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02x09 - On Her Dookess' Secret Service

Posted: 10/11/22 08:33
by bunniefuu
[orchestral pop theme song playing]

♪ A secret story
Somewhere in time ♪

♪ An unsolved mystery
Playing in your mind ♪

♪ A time for action
A fire we must light ♪

♪ A new beginning
A tale we must write ♪

♪ So come with me
It's now or never ♪

♪ So come with me
Let's do this together ♪

♪ Come with me
On this adventure ♪

♪ Come with me
Let this last forever ♪

♪ So come with me ♪

[narrator] To save his best friends,
Sam left Pam behind.


[narrator] Now, she's here,
hoping her son changes his mind.

-[knocking on door]
-[bottles clink]



Master Pam, I've just received word from
the main office about a new mission.

Are you sure
you're ready to go back to work?

Snalfred, I don't care if I'm hauling
Walvark poo in the desert,

as long as I'm on a job.


This is who they want?

Snalfred, are you sure?

Yes, Master Pam.

I must remind you,

once you accept a mission,
there is no going back.

[tense spy music playing]

Tell them I accept.

[music continues]

Bring the jet around.

Ah. Master Pam, about the jet…

[thunder cracking]

Don't worry, Guy and E.B.

I'm gonna get that Moo-Lacka-Moo.

[Michellee] Guy. Guy?


Great news! I saw E.B.


And I think we're gonna be okay.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Where is she?

Breaking her new boyfriend out of jail.


But that's not the problem.

The world's coming to an end.

[chuckles nervously]


This is crazy!

This whole thing is crazy!

I know that. But I need your help.

So once we get in the lab--

I know. I'll distract the Guy Watcher
while you dismantle the b*mb.

-[Dookess] A-ha!
-[both yelp]

There you are.

-Here I am.
-Hey. No time for smiling.

We've received intelligence
that those dirty Yooks

will have their w*apon
fully operational in one hour.

If you can't get your w*apon
up and running before then,

Zookia as we know it will be destroyed.

[both gulp]

Until then…


…follow me, Mrs. Am-I.

Oh. Oh my.

[Dookess] We have a lovely executive
waiting room where you can relax…

-…while our fate rests

solely on your husband's shoulders.

No! I… I need her.

I can't do it without her.

She's my secret w*apon.


But of course.

In this moment, all types
of weapons are highly encouraged.


[chanting] Zook, Zook, Zook,
Zook, Zook, Zook, Zook…

Zook, Zook, Zook, Zook…

They must not know you escaped.

Otherwise there would be more of them,
don't you think, Looka?




[melancholy music playing]

Whatcha doing? Hmm?

It's not evil.

It's just toast.

Yeah. Pretty crazy.

But I just sprung you from jail
inside the high-security headquarters

of a nation that is building
a w*apon to destroy your homeland,

so I'm gonna need
a little more focus out of you.

Right, yes. Focus, sorry.

-[tense music playing]
-[both panting]

Whoa. Is that your Aquatic Center?

-Also not evil.

-Let's go.

We gotta sneak you back to Yookia
so you can convince your dad

not to launch the Moo-Lacka-Moo.

Piece of cake. Ha.

Don't worry, I'm his son.
He's got to listen to me.

-[guard screams]

[all screaming]

What are you doing here?

-[chuckles] Uh…

I… I was just--

Uh, um, out for a walk with my, uh…

-Platonic friend!


Well, which is it?

Are you guys platonic

or… something more?


Well, it's complicated.
There's a lot of shades--

Uh, we haven't really had that talk yet.

Well, which is it?

More! Definitely more!

Yup, he is my

boyfriend, and I am also his girlfriend.

[chuckles nervously]

Oh, is that so?

All right, Romeo,
if this is your girlfriend,

you should have no trouble saying
what it is you love most about her.


Yeah, that is a thing that
I would like to say out loud,

in front of her.

Um… [gulps]

Okay, I love, um…

-[guard] Look her in the eyes!

