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03x07 - The Hard Part

Posted: 10/15/22 19:35
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

You know
what gets on my nerves?

This assertion that we are supposed to pair up,

you know, that we
have to be in couples.

And love, marriage--you know,
marriage was invented

as a financial transaction,

and it does not
make you whole.

Yeah, and a lot of marriages
end in divorce.

Yes, most marriages
end in divorce.

I'm divorced.
You're divorced.

Marriage is stupid.

My life is mine.

It's a good life.

Last night
I stayed home with my cat.

We ordered Sushi

and learned about the kombai
tribes of new Guinea.

Mm. Good times.

Oh, I need sex, Sam,
like I need water.

I'm in a desert.

And it's not actually
the sex that I miss,

which I would be
very grateful for,

let's be clear about that.

It's just that feeling,
you know, of being alive.

I mean, the flutter
that you get in your stomach

when you first kiss someone
and--and your lips part

your tongues--
ugh! Stop!

Just stop.

Oh, I gotta sit.


Okay, I need it, too, but if
you tell anybody, I s--

I won't.

What if you had said yes?

Yes to what?
In med school
when I asked you out



What if you had said yes?
Well, I mean, I couldn't.
I mean, Nai was--

is--was my best friend,

and she had
a huge crush on you.
I know,
and so I asked her out

and then we got married,
and then we got divorced.

Derek asked you out. You got
married and you got divorced.

So I'm asking you now...
What if you had said yes?

Do you think that
we would've had a sh*t

at--at making it?

Me and you?

Me and you.

Help me!

Help me!

Over here.

What happened?

My wife...
All right, pulse
and respiratory rate are rapid.

I have no signal
this deep in the canyon.

Use mine. All right,
tender on the right side.

He's losing a lot of blood.
My wife...

We're gonna call her
just as soon as we can, sir.
No. Our car crashed.

I tried to get--get help.

Kara, she--
she's over there.

Help my--help my wife.

Oh, thank god you came.

Kara, my name's Addison.
I'm a doctor.

Where does it hurt?

And--and we're stuck.

Can you--could you
get us out?

Where's--where's Jake? Did they
get him to the hospital?

Jake's with my friend Sam.
He's a doctor.

Uh, let's try to get you
out of this car, okay?
I can't. My a--

arm is stuck.

Okay. C-Can you--
can you feel your fingers?

I could--i could yes-yesterday.
Now they're--they're tingly.

I'm worried about the baby.

You've been here
since yesterday?

Yeah, it was getting dark
when we crashed,

and Jake left before sunset.

When he didn't come back,
I was afraid.

Thank god he made it out.

We found him about
50 feet up on the hill.

He was out there...
All night?

But... I thought you were here
to get me out.

It's just you and--
it's just you and your friend?

Okay, Kara--
You can't--
you can't get me out.

Kara, listen to me. Jake is
alive. Sam is helping him.

But I need
to check the baby. Okay?

Now when's your due date?

- Um...
- Today.

I'm due today.

Oh, uh, yeah. Hey, guys.
We close early on Saturdays.

Brendon got married
today, dude.

- Mazel tov, Brendon.
- Mazel tov!

You know, you can't drink
in here, you guys.

You, uh... hey, your
wedding day's a big day.

You might not want to be
so drunk that you forget it.

I'm not drunk.
I have a problem.

It's my wedding night,
and Melissa and I,

tonight will be
the... first time.
You're--you're virgins?

We figured it was important
to make the first time,

you know, special.
That's sweet.

Uh... I'm sorry.
Did you need something?

Well, I didn't want
to take a chance,

so I took these pills
right after we said "I do."

I was hoping they would
kick in by tonight,

and they did.

But it's--it's been up
for, like, three hours.

And my mother-in-law
tried to hug me--
oh. Oh.

Okay, okay.
How many did you take?

Four, maybe five.


This is the sexology place,

She's dehydrated. I'm afraid
of vascular collapse.

