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06x03 - Growing Pains

Posted: 10/12/22 07:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...


[RAPID g*nf*re]

JASON: Infection was spreading,
so the doctors did

what was necessary
in order to save his life.

The Navy destroyer USS Crampton

was hit yesterday with
three Russian Kornet rockets.

American sailors
were k*lled in the attack.

The other warrants heard a buzz that

Command's under pressure to restructure.

Meaning at least one team
is going to get decommissioned.

Our first op without Clay
could be our last op.

♪ ♪

- How long have you been... ?
- A minute .

... ...

[CHUCKLING]: My God, two minutes.

DAVIS: The payment for the rockets

is anonymous, but we traced it
to Northern Syria.

It's the Wild West of extremist groups.

How's everything going with your noggin?

Seems like this new stem cell
infusion thing seems to be, uh,

getting me the best results
so far. [CHUCKLES]

This decommissioning
is more than a rumor.

Anything on Bravo?

They're part of the conversation.

Yeah, that was slow, huh?

Whole session f*cking sucked!

Slow clearing doors,

sloppy clearing rooms.

Come on, guys, we're talking
about basic shit.

It's hard to get up
for sim rounds and rentemies

when Bravo might have run its last op.

Excuses are like assholes, okay, Sonny?

How the hell we supposed to stay
front-sight focused

when Command has kept us in limbo, okay?

For the past two weeks
over this decommissioning.

RAY: Last I heard,

it's between us and Foxtrot
who gets broken down for parts.

SONNY: See? Look. Right there.

Command is treating us like
a damn finale of a reality show.

Just shitcan us or get off the pot.

Should just do this Thunderdome style.

Two teams enter, one team leaves.

JASON: Yeah. Years of
dining out on our wins

and this is how they repay us.

You really think Bravo's at risk, Jace?

- Just 'cause we're down a man?
- Think about it, Brock.

Doesn't look good
when they cycle over our OIC

to Echo Team, does it?

[SCOFFS] Soto's time
was up anyway, Jace.

Jesus Christ.

All right, so that
doesn't mean anything.

And rumor has it Foxtrot's

got drama between its senior guys.

- That's a mark against them.

Yeah, okay, it's not like
Bravo has been drama-free.

Man... [SCOFFS]

Any word from Mandy?

I heard from her five days ago, Ray.

You know how it is,

remote location, hard to get a signal.

JASON: Saw some news

about what's going on in Afghanistan.

Violent as ever, Ray.

RAY: How many times you tell your kids

not to pay attention to the news...

- ... while you're deployed?

[STAMMERS] When was the last time

I listened to my own advice, Ray, hmm?

Look, brother, you've
been holding it down.


RAY: All right? You've been taking

this whole team roulette
thing in stride,

keeping up with your treatments,

checking in on Clay.

Control what you can control.

♪ ♪


Do you have the bottles?

Yeah, I'm just packing them up.

You're gonna go in here.

Got him in his car seat?

He's gonna be.

Here we go, here we go, here we go.

[BABY TALK]: He's gonna be all
wubbied and blankied

in just a second. Lean back, honey.

- I know.

See, it's words like that

that make it so damn refreshing

to say words like
diachronic narratology.

I'm just glad that you're back

at a place where people
pay you to say that.

Minimally, but yes.

Brian is gonna be so psyched
when he learns

that his parents chose
such underpaid professions.

We're teaching him how much you make

is not as important
as loving what you do.

Sorry, I didn't mean to...

No, stop. Seriously, babe.

Look. Everything that
you've done for me, I'm...

I'm happy that you have
something of your own again.

It hasn't been too hard for you?

With your schedule this week,
picking him up from day care,

and being with him on your own after?


Plan the dive, dive the plan.

- Right?

But... but Brian and I got to go, okay?

- Yeah.
- You don't want me left-footed

driving against the clock.

No, I don't want you doing that. No.


Hey, dude. All right. See you.

