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01x06 - Sprig vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time

Posted: 10/15/22 08:52
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[frogs croaking]

[upbeat music playing]

[sighs] Huh?



Hop Pop, Hop Pop, great idea!

What if we trained
the cowapillars to eat these weeds?

-Then we wouldn't have t--
-Hup bup bup.

Suggestion barrel's over there.


Suggestion ...

-Hey, think he actually reads these?
-Doubt it.

I suggested a swimming pool months ago
and that never happened.

Oh, come on, guys.
Have a little more faith in Hop Pop.

[grunts] Oop... [laughs] Hand's stuck.

[groans] What the...

Huh? A fire pit?
That's the opposite of a swimming pool.

Why, Hop Pop? Why?

Because your suggestions were ridiculous.

You can't just dig swimming pools
anywhere. It attracts pests.

Running a farm ain't easy, kids.

Maybe. But if I were in charge,

I'd listen to other people's suggestions,
not burn them.

You? Run the farm?

Run it into the ground maybe.


[gasps] Is that an official challenge?


-[bell ringing]

Sprig Plantar, you have rung
the Plantar Family Challenge bell!

What is your challenge?

I want to replace Hop Pop
and run the farm my way.

-Hop Pop?
-I do formally accept this challenge.

I'm sure this will make sense in a moment.

-What the heck's going on?

The Plantar Family Challenge.

An artful test of skill where
the winner takes all!

They push each other until someone
falls off a lily pad.

It's dumb, but fun to watch.

Has Sprig ever won?

I've won in spirit.

-So, no.
-Enough chit chat.

-Let the challenge begin!
-[bell rings]

[both yell]

[both grunting]


[laughs] Give it up, boy!

I've got the experience
and the upper body strength.

Oh, yeah? Well, I've got
the moral high ground!

What? [yells]

-[gasp] Sprig won?
-[gasp] Sprig won?

I won?

Nice work, dude.

I don't believe it. I'm head of the farm!

-[Sprig, Polly and Anne cheering]

[all chanting] Sprig's head of the farm!
Sprig's head of the farm!

Sprig's head of the farm!

Looks like my time is over.

Sprig! Sprig! Sprig!

All right, all right, that's enough.


OK, maybe a few more.

Sprig! Sprig! Sprig!

Love it! First order of business.

As long as I'm in charge,
no suggestions are bad.

Swimming pools?

-You betcha.
-Dance parties?

Let's have one right now, baby.

[music playing]




-Back it up, girl. There you go.



[carnival music playing]



Hey! Hey, clown!

-Whoa! Whoa, whoa! Polly!
-Whoa! We paid him for this.

[music playing]

Soak it in, g*ng. This is what
good leadership looks like.

Uh, anybody worried about Hop Pop?

I haven't seen him since we got back.

He's probably off licking his wounds.

[sighs] Might as well get comfortable here

with all the other frogs
nobody needs anymore.

Need some help, little feller?

There you go.

Where was I? Oh, right. Crippling sadness.


[chuckles] Hey, you're more loyal
than my own family.

I'm gonna call you... Jeremy!





Is anyone else, like, starving?

Dinner. Great suggestion.

Huh. No food in here either.

Guess today's the day Hop Pop
goes to the grocery store.

What are we gonna do?
I am getting hangry! [grunts]


Fresh from mother nature's
garden of delights. Dig in, everyone.


Whoops, didn't check for pests.

I'm beginning to think there's a few
things we don't know about running a farm.

We've got some kinks to work out, sure.

But isn't it better to live in a place
where you're listened to?

-I guess so.
-Yeah, it is.


[Sprig] Don't let it touch me!
Don't let it touch me!

[all screaming]


[Anne] Sprig, we have a situation!

[gasps] Situation?

[all gasp]


I've called this meeting today
for obvious reasons.

-The farm is ruined.
-We have no food and we'll die!

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Luckily for us,
we have the power of great suggestions

and management that listens.

So have at it, guys. What should we do?

Remember, there are no bad suggestions.

[both] Let's find Hop Pop and put
him back in charge.

Hopadiah Plantar was a tyrant!

A tyrant who knew how to run a farm.

And more importantly, cook.

I will not go back to that life.

Don't you like being listened to?

I don't exactly feel
listened to right now.

Ditto. You're kinda freakin' me out, bro.


[exhales] Let's take minutes
and start this meeting over.

And next time, bring a good suggestion.

-You thinking what I'm thinking?
-Oh, yeah.

Jeremy, I can't thank you enough
for letting me into your community.

I feel like I'm really part
of something now.

There he is! Hop Pop!

