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05x21 - Drifting Back

Posted: 10/17/22 14:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪


There's this
giant pile of trash

in the middle of the ocean--

the pacific trash vortex--

twice the size of Texas.

Water bottles, candy wrappers,
wreckage from boats--

every kind of junk
you can imagine just...

Stuck together,

floating 1,000 miles
from anything.

A giant pile of trash,

just drifting,

and no one seems to care.


I'm Amelia.

I'm an addict.

Hi, Amelia.

I should've come to pick this up
a couple months ago.

I, uh... I have
more than six months sober.

It's... more than
eight months now.

I know that because that's
how long I've been pregnant.

I just didn't get to meetings
for a while there, but, um,


It's remarkable--

the miracles that open
our eyes to sobriety.

♪ hey ♪


Okay. I'll see you later,


All right.

So, Pete, I, uh,

I-I think I'm gonna put
the house up for sale.


There must be a market
for a m*rder house, right?

I mean, some nice, calm couple
who wants to settle down

and have seances.

I want TV.

I mean, I know it's gonna be
a-a big adjustment for Lucas,

but there's not a good school
within 10 miles,

and I'm ready for a change.

New walls, a backyard,
a neighborhood with kids--

they still make those,


That's it? Really?

It's your house, Violet.
You do what you want with it.

I gotta get to the E.R.

Yeah, I'm working
another double.

Okay. Well, maybe I'll look
for a place near the hospital.

Then Lucas could see his father
every once in a while.


Early morning feedings,
huh? I remember those.

It's the only thing
that'll put him to sleep.

We've been up since...
Oh, my gosh. I don't even know.

Oh, no. He didn't
keep you awake, too, did he?

I mean, I was hoping that
the crashing of the waves

would drown his howls.

No, no, no. I can sleep
through anything.

That's right.

I remember.

I hate you for that.

You want more?

Hey, you don't think--

I mean, all the books say
that you should adhere

to a very strict
feeding schedule.

You shouldn't use food to induce
sleep and blah, blah, blah.

But I mean, sometimes,

you have to just go
with what works, right?

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sure.

You're not just humoring me,

I mean, you'd tell me if I was
doing something stupid, right?

All you have to
concern yourself with

is enjoying that little boy.

What's happening, partner?

All right. You be good
to your mom. All right.

Well, two weeks
in Aruba, and we just

decided to keep going,
you know, Buenos Aires, Rome.

How do you even pack
for a trip like that?

And where are
my cheesy souvenirs?

Yeah, I wasn't
in a shopping mode.

Or a correspondence mode.

I must have sent you
a half a dozen e-mails.

Yeah, I decided
to go completely unplugged.

You know, if I gave you
my tango dancer ashtray

that I swiped
from the hotel bar,

would--would you forgive me?
Okay, you know what?

I have a family
coming in later.

The parents want to be seen
separately from the daughter.

You take the parents.
We'll call it even.


I didn't even know
you had an ex-wife.

Seriously, Sheldon,
no one in this office

can keep a secret
for more than two seconds,

and you managed to hide
the fact that you were married?

Yeah, I want to know
how you wangled an invitation

to your ex-wife's honeymoon.

I want to know how to wangle
an invitation to the next one.

Oh, she left her fiance
at the altar.

But the trip
was already paid for...

So how was it to see her?

Well, it was, um, nice.



Jeez, you--
you look fantastic.

How are you feeling?

You don't know
about the baby?

Troy Davis, 38-year-old male,
history of heart failure.

Now in florid pulmonary edema.

No, no, don't try to talk.
Don't try to talk.

I'm right here.

120 of lasix
and hang a nitro drop.
I'm not going anywhere.

One, two, three.
I need a cardiac panel, E.K.G.,
portable chest in here now.

All right,
what's going on?

Dr. Bennett,
I don't know what happened.

Troy just--
he started gasping.

And I tried to give him o-2,
but it didn't work,

and then he was gagging--

okay, okay, slow down.
Slow down, Roger.

I knew his cardiomyopathy
would eventually...

But this...
This can't be it.

All right. We're gonna do
everything we can.

Hang in there, Troy.

How's his oxygenation?

What's happening?
You gotta get outta here,

Sats are down to 82
on high-flow o-2.

