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02x05 - Old Wounds

Posted: 10/10/22 10:06
by bunniefuu
Like the man says,
give till it hurts.


And another loser bites the dust.

Hey! That's two!

Here, kid. I think you lost this.

I could have handled him.

Could have, would have, didn't.

You sound just like Batman.

I'm nothing like him.

Yeah, right. The mask,
the attitude, the long underwear.

Drop it.

I'd love to know what happened
between you two.

Things change.

No kidding.

You guys used to be the greatest.
Batman and Robin, the Dynamic Duo!

Maybe you should ask him.

I did, and you'll never guess
what he said.

"Things change."

It was
building for a long time.

I realize that now.

It was never really right.

I mean, this isn't exactly
a normal childhood.

But I guess things really started to
sour when I graduated from college.

Jeff Adams.

Ellen Barton.

Steven Davis.

William Deever.

Sharon Fox.

Joseph Gibson.

- You must be so proud of d*ck.
- He's like a second son, you know.

Richard Grayson, with highest honors.

He'll be crushed that Bruce
missed this. Where could he be?

Perhaps he had car trouble.

Someone's going to get hurt.

No kidding.

Let's talk.

So, Mr. Grayson, tell me,

now that you're out of school,
what will you do?

Become another one of the idle rich?

Don't think so.
I'm ready to be my own man.

No more sponging off Bruce.

Oh, a vow of poverty?

No, I've got a trust fund
from the circus.

It's an insurance settlement
from when my folks died.

But whatever my future holds,
I hope it includes you.

Uh... Excuse me. I have to take this.

I've got a lead on a heist tonight
at Goth Space. Meet me there.

This isn't a great time.

- I'm not making the schedule.


So where were we?

Sorry, Ijust remembered

I promised the guys at the dorm
I'd help them clean out the fridge.

Catch you later.

Clean out the fridge?

It's the easiest
hundred you'll ever make.

AII you've got to do
is give us the high sign

if you see anyone coming.

And what will you guys be doing?

Ah-ah! If you stick your nose in,
it might get cut off.

You can keep a secret, right, Connor?

- Eh.Uh-huh.
- Good.

- You're late.
- Excuse me for having a life.


I have spinach in my teeth.

Okay, let's start
with that radar disrupter.

And then-

Nice entrance.
Either you've never heard of a door

or you just like pulling glass
out of your shorts.


You blew it, Joker.

Au contraire, Bird Boy,
I'm just getting fired up.


That was easier than usual.


Time to fly.

Never mind. Get him!

Hey! What about me?

Ooh. I surrender, spaceman.

Connor, what's wrong?

Out the fire escape, quick!

I'II save you, Daddy.

Stay back.

- Where's the Joker?
- I don't know.


Remember now?

Batman, not like this.
Not in front of his family.

The sooner he talks,
the sooner we leave.

I'm out of here now.

Just a minute.

d*ck? What's wrong?

I didn't know where else to go.

I've had it. I can't do this anymore.

- Do what?
- I've got to get away. Away from him.

I don't understand.

How could you? How could anybody?

Well, sit down and tell me about it.

I... I can't.

You can tell me.

It's not that. It's just...
Oh, forget it.

I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry.

Got to work this out on my own.
I'll call you later.

He was so upset
he couldn't even talk about it.

It wasn't the first time
I've seen him like that.

What is it between you two?
What's going on?

You really care for him, don't you?

Follow me.

Oh, my God.

Master Bruce, I-

Ms. Gordon, I see you've
discovered our little secret.

Yes, I admit it. I am Batman.

- It's all right, Alfred.
- Very good, sir.

Why would you trust me with this?

For d*ck's sake. Besides,
I'm not the only one

with a secret, am I, Batgirl?

- How did you-
- I make it my business to know.

Excuse me, sir, this comes
at a most inopportune moment,

but might I suggest
you tune into the local news?

Friends, do you suffer
rom that queasy,

airsick feeling?

Well, you should because of my
handy-dandy radar disrupter.

It's guaranteed to scramble all radar
signals in the greater Gotham area.

That's right, friends,
thanks to this smashing new invention,

no military or commercial planes
can safely fly over Gotham.

So if you want to avoid
unhappy landings,

just send $40 million
to me, the Joker.

That's $40 million.
Operators are standing by.

And remember, don't send it airmail.

Alfred, contact Robin.

I've already tried, sir.
I'm afraid he's not answering.

Keep trying. The Joker will
have his g*ons well-placed.

I'm gonna need backup.

You've already got it.

Joker may want the $40 million,

but he'll throw the switch
in a heartbeat

if he thinks there's a good,
sick laugh in it.

To get maximum air coverage,

he has to set the disrupter
at the highest point in Gotham.

Ready to fly, Captain.


Alfred, I saw Barbara's car
parked out front. Where is she?

She and Master Bruce
are running an errand.

What kind of errand?

The stairways are sealed off,

and there's gas bombs
in the elevator shafts.

No way anyone's getting
to us up here.

Is that so?

Bats in our belfry again.


Something new has been added,

a big improvement
over the Boy Blunder.

Don't fill up, kids.
Leave room for dessert.


My, she's a feisty little minx!
And quite a locker, too.


Wait. We've got to talk.

Not now. He needs us.


Do I hit your kids?

Oh. Actually, I do.

k*ll him!

What? You should
be sidewalk stroganoff.

I changed the menu.

Honestly, must I do everything myself?


Houston, we have a problem.

Batgirl! I still can't believe it.

How could you keep something
like this from me?

You weren't exactly honest
with me, either.

- But you told him.
- He knew.

It wasn't my place to tell you.

But it was your place
to put her in danger.

It wasn't like that. I volunteered.

You think you did.

You don't know him like I do.
He manipulates, pulls strings.

Anything to get what he wants.

I thought we had the same goals.

Things change. I changed.

The game's over, Batman. I quit.

Robin, wait.

I never put on that costume again.

And you still haven't forgiven him?

Why should I? He'll never change.

Must be one
of the wallets they stole.

Whose is it?

I don't believe it.

I think
this is yours, Connor.

Oh, thanks, but you almost
gave me a heart attack.

- I thought you were the Batman.
- No.

I ran up against him once.
It was a real eye-opener.

Forced me to get my life together.
Now I've got this great job.

Even Mr. Wayne knows me. Terrific guy.

Never too busy to stop
and ask how my boy's doing.

Mr. Wayne is a good man.

Guess Batman had a change of heart.
Who'd have thought he had one?

Speak of the devil.

You coming?

I guess it's about time.