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05x02 - Breaking the Rules

Posted: 10/17/22 13:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

The last time I lived
with a man? Uh...

It was with Derek
in a trailer in the woods.

Way deep in the woods,
like with woodland creatures.


The shower was about
the size of a toilet,

and I got poison Ivy on my...

Yeah, I got poison Ivy.

it was a failed experiment

in pushing my own boundaries.

But in some ways,
I'm proud of that chapter.

I fought for love.

I got poison Ivy on...

You know, I lost.

But I really fought.

Are you afraid now
to lose again?

Oh, that's good stuff.

Oh, that's good stuff.

I like living together.

I like it too.

All right. Come here.

No, Sam.
We have to go to work now.

Come on.
I'm the boss now.

No, you ain't the boss of me.

I am too.

I'm the boss. Now.

Wait. M-- okay.
Come on.

We have a business to run.

Where you going?

Sam. Aah!

I have to go to work.



What are you doing?

You are not the boss in here.

Oh. Okay.

I like...

I like not being
the boss in here.

Huh. Looks like Amelia's

housewarming party's
finally over.


Oh. Ha-ha-ha. Sam.

Tell us why you'd like to work
for oceanside wellness group.

I saw the posting,
and to be frank,

I'm surprised to see
you guys are still open,

you know, given all the bad
press with the medical board.

Well, those accusations have
been somewhat exaggerated.


Either they're investigating
you or they're not.

Okay, well, would you consider
yourself a team player?

Team player?

I'm not a big fan of sports,
if that's what you're asking.

Can you tell us why you
decided to become a doctor?

Well, back then,
we called it a career path.

Lawyer, doctor, or dentist.

Who wants to have their hands
in someone's mouth?

Your resume is a bit

What year did you graduate
medical school?

Fast-tracked it in 3.

My endocrinology residency,
did it in four.

This is really good coffee.

Do you make this
in-house or send out?

Uh, that's in-house.

That's good. That's a perk.
I like perks.

What's the parking sitch?

I hate dings.

Anyone here golf?
We'll be in touch.

Thanks for coming in.

We'll get back to you.

They can't all be that bad.

You wouldn't think so.

One asked if he could
bring his cat.

He sounds like a keeper.

I feel optimistic.

We've got a lot more people
to interview.

We'll find someone.

Morning, beautiful people.
Look who's here.

Well, isn't this
a nice surprise?

You're looking well.
Feeling well.

I'm ready to work.

Uh, no caffeine.
Stick with decaf.

We agreed it was
a little early.

What can I say?

I am sick
of daytime television.

Quadruple bypass
is no joke, Pete.

You sound
just like Violet.

She's right.
Thank you.

Well, maybe
you give it another week.

I'll ease into it.

Uh, okay.
Well, as long as

you stick to the agreed-upon
rehab protocol.

You know, that graft site
is still healing.

You don't want to
stress the suture line.

Just don't overexert yourself.

Got it? Okay.
Got it.

Are you already interviewing
for Naomi's job?

Oh, well, empty office
doesn't bring money in.

Don't worry.
We haven't found anybody yet.

No, no, it's not that.

I just thought maybe I could
help with the hiring.

I know I'm not
seeing patients yet,

but if you need somebody
to vet the resumes

or do a psych breakdown

Lucas is with the babysitter,

and I'd kind of rather
be here than at home.

I don't have a problem.

You've been suspended
from seeing patients,

doesn't mean
you can't help out.

- Enjoy.
- Thanks.


You're late, Dr. Freedman.

Try sneaking
a 32-inch television

past the nurses' station.

Popcorn is for later.

What are we watching?

No, wait. Let me guess.
Uh, the little mermaid.

We watched that already.

Cartoons was last month's

This month,
it's all about the musical.

So tonight's feature...

You can tell them.

Oliver! It's a musical
with real live people.

And starving orphans.
It's very uplifting.

Dr. Freedman,
here are the labs.

Thank you.

I am going to talk
to your folks outside, okay?

Do not eat my popcorn.

These are the results
from kerri's last blood smear.

It's not good, is it?
I knew it.

There's no weight gain.
Her face is still so pale.

Let him speak.

Her leukemia's back.

But you said my bone marrow
was a good match.

It is. Um...

Sometimes a good match
just doesn't work.


So, what are our options?

There's only one.
It's a cord blood transfusion,

and quickly.

When kerri was born, we...

