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06x02 - Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey

Posted: 10/14/22 20:03
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm up all night online ♪

♪ I'm looking up my symptoms ♪

♪ Tell myself I'm fine ♪

♪ But my system just
ain't listenin' ♪

♪ Like, ooh ♪

♪ This ain't normal
how I'm feelin' ♪

♪ No, ooh ♪

♪ Running higher than a fever ♪

♪ When my palms start to sweat ♪

♪ I feel it in my stomach ♪

♪ This is how I get ♪

♪ Every time I know you're comin' ♪

Ohh! Baby, I'm sorry!

You okay?

♪ Sometimes I think that
I might die with you, ooh ♪

♪ It's like I'm almost
too alive with you ♪


♪ Ahhh, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah ♪

♪ Oh, it feels like ♪

♪ My heart's gonna beat so
fast, gonna beat so fast ♪

♪ Gonna beat so fast
that it might stop ♪


♪ Oh, it feels like ♪

♪ My heart's gonna beat so
fast, gonna beat so fast ♪

♪ Gonna beat so fast
that it might stop ♪

Didn't I see you running into
work when I was driving in?

- Yeah, that was my warm-up.



That Crisis One paperwork
isn't gonna file itself.

Yeah, Hughes usually does
the paperwork for Crisis One.

I believe the words you're
looking for are, "Yes, Captain."

- Yes, Captain.

He's even more charming than usual.

Travis Montgomery can
grandstand all he wants,

but the truth is, the people
want somebody with experience.

I've been working at
city hall in one capacity

or another for years.

Montgomery's been a non -ranking
firefighter for less than .

Dixon is so salty that
you're getting famous!

I'm not getting famous.

Like, five people have shared
that video from the tornado.

You are Seattle famous.

Embrace it, buddy.
It's gonna help you win.

I don't want to win. I
just want Dixon to lose.

Seriously, though, you could win.

Look, they are calling you "Mayor Trav."

Oh, okay.

So I'm not even Seattle Famous,
I'm Seattle Gay-Famous.

- Yeah. I'm Gaymous.
- Yeah, you are.

ANDY: Jack, I'm gonna
fill up your voicemail

until you call me back.

Has anyone heard from Gibson?

Look at Mayor Trav. Look at him.


- Ooh! Jaunty.

You know this means you
need a boyfriend, right?

Theo, not in front of Vic.

Wha... Ah, buh, buh. Wait,
wait, wait, he's right.

- As your campaign manager...
- You're not my campaign manager.

As your campaign manager,
I would be irresponsible

not to tell you that
candidates poll % higher

when they're in a
committed relationship.

Even more when they're married.

I'm pretty sure that
doesn't include gay men.

Ah, gay firefighter. Big difference.

That's right. Mm. They do have a point.

Yeah, I'm saying, we could set you up.

- With who?
- We know gay men.

Other than me.

- Your dad?
- Ohh.

Is it just me, or is Beckett, like,

out for blood with Bishop these days?

Dude! Okay. I didn't want to say
anything, but I heard him tell Carina

that Bishop tried blackmailing
Ross into firing him.

- ANDY: What?
- Yeah.

No. That is... Come on, stop.

- That's ridiculous.
- Is it, though?

Bishop's the most ruthless
person I know, except, well...

- you.

What could she blackmail
Chief Ross about?

Exactly. I mean, why would she need to?

'Cause you could fire Beckett
for literally anything.

- I mean, pick something.
- Any reason.

Maybe Ross is a con artist and

- was never even a firefighter before.
- Oh. That's your opening play?

- Yeah.
- That's a little extreme.

- But you know what? I mean...
- I like it, so...

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, maybe she's an
international super spy.

- Ooh! I like that.
- Origin story.

I like it.

- I love that.
- Yeah.

Like a bank robber,
hiding out from the cops.



[SIGHS] It's .

You'd think we'd figure out how
to digitize Crisis One filings.

Please tell me that what
I just heard is not true.

- What did you hear?
- That you [CHUCKLES] blackmailed Ross.

[SIGHS] Did Carina tell you that?

No. People are talking.

Wait. Why would your wife tell me that?

She thinks something's wrong with me.

If you blackmailed
the Chief, then, yeah,

I-I might have to agree.

I just wanted my job back.

Oh, so you thought...

You thought blackmail was
the way to do that, huh?

- Maya...
- I saw an opportunity, so I took it.

What opportunity?

You're already looking at me like
you think I'm scum, so never mind.