So she knows you mean it.


I… I… [laughs] I love that she doesn't

let anyone tell her how the world works.

She goes and
she figures it out for herself.

I love that.

Oh, okay, not bad.

But what about you? Hmm?

In a relationship, it's important for
both partners to verbalize their feelings.

Communication is the key
to a healthy romance.

Hmm? Hmm?

I love, uh…

I love that he is kind,

and always up for an adventure… [titters]

…and he tries to do the right thing,
even when it's difficult.

[sighs] And his soulful eyes.

[guard sobbing]

That was beautiful.

[sniffles] Ah.

I had a love like that once,

but I was too afraid
to tell her how I felt.

[sobbing] Oh Doreen!

[opera music swells]


[sobs] Doreen.


So, should we climb this tree?

Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

[tense spy music playing]

[Pam grunts]

[night vision goggles power up]

[Pam] Hi-yah!

[narrator] Sam and Pam are
on course for a head-on collision.

It's go time, Pammy.

[narrator] I can't stand to witness
this family division!

[goggles power up]

[exclaims] It's go time, Sammy.

Huh? [grunts]

Yah! Whoa! [yelling]


[whispers] Chamomile tea.

[both slurp]

[both yawn]

[narrator] But now that they're separate,
what will they do?


-[narrator] Breaking into HQ…
-Give me five.

…is a job built for two.



-[guard moaning]

Ah… Higher. Higher.

I carry my tension in my…



[guard] Oh yeah, that's it.

[Pam] Namaste.

[Sam] Namaste.


Mama Bear, Mama Bear, turn around.

Baby Bear, Baby Bear, touch the ground.

Mama Bear and Baby Bear rising in fame--

[Pam] Other spy duos feeling the shame.


Fire me, Mama!


Oh yeah! Cat's cradle!


Whoa! Oof. [groans]

What was that?


Wait a minute.


What the…

[Sam brays]


-Looky here. Yepper-ee-do.
-[Sam] Donk-donk. Donka-donk.

Checks out.

[Sam brays]

[narrator] Pam did it without Sam,
and Sam without Pam.

[Sam sighs] We did it.

[narrator] But it just doesn't feel right
without the whole fam.

So you remember the plan?

While you dismantle the b*mb,
I'll distract--

-[both yelp]

Oh. My, my. You again.

What are you doing here?

And what's all this artsy-fartsy hoo-ha?

Well, this is an incredibly
momentous occasion,

so the Dookess has commissioned me

to paint it for posterity.

Hey. I'll be watching you.

[softly] That's exactly
what I'm counting on.

-What was that?
-No… Nothing.

Just act natural so I can
capture you exactly as you are.

[magical music playing]

You want to watch me?

I really do.

I mean, haven't you ever wondered
what it's like not just to be watched

but to be seen?

[whimpers] Oh…

Where should I sit?

Do I go there or there?

Here is just fine.

Paint away.

Oh, I will.

I can't believe this is actually working.

Just go unmake your invention.

[guards chanting] Yook, Yook,
Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook…

-Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook…

Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook…

You ready?

I'm ready. Let's do this.


Uh, ah…

[both chuckle]

Oh! Oh, right.

Yeah. [chuckles] Ha-ha.

I guess we should talk about, like, um…

-What are we?

I know we were faking it back there,
but it also felt kind of real.

And that old guy kept saying
the word "relationship,"

but are we ready for the leap
to boyfriend-girlfriend?

Not… Not that I don't want to. I do.

I just… I just don't take
the boyfriend-girlfriend thing lightly.

Or… Or do we just keep it casual?

You know, hold hands but
don't catch feelings kind of thing?

-I don't know, I mean--

I promise I like you.

But can we save the relationship talk
until after we save the world?

Yeah. Ha. That works too.



Ah. Bah!



Ooh. Ah. [splutters]


Hey, what's going on over there?

Nothing. Nothing!