Money was tight.

We weren't sure
we'd ever need it.

That wouldn't help. The genetic
marker for leukemia

is already in kerri's blood,

so we need the cord blood

from another child
who's a match.

Where do we get it?
Most hospitals,

including St. ambrose,

have a cord blood donor bank.
We'll start looking.

You two certainly
started your day off right.

And that's my cue to leave.

Ha, ha. Here.

Yeah, I got it.
See you.

He does know
I'm a grown-up, right?

We're just not used to having
neighbors with noises.

Noisy neighbors
who have parties at--

when did I become
the nosy landlady?

But it is still your place,

and that party was
just a little housewarming.

Not gonna be
a weekly occurrence.

Just be careful, you know,
with all the partying.

I'm not drinking,
if that is what you're asking.

Not a drop.

I was the happy,
sober hostess last night.

Scout's honor.

I believe you.
And what about that guy?


He's a painter.

Ooh, an artist.
That's sexy.

He does houses, but you
should see his six-pack.


Computer won't go any faster
with you hovering, Coop.

Making sure you have
kerri's information right.

I do, and if there's
a cord blood match,

we'll know in a second.

Search again.

somewhere in this country,

there's gotta be a match
for this girl.

Move over.
Let me search.

I've checked
the public donor banks.

I'm sorry,
but there's no match.

Check the private ones.

Come on, Charlotte.
You're chief of staff.

You have the authorization
to do it.

That cord blood
isn't for the public.

Families are saving it
in case they need it.

99% of cord blood
never gets used.

It just goes to waste.
And what about kerri?

She will die without
this blood transfusion.

She's special to you.

But there are
a thousand kerris out there

who want me
to break the rules.

I can't do that.

We have a cooperative

Nothing wrong
with a little cooperation.

So that would work for you?

I can make anything work
with the right people.

Okay, then.
Thank you for coming in.

You have our number.

Who's next?

Dr. Jake Reilly.

Jake Reilly, md.

You know what? I think i'm
gonna, uh, sit this one out.

Why? This guy
actually sounds pretty great.

Duke medical school,
time at Johns Hopkins.

Double board-certified

with a fellowship in
reproductive endocrinology.

I have a lot of work.
You guys can finish up. Huh?

No, no, no.
He's already here.

Let's just get this over with.
Sit down. Sit down.

Thank you.

Have we met before?

We absolutely have met before.


I got it.
Intramural basketball.

Intramural hoops.
Yes, exactly.


A long time.
You know each other?

Yeah, uh,
undergrad at Georgetown.

You guys used to kick
our asses all the time.

- We did. I'm sorry about that.
- Ha-ha-ha.

I played field hockey
at Emerson.

Well, all right.

So, uh, it says here
that you

are double board-certified
in general surgery and ob-gyn.

They're fairly divergent

you just couldn't choose?

- Addison--
- Not at all.

Surgery is the hardest
of the specialties

in terms of pure skill.

I'm sure as a fellow surgeon,
you would agree.

But obstetrics, it's all about
caring for the patient.

And fertility in particular,
it, uh...

It requires
a hands-on approach,

in a different way.

I could do both, so I did.

Well, we're looking for
team players, not superstars.

Well, look no further, really.

I mean, I love
the team approach.

In fact, I'm really happy
to hear you say

that you're not moving
away from it.

What does that mean?

Frankly, I know about

your problems with
the medical board.

Everyone does.

I understand the instinct
to hunker down

and play defense, but...

You already gave them
Dr. Turner as a scapegoat.

You don't need to do more.

Unfortunately, the medical board
doesn't agree.

That might be because
they don't have

every side of the story.

What do you mean?

If I were you guys,

I would start to play
a little offense.

Okay, offense, defense.

You know, this is
a very real threat

that requires a real solution,
Dr. Reilly,

not some sports clichés.

What I was going to say is
be smart.

I mean, you're all
under suspicion, right?

So take yourselves
out of the process.

Spend five minutes,

find out who left the board
most recently,

because I guarantee
they're in the private sector

and they're for hire.

So you bring them on
as a consultant

and share with them
your success stories

on how you guys
work together,

how you share
patient information,

everything you're doing
that's bringing the board

on top of you right now.

You give them all the a*mo
you can find,

files, letters from patients,
pictures of healthy children,

anything you can find, and then
let them

sell it back
to their friends on the board.

Everyone wins, right?