Oh. Come on. Stop it.
Girl, look, it's me.

I mean, whatever
you tell me stays here.


People are out there, making up stories

that are probably way worse
than whatever the truth is,

- so you might...
- I told Chief Ross

that if she didn't get rid
of Beckett and reinstate me

as Captain, then I would
go to the department

and report her
relationship with Sullivan.

Aren't they just... old friends?

I think they're more than that.
Or at least they used to be.

Or maybe that's what she wanted,
and that's why she promoted him?

I don't know. But it was
gross and inappropriate.

We've all been gross and inappropriate
at some point or another.

But... we do not blackmail each other.

I know, and it was a stupid impulse,
because I didn't have any proof

so I couldn't actually report them,

but Ross went to Beckett and told him

I tried to s*ab him in
the back so she could keep

her nose clean and let
him punish me himself,

which is actually kind of genius,

and if I didn't hate her so
much, I'd actually love her.

But now Beckett has
been taking it out on me

the last six months until
my wife got upset with him

and confronted him about it,
and he told her what I did,

and now she thinks
that I need therapy.

Wait, wait, hold up.

You didn't even tell Carina?

I didn't say it was a good plan.

Okay, all right.

[LAUGHS] Okay.

Y-You have to promise me one thing.

Actually, two things.

One, do not tell anyone
else in this house

what you just told me, okay?

Do you want to go back to
when they all hated you?

No. Right, exactly.

- And two...

DISPATCH: Engine ,
Ladder , Aid Car

requested at San Juan Court.

Aid car is wrapping up
another call. They'll meet us.

- Bishop, you're on the ladder with me.
- Why?

'Cause I need someone
to polish my helmet.


Cutler, you're on the engine.

Maybe the new chief's a Wiccan.

Maybe the Chief made a pass at Maya.

You think she's her type?

What's a Wiccan?

Hey, what was the second thing?

Listen to your wife. Get some help.





Herrera, you're interior division.
Sullivan, Hughes, fire attack.

Find the fire, drop-bag a hose line.

Montgomery, Ruiz, search and rescue.

Evac the building.



My neighbors, they're still inside!

They're old, and the
husband uses a walker.

- What apartment, ma'am? Oh, God.
- I can't believe I left them!

- Ma'am, what unit?!
- That building, Unit D!

Stay here. Go around!

Ah! Cap, the hydrant's dry.

City probably hasn't updated them
in this neighborhood in years.

Yeah, well, if we need
more than the gallons...

I'll get a tanker.

Dispatch... this is incident command.

We need a tanker ASAP!

- Set it for next week.
- Okay. Got you.

Then you have the budget meeting
with city council at :.

That doesn't leave you time
for a lunch break. Do you want...

Kel, you know I don't take
a lunch break. : is fine.

No lunch?

That must be how you
keep such a slim figure.

Michael Dixon. I forget we
work in the same building

since you're hardly ever here.

So, Montgomery... he's become
quite the fan favorite, huh?

You threatened?

Oh, yeah, I was really
counting on that boost

from the gay Asian voting bloc.

% of nurses in Washington
state are Asian American.

Oh, oh, wait!

The Nurses Union endorsement is key

in the mayoral race, isn't it?

So is the Police Union's. And Fire.

Two out of three.


You think Montgomery has
the Fire Union in his pocket?


... they really live in their own
little bubble, don't they?

Send them my cuddles and snuggles, Ross.

Nice makeover, by the way.
The tie made you look so mannish.

Says a guy with a spray tan.

I don't think we need to admit you,

but I would like to observe
you for a little while longer,

just to be sure. Okay?

WOMAN: Thank you, Doctor.


Why are you acting surprised to
see me? You know I work here.

- Yeah, not so much surprised as, um...
- Ashamed?

I was gonna say afraid.

Can we finish yelling at me
after I get some pain meds?

- You think I'm yelling?
- Is that not what's happening?

No, Jack, I'm not yelling at you.

Have you ever been
yelled at by an Italian?

Yeah, you.

Well, then, when I yell, you'll know.

Show me.

- This looks horrible.

I am sorry, by the way.

Yeah, for abandoning us after
committing to be our donor?

Uh-huh, you should
feel sorry about that.

- "Abandon" is a strong word.
- No, that's the accurate word.

You made me believe that
you had made a real change

and you had matured and grown

into somebody that I could trust,

and you are none of these things.


Yeah, no, you're right.

Squeeze. You dodged a b*llet with me.

