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03x08 - Martha Doesn't Speak Monkey!/Martha and Truman Get Lost

Posted: 10/10/22 09:07
by bunniefuu
* Martha was an average dog

* She went... and... and...
(barking, growls)

* When she ate
some alphabet soup *

* Then what happened
was bizarre... *

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain
and now...

* She's got a lot to say

* Now she speaks...

How now, brown cow?

* Martha speaks, yeah,
she speaks and speaks *

* And speaks and speaks
and speaks... *

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

* Martha speaks...

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

* She's not always right,
but still that Martha speaks. *

Hi, there!

* She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout *

* Martha will tell you
what it's all about *

* Sometimes wrong
but seldom in doubt *

* Martha will tell you
what it's all about *

* That dog's unique...

Testing, one, two!

* Hear her speak

* Martha speaks and speaks

* And speaks and speaks
and... *

* Communicates, enumerates

* Elucidates, exaggerates

* Indicates and explicates

* Bloviates and overstates
and... *


* ...hyperventilates!

* Martha, to reiterate

Martha speaks!
* Martha speaks.

(tires screeching)

Follow that car! Quick!


Why can't you follow

Oh, hello.

Today's show is
about finding things.

You'll hear exciting
words like "under,"

"on top" and "around."

Ha-hah! My turn!

Ahh... unfortunately,
I've misplaced my change.

Watch this, while I
search for my wallet.


You guys passed in front
of me without saying hi.

Where are you rushing to?

The butcher shop.

Come with us.
It'll be fun.

Follow me!

(clears throat)
Truman, "follow me"

means stay right behind me.

The bookstore's
in that direction.

I think books smell
better than meat.


Skits, where are you going?



All right, lead the way.

I guess we can find out

if books really smell
better than meat.


Truman! Martha!

Do you want to see the
most amazing thing ever?

What's so amazing

about putting books
on top of each other?

No! Look at the sign
right in front of you.

That's Professor
Monkey and Beppo.

They're coming here.

Well, not here,
but in there.

Professor Monkey?

What a strange name
for a professor.

Why? He's a monkey.

So that woman
is named Beppo?

Of course. They write
Professor Monkey's

Monkey Do So You Can Too
craft books--

the books with instructions
that tell you how to do

all sorts of fun things.

I love reading instructions.

Let's go inside.

I'm so excited! I'm going
to meet Professor Monkey!

Skits, you
want to go inside?

You might get
to sniff a monkey.


Ah. You guys go inside.

We're going to stay outside
and smell these books.


The seat next to this
is better.

I can't believe
we're the only two
people here to see them.

No, we're the only early birds.

The show doesn't
start until : .

What? That's two hours from now.


Mmm... woody, with just
a hint of photo paper.

That's where we'll be doing
our show later, Professor.

(chittering anxiously)

There's no crowd here yet,
but we don't start until : .

Don't worry.


Excuse me,
I understand
most animals,

but I can't
understand him.

Is he a
foreign monkey?

He understands
every language,

but he's never learned to
speak anything except monkey.

This dog talks, but you,
a genius, can't take time

to learn another language?

Eh! (blows raspberry)

If you want to learn
all about Professor Monkey,

come see us at : .

Bring your people!


Okay, if you're worried,
we'll go over it one more time.

After your lute solo,

I'll show them
how to make a paper plane

following our book's
instructions, like this.

They'll all buy books when
they see how the instructions

help me make a perfect plane.


Hmm, maybe you
should make the plane.

I'll do the hockey stick


These are directions.

They tell you how to get
where you need to go.

You use these to find
the bookstore later.


I have to get my banana costume
from the dry cleaners

while you take a bath.

I'll meet you
at the bookstore.

I know. : .

I'll be there.

Take a bath.

You know it
relaxes you.



That seat in front
of the stage looks better!

Follow me!

We changed seats
nine times.

This one's the best.



(cheerful humming)

(chittering happily)


(horrified chattering)






(dog barking, monkey shrieking)


I don't care what
anybody says.

Books will never
replace meat.

