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03x20 - The Secret Library: The Tale of the Noble Knight

Posted: 10/16/22 07:00
by bunniefuu
I was a girl in the village doing all right Then I became a princess overnight Now I gotta figure out how to do it right So much to learn and see Up in the castle with my new family In a school that's just for royalty A whole enchanted world is waiting for me - I'm so excited to be - Sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about Sofia the first Making my way, it's an adventure every day Sofia - It's gonna be my time - Sofia To show them all that I'm Sofia the first Minimus, we have to stop.

You're getting queasy, too? No, it's my amulet.

I've gotta get to the secret library.

I'm here, I'm here.

Don't start without me.

"The Tale of the Noble Knight.

" That sounds interesting.

NARRATOR: In the far-off kingdom of Brazendell, dragons roamed the mountains, while people lived in the villages.

For as long as anyone could remember, the two always left each other in peace, until one day, for reasons unknown, the dragons began setting fires all over the countryside.

The king of Brazendell declared that whoever could stop the dragons would be named First Knight, leader of all knights.

So Oliver, the strongest knight in the land, vowed to defeat the dragons and become First Knight.

To do this, he had to find the magical ice fire shield, which had the power to freeze dragon fire.

This special shield could only be found by following a trail of riddles and clues.

However, a rival knight named Sir Jaxon also wanted the ice fire shield, so he set out to trap Sir Oliver.

But Sir Oliver said he was going to use the shield to help people.

I wonder what Sir Jaxon's going to do with it.

In order for the kingdom to be safe, it is vital that the most noble knight gets the shield.

But in the land of Brazendell, things are not always what they seem.

It's my job as Storykeeper to finish the story.

So I have to help the most noble knight find the ice fire shield.

I need to get Minimus.

Sofia, I still don't understand why we're flying towards mean, fire-breathing dragons instead of away from them.

Because we have to help a noble knight get a special shield.

We might not even see any dragons.

Uh, then what are those up ahead? - SOFIA: Dragons! - What do we do? - Where do I go? - Down, Minimus.

Hide under that rock.

- Whew! - The good news is, if we're seeing dragons, we must be in Brazendell.

That's your idea of good news? I see the tower from the book.

Let's go.

Look, Sofia.

- That's gotta be Sir Oliver.

- How do you know? He looks like a noble knight.

Yeah, he sure does.

And I don't even know what noble means.

It means being honest, kind and brave.

Sir Oliver said he's getting the shield to protect people from dragons.

Will he protect flying horses, too? Because if he will, he's my new hero.

He won't be able to protect anyone if he gets trapped.

We've got to warn him about Sir Jaxon.




Sir Oliver! Hold on, Sofia.

This may be bumpy.

Ho now.

Move aside, fair lass.

I have an urgent knightly matter to attend to.

I give that landing two stars.

- Out of five? - Out of ten.

- Okay.

You're Sir Oliver, right? What gave it away? My brawny physique, my rugged good looks? I know.

My can-do smile.

Actually, I saw your picture in a book in a library.

So there is a book about me.

I knew it! I am a legend in my own time.

( clears throat ) - And you are? - Princess Sofia.

And I'm here to help the noble knight of Brazendell get the ice fire shield.

There is no nobler knight than I.

But you help me? Hold on a moment.

( chuckles ) ( raucous laughter ) Okay, done.

I appreciate the offer, princess, but I do not think a brave knight such as I needs help from a wee little girl such as ye.

All across this fair kingdom I'm known as the strongest knight But I'm also quite famous for being the bravest And looking good whenever I fight Ha ha! So if you want to assist me You can cheer me on as I go To fetch a shield from the tower With magical power To freeze dragon fire like snow Oh, what a thrill it must be To behold the greatness of me Alas, it is not every day That a knight such as I Comes your way ( laughs ) Please, stop.

I think there's a trap right there.

I think you're mistaken.

A knight such as I would spot a trap a hundred miles away.

Now once I get rid of those dragons I'll prove my courage and might There will be no debating my super high rating The king will surely make me First Knight ( laughs ) And oh, what a thrill it will be To proclaim the greatness of me No help will be needed today For a knight such as I Will succeed in one try When a knight such as I Leads the way Sir Oliver! - Help me in.

- Careful, Sofia.

Don't just stand there.

Get me out of this contraption.

This blasted net is clearly the work of Sir Jaxon.

That rapscallion! If you're going to call me names, say them to my face, Sir Oliver.

Sir Jaxon? 'Tis he, in the flesh.

Looks like someone's miffed that I trapped him.

Miffed?! Pshaw.

I am here to find the ice fire shield, you desperado.

Leave at once, or face my sword.

Well, I pick the second one.

I cannot let you get the shield, Ollie.

- En garde! - Don't, please.

You heard the princess.

Surrender, coward.

Methinks not.

This ends now.

Does it, or does it end now? No, now.