- I suck.
- Don't just agree with me.

I'm... Okay.

Um, you're wrong.

Shut up?

Oh, my God!


Apartment D is up on the right.

- Hello?!

Can anyone inside reach the door?!



IVY: Please! Help us!

Come on. Come on, sir.

Let me help, let me
help. Back up, back up.

- Ma'am, can you walk?
- Yes, yes.

Okay, follow us!

Okay, no! No, no, no! Leave it!

Leave the vitamins, and let's go!

It's time to go. It's time to go.

- Oh, no, no!
- Okay, no!

Whatever that is, it's not...

Okay, it's your wedding
album. That is important.

Keep moving, all the way out.

- Is he okay?
- Nice and slow.



MAN: That way! Follow them!

MAN: Checking for an extension.

VIC: Why are there no
smoke alarms going off?

Is anyone up here?!

- Hello?! Hello?!
- What in the world is this stuff?



Sounds like we got fire in the walls.

I just got to tie off for the hose.

What the hell are all
these computer servers for?


- Ah, damn it!
- What are you doing here?


Hey, hey, hey! You
gotta get out of here!

- Hughes, cut the power.
- Got it!

No, I can't! I gotta... No, no, listen.

I need to...


Don't touch the hazard.

Sully, I found the problem!

There you go, there you go.

Ready. All right.

- Hughes, you ready?
- VIC: Yeah, gimme a sec!

SULLIVAN: I got him, Hughes.
Get the water up here.

Captain, I'm coming out.

You're on the t*nk till we
get more water. Make it last.


BEN: Just take deep
breaths, deep breaths.

TRAVIS: Okay, let's
have a seat right here.

You're gonna be okay, ma'am.

- What's your name?
- Ivy.

My husband's Gerald.

Okay, Ivy. My name's Travis.

I want you to put this on.

Take slow, deep breaths.

years we've lived here.

Ivy, I want you to keep
this mask on, all right?

I promise we're doing everything
we can to put that fire out.

Okay, Gerald, slow,
deep breaths, all right?

We'll have an aid car here soon
to take you to the hospital.

Captain, I need an ETA on Aid Car .

Bishop, he was poking
around the scene of the fire.

A bunch of computers
bootleg-wired together.

I got him, I got him.


Take a breath, take a breath. Breathe.

, building's clear,
knock that fire down.

Remember, we only got gallons.


Woman on P. A.: Dr. Williams to NICU.

Dr. Williams to NICU.

This is a new surgical
intern, Dr. Adams.

You think I might need surgery?

I don't decide that.
He will decide that.

It's pretty jacked. What happened?

It involved a tree, a
tornado, and some handcuffs.

[CHUCKLES] I hope at
least you had some fun.

I shoulda gotten it checked
out a week ago, but...

You were in self-destruct mode,

like everybody in my life seems to be.

Yeah, we're gonna need an X-ray.

Why are you looking at me?! Go order it!

Stanson, please dial .

Dr. Stanson, .

I'm pretty sure they call that
a hostile work environment.

That's how interns learn.
We scare them, okay?

- Okay. Yeah.
- Okay.

I keep telling people that I'm
meaner because of the hormones,

and that's part of it, but it's be...

It's... it's because...

I left, and you guys had to pivot.

Oh, my God, Jack, no!

That has literally
nothing to do with you.

There are mountains of
sperm for sale in the world.

We have all the sperm we need.

Okay, yeah. No, you're
right. Not... Not about me.

I got it.

It's just because I'm so angry.

I'm angry at my wife and at the world,

and anger is like a
poison that comes out

as meanness, and...

I used to wear pink scrubs
because work was my happy place,

full of happy people,
bringing in new life, and...

now we're wearing black
scrubs, in protest,

because women's bodies are
held hostage by the government.


I literally have no happy place left.

Yeah. This keeps happening.
It's the hormones.

Carina, are you pregnant now?

No. May... I don't know.

Okay, I'm gonna need
to take you to imaging.

What's the wheelchair for? He can walk!

She's not usually this angry.

Do you even know where imaging is?

That was gonna be my next quest...

Oh, my God. I'll take
him. You go l-learn stuff.

You, come on, move.
You can walk, go. Okay.

- Come on!
- Oh, my gosh, all right.

I'm coming. Wow.


MAYA: This is gonna sting.

I gotta... Those computers,
I gotta get them out.

That's a conversation for
your insurance company now.

IVY: I don't understand
how this could've happened.

TRAVIS: Sounds like the complex
hasn't been well -maintained.

