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01x14 - Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker

Posted: 10/14/22 12:52
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

[Theme music ends]

[frogs croaking] *AMPHIBIA*
Episode (Part-A): "Croak & Punishment"

[sips drink]
[rooster crows]


- Ahh.
- Anne! Anne! Anne! An...

[sips drink]


Anne! Anne! Anne!
Look what I found!

- A blue moon shell.
- Pretty.

Yup! And you know
who's gonna love it?

Tomorrow's her birthday.

And this is the perfect gift.

Morning, kids!
Time to start the chores.

Whoa! Is that
a blue moon shell?

[gasps] Beautiful!

You know, some frogs die
never having seen one.


enough dilly-dallying.

Chore time! Bessie's waste
ain't gonna shovel itself.

Well, don't wanna
get this thing dirty.

- [whistles]
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're just gonna
leave that there?

Someone's gonna steal it.

No, they won't.
This is Wartwood, Anne,

not some den of thieves.

You could at least
cover it up or something.

I will do
no such thing!

I trust
my community.

And frankly, Anne,
I pity you for not trusting yours.

Okay, okay.

[Hop Pop] Kids,
get your butts over here!

[in unison] Coming, Hop Pop.

Glad that's over with.

- Well, I'm scarred for life.
- Yup.

But never mind that. Look.

The blue moon shell.
Right where I left it.

Wait. Wait a minute. What?
The shell. The shell's not here.

I've been robbed!

Well, I don't wanna tell you,
"I told you so."

- But...
- [sobs]

Ivy's birthday is tomorrow,
and I've got nothing.

[sobs, pants]

Okay, first,
calm down.

[breathes heavily]

Second, maybe we can
track this thief down.

Look for clues.

Well, well, well.
What do we have here?

Oh, that's just waxed yarn.
They sell it at the Grub and Go.

Well, then, let's grub and
go there to catch our thief.

[chuckles] Nice.

Finally, hundreds of hours
of watching trash cop shows

is gonna pay off.
Cop, what?

You know.
A cop, po-po,

doughnut munchers?



[police siren wails]

[police siren stops]

I don't care what it takes!

Bring him to me,
dead or alive!

- [police siren wails]
- One Kn*fe victim without pants.

We've gotta catch this sicko.

So, you're
a marathon runner, eh?

Well, maybe this
will jog your memory.

Jelly-stained boxers found
at the scene of the crime.

- [g*nsh*t fires]
- How'd you get my phone number?

- Easy.
- [gasps]

I looked up "guilty"
in the phone book.


Justice is watching you.

[b*llet ricochets]

Whoa! I'm into this.

Who wouldn't be?
Now let's go catch that thief.

Ow! Whoops.
Why are we wearing these again?

All the best cops
have mustaches.

Now, here's how it's gonna go.
I'm the good cop.

So I'll butter 'em up
and make 'em lower their guard.

Then bam-o!

You come in as the bad cop
and get the confession.

Got it.

[store bell rings]

Hey, buddy.
Nice little place you got here.

- Business good?
- Um,

Actually, we're having
kind of a rough season.

Good, good.

We're here about a shell
that got misplaced.

Recognize any of these?

Huh. Couldn't say.
I see a lot of shells.

Psst. Hit him
with the "bad cop."

Oh, right.

Your hair looks incredible.

Thanks. I use product.

could I speak to you for a moment?

Sprig, that wasn't bad cop.
That was sad cop.

You gotta get mad, man!

Yeah, I'm not generally
a mad kid, Anne.

You gotta dig deep, dude.

Think about
what that thief took from you.

Your shell. Your gift.

Your future with Ivy.

- The frog of your dreams!
- [groans]

- Yes. Yes, Sprig. Let it flow!
- [grumbles, yells]

Hey, you little noodle!

This blue shell,
you seen it?

Yes! Yes! I remember now!
Out there. Late morning!

Great. Now,
who buys this string?

Uh, no one
except the baker, really.

The baker, huh?
You have a nice day, sir.

Keep the change, kid.

- Actually, you're short.
- Oh, sorry. Sorry.

All right, same drill.
Good cop, bad cop time. Got it.

[store bell rings]

Well, howdy there, baker.
Nice pile of bricks you got here.

Listen I wanted to ask you...
Where's my shell?

Whoa, dude. What are you doing?

[grunts] Shell? What shell?

This string was found
at the scene of a crime.

And only you use it.


