm sorry?!
Oh, that does it!

I'm gonna take this gray crayon
and make my own background.

For the record, having
a great day alone

will not be a really
big problem.

- I agree.
- Fine.
- Fine.

- ♪ La dee da-dah dee
It's fine with just me ♪

♪ Peg goin' solo
No harmony ♪

♪ Straight lines for sliding
A curvy line bends ♪

♪ Clouds for companions
And trees for friends ♪

♪ La dee da-dah dee
Da dah-dee dah dah ♪

♪ La dee da-dah dee
Da dah-dee dah dah ♪

- ♪ Hey Peg wanna play on us? ♪

- Playing in trees
isn't my thing.

- ♪ Hey Peg don't you have a
friend who's really good ♪

♪ at getting stuck
on top of trees? ♪

- ♪ Trees with round
tops like mine ♪

- ♪ Trees with flat
tops like mine ♪

- ♪ He can get stuck
in any tree just fine ♪

♪ He knows how to show
a tree a good time ♪

- Sorry trees, your
song's too long!

♪ Lah dee da-dah dee
I keep movin' on ♪

♪ One two three straight lines
Four five pentagon ♪

The last house was ninety, so...

, , , --

- Step right up
to the Gray Circus.

You'll gasp. You'll cheer.

You'll shout: "That is gray!"

Like this elephant
with a line that's curvy

for its blobby body. And up
above, a line that's straight--

- Curvy. For the
elephant's round head.

- I didn't hear that,
because the Gray Circus

is made entirely by Cat.
And no one else!

This elephant happens to have
straight lines for his neck,

OK, so maybe
he's part giraffe.

- With straight legs
and a curvy trunk,

he's a gir-elephant. Ha ha!

- ♪ La dee da-dah dee
I'm making a sea ♪

♪ These sea shells are three
shells each one has a three ♪

♪ The sea weed is three weed
A three on its side ♪

♪ A pair of three horses
Let's all ride ♪


- ♪ Hey Peg do you
have a friend ♪

♪ to ride on me? ♪
- Uh, no...

- ♪ A friend with two arms
two legs and one tail? ♪

- A friend who broke my twig!
- ♪ Hey Peg ♪♪

- ♪♪ I'm goin' up
Cause this sea ♪

♪ is making me annoyed
- Going up ♪

- ♪ I'm goin' up where an island
waits to be enjoyed
- Going up ♪

- ♪ I'm goin' up to a mountain
that's a trapezoid
- Going up ♪

- ♪ I'm goin' up I'm goin' up
Up up up up ♪

- ♪ I'm goin' up even higher
on an asteroid
- Going up ♪

- ♪ I'm goin' up where an evil
cloud will be destroyed ♪
- Oy.

- ♪ I'm goin' up where I think a
pair of planets "oy!"-ed ♪
- We did.

- ♪ I'm going up I'm going up
Up up up up ♪♪

- Wonder what's up down there...

- At Cat's Gray Circus there are
so many round gray balloons.

- How many? Ten?
- Listen, Gir-elephant.

I'm really enjoying not having
to count everything,

without what's-her-name.
- I'm just curious.

- Two four six, uh...
- Eight.

- I don't need help, Balloon
with a Face! Thank you!

- As I was saying,
eight, uh... ten,

- Ahh! I'm tied up
in balloon string!

- He doesn't want help, right?
- That's what he said.

- I'm gonna go
nibble some treetops

for peanuts.
- Help!

- ♪♪ La dee da-dah dee
Da dah-dee dah dah ♪

- ♪ Hey Peg don't you have
a friend who loves ♪

♪ taking circles for a spin? ♪
- No.

- ♪ He loves circles 'cause
they're round ♪
- Ugh!

- ♪ He loves circles 'cause
they're round ♪

- Why are all my drawings
annoying me?!

Blow me away from here, wind!

- ♪ They make him
make a happy ♪♪
- Whoa!

- I'm stuck on a cliff!

I lost the crayons!


- Cat! Help me down?

- If you hold onto me, maybe
we'll both float down.

- Don't let the balloons bump
the corner of the trapezoid,

or they'll--
- Pop?

(chaotic music)


- Are you OK, Cat?
- I'm OK if you're OK.

- I'm not OK without you. You're
part of everything I do,

everything I think.
I missed you like crazy.

- Aw, Peg. I'm so sorry
I broke your twig.

- I totally forgive you.
It was an accident.

- Everything I do is an
accident. Every time

I take a step-- Ugh!

- You found our crayons,
you genius!

Now we can make
anything we want.

- We can't make you
another twig.

- Maybe we can. It's a straight
line with leaves, right?