The baby's okay?
She says
she can feel movement,

but I can't angle in
to hear the fetal heartbeat.

I mean, there could be
a placental abruption.

I-I-I don't know.
How's he doing?
Broken rib, he's got
a deep gash to his thigh,

bleeding internally--he's bad.
I gotta get help fast.

You think you can
get outta here before dark?
If I run, maybe.

I mean, it took us
three hours to get in.
All right, I'll just go
back and forth between 'em,

try to keep them both stable
until you come back with help.

All right, I'll put
a pressure dressing on him

so he doesn't bleed out,
then I'll go.
Okay. Go fast, Sam.


Which one of you
has the erection?

Priapism's no joke, fellas.
If I don't get that mast down,

this boat might never
sail again.
Well, you wanna walk
my plank, captain?


What's your name?


Well, Dan, let me tell you

the procedure
for reversing priapism.

First I take
a long-Gauge needle,

and I push it down
the head of the penis,

then I slowly draw out blood,
flush it with saline and repeat.

Still the man, Dan?
Now who has the erection?

Nice to meet you.
Follow me.

Aah! Oh, god.
Okay. Sorry. Sorry, man.

It's okay, it's okay.

As long as you're taking care
of Kara, it's okay.
Well, you both survived
a really horrible crash.

- The baby seems okay.
- I thought I could make it out.

I thought I could do it,
you know?

All right. Addison will be back
to check up on you.

What's wrong? What's wrong?

I-I can't breathe.

Damn it. You've got
a collapsed lung.

Okay, um...

Okay, i'm...

All right, I'm gonna have to
make an incision in your chest

to relieve
some of this pressure.

This is gonna hurt.
Here we go.

Okay. Stay with me, Jake.

Stay with me Jake.


You need to drop 'em,
I can't.

We're dealing with
a ticking clock here.

The longer you wait,
the greater the chance

of permanent vascular
and neurological damage.

Do you want your Johnson
to fall off?

Well, he's a virgin,
and it's his wedding night.

What's that have to do
with anything?
I think standing in front of
Maria sharapova

with a pitched tent

is a little like
cheating on his bride.
That is the dumbest thing
I've ever heard.

I'm a physician, and we have
a tennis court reserved.
Okay, what if--
what if I came in,

if I was there,
sort of like a chaperone?

For his penis?

Just get his pants off.

Uh, Charlotte...

I think you might want to,
uh, change your clothes.

Does that hurt?

Mm. No.

This is my fault...

The crash.

A bee flew in the car,
and I grabbed Jake's arm.

I didn't mean to.
It was an accident.

Ah! That hurts.

That's your rib.
It's probably broken.

That ought to make delivery
really fun, huh?

Mm. Well, my vote
is for a c-section

in a hospital.

I second that vote.

Jake wanted a home birth.

I told him that's fine

as long as the baby
come outta him.


What--what happened?

Collapsed lung.


There we go, there we go.
I had to improvise a chest tube.

He's stable, but we have to keep
opening the tube

- every half an hour...
- Or he'll arrest.

I brought him here

so you could watch both of 'em.
What's happening? Jake!

Tell her...
Tell her I'm okay, please.

He's okay, Kara.

Sam, it's gonna be dark soon.
I-I know, I know.

We had a hard enough time
finding the trail

during the daylight.
Yeah, well, the car
came from somewhere.

I'm--I'm gonna try to find
the road. I'll be fine.

All right.

What's happening?

Nothing. It's just,
uh, Jake's having--


Hit the brakes!


Did he drop his drawers?
Gowned and waiting.

Thank you.

Oh! You scared me.
You scared me.

I thought everybody had left.
Charlotte and I had
a late walk-in.

What are you doing here?
I had some work to do.

It's Saturday night.
Well, it's not like there's
a lot happening at home.

- True.
- What did you do to him?

It's not our fault.
Don't lie to me.

Have a beer.
I don't want a beer.

Okay, everybody just calm down.
No, no. Don't tell me
to calm down.