[groans] I wrap
my buguettes in that.

So whoever bought a loaf
is a suspect.

- Uh-huh.
- [Sprig grunts]

- Whoa! [chuckles]
- I want names, you worm.


Baker's oath.
Customer list, confidential.


Your favorite apron, right?

Sure would be a shame
if something happened to it.

[gasps] No,
not my favorite apron.

- Sprig!
- [groans] Oh. Here.

There. Now that wasn't
so hard, was it?

Oh! My baby! My baby!

Uh, sorry about that.

- He's new to this.
- It's okay, baby.

Daddy's here.

[loud munching]

So... that was a little
too much bad cop.

Well, we got results, didn't we?

Well, yeah. But...
Then let's stop wasting time

and find who stole
my shell already!


there's nothing in here.

Was it you, Stumpy?

- [grunts] Was it you, Croaker?
- [shouts]

- [grunts]
- [grunts]

- Was it you, Toadstool?
- Sir, please help me.

Just let it happen,

Dude, there's no one here.

I know!
I'm just fired up, Anne.

- [children laugh]
- You were right.

This town is
a dirty cesspool of vice.

[munches] Disgusting.

Look, I'm glad
you're being more cautious.

But I think this whole thing
has gotten a little extreme.

Justice is extreme,

[pants] Besides,
we only have one name left on our list.

Which means...
we've got our guy.

Gunther? Who's that?

He just moved to Wartwood.
Lives out in the woods.

Seemed nice.
A little too nice.

Yeah. Sprig,
I don't think we should... Sprig!

Gunther, open up!

Come on! Help me
break the door down!


- Yep!
- No!

- [gags]
- Bad frog.

- [groans, yells]
- [groans, grunts]

Oh, can I help you children?

We'll be
the ones asking questions.

Hey. We're just a couple of curious
kiddos knocking on doors and saying hello.

- Well, isn't that nice?
- Yeah.

Just wondering,
what brings you here to Wartwood?

I'm from down south.

But I had to leave due to an
unfortunate misunderstanding.

Oh. Was it because
you're a criminal?

- Excuse me?
- Don't play dumb with us!

We know that shell's
in here somewhere!

- Shell? Hey!
- Is it here?

Or maybe here?

Stop that!

Where are you hiding it?

Get out of my house!

Uh, Sprig,
why is he changing color?

I don't know.

The only frogs who can do that
are southern tusk frogs.

But Gunther doesn't
have any tusks.

- [roars]
- Oh, there they are.


Think we touched a nerve there.

- I k*ll you!
- Run!


- [pants]
- [growls]

We gotta hide somewhere.

Stumpy! Stumpy!
Stumpy! Stumpy!

What do you want?

- We're being chased.
- There's a big monster.

He's gonna k*ll us!

You think I'm gonna
let you in here

after you called me a thief?



- [roars]
- [yells]

He's crazy. You gotta let us in.
He's gonna k*ll us.

He's after us. You've gotta help.
Please let us in.

Toadie, buddy.

[both yell]

[both grunt]

Anne, I think
I did too much bad cop.

- You think?
- [growls]

Then maybe it's time
this bad cop goes good.

Oh, that really hurts.

- Gunther, wait.
- [growls] Huh?

I shouldn't have
accused you like that.

[growls repeatedly]

I don't really know you.

And you've never given me
any reason not to trust you.

I guess I just
hopped to conclusions.

[laughs] Hopped.

[chuckles] Yeah.
'Cause I'm a frog.

Well, anyways,
I wanted you to have these. Aw!

We ate most of them.
But there's, like, three left.

Thank you, child.

Rage problems.
You know how it is.

People misjudge me all the time

since I can
turn into a hulking beast.

And it's super annoying, hmm.

Well, hey, I promise
I won't judge you anymore.

Yeah, dude.
Sorry about that.

Ooh, chocolate.

that's licorice.

I hate licorice!

- [growls]
- [both yell]

- [sighs]
- [sighs]

[Anne] Man, that guy
was hard to lose.

I don't believe this.
Went through all that

and we still haven't
found the...

[gasps] Shell!

- Hey, Sprig.
- Ivy?

I came by earlier,
but I couldn't find you.

But I did find
this sweet blue moon shell.

And you... took it?

Yeah. It was a little dirty.

But I took it home and polished it up.
Here's it back.

Uh, thanks.

Go get her.
Oh, right.

Happy early birthday,

Whoa. Thanks, Sprig.