When we first got married,

this was a nice neighborhood.


We were the only people
we knew with a pool.

Ivy, I need you to keep
this mask on, please.

But then, like everything
else, it started to change.

They stopped fixing the roads.

The prices got so high,
the stores had to close.

The building manager covered the pool

instead of maintaining it.

The rent went up. We can't
afford to move, can't afford to stay.


- Gerald. Gerald?

Hey, Warren, I need some help over here.

What's happening? No, Gerald! Gerald!

- Don't leave me!
- MAN: Ma'am, stay back.

- They need to work.
- No, no, I have to be with him.

- Charging!
- Wait. Is he okay?

- IVY: No, what... what's going on?
- Clear!

- Why isn't... Why isn't...
- V-tach arrest still.

- Time for epi.
- Arrest? Does that mean heart attack?

Ethan, I need you to stay calm
and take deep breaths, okay?

IVY: You have to help him! Help him!

W-What's... What's going
on? Tell me, what's going on?

- Gerald?
- Hey, do you know that man?

- Gerald, you promised.
- Hey, Ethan, do you know that man?

- Stay with me.
- What? No, I-I-I don't live here.

Gerald! Do not leave me! You hear me?!

Miss, Gerald just needs some space.

- What do you know?
- What?

If you know how that fire got started

and you're not telling us and
that man dies, you go to jail.

IVY: Please. Please,
tell me what's going on.

All right, I'm gonna
charge it again. Charging!

- Charging again?

- What does that mean?
- Clear!


- We got him.



Gerald, honey. You came back to me.

We need to get him to the hospital now.

Where the hell's that aid car?

- What the hell?
- Talk. Now.


VIC: It's eating right
through these walls.

SULLIVAN: Yeah, old
building, cheap material.

Let's hope there's not
too much more of this.


We have about four
minutes of water left.

But do we have less than
four minutes of fire?


Captain, how soon until
we have more supply?

We have more fire than we have water.


I need an ETA ASAP.

Captain, we're gonna
need that water real soon.

ANDY: Where's this tanker
coming from, Canada?

NATASHA: Yeah, why don't
we have it knocked down?

Dry hydrant, short on water.

Yeah, that tracks, unfortunately.

- You call a tanker?
- Yep, still eight minutes out.

All right. Let me try to expedite.

I'm searching the perimeter
for another hydrant.


Captain, we've used more
than half the supply already!

Tanker's eight minutes out.
The chief is expediting.

In eight minutes,
this building is toast!


Captain, we do not have
to wait for the tanker.

Fire Attack, save the last
hundred gallons for the siphon.


♪ You told me keep
my head down, yeah ♪

♪ Don't make no waves ♪

♪ No waves ♪

♪ Young bird don't sing now ♪

♪ Sing now ♪

♪ Get back in your cage ♪

♪ We started a movement from it ♪

♪ This is our train ♪

♪ Listen up, it's gon' get loud ♪

♪ Screamin' out my rage ♪

♪ You were there
for the good times ♪

♪ Left me in the bad ♪

♪ Enemies are a good sign ♪

♪ Truth is, I'm glad ♪

♪ Because they all fall down ♪

♪ And you gon' learn eventually ♪

♪ That when it all boils down ♪

♪ You can't challenge me ♪

♪ But I wish you would ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I wish you would ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪


♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

BECKETT: We have water,
folks. Let her rip.

VIC: Herrera's a genius!

She stopped me just in
time to leave enough water

- for the siphon!
- That's our Senior Man. [CHUCKLES]

♪ Oh, oh oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I wish you would ♪

♪ Oh, oh oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh oh, oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh oh, oh oh oh ♪

Hey. They'll bring you
in in just a minute.

Thank you.

- Uh... Oh.

Okay, I have to ask.

Was any of it true?

When you left Seattle, we
were worried sick about you.

And... And Andy told us

you were looking for
your foster siblings.

But did you even leave Seattle?

Or have you been hiding

at that drunk woman's
house this whole time?

No, I-I left. I... I tried to find them.

That... That wasn't a lie.

Okay. And then what happened?

Well, uh, it took a while, but, um...

eventually, I found out
that, uh, my brother, Cal,

lives in Utah.

Okay. So that's where I went.

I got his address, went
to his door, and, uh...


He didn't remember me.

I mean, he was and I was ,

so it's a bit fuzzier for him.

But, um...

I didn't think there was much point

in looking for Lily after
that, so I got in my truck,

and I just drove around for a while.