Oh, and the consultant's
also going to tell you

to change the name
of your practice, so...

You might start
thinking about that now.


I'm so sorry.
You all right?


You're Dr. Violet Turner,

Yes. Have we met?

Uh, no, actually.
But I've read your book.

Very impressive.

Yes, my book.

I always forget that
my picture's on the cover.

Well, you should be
very proud of it.

It takes a lot of courage

to put it all out there,
and you did.

And there's no telling
how many people you've helped.

Thank you.

Uh, Dr. Jake Reilly.

I just interviewed
for a job here.

Yes. Yes,
I just read your resume.

Equally impressive.

Oh, thanks. Maybe you can
put in a good word for me.

Hey. I know you guys
are busy interviewing,

but I just met one of
the candidates out there.

Dr. Jake Reilly.
Wow. What a good guy.

Deep thinker. It really feels
like he'd be a good fit.

I'm just saying.

- Hey, come on in.
- Have a seat.

Oh, hey, Addison.

Come with me.

What's wrong?
I'm gone for a month,

and you turn my office
into a storage closet?

I've been going through
this all day.

Half these boxes
aren't even mine.

How do you expect me
to see patients?

I know.
I'm sorry, Pete.

Violet said you weren't gonna
be back for three weeks--

did she also tell you
that she put in shower bars

because she's afraid
I'll slip,

or that she lays out my
vitamins like I'm 10 years old,

or she checks that i'm
breathing every 15 minutes?

Let me help you with that.

I can handle it.
Pete. Pete--

I can handle it.

I run this place now.

If you pick these up
and tear your heart stitches

and bleed all over
the floor of my practice,

it's gonna piss me off.

You wanna come back
to work early?

Fine. But don't be
a complete idiot about it.

I will have these cleared out
by the end of the day.

the chief of staff.

You can't expect her
to break the rules

just because she's your wife.
Sure I can.

You know if it was Pete
asking, you would do it.

Pete would never ask,

because that would involve
communicating with me.

You and Pete
are not speaking?

Yes, we did at the beginning,
after the heart attack.

But, no, for the last few
weeks, he barely looks at me.

And then when he does,
he's never smiling.


I don't know,
I'm beginning to think

that his early return to work
has less to do with work

and more with
getting away from me.

Yeah, probably.


I don't know. I guess I was
just kind of hoping for:

"Don't be crazy, Violet.
Your husband loves you."

Of course he loves you,
but he also hates you.

I mean, he's been laying
on his ass for a month,

totally dependent on you.

Okay, so you're saying

that he's emasculated
by his condition

and he's projecting
that on me.

No, those are big shrinky
words I wouldn't use.

What I'm saying is...

Look, from what I hear,
this morning,

in front of all of
his colleagues,

you pulled a chair
out for him,

and you told him what kind of
coffee he can drink.

I'm worried about him.

I know,
but you gotta ease up

on the Florence nightingale

because unless it comes
with a naughty nurse's outfit,

he's not gonna like it.


Find anyone good?

Uh, yeah, a few.

But front-runner
is still Jake Reilly.

You don't like him.


Jake is the Fiji guy.

I mean, almost-Fiji guy.

Oh, you mean
at the airport?


Yeah, so if you can find
anything on his resume

that is sketchy, shady,
or in any way questionable,

please tell me, because
I'm the only one in the office

who doesn't like this guy,

and I'm starting to
run out of excuses.

Okay. Well, uh...

He is not a member

of the American society
for reproductive medicine.

You're not serious.

Naomi used to talk about it.
It's not on his resume.

It's his only shortcoming.

I'm sorry.

Does Sam know?

No, and I have
no intention of telling him.

We were broken up. All I did
was go to the airport.

I kissed him once.

Actually, more than once,
but I did not go to Fiji,

and that's what counts.

You know,
and Sam and I are great.

So why can't we hire him?

Dr. Freedman?

Hey, sleepyhead.

All right.
You ready to watch this movie?

You okay?

I'm a little tired.

Can we watch it tomorrow?

You sure?


I can't watch it tomorrow,
but I can come Saturday.


Will I still be alive?


I know it's a lot to digest,

but kerri does not have
a lot of time.

This disease,
it's like a cancer?

Yeah. It is cancer,
but of the blood.

Oh, she's so young.

With all due respect,
Dr. Freedman,

what does this have to do
with us?