Pressure's at 72 palp.
Troy? Nonresponsive.
Time to intubate him.

What? Why?
Because he's not
responding to meds.

We gotta get him on a ventilator
to help him breathe.

No, no, no, no.
No machines.

Troy and I
talked about this.

He does not want
to suffer anymore.

Troy... you are
everything to me.

I want you to stay with me,
but if you have to go,

I love you, baby.

I love you so much.

What's going on?


I'm sorry. Who are you?

Troy's father.
What--what's wrong with him?

Troy is in end-stage
congestive heart failure.

I'm afraid he doesn't have
much time left.

Look, I know
this is overwhelming.

If there's something
we can do to help you--
there is.

Tell that man to stay
the hell away from my son.

You have no right--
he's my son.

You haven't seen him
in five years!
That's your fault!
You started--

That's enough.
Hey, easy, easy.

Yelling will not help Troy.

Now let's just
discuss this calmly.

I know this is an emotional time
for your family, but--

we're not a family.
I'm his partner.

Roger's his roommate.
Nothing more.

I'm sorry, sir. How can you
say that when they've been--

okay, with--with all
due respect, Mr. Davis,

I've watched your son struggle
with this disease

for about three years,

and Roger has been by his side
the entire way.

I want you to do
everything you can

to keep my son alive.

If that means putting him
on a ventilator, do it.

No, that is not
what Troy wants.

I don't care!

This man has no legal right
to be here

or anywhere near my son.

Does Troy have
an advanced directive

or a living will
naming you as his proxy?

We kept meaning to, but we
thought we had more time.

I want him gone.

It might be better for Troy

if Roger were to stay--

I'm sorry,
but you have to leave.

Oh, come on, Charlotte.

They can't do this,

Come on.
We'll get this sorted out.

All right? I promise.
We'll figure this out.

I don't know
when it started.

Things were just different.

Could you
be more specific?

Suddenly, he wanted sex
all the time.

Well, it's not uncommon

for people to have fluctuations
in their sex drive.

This wasn't
a fluctuation, Dr. Wallace.

I couldn't--i can't
control myself.

It was very uncomfortable
for me.

And I worry about my daughter.

He used...

To be different.

He was my favorite person
to do stuff with.

He wasn't so...

It's okay.

He looks at me weird.

And he comes in
when I ask him not to.

Comes in where?

Into the bathroom...

When I'm showering.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to lie.

I have sexual feelings
about my daughter.

And I'm afraid

I can't control them.

Has he ever touched you,


But now...

I'm scared.

The things you try
to do to me,

you want to do to... her?


I want you out of the house.

Lori, please.

Please what?
He's a monster.


Are you okay?
Get the nurse.


Roger should be making
these decisions,

not Troy's estranged father.

They're in
a committed relationship.

I'm not disagreeing,

but until the law changes,
he's not technically family.

So we're just gonna let
that bigot call the sh*ts?

Look, it's taking every ounce
of restraint for me

not to punch Troy's father
in the face.

I've seen Roger and Troy
together, and they're a family.

But if something were
to happen to Maya,

as her father,
I would want to be heard.

Yeah, but you would also
want to honor her wishes.

Troy told Roger

that he never wanted to be
hooked up to a ventilator.

Look, I spoke to
the hospital lawyers.

It doesn't matter how we feel
about it. The law is clear.

Without a living will
or directive,

Troy's medical decisions
are made by next of kin,

that is his father.

You need to get Troy
on a ventilator right now.

All right. All right.


I wanted to come by sooner,

but I had a patient,
and, uh,

I just, uh...

I'm so sorry.

Don't say you're sorry.

I'm sick of everyone
saying they're sorry.

Anything else?

My patient, he--

he seized during the session--

leave the file.

I called you.

I was halfway
across the world--

so you didn't get
my message?
I got it.

I didn't realize how, uh...

I didn't know
what you were going through.

I'm--I'm sorry.

There's that word again.

it's weird, right?

That same word can apply
to so many things.

Sorry I was late.
Sorry I didn't call you.

Sorry your baby
doesn't have a brain.

I was going through something,
and i--

go away. I'm busy
growing a brainless baby.

You know, i'm--it takes
most of the energy

I would otherwise waste
talking to people like you.

