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04x17 - A Step Too Far

Posted: 10/17/22 00:17
by bunniefuu
♪ oh, yeah ♪

"dr. Turner's story is at once mesmerizing

"and instructive and a
significant achievement

For a first-time author."

Oh, I love the "chronicle."
we love the "chronicle."

Mommy and daddy are gonna
subscribe to the "chronicle."

Okay, here's the "post."
"in her first book, violet turner

"lets us into her life
with admirable candidness.

No scar remains unexposed."

Cute. "an honest and powerful read."

I can't believe how good these reviews are.
Are you kidding me?

Oh, yes, she can.
Mommy is not that modest, is she?


What? What, vi?

Uh, "what portends to be an honest,
forthright accounting

"of a psychiatrist's
professional and personal life

"ultimately winds up being too honest.

"dr. Turner reveals herself to be more...

"self-involved than therapeutically minded.

She lacks all sense of boundaries."

Who wrote that?

Uh, marla thomkins in the "times."

Well, clearly, she's an idiot.

Well, she's not just a reviewer.
She's also a shrink.

It's one bad review, violet. One. I mean...

Yeah. It's one bad review.

♪ why I work so hard for you ♪


♪ work to give you money ♪

♪ ooh ♪

You all right?

Do I look okay?

Well, you look like...

Something you ate last night?

No. I didn't eat anything last night.

I was mad at you.

and unlike naomi,

Who I know has been very
much on your mind these days,

I do not stress eat.

Okay, addison. We're past this.

Now I'm sorry you are...

Whatever you are...

But really, we're going backwards here.

I told you, nothing happened with naomi.

That's the end of it.

Okay? Now can I get you anything?


I'll see you at work.

♪ ah ha ah, do do do, da da da da da ♪

♪ I can't work any harder than I do ♪

♪ ah ha ah, oh, oh, oh ♪

Does that hurt?

No. Not at all.

How is it possible

That I'm cancer free and pain free

After all this time?

Good oncologist,
even better pain specialist,

And a pretty good support group, right?

You guys are amazing.

You're the one who went through
all the painful radiation.

We're just the cheering section.

You have been positive
from the very beginning.

You've never wavered.

And you...

Apart from the minor detail

Of being the surrogate for our baby...

Well, it's an aunt's dream.

I get to spend quality time with
my niece before anybody else,

Including her mommy.

I expect baby pictures.


Claudine? Sit back down, slowly.

Ah. Is it the baby?

Ooh. I don't know. Um...

I'm gonna go get our o.B.
To take a look at you, okay? Okay.

I'm gonna go get the
lamaze pillow from the car,

Just in case. Wait, wait.

This could be it.

Anyone hear anything from naomi?

Uh, uh, I-I left her a message, but no.

Maybe she reconsidered and ran
off with fife. I talked to fife.

He's still here in a hotel room, waiting.

Where is the damn antacid?
Sorry. I needed it.

I felt the same before my book party.

That's revisionist history.
If you recall, on his big day,

They made a cake that looked like sam,

And he wouldn't let any of us eat it.
He was staring at it

With this smile on his face that
matched the smile on the cake.

Hey, addison, can you do a consult?

Sure. Thank you.

No, it's just, uh, you know,
my book comes out, uh, tomorrow,

And, uh, people are gonna be reading it.

- That's what people do with books. I
- I know. I know.

Violet, if this is about what
that petty little pseudo shrink

Wrote in the "times"...
Do you think I lack boundaries?

I don't lack boundaries.


I'm not an expert, so...

it doesn't take an expert
to realize that first,

You are great at your job,
and second, if everyone else

Loves your book except one
petty reviewer, screw 'em.

Yeah. Want me to quote you what
people wrote about my book?

"there is a clear pattern of narcissism

"in violet turner's brand of therapy.

"she comfortably inhabits

"the role of emotional seductress,

"taking the vulnerable
to where she wants them

In order to achieve her own end goals."

blah, blah, blah.

Like I said, screw 'em.

Yeah, I mean, the review's
not entirely wrong, and...


Screw you. No, seriously, cooper.

I'm putting myself out there.

What have you ever done?

So wh-wh-what time is the party tonight?

