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03x05 - Burn, Witch, Burn!

Posted: 11/09/13 10:00
by bunniefuu
Burn, Witch, Burn! AHS

Ah, Governor and Mrs. Roman, you honor our home with your presence.

May I present my son, Jacques.

And this is my oldest, Borquita.


My, my, Jacques, what a suave fellow you are.

But I wonder if you're brave enough to visit my Chamber of Horrors.

Mother, I doubt that Jacques is interested.

I might find the courage if the lovely Borquita was by my side.

I fairly swoon when I see the moment of terror register on a handsome face.

Makes me feel young again.

This way.

Can you guess what's in the bowl?

Madame LaLaurie, it must have taken you all afternoon to peel these grapes.

Would you care to try your hand at the next surprise?

I'll give you a hint.

They're long and... wet and... very slippery.

I'd... venture to guess a string of sausages?

Oh, you're not man enough for my Borquita, much less my Chamber of Horrors.

I'll never have a husband.

Not with Mother around.

She's horrible.

To us and the slaves.

Who would ever suspect foul play from the grieving daughters of their beloved mother's untimely death?

You are wicked, Borquita.

The only question is how.


Y'all gonna miss the entire party if you sit up here chattering like little birds.

Come on downstairs now and be festive, my darlings.

Dessert is about to be served.

My dear, the guests have been asking after you.

Send me Bastien and two strong slaves.

Don't ponder, Louis.

Just do it!



Break her leg if you must.

We were never gonna do anything.

It was just silly talk.

It's because of my love for your plain faces that you can still draw breath.

Be good, little birds, and I'll set you free in a year.

A year?

Just in time for next Hallows' Eve. Ooh...

And you, ringleader of the feebleminded, you've earned a special present.

On Christmas morning, I'm gonna stuff your conniving mouth full of shit.



No! No! No! No!


It's too late now even to light the bonfires of protection.

All hell has opened up on our doorstep.

You guys, did you get a load of what's going on outside?


I need my mother!


Let me see your face!

It's burning! Oh, my God! Someone call an ambulance!

My God! Somebody help us!

Let me see! I have to see!

Let me see it!

Are you Mrs. Foxx's mother?

What did they do to her?

Her eyes looked like marbles.

Our best guess is someone threw sulfuric acid on her.

I've only seen burns like this in industrial accidents.

It burned through the optic nerves.

I'm no... debutante, Doctor. So just tell me.

Is she blind or not?

The ocular structure's intact, but... we couldn't save her eyesight.

You... What are you saying?

What are you telling me?

I'm sorry.

What are you telling me?

Huh? You piece of shit!

I want to talk to a doctor!

No. Should I call the cops?

No, it's all right. I'm sorry.

What are they?

They're dead.

I can't hear them.

Everyone get away from the windows.

Come on! And k*ll the lights.

Um, I think they know we're home. Close the drapes.

We need Fiona. You guys, it's a prank.

They're not even doing anything.

It's her voice mail.

I don't know. Maybe we should call the cops. No, Fiona wouldn't like it, and I'd be more scared of her than those things outside.

Oh, shit.

You shouldn't be out of bed.

Tell it to the Army of Darkness.

This is crazy.

I can handle a bunch of neighborhood kids.

Okay, you had your fun.

You spooked a houseful of girls. Time to go.

Come on, buddy.



Come on. Get moving.

Dude, your prosthetics look awesome.

Oh, man.



Come on.

We got to help Luke!

The front door's no good.

We're completely surrounded.

If we can't go out, we'll go up.

We have to get away from all these windows.


Are you crazy?

My daughters are out there.

Your daughters are dead! You want to be dead, too?

'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

Come on.

Queenie, do you think you can make it up to the attic?

Spalding's room-- We can barricade ourselves inside.

Fine. Then pick a room!

Okay? Just get upstairs! Go!




Aah! Nan!

Save yourself. Go.

I'm not leaving you here.

Cordelia's car. Come on!

What are they? What do they want?


You didn't throw that acid, but you might as well have.

Code blue NICU, bed five.

Code blue NICU, bed five.

Team to ICU...

Stillborn, or did it die after?


Is it a girl or a boy?

They didn't tell me.

She's a girl.

Who are you?

What are you doing?


No, I don't want to look at her!

No, I don't want to look at her.

Come on, hold her.

Oh. Hold her. She's your daughter.

You have to keep them close

so they feel safe.

Now talk to her.

I don't understand.

Why are you doing this?

My baby is dead. No.

No, no, no, no.

Come on, talk to her.

