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01x06 - Witch

Posted: 10/11/22 08:54
by bunniefuu

Oh, shit.

My man Dusty's all badass now,
just k*lling everybody he sees.

He didn't want to.

I mean, he never wants to, but...

he didn't expect anybody else to be home.

Can we try just once to, um, get through
a story without the peanut gallery?

He didn't want to.

Especially not her, not Harmony.

She was a sweet girl
and always nice to him at school.

But the night before he got his orders...



There's no use resisting it.

Not once the voices pick a girl
and Harmony didn't deserve it.

But then the girls never do.

And, well, the voice is...
they're never wrong.

You're wrong.
I hate to say it, but you're wrong.

Hear me out. He's our age.

The k*ller's a teenager.
Maybe even a student at the Velt.

He can't be. I'm sorry.

You didn't even read it.

I don't have to.

Everything indicates
that this is a young man.

The crime scene itself says otherwise.

Let's just say, it's very familiar.

Identical, in fact, to some other murders

whose details were never,
ever made public.

Now, I can't say what those details are.

The symbol.

On the card.

You are a smart one.

You've seen this before.

And you think it's an older man
because of the previous murders?

Started 40 years ago.

- How many?
- That's not important.

- How many?
- More than Dahmer. Less than Bundy.

- S-serial k*ller.
- You said that. I didn't say that.

And I also didn't say that whoever he is,
his MO hasn't changed one bit,

not one iota, not one note,
for 40 years until last night.

I think he knows we're onto him.

I think he realizes
he can't outrun us forever.

Three detectives,

three of us, all told,
have handled this case,

passed it down the line
like a bad infection.

But that ends here. That ends with me.

He's gotten away with it for decades,
but he's old now and he's tired now,

and I'm going to get him.

So, no, dear.

Don't worry about the boys at school.

But do call me if you happen
to spot an older man

hanging around the parking lot.

- She wouldn't even look at it.
- But your theory makes sense.

Our theory.

I mean I couldn't have done it
without you.

Don't say that.

She's convinced it's an older guy.

I guess she's right.
I mean, she has to be.

- The math and...
- What about math?

You know what?
That's enough of this for now.

Look, I got to go to practice,
but tonight, I owe you a date.

A real one.

I promise, no more K*llers,
no more weirdness.

- Just you and me.
- I love that.


Dusty, right?

Hey. Yeah, that's right.

Sorry to bother you at school.

I'm just wondering if you could
help me out with something.

I'd be happy to try.

Your girlfriend, Sheila,

she said you're a tech guy.
Internet savvy.

Do you use Einstein?

Everybody does.

What I want to know is if an adult wanted
to have an Einstein account

and even impersonate someone
and go into the chat rooms,

they could set up any account
they wanted, right?

I mean, pretend to be someone else,
maybe even a kid.


Have you ever noticed anything like that?

I mean, are there any accounts
that you think are suspicious?

No. I mean, nothing comes to mind.

Wait, are you...

Are you asking if I've noticed
police accounts on Einstein?

Are you guys undercover in the chats?

Because if you are, that's wild.

I mean, ingenious, really. Are you?

If we are, we're just a fly on the wall.

Nothing for you to worry about.

Least I hope not.

So what is your account handle?


I want to know
what kind of names people use.

People your age.

Like do you prefer your first name
or a nickname?

I mean just... we're just figuring this out.

Um, it can be anything you want.

Well, let's just say I want
to look like someone your age.

That's what I'm getting at.

What is yours?


Uh, do you have any other accounts?

Uh, no. Nope. Just the one.


Listen, if you have a few more minutes,
I would love to pick a brain a little more

about exactly
how those chat features work.

You keep staring at me?


I really like looking at you.

Thank you again.

You were really great this whole time.

Really? You didn't have to help me
with my little investigation.

But you did anyways.

Even if you were just humoring me.

I appreciate it.

You were great.

I wasn't...

Uh, I wasn't humoring you.