(monkey chattering)


Hey, aren't you
that professor

who writes
instruction books?

(chattering anxiously)


Uh, I don't
understand him, either.

He understands us,
but he only speaks monkey.


Uh, don't go there.

Bob's usually
under that porch.

We're not going
follow you!






Something you want
is under there?

Did Bob take your soap
under the porch

while you were in the shower?



Excuse me, bird, do you
understand monkey?


Hmm, he doesn't,
but he's seen a giraffe

talk to a monkey
at the zoo.

That doesn't help us...

unless we bring the giraffe here
to talk to the professor.

Lead the way, bird.

I'll follow you.


We'll be back, Professor.

We want monkey! We want monkey!
We want...


Hi, how's the weather
up there?


Do you speak monkey?



Hmm, she doesn't
understand me,

but she understood you.

Ask her if she'd help me
understand a monkey.



That's great.

Oh, but how do we get her out?

Let's dig under the fence.


Whoa, she
can get out?


All the animals know
how to get out,

but as long as they're
happy, they stay inside.


I hope the lions are happy, too.

Dad, dad, look.

Yes, that's
very nice, son.

That banana in front
of the bookstore

looks awfully familiar.

It's time to start.

No sign of
Professor Monkey?

No, can we wait a little longer?

I gave him good directions.






We're back,

Professor Monkey.



Okay, I'll talk
to the professor,

he'll talk
to the giraffe,

and the giraffe talks
to the bird,

and the bird talks
to me, okay?




They say, "Okay."

So, Professor,
what's wrong?




He needs to retrieve
his paper plane.


"Retrieve" means
to get something.


I don't know. I'll ask.

Where do you need
to retrieve it from?




He needs to retrieve it
from under the porch,

but he can't get
around the nasty dog.


Good question.

Can't you just make
another paper plane?

(shrieks, blows raspberry)



Hmm. No.

He would have thought of that.

He's a genius.



Professor Monkey
wants to go

around you to the
porch behind you,

and retrieve his plane
from under the porch.


He says no,
no, no, no, no.


I have an idea! Huddle!

(all communicating quietly)

bleating, tweeting)

Okay! That's the plan!

Skits, run!
Follow me! Bob!

We're going
to step on your lawn,

and you can't

stop us!



We did it, Skits!

Look behind Bob!

(Bob barks)
Me and my big mouth.



(Bob barks)

We did it!

Great teamwork!


(rips, chomps)



The plane's not
behind Bob anymore,

it's inside him.

What was so special
about that plane anyway?




It had directions
to the bookstore on it,

and now you'll miss your show?

(whimpers sadly)

You don't need

I can lead you there.


I'll lead you.

I'll show you how to get there.

Follow me.

So I have to cancel this show

and try to find
Professor Monkey.

(crowd groans)
Say it ain't so, Beppo!

Say it ain't so!

I'm so worried.

Maybe he lost
the directions.

(entrance bell chimes)

(chitters "ta-da," crowd cheers)

Professor Monkey!
You made it!

(cheering and applause)

What an entrance!

What a show!

What a monkey!

(elephant trumpets)

How could a whole
giraffe be missing?


Is that the missing giraffe,

behind this closed gate?


Don't worry, animals can't

get out of the zoo when
they want to

anymore than dogs can talk.


You lead the way, Skits.

I'll follow behind you.

Mom, I can't find it anywhere!

Did you look on the hook
behind the door?

Yes. It's not there!

Did you look on top
of your dresser?

Yes. It's not there!

Did you look under
all that stuff

on top of your dresser?

Yes. It's not there either!

Did you look
in the mirror?

What do you mean?

Look in the mirror!

My hat! I found it!

It's on top of my head!

Let's go!

Hmm, where's the door?

Never mind! I found it!

I'm coming!

(TV plays)


(door closes)

Where is everybody?

Garden tour.

What're you watching?

Canine Careers.

It's a show about different
dog breeds and their jobs.

Now, shh!

(dog howls on TV)

What's this week's dog?


HOST (on TV):
Today, we're following
our friend,

the bloodhound.