It's beautiful.

But I kinda like it here.

When I see it sparkle,
I know I'm getting close to your place.


[blows raspberry]

- Okay.
- [gasps]

Cut it out!

- Well, see you dorks later.
- See you, Ivy!

Well, looks like
we found our thief.

Yes, Anne. But she didn't
just steal the shell.

She stole my heart.

[sweeping music plays]

- [music stops]
- Too much?

- Little bit, yeah.
- Got it.

[frogs croaking] *AMPHIBIA*
Episode (Part-B): "Trip to the Archives"

Sync corrections by srjanapala

[Hop Pop] Now, remember, g*ng.

The mountain pass will clear up
in one week.

Meaning, it's almost time

to leave this valley
and find Anne a way home.

- Whoo!
- Love that!

- Excitement!
- Sights.

And you know the best way
to start a quest?

- Danger?
- Weapons?



Oh, come on, g*ng.
We'll never get Anne home

if we get bitten to death

- by a venomous snake fly.
- [hisses]

Or eaten to death
by a camouflaged sod skink.

- Or crushed to death by a sand liger.
- [roars]

Okay, okay, okay.
Enough death already.

Sheesh. I'm beginning to think
you guys are obsessed.

[groans] The town archives?

[grunts] This place is
dustier than Dusty's dustbin.

- Who?
- Come on.

You know Dusty.
Local dust merchant.

Friendly, always smiling,
sells dust.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I get this place.

It's like a library
from my world.

Zoo books and manga,
here I come!

Enough chatter, you three.
Time to hit the books.

Wait! Wouldn't we be
better off preparing

by diving headfirst
into deadly situations?

Huh. Yeah.

Maybe Sprig's right,
Hop Pop.

Research is overrated.

Overrated, eh?

How's diving into adventure
been working out so far?





- [screams]
- [Anne] No, no, no, no, no!

I can still smell
that skunk juice.

- [shudders]
- Yeah. Fair enough.

- Research it is.
- What?

You're siding with Hop Pop?

This trip is gonna take us

beyond the valley,

Who knows what
we'll run into out there?



[Anne whistles]

The archives.

This place seems
pretty cool to me.

Sure, it seems cool,

until you realize
all you do here

is read other people's
cool adventures.

Okay, enough prattle.

We gotta get a move on
before we're locked in here.

Uh, come again?

The door to this place
is set on a sunlight timer.

It opens when the sun rises
and deadlocks when the sun sets.

That is some steampunky
nonsense right there.

[groans] Boring old books
smelling like dumb old words.


Mycroft Newtback,
archives founder.

This structure,
originally Newtback's home,

was turned into the public
archives after he d*ed violently

attempting to travel
beyond the valley."

I'm gonna go hit those books.
Uh, reading time.

[Hop Pop]
Get my hands on those books.

"Only nature facts."


Well, now. Hold on.
"Older than the old ways."

Now this I gotta read.

[fanfare plays]

Hot mama.


[Sprig] Hi, Anne.
What ya doing?

- Get out of here, man.
- Oh, come on.

- Anne.
- Yeah, Sprig?

Wouldn't it be better if we
found some plants to fight?

Nope. Here,

see if you can find a way to
survive a tiger viper att*ck.


Stupid books.
Stupid learning.

Don't they want
a real adventure?

[gears clink]



All right, kids.
Time for a lunch break.

I'm actually glad you suggested
this, Hop Pop.

I'm learning a ton
about your terrifying world.

Did you guys know that
there are

60 weapons in the Morningstar family?

The door is shut.
That's not right.



The lens is missing!

Who would trap us in here?

[clears throat] Maybe somebody
is trying to prepare us

by forcing us to dive in.

Me! I did it.

Dude, have you
lost your frog marbles?

Put that piece back!

Guys, reading these moldy,
old books

ain't gonna prepare us
for squat.

What we need is a daring escape
from an old, underground library!

What we need is you
putting that piece back.

Yeah. Hand it over.

[sighs] Fine.
Party poopers.

Uh, mmm. I know I have it,

[glass shatters]

Well, that's not good.

[groans] Sprig!

Uh, maybe I can fix it.
Aha! Good as new!


- [Anne] Dude!
- [Polly] Ah, come on!

- Seriously?
- All of you, stop!

Yelling at each other
ain't fixing any of this.

So, what do we do?

Well, we wait for someone
to visit the archives.

Oh, okay.

