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02x11 - Hungry Larry/Spider with a Top Hat

Posted: 10/16/22 08:58
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another, woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [doorbell rings]



Hello, children.

Uh hey.

You should be at home with the door locked.

We're here for your to see your haunted house.

But this is the most dangerous place to be.


Well, then, step inside at your peril.

- Is this a joke? - Just remember our deal.

Perhaps you are more brave than smart.

Or perhaps you are just like me.

Perhaps you, too, have sympathy for the monster.

- Oh, boy.

- But beware.


Do not do what I have done.

You must never let the monster inside.

[mechanical grunting]

I can't do this.

Can you turn on the lights, please? Look, man, you seem like a nice guy, and I wanna be scared, I really do.

But the truth is, I'm eight.

That's like 90 years old in Halloween years.

Next year, we might not even be afraid of monsters.

I don't wanna waste my time.

I'm sorry.

- You're just not scary.

- I'm not scary? Come on, guys.

Let's go to a real haunted house.

We had a deal, remember? [grunting]


Halloween is over.

Janna and Star need to go home now.

- Dad, Star lives here.

- [laughs]

Yes, Marco.

It doesn't always have to be an argument.

Sometimes we just do what Daddy says.


Now if anybody needs me, I'll be in the shed.


He does this every year, and it makes him miserable.

- Okay, so what do we do? - Oh, I got it.

Let's go to that other house down the street - and just ditch this one.

- What? No.

You're missing the point.

How do we make my dad's haunted house scary? We can always summon Hungry Larry.

- Uh who? - Oh, Hungry Larry.

You know, you summon him, he comes and haunts your house.

I hear he's a real creep.

We're not summoning anyone.

We're not summoning ugh! I can't believe I even have to have this conversation with you.

Where are you going? I'm gonna go bribe some five-year-olds.

Maybe they'll think my dad's scary.

No summoning.

Okay, it says here, "If Hungry Larry is the haunt you need, do these actions and you'll succeed.

A lick of mustard you must bear, off an old takeout menu if you dare.

" All right.


"Then three times his name is said.

Arrive he does with scares and dread.

" BOTH: Hungry Larry.

Hungry Larry.

Hungry Larry.



Uh, Star Butterfly? You summoned me.

Can I come in or what? - Star, invite him in.

- Please, come on in! Honey, I know you're probably totally humiliated that you wrestled that blow-up doll in front of your son and his friends, but everyone inside loves you.


There's a bowl of candy corn for you out here on the porch.

Don't step on it.

Rafael, I can see you in the window! So, basically, we just need the house to be, like, super scary.


Diaz hasn't scared a single kid all night.

Actually, I don't know if he's ever scared a single kid ever.

But Janna and I are pretty handy, so how can we help? [practicing scary noises]

Larry? [continues practicing]

- Larry, whatcha doing? - Oh, you guys are still here? - We're not guys.

- Cool.

Can you leave? Uh, yeah, yeah.

Okay, fine.

- You're working.

I get it.

- You guys are still here? - That guy isn't scary.

He's creepy.

- [sighs]


I really just wanted Mr.


to have his haunted house.

Even if you did give him a haunted house, that wouldn't make Mr.

Diaz scary.

Yeah, maybe not.

But at least it'd be something.

Should we just call it off? - You mean fire Hungry Larry? - I guess.

Oh, can I fire him? - Go for it.

- Yes! Poor Mr.


[Janna shrieks]

[shrieking continues]

Star, what was that? Uh, I think it was Janna.

[doorbell rings]


Hey, did that scream come from inside of this haunted house? - Uh - Yes.

Welcome, kids, to the Diaz House of Horror! [cheering]

Star, seriously.

What is going on? Okay, Marco, I know you said no summoning, but we summoned, we summoned Hungry Larry.

- You what?! - Oh, chill, Marco.

Everyone's having a great time.

Can't you hear all those bloodcurdling screams? [silence]

I don't hear anything, Star.

- Candy.

- Uh, no duh.

It's Halloween.

This is saliva.

Hungry Larry? [screams]

Where's Hungry Larry? He's still hungry.

[kids screaming]

KIDS: I'm still hungry.

What the hungry for what? - Wha.


huh? - Marco! [splashing]

KIDS [whispering]

: I'm still hungry.

[voices echoing]

GIRL: I'm still KIDS: hungry.


[loud metal music plays]

Oh, no, no, no.

[blow-up doll groaning]


Honey, I'm I'm sorry.

I thought this year was going to be different.

Honey? Kids? Marco, Marco, Marc oh! Wet ceiling Oh! Kids? [eerie voices]

They're in here.

Who are you? [many voices]

I'm Hungry [clears throat]

[one voice]

I'm Hungry Larry.

I've been summoned here to haunt your home, because you're not scary.

But where is my family? I told you.

They're in [many voices]


- Help! - Get us out of here! - Kids! - Oh, your wife is in here, too.

Um, uh, somewhere.

She's pretty.


Thank you.

I would eat you, too, but I'm stuffed.

So, uh, count your blessings.

I guess.

- But my family is my blessings.

- Oh.

What I meant to say was, get out!! [music]

Yeah give me back my family! [girl shrieking]

[all screaming]

Aww! [chuckling]


Diaz! You were terrifying in there.

[all cheering]

Best Halloween ever! Yeah, Dad, that was amazing.

It's like I always say.

Nothing more terrifying than a man who has lost everything.

Leave this place.

LARRY: How rude.