If Whitney is frightened
in her own home,

that's reason enough
to suspect abuse,

and we have to report rich
to d.C.F.S.

You didn't see
how torn up he was.
Uh, no, that's because

I was
talking down a 12 year old

whose father
had violated her privacy.

The e.E.G. Showed a lesion
on his temporal lobe,

which is causing
subclinical seizures,

which manifest
as hypersexuality

and an inability
to control his impulses.

You're making excuses
for a pedophile?

He's not a pedophile. Rich never
laid a hand on Whitney.

And there's been
no prior history

of this kind of behavior.

But now, right now,

rich admits to having
sexual feelings for Whitney.

Okay, a guy like that,

he doesn't get to be her dad,

Sudden behavioral changes,
scarring on the temporal lobe,

this is a textbook case
of kluver-bucy syndrome.

You gonna report him?

We'd be accusing him
of child molestation

and potentially ruining
his life.

What about Whitney's life?

What, are we supposed to
just wait

until rich takes the next step?

He won't
because I can fix him

by removing the lesion.

Can you guarantee that?

Okay, even if she could
stop his sexual urges,

how's this guy expect to ever
win back his daughter's trust?

Is accusing him
of being a sex offender

a better way to rebuild
that trust?

All right, forget all that.

Whitney's safety has to be
the top priority.

Then let me help
this family.

I can do it.

Sarah called
and left a message

asking if you were okay.

She also reminded me

that "all my sons"
is coming to town next week

and that we should buy tickets.

One day you--

You know you're not supposed
to be here, right?

Troy's dad went home.

And I snuck past
the nurses' station, so...

Are you gonna turn me in?


Troy would hate this.

All this fighting?

We met at a fight.

Well, it was supposed
to be a wedding,

but two of the girls from
the bridal party got into it.

I mean, hip checks, elbows--
I thought it was funny.

But Troy--



He blushed.

And I fell for him,
right there.

Is there any way
you can talk to Carl

to change his mind?

Troy's mom d*ed
when he was really young,

and so he was really close
with his dad,

but he was afraid
to come out to him

until we got together,

and then he just didn't
want to hide me, so...

And his dad can't accept it.

He cut him off.
Still, Troy kept trying.

He wanted his dad
to understand that he was

the same boy, the same man
that he once loved.

I mean, I called Carl
because I know

that Troy still loves his dad.

And Carl, I mean, he...

He has to love Troy, too,

Maybe that's why
he can't let Troy go.

Yeah, well,
now it's too late.

And Troy...
This isn't what he wanted.

Hey, you know,
I'm worried.


Yeah, Amelia.

Join the club.

No, we have to do something.

I've tried
talking to her.

She shut you down, too?


That's not good.
She has to talk to someone.

I mean, this pregnancy
is rife with--it's tragic,

and given her past, i--

well, she's not talking
to us,

but Jake is helping her.

With what?

He's her o.B.

That's it?

What do you want me
to say?

Well, if it's not me,
it should be you.

I mean, c--who's Jake?

Jake is who she chose.

The baby's fetal heart rate
is strong. That's--

that's good news.

Are you planning a slip?

My wife used to
play with one of those

when she was planning
a slip.

You don't plan a slip.

That's... that's why
they call it a slip.

It's just...

You fall.

Sometimes you fall.

My wife used to plan 'em.

I didn't know
you had a wife.

Are you...
Planning a slip?

You still married?

Are you planning a slip?


If you use dr*gs, your baby
can't be a donor.

What happened
with your wife?

Did you hear me?

What happened
with your wife?

Your baby's heart rate
is strong.

Let's keep it that way.



You busy?

Yeah, I have a laceration
I have to repair.

Can it wait?
I really need some answers
about the house.

Violet, whatever you want
is fine.

Pete, this is crazy.

We have to find some time
to talk.

I'm in the middle
of a double shift.


I'm working then, too.

Are you the only
E.R. doctor in L.A.?

Come on.
There--there has to be

some time for us
to have a meal.

Meet me for breakfast.

We can eat in that damn
cafeteria here if you want--

What would that accomplish?

We're separated, Violet.

Clearly, what I think
doesn't matter.

I pay half the mortgage
on that house,

but I'm not allowed
to sleep in it.