When each of your boys
was born,

you decided to keep and store
their cord blood.

And according to our database,
your oldest son, kip,

is a perfect match
for kerri.

Um, the cord blood bank,

it's supposed to be

Who gave you permission
to look at our records?

I'm gonna go sh**t hoops.

Make sure you're home
for dinner.


- Is that kip?
- That's Matt.

Kip died in a car accident
when he was 6.

But we've kept his cord blood
in case Matt ever needs it.

- Oh. I'm sorry for your loss.
- Um...

- But Matt is a teenager now.
- So?

Well, at his age,

the odds that he would need
cord blood are miniscule.

It's easy to talk about odds
when you haven't lost a child.

And I can't imagine
how painful that's been.

But you do have the opportunity
to spare another family

the grief
that you've been through.

Here's my chip.
Thirty days sober.

Good for you.

So now there's no more excuses
why my name keeps disappearing

from the surgical rotation
every week.

I'll think about it.

But you let me do
Pete's surgery,

and I saved his life.

I told you,
it was a one-time exception.

Thank you.

Now it's time to get back
to saving yourself.

I haven't had a drink
in a month.

So you say.

What do you want me to do to
prove it, take a breathalyzer?

You want me to pee
in a cup?

You cut into a patient's head
after you'd been drinking.

Both that patient and Pete
survived because of me.

What if the next one's
not so lucky?

Wow. What's that for?

You're doing a great job.

You're not throwing around
your authority.

You're not rubbing it
in anyone's face.

You're just being you...

And I like it.

Thank you.

So are you just gonna
stare at that coffee

or you gonna pour it?

Well, there's
all these studies

about caffeine
and getting pregnant.

And I've already had
two cups today,

so I guess
I'm just staring.


Look, I'm gonna be...

I'm gonna be going
off birth control,

and, um, I mean,
I know the odds of me

getting pregnant by mistake
are roughly a cajillion to 1,

but I...

I'm gonna need you
to start wearing condoms.

You're serious?
I wanna have a baby,

you don't wanna have a baby.

It means I can't use
your sperm, so, yeah.

I mean, come on,
you get it, Sam.


There's a debate happening
inside my head.

You wanna hear both sides?


One side says
that you're hiding in here

because you're
avoiding me personally.

And the other side says

that you're hiding in here
to avoid the entire world.

You know Charlotte still
has me benched from surgery?

Are you getting help?
Are you clean and sober?

Because Charlotte isn't
generally unreasonable--

Charlotte's a bitch, Sheldon.

She's a bitch
and she's a control freak

and she's a turncoat.

A turncoat?
In aa,

the old-timers tell you to keep
your mouth shut at work.

They tell you not to break
your anonymity to anyone,

especially if you are
a doctor or a lawyer

or a pilot
or anything where anyone

could use your admission
of addiction against you.

They tell you
to keep your mouth shut,

even if you have been sober
for 20 years,

because people
don't understand.

I didn't listen.
I opened my mouth.

I opened my mouth

because Charlotte needed me
to open my mouth.

After her r*pe,
she needed me.

Look, one in ten people
is an alcoholic or an addict.

And only one in ten
of those people

even tries to get help.

I have been sober for years,
and I am sober again.

But do I get any credit
from Charlotte? No.

Because I made the mistake

of helping her
when she needed me,

and because I had a few drinks
over a month ago,

I am benched.
No credit, no gratitude.

So the answer to your debate,
Sheldon, is everyone.

I am in here
hiding from everyone.

So you're gonna feel
a little bit of warmth

as the medicine goes in.

That feels weird.

Yeah, it should go away
in just a minute.

I'm going to get better now?

Well, that is the idea.


I saw your name
on the procedure list.

What are you doing?

Giving kerri
a chance to live.

But where'd you
get the cord blood?

Oh, a donor match came
through the registry.

Consent form's on your desk.

I'm glad it all worked out.

Amazing, right?

There's a word for this,
you know,

you and I running
into one another.

Yeah, the word you're
looking for is "nerve."

The nerve of you
coming into my practice,

wasting my time,

when clearly,
you have ulterior motives.

Whoa. Hold on a second.

You think I came in
for a job interview

just to get you
to go out with me?

It's very convenient.

Actually, it is.

Your practice is already
affiliated with St. ambrose,

which is where I see
most of my patients,

not to mention, you're only
a 15-minute walk

from my house,

so you'll be helping me
to reduce my carbon footprint.