[indistinct muffled noises]


No turning. Stay still.


[sighs, coughs]

How much longer is this gonna take?

Oh, not much longer. Don't you worry.

You just keep posing
exactly where you are.

Whoa! [grunts]




Huh? What?

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh!

I've never painted
a subject quite like you.

Your nose is truly striking.

Like beautiful twin, um…

smokestacks. [laughs nervously]


Can I take a peek?

Oh no. Oh no, no, no, good sir.

Oh, that is far too quick.

Please, my muse, stay right where you are.

Aw. Come on, just a quick look-see,

Wait! It's only half-finished!



I'm hideous!


Oh no, sweetie, no, no, no.

I am. I knew it.

This is why I don't like to be watched.

My ex was right,
we are in different leagues.


-[clattering, snapping]


-That's it. Time for you to go.

-No! I need her!

Oh, come on. You didn't need her
when she was painting

insulting portraits of people
with body-image issues.

-She's out!

-Ah! No!

Oh… Huh?

[moans loudly]

-Yeesh, lady, you'll see him later.

No! It's the baby! It's coming!

Oh krups!

Oh krups!

[Michellee groaning]

Ah! Ugh!

Labor pains!

-I. Am. In. Labor!
-Ah. Oh. Eeh. Ah!


-I'm having a baby!
-[neck cracks] Oh…

Oh, help me! I'm having a baby!


[narrator chuckles]
The perfect distraction.

-[gasps] Michellee's quite the faker.
-[Michellee moaning]

[Dooka grumbling]

[narrator] While back in Yookia,
Looka plays peacemaker.

[Dooka] Thank goodness you're okay.

-[both gasp]

[both] Aw.

But are you really sure
the Zooks can be trusted?


[both gasp]

I'm positive.

Their head inventor promised me he'd never
allow the Zook mega-w*apon to launch.

See for yourself.

[Dooka] Hmm…

Well, and why should I believe
the word of a Zook collaborator

who helped the enemy capture my son?

Because he's also the one who got me out.

He sent me back here
as a sign of good faith.

Please, Your Dooka-ness.

You have to know my own stepfather
would never have sent me to Yookia

if he was planning to destroy it.

A father could never fire
a rocket at his own child.



I do believe you're right, young lady.


So you're not gonna fire on Zookia?

Just the opposite.


Now that my son is back safe with me…

[chair clicking]

I'm finally free to fire on Zookia!

Just like you said, no father
could launch a rocket at their own child.

Luckily, I don't have
that problem anymore.

-Oh no.

Dad, no! You can't.

I have to, son.

I cannot allow this Zookish aggression
against my country and my family to stand.

This aggression will not stand!

Dad, please!

Wait! Your Dooka-ness, no!

[Dooka grunts]

No! I've made up my mind.

Someday you'll understand,

this is the price
we all have to pay for peace.


Send my son and his friend…

to his room.


-[door locks]

[grunts] Argh!

[loud clang]

[romantic music playing]

So, uh…

[clears throat]

This is your room.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is it.
This is the place.

This is where I like to post up.

The pad, you know. The crib. The spot.

Wow. Very cool.

Very cool.



Yeah, it's hip enough.

Hip enough.


Wait. Uh… [stifled laugh]

These, yes. Ha-ha! Funny story.

Those are my little brother's.


Ha-ha-ha… [gasps]

[whispers] I am so sorry
for this betrayal, Professor Fuzzlebutt.

You know I love you forever. Mwah.


[screaming] Ow!

-[fingers crack]


The feelings of labor!

I'm feeling them, and they are really…



What do you need, ma'am? How can I help?

I don't know anything about giving birth,

-except you're supposed to breathe.


Wait, no, that's wrong.

Don't breathe.

[muffled] Don't try to breathe?


Sorry. Sorry, that was wrong.
I'll let you handle the breathing, okay?

Just go for help!

I need a doctor!

You heard her. Go get help!

Why don't you go?
I'm not supposed to leave you alone.