Tell her... "I love you more than the whole world."

Come on.

Say it to her.

I love you more than the whole world.

You're the most beautiful baby.

Tell her how beautiful she is.

Please. I can't... do this.

Tell her how beautiful she is.

You're so beautiful.

Tell her.

You're beautiful.

Now say, "I'll never leave you."

I'll... I'll never leave you.

I'll be your mother...

until you die.

Tell her.

I'll be your mother

until the day you die.

Tell her again.

I'll be your mother

until you die.

What's happening?

She's breathing!

She's breathing!


Hey! Get away from there!

Over here, you rotting pieces of shit!

Come on! Come on!

That's it. Come on, yeah.

Come on, come to mama.

Oh, shit!

You're not fine, and you're my responsibility. You never should have been allowed out of this bed. You! Butler!

See she stays put. I'm going downstairs and get some ice. And get me a Coke!

Who's there?



My daughter!

My child.



What has she done to you?


What have I done to you?

Borquita, there must be... something still inside you that... that... knows the mother who bore you.

Come back to me, child.

I would make amends.


You do know me.

She should have been back already.

Go see what's keeping her?


What is that?


Oh, shit.

Holy shit, you k*lled it.

She had a monster for a mother.

This last act... was the only kindness I ever did for her.

I think I'm bleeding out.

I won't let you.

I'm sorry.

Get him inside, go!

Be in your nature.


I don't know what that was, but they got some real power in that witch house now.
Well, look who finally showed up.

I've been driving all night from Lake Charles.

It's a four-hour drive...

I don't have to defend myself to you.

Why don't you go sleep it off?

I'm here now.

You can stop pretending you actually care about her.

Now, I may not have been the mother she needed me to be, but I can smell the bullshit in your pockets even if she can't.

I begged her not to marry you.

You're a loser, running around your whole life chasing after penny jobs, huh?

You're one step up from the men who stand in front of Home Depot.

At least I come home to her.

I've never just abandoned her.

'Cause you know she is the best you'll ever have.

Thank Christ you couldn't knock her up.

Can you imagine her with an infant now after you run off because you can't take the pressures of a blind wife?


Oh, boy, here come the crocodile tears.

No, Fiona, no, you will not do this to us.

She hates you.

You hear that, you piece of shit?

I love her and she knows it.

You are the one that doesn't belong here.

You are the one that needs to go away!

I don't care who it is, but one of you is leaving or I'm calling security.

You have minutes with her, and then I'll be back and you will disappear.

You can go on your own or my way.

I don't care which.

Although I'd prefer the latter.

I'm here, baby.

Can you feel me?

I don't care what they did to you.

I promise

I'm never going away.

I love you so much.

Fire purges and purifies, scatters our enemies to the wind.

What blows away need not be explained.

Okay, I think that's the last of them.

This is nasty.

Maybe we should get more cedar chips to mask the smell.

How's Luke?

Still asleep in my bed.

We have to get him out of the house.

He's not well enough yet.

Well, he can't stay here.

He can and he will.

No sense rushing him back to his Holy Roller mother till he recovers.

She'd only call the cops anyhow.

Thank you.

I like a witch who knows how to fight.

You've done this coven a great service, Zoe, I won't forget it.

Go on.

Those are my daughters. The day they were born, I sent such hopes and dreams to heaven.

This is how it ends-- in flames and decay.

They deserved a better mother than I could ever hope to be.


I know the feeling.

Perhaps our shared tragedies will... bring us closer together.

I doubt it.

You are, after all, the maid.

Time to deal with the rest of the trash, I see.

Fiona Goode, you stand before this council accused of gross neglect, malfeasance, and a willful disregard for the well-being

of this coven.

Since you arrived here, this house has been under attack from outside forces.

A young witch remains missing.

The headmistress of this academy-- your own daughter-- lies blinded in a hospital.

Given the seriousness of these events and after careful consideration, it is the grim duty of this council to demand your immediate,

unconditional abdication as Supreme of this coven.

It's nothing personal.

And given that the new Supreme has not shown herself yet?

Until such time, the coven shall fall under the stewardship of this council.

How convenient.

She couldn't inherit the Supremacy, so she has enlisted her lapdogs to help steal it.

I beg your pardon.

Oh, yes, you will beg, but you will not be pardoned, Myrtle Snow, not for what you have done.

What does she mean?

It's a trick, a gambit.

She's desperate.

Well, it's not going to work, not this time.

This council's decision is unanimous and final.

We will not sit here and listen to...

You will sit!


And you will listen.