What he said.

This mournful-looking fellow

with a fantastic nose.

In fact, the bloodhound's
sense of smell

makes him very good at tracking.

You mean he leaves

muddy footprints
on the kitchen floor?

And when I say "tracking,"
I don't mean

he leaves muddy footprints
on the kitchen floor.

When this dog tracks,

a certain smell.lows


Tracking is a gift

that comes in handy when you've
misplaced something important.


And you can
take that to the bank.

I sure wish I had a bloodhound.

Why? Are you
missing something?

Uh-huh. I lost it
at Dog Head Lake.

And if I don't find it soon,
there could be trouble.

I could help you
locate it.

You're not a bloodhound,
are you?

Mmm, who knows?
I'm a mutt.

There's all kinds of dogs
mixed up inside me.

a bloodhound.

No, really.
I'm a great sniffer.

I once found
a three-month-old Easter egg

everyone had given up on.

Wow! Do you think
you and your nose

could help me search
for my thing?

Mm-hmm, sure.
Why not?

Maybe it'll be the start
of a new career.


I've located your missing puppy.

Located? You mean
you've found her?!

That's exactly what I mean.

She's behind that tree.



My hero!

(shutters clicking)

So, what did you misplace?

Uh, I can't tell you.
It's a secret.

How am I supposed to locate it
if I don't know what it is?

Easy. It smells like me.


Hold still, will you?

Got it!

Let's get cracking
while the trail is fresh.

"Trail"? You mean a road?

No, I mean,
the other kind of trail.

Like a smell something
leave behind.

Like when your mom puts
on perfume before going out.


It leaves a trail
you smell,

even after she's gone.

Okay, it should be around here.


I'll locate your
whatsits in no time.

(Martha sniffs, Truman laughs)

You found a
trail already?

Wow! Talk about
a fast tracker.

Shh, you're snuffing
my sniffing.

(resumes sniffing)

Not far off now.

Maybe behind this bush.

Aha! Gotcha!

You found my missing thing?


But I found half a moldy
bologna sandwich.



You know, I could locate
your thingamajig faster

if you'd tell me
what it was.

I can't. I mean...

I know you think of me
as a rugged

tough guy.
I do?

I mean, I do.

If I told you what I lost,

you might think
about me differently.

Ah, oh.

What if I guess?

Could you tell me then?


Is it a library book?

A shoe?

Unh-uh. It's something
that makes me feel safer.

Uh... a calculator.


A teddy bear?

I'm not a baby.

I got nothing. What is it?

I can't tell.

But it's somewhere near here.

(resumes sniffing)

(flies buzzing)






I'm sorry, nothing around
here smells Truman-y.


Except you.


Are you sure this is
where you lost your whosits?

No. It was over there.

(buzzing, fluttering)

Then why are we
looking over here?!

'Cause there are bugs
over there,

and bugs are the whole reason
I need my...

...thing I can't
tell you about.

It protects me

from bugs.

I know it's

I know bugs can't hurt me.

They're tiny, and I'm big.

But they're itchy,
and they're crawly,

and they're very unpredictable.

I'm just not comfortable
around nature.

Books are more my speed.

A book is very predictable.

A book just sits there.

Books never
buzz at you

or crawl on you or...

What? What is it?

Mmm, nothing.

Is it a bug?

There's a bug on me,
isn't there?!

Well, uh...


Stop, Truman!


There's a bug on me!

There's a bug on me!



(yelling, panting)



thank goodness!



I'm sorry I freaked out.

I couldn't help it.

Maybe we should give up--
we've searched everywhere.

Searched? We haven't searched.

"Search" means to look
for something very carefully.

All we've done is
run in circles and-and scream.

That's good enough for me.

So you want to give up?
Just head home?

Great idea.


where is home?

Oh, no! We're lost!

We're lost, and we're
surrounded by bugs!

I got to lay down.

Truman, we're not lost.


What am I doing?

The ground is probably
crawling with bugs!

There are probably more
bugs around me right now

than have ever been
around me in my life.

Take it easy, Truman.