I don't think you want to be here with me.

Weird lying but okay.

You deserve better than me.
You really, really do.




Not her, please.



And if you want to hear
the exciting conclusion,

you're gonna have to...

Stay alive a little while longer.

That's so mean.

Damn, man. I don't know
how you're doing it,

but you're making me feel bad for a guy
who k*lled a classroom full of people.

Well, everybody,
that'll make for some sweet dreams.

- Good stuff.
- I got one.

Unless you guys are too tired.

Double story.

It's been a while
since we had one of these.

Only if you're up for it, Anya.

Well, if you've got a story,
hell yeah, I'm up for it.


It's a weird one
and it's not fully formed yet,

but I think we can all relate.

- It's called "Witch."
- Oh, I can relate.

Wait, did you say "witch" or "bitch"?

This one is about magic and love, maybe.

And family and fate.

And more than anything...

Well, more than anything,

it's about a girl
who wants to save someone.

Imani was a witch.

Well, all the women in her family were.
Far back, as anyone could remember.

Some were shapeshifters,
some could levitate.

Imani and her mom, they were healers.

But we'll get to that.

Today is about their second gift,

something all the women
in Imani's family could do.

Something her mother called scrying.

Don't try to see through
to the bottom of the lake.

Don't pay attention to what's above it.

- I'm never going to get it.
- You'll get it.

Maybe scrying's just not my thing.

Just because you can do it,
maybe it skipped me or something.

You can do it. Just comes easier to some.

You're close. I'll help this time.

There you go.

All that to see a girl
drop an ice cream cone.

What's the point?

Describe it to me.

Pretty brown girl, bubbles in her hair,
pink dress.

Like her?

Yeah. That's her.

Are you going to help her or not?

Hey, little girl, watch out.

I can see the future.

That's what scrying is.
It's seeing the future.

Feels pretty good, huh?

But look.

And that's the other side of the lesson.

World's got a funny way of doing
what it wants.

You pull a rubber band,
you can stretch it out.

But sooner or later, it's going to want
to snap back the way it was.

Universe is stubborn.

Kind of like you.

So, yeah, you can see the future.

It's not about changing it, though.
It's about understanding it.

Helping other people
understand their futures, really.

That's what's brought me the most joy
at least.

Now, you pull that rubber band a little,
it'll snap a little.

If you pull it too far,
and that snap back can hurt.

Hurt you. Do you hear me?

- Can we try it again?
- No.

We got to go. Break's almost over.

- But, Mom...
- And the sun is going down.

Now, listen to me,
because this is important.

You keep practicing, you'll get better.

But don't scry at night.

You hear me?

- You can do a lot of good.
- Why?

You can help a lot of people
once you're good at it.

And you should, my girl.

But promise me that one thing.


We've got plenty of time
to get into all that.

But for now, let's just say
it's dangerous.

Promise me.

Yes, ma'am. I promise.


Walk me back to work.

GSW to the abdomen. Vitals are weak.

We picked her up on High Street
and 35th avenue eight minutes ago.

Ten maybe.

Love you, baby.
There's cash on the fridge for pizza.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

I'm sorry, Doc.


Let's call it.

Time of death...

Look at her.

I mean, she's my daughter's age.

You tried.

You did everything you could.


Give me the room, please.

I know, Mama. I know.

It's a special case.

I'll be okay.

I'll be okay.


Mom! Mom!



One night,
after the funeral was over,

and all the extended family had gone back
to wherever they came from,

Imani took her mother's ashes to the lake,

the place they felt the most connected.

But Imani needed answers,

like, why had her mom tried
to heal that girl?

Why take that risk?

And her mom had healed people before,
brought some back from the brink,

it was her gift.

What went wrong?

In her grief,
she forgot her mama's warning.

Never scry at night.

But it was too late.

And as the moonlight
bounced off the water,

Imani saw an incredible vision
of a boy she never met.

Imani didn't really believe
in love at first sight.

But if she did, this was it.