This was supposed to be
the best night of my life,

and they've ruined it.
My wedding reception

is going on right now,
and there is no groom!

You know, you seem
very upset right now.

Maybe we can go somewhere
and have a talk?
Is it true
about... his thing?

It's not funny!
It's my wedding night.

Come on. I'll--I'll
take you to your husband.



I'm okay. Kara?

Are you all right?
I'm still here.

Are you okay?

Is she okay?

Okay, okay. Um...
You're--you're bleeding.


Oh, I hit my head.
All right.

It's nothing. I'm okay.
Let me
take a look at it.

I can't open the door.

I can't open the door.
Here, Sam. Help me.

The rock is blocking
the door.
Help me!

Okay. Okay.

Look, can you get out
that window?



If you can't get out,

I can't leave.

Jake--his tubing--
it'll clog...

And he will die.

What is it?

Nothing. All right?
The, uh... Kara...

Trying to
figure this out.

We're gonna have to, uh,

probably gonna have to
stay here through--

wait out the night.


Bourbon, neat.

Can I get you a drink?

but I've got one coming.

that took so long.

That bartender
was a total...

Pete. What are you
doing here?

Having a drink.
No, I can see that.
Why are you here?

Just like you,
trying to have a little fun.
Maybe I should go.

N-No, no. Wait.
Thanks for the drink,


She came up with that
on her own.

Hope I didn't ruin
your game.

Don't worry about it.
I wasn't that interested.

So you trying out
the single life?
I am single.

Right. Right. Of course.
What's that
supposed to mean?

Nothing. Nothing.
You and Violet--

oh, okay, stop.
I am not going there.

Tonight is about good booze
and single women, period.

On the prowl, are you?
You know...

Trying to prove a point?
it's a big bar. I--

okay, but look,
we're colleagues now.

Aside from that thing
that once came between us,

there's no reason
why we can't be friends.

Maybe we would've been

if not for that thing
we won't talk about.

I doubt it.

You stuck a needle
in his--
it's okay, baby.
It didn't hurt.

She froze it first.

And so our next option
is to insert a shunt

to redirect the blood flow.
A shunt?

That sounds big.

It is,
but it's what I got.

Otherwise I'll have to
deglove the penis.

I make a circular incision
around the glands,

roll back the skin
and squeeze out the blood.

Oh, god!

Feeling better?

Yeah, a little.

So... how long
have you been pregnant?

This wasn't
supposed to happen.

When we made
our virginity pledge,

everyone made fun of us,

said we were freaks.

But we liked being different.

It was our way of saying what
we had together was special.

Well, the fact that you
couldn't keep your promise

is understandable.
No, no, no.
You don't get it.

We--we made a pledge.
It's a big commitment.
One that's difficult to keep.

Yeah, that's what Jenny said
at my bachelorette party.

Who--who's Jenny?

My sister.

She and her friends
were telling stories

about their first time,
how much it hurt.

They said I should just do it,
just get it over with.

That way, it would be great
when I was with Brendon.

It's not Brendon's?

I thought if the wedding night
were close enough,

Brendon would think it was.
Is that the kind
of marriage you want,

a relationship based on a lie?

You're gonna
have to tell him.

Okay, uh,
I'm gonna go get Jake.

That way I can help you
and him.

Will he make it
through the night?



y-yes. If the--
if the tube holds, yeah.

Good. That's good.

Addison... ooh.

It hurts.
Something hurts.


I think I'm bleeding.

It's not blood.

Your water broke.
You're in labor.



Oh, you've played before.

I lived for a while
on an army post.

There wasn't much
to do at night

except go to the bar,
drink and play darts.
You were in the army?

National guard. I was called up
as a reserve doctor

when we invaded Iraq.

See any action?

at a veteran's hospital

in landsthul, Germany.

I saw some action in Bosnia--
doctors without borders.

Had some pretty close calls
in the field.

I'm sure burning sage
in a w*r zone's

quite dangerous.
Okay, is there something
you want to say

about the type of medicine
I practice?
I think I just did.

