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02x16 - Toad to Redemption/Maddie and Marcy

Posted: 10/14/22 12:59
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[swords clinking]

[thunder rumbling]

[music ends]

[frogs croaking]

[rooster crows]

[inhales] Ah...

Just breathe in
that country air,

I can't believe I'm saying it,

but this town's
kinda growing on me.

Okay, sir.
Item one,

there are some potholes
that need filling,

but the money
we have left is
supposed to buy us that

swanky new Jacuzzi.

You know what, Toadie?

You go ahead
and fill those holes.

Who are you,
and what have you done
with my beautiful Mayor?

Get a hold of yourself, Toadie.

Since we saved
a couple of lives
at Toad Tower,

people have been
seeing me a little

And, well, frog dang it,
it's rubbing off on me.
[man grunts]

There we go.


Toadie, grab the other side


Thanks, Mayor.

- Good ol' Mayor.
- We didn't vote for him,
but he turned out okay.


Mayor Toadstool I presume?

I am Jacinda,
official emissary
of Newtopia.

We have come to discuss...

the events of Toad Tower.

Why, sure. I may have been
to Toad Tower that day.

-But I had nothing to do
-Enough prattle.

Let's get right to...
the point.


By order of Newtopia,

I hereby decree that
Mayor Froderick Toadstool

has been appointed
the new
Head Toad of Toad Tower.

- [noisemakers whistle]
- [both gasp]

With Captain Grime gone,

we need someone we can trust.

And from what we've heard,
you're the toad for the job.

[choir singing]

Frog in heaven.

A lot of money.

Even had to dodge some bandits

to get it here
safe and sound.

Anyway, this money is for
rebuilding Toad Tower.

But who's to say
that's all it's for,

So pack your bags.

We leave at sundown.

Wait, leave?
As in leave Wartwood?

Uh, yeah.
You didn't think

we were gonna build
the tower here, did you?

[chuckles] Yeah,
hypothetically, what would
happen if I refused?

You'd find yourself rotting
in one of

[voice lowers]
the deepest, dankest dungeons
in all of Amphibia.

-[normal voice]
-He accepts. He accepts!

Great. The job is yours.
Pending an evaluation.


Sir! What in frog's name
are you doing?

A gig like this
is all you've wanted.

Look at our vision board.

Look at it!

I know. I know it's crazy,

but wouldn't you
miss this place?

We are not having
this conversation.

If you'll excuse me,

I have to go pack
all 800 pairs
of your silk pajamas.

[townspeople chattering]

- [slams]
- Yo, Toadstool!

Hop Pop sent me to ask about
these parking tickets.


He says he wasn't even
in town on these days.

Boonchuy, did you ever work
your entire life
to fulfill a dream,

but when it finally
comes true, you realize

that maybe it wasn't your dream.

Uh... we still
talking about
parking tickets?

I've just been appointed
the Head Toad
of Toad Tower.

All I have to do
is leave this crummy town
and never look back.

It's everything
I've ever wanted!
So why do I feel so down?

Maybe you've come to love
this crummy town

more than you thought you would.

I certainly relate.
I just wish there was
a way out of this.

Well, back home,
whenever Mom asked me
to do chores,

I'd do a really bad job
so she wouldn't
ask me anymore.

That's it!
I've just gotta
convince them

I'm the wrong toad
for the job.
You gotta help me.

No one's more
incompetent than you.
Not happening.

You leave me no choice.

Prepare yourself
for the cutest thing
you've ever seen.


Okay, okay, I'll help.

Just never make that face again.

we're gonna need
some backup.

Lead the way, kid.

All right. I've come up
with two ways
that this can go.

Number one,
make the Mayor
look like a coward.

Number two, make him
look incompetent.
Is there a third option?

Any questions?

- Kind of.
- Several.

What's the sitch with
the parking tickets?

Shouldn't we get Frobo
and Marcy on this?

No can do. Marcy said
she was gonna study Frobo
all day today.

Wonder how that's going.

[warbles, expl*si*n]

[Marcy coughs]

Don't worry.
We can do this.

All it takes
is teamwork
and coordination.


[all grunt]

This is our farmer's market.

It ain't much, but it's
our pride and joy.