- Bye, honey.
- Bye.

SONNY: Bravo gets the axe,

and all of us are gonna get
scattered to other teams.

What does that mean for Jason?

[GRUNTS] No clue, actually.

You know, every unit, they...

they already got really
solid team leaders.

CLAY: Yeah, well...

You imagine Jace slotting in
as someone's second-in-command?


I don't know what's harder
to digest, you know?

Someone giving Jason orders,
or him accepting them.

They got two quarterbacks,
and you got none.

It's likelier they force him
to an ops chief's desk.

No, you saw what happened
to him last time,

and that was his choice.

I shudder at the idea of what
it's gonna do to him this time.

He must feel like he's fighting
for his operating life, huh?


SONNY: What?

All that pencil-pushing get
your carpal tunnel fired up?

Working out the old gift

from Fallujah that keeps on giving.

How you doing, Spenser?

Heard Quinn's been up here
bothering you every session.

Oh, shit yeah.

Can't shake him, sir.

And you must be doing some work, too.

Your knuckles are barely
scraping the ground.

SONNY: Oh, yeah, you know,

a few more sessions and I just
might get opposable thumbs.


Hopefully that's before
Bravo becomes extinct.

Decommissioning has got
all of Command on edge.

Except for you, Spenser.

I heard about you putting in
to be a Green Team instructor.

Yes, sir.

You know, this job, there
aren't many sure things.

But in three months,

when that new class starts,

there's no one I'd rather have
standing before them.

Thank you, sir.

At least one of Bravo
will still have a job.

♪ ♪

- Bravo should be the team.
- Excuse me?

We are the ones who recovered the intel

from the Crampton bombing, okay?

Bravo should have the target package.

- You know that.
- You know that I have no say

in what team gets a target package.

Plus, there isn't one.
There's a Syrian IP address

that purchased the weapons
used for the attack.

You have built target packages
out of less back in the day,

and Bravo always delivered.

You want a fishing expedition
in Northern Syria?

You'd be trying to turn
a breadcrumb into a meal,

surrounded by a dozen enemy groups.

You don't want that
kind of recklessness.

- I just told you I did.
- This is precisely

the kind of high-risk,
low-reward mission

that I'm trying to put an end to.

Okay, so, what is it?

What's the alternative
for us? Huh? What?

I know that you think that
catching an op for Bravo

is gonna keep the team together,

- but it is out of my hands.
- Okay, I guess that

your new job means that Bravo's problems

aren't your problems anymore.

Got it.

♪ ♪


I understand. Okay. Thank you.

RAY: Babe.

Look, I found a way to fit

another meditation space
near the client intake.


Who was that on the phone?

The property management company.

There's a problem.

Your employer flagged
the application for review.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

The Navy's putting up a roadblock?

You have told me

Command gets touchy about
operators' finances.

Yeah, if they think they're running g*ns

or trying to take kickbacks.

I swear there's less scrutiny

on taking lives than saving them.


So, what do we do?

Someone at base we can talk with
to straighten it out?

I thought all of Command's attention

was on keeping Bravo in purgatory. I...

I'll get into it.




Sir, if you have a moment?

I'd like to discuss the intel
on the USS Crampton attack.

Something new?

Last I heard, all we had
was an anonymous Syrian IP

- that purchased the weapons.
- The workup on that IP says

it's linked to an unknown but
active network based in Syria,

which I believe is enough
to send a team to do SA work

and develop more intel.

And, uh...

would it happen to be Bravo Team
that you'd recommend deploying?

They were the team whose SSE
delivered the intel.

You know, they're not your team
anymore, Lieutenant.

You don't owe them anything.

What is owed is a response to
sailors' lives being taken.

And if we don't hit back,
we encourage more att*cks

by other groups or nations,

without fear of any repercussions.

Couple months ago,
that white paper you wrote

argued against the "mowing
the grass" type of quagmire

that this mission could turn into.

I trust you wouldn't let
your loyalty to Bravo

cloud your professional judgment.