Oh, god. Um, uh, we were just--

No, please. This is not
the first time we've, uh,

Caught a couple kissing.

Addison, uh... This is claudine...

How do you do? And elliot.

Elliot is married to claudine's sister.

Oh. Oh.

So I get kyle wasserman into an arm bar,

And I'm about to end it-- remember,
wasserman has never been pinned.

then I just got dizzy.
Next thing I remember,

The coaches are standing over me.
Any dizziness before that day?

Never. And how about since?

I was a little light-headed
after practice yesterday.

You're back at practice already?

Oh, not at school. Coach won't let me.

Just at home with my dad. Conference
finals are tomorrow, dr. Freedman.

Place is going to be packed with scouts.

And after the wasserman match,
tyler has to perform.

Yeah, we need a full ride, division I. Okay.

Tyler's been wrestling for
years with no problem.

He's a healthy kid. Okay,
I do hear a slight heart murmur.

So I would be more comfortable
if our cardiac specialist,

Dr. Bennett, took a look at him.

Can we do this today?

It's just-- we have to make
sure ty wrestles this week.

His scholarship-- everything
depends on him being there and--

Okay, we need you to sign this.

Coach patterson won't let
him compete without it.

Well, look, I know how
important this is to you.

If dr. Bennett says his heart is fine,

I will sign it.

This isn't some tawdry thing. It's--

Crazy. I'm-- even if it makes sense to you,

You-- you're cheating on
your wife with her sister--

Her sister who is carrying your child.

W- wait. That baby is--

No, no.

We did in vitro with my
sperm and claudine's egg

Before any of this happened.

Well, elliot, I don't know what I can say.

H- how do you think this is gonna turn out?

I don't expect you to get it.

I mean, before lorraine was sick,

Things weren't great between us.

And we tried to work it out,
but then the cancer came on.

And claudine and I, we took care of her.

Spent a lot of time together, talking and...

Trying to laugh through how scared we were.

And claudine, she-- she understood me.

Those feelings,

They kept getting stronger until one night--

And now you're here. Fine.

But... Lorraine deserves to know.

You get that, right?

Sh-she'll know. She'll know.

After the baby's born...

I'm gonna leave lorraine
to be with claudine.



What was that about?


In the kitchen. You mad at violet?


Are you jealous of violet?

why would I be jealous?

Well, you tell me. Violet is a great shrink,

And now she's a published author.

Naomi builds hospitals all around the world

In addition to performing
miracles at a fertility clinic.

And pete, he's already saved lives

In basically every country
naomi's going to, not to mention

Being an e.R. Doc and an
expert in critical care

And infectious diseases.

And you're one of the youngest
chiefs of staffs in the country,

And everyone is doing something special--

Everyone except for me.

Grow up, cooper.

You look like crap.

Ugh. Thank you.

Flu? You don't feel warm.

Did you eat anything weird?

No. So what's wrong

Other than, you know,
you lookin' like-- I don't know.

Amelia, I just don't feel well. Okay?

I'm exhausted. I feel nauseous.

I just... I don't know.

Maybe it's just some sort of...
Delayed reaction

To the bizzy stress.

Maybe. Have you gained any weight?

Okay, now you're just being mean.

Are you peeing a lot? Your boobs--
are they tender?

Okay, you are a neurosurgeon.
I am a gynecologist.

All right, if I were,
I would know, and I'm not.

Okay? I can't be.
Do you and sam use protection?

Amelia, I'm telling you,
I can't-- are you late?


But I can't be. I mean, I don't think--

You're preggers!

This is awesome.

Auntie amelia.

Even though you divorced my brother,

I'm still gonna be your kid's aunt, right?

amelia, for me to get pregnant,

It would take a miracle.

A miracle that I am going to spoil rotten.

I think I'm gonna take her to
paris for her 13th birthday.

You want to come? You are out
of your mind. I am not pregnant.

If only there was some way to know for sure.

Wait. Wait.

I was out shopping, and I saw these tests--

Knock it off. Just pee on a stick.

I'm busy. You are stalling.

You like the idea.

Admit it. Admit it.

I am not gonna go away
until you admit that-- go!

see that?