[distant blasting]



Oh, man! [coughing and groaning]

We got chewed up and spit out.

Why the sour word play, guys? How about some Cold Ones for my number ones? Yeah, you're all my number ones.


You're number one, Spider.

I don't know why you guys are acting all sore, because the battle I saw was like, "Oh, I'm Mr.

Bad Guy.

I'm gonna eat up the childrens.

" And then the warnicorns came in and were all, like, [roaring]

and the bad guy was, like, "I didn't mean any harm.

" He is totally right.

No, no! [laughing]

And, the piece de resistance, that Narwhal Blast! [yelling]

[laughing and cheering]

STAR: Toothpaste tidal blast! You're up, bud.

- Looks like Star's getting ready for bed.

- See you guys in the morning.

- Night, dude.

- Night.


Hey, Spider, we all really appreciate you.

Everything we do is the most important life or death situation all the time, and it's nice to be greeted with something frivolous, something light.

See you in the morning, bud.

Hey, Narwhal.

For real, how do you do that Narwhal Blast? It's easy.

You hear the call, and your warrior spell instincts kick in.

It's like Narwhal Blast! But hey, I like the way you do it.

Good night.


Spider with a top hat blast! I will break you.

Spider with a top hat blast! [grunts]

Blast! Top hat blast! Top hat blast! Top hat blast! Top hat blast! Top hat blast! [alarm clock buzzing]


[buzzing continues]



Rise and shine.

Whoo! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Morning! Whee! Oh, everyone's happy.

[all exclaiming]

Morning spells.


[all gasping]


Ow! Ow.




Are you okay? What happened to your leg? I'm fine.

I just slept funny.

Oh, Spider, everything you do is funny.


Let's curl it! [straining]

Hey, Rock, can I work out a few sets with you? Hey! It's Spider! So you wanna work out with the big dogs? Wanna start with a one-ounce and a two-ounce.

Actually, I want a big weight like you guys.

Oh, yeah, well, you should probably leave the - big weights to us, Spider dog.

- But I can do it.

Uh, well, he does have the headband.


Let 'er rip, boys.


I'm doin' it, guys! Guys, look.

I'm doin' it.

Uh, we haven't let go of it yet.


Oh, well, come on, let it go then.

Spider? You good? Uh how do you do it? Take that kind of punishment every day and go back for more? I don't know.

Push through the pain, I guess.

Yeah, I kinda like the pain, ya know.

- Pain! - Pain! BOTH: Pain! Spider with a top hat blast! [grunts]

Get up, Spider.

Push through the pain.

Is that the face of a quitter? No!! [mirror shatters]

Warrior spirit! Spider with a top hat blast! Spider with a top hat.

Huh? [gasps]

- Spider.

- Narwhal, I got something to show you.

All right, what is it? Spider with a top hat blast! Dude, that's hilarious! [raucous laughter]


I'm being serious.

Oh, I thought you were kidding.

Look, singing and dancing is great, but fighting, you could get hurt.

Or worse.

You could get Star k*lled.

Good night.


Hey, Spider! Come on! Honey, is everything all right? [baby cries]


I hope so.



11:30? We overslept.

I gotta get to work, honey.

- Everybody up! - This isn't good, guys.

- Where's Spider, dog? - What happened to Spider? He didn't wake us up.

Uh, Spider, are you okay? You're acting funny.

Not like funny-funny.

Like something's wrong-funny.

Everyone's really worried about you, especially me.

Yeah, we missed your morning dance number with the bubbles.

Yeah, and the lights.

What? Did I fail to entertain you? Um, yes, you did.

Well, I'm sorry if I don't feel like being your little dancing clown today.


We'll make our own coffee.

STAR: Cupcake blast! Come on, Spider.

What's up? All of my life, I've had this crazy dream, and now, the dream is dead.

STAR: Emerald snake strike! Honeybee tornado swarm! Flying pig blast! Wow, that's a lot of spells at once.

Mega Narwhal blast! Whoa, whoa! MAKEUP BLAST: Sweetheart? He'll be fine.

It's not a big deal until she calls out the Warnicorn stampede! Bean bag monster metamorphosis! Toothpaste tidal blast! Wait, those aren't even warrior spells.

This has never happened before.

What do we do? Makeup Blast! Is anyone left? Hello? Rock! [groaning]

Star's calling you next.

But I'm just an entertainment spell.

I can't fight.

You have fire in you, Spider.

I hear you in there, throwing yourself at that wall every night.


- You've got the hat of a warrior.

- Hat? Wait.

No, I mean heart.

You've got the heart of a warrior, bro.

You just gotta dig deep to find it.


No!! I can't do this alone.

Spider with a top hat blast! [crying]

Where's Rainbow Fist? I can't see.

- I can't see! - Spider, you have to help Bean bag! "A spider with a top hat?" How is that gonna help? [bites, growls]

Marco! [ferocious roar]

[Star screams]


Bro, remember what I told you.

You have the hat of a warrior.


Uh, I'm Spider with a top hat.


And a laser cannon.

w*r cry!! [groaning]

Star? Spider with a top hat did it! My little top hat, strongest spell I've got.


You did great out there, Spider.

[all cheering]

Any time you wanna get pumped up with us, it's okay with me.


STAR: Spider with a top hat blast! [music]

I think Earth is a pretty great place That's saying something 'Cause I've been through outer space I think it suits me, it's just my style I think I'm gonna stay a little while I think that strangers are just friends You haven't met I'm blasting monsters and I never break a sweat I'm really thinking I could call this place home