Dude, we've been looking all over for you.

Hello, girls.
You here to help us scavenge?

It's gonna be a long, cold winter.

More bodies means
more warmth for everyone.

Uh, no. Sprig is ruining the farm.
You've gotta come back.

We've been eating nothing
but raw potatoes.

I'm having digestive strife, Hop Pop.
Digestive strife!

-[bugs squeaking]
-Give me a minute, boys.

[sighs] I've grown since
the last time you saw me.

How long's it been now?

A day and a half.

I've got me a new life among the beetles.

They've taught me about community,
equality, listening.

-Sprig sleeps in your bed now.
-He what?



Now where did those
ungrateful kids get off to?

Huh? [screams]

I have returned.

I don't believe it.
Backstabbers! Conspirators!

Sorry, dude. We had a good run,
big ambitions...

But we didn't know what we were doing.

We had a beautiful dream,

but I guess I'm the only one
willing to fight for it.

[bell rings]

Sprig Planter,
I challenge you to a rematch.

Winner gets control of the farm, forever!

-Sprig, do you accept this challenge.
-Please say yes.

I accept.


I b*at you once, I can do it again.
I'll prove my way is right.

-We'll see.


-Let the final challenge begin!
-[bell rings]

[both screaming]

The girls told me everything, Sprig.


You're destroying the farm.

Don't you see? Even if you win, you lose.


So I'm just supposed to go back
to the way things were?

-You never listened to us.
-And I was wrong.

I know now that you can't work together
unless everyone has a say.

Jeremy taught me that.

[both grunt]

You... You mean it?

I have to admit, most of my ideas
were pretty terrible.

I think we even caused
permanent damage to the ecosystem.

Yeah, but some of your ideas could work.

We'll never know unless we try.

I promise from now on to actually
read your suggestions.

[all gasp]




-And the winner is Hop Pop!
-[bell ringing]


Phew. Think we could set up
some shade out here Hop Pop?

[both] Huh?

Great suggestion, Anne.

Thanks, Hop Pop.

And over there, I kept a small version
of your swimmin' hole.


Oh, and best of all, no more pit of fire.

Thanks, Hop Pop.

Thank you, Jeremy.



Hmm. Nope.

Hmm. This one's a maybe.

[frogs croaking]

This one is going all the way, baby.

[chuckles] You call that a spit?
Now, watch this.

[groans] Just when I thought you guys
couldn't get any nastier.

[both gasp] Nasty?

Why, spitting is practically
a sport in Wartwood.

We even have a town record.
Whoever breaks the record gets a trophy.

A trophy for spitting?

I can't believe you two are exposing
Polly to this sort of--

That record is mine!


That's my little spitter.

-You could spit the frown off a widow.
-Wait a second...

[Hop Pop] I always said you'd be
the best in the family.

Well, you take after
your Great Aunt Gertrude.


She was always really good at spitting...


Oh, no. Polly, you've been surrounded
by boys your whole life.

It's not too late. I can fix this.
You need girl time.

She needs girl time. Hop Pop, wallet.

Where are you taking me, crazy lady?

Not sure what she wants with my wallet,
not like I got any money.

Less talk, more spit.

[indistinct chatter]

Whoo! Girl time. It's time for girl time.

OK, Anne, what the heck's going on?

Look, hanging out too much
with Sprig and Hop Pop is dangerous.

If we aren't careful, we'll wake up crusty
and storing our boogers in jars.

We need a day to reset.
A day that's ladies only.

That sounds bad.

Look, when I'm done with you,
you are gonna feel like a new Polly.

Trust me.

Well, I guess it couldn't hurt.

Plus, you and Sprig
are always getting into fun trouble!

So what are we doing?
Toad wrasling? Snake punching?

Better. We're going to...

a spa.


[gentle music playing]

Those guys know what's up.

Two of your fanciest
spa treatments, please.

-That will be... ten coppers... each.
-[xylophone plays]

What the... Hop Pop's IOUs?

Uh, will this work?

Hmm, well, it does say he's good for it.

Accepted. Here are your towels.

Alrighty, then.

I don't know, Anne. This seems boring.

Why don't we do something fun instead?

Ooh! [laughs]

Polly, there's more to life
than spitting and hitting stuff.


Just trust me.

-Girl time, engage!

[fish kissing]

-Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!

So then I says to him, I says,
"I don't want to eat there."

He says, "Why don't you wanna eat there?

You ate there last week.
I thought you liked it."






Thank you.

Here you go.


Anne, I thought girl time
was gonna be exciting.