I say,
"let's get back together,"

you say,
"no, let's do therapy."
Okay, you know what?

If you are mad at me, that's
fine, but this concerns Lucas...

Oh, are you kidding me?
So you have to deal.

The only thing I care about
is Lucas.

I would see him every single day
if you would let me,

but I have assigned times
when I get to be with my child.

And given everything
that's going on,

do you honestly think
I care about that house?

So sell it. Don't sell it.

Just leave me out of it.

is she talking to you?

What? Who?

Amelia. Addison said
she's talking to you.

She's my patient,
and I'll tell you

the same thing
I told Addison.

I can't disclose--

that's crap.
She's our colleague, okay?

She's our friend.
And she's my patient.

And we share information
at this practice.

Sometimes, when a patient's
health requires it.

And I would argue that our
patient's health is in danger.

And as a therapist--
look, Sheldon--

she's an addict, Jake.

Yeah, I was at the intervention.
I'm fully aware of that.

Then do something about it.

She's not talking to
her friends, she's shut down,

she's practically dissociative,
and you have a responsibility

to do everything you can
to help,

and that means helping her
stay clean.

And you think helping her
means I tell you

everything she confides in me?

I'm a shrink,
and I know her, so yes.

That's presumptuous.

Get your ego out of it.
My ego?

It's not about my ego.

Oh, then let me help you
help her.

Sheldon, you're emotional
and you're overstepping

so just back off.

Amelia. Amelia.


If you want, I can talk
to rich and Lori alone,

go over the medical options--

did you somehow complete
your neurosurgery residency

on your honeymoon?

You're about to pitch
a risky procedure

to a desperate couple,

I'd like to make sure you have
your head in the right place.


That's the number of surgeries

I have completed
since you left--

26 flawless surgeries--

and in each one, I was
a recovering addict

carrying the brainless baby
of her boyfriend who overdosed,

so don't even
for a second suggest

that I can't

It's the only way I survive.

Pete refused
to talk to me.

He'd rather stay in the E.R.
stitching up bloody injuries

than spend time
talking to me.

Why are you so smiley?

I just...

Uh, it used to be you
giving me advice

about my screwed up life,

It's not a mess anymore.

I mean,
I have this amazing wife,

this incredible kid.

But I mean, I'm keeping
all that to myself

because we're talking
about you right now.

Uh, so Pete...

Is hiding out
in the E.R., right?

And I get why. I do.

That's a place where
he can be effective,

and he's a hero in there,
and he can solve problems.

In our relationship,
things are messy,

there's no right answer,

but I'm not really
that repellant, am I?

Am I?

What? No!

No. It--it hurts for me
to see you like this,

and I'm trying to come up
with something to say

that's gonna put you and Pete
back together.

But I mean, is that
really the best thing?

What do you mean?

I mean, you and Pete and Lucas
are a great family.

But are you and Pete
a great couple?

I saw your patient Stephanie.

Was it
a placental abruption?

Yeah, a minor one.

A few days bed rest,
she'll be fine.

I'm sure she's thrilled.

And she'll have her baby
in six weeks.


Do you ever wonder about

I don't know, what happens
to all these kids

that you give people?

Well, sometimes the parents

bring them by
so I can meet them.

I get the holiday cards.

Do you like that?


Gosh. I mean, to a parent,

your baby's the most important
thing in the world.

I mean, I think about Henry...
All the time.

I talk about him all the time,
too, until, you know,

I'm sure that people don't want
to hear another word.

But I really, i--
really, I can't help it.

No, listen, it's fine.
You should enjoy him.

What's so funny?

Sam was over this morning.

I was asking him
for some parenting advice.

And he said the exact
same thing. "Just enjoy him."

Well, that's kind of ironic.

What, the two of you
giving the same advice?

That you're asking it
from Sam.

E-Ever since Henry's come,
you know, I mean, Sam's...

Yeah, he's been great.

Oh, I'm sure.

Hey, thanks for
the patient update.

This scarring is likely
causing you to have seizures.

What happened
in Dr. Wallace's office,

I-I had never
had that before.

But chances are,

you'd experienced hundreds
of minor seizures

prior to that one, and because
the seizures are occurring

in the part of your brain
that regulates impulses,

that might explain the urges.