Heh. That's rich.

I hate to burst your bubble
over there, Dr. Montgomery,

but, uh, I'm a catch.

And so humble.
All I'm saying is

there are plenty of
beautiful, intelligent women

I could be with
if I wanted to be.

Do you really think
I tracked you down,

pretended to be
interested in a job,

put myself through
the interview process,

just to get a date with you?

Though I will say,
having a friendly face

around here
is a selling point.

Oh, we are not friends.

I was talking about Sam.

Oh, it was
intramural basketball.

It's not like
you two climbed Everest.


How's it going
with the hiring?

Oh, well,
we found a guy we like.

Amazing credentials,
a great work history.


And Addison
doesn't like him.

Well, since when does she
make the final decisions?

I know there've been
changes around here,

but we're still
a cooperative practice, right?

Officially, no. Officially,

we all work for Addison and
answer to Addison.

We agreed to that
to keep the doors open,

for the medical board.
I mean,

we had to make changes
on paper, I get it.

But does that mean we don't
make decisions together anymore?

If that's what it means--
Pete, take it easy.

No, are you guys
just gonna roll over

and let her push us around?

It's just like
with the boxes.

She doesn't respect
any one of us.

Someone didn't get
enough sleep last night.

I don't think
sleep is the issue.

Well, he's had
major heart surgery.

There's no way
his body's 100 percent.

I wasn't talking about
his physical health.

It's only been a month
since his heart attack.

Not only is he dealing
with mortality issues,

but he's in emotional

You know,
fear, depression, guilt,

they're all colliding.

No wonder he's so frustrated.

It's not just frustration.

He's angry.
It's a typical response.

So, what do we do?
Cut the guy some slack,

give him some space
to work out his issues,

and in time,
he'll find his equilibrium.

Hey. What's happening?

What's the, uh, inside scoop
on the hiring situation?

Still doing interviews,
checking references.

You know how
this process works.

Yeah, don't sweat it.

You'll know
when you know, right?

Listen, I'm gonna go grab
a beer later on

with some of the doctors
from the practice.

You want to join,
meet a few of them?

Sounds good.

I'll check you later.

How dare you people
do this to us?

And you are?
Robert Weston.

You used my son's cord blood
without my permission.

Uh, we have
your signed consent.

That's not my signature.

Well, there's been
a misunderstanding.

I told Dr. Freedman that he
couldn't use kip's cord blood.

But after he left our house,
I was concerned,

so I called the hospital.

It turns out
you used it on a patient.

That is not your blood to take.
You need to believe me.

I'll deal with this
and Dr. Freedman.

So will my lawyers.

We let you into our home,

listened to you
plead your case.

What did it get us?
I understand.

And what I did,

you have every right to think
I'm a terrible person.

If you knew kerri,
this beautiful little girl

whose life you saved,

you would understand
why I did it.

You stole from us. You stole the
only thing

that was left
from our dead son.

And now,
you've given it away.

We can never get that back.

I was just about to call you.
Look at this.

Kerri's blood count.

There is no evidence of any
abnormal white blood cells.

It's working.
How great is that?

Did you really think
you'd get away with it?

I checked my computer.

You used my password to access
our private blood bank?

Will you let me explain this?

Do you realize
what you've done?

I saved this little girl's

which is the right thing to do--
don't you dare.

I was not gonna sit
and watch her die.

We've been through this,

You don't get to
make up the rules

every time
a patient needs your help.

We're all doctors.
We all love our patients.

Charlotte, don't--
you broke the law,

and you broke my trust.

You're a doctor,
and you're an adult,

and you're my husband,

and you didn't act like
any of those things

when you
made this decision.

You have no self-control,
and I am tired of it.

So you're a dad, huh?
Good for you, Sam.


He's a granddad.
Man, can you believe that?

What about you, any kids?

Never had the time
to make any.

Me neither,
but we love to try.

Wow. Someone's not
pacing themselves.

Self-control's overrated.

I'll drink to that.

I like you. I like him.

Why haven't we hired him yet?

You know why.

We have to do
our due diligence

to the other applicants.
Yeah, right.

You sound like a guy
in the know,

so, what do I gotta do
to get this guy on board?

Well, I would start
with this guy's girlfriend.

Mm. All right.
That's it. You're cut off.

Whoop. Aw!

I have to take a leak.

Addison's your ticket.