I'm merely advocating
the best strategic move, sir.

Let's talk.

SONNY: Jace,

getting buzzed in mean we're
getting split up or spun up?

Think they brought us in
to drop the hammer?

I got no clue.

You know? And I saw Ray
in here about an hour ago

heading to our team room
with the brass, so...

SONNY: Are they consulting

the Jason whisperer
on how to break the news

with the least amount of damage
to the furnishing?

Mm. Could just...

- Could just be briefing Ray on an op.
- Exactly.

Could work out nice and clean

if they keep us together.

You know, all we need is a Bravo .

Foxtrot's low man on
the pole there, he's, uh...

he's only been off
Green Team for a month.

JASON: Right, exactly.

Just point the kid in
the direction where to sh**t

and he won't ask questions, right?

We can show him how Bravo rolls.

It'd be like molding a piece of... clay.

Can you please shut your mouth?

JASON: Okay, listen, boys.

It's all talk, right?

So let's get in there. Here we go.

All right. Come on.

[GROANS] I just hope that this
isn't Bravo's death march.


Lieutenant Davis,
you feeling homesick already

or you here to deliver Bravo's eulogy?

My new role supports intel
for all DEVGRU.

That mean you've found something
to task Bravo with?

Bravo Team will be departing

on a long-term special activities op,

with Warrant Officer Perry as OIC.


- Okay.
- All right.

SONNY: Long-term, as in... ?

Well, I knew that cheese

wasn't gonna fall off Bravo's cr*cker.

ERIC: All right, settle in.

- Let's get started.
- I'm sorry, Omar?

Your team got disbanded?

Foxtrot is, what, tapping out to be

in an ops chief desk,
is that what it is?

[CHUCKLES]: Oh, hell no.

Unicorn like me's too valuable

for Command to put out to pasture.

ERIC: Senior Chief Hamza

will be a new, permanent addition

to Bravo Team.

OMAR: I realize I'm not as young

or pretty as the tadpole
you were probably expecting,

but I'm glad to be part of Bravo.

♪ ♪

SOCOM's number one priority
is identifying

and bringing to justice
the group responsible for

- the attack on the USS Crampton.
- DAVIS: An IP address

that purchased the Russian
weapons used in the attack

is our actionable lead.

The address was here,
outside Qamishli, Syria.

The buyer's identity is unknown,

but their digital activity
suggests that they are

a part of a robust network.

Most likely !sis, but it could
be a dozen other groups.

The region's been a hotbed

of extremist activity throughout
the Syrian civil w*r.

OMAR: Strange that any of those groups

would hit a target so far away.

Someone's getting chesty.

Exactly. Suggests the group

has dangerous ambitions
beyond the Syrian border.

Talking about you
opening your damn mouth.

[LAUGHS]: Oh, shit.
Walked right into that one.

ERIC: You'll be deploying

to the city of Kobani

with the objective of identifying

the group responsible for the attack

and degrading their capabilities.

Bravo will be the only
Americans in North Syria.

You'll be operating
in a blackside capacity.

RAY: Which means no QRF, no air support,

and no stateside TOC during missions.

High-wire act without a net.

Well, ops desk is safer, Omar.

Wheels up in two hours.

♪ ♪

Foxtrot did a hitch in this
same spot a couple years back.

Know my way around.

It'd be a good asset
to have, right, Jace... ?


I thought we were getting a sled puppy,

not Foxtrot number two.

Boy, is it gonna be like Thirty Mike

and have him think
he knows more than Bravo?

Well... [SCOFFS] Omar's got a mouth,

but he's nothing like Thirty.

Right, Jace? You've known him for years.

Hmm, never been in the fight with him,

so I don't f*cking know him.

RAY: He's a high-speed operator, Jace.

I mean, you don't kick doors in

as long as he has
without being dialed in.

Besides, bringing him on

is a small price to pay for
keeping Bravo intact, right?