Put the money on the table.

The f*ck are you doing here?

I said, what the f*ck are you doing here?

Imani Bethel! You've been out here
every day moping for months.

We all miss your mom. We do.

- But tonight, you're coming with us.
- No excuses.

I don't really feel like...

I don't really feel like
hearing your mouth.

Get in the car. Let's go.

- Right now.
- Now.

Scottie has an idea,
and we all think it's good.

So you have to say yes.

Say yes, Imani. For once in your life.

I don't know what you guys want,
but I must say no.

Rude. Let her finish.

We know a guy.

I... I know a guy. I think you'll like him.

I already showed him your school picture.

My yearbook photo? No, no.
No setups. Thank you.

Oh, well, this is awkward
because we're pulling up to his house

in like, 15 seconds
and he thinks you're cute,

so just say hello and go with it.

- Tonight is a night of yeses.
- Say yes, Imani.

Say yes or we'll show the entire school
your sixth grade spelling bee photo.


Hey. I'm Ben.


So you gotta tell me about your name.

It's an African name. Swahili.

It means faith.

Apparently Ben means son.

So I guess my parents
weren't very creative.

My name is Randy,
and I'm afraid to ask my parents

what the f*ck they were trying to say
with that one.

A name and an excuse on one.

I see your dad.

Well, if it fits, you horn-dog.

Oh, shh...

Oh, girl, you're staring too hard.
Give the boy a break.

No, I don't...

I don't know. I just, I feel like,
I know you from somewhere.

Isn't that supposed to be my lame line?

No, seriously. That's all the game I got.
I... I was going to use that.

Well, you know him now,
so should we get some drinks?

- Let's do it.
- Yes. Let's go.

My treat tonight.
What do you all want?

Don't go in there.

That's fine. You guys invited me.
I'll buy it.

You can't go in there.

Well, that was a short-lived night
of yeses.

Look, anywhere but here.
No one goes in there.

This is the only store
that sells to minors.

So, Peach Rings for Ben,

a few OEs, a bottle of Henny, maybe.

- Yes.
- Anything else?

Scottie. Seriously.

- What?
- Please don't.

I'll be back. Quicker than you can say no.

You got to relax, Imani. Look, it's fine.

Yeah. I guess you're right.

I'm sorry.

That's okay.

The f*ck?




They said she's not stable yet
and they won't let us in there to see her.

How'd you know?

Know what?

You told her not to go in there.
How'd you know?

I didn't.

I didn't...

I'm sorry.

She couldn't tell them.
She didn't know how.

Didn't know how to tell them
she'd grabbed his arm,

and stretched that band so far,
it could snap back at any of them.

And she didn't even understand
how or why she knew it.

Only got worse the more she saw Ben.

Her friend Scottie
is fighting for her life

on a hospital bed across town

so she can hold hands with this cute boy
who should have been dead a week ago.

That didn't stop her
from going on a date with him, though.

Just need a few bucks worth.
Running on fumes.

Pump doesn't take cards.
I got to pay cash, hang on.

I got it.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Stay there. I'm gonna go get some gas.

But you got to buy the movie tickets,

Can I get five on four?

Five on four, please.

You okay?

Mm-hm. Yeah. Five on four, all set.

You all right?

Get out.

And then she felt it.

That rubber band snapping back.
Snapping back hard right at her.

- Anya.
- Oh, God. No.

She's alive.

I mean, we can't...

What do I do? What do I do?

What do I do?

It's sepsis, which is a body's
extreme reaction to infection.

Her... her body is damaging its own tissue.

I know God has a plan for all of us, but...

Can we not do this today?

Screw His plan and screw cancer.

Mercy, God, just give her that at least.

Anya was here when I got to Brightcliffe.

She told me, if anyone
ever messed with me, let her know.

No one ever did.

I hope the same for her.

Don't f*cking mess.

Not with that one.

I just hope it's easy.

Easy as it can be.

I guess.

Death is...

It's getting familiar now.