Oh, look. You lose.

Let's go again.
I'll take your money
all night.

♪ baby, just lose control ♪

♪ girl, you know
what I want ♪

Uh, hey. You're way out
of your league on this one.

We'll see about that.

Vodka, no ice.
Thank you.

What are you doing?

Well, I'm hoping
that Violet gets Melissa

to come clean with Brendon.

She's pregnant
by someone else.

And Violet is involved why?

Because Brendon needs to know.
Violet should mind
her own business.


It was just--

good. This is good.

This is gonna be good.
This is gonna be really good.

What do you think
you're doing?
Talking to a patient.

She's not your patient.
Excuse me?

She's my patient's wife.

He came in for a stuck penis
not a relationship-ectomy.

no one asked us
to insert ourselves

in their personal life.
Melissa is upset.

I am helping her
to figure out what--
no, you are doing nothing.

no one is saying anything
to anyone.

It's my patient
and my penis.

Something's wrong.

That's funny.
Everything's wrong.

The force of the impact
shifted the baby.

He's in a breech position.

Well, what does that mean?
Is he okay?

It means that his legs
are pointing down.

I-I can't deliver him in this
position without turning him.

Don't move. Hold still.

I'm gonna try to flip
the baby. It's gonna hurt.








Did it... did it work?

I'm sorry.

How are you doing?

The baby...
It's a footling breech.

I can't move him,
and he's coming.
How long?


And even if I do manage
to turn him,

I don't know if I can deliver
in this position.
We can't wait
till sunrise.

I know. I'm afraid we're gonna
lose all three of them.

What are you doing
with my tackle box?

I'm trying to give you

as much time as possible
while I'm gone.

The tubing's loose.

If I can sew it into your skin,

it won't
get pulled out of place.
Which would k*ll me?

I think it'll give you
more time.

You promise me you'll,
uh, come back, right,

and bring help for Kara?

I promise.

Let's get it over with then,
so you can go.

Okay, everyone.

Visiting hours are over.

Let's go, Melissa.

I want her to stay.
That's fine with me.

Okay. I'll be outside
if you need me.
Will you stay?

so I don't freak out.

Great. Party
in procedure room one.

I know this might sound
a little forward,

but I-I saw you
from over there,

and--and I think you are...

You have this
unstoppable sex appeal.

You know, you're--you're like
the Niagara Falls of sexy.

Wow. That was... terrible.


Well, uh, I'm Sheldon.

Can I buy you a drink, dawn?
I'd like that.

Um, a Margarita.
A beer and a Margarita,

While you're at it, I'll take
a bourbon straight up.

Thanks, Sheldon.
Oh, you two know each other?

We're colleagues.
Doctors, actually.

Well, I'm a doctor.
Sheldon's a shrink.
A psychiatrist,

which means I have medical
training and emotional depth.

I bet you're very easy
to talk to.
Oh, he is. It's kinda like
talking to your dad.

Gee. Look what time
it is, Pete.

Shouldn't you be getting home
to your baby?
Oh, you have a baby?

Yeah, I'm a single parent.
And at his age...

Oh, I-I got it.
I got it.

No, Sheldon. I've got it.
I got it.

Sheldon, put your money away.
I got it.

I'm gonna let you two
work this out. Excuse me.
If you insist.

Great. Thank you.

Bringing up Lucas...
Low blow.
You drew first blood.

If you can't stand
the heat, get--
see, that's the difference
between you and me.

This isn't a game to me.
I actually like this girl.

I think she's nice and funny
and smart.

And you'd take her home
just to prove a point.

Excuse me?
Well, if I'm allowed
to use the name,

I think you're still in love
with Violet.
Well, you know what I think?
I think you're projecting.

You're the shrink,
but I think maybe it's you

who's still hung up on her.
I am a shrink,
and clinically speaking,

we would call
what you just said an evasion.

In layman's terms,
you're a liar. You love her.

And when she comes around,
you'll regret this.