We're not lost.

I know the direction home.

It's not that far.

If only I had my... you know.

Actually, I don't,
but I wish I did.

It's the only thing
that can calm me down

at a time like this.

Hey, Wait.
You're right.

We're not lost.

This is the spot.

This is where
I misplaced

my thing.

What? What did you lose?

Uh, you'll
think it's dumb.

You'll say
it's silly.

I will not, I promise.

I'd cross my heart,
but paws don't do that.

(inhales loudly)


It's... a rock.

A rock?!

You were going to
say that's silly.

No, no, no.
It's okay.

Even I think it's silly,
but this was my lucky rock.

Somehow, with it,
I wasn't afraid of anything.


Mean dogs.

Not even bugs.

(insect chirping)

Don't you worry, Truman.

I'm going to find your rock.

Ooh, boy.

This may be harder
than I thought.

Is it this one?


This one?

This one?

This one?

Wait. Let me see!



Let's face it.

We're never going
to find your rock.

Now that I think about it,

I think I dropped it
someplace else.


We should follow
our trail back home.

It's getting dark.


I guess I have to face facts.

My lucky rock is lost
for good.

I'm sorry I wasn't
able to track it down.

(rustling in the bushes)


Of course!

Why didn't I think of it before?

Big Minnie!

She'll know where
your missing rock is.

Big Minnie?

Who's Big Minnie?

A monster, sort
of like Bigfoot.

She's lives near here.

Come on. Let's see
if she's seen your rock.

Martha, that's not nice!

I'm scared
enough with bugs.

You don't have to
make up monsters.

Oh, I'm not
making it up.

She's not far off.

No way!

(rustling in the bushes)


I wish I had my rock.
I wish I had my rock.

I wish, I wish, I wish!


My rock!

Just in time!


(rustling in the bushes)


I need my rock.


Okay, you can do it.

Show that bug who's boss.

Get off! Now!

(rustling in the bushes)


(wings flapping)

(sighs happily)

(rustling in the bushes)

It's okay. I have my rock.

My rock will protect me.

Oh, hi!

Martha, you
really scared me.

Look what I have.


I said, "Look what I've got."

My rock!

I forgot I wrote my name on it!

Then what's this?

You know what?

I scared a bug off this rock
all by myself,

so I don't need this one at all.

I learned a valuable
lesson today.

You learned that you
didn't need your lucky
rock after all?


That you're not afraid of bugs?

No. I'm terrified of bugs.

But that lucky rock didn't help
at all.

I'll probably always
be afraid of bugs.

I think that's
just how I am.


How'd you find
my rock anyway?

Big Minnie gave it to me.

She saw you
leave it behind.

Cut it out, Martha.

Quit trying to scare me!

I'm not kidding.
She was here.

* La, la, la, la, la
I am not listening to you.

Why doesn't.. *a,
anyone ever believe me?!

(door squeaks open)

Well, I'm all ready
for the big game.

I just need
one more thing.

What? What did you
misplace now?

My baseball.

But I haven't misplaced it.

"Misplace" means
you've lost something.

I know exactly where my ball is.

I just have to get it.

Give me the
ball, Skits.


(quiet bark)

Hey, you've got
your ball.

Yeah, but
I've misplaced my dignity.

Oh, hi. Welcome back.

Did you catch all
of today's words?

Why don't you search
through them again?

(clears throat)

Truman, "Follow me" means,
stay right behind me.

These are directions.

They tell you
how to get where you need to go.

I'll lead you.

I'll show you how to get there.
Follow me!

I've located your missing puppy!

Located? You mean
you've found her?

That's exactly
what I mean.

She's behind that tree.

Bye! See you next time!

To dig up some more fun words
and g

* Who's that dog? *

* Who's
that dog? *

* Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. *

That dog is Cameo.

Come on, Cam!

My name is Mark.

Cameo is an agility dog.

An agility course is made
for training.

Cameo is good at agility

because she is very, very, very,
very intelligent.

She is very, very, very, very,
very, very wonderful.

* She's that dog... *
* Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. *