Um, camped up and down the coast.

Um, slept in my truck
for a couple weeks.

And then, uh, somehow,
found myself back in Seattle.

That's when I walked into a
bar and saw Eva, and then, uh...

Yeah, I-I guess that
was a couple months ago.

[SIGHS] I feel like the whole
world is on fire right now.

E-Everyone I know

is in pain or a panic, or they're lost.

Or they're ruining their own lives

or somebody else's life or...

they're suffering or grieving

or trying to convince
themselves that love and life

is something worth fighting for.

You're saying I'm not special?

I'm saying we're having a moment.

All of humanity seems
to be having a moment

right now, and...

[SIGHS] Your story
breaks my heart, Jack,

but you don't have to
be alone in your pain

unless you keep choosing to be alone.

- NURSE KAREN: Gibson, Jack?
- Yeah.

Thank you.


Okay. There you go. Nice and easy.

And put your seat belt on.

I'm not as frail as I look.

Oh, I can tell.


Tell them.

His computers started the fire.

His bootleg wiring job overheated

and blew out his system.

It was a power surge
that fried the servers,

- and they're not mine.
- What are they for?

You're not a cop. You
can't interrogate me.

He's right. Let's just call PD.

Sounds good. That way,
when they figure out

whatever Dark Web, child porn,

human-trafficking ring he's involved in,

they won't have to make a
second trip to arrest him.

Think of the gas they'll save. Goodness.

Mm. I hope you have
a good defense attorney.

Okay, okay, calm down.

It's a crypto mine. It's not illegal.

I'm just trying to get my bag up.

What's a crypto mine?

Basically, a giant calculator

looking for the next
piece of an equation

that's somehow worth a lot of money.

What, you think I got
rich playing Keno, Bishop?

Whose servers are they?


PD will get this out of him.

Yeah. How long will that take?

Whoever put him in charge of
this operation likely has others,

and if they're as shoddily
rigged as this one,

they're just fire
hazards waiting to happen.

Listen, Ethan.

I understand what it's like
to follow orders, be a good soldier.

But following orders just
cost people their homes

and possibly their lungs.

Is that worth the few

extra bucks that you and whoever
put you up to this are gonna make?

[SCOFFS] Welcome to capitalism.

Tech billionaires, developers?

They're cheating the
system for billions,

and the city calls it a "tax incentive."

I run a few crypto rigs
out of my apartment,

but I'm a criminal?

Yeah, well, siphoning
electric power is a crime,

and if that man Gerald dies,
are you willing to go to prison

to protect whoever put you up to this?



Will he be okay?

Well, he's not quite alert yet,

and he's not out of the woods,
but I think he'll be okay.

Oh, please, God.

We're old but not old
enough to bury each other.

Yeah, well, I have every intention
of living to be years old,

and I expect my wife to do the same.

I get it.

What about you? Do you have a wife?

I do not. Oh.

I had a husband, though.


My grandson is gay.

That's... Congratulations.

You know, he's...
He's running for mayor.

- No, sir!
- Oh, yeah.

Isn't that something?

W-What's your name?
I-I'll write it down.

Uh, Montgomery, Travis.

Well, now, if you're running
for mayor, you'll need a husband!

Here... take my grandson's number.

T-Thank you, Ivy, but, you know, I...

I tried dating a grandson
once, and it didn't work out.

You haven't met my grandson.

- Right.
- BEN: You know what?

You give me that number.
I'll make sure he...

Okay. Yeah.

Thank you, Warren.

BEN: I'm here to help.

NATASHA: And this guy,
"Bryan," he paid you

- to illegally bootleg the servers?

They're his rigs, he wired them.

And you just let him?

He paid me grand a
month, so, yeah, I let him.

To keep his computer equipment?
Why you? Why your place?

I'm a college student,
which means that I am poor,

which means I qualify for
cheap power through the city's

Utility Discount Program.

Mining takes a lot of power,
and the cheaper the power,

the bigger your profit margin,
and he's making a k*lling.

Already had another mine
at another guy's apartment

with rigs going.


I don't know. I swear!

Probably some crappy
complex like this one.

And the crappier the building,

the less chance of
anyone asking questions.

As if being poor weren't bad enough.

"Bryan" is not answering.

Do we just start knocking on doors

at all low-income housing
buildings all over town?

Sure, Bishop, why don't
you go get a head start?

NATASHA: No, no. We call City Light,

see how many low-income units

- are drawing unusual amounts of power.
- That'll take days.