♪ ...Coming back
for more ♪

♪ just like the last time ♪

The shunt's almost in.
Just a few more minutes.

This is our wedding night,
and I've ruined it for you.

Don't say that.

If this doesn't work,
we'll never be able to do it.

It's not your fault.

I just wanted you to think

that I was some kind
of rock star in bed.

I wanted you to think
I was worth waiting for.

There's something
I need to tell you.

Maybe now is not the time.
Now is definitely
not the time.

I'm pregnant.

We had a pledge.

We agreed... wait. You--
you did it with someone else?!

I have a sharp instrument
inside you. If you ever want

to use it again,
I suggest you stop squirming.
How could you?!

She made a mistake.
This marriage is over.

Brendon, we can talk
about this but--
everyone get out now.

Okay. All right.
Okay, let's go.


So I, uh...

I sewed the tube in.
Uh, he's exhausted but stable.


How's the labor?

It's progressing quickly.


Okay, don't fall
or get hurt

or do anything that might
cause you to die in this canyon.

You have to come back.
Okay. All right.

Okay. Be careful.

I will be careful.

I feel something!

Oh, my god.
I feel something.

What is it?

It's nothing.

Tell me. Just tell me.

It's bad enough without you
not saying things.

The baby's foot--it's come out
through the cervix.

His foot?

Oh, no. I can't--
I can't deliver him like this.

He'll die.
He's not fully engaged,

so I need to push him back up
through the birth canal

and try to invert him
from the inside.

What? Are you kidding me?!
It's bad, but you can
do this, Kara, okay?

Just take a deep breath.

I'm gonna be right here
with you, all right?

And we're both just...
We're both just gonna breathe.

Take a deep breath.

- Okay, ready?
- Uh-huh.

Aah! No, no!

No, I can't! I can't!

Stop! Stop! Ow! Stop it!

Kara, Kara,
don't give up on me.

I need you to try.
No, no, no, no.

You can do it, baby.
You can do it.

No, I can't.
Oh, yes, you can. You're
the most stubborn woman I know.

It's not too hard for you.
We can do this.

No, I don't want to.

Kara, listen to me.

You know how most times...

You're the one who's always
in charge of us, right?

You decide where we eat,

what color
the baby's room's gonna be,

where we're gonna go
on vacation.

And it works
'cause I trust you

and I know you want
what's best for us.

Well, now it's my turn.

I'm the one who's in charge.

I'm in charge of us,
and I say you can do this.

So you have to do this.

It's my turn, okay?

I know what's best.
You have to trust me.

Kara... you have to do this.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Just do it.
All right?

Let's try again.
Okay? You ready?

Okay, here we go.

Okay. Aah!

Come on.
Oh, god!

Come on.
A little bit more. Almost.

Ow! God!




Wh-what just--what happened?
Did she do it?

We did it!

I love you, Kara.

Oh, I love you, too.

Hey, Melissa's in my office
crying her eyes out.

She says she won't leave
until she talks to Brendon.

He doesn't
want to speak to her.
Well, you're gonna have to
get him to change his mind.

I get it.

You're a meddler.
You like to meddle.

Meddling makes you happy.

But when it comes
to my patients,

I'd prefer you stayed away.
Okay, we use a team approach
here, Charlotte.

That means we share advice
or suggestions

or anything
that might help the patient.

Brendon came here
for a case of priapism.

Now look where he's at.
Yeah, well, look where
they're both at.

They start the day,
their whole lives ahead of them,

happiness within their reach,
and... then it's shattered.

And who shattered it, Violet?
Who got her to open her yap?

I think you're afraid.

I think you're afraid of
getting to know your patients.

So you put on
the tough southern girl act,

because to feel
what they're feeling...

Well, that would mean
feeling something.

Is this the part where I
break out the kleenex

because you think my heart's
darker than Texas coal?

You know, our patients come here
for healing, Charlotte.

So... whether that means
a pill

or a bandage or a needle
or a conversation,

it's the same.

We listen, and when we can,
we respond.