Give me all your coppers,
old frog.

And make it snappy.

Mayor Toadstool, help.

No can do, random farmer,

for I am but a lowly coward.

I guess I'll just
hand over all
my hard-earned coppers.


Anne and Sprig?

Why in tarnation
are you robbing
your own stand?

I can explain.
No need.
I get it.

You distracted the robbers
long enough for the muscle
to show up.

You're truly Head Toad material.

Well, that didn't work.

Don't worry. We still got
the second option.

No talking.

And here's the fence I had built

to keep those burrowing moles

from getting into Wartwood.

- Fence? But they
burrow, right?
- What's your point?

Come on, kids.
Herd those moles.

I'm just saying
a fence might not
keep them out.

And I'm say... [screams] [growls]


[screams] I really thought
that bad idea
would work.

[shouts, grunts]

What a show of strength.

Truly, we've made
the right choice.

- [whispering]
- Any other ideas?
- Nope.

- We're sunk.
- Well, then it looks like
I have no choice.

I better finish

No need, sir.

We're all packed
and ready to go.

You've got
a competent assistant
here, Mayor.

-Too bad he's about
to be out of a job,
-Excuse me.

Did you think you
were going to be assistant
to the Head Toad?

[chuckles] Adorable.
But no.

I, Jacinda, will be
Toadstool's deputy
at Toad Tower.


[gasps] Toadie?
Now see here.

I've got something to say
to you, and I don't care
if I go to prison for it.

Oh. I'm all ears.

[gulps] Truth is...

The truth is...

- [bugle sounds]
- [shouting]

Where do you think you're going?

What could it mean?


Fens? And uh, uh...
the creepy one.

- Mire.
- Right. Him.

Oh, no. That means...


Greetings, Wartwood.
You miss me?

Oh, man.
You stink.

Whose fault is that?

Since the tower fell,
we've had to live
as bandits.

What do you want, Bog?

Nothing much.

Just everything valuable
you frogs got.

And if we refuse?

Then we'll have ourselves
a little cookout,

burn this whole place
to the ground.


So, what'll it be, Mayor?


Look after Toadie for me.

Time for me to do
what I do best...

lie to a fairly large
group of people.

Look at you, Bog.

I'm surprised you
ain't thinking bigger.

What do you mean?

I mean,

how'd you like to be
my second-in-command

at the newly rebuilt Toad Town?

What's he
talking about?

Mayor Toadstool's leaving us?

Huh. But I heard you liked
being Mayor now.

Me, like being Mayor
of a disgusting, Podunk,
mudhole town like this?

Ha. Not a chance.

Well, we are tired
of living in caves
and eating scraps.

Then you're gonna love
this next bit.


Join me
and half of this
is yours.

It's beautiful.

Oh, I agree.
Why not
take a closer look?


Get 'em, boys.



Where'd you go?

Whoops. Sorry, Mire.



Go get him, Archie.


[clears throat]
I know. It's time
to go to Toad Tower.

Just give me a minute
to say goodbye.

All this time, I thought
you were the right toad
for this job.

But it looks like I was wrong.

-You're soft, Toadstool.
Way too soft.

You love this town,
and any moron can see it.

I'm afraid we need
someone cutthroat,
someone ruthless.

Someone just like him.

- Huh?
- [gasps]

Uh, you pointing
at the right guy?

You were seconds away
from burning this town

if you didn't get
what you wanted.

We could use
that kind of resolve

that kind of backbone,
that kind of ambition.

So, how 'bout it, Bog?

Wanna rule this valley together?

When do we start?

Sorry, Froderick,
but a heart
is the one thing

the Head of Toad Tower
can't have.

See you around, Wartwood.

I'm gonna make Grime
seem like a big softy.

[chuckles maniacally]

Well, that went well.

Who am I kidding?
This is terrible!

Everyone, about what I said
back there...

Ah, shove off, you big galoot.

We knew you were
just looking out
for the town.

You may be
a corrupt, no-good,
money-grabbing louse...

But you're our
money-grabbing louse.


I don't know what to say.

[gasps, grunts]

Don't leave me!

I won't, Toadie.

I won't.

Who's that snuggly
little baby?

Who is that?
Who is that?


Uh, should we be watching this?