Dr. Montgomery
is your girlfriend?

Yeah. Yeah, we don't have

a non-fraternization policy
at the office, so...

She seems great.

You're a lucky guy.

Thank you.
Thank you.

I left messages
for the westons.

I'm hoping to talk to them

before I need to
bring this to the board.

Yeah, I'll keep you informed.

Oh, hey,
you have a minute?

Oh. I have had it
up to here

with doctors playing fast
and loose with the rules.

I got surgeons
sticking scalpels

in people's brains
while drinking

and doctors
stealing cord blood,

so unless what you have to say
can change that,

now is not a good time.

I don't know anything
about cord blood,

but as far as
one particular surgeon

who drank on duty, I...

Amelia is an excellent

Her skill
is not in question.

No, I know.
Only her sobriety.

I'm not talking about this.
Then just listen.

Look, I know
what Amelia did was wrong.

But you care about her,
which means at some point,

you're gonna have to stop
punishing her

and start forgiving her.

I'm chief of staff.
I can't make exceptions

just because
I care about someone.

I'm not saying you should,
just do it by the book.

Let her take the test,

check to see
if she's still drinking.

She's an addict, Sheldon.

Maybe. But if this were
any other surgeon,

would you be holding her
to the same standard?




You're late.

Boys' night out
must have been fun.

Yeah, I wanted to make sure
Coop got home in one piece,

so I had the cab
drop him off first.

That drunk, huh?

Uh, yeah.

But he had a good time, though.

I had a good time.

Jake had a good time too.

Wait, Jake went?

Yeah, I invited him.
He's cool.

I think that you're wrong
about him.

I know that you don't think

he's a good fit
for the practice,

but he's a good doctor.

He's a skilled doctor.

And we all work
long, hard hours,

and to have someone around
that everybody likes

I think is a good thing.

I know, I know
that you miss Naomi.

I miss Naomi too.

But I think
that you're wrong about him.


Can we stop now,
talking about Naomi and...?




Did you--?
Did you buy some condoms?

You know
I don't like to wear those.

I know, but this is not--
this is not about fashion, Sam.

Okay, okay.
I'll be careful.

I'll be careful.
I'll be real careful.

No, no. Come on.

We're not in high school

in the back of my parents'
Mercedes, Sam.

You know,
no glove, no love.

I'm serious.

Hey. Wow.

That's a lot of pills.

He's gonna have to take them
every day for a year.

A year.

Scary. The whole thing must be
terrifying to both of you.

Uh, it's not terrifying,
Sheldon, it's, um...,
wholly and completely.

This kind of thing
changes everything.

Will you talk about
something else?

The reason I came in

is to talk about Pete,

and that I don't think
he's ready to be back.

Think you're saying
anything I don't know?

Think anything occupies my mind
right now except

that he should not be here?
Okay. Something else.

Uh, did you know that Sam
and Addison moved in together?

And she still wants
to have a baby?

She thinks she's gonna
compartmentalize Sam

and her pregnancy plans and--

okay, wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait. Okay.

So she wants to have a baby,
but not with Sam,

who happens to be the guy

she's living with
and sleeping with,

and he doesn't
want to have a baby,

so she's gonna have one
with a sperm donor?

And she's gonna deal with ivf
and hormonal fluctuations,

and at the same time,
take over the practice,

so she's gonna
have to run this place

and handle all of us and...

How did you let this happen?


Well, I was home with Pete.
You couldn't have weighed in?

You couldn't have advised

this catastrophic decision

that's ultimately going to
affect everyone who works here?

No, this is a hazard
of our trade,

this thing where we always
think six steps ahead.

I mean, our friends
make decisions,

and we're shrinks,

so our brains automatically
analyze those decisions

and project psychologically
based eventualities,

most of which come true,
and we can't control that.

But maybe we can control this,
or at least influence it.

The only thing we can control
is whether or not

we say what we're thinking
to our friends.

And when we weigh in,
you know what happens?

What happens is,

they do
what they're gonna do anyway,

because they're in love,
and because people are flawed,

and because
human beings require pain

in order to learn and grow--

so you don't think there's
anything we could say to help?

When you say
every shrink thought

that you ever had out loud,

you become
the "I told you so" friend.

Doesn't help anybody.

Excuse me.
Dr. Montgomery.

You don't want me
to join the practice

because Sam
is your boyfriend, right?

How did you--?
Who told you?