Not for the Fire Chief.


It's Chief Ross from SFD.

You know, you're not a bad
captain when you're sober.

Wish I could say the
same about you, Bishop.

You guys used to date or something?

'Cause that dude really hates you.

Shut up. Just sign here for discharge.

Just use your finger.

Ethan, this is your last chance.

Where are Bryan's other crypto mines?

I swear to God, I don't know.

What did City Light say?

There are power surges
happening all over the city.

Bryan's crypto mines just
became ticking time bombs.

All right. This just became critical.

I need all users drawing
way above average power.

All right, !

Engine's going to the pin
that I sent you, Sullivan.

Beckett's gonna take the
ladder to the other address.

I've got the third one.

We're looking for illegally
wired computer servers.

So what do we do when we find them?

We politely ask whoever
is there to unplug them.

And what if they don't?

Then you call Dispatch
for PD backup, all right?

Keep going till we hit all five spots

or we get another call,
whatever comes first.

All right, let's go!

"Only you can prevent crypto fires."


I don't get it.

You had to be born in the 's.

Bishop must be hating life right now,

stuck on a field trip with Beckett.

They're both professionals.

He's probably making her
scrape the gum off the bottom

of the seats or something.

Man, I gotta know what
she threatened him with.

I'm sure whatever happened
was blown out of proportion.

You don't think the
Chief hit on her, do you?

'Cause if that is what happened,

I'm honestly a little offended
it wasn't me. But I guess...

All right, that's enough.
Knock it off, all right?

It's... It's disrespectful.

Oh, come on. Only if
we say it to her face.


Herrera, don't take away all my fun.

Uh, that's it. Uh, right up there.


We sure this guy isn't violent?

No. We don't know
anything at this point.

- And what if he tries to...
- Oh, I think we found him.

- Hey!
- Hey, hey!

- Hey, are you Bryan?!
- I don't know any Bryan.

I-I'm not doing anything illegal.

Look, we're Seattle Fire.
We just want to talk to you.

We aren't cops. We just want to
make sure there's no fire hazard!

- Wait, no!
- Hey, hey!

- Hey, hey!
- Ooh!


- Oh, no. Ooh.
- Ooh, okay. All right.

- Okay, okay.
- Okay.

BECKETT: Well, that was a bust.

Next address is Willow.

- So, you're into Bitcoin?
- How about some tunes, Kline?

We never listen to
tunes in the rig anymore.


♪ Gonna have a real
good time tonight ♪

♪ Ain't nobody gonna fuss or fight ♪

Come on, Kline!

♪ Gonna have a real
good time tonight ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

SULLIVAN: Yeah, you got some... Oof!
Some bad bruising but at least

- no open wounds or bleeding.
- Thanks.

All right, this is gonna help
with the swelling, all right?

[GROANS] Can you keep
me covered up, man?

Yep, yep, yep, yep.

I'd be more concerned about
the fire you're responsible for,

the utility fraud you committed

- than us seeing your weird li...
- All right, all right, Hughes.

- Hughes.
- Shutting up.

You hit your head pretty hard.

- Both of them.
- Hughes.

Shutting up!

- Concussion?
- Most likely.

He's gonna need a trip to the hospital

- on his way to prison.
- Herrera.

Okay. I'm shutting up now.

[SIGHS] I feel you, man. I mean... damn.

Captain, we found Crypto Bro.

We need to get him to the hospital.
What's the status on the aid car?

Copy, Aid Car en route.


So, uh, listen...

I don't know if Hughes is right

about this whole you
needing a partner thing,

but I have Ivy's grandson's number.
So he's a tall

- drink of water, I hear.
- w*r... Not you, Warren.

Please... Please not you, too, okay?

Can you not try to set me up, too?

I don't need that from you.

I don't know why nobody believes me

when I say I'm not
trying to actually win.

Oh, I know why.

Because you don't believe you.

- I don't want to win.
- Yeah.

Because if I do, the chances of me

becoming like Dixon are way too high,

and I'm hanging way too
close to that edge already.

Why? Why?

Because you... You got
a little good press?

A-And you actually liked it?

Come on, Montgomery, look...

You could buy a dozen
billboards a-and a Super Bowl ad,

and you still wouldn't be a
fraction as corrupt as that man.

I promise you.

- Think I could just do an X?
- I don't care.


What did radiology say?

Buckle fracture of the distal radius.

But, you know, just a splint, so...

Does it still hurt?

I'm fine.