That slight thickening of the septal wall

And an elevated flow across
the l.V. Outflow tract.

Looks like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

It's borderline.

Does that put tyler at
risk for an arrhythmia?

Well, he may never have a problem.

There are cases, rare, but they happen,

When the most seemingly healthy kid

Could just die suddenly.

Is there any way to know?

Well, we could start
with an m.R.I., watch him

Over the next few months.
In two days, it won't matter.

I mean, this kid has a
chance to change his life.

He can get a scholarship to college.

I don't think he can afford it otherwise.

But he has to compete in
the conference finals,

And given the circumstances-- well,
I'm not saying he can't wrestle.

You said he could drop dead if he does.
Is there a chance? Yes. But is it greater

Than the chance he could get
into an automobile accident

On the way to the meet?
Given that his only symptoms

Are a little dizziness, probably not.
So you'd let him wrestle?

I mean, if his whole future depends on it,

It's-- it's a calculated risk. Well, I mean,

You never take risks with
kids' lives, sam, ever.

Well, that's not the way it works.

You don't think I wanted
to lock maya in the house

And not let her ride a
bike or drive a car or ski?

No, you can't do that.

You can't eliminate all risk in life.

And given what you're telling
me this kid has at stake...

I don't understand.

Lorraine and elliot have been
married for what, eight years?

You understand it. You just don't like it.

Yeah. It's just-- life isn't a
cheap romance novel, you know?

It's supposed to be about making
a commitment and honoring it.

Sometimes. And other times,
for other people,

It's about passion.

You think passion is enough?

You don't?

To make an adult relationship work,
you need more.

Come on. You're talking
about claudine and elliot

Like they're some insubstantial fling.

I mean, they're both grown-ups
who are taking a risk--

A huge risk--

Because they found each
other and fell in love.

Just because a risk is big
doesn't make it worthwhile.

I feel for lorraine. Of course I do.

But on some level, I mean,
don't you think it's brave,

What elliot and claudine want to do?

Mm. Mnh-mnh. Stop looking
at me like that, pete.

This is not about sam and me.

Of course it is.

Sam and I told naomi that
we were in a relationship.

Okay. who's gonna tell lorraine?

Okay, claudine.

You're in the very early stages of labor.

You're just 3 centimeters dilated.

So you're gonna be here a while.

I will call your regular ob-gyn.
No, my o.B.'s gone all week.

And I don't know the woman
who's on call for her.

Can't you do it?

Okay, but-- and maybe
you could call lorraine.

She's so excited. No.

I think that you should call lorraine.

If you mean we should tell her, I can't.

We can't. Not-- not yet.

Don't you think that she
has a right to know?

You know I love lorraine, right?

And I'd do anything for her.

I mean, I am. I'm doing this.

Ever since we were little,
lorraine wanted to be a mom.

She just... She knew.

I never did.

Maybe it was too many
princess movies growing up,

But me?

I only wanted to fall in love.

which is probably why it
never happened for me.

And then there was elliot.

At first, he was just my
big sister's boyfriend,

Who... I mostly resented for
taking her away from me.

But once my sister got sick

And we really got to know each other,

Something happened,

Something... Amazing.

And the more we tried to hold back,

The harder it got,


I love lorraine, dr. Montgomery.

I do, and I always will,

But now, especially since
I'm carrying elliot's baby--

Okay, stop, claudine. All right?

Just think about that, all right?

You're pregnant. Your hormones
are all over the place.

They can overwhelm you, and-- no,
that's not what it is.

I mean, I wish it was. Believe me.

But... Real love

Can't be confused with anything else.

Then tell your sister that.

I understand that you can't choose

Who you fall in love with.

But you can choose to be honest.

I reviewed your scan
with a heart specialist,

And as much as I would like
for you to compete and to win,

I can't let you take that risk.
but I-I feel fine.

I can wrestle. I have to wrestle.

It's just, tyler has worked so hard,
and this is his dream.

We're talking about

A potentially fatal problem here.
What are the odds

That something bad happens to tyler--
10 to 1, 100 to 1, what?

I can't give you odds.
Then why should we listen to you?

Look, I know my own body.

I haven't been feeling dizzy.
I'm-- I'm feeling great.