Can we do anything
about it?

I can do a partial lobectomy
to remove the scarring

and stop the seizures.

And rich
would be normal again?

Well, that's the hope,
but we can't tell

if this will mean he can
control all of his impulses

we have Whitney to think about.

Of course, but what
she's saying is that maybe

this isn't rich's fault,
maybe it's not him.

Well, either way,
you need to understand

that there are substantial risks
to this procedure.

With any brain surgery,

there's the possibility
of permanent damage or death--

I don't care.

If there is even a chance

that this will make me better,
I want to do it.

The ventilator

is helping Troy oxygenate,

uh, but his cardiac output
is still down.

What are our options?

We could put him
on an l-vad pump,

give him a little extra time,
but, uh--

but what?

We'd just be postponing
the inevitable.

Troy is going to die.

Now I understand that
the relationship

between you and Troy
is strained,

but if Troy doesn't want
to be kept alive by machines,

if--if you don't mind
me asking,

why are you doing this?

When Troy was growing up,

he was my boy.

I knew him, how he thought,
what mattered to him.

Roger turned him around,

made him believe things.

How do I even know this is
really what Troy wants?

This is probably gonna be hard
for you to hear,

but I believe that Roger
really loves Troy.

So I don't think he'd ever
lie about something like this.

I really don't think
he'd be willing to lose him.

Put him on the pump.

Well, this is either gonna
be awesome or terrible.

Take your pants off.



Oh, what's gotten into you?

Oh. Ew!

No, it's just, he's--

Pete's being a royal pain
in my ass at the hospital,

making me the bad guy,
and you know how I hate...

Come on.
Being the bad guy.

No, this was so promising.

Is everything all right
with him?

Every free shift I've got,
he's... picking it up,

like he's on some kind
of a mission.

Okay, he is on a mission.
He's hiding from Violet.

Okay, if I answer this,

can we...
Get back to business?


Okay, Violet feels
that Pete is avoiding her

'cause he doesn't want to do
the necessary work

to save the relationship.

You know, first he wanted
to go to El Salvador,

he's working around the clock
in the E.R.

It's bad for Violet.
It's worse for Lucas.

She's afraid that Pete's being
self-destructive so she's--

enough. I've got it.

Now I want you to be
the bad guy for a while.


Hey there.


You finishing up
or just starting out?

Well, starting.
Or hoping to start.

What--what if Henry
wakes up?

Well, then you pour yourself
another glass.

I'm serious.

Addison, you're allowed
to have a glass of wine.

You're allowed to have
many glasses of wine.

Okay, so he wakes up,
and I'm drunk.

You're not gonna be too drunk
to take care of him.

Besides... you know, babies
are virtually indestructible.

Take that.

Are you gonna
make me drink alone?

Well, somebody's gotta
be here for Henry, right?


Let me get some.

Ohh. I miss this.

What, the quiet?

No, just sitting with wine,

not thinking about anything,



We used to do this.

Yeah, well,
now you have Henry.



I miss this, too.

I miss you.


Go get him.

Yell at me.

You want to yell at me.
Yell at me.

All right? I can take it.

I wish I had been here.

I wish I had come back.


I want to help you.

So please...

Just let me help you.

No, Amelia--
don't talk.

Just don't talk, okay?

You said you want to help.
This is how you can help me.

No, Amelia--

I know
I'm not sexy right now.

I don't--i don't need you
to think I'm sexy.

Just... close your eyes
and think about someone else.

I don't care what you do,

Sheldon, this is
what I need.

Look, Amelia, just stop.

If you want to help me,
help me forget. Please.

Did you take something?

Are you high?

If I were high,

I wouldn't need you,

If I were high,
I would be able to breathe,

to forget.

I'm not high.

An orgasm would help me.

It would help me
for a minute.

I need a minute.

If I am gonna keep carrying
this baby and give birth to him,

I need an escape, Sheldon.

I need a minute to forget.



I'm sorry.

There's that word again.

Hey, buddy.

Hey, man.

You, uh, you feel like
grabbing a drink tonight?

Rain check?
Oh, you got plans?

I was just trying
to get home early, relax...

Head next door,
change a few diapers.

Are you for real?