It lives here.

You feel that, right? It lives... here.

Well, if it's here for Anya...

I hope it doesn't get comfortable.

I hope it is gentle and quick.

Just walks through her room.


Hope it's gentle?

This whole thing, for each of us,
it's a sentence.

We're supposed to just sit here
and let it happen to us?

Like the disease is sitting there saying,

"Get on your knees, cover your eyes,
and wait until I'm ready for you."

And we're saying,
"I hope it takes it easy on me?"

Well, I won't die begging my cancer
or Anya's to be gentle.

I'm waiting on cancer with a Molotov
and a machete.

And if it takes one step into Anya's room,

I hope she rips into its old, wrinkly,
ugly face with her f*cking teeth.

And I don't care what it costs.

If there's a way to save her,
to save me, to save us...

I'd burn the world down.

That's what it means to love her.

I understand how you feel. I do.

But I have to say something,
and I need you to hear.

It is not up to us.

We don't make the rules

and we do not get to change the outcome.

And when people try to find some shortcut,

some loophole,

some advantage over life, over death.

People can get hurt.

People can become so obsessed
with beating death

that they ruin their lives.

So when that doesn't work...

and Anya is gone...

and you haven't even started
to reckon with it...

how are you going to feel?

How are you going to feel
if you spend so long fighting?

You don't take a moment...

to say goodbye.

How is she? Any better?

God, I hate that she's isolated like that.

It's not about isolation.

It's about recovery
and protecting all of you.

Sepsis isn't contagious,
but the underlying infection can be.

You can go in there, just wear a mask.

You know, when I first got here,

I wanted you to like me so bad.

To just be nice.

Now, I just want you to curse at me.

Wake up and yell at me.

Tell me how stupid I am
for feeling this way.

I just want to say thank you.

For arguing with me.

For calling me out on my bullshit.

For being my sister.

If you have to leave...

I guess...

I guess I will try
to make peace with that.

If that's what you want.

I love you.

I want...

to live.

She's awake.

Well, there you are.

Good to see you, Anya.

She's awake.

- That's good, right?
- Of course.

Does that mean she's gonna live or...

What does that mean?

It means she's awake right now,
which is so good.

I mean, she can hear you
and she can answer you.

That is a gift, Ilonka.
You don't know how much.

But like I said before,
we're not fighting gravity.

We're trying to make the landing
as soft and beautiful

and peaceful as we possibly can.

Ilonka. Ilonka.

Good afternoon.

I saw you on the monitors.

I thought I'd come and say a quick he...

I'm so sorry.

I know what it's like
to watch a friend slipping away.

I know what that's like.

And she said that you can't fight gravity.

Fine advice.

So you're out here.



Yeah, I'm...

So this diary belonged to a girl
who used to live here a long time ago.

Her name is Julia Jayne.

And she walked away, healed.

And... and this other one belonged
to another girl, even older.

A girl whose mother believed
with everything that she had,

that this place was special.

Anya is hanging over a cliff,

and she could fall off any second.

If there's any chance,

anything I can do for her,

no matter how...

It's not crazy.


What do you hear?

I don't know.

It's nature.

It's ordinary.

Those birds, those bugs...
You're hearing the songs of beings.

Simple beings. They're so simple
that we ignore them

who defy gravity every single day.

And it's normal.

Gravity ain't all that. Tiny, stupid bugs
defy gravity without a thought.

And that's not crazy. That's natural.

People say you can't defy gravity

and their air is flying
right over their heads.

People pay a fortune
to have needles stuck in their skin.

Acupuncture, acupressure,

aromatherapy, ear candles,
infrared light therapy.

And that's not crazy. That's normal.

That is so normal.
That's a kiosk at a mall.

People packed into churches,
faith healing,

mailing checks to Billy Graham
to pray for a cure.

And that's not crazy. That's faith.

As long as it's just one God,
or the right God.