Well, when was the last time
someone came down here?

Well, I checked the logs, and it says...
three years ago.

- [bangs on door]
- [Anne and Polly] Help!

Get us out of here!

- Help! Get us out of here!
- Help! Help!


Enough of this negativity!


Come on, guys.

This is our call
to frog-venture right here.

Did you forget
who we are?

This g*ng
has been through a lot.

And we're gonna make it
through this too!

I mean, we better.
'Cause if we don't,

we'll be trapped here for weeks.

No food, no water

until they find our dehydrated,
mummified bodies clawing at the door.

Yeah, I probably could have
ended that speech earlier.

Let's just find a way out.

That's the spirit!

[triumphant music playing]



- [creature roars]
- [yells]

Hey, I should have
thought of this sooner.


- [yells]
- Holy smokes!


- [coughs]
- So...

- Not good.
- [yells]

Why did they have to put the
door on a stupid sunlight timer?

That's it! Light timer.

Timer, sunlight,
light, skylight!

I bet we can get out
through the skylight!

That's a great idea, Anne.



[tower creaks]

[groans, grunts, sighs]

You're almost there!
Don't fall!

I won't catch you!

It's totally okay.
You're a baby!

[grunts repeatedly]

Almost got it!

[struggles] Yes!

[laughs, groans]

Oh, yeah. No.
Definitely can't fit through, though.

Hey, I see Bessie.

Bessie, hey girl!

Bessie, get help!

Get help!
Come on, girl!

- [grunts]
- No!

No. No, Bessie.
Get... No!

Oh, come on.
Never mind.

Good news, guys.
I can see the road from here.

One of you
can go for help!

- [cheers]
- All right!

See guys? How do you feel
about diving in now?

Now, I suppose, if I'm honest,
I do feel somewhat of a rush.

We can do anything!
[Anne] Um, guys?

[struggles] I'm stuck!

What? [grunts]

[Anne struggles]
I'm seriously stuck!

Do something!

I got this! [struggles]

Whoa! Abandon ship!

Uh, what just happened?

Uh, nothing.
Everything's fine.

[Anne] Sprig?

Okay. The books fell, and you're
stuck and blocking our only way out.

- What?
- [Sprig] Don't worry.

[Sprig] We'll rebuild the tower
of books and get you down.

[cicadas buzz]

What's that sound?

Uh, it's cicadas
coming out to graze.

Which is totally fine.

If you just stay super
quiet, they should go away.

Oh, cicadas,
like little cute cicadas?

Or like... Oh, my God!
That's huge!

[yells] No!

- [cicadas continue buzzing]
- [yells]

Too late.

I'm not food! I'm not food!
I'm not food!

Get me the heck out of here!

Hang in there, Anne!

I can't believe this.

I tried to do things
the right way!

And now I'm gonna die
stuck in this stupid hole

and I'll never get back home!

[gasps] That's it!

This building
used to be someone's home,

which means,
there was a bathroom.

Ah, good thinking, Sprig.

Bathroom? Now?
Can't you just hold it?

[blows raspberry]

There was a bathroom.
That also means there were...


Aha! Here it is!

The blueprints!
And look here.

This is where the bathroom used to
be, behind that bookcase.

- We just need to break it down!
- [Polly grunts]

- w*r cry!
- Yes!

Don't worry, Anne!
I'm on my way!

Hurry up and help me!

[light, gentle music plays]

[toilet flushes]

- [screams]
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Sorry, sorry, sorry,
sorry, sorry, sorry.

[screams, grunts]


Sprig? Wait.
How did you get out?

I don't wanna talk about it.


[sound of pins falling]

See you later, cicadas!
[blows raspberry]

Thanks, Sprig.
That was a close one.

I'm just glad
you're okay.

- Yeah, so am I.
- Me too.

We couldn't wait.
So we took the pipes too.

I seen things.

So we did it!

We dove into another adventure
and escaped!

I told you it would work.

We didn't dive in.
You pushed us.

- Yeah, but...
- No, Sprig. Listen.

This trip out of the valley,

it's more than
just another adventure.

It's my chance to get home.
I can't mess this up.

So if that means doing
a few things I don't like

to help me get ready,
well, then...

Then that's what we'll do,

Oh. Thanks, buddy.

[Anne and Sprig yell]

[Anne and Sprig
grunt repeatedly]

[Anne] We're okay!
We landed on books!

[Sprig] Knowledge hurts.