You want to explain to the Dookess why
I didn't have time to finish the w*apon?

On your watch?

[Michellee moaning]

[sighs] Fine. You're right, I'll go.


-But just…

Argh! But just don't
do anything I wouldn't watch you do.

[Michellee groaning loudly]

[stops groaning]

You are a genius.

Fake labor?

Looks like you are my secret w*apon.


Now, hurry up and
defuse that secret w*apon.

[kid] Wa-ho-ho!


Yeah! Score!

This is so much fun!

I love you so much, Mom.

[woman chuckles] Oh, I love you too.

[children laughing]

[Pam] Argh!

[Sam] Okay, Moo-Lacka-Moo. Is this you?

Ugh, there's no way
in or out of this room.

Sweet crib.

But no Moo-Lacka-Moo. Moving on!


[gasps] Sam!

[Sam] E.B.!


Sam, this is my, uh…



And hello to you, Professor Fuzzlebutt.

You've gotta help us.

My mom and Guy are sitting ducks
on the other side of the wall.

That's why I'm here.

And I know just the person
to bust you out of this Popsicle stand.

Toothpick Nick.



Well, that's not working.

Uh, leave it to Bobby the Pin.


He used to be a con man. Lot of aliases.

Got it.
The disguises seem to be a little--

Unnecessary? Oh yeah.

-[door rattling]


[loud buzzing]

Probably should have led
with Chucky Chainsaw.

Which way to the Moo-Lacka-room?

Oh, yeah, super easy.

So you just want to go down
this way for three hallways,

turn right,
there'll be a lot of paintings.

As soon as you pass
the Earl of… blah blah blah blah blah.

-[dreamy music playing]
-[Looka] Blah blah blah blah blah blah…


…gigantic tapestry that
I think my mother made. The--

Whoa. Those eyes are soulful.

Blerh! Okay. It's a little overwhelming.

Oh, I'm so sorry about that. That happens.

Just go down this hallway
until you reach a dead end.

Then turn left.
It'll be in the ultra-secret wing.

We'll go with you.

No need. I 100% got this from here.

But just in case I don't,

you guys get all the civilians
on both sides to safety.


It took every bit of discipline I had
not to mention it before this moment,

but you guys are adorablicious together!

["Free" by The Martinis playing]

[both chuckle]



♪ Omnipresent phrase in my mind… ♪

In case of emergency, the Zooks have
an underground bunker called a Zookery.

Get everyone you can in there.

What's the Yook bunker called?

The Yookery.

[sighs] Yookery and Zookery?

This is ridiculous.
You guys are basically the same.

It's crazy. It's crazy, I know.

Yeah, it's crazy.

So, we may never see each other again.

♪ Leave it all behind… ♪

Don't say that.

Let's make a promise, okay?

When this is all over
and everyone is safe,

we'll meet back on top of the wall.

At our special spot.

Is that a promise?

I promise.

♪ So free… ♪

[narrator] Oh yes!

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
I swear, I promise too.

[clears throat] Sorry.

I'm just really stressed out
about this Moo-Lacka-Moo.

[song fades]

[Sam grunts]

[narrator] What's gonna happen
when mother and son collide?

[dramatic music playing]

Will Pam really take Sam out?

Has their love truly died?

[Sam gasps]

The Moo-Lacka-Moo.

[narrator] Oh. Oh.

-[Sam gasps]

[narrator] Ah! He got it.

He got it! He got it!


[narrator] Uh-oh.

Here comes Mama.

[Sam panting]

-[narrator] Oh my gosh. Here we go.
-[door beeps]


[malicious laughter]

Hello, Sam I-Am.


[narrator] Wait! What?

[objects clattering]

[narrator] No yippin' way!

This is nuts.

I was fooled just like you.

This whole time
we thought Pam was in Yook HQ.

Hello, Guy Am-I.

[ominous music builds to climax]

[orchestral pop theme song playing]

[woman vocalizing]