Yeah, for now.

The hell does that mean?

Omar is dialed in.

He clocks how I'm leaning into you guys,

he's gonna uncover my head issues.

- He's not coming for you, Jace.
- [SCOFFS]: Yeah.

It's not just me that
I'm worried about, Ray.

You're heading back to Raqqa
Jacques, where you almost had

your ticket punched, right?

What if your, your PTS flares up

in front of Omar? Then what?

This guy is a politician,
Ray, all right?

You said it for yourself, huh?
He had issues with Foxtrot .

Now I got to deal with
this new fuckstick, right?

Lead Bravo into hell

while constantly looking
over my shoulder?

No, f*cking thanks.

Heard Bravo beat the reaper.

I was expecting a few more smiles.

Well, uh, please tell me
that your leg grew back

and we get you instead of the new guy.

Oh, no, man, I'm just here
to clear out my cage.

♪ ♪

Yeah, we're spinning up in two hours.

Gonna be a long one.

I wasn't gonna be rolling with
you guys anyways, remember?

JASON: Mm-hmm.

I don't care where Bravo's going.

Just stay safe, huh?


Hey, sorry about your bad deal, Clay.

Word around Command is,
you're a hell of a gunfighter.

Took me years to earn your spot.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] Appreciate that.

But, I mean, there's no way
that you're coming in here

as Bravo , right,
with all that mileage.

Well, way I hear it, numbers
don't mean d*ck here.

It's Bravo and everybody else, right?


♪ ♪

JASON: Security cameras
are being set up.

Sonny's sweeping the perimeter.

Agency said they cleared the safehouse,

but after they got us ambushed in Mali,

who believes a word out
of any Agency mouth?

Trust issues are contagious, Ray.

- Look, brother, uh...
- What?

I understand you got your shield up.

But I just don't want it
obscuring your view of things.

Meaning what?

Meaning I rarely seen you greet
any change with open arms.

Let's not make the man a problem

until he makes himself one, yeah?

OMAR: Same mustache game as my dad.

My folks actually lived
not far from here

till they, uh, fled for the States.

Lot of hard stories...

when my assimilated ass
actually listened.

"Oh, that's fascinating, Omar.

Thank you for sharing that
deeply personal family history.

We appreciate your attempts to
bond with your new teammates".

All right. So, look.

I see the alpha dog,
the den mother, the jokester.

But there's one other guy
that every team's got.

The lady-slayer.

Means that's one of you two.

[CLICKS TONGUE] Can't decide.

I mean, both of you have got

that silent professional
thing chicks dig...

So, which of you is it, huh?

Who's getting their
g*n greased on the reg?

He collects Star Wars figures.

He owns like six Kangol hats.

All right, so there's two lady-slayers.

Three on my good days,
if I do say so. [CHUCKLES]

Hey, you don't need to have
Hayes check this setup?

No, we're good.

All right.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

Gonna fortify
a firing position upstairs.

This area's not an active w*r zone.

Haven't traveled outside
the wire yet. Got it?

The region is as gnarly as advertised.

You never know what drama's
gonna show up at the door.

Speaking of staying fortified,

new guy doesn't need to know
anything about the way we work

until we want him to.

All the experience he's got.

it might not be so easy to gaslight him.

Easy or not, we'll find a
way to circle the wagons.

- Yeah.
- Got you, buddy.


♪ ♪


GREGORY: Spenser, hey, you heard
me. That's enough for today.

Let's lose this cane
and keep going, huh?

You need to go home,

get off your feet, and relax, all right?

I see you walking laps
in that parking lot again,

I am kicking your ass.

Remember, what I keep telling you is:

small goals.

I didn't make it to DEVGRU
by doing anything small.


What brings you over here?

I'm just trying to get some steps

without my physical therapist, uh,

scolding me to go home
and get some rest.

- So it was either here

or with the Senior Striders at the mall.

I would've gone where
there were Cinnabons.