Forsooth, you are a mighty adversary, but let us see how well you fight without a sword.

Ah! Well played, sir.

No matter.

A true knight needs no sword.

Stand still, you slippery snake.

You have to be quicker than that, Sir Slowcoach.

You would do well to curb that wagging tongue of yours, varlet.

And you would do well to pay more attention to what you are doing.

I learned that move in knight school.

And I shall see to it that it is the last move you ever make.

Please, both of you, put your swords down.

Not possible, milady.

This knight must be stopped from trying to stop me from stopping the dragons.

And you must be stopped from making awful speeches like that.

You know those dragons aren't dangerous.

Ha! You fool.

They are starting fires all over the kingdom.

I don't know who to believe.

( laughing ) I learned that move in art school.

Is that so? Well, X marks the spot for a big liar.

( laughing ) Why would I lie? Why would you not lie? You didn't answer my question.

You did not answer my question.

Stop, please! Can't you both put your swords down so we can just talk this out? Yes, the lady has a point.

Let us have a truce.

No more fighting.

I promise.

All right.


Oh, good.

That wasn't so hard, was it? Not at all.

It was all too easy.

I've got you now.

That was a dirty trick.

He's right.

That was a dirty trick.

You said you were putting down your sword.

I would say anything to save you from that ruffian.

For I am a noble knight who always helps others.

Except if they are scoundrels.

Now, legend has it that the shield is hidden somewhere in this room.

But where? I couldn't find it, and neither will you.

Quiet, you scoundrel.

Come now, fair lass.

We mustn't let him distract us from our task.


Nothing under here.

Not here.

Not here.

Nothing in the teapot.

How befuddling.



( whistles and laughs ) Oh, boy.

- ( gasps ) - What ho, a gasp.

Is it the ice fire shield? Well, it's a shield.

I see I shall have to use my finely honed sword-wielding skill to extract it.

Ah! Sword-wielding skill.

'Tis a lot smaller than I expected.

But mayhap it just looks that way next to my enormous muscles.

How, pray tell, is this tiny thing supposed to stop dragon fire? There's something written on the glass.

"If the shield you want to hold, look through here to find a rock of gold.

" This is a clue to help us find the real shield.

But where are we supposed to find a golden rock? Maybe it's the rock between your ears, where your brain should be.

( laughing ) Why, you Stop laughing at once.

Sir Oliver, the clue.

It said to look through here.

There's a gold rock on that hill.

Huzzah! I found it! We must go at once.

Excuse me.

There's still a knight trapped in here.

You aren't going to just leave Sir Jaxon in there, are you? You don't expect me to let him go free so he can trap me again.

I think not, silly girl.

- But I don't-- - Oh, he'll find a way out eventually.

He is quite resourceful, you know.

As am I.

Highly impressive, yes? Sofia, are you okay? I heard a lot of bangin' around in there.

I'm okay, but after we find the shield, we have to come back to let Sir Jaxon out.

Come, princess.

Our quest awaits.

( sighs ) Take me down.

Let's head to the golden boulder.

Follow my lead, everyone.

This way.

Uh, Sir Oliver, it's that way.


Follow me.

Now, where is it? - There's the golden-- - Rock! Right there.

- You're welcome for pointing it out for you.

- Huh? Now, search high and low for the ice fire shield.

Leave no stone unturned.

Does that include this one? ( Minimus groaning ) Step aside, winged steed.

Important noble knight business, you know.

I don't think I like that guy.

He's a noble knight, and the book said I should help him.

Look at that.

There's something carved on the side of that rock.

Sir Oliver.

- I think I found-- - A clue.

Yes, my keen eyes have spotted a clue.

What, pray tell, does it say? "If you wish to find the shield, look through the hole this one does yield.

" Utterly confounding.

Even the wisest of the wise could not decipher such a riddle.

Found it.

There's a cave shaped like a shield.

It's across the valley.

The ice fire shield must be there.

We must go at once.

Odds bodkins.

That dastardly Sir Jaxon has returned.

He must've escaped from the tower.

He is resourceful.

I shall not let that troublemaker get anywhere near that shield.

Sir Oliver, what are you going to do? I do hope Sir Jaxon is wearing his waterproof armor.


Are you going to open that dam? What if there's a village nearby? Fear not, fair princess.

The nearest village is miles from here.

The water could never reach it.

But what about Sir Jaxon? If you open the dam, he could drown.


He'll have a brisk swim, but he'll be fine.

Sir Oliver, wait.

Whoa, my noble steed.

That is far enough, Sir Jaxon.

Don't you dare do it, Ollie.

A noble knight must do what it takes to accomplish his deed.

With the ice fire shield at my side, I can protect the innocent folk from those terrible dragons.

It is the dragons who need protecting from the likes of you.

Enough of this foolish banter.

- Farewell, Sir Jaxon.