You and Sprig are always getting mobbed
or eaten or eaten by mobs.

Yeah, but not by choice.
Come on, isn't this great?

Sure beats pocket boogers
and spitting, right?

Excuse me, madam,
what kind of scone is this?

Oh, those are dung beetle.

[gulps] Tasty.

Not to put my snout
in other people's business,

but if you ladies are having girl time,

I know this great place where you can get
a full body massage. Mmm.

[gasps] What? I love massages.
I used to get them all the time back home.


Uh, ma'am, you really need to go.
You're making everybody uncomfortable.

[in a vibrating voice] Never.

I've never had a legit
full body massage before. We're going.

You know what, I think I'll pass.

Gotta get home and work on my distance.

[gasps] Polly Plantar,
I am not giving up on you.

If there is one thing that will fix you,
it's a massage.


[gasps] Someone get the constable!

Uh, hello? Anyone here?

Well, this place seems nice.

-I help you?
-[screams] Hi. Who are you?

Am town healer, Tuti.
Also part-time bounty hunter.

I like her. Tuti, huh?

Well, we're here for that
full body massage.

Full body is good.

Come, we get personal.

Ooh! I'll go first.

Whoa, you frogs are really flexible, huh?

Are you sure you know
how to massage a human?

Is same.

[grunts, shrieks]

Whoa, mama.


This is amazing. So... relaxing.

Is that my foot?

And on that note, I'm out.

Is done. You are reborn.

Polly, you are going to love this.

Pollywog gone. You talk to no one.

[gasps] What? She ditched me?

But this is all for her. [groans]

I got to find her
and get this thing back on track.

See you, Tuti.

-[door opens]

Afternoon, Tuti.

Wonderin' if you've seen
a couple of ol' scammers

handing out these fake IOU's today.

Scammers? Fake?


Come. I lead way.

Fiery as ever, Tuti.


[loud burp]

Dang, kid. You got the burp of a titan!

Thanks, Wally.

Hey! [panting]

Oh. Hey, Anne.

What the heck, dude? You ditched me?

And now I find you rubbing elbows
with the local deadbeat?

That hurt my soul.

Well, at least this guy
doesn't waste my time with stuff I think

is stupid and boring!

[gasps] Well, excuse me
for trying to make you

less of a disgusting little slob. [gasps]

Polly, I... [stammers] That's not--
I mean, what I mean is...

-Tuti caught thief.

Wait, what do you mean thief,
I totally paid.

Sorry, little lady, but Hopadiah's broke.

Which makes these IOUs
you've been handing out totally worthless.


These chains represent
our burden on society!

Dang it, Anne. How much did you spend?

Now pay up, or I'm gonna have to do
my duty, and put y'all in debtors' prison.

We'll have to sit in a chicken coop?

Less like sittin' and more like
gatherin' eggs for the town

until your debt's paid off.

That doesn't sound so bad.




[all grunting]

You let my family go!

[Anne gasps] That's it!

Hey, mustache! Is that trophy
made out of gold?

Twenty four karat, ma'am.

All right, Polly. Time to shine.

Wait, what?

Spit, dude.

Spit like you've never spit before.

Break that record and save this family.

Let's do this.

OK, little lady. You get three
official chances. You ready?


-I don't think she's gonna make it.
-It's not looking good.

Only one more chance, little lady.

Something ain't right.
She's not spitting at full force.

[Hop Pop] Almost as if she's ashamed.

Yeah, and I think I know why.

-Hey, you OK?

I guess it's just kinda hard to spit
when you feel gross.

[sighs] Polly, I'm the gross one.

I tried to change someone
that's perfect the way they are.

-You saying you were wrong?
-Very wrong.

Super wrong?

-Super wrong.
-You're always wrong?

I'm always-- Hey, not always.

OK, just most of the time.


OK, let's finish this.

[all cheering]

You did it!


[Tuti] Here, extra.


Well, your debt is repaid
and my work here is done.

-Whoo-hoo! Go Polly!
-That's my little spitter.

So what are we gonna do
with the extra gold?

I think I have an idea.

A little to the left.
There, that's perfect.

[chuckles] Whoo-hoo!

-I love it!

Hey, sorry, girl time was such a bust.

Eh, don't worry about it.
I mean, the more I think about it,

the whole idea of girl time
is pretty weird.

I mean, who's to say boys don't like spas.

[gasps] You went to the spa? Without us?

Oh, Anne, I love the spa.
Did you get that fishy pedicure?

-Yeah, it was amazing.
-Oh, I agree.

You know they're actually eating
the dead skin off the bottom of your feet?

[theme music playing]