But the real stuff,

the wisdom that people have gathered
for thousands of years

that kept us alive
before we started poisoning the air,

and the land, and our bodies,

that stuff, that is crazy.
It has to be crazy.

The world went crazy a long time ago.

And the few of us, the rare ones,
who are able to find our sanity again,

well, that crazy world,
it calls us crazy, doesn't it?

There is a lot in here.

And a lot out here.

You gather that water,

you're gonna need
a little less than a gallon.

And we should talk about the five sisters.

I assume you've done your reading.

How many women are there
other than you and Anya?


Um, there's Cheri, and Natsuki,
and Sandra.

That's four and with me, that's five.

See? What are the odds?

Oh, my god.

- That's the Paragon.
- No.

The Paragon had issues,
went off the rails.

This is something older than the Paragon.

Don't look so surprised.
You came here for a reason.

You should be happy that you're right.

Ilonka, you're right.

Now listen carefully,

because if you want to save your friend,

you're going to need to do
exactly what I tell you.

- No. No way.
- Hear me out.

I'm so glad someone else said it first.

Because I hate to sound
like a chicken shit,

but I am quite scared
to do this right now.

So, um, thanks for being the first.

You don't really expect it to work.

Why not?

It's no crazier than anything else.

And I think it's worked.

It's worked here before.

And this isn't my idea.

This... this goes back to the ancient world.

- And you want to do this ritual...
- Tonight?

But it's bullshit.

Then you have nothing to lose.

Who cares if we spend a couple minutes
on some bullshit?

We do that every night.

Yeah, and what if we get caught?

What are they going to do, k*ll us?

Do you really think this is going to work?

I think Anya would kick the devil
in the teeth for any of us.

Any of us here.

So if it could work,

if there's one chance in a thousand,
in a million...

she's worth that chance.

Come on. This is crazy.

This is the kind of borderline loony shit.

I'm in.

If it's bullshit,
it costs you nothing but time.

And time is the least that any of us
could offer right now.

Time is what she needs.

I'm in.

Look, people can say shit is crazy
all day long, but...

Anya and Rachel both talked about
seeing that shadow or whatever,

and Ilonka has talked
about seeing that old lady.

I've had weird dreams every night
I've been here.

So, yeah,
maybe crazy is not all cut and dry.

And, well, if there's any magic in here,
any at all,

I want to point it to Anya.

Oh, f*ck it.

Maybe there are angels up there after all.

I mean, if there are,
then I want them on our side.

I mean, all technology looks like magic
until it doesn't, so...

I'm in too.

I guess I don't know
what normal is,

because this all sounds perfectly
reasonable to me.


f*ck it.

Let's kick the devil in the teeth.

But you're not kicking the devil.
You're kicking God.

Listen to yourselves.

Ancient pagan rituals, blood sacrifice.

Off of some old book
written by gosh darn cultists.

This is false idols, false gods,
the great deceiver.

You don't mess around, excuse me.

You don't f*ck around with this stuff.
You don't.

Because that world,
the world outside the body,

the spiritual world,
it's not about saving bodies,

it's about saving souls.

And you go poking around there,
opening doors,

dialing all the wrong numbers.

Something is going to pick up.

This is serious and this is dangerous.
So no. I'm out.

- Sandra, we need you.
- No. What you need is to stop.

Love Anya enough to do that.
Love her enough to stop.

And don't put yourself and all of us
in real, honest, mortal, spiritual danger.


Can I come in?

I'm sorry about earlier.
I bet they're all pissed off at me.

No, they're not pissed off.

Did they send you here to change my mind?

They don't know I'm here.

You've been trying so gently.

So persistently to invite everybody
into your faith and...

I bet you're lonely there.

I wonder about that a lot.

It's exhausting.

You don't believe what Ilonka is selling,
so, if you did it out of love,

don't you think God would understand?

I can't.

I can't put on my faith
and take it off that way. It's just...

it's not what I believe.

And I got to stay true to what I believe.

I'm sure this is the closest thing
to family any of us has.