- No, wait! May this water wash away your cowardly presence from Brazendell.

( screaming ) That's it.

Run away.

( laughing ) Oh, bother.

I've splashed myself.

Come, Princess Sofia.

To the cave we go.

But Sir Jaxon's in trouble.

- Quite.

- Well, I'm going to help him.

Suit thyself.

Zero stars for a bad decision.

Come on, Minimus.

There's no time to lose.

He's going to be swept away.

Get down close to him.

Grab my hand.

Up, Minimus.

Set him down over there.

Milady, I am in your debt.

Thank you.

Now I need your flying horse so I can stop that weasel, Sir Oliver.


I saved you from the flood, but I can't let you stop Sir Oliver from getting the shield.

- He needs it to protect people from the - ( screeching ) Dragons! Don't be frightened, milady.

There is no reason to fear them.

Except they might roast us.

That's one reason.

SOFIA: They're all around us.

MINIMUS: We're surrounded.

They won't hurt us.

I won't let them.

Hurt you? Why would we do that, love? We saw the floodgates open and thought you might need some help.

You wanted to help us? Ooh, who is your new little friend, Sir Jaxon? She is just darling.

I just want to wrap you up and give you a great big hug.


( giggles ) Tickles.

Come, come, Willawing, leave the princess alone.

You know these dragons? Most certainly.

We are dear old friends.

He's the only person in Brazendell who ever thought to pay us a visit, and we're talking dragons, so we welcome the chit-chat.

But I read in a book that you were setting fires all over the kingdom.

They only breathe fire to protect themselves, milady.

Normally, we never hurt a fly.

But that Sir Oliver keeps trying to drive us off, and we have no choice but to defend ourselves with fire.

Why would Sir Oliver want to make you start fires? Sir Oliver wants to make the dragons appear dangerous so he can stop them, and look like a big hero.

He wants the king to name him First Knight.

When it's really Sir Jaxon who's the best knight around.

And the sweetest.

Oh, well.

Oh, that's a little too tight.

So then, the noble knight I'm supposed to help isn't Sir Oliver; it's you, Sir Jaxon.

You should get the ice fire shield.

He certainly should.

Well, all I know is, if Sir Oliver gets it, he'll drive the dragons away for good.

We've got to stop him.

So you'll let me ride your flying horse? Sir Jaxon, I have a better idea.

Maybe it's time you took your first dragon ride.

Most assuredly.

Tally ho! This way.

Come on! Can you believe, a few minutes ago, I was scared of giant dragons, and now look at me.

I'm flyin' with 'em.

Scared again.

There's the cave with the shield.

I've done it.

This quest is at an end.

I have retrieved my quarry! Just as I feared.

Sir Oliver found it first.

You're too late, Sir Jaxon.

Behold, the ice fire shield.

( laughs ) Now nothing can stop me from vanquishing these beastly dragons.

You're not vanquishing anything, Oliver.

We shall see about that, rogue.

I hope this thing works.

Ha ha, it does! Surrender, foul beasts.

We've got to get that shield away from him.

Do not waste your dragon breath.

Victory, victory, victory! And more victory.

Victory once again.

( laughing ) Ha ha! Ho ho! Fool.

Mere snowballs cannot penetrate the ice fire shield.

No, but they may be enough to distract you from this.

Now's our chance to get the shield.

Go! Blast! Return my sword.

- SOFIA: Got it.

- No! Ten out of ten, Sofia! Get back, you foul creatures.

What goes on here? My king.

We saw the dragon fire all the way from the castle.

Sir Jaxon, what trouble are you causing now? Your Majesty, I am Princess Sofia, and I have something to tell you.

Sir Oliver is the only one here causing trouble.

But he is my bravest and strongest knight.

Sir Oliver has been starting fights with the dragons, even though they never did anything to him.

That's why they were setting fires.

The dragons are friendly, Your Majesty.

Sir Oliver, why would you do such a thing? Because those dragons are a menace, sire.

They are not.

Sir Oliver goaded them into breathing fire so he could defeat them with the ice fire shield, and look like a big hero.

And then, you would make me First Knight.

Did I say that out loud? ( nervous chuckle ) I see.

The shield, if you please.

The ice fire shield should belong to the most noble knight in the land, and that is you, Sir Jaxon.

You did your best to help these innocent dragons, even when it made life harder for yourself.

Therefore, I hereby declare you First Knight of the Realm.

I am honored, Your Majesty.

And as for you, Sir Oliver, not only have you lied, but you have risked the lives of both creature and countryman.

I hereby banish you from this land.

Banish me?! This is an outrage.

I demand a recount.

I promise you, you've not heard the last of Sir Oliver.

I promise to only use this shield for the protection of others.

( cheering ) Princess Sofia, I could not have done it without you.

And that is how the ice fire shield was given to the truly noble knight of Brazendell.