It doesn't matter.


Did you say any--?

No, I didn't say
anything about Fiji.

Thank you.

And just so you know,
when you invited me,

Sam and I,
we were broken up.

Just forget it, okay?
That whole thing.

That whole thing?
This is awkward for me.

You have to understand that.

I'm not using you
as a fertility doctor,

despite the fact that
you're the best in the city.

That should tell you something.
Believe me when I say this.

I like your practice
and the people in it,

and that's all. And if you hire

I will never,
ever hit on you.

I won't even look your way.

Oh, and, uh, I joined

the American society
for reproductive medicine,

so you're fresh
out of excuses.

It's decaf.


Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

It's time for your meds.

How are you?
Mm. Fine.

I can see
that you're physically fine,

but I was just wondering,

how does it feel
to be back at work?

Because I was
talking to Sheldon--

you wanna know
how I feel?

You wanna know
how I honestly feel?

I feel like
I can't get away from you.

I feel like
you're smothering me.

Isn't it enough that you're
my wife and my nursemaid?

You wanna be my shrink?
Go home, Violet.

Go home
and be a mother to our son,

because I don't
want you here!

And you don't have patients!

You don't have a license!

You have no business here,
Violet. Go home!

I know it must have been
difficult coming in here.

You were certainly persistent.

I thought
it might be helpful

to explain the new protocols
we've put in place

to prevent this
from happening in the future.

Is that supposed
to make us feel better,

you worked the kinks
out of the system?

Uh, Robert,
let's just hear her out.

No. This was a mistake.

Dr. King?

Dr. King, I just wanted
to say thank you

for everything
you've done for kerri.

Do you have time to see her?

Well, I was
showing the westons out.

As soon as I'm done.

You're the parents.

Oh, my god.

I can't thank you enough.

What you've done for my
family, for kerri--

how is she?

She's, uh...
She's getting better.

I don't even remember
the last time I said that.

You know, I'm sure
she'd love to meet you.

Please. Come on.

How did you--?
Had nothing to do with me.

I was just walking the westons
to the elevator.

They ran into each other.

You know,
the elevator's actually--

you were wrong, Cooper.

Breaking into my computer,
stealing that cord blood.

Regardless of the outcome,
you were wrong.

You better pray Matt Weston
never needs that blood,

because you're not god.

It's not your job
to play god.


I made this go away
because I love you.

But if you ever
screw with me again,

if you ever
cross me like this,

I'll report you to the cops

and let them throw
your sorry ass in jail.

The fast one.

Which one is faster,
truck or car?

The truck...


So, um...


I don't know
what my job is anymore.

As a doctor, your wife...


I don't know what my job is,
but you're right

that, um,
I can't be your therapist.

So, that means that
you really need to get one.

Because you were mean.

You were really mean.

And I will be your wife,
and I will be your nursemaid,

as much as neither of us
likes it, but...

I'm not gonna be
your punching bag.

So you need someone
to talk to

about whatever it is
you're going through.

You need help.

Okay, buddy.
It's bedtime.

Want me to carry you?

Night-night, daddy.

Can you say night-night?


What is that?

A breathalyzer.
Blow into it.


It was your idea.

You wanna be on next week's
surgical rotation, right?

You're back on the schedule.


You know, I was gonna go
to a meeting on my way home.

Headed to one myself.

There's one near ocean park.
If we left now, we could--

but I'd rather go solo.

Hey, sorry I'm late.


I picked up some dinner
on the way home.

Oh, good.
I'm starving.


Um... so I hired Jake.


I thought about it,

and it's the right thing
to do.

Hmm. Oh, uh... ha, ha.

I picked those up.



I thought about it, and
it's the right thing to do.

Oh. Do you hear that?

I don't hear a thing.

I know.

No music.

No party.
No hot guy stumbling home.

Amelia must have had
a long day.

Finally, some peace and quiet
for us tonight.


Mm, mm.

I cheated on Derek.

That's why he moved
to the woods.

I slept with his best friend,
he caught us,

he physically removed me
from our apartment in Manhattan,

and he moved to the woods.

But I didn't cheat on Sam.

No, I met Jake
when Sam and I were broken up.

So there's nothing to confess.

There's no reason
to be scared.

I don't wanna lose Sam,
but, no, I'm not scared.


Wow. Okay, I may be
delusional, but, heh...

I swear to god,

for the first time
in a long time,

I'm happy.