I can make weight. You're way out
of line here. We're his parents,

And we say what he can or can't do, not you.
Except that you need my signature

On tyler's medical release form.
We'll get another doctor.

Randy. I'm saying tyler could die.

What about that don't you understand?

I'm sorry, but finals aren't
gonna happen for you, tyler.

Let's go. Now, tyler.

dr. Freedman.

Hey, tyler.

Come in.

Is everything okay?

Nothing is okay.


My mom got laid off last year.

My dad is working double
shifts just to pay the rent.

I have a part-time job on the weekends--

Yeah, I understand. I do.

No, you don't.

Look, I'm the only one in my family

With the opportunity to go to college.

Without a scholarship, I'm just gonna end up

Doing the same thing my parents are.
You don't know that.

Just like you don't know
something bad will happen to me

If I wrestle tomorrow.
I can't let you take that risk.

But that's my decision.

Sometimes, when you are
so close to a situation...

You can't see it-- you can't see it clearly.

And I'm telling you-- stop.
Just stop telling me things

A- and just help me.

I think I am, even if it doesn't
seem like it to you. You're not.

But I-I-th-- I think I am, okay? You're not.

I made a cardiac m.R.I.
Appointment for you tomorrow,

And I left word for your folks,

I expect to see you there. It's the first
step. You're scared to take a risk.

I'm not.

But you are.

And that's why you're doing this.

♪ I got a way of finding all
the wrong places to go ♪

♪ being everywhere I ain't supposed to be ♪

tell me you're not drinking.

it's ginger ale.

it's a small price to pay for a b-a-b-y.


Hey, everybody, I want to propose a toast

To our favorite new author.

Uh, here's hoping that
your book outsells mine.

And that someone very handsome plays me

In the movie they make from it. Cheers.


Great. Thanks. Hey. Hey, what'd I miss?

Not much.

You-- will you excuse
us for just one minute?

♪ whatever you don't want ♪

♪ promise to give more ♪

All of your friends are here,

Your book is coming out, and you're sulking.

It's not right.

What if marla thomkins is right?

what if I am too familiar with my patients?

I mean, their success is my--

My success, so, you know,
where are the boundaries?

I tell them things about myself

In the hopes that they'll open up,

But maybe I am doing it to
make myself feel better.

I mean, I-- yes, I don't sleep
with them, but, you know,

Seduction is, uh,
it's complicated, it's ethereal.

And I can be disarming and charming.

You know, you've-- you've always
said that therapy is a process

That can't be cleanly deconstructed,

And that ultimately,
your patients get better,

And that's all that matters.

If that's the case, then no reviewer,

Shrink or not, can criticize
your methods. Well--

Violet, this is your night.
You've earned this.

After everything you've been through,

After all you've accomplished,
you've earned this.

Come on. Don't let anyone ruin it for you.

♪ I'm your life ♪

My book launch was half this size.


♪ whatever you don't want ♪

Why don't you stop leering
and just head over there?

I was thinking about it,
but everybody's walking up,

Talking to her, and I hate crowds.

I thought you were supposed to be

Some kind of a lady slayer. Usually I am.

Uh, I have a weakness for tall blondes.

A- and did you notice how
she fills out those pearls?

Hi. I'm marla thomkins.

♪ I'm your life, yeah ♪

oh, my god. That's marla thomkins.

Sheldon is talking to marla thomkins.

What's that face he's making?

He's mad.

Oh, 'cause she's pointing at him.

Oh, what a bitch. I bet he's
telling her off right now.

You gave that lecture at u.C.L.A. Last month

On the psychology of the male sex addict.

It was fascinating.

Well... Thank you.

Your conclusions were ridiculous, of course,

But I assume you were just
trying to be provocative.

Oh, an inveterate critic.
Oh, it's what I do.

Are you interested in anything

But tearing apart other people's ideas?

I'm interested in all sorts of things.

♪ I can't be your friend, my friend ♪

♪ no ♪

Hey. Thanks for having my back.

Oh, of course.

Thanks, man. You made her night.

Thank you.

Yeah, sure, sure.

♪ I'm just your life ♪

♪ yeah, I'm your life ♪

Hey. You feeling any better?