You know, all of
humanity is in pain, so...

- I wasn't dismissing your pain, Jack.
- I know.

I was just saying don't be alone in it.

Don't add pain to
your pain by keeping it

all to yourself when there
are people who love you.

I was saying the
abuses of your childhood

will only define you if you
need everything to end in chaos.

I-I-I was saying, don't self-destruct!

J-Just get help when the people
you love tell you you need help!

- Wow.
- I think I'm talking to my wife.

- She's not here.
- Oh, I know!

That's what it sounds like
when an Italian yells at y...

- You don't care.
- Nope.

- BEN: New theory.
- VIC: Mm!

The chief and Beckett have
an illegal crypto pool,

and Bishop found out.

Oh, so maybe Chief is in
cahoots with Bryan in there!

I like it!

Maybe Chief Ross has a
drinking problem herself.

[GASPS] And Maya threatened to out her

- if she didn't fire Beckett. Right?
- Yeah, yeah.

Well, if that's true,
how come both Beckett

and the Chief are still around?

Because they both got clean,
except the Chief did it

the right way so you could never tell.

Not like the captain,
who just, you know,

subbed booze for breath mints.

Okay, guys, seriously, stop.

- Oh, God, it's just a joke, Herrera.
- Yeah, it's all good fun.

Except it's not,
because it's real people

and real lives you're talking about.

Oh, okay.

All right.

You want to know what
Maya said to the Chief?

Oh, you know? Yeah, you know now?

- Of course I do!
- Yeah, dude, tell us.

We all knew you knew.

It was because of me.

Bishop went to the Chief
and said that if the Chief

doesn't fire Beckett and
make me captain of ,

Maya was gonna make a
public stink about the Chief

looking the other way
about Beckett's drinking.

And then, right after, Gibson left,
so there was room for me...

Yeah, and she didn't
have to fire Beckett

and told him to get clean.

Right. Right.

And the Chief told Beckett that

Maya tried to get him canned.

Mm. I mean, that's kinda
sneaky, and I like it.

And now Beckett has the freshest
breath in the department...

And a serious grudge against Bishop.

And I-I just found out,

so, look, her... her
plan kinda worked, right?

I'm back.

- Yeah, Senior Man.
- Right.

All right, so just stop with the...

- The rumors and the gossip.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

And let's just focus on
getting Gibson back on his feet,

and let's... let's have each
other's backs, all right?

- Yeah.
- ! God!

- !
- Thank you!


- [SIGHS] Crypto Bro okay?
- Concussion.

And gnarly groin injury.

Yeah, he won't be riding
any horses anytime soon.


No, he scrambled his
own eggs by jumping off

that balcony to avoid getting caught.

Yeah, but, you know, we, uh...

We kind of played cowboy, though, right?

Fire safety is in our purview.

I agree. The guy's a criminal.

He did this to himself.

TRAVIS: I mean, he preyed on poor people

and the city's lack of
empathy for their needs.

- What?
- MAYA: Yeah, in order to

"get his own bag up."

[LAUGHS] His bag is all the way up

in his abdominal cavity right now.

Vic, no!

- No! Too soon.
- Come on! Yeah!

You know who's into crypto?

Bishop, why do I see
your wife around here

more than my own girlfriend?

You have a girlfriend?

He has a girlfriend.

So he gets laid regularly
and is still a d*ck?

THEO: Stop with the rumors and gossip.

- Just ignore him.
- Yeah, I'm good at that.

I was just telling Andy
that I saw Jack this morning.

At the hospital?

Yeah, at least he finally
got his wrist looked at.

Yeah, he's not doing
well. He... He needs help.

Yeah, that was clear
when we found him drunk,

under a tree, handcuffed
to Eva Vasquez's bed.

- I thought he was your friend.
- He was, and then he left.

Look, if the department
really takes care of its own,

there's probably, like,
an outreach program...

If you guys are talking about Gibson,

he already made his own bed
out of handcuffs and greenery.

You can have your girl talk
here, but I need to eat.


And I need a workout.

CARINA: Maya...

I am sorry Jack is struggling,

but he ditched us.

ANDY: Yeah, that's kinda cold.

I mean, do we have each
other's backs, or do we not?

I'm dealing with my
own problems right now.

Except you're not
really dealing with them.

I am, in my own way.


H-Have you started
looking for therapists?

I'm gonna go get cleaned up.


No me, or no her?

I'm sorry I haven't done everything

on your timeline, Carina.