Shouldn't you listen
to your trainer, you know?

Take it easy?

Yeah, just a couple more laps.

How's... how's the new gig been?

Hmm, the transition's a little rocky.

I mean, it's nothing compared to yours,

I know, but...

it's hard to grasp not being
a part of Bravo anymore.

You know, we're still a family.
You know? Doesn't change.

Yeah, just...

the worry's a little
different when you go

from packing the parachutes
to pointing the spear.

You know, I...

I saw 'em yesterday before they spun up.

Oh, yeah, they're hoping to hit back

for the attack on the Crampton.

It's a mission worth
getting out of bed for.

You wish you were there with them?

'Cause I kind of do.

It's hard to watch their back from here.


Being here and teaching
Green Team was my plan.

I'm following it.

Okay. Well, I should go.

I got somewhere I'm supposed to be.

- All right.
- All right.

♪ ♪

The thread we came here to pull on...

the IP address linked to the group

that bought the weapons used
against the Crampton...

has gone dark.

So our job will be installing
surveillance devices

used to track down that IP address

and the people connected to it.

JASON: Well, the area where
the IP address popped

is just a mess of different enemies.

Looking for a needle in a stack
of expl*sive needles.

And with the lack of
American presence down here,

our intel has gone stale.

So, when we roll into
some of these places

to plant our devices, we may not know

what we're stepping into.

I know some folks who could help.

- RAY: Mm.
- Unit of YPJ just down the road;

we worked with their
commander last time here.

They could tell us who's who in the zoo.

You know what? We don't
need any outside help.


A bunch of teenage girl
freedom fighters.

Look, I ain't never seen
a machine g*n fired

- during a Taylor Swift song.
- Yeah.

Wow, your ability to be
ignorant and closed-minded

in so few words is actually
kind of impressive.

Thank you.

Look, YPJ are in the fight
here every day

against !sis, Syrian regime, Russians.

They're bad to the bone.

I mean, Kurdish resistance
forces have been

- strong allies in the past.
- JASON: Ray, stop.

We are here blackside.

We cannot read anyone in

- on our mission.
- OMAR: Might not have to.

Oh, yeah, what do you think?
They're just gonna offer up

their intel to us, uh, for nothing?

Always a price.

It's worth kicking the tires.

Let's take five.

Omar, reach out to your people.

Roger that.

Hey, babe. I'm sorry I missed you.

Just calling to see
if you got in touch with anybody

at the Navy financial office?

I'm sorry I didn't take care
of this before, I was...

Ray, you're the OIC here.

- New guy cannot be

calling the sh*ts, understand?

YPJ suggestion was a solid idea.

Why not accept the help?

Like I said before, this guy
is watching how we are working.

We cannot give him any inroads.

You know, Jace, if they had asked me

who I wanted from Foxtrot,
I would've picked Omar.

Clay's not coming back,

and he carried a lot of water for us.

And you are fooling yourself
if you think some rookie

would've made Bravo whole again.

My YPJ contact's down
for meeting us at their camp.

You guys good rolling
out there tomorrow?

Yeah, we'll make it work.

NEWSWOMAN: ... and the Federal Reserve,

both of which have been
hiking interest rates

in a bid to rein in inflation.

NARRATOR: The fox gives way
to the buzzard,

who has its eye on the prey.

NARRATOR : You got about
a -minute hike

to get all your gear...




Huh? What's up?

Maybe we should cut down
on Brian's hours at day care.

You know, I mean, I got,
I got time on my hands.

I could... I should spend it with him.

That's sweet, but we...

we don't want to disrupt his routine.

He's gonna have to spend all day
there when you're at Green Team.

We should get him used to it.


Yeah, but Green Team's
still months away.

It'll come faster than you think.

Plus, with Sonny gone,
we don't have the extra help.

I don't want you taking too much on.

Does it look like I'm straining myself?

Come on, I mean...

With you at work and-and Brian
places to be, I just...