Now, it's true this coven has been under attack but not from outside-- from inside.

Our enemy hides in plain sight.

Walks freely among us unseen.

Our enemy has a face and I have seen this face.

This face has a name.

Myrtle Snow.

Outrageous lies.

Did you think that by destroying my daughter, you could destroy me?

How dare you accuse me of attacking Cordelia?

I've been more of a mother to that girl than you have ever been.

You latched on to my daughter the minute I passed her into your care because you could never have one.

I never had children because I dedicated my life to this coven.

The love you had for this coven and my daughter has been eclipsed by the hatred you have of me.

Will you listen to her?

Next she'll be accusing me of murdering Madison Montgomery.

Well, you were here in New Orleans-- at the time of her disappearance, I mean.

What is she talking about?

I told you, she's trying to confuse you.

You weren't already in town when Madison went missing, were you?

Surely you would have told us that.

Who is Jennifer Wooley?

I'm sure I don't know.

Jennifer Wooley is the Veronica Lake character in the movie I Married a Witch.

Jennifer Wooley also happens to be the witless alias Myrtle used as a resident at the Chat Noire Motel.

She has been here all these weeks.

Planning this coup.

She's twisting everything!

So, it's true?

You've been leaving here under a false name?

She had to be stopped!

Is that a confession?

What? No!

I confess to nothing!

I don't need a confession.

You have been caught red-handed.

You're hurting me! I'll do more than hurt you!

I will have justice.

The same acid that d*sfigured my daughter did this.

Myrtle Snow... have you anything to say in your own defense?

You know what she is.

Who would you believe?

You give us no choice.

Burn the witch.


The decision of this council is unanimous and final.

No need to bind me.

I shall not resist.

Why would I?

I've been swimming against the tide my whole life.

Look where it got me.

I'm used to being an outcast.

The freak.

Until I found my place in this coven.

I thought I'd come home.

But I was wrong.

I go proudly to the flame.

Go ahead.

Burn me.

This is just a joke, right?

We're not actually burning her.

You don't mess with a Supreme.

♪ I was in the right place

♪ But it must've been the wrong time ♪
♪ I'd have said the right thing ♪
♪ But I must've used the wrong line ♪
♪ I was on the right trip

♪ But it must be the wrong car

♪ Head is in a bad place

♪ And I wonder what it's good for ♪
♪ I was in the right place

♪ But it must've been the wrong time ♪
♪ My head is in a bad place

♪ But I'm having such a good time ♪
♪ I've been running trying to get hung up in my mind ♪
♪ I've got to give myself

♪ A good talking to this time

♪ Just need a little brain salad surgery ♪
♪ I got to cure

♪ My insecurity

♪ And I've been in the wrong place ♪
♪ But it must've been the right time ♪
♪ I've been in the right place

♪ But it must've been the wrong song ♪
♪ I was in the right vein

♪ But it seemed like the wrong arm ♪
♪ 'Cause I've been in the right world ♪
♪ But it seems like it's wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. ♪

Any last words?

You're all a bunch of little toads in a pot that Fiona is slowly bringing to a boil.

You won't even feel it until it's too late.

I'd rather burn than boil.

Come in.

Queenie, well, what can I do for you?

You can answer me a question.



Did I help you frame a guilty woman or an innocent one?

She's been leading this coven to extinction!

We've all said it!

She had to be stopped!

Is that a confession?

What? No!

I confess to nothing!

You don't need to confess.

You've been caught red-handed.

You're hurting me!

I'll do more than hurt you!

I will have justice!

The same acid that d*sfigured my daughter did this!

None of us are innocent, No one.


When you came to me, I figure I owed you one 'cause you... you saved my life.

But I thought we were going to oust her, not roast her.

And now I can't... I can't close my eyes without seeing her burning body.

And the-the smell won't leave my nose, I just...

I don't think I can do it.

Sit down.

Do what, Queenie?

Live with this.

Now, Queenie.

I can already sense a change in you.

Your mind is getting stronger.

You've taken an important first step.

A necessary first step to fulfill your promise.

And under my tutelage, my mentorship, well, you could rise to heights that you dare not even imagine.

Even as high as the next Supreme.


The Supreme?

Well, why not? I mean... maybe that's what this coven needs.

A Supreme of... color.


Why not me, right?

I'm as much witch as any of these others. More.

And I am feeling stronger.

More powerful. Of course you are.


You have to trust me.

Follow my instruction to the letter and you'll be fine.


I will.

♪ La-la

♪ La-da-la-da

♪ La-la

♪ La-da-la-da

The End