Or a curvy line. Or not.

- Ow. My tail just
remembered something!

When it landed on
your twig, it felt

something sticking up that hurt.

- Yes! Because the twig
has a bendy part sticking

out, you genius Cat!
- Well, genius tail.

- It's two straight lines
joined by a bend like this.

- Peg has her twig
back! Oh yeah!

I didn't ruin her life
forever! That's right!

- So, what do you
want to draw with it?

- Well, how about if
I very carefully

make a one two three four
straight line house.

- Best house ever! And
since the last was ,

and we're counting by twos,
this would be...

not but...

- !

- You always forget
what comes after !

- I forgot to forget! WOO HOO!

- So what new places
should we draw?

We can go anyplace.

- Let's just go
where we go every day.

We have such a good life.

- I love our life.
So let's make...

- ♪♪ A farm with a well ♪

♪ Some corn and a bell ♪

♪ A barn from which
chickens descend ♪

♪ Three wheelie things ♪

♪ One pig that sings
- LA LA ♪

- ♪ Making a world
with my friend ♪

- ♪ A table that's round ♪

♪ Shapes to be found ♪

♪ Knights in a land of pretend ♪

♪ A sparkling sphere ♪

♪ A mermaid to cheer ♪
- Whee!

♪ Making a world
with my friend ♪

- ♪ An island with pirates ♪

♪ A mountain of snow ♪

- ♪ A fair where I first
saw your face long ago ♪

- ♪ A balcony Romeo climbs
to his lady ♪

- ♪ A super contraption
built by a baby ♪

(raspberry noise)

- ♪ A town where bad guys ♪

♪ Swoop through the skies ♪

- ♪ And two superheroes defend ♪

- ♪ A pizza pie place ♪

- A crazy car race!

♪ Making a world
- Making a world ♪

- ♪ With my friend ♪

- ♪ A beach in Bermuda ♪

♪ A train with five cars ♪

- ♪ A game show where singing
can win you ten stars ♪

- ♪ A mall full of stores ♪

- ♪ A camp full of kids ♪

- ♪ A stage full of dancers ♪

- Huge pyramids!

- ♪ Hotel in a mess ♪

- ♪ Bell hops in stress ♪

- ♪ A forest where Robin Hood
gives more and less ♪

- ♪ A bean stalk for giants ♪

- ♪ Peanuts for science ♪

- ♪ Factory
- Symphony ♪

- ♪ Spacey appliance ♪

- ♪ Rockin' bus ♪
- Built for bands!

- ♪ Rocket ship ♪
- Safely lands!

- A planet where everyone
speaks with their hands

- ♪ Peace sign ♪
- Odd Sea foam!

- ♪ Bee line ♪
- President's home!

- ♪ Shiny dome ♪
- Dinos roam!

- ♪ Super hi-tech microphone
- La dee da-dah dee ♪

♪ Da-dah dee da-dah ♪

♪ La dee da-dah dee ♪

♪ Da-dah dee daaaaa ♪

- ♪ That neighborhood I see ♪

- ♪ That house there
with a three ♪

- ♪ Looks so fine to me ♪

- ♪ As does this ♪

♪ Tree where we chat ♪

- ♪ A girl and her cat ♪

- ♪ Loving the time
that we spend ♪

- ♪ When you draw
what you feel ♪

♪ It all becomes real ♪

- ♪ And never ends ♪

- ♪'Cause it was made by ♪

♪ friends ♪♪

- So by using straight
and curvy lines

we made our own background.

- Math can color my world.

- ♪ Problem solved
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem
Problem solved ♪

- So sweet, just the two
of them sitting there singing.

- Without any zany
physical comedy.
- I know.

- Don't let the balloons
touch the tree, or--

(popping sounds)

(all laughing, sigh in relief)

- Live from the tree, it's--

- Amazing People!

- Today on Amazing People,
the amazing Pig

has come to help us
write a theme song.

(to the tune of Nessun Dorma)
- ♪♪ Amazing People ♪

♪ is the show ♪
- It's our new theme song yo!

- ♪ Where friends
of Peg and Cat ♪

♪ come say hello ♪

- ♪ Amazing people ♪

- ♪ Even if you're
fast asleep you'll ♪

♪ Awake to see ♪

♪ The only show ♪

♪ for me ♪
- Here he goes!

- ♪ Amazing Peeeee ♪
- Takin' it up a notch!

- ♪ Amazing Peeeee ♪

(birds twittering)
- Whoa!

- ♪ Eeeeeople ♪
- I love it!

- But nobody can sing it
but the Pig!

So we've still got
no theme song, on--

- ♪ Amazing People ♪♪