Oh, I'm fine.

Addison, it's been two days.

You need to go home and get better.

I can't.

I have to see how a patient's
labor is progressing.


No, it's just, you-- you've been exhausted

And nauseous

And, no offense, hormonal--

No, don't even say it, sam, okay?

'cause we both... Know
that that is not the case.



Oh. I have to go.

You were up and out early.

You know me-- always trying
to grab life by the balls.

Thank you. What are you working on?


Come on.

Graduate child psychology
courses. Really, coop?

Exactly why I don't tell you.

Get out. Come on. I'm not being critical.

Why is it so hard for you to understand

That I may want something more? Well,
aren't I enough?

Okay, I'm serious, charlotte.
This is important to me. Relax, cooper.

I don't want to relax.

I just want you to take me seriously.

If you can't do that, leave me alone.

What's going on?

Late decels on the monitor.
What does that mean?

It hurts. The baby is in distress.

I need to do a c-section now.
Why does it hurt so much?

Listen to me. Listen to me.
It's gonna be okay.

I'm gonna be right here
with you the whole time,

Just like you've been for me. Ah!

It's okay, baby. It's okay. okay.

It's gonna be okay, baby. Elliot?

E- elliot, are-- are you and claudine--

I'm not sure now is the time--
tell her we're sorry. Please.

Need to clear the field.

Dr. Montgomery, her pressure's dropping.
Almost got her. Suction.

♪ strong yet ♪

Okay. There's a posterior tear.

0 vicryl and a ct-1.

Can't hold her b.P. Something's wrong.

Yeah, you think? She's still bleeding,

And I can't localize the source. Suction.

Damn it. She lacerated her uterine artery.

Betty, get over here and
hold pressure on the bleeder.

♪...Deepest part ♪

Sorry I'm late. Uh, this place is a maze.

Uh, this is dr. Bennett.
I'm glad you came in.

Yeah, we talked about it in the car

On the way home yesterday-- argued, really.

But what you said about
tyler's life being in danger--

You're doing the right thing.

Where is tyler?

Didn't stacy bring him in?

She called me at work and told me they
were on their way. Westside traffic?

No, I talked to her over an hour ago.

♪ this time ♪


Oh, god. They start in ten minutes.

♪ don't fight ♪

all I'm saying is,

You were harsh, violet's a friend,

And you hurt her feelings.

It's cute, you're so protective of her.

Well, I hate being called cute.

No man likes to be called cute.

I could think of worse things to call you.

What kind of therapist
specializes in insults?

The kind who spends her
weekends reading and reviewing

The endless stream of
self-indulgent pop psych books

That the not-busy-enough
members of our profession

Continue to vomit up.
then-- then why do you do it?

It gives me flexibility

To do other things.

In the last couple of years,
I've hiked machu picchu,

I taught a semester at oxford,

And studied at the cordon bleu.

Oh, well, I love to eat.

How can this you be the same person

Who wrote a review that skewered my friend?

Look, violet wrote what she wrote.

I have an opinion about it.
It's not personal.

Yeah, but you're wrong about her.

She has a pattern of seductive manipulation.

She gets people to do what she wants.

She strong-arms a male patient
into leaving his wife,

She allowed a schizophrenic
to stop taking her meds,

She told an agoraphobe she was pregnant

Before she told either potential father.


Oh, wait. That was you, wasn't it?


Well, obviously I don't
need to argue my point

Since clearly, you, too, were seduced.

You're tough.

But fair.

♪ ooh, ooh ♪

And you like it, don't you?

how's the baby?

The baby's doing just fine.

But there was a complication
with your delivery.

Yeah, elliot said that
there was some bleeding.

You had to do a c-section.

Your uterus ruptured during labor,

And unfortunately, I couldn't
control the hemorrhaging.

I had to perform an emergency hysterectomy.

Wait. That means that...

Claudine won't be able to
have any more children.


I didn't think...

I never thought I wanted to be a mom, but...

But after I had this baby--

Lorraine's baby.

It's not just lorraine's baby.
It's my baby, too,

And claudine's-- it's her egg.

But you promised your sister--
things are different now.

Claudine, you're a surrogate.