That's what we do here.

No. It's what you do here.

So, uh...

You just gonna
stand there all night?

Is there something else
I should be doing?

I think it's customary

for the guy
to make the first move.

Oh, I get it.
This is the move.

You do nothing while you wait
for me to come to you.

Well, it worked, didn't it?
Your, uh, friend Sheldon,
he doesn't play any games.

His approach is straight up.
And yet, here you are
talking to me.

Sadly, I have a weakness for
guys who make me work for it.

♪ ...In advance ♪

Maybe it's time you tried
dating a nice guy instead.

You do get that I wanted
to leave with you?

Oh, hey. Here you are...
With Pete.

she was looking for you.
You were?


Yeah. I thought that maybe
we could grab a bite to eat,

get out of here.
I'd love that.

I will grab my coat
and, uh, meet you at the door.


♪ I wanna thank you ♪

Well, it looks like I got
the girl this time, huh?

Looks that way.

I'll see you at work Monday.


Good news, Brendon.

Not only are you flaccid,
I found no evidence

of vascular
or neurological damage.

You know, I thought I married
the virgin Mary.

Turns out I married
Mary magdalene.

I know your heart feels broken
clean through right now,

but... if you walk,
you might regret it.

No, not after what she did.


Not warm...
And feelings are.

So I'm gonna
just tell you this thing,

'cause here we do that.

We tell you things,
and sometimes it helps you.

Oh, for the love...

Anyway, here's the thing
I want to tell you.

I was married...


I married the first man
I truly loved.

Thought we had this whole
fairy-tale thing going on.

It was.

He was... amazing.

We were amazing.

And then he did something...

Something stupid
and thoughtless...

Something mean...

The kind of something
I was not willing to forgive.

So I left him.

I left him behind
and I went on

and I live
this whole other life now.

And it's good.

It's fine.

I have a great guy,
I'm a doctor.

My life is damn near perfect.

But every once in a while,

I think about that guy

and the fairy-tale thing
we had

and... I wonder
if we'd still be amazing

if we were together now.

And I'll never know...

'Cause the minute it got hard,

the minute it stopped being
a fairy tale...

I cut and ran.

Real life is hard.
Real stuff takes work.

Real life is sometimes
thoughtless and mean.

But that doesn't
cancel out the love.

So if you don't love
this girl,

walk away.

But if you look at her

and you know she's the one...

You owe it to yourself
to give her a second chance.

Lift your butt then push.
No! I can't move.

The baby can't come out, Kara,
until you push. Now lift.
You can do it.
You can do it, baby.

I can't!

Kara, look at me.

Kara, look at me.

All right, we are both
trapped in this car.

We are both scared--
terrified--all right?

But you have a guy outside
this car who is waiting for you.

You have a guy who loves you.

Now if you don't do what I
tell you to do, you will die.

You will die on him.

Now if I die,
nobody's really gonna care.

W--they'll care,
but they won't be broken.

If you die, you will break him.
Jake will be broken.

Someone loves you.

So we're not gonna sit here
and debate this.

When I tell you to push, you are
damn well going to push! Right?

So push!


Good. All right. Good.

Baby's out. The baby's out.

How is he?

Is he okay?
Is he okay?

Oh... no. He can't be...
You have to help him.

You have to help him.

Help him.

You have to help him.


He's okay?
Well, first of all,

someone missed something
on the ultrasound,

because he is a she.

And, yes...

She's okay. Yes.



She's so beautiful.

And everything's...
Ten fingers, ten toes.

Jake, we had a girl.
Jake, it's a girl.


Jake, your daughter
is gorgeous!





I know. It's okay.



Jake! Jake, can you hear me?

Do you see him?
Is he moving?



Get the repelling team!

Sam! We had the baby.
But Jake--how's Jake?

Tell me he's alive.
Tell me!

He's still alive!

E.M.T.'S almost there.

We're gonna have to
pull him up in the helicopter.