I'm living in my own personal hell.

And my co-workers are
now gossiping about me...

- Actually, I fixed that...
- And my boss hates me

and treats me worse than
I was treated as a probie.

And now my wife can't have my back

because she has suddenly
decided that I am unstable.

So, no, I haven't researched therapists

because I've been kind
of busy with all of that.

I'm sorry. I...
I-I-I'll call Jack again.

Thank you. I'm heading out.


EVA: Ready?


Booze up and be somebody! [LAUGHS]

- Mm. Mm!

- Hey, baby.
- Hey.

Want a shot?

- I'll do one with you.
- Okay.

What'd you do today?

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!

Does this mean you
can pull my hair again?

- Soon, yeah.

To getting your grip back.


Oh, excuse me. Have we met?


You know, that shower
was not nearly as good

as the one this morning.

Yeah, well, I have better body wash.

That must be it.





I just... You're not real. This
isn't real. This is too... perfect.

- Come on.
- No, I'm...

I'm so in love with you.

And we have mind-blowing sex,
and we work together, here,

without friction or
awkwardness or competitiveness.

- Those aren't bad things. I know.
- I just feel like I'm being lulled

into this sense of comfort and security,

and I'm totally unaware of
this giant pile of bricks

that's about to drop on my
head, so can you just drop it

and let's just get it over with?

- Are you a con artist?

Or in witness protection?

Or, like, a closet
crypto bro or something?

Things are good, so something's
got to be wrong with me?

No, I'm just saying,
look at Carina, okay?

She marries Maya, thinking
she met the perfect match,

and they're living this
picture-perfect life,

and then, turns out, Maya's
just a nasty blackmailer.

[LAUGHS] Are you really surprised?

I am just saying,

if there is something
that I should know,

or, like, a shoe that's
about to drop, can...

I thought it was bricks about to drop.




What if nothing's about to drop?

What if I pinch myself every morning

because... I can't believe
how lucky I am to have you?

What if sometimes I
don't think you're real?


What if, last year, when
we broke up and you...

were pregnant...

what if I thought that
was, for sure, the end?

And... maybe I cried.


And I thought, "It was
good while it lasted."

- Well, here we are.
- Yeah.

And, uh, I might've
blackmailed Beckett...

Ugh. to taking me when closed down.

Canoodling in the firehouse!

- Oh!
- Well, I am shocked.

- Sorry, Mayor Trav.
- Yes.

- Mayor Trav.
- How about a shame ticket for you?

- You can have one, too.
- I don't need any shame.

That's right.


I feel like I'm having déjà vu.

Yeah, just burning off the day.


Well, listen, I-I just
wanted to say that, um...

Herrera told us about what you did.

How you went toe-to-toe with Ross

to get her job back at .

That took guts. [CHUCKLES]

But it was the right thing to do,

'cause, you know,
Herrera, she belongs here.

All right? So, uh, good looking out.




♪ Every tombstone ♪

♪ Had a candle ♪

- ♪ Stayed lit in the rain ♪
- Honest taxpayers want to know

why the city is allowing
these cryptocurrency criminals

to operate right under our noses.

Great. Now I agree with him.

See? It's happening already.

As if we don't even exist.

♪ I placed my palms together ♪


♪ Is that how you pray? ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

- Hey.



Maya is not herself.

- Okay. She's...
- She's not herself.

She's... in self-destruct mode,

and when she goes there,
she brings people with her.


If you're sleeping with
the Chief, you need to stop.

- I'm not sleeping with the Chief.
- I know you. I know you well.

I know what you look
like when you're in love.

I know what you look like
when you're keeping a secret.

I know you, and I care about you.

You fought hard to get your career back.

So if you are playing with fire...

I'm not.

You're walking through
this house smiling

and... and texting like a teenage girl.

- Because I'm on a dating app.
- Mm.

So... So why does Maya think that...

Maya needs to mind her own business.

♪ Piece of you ♪

I served with the Chief.
I had a connection.

A lifeline with someone who got it,

who understood what I survived.

And now I can't even have
a conversation with her

without people accusing me of something.

- Robert...
- No, Andy.

You got it wrong. It's not happening.

It's not happening.






I didn't call for you.

Today was tough.

Welcome to firefighting.

Not the job.

You constantly busting my
chops in front of the others.

Bishop, if you're here to whine...

It's because I tried to get you fired.

I get it.

I think we're even now.

I want to declare a truce.

Peace offering.

It's your favorite, right?


Good night, Captain.