I feel like I'm not pulling my weight.

My love, you're focusing on yourself.

Your recovery.

That is plenty.


SONNY: Hi, it's Sonny. Leave a message.

- Or don't.
- [BEEP]

Hey, man, it's, uh, it's me.

I know I, uh, I said
I didn't-didn't need to know

what Bravo was up to, but...

I don't know, I just figured
maybe you could bore me

with some details.

You guys, uh, you guys seen any action?

Anyways, uh...

Look, I know you got stuff to do.

So I'll, uh...

All right. Later.

♪ ♪


- [g*nf*re]

They look like Emma's friends.

[SIGHS] Show up for w*r,

and a Hello Kitty convention breaks out.


Commander Nouri,

this is Bravo Team.

Not the men you were with last time?

Whole different group, ma'am.

You're American, you're the same.

I've seen enough of you
blow through here,

acting like allies, then leaving
in the middle of the night.

You looking for the oil fields
you're here to protect?

Commander, they are Navy SEALs?

SONNY: All right, look at that.

You know, we got a couple fans
right there, don't we?

Hey, girl.

Too young and drunk
on movies to know better.

Oh, Charlie Sheen'll do that to you.


We're looking for intel
on enemy presence.

Share what you got,

we could offer something
to help you out.

The most help we've ever
gotten from Americans was

when some were k*lled
by our enemies nearby.

For one day the world heard of
the Kurdish people's struggle.

YEZDA: Commander Nouri!


Yeah, told you this was a waste of time.

She's just playing her hand.


Okay, well, it ain't a wasted trip

if it knocks Omar down a peg.

Right, look at him,

just groveling over
that Militia Etheridge

right there.


What the hell's going on now?

Prison that the Kurdish forces
run klicks from here

erupted in a riot.

!sis inmates got loose,
got some weapons,

and they're about to break out.

YPJ are rolling to help contain them.

We should go, too.

Yeah, well, these !sis prisoners
didn't hit our ship.

If that prison falls,
more enemy on the loose...

that complicates our work here.

If we keep those monsters in their cage,

we can form a new bond with the YPJ

that might lead to some intel.

All right, the smart money says

that !sis did attack our ship, so...

People in that prison might
know exactly who it was.

RAY: Keep them contained...

... we can tap them and the
prison staff for some chatter.

So, while we're fighting !sis,

our partner forces here
are singing "Love Story".

Let's kit up.


That's a great idea.

The hell's up with
the Taylor Swift comments, hoss?

- Excuse me?
- Are you a Swiftie?

You want a swift kick to the face?

Oh, that sounds like
a non-denial denial to me, bro.

Your secret's safe with me.

♪ ♪

All right, some housekeeping, boys.

On comms, I'll take call sign Mako ,

Omar can take mine.

You serious?

New guy's Bravo ?

Just a call sign, Sonny.

Doesn't make him IC.

You rather him take Spenser's?

Ah, you know what? I don't like it.

Too much change for the team
to be able to deliver.

RAY: Bigger hills ahead, Jason.

Jersey number ain't the one to die on.



[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

SONNY: What's the sitrep
on the shitstorm?

Well, the soldiers holding
the perimeter are Kurdish YPG.

They run the prison.

Five !sis inmates overpowered
the YPG guards inside,

got into the armory where
they took AKs and grenades.

Three guards k*lled inside,
they got four hostages held up.

North wing, right there.

SONNY: There goes their
Get Out of Jail Free card.

That's their demand.

The release of !sis prisoners,

any of which could be armed right now.


YPG tell you they were making a move?

What the f*ck are they doing?



Hostages are down to three.

JASON: No one's going through
the front door, got it?

No, the hostages are being held
in north wing.

There's a back entry to it right here.

Fine, that's what we're gonna do.

Go to the back entry
away from the line of sight,

away from the hostage-takers' pos.

Cut through the basement,

then to infil right through up here,

through the north wing, got it?

That route means crossing through

this holding area inside.