Regardless of what's happening
between you and elliot,

You promised lorraine a baby.

Can I really never have a baby?

You know, with all due respect,

If claudine and I want to keep this baby,

You can't stop us.

Now I want to see my child.

♪ I'm catching my second wind ♪

Coach. Coach patterson, I'm cooper freedman.

I'm tyler's doctor.

Not-- not right now. Use your legs, ty!

You need to stop this match, coach.

No, no. His med consent form was signed.

Reverse him, ty! Reverse him!
I didn't sign a consent form.

What the hell did you do? Stop the match.

Roll him, ty! You got him! Roll him, ty!

You got him! Hold on, ty! You got him!

You got him, ty.

I guess I was wrong.

I mean, I almost took this away from him,

From all of them.
No, you made the right call.

No matter what happened,
you made the right call.

dr. Freedman!

Ty! Dr. Freedman!

Ty. Ty, wake up, baby. Ty.

No pulse. what's happening?

It's a cardiac arrest. Please.
You have to save him.

ty. You take over?

yeah, I got it. ty.
Ty, baby. Wake up, honey.

Wake up. Ty.

Wake up. Ty! Come on, buddy.

how is he? We got his heart started.

Oh, thank god. He was deprived of
oxygen for an extended period of time.

So we've had to put him in
a medically induced coma

To give his brain a chance to recover.

So he's gonna be okay?

We don't know. All we can do now is wait.

He came to me.

He told me how much he wanted this...

Not just for him,

For us, too.

How could I say no to him?

All those early morning workouts,

The weekends traveling to meets,

Everything ty worked for,

That we worked for...

this was his chance for something better.

Look at where we're at.

how is this better?

Blaming each other is not
gonna help tyler. Um...

They won't let me hold my baby, dr. Wilder.

Why won't they let me hold her?

There were complications
during the delivery,

And dr. Montgomery had to
perform a hysterectomy.

Claudine won't be able to
have any more children.

Oh, my god. Is claudine...

Claudine will be fine, but...

She and elliot want to keep the baby.

♪ hold on to what makes sense ♪


I-- you're not alone here, lorraine.

Do you know how many times I've imagined

What this day would be like--
a beautiful, healthy baby?

I've been carrying around

This-- this onesie to take her home in

And I've learned all the words to
"lullaby and goodnight,"

And... What am I supposed to do now?

You're gonna take a deep breath,

Pull yourself together,
and you're gonna fight.

I'm scared, dr. Wilder.

I've lost my husband,

My sister.

I have nothing left.

You need to dig deeper, lorraine...

For your daughter.

You wanted to be a mother,
and now you are one.

If you believe that you can be a good parent

To that little girl, then you will be,

But you need to believe it.

You need to be willing to
do anything to protect her,

Because parenthood is a fight.

You have to be willing to get in it.

♪ running in circles again ♪

♪ miss previously loved ♪

Can I date marla thomkins?

That's the woman that trashed violet?

She's beautiful and smart,
and I want to date her.

Yeah, you can't do it.

You're right. Is there any way--


You seem sure.

I'm not an expert on many things, sheldon.

That's become pretty clear to me,
but I know violet.

And if you want to be her friend,
you can't do it.

Thanks for bringing her.

You said you wanted to see her.


I brought her by for a visit.


She's incredible.

She is.

They won't let your sister hold her.

Is lorraine...

How is she?

How do you think she is?

♪ put a smile on your face ♪

I know how horrible this looks.

♪ hold on to what makes sense ♪

But it doesn't change how I feel.

If this were you

And you were in love

And there was this baby,

And you knew you could
never have another one...

What would you do?

♪ miss previously loved ♪

I've done some things

That I'm not proud of.

I've chosen... Myself

And paid the consequences.

But lorraine is your sister,
and you made her a promise.

You wanted love,

And she wanted to be a mother,

And you said you'd help
her, but now you're-- oh.

♪ time will pull through ♪

If you are asking me...

You can have elliot or
you can have the baby,

But you can't have both.

You were gonna leave without
talking to lorraine?

What is there to say?

To start with,

I want my baby.

Lorraine... This isn't your baby.