All right,
give me a backboard,

I.v. Of normal saline
and 0-2 on a rebreather.
You got it.

Way to hang in there.
We're gonna get you outta here.

All right, you're gonna
be in good hands, man.

- Well done.
- Careful. Careful.

Listen, I don't want--
I don't want to go, okay?

I don't want to go--
she's right behind you.

I don't want to go
without Kara.
She's gonna catch up with you
at the hospital.

Take care of Kara. Promise me.
Yes, I got you.
Good job, buddy.

One, two, three.


Hey. Sam.
So they're gonna
have you guys outta here

in a couple of minutes.
How is he?

He lost a lot of blood, but I
think he's gonna be okay.
And the baby?

- Paramedics have her on 0-2.
- She's nice and pink.

You guys did good.
All right,
door's coming off now.

We need you to stand clear.

Thank you.
Just, uh, thank you.
Oh, no. You don't have to--

I do. And I swear,
when we get outta here,

I am naming that baby Addison.

That's good. That's good.
I'm bringing 'em in.

All right.


Stop! Stop! Stop!

Hold up! Hold up!

- Sam! She's crashing.
- She's losing blood!

The pressure from the door
must have tamponaded the wound.
Get me an I.V.!

She's crashing!
She's crashing!

Brendon, I know
you're still angry.

Damn right, I'm angry.
I'm pissed...

And humiliated.

I'm so sorry.

I never wanted
to see you again.



I-I look at you, and...

I'm not ready
to w-walk away.

I love you.



Keep off it
for a couple days.

What just happened here?
Guess he didn't want
to give up on her.

Now that was a long night.
Who's up for some food?

My treat.
I'll go get my stuff.

So that was
a good thing you did,

convincing Brendon
to give her another chance.

Is there any privacy
in this office?

Does Cooper know
you were married?

I wasn't.

Brendon and Melissa
are back together.

They're happy. That's all
that matters, right?

W-Why don't I believe you?

Let it go, Violet.
Were you lying?

You know,
it's not actually morning,

but I think I'm having pancakes.

Yeah, I'm having
banana pancakes.
You know what?
O-On second thought, I think,

uh, I-I got a lot of work
to finish up, so...

Charge the paddles.

You heard me.
Charge the paddles.

it's been 20 minutes.

She's gone.


She's gone.
Addison. Addison!

She's gone.

Get me outta this car.

I want out of this car.

Get me out.

Get me out of this car.

Get me out of this car!

Get me out of this car.

Get me out!
Get me out of this car!

♪ I've been standing ♪

Get me out of this car!

♪ On this mountain ♪

♪ I've been standing ♪

♪ on my own ♪

♪ I never thought ♪

♪ that I would get here ♪

♪ it just takes
walkin' out the door ♪


Hi, sweetheart.

♪ I went driving ♪

♪ down this dark road ♪

How's Kara?

Uh... she ended up sustaining
a very serious injury.



No, no, no.

♪ Oh, and I got ♪

♪ the scary feeling ♪

♪ that I've been here before ♪

♪ used to want... ♪

I have something
I need to tell you.

♪ Everything ♪

♪ I thought
I could have that ♪

♪ and more ♪

♪ we're not old ♪

♪ but I can't ♪

♪ help it ♪

♪ I don't expect much anymore ♪



I know it's a bit early
for scotch, but...

It's 5:00 somewhere.

Oh, boy.

You remember
when medicine was simple?

We could save people's lives,

people didn't die and...

Bad things didn't happen.

Bad things always happen.


So me and you?


You never answered
my question.

Do you think
we would've made it?

Oh, I don't know.

I don't know
if we even had chemistry.

Ugh. I was just a geek
going for the hot girl.

I was the hot girl?

Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah.

You were hot.


You weren't a geek.


♪ there's a cold wind ♪

♪ blowing from the north ♪

♪ now emptiness ♪

♪ has come back for more ♪

You are no Naomi.

You're no Derek.

♪ I am ♪

♪ Quite certain ♪

♪ that I've been here before ♪