There's dozens of free-range inmates,

and we don't know how
many of them are armed.

I don't suppose there's
a tax fraud section

we could cut through instead?

No, it's the only play.

We'll move fast through
the holding area, got it?

Yeah, we'll have to if we don't want

the hostage-takers to know we're inside.

NOURI: You need more fighters.

You're gonna be six men going against

dozens of !sis in that holding area.

We can go in with you,
a ring of protection.

JASON: Too many people, uh-uh,

it's just gonna slow us down.

SONNY: Yeah, I hate to get blood

on any of your girls' merit badges.

My soldiers may not have your
training, but they are feared.


By who? [CHUCKLES] Katy Perry?

Oh, 'cause Tay-Tay and KP
hate each other.

- Now you're just f*cking with me.

NOURI: !sis believes that being k*lled

by a woman means eternal damnation.

They will think twice
about provoking our fire,

lest we condemn them to hell.

RAY: Think we can work with that?

We don't waste a second,
we do not take a shot, got it?

Hostage-takers hear us coming,
those guards are dead.

- Understood?
- Send it.




It's barricaded from the inside.

Right, set the charge.

Too much of a blast,

the mob will be picking us
from their teeth.

f*cking move. Make sure it's enough.

Not gonna get a second chance at this.

Damned if I do, pulverized if I don't.


Move, move, move.


Hey! On my signal,

we're gonna push 'em back
together. Tell them.


Three, two, push!


- Jace!

- You all right?
- Move!





JASON [OVER COMMS]: Bravo , this is .

Need everyone at my pos. Now.

Copy, . Moving.

MAN: Allahu Akbar.

Allahu Akbar.


♪ ♪

- Stairs to the roof,

could give us a shot through the window.



He's feeling the walls closing in.

Clock's ticking, Jace.


Stay back.

♪ ♪

Got Tango down hard.

[OVER COMMS]: Good job, boys.

SONNY: Who the hell took the shot?

You got to be kidding me.

Thought I could help.

I know this place.

Easy shot.

Shake it off, bro. Shake it off.


♪ ♪

DAVIS: There are some missions

that can't be ex*cuted by anyone else.

But the w*r on Terror made clear
that we need to be judicious

when selecting those operations.

As I've demonstrated,
by prioritizing operator safety,

the DoD can optimize

the Special Operations Forces' ability

to conduct missions

while supporting the integrated
deterrence strategy.

Well done, Lieutenant Davis.


Who has questions?

I do, ma'am.

Uh, you recommend prioritizing
the safety of special operators

by adjusting deployment criteria.


How will doing so impact
our partner forces

in the integrated deterrence model?

How would they feel about
American operator safety

being prioritized over joint objectives?

That is beyond the scope
of my presentation.

Your argument's validity hinges
on the answer to that question.

I'm not here to justify
myself to you, Major.

All the well-meaning rhetoric
in the world doesn't matter

if you can't follow through
on your own line of thought.

STEVENS: Let's move on
to our next topic.

Omar and I asked the YPG
that run the prison

if there was any inmate chatter
about the Crampton bombing.

- Mm-hmm.
- They hadn't heard anything,

but they'll keep their ears open

after we saved their asses today.

It's an intel win chalked up
to Omar's call

to connect us with the YPJ.

Yeah, we'll see what comes of it.


Brought the hero back to earth, huh?


Yezda is a lucky fool.

Thinks she's bulletproof and
the world is her playground.

I had one like that.

Pulled the same move on his first op.

Problem child.



Definitely was at first, but, uh...

he became one of my best.



She doesn't understand.

The number is the first thing
in my mind when I wake up.

How many I've lost since
I became a commander.

of them in four years.

I'm sure that's taken a toll on you.

No, we don't have the machinery
of a nation behind us.

We're fighting for
the Kurdish people's survival.

But we are not the ones
who will survive.

I try to give them
as many days as possible.

Each morning I wake up, I feel lucky

and like a criminal.