It takes more than an egg

And sperm and nine months
to make a mother, claude.

You know that. She's right, claudine.

You know what? You guys can't come
in here and bully us. okay, no one
is trying to bully anyone, elliot.

Look, this is our baby.
And if we went to court--

you want to do that, go to court?

Because I've done that, and I'll tell you,

The person that loses the most
is the child. Come on, claudine,
we don't have to listen to this.

Stop! Elliot, please. Just... Stop.

This baby...

Is not mine.

It's yours.


It's always... Been your baby.

I could try to explain
how all this happened,

But... Could you ever forgive us?

I'd like to say yes, b--

But I'd be lying.

So that's it?

So we're...

We aren't family anymore?

You and me will never be what we were.

But... Now you have a chance with her.

Be a good aunt.

You're gonna be a great mother.

This came in the mail this morning...

From u.C.L.A.

They had already decided to take him

Before the finals.

He didn't even have to compete.

Full scholarship.

The first in our family.

My son was going to college.

He could be okay. I talked to dr. Bennett.

There's a chance...

(ry cuming's (featuring
sara bareilles) (ry cuming's

"always remember me" playing)



♪ two by two, lovers stand ♪

You're k*lling me.

♪ santa monica ♪

♪ pretty eyes ♪

♪ long hair ♪

♪ smelled so sweet, like summer in the air ♪

♪ watch me as I fall ♪

♪ to the water calling ♪

♪ watch me as I sink ♪

Tyler hatcher almost d*ed.

He might not wake up.

You did the best you could.

Yeah, and I still have
a 17 year old in a coma

At st. Ambrose.

♪ ooh ♪

If you want to believe that's your failure,

Then you are worse off than I thought.

Cooper, you are a great doctor.

I see it every day--

How hard you work for your kids,

How much you care,

What you'll do for 'em,

Even if everyone else is
trying to make it impossible.

Title before your name,
letters after your name, books--

That's... That's all just commentary.

When it comes down to it,

What we all want to be is doctors...

♪ watch me as I fall ♪

Who help people.

Really, truly... Help people.

♪ to the water calling ♪

No one...

No one, cooper, does that better than you.

♪ into the sea and always ♪

♪ remember ♪

♪ lovers stand ♪

♪ on the beach in santa monica ♪

I was in the neighborhood.

♪ pretty eyes, long hair ♪

♪ smelled so sweet like summer in the air ♪

♪ watch me as I fall ♪

I do.

I want people to like me.

I need people to like me,
and I get them to...

Because I charm them,

Knowing that they're gonna need me.

And, you know, with patients, with friends,

With everyone, pete, I don't do it for them.

I do it for me.

I do emotionally seduce people.

Well, you didn't seduce me,
emotionally or otherwise.

I chose you.

Well, that's what I led you to believe.

no, violet. I-- look, listen-- look...

♪ ooh ♪

We both went into this
with our eyes wide open.

Now did we play games?

Yeah, maybe.

Well, not that much more than any person

Trying to figure out if something can work.

And you know what? We work. I know--

We work. Whatever you brought
to this relationship,

Whatever I brought,
we have proven that we work.

I-- pete, I'm not talking
just about our relationship.

I'm talking about as a therapist
and as-- I don't care. I don't
care what marla thomkins says

Or anyone else.

You are a brave, honest, amazing therapist

And wife and mother and--

Stop talking.

♪ watch me as I fall ♪

♪ to the water calling ♪

♪ watch me as I sink ♪

I'm not pregnant.

Yeah. You told me yesterday.

Yesterday I wasn't sure, but I took a test,

♪ remember ♪

Now I'm sure.

Guess it was just the flu.

I see.

And you're sad.

♪ ooh ♪

And you're not.

We talked about this.

Yeah, you said that you needed more time.

I said I'd give it to you,
but I didn't ask how much.

Three months? Six months? A year?

Well, I-I can't quantify--

Well, then how will you know?

♪...Calling ♪

I will know when I know.

♪ into the sea and always ♪

I think maybe...

When people say they need more time,

It means they're not committed.

And that doesn't really
work for me anymore, sam.

I've made up my mind. I want a child.

So I need to know...

Are you in or are you out?

♪ me ♪