Closer than blood.

And one of us needs help.

I can pray for her.

And you should.

But you don't have to believe anything.

You don't have to do anything either.

Just show up.


Ilonka, you okay?

What's happening?


Ilonka! Ilonka! Ilonka!

No! No! No!

Ilonka! Ilonka!

Please! Ilonka!


Oh, Jesus. Help me.


We're breaking out.

Hey, beautiful. It's a jailbreak.

- f*ck yeah.
- We're here for you, k*ller.

Bear with us.
We're going to try to fix this.

We'll meet you down there.

We're going to do it.

I think I finally know how,

and we're going to save you.

You understand?

We're good.

All quiet upstairs. Not a peep.

- Did you bring all the stuff?
- Yep, we're good.

Okay. This is going to be weird, but
just know it's because we love you.

Damn, new girl.
Who knew your love was so freaky?

Thank you.


Robes on, around the circle.

We start by invoking their names.







I thought you said no one followed you?

- They didn't.
- Guys, if that's a night nurse

and they don't send it back down...

There's got to be
a summon button, yeah?


At least not one that I found.

Oh, thank God. It's just Sandra.

Sandra. Showing up.

Did you guys start?

Barely. Here with us?

Was there anything weird
when you guys got down here?

Weird like what?

No, it's been fine.

And I'm so happy that you're here with us.

I'm with you. Just to make sure...

To make sure we're careful.
And to participate in my own way.

My way. But okay, I am here.

I'm here.

Yeah, you are.





We call on you, the five sisters,
daughters of Asclepius and Epione.

We call on you to heal our sister, Anya.

Everyone brought their sacrifice?

My sacrifice.

To me, it symbolizes home.

Everyone who met me threw me aside.

Made me feel like garbage.

But my foster mom, Maggie,
when she met me...

she wouldn't let me go.

She wanted me.

And she took me home,
and she and Tim gave me this bracelet,

and I've touched it every day
since she died.

I love you.

I love you too.

I got this for running my first 400 meet.

p*stol went off. I swear I...

felt like air.

It reminds me of freedom.

And power.

And of feeling invincible.

For Anya.

The most powerful person I've ever met.

This is every movie we ever saw.

Every shared popcorn.

Every fight we had over whether
Wesley could hold a candle to Denzel.

This is my entire relationship
with my mother in a bundle.

Shit, I love you, Anya.

You know that you can't
get it this way, right?

I wouldn't care even if I could.

Her name was Margaret Rainy,
and that was our thing.

These little footballs
fly across the classroom

whenever the teacher turned her back.

We were aces.

I didn't realize it at first,
but I kept every single one.

Of the notes she wrote me,

and I loved her.

And I've never admitted that before.

This is all I know of love.

And I give it to you, Anya.

This is my dad.

It's when he first moved
to nowhere, Oregon.

Only brown guy in town, but he's smiling.

Yeah, and he's got this look on his face
like, "Yeah, m*therf*cker, try me."

And that's my dad.

And it's my favorite thing I have.

This is from a really dark time
in my life.

A time I was lucky, I survived.

Before I knew
how dark things could really get.

This is from a car that I was lucky
I survived.

And well, if any of that luck
can find its way to you, Anya...

It was a gift from a boy,
a really special boy,

a boy I love who loves... who loves me, but,

I couldn't or I mean,
I know I shouldn't, so, uh...

And nobody knows about it, just God, so...

If the five sisters or whoever,

if they need more information
about what this means,

they can just ask my God because he knows.

For Anya.

I love you, Sandra.

Whose is that?

We needed five sisters.

The blood of five sisters
and three brothers

for our sister Anya.


- It'll be cold.
- Okay.

Panacea. Hygieia.

Iaso. Aceso.





Just a little longer.


Please. Just a little longer.

Kind Panacea.

Daughter of Asclepius and Epione.

First of physicians, swiftest of healers.

Trusted mender of broken men and women,

through you do the lame walk...


Oh, my god.