Like you're getting away with something.



Are y'all, uh, swapping
sweet good nights

with the fellas from the boys' camp?

It's an !sis pig.

They taunt us on the radio.

Sometimes they even know our names

and say they are coming for us.


Well, do these, uh,

these pigs ever follow up
on their squeals?

Death is better than what
they will try to do to us.




That is why we never take
this jewelry off.

We will take fate into our own hands

before falling into theirs.

Well, that's pretty cool, man.

Is there a little bedazzling to it?

Look, uh...

I'm just saying, if, uh...

if you want to strike fear
into these dirtbags...

... I can coach you up.


Do you have ideas
of what we should say to them?

Let me use this milk crate.

Okay, ma'am, I got different
names for a dog's d*ck.

- Okay?

And it's gonna sound
a hell of a lot worse

in Arabic, okay?

Now, the best thing
a shit-talker has going for them

is the goods to back it up.

And you got the goods.

The goods?

Yeah, the way you put
that guy down today,

!sis is gonna pray that
they never cross your path.

Now, you want to, uh...

you want to insult their manhood.

So ask him, uh, say, uh,

"I don't see any cold water around.

What's with all the shrinkage?"



What's up, Spenser?

Uh, sir, if I could have a minute.

CLAY: I don't want to teach
Green Team in three months.

I want to do it now.

The new instructors typically
start with the new class.

Well, I guess I'm asking
to be an exception, sir.

Is there a reason you're
so eager to get into it?

Well, I'd like to be of use, sir.

Why not take this time
for yourself, keep healing?

New class will start
sooner than you think.

[SIGHS] My leg is healed.

Okay? You can ask my physical therapist.

It's not just your leg
that needs time to heal.

You got to make time for yourself.


My purpose isn't myself.

It's the trident.

That, that's what's gonna
help me right now.

That-That's what I need.

I swear to you that I'm ready.

How's Monday sound?

♪ ♪


Realize tea... [CHUCKLES]
is not as good as a cold one

- after an op.

Well, I'm not really a drinker,
anyway. Thank you.

Right. What, are you, you practicing?

Oh, I practiced way too much
whiskey for a while.


Is Hayes always this sociable?

You know, man, old dog,

new guy who really isn't a new guy.

He'll warm up to you.


Him and Sonny have been mad-dogging me

harder than airport security.


Look, uh...

... losing Spenser
really hit us all hard,

especially Jason.

But, uh, I'll keep working on him.

You're a peacemaker.

Wasn't always.


Foxtrot could've used one of those.

You know, every team,

every operator has their baggage.

You don't have to carry it with you.

[EXHALES]: Yeah.
Be nice if it were that easy.

Team's different than I thought it'd be.

Is that your assessment
hours in, huh?

Oh, no, I just mean, uh,
seeing how everybody steps up,

you know, splits the work.

Gives their input.

That's what they get paid for.


But I'd always heard Bravo was
the domain of one man only.

The legendary Jason Hayes.


Surprised to see that Captain America

leans on the rest of the Avengers.

Hmm. Yeah, well,

trust me.

They know whose team it is, right?

Thanks. We're, uh, we're RTB.

How far a trip is it?


Welcome you into our home,
can't even know where yours is.

Are all American streets one-way?

Uh, well,

we were kind of hoping we could
pave a two-way deal.

I mean, you've got information
about this region

that could really shine
a bright light for us.

Yeah, you help us, we help you.

I suppose that could work.

JASON: Mm-hmm.

I'll offer this to start.

Those enemy we locked up today
were a drop in the ocean.

There's plenty of !sis around.

Along with regime forces,

Turkish FSA, Chechens, al-Sham Brigade.

Could be from any of those
neighbors I just mentioned.

They all taking sh*ts at you?

Now, it seems, they
also take sh*ts at you.

Our enemies have become your enemies.

New guy got us into this, right?

Omar just put a big f*cking
target on Bravo.