Hey, I'm not judging.

What's there to judge?

You, Addison, Henry.

Right, they live next door.

Sounds convenient.

What do you--what do you
think is going on?

I don't know.
Is something going on?

Are you jealous?

Oh, come on, man.
You know that's not my thing.

Oh, and it's my thing?

you kept saying it wasn't,

so I have to take you
at your word, right?

Well, I think
you are jealous.

No. I'm the man who's
going out for a drink tonight.

Dr. Wilder.

You have to see this.


"I could never just linger
like that.

"Roger would go ballistic.

He'd sit by my bedside,
sure I was gonna wake up."

I don't--
what--what is this?

It's from Troy's journal.

He keeps one on his computer.

And I stayed up all night
reading it

because I wanted
to find some proof

that this isn't
what he wants,

and it says so right here.

Roger, that--uh,
it's not a legal document.

I know that you're in pain
and you're angry,

and I want to help you--

Troy is suspended between
here and the other side.

Now I love him
and I have to give him

the peace that he deserves,


Do you get that?

Do you understand love?

When you love somebody,
when you really love them,

you don't force them to stay,
to fight, to hang on.

You let them go the way
that they want to go.

How much longer
do you think it'll take?

He goes into surgery
in an hour.

You know it's okay
to feel scared.

But I don't want to be,

and I don't really know
why I am.

'Cause this is scary...

Being in a hospital,

knowing your dad
is in there,

seeing your mom
so stressed.

I heard her on the phone
last night

with my uncle.

She told him my dad
could die from the surgery.

Is that
what you're scared of?

I know that it's confusing
and complicated,

but it is still okay
to love your dad.

I love him.

It's just what he did.

What he did was horrible,

and I imagine you've had
a lot of bad days since.

But you have to promise me
something, Whitney.

Promise me that you're not
gonna feel bad

about trying to live
in the good ones, okay,

the good days?

Because you may not be able
to forgive him,

you may not feel like
you're ever able to...

To trust him
in the same way again,

but... but you don't
get to choose

whether you love him
or not.

We just love 'em.

I can't--i can't--
I mean, he's just--

whoa. Breathe.
Breathe. Breathe.
I mean, it's not only...

Breathe. Breathe.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Try complete sentences.

I can't give up. I don't
want to let him go.

I don't.

Does that make me pathetic?

Is that what you were
telling me before?

I mean, without telling me.

Wh-when you said that--that--

that Pete and I were not
a good couple, were--

do you really think I should
cut my losses and go?

Vi, all I meant to say was--
no, you know what?
You know what?

I-I-I don't care.

I don't care what it makes me.
I-I don't care what you think.

I, um... I love Pete.

I love my family.

And I just want us
to be okay.

And I know we are not
one of those storybook couples

with stars in our eyes

and cartoon hearts
floating above our heads.

I mean, we have been tested.

God knows, this relationship
has been tested,

and we have survived.

So, you know,
to hell with easy.

I don't trust easy.

Anything worth having
shouldn't be easy,

because then you take it
for granted.

Pete is worth fighting for.

My family
is worth fighting for.

And I am so sick to death
of asking him to listen to me.

I'm not gonna ask anymore.

I'm gonna go down
to St. ambrose

and I'm gonna haul his
immature ass out of that E.R.,

and we are going
to figure out what to do,

because I want my...

Stubborn, infuriating...

Amazing husband back.

Why are you staring at me?

I don't know whether
to be scared or awed.

I think
that when there's clearly

a right way and a wrong way,
you choose the right way,

no matter how hard it is.

Well, we don't agree
on what the right way is.

I know Troy,

and I understand what Troy
and Roger have together

and the situation they're in.

And it's awful.
It's--it's unfair--

oh, come on, Sam.
You're taking the easy way out.

You're hiding behind the rules
just like Charlotte.

First off, I'm not hiding
behind anything.

I'm respecting the process,

even if I don't like
the result--

who gives a damn
about the process?

Look, it's what we have
to live with.

No. No. What we have to
live with is our conscience.

Look, all right, I understand
where you're coming from--

but you don't give a damn.
Oh, come on, man.

No, no, you've made it
very clear whose side you're on.

You're not being fair.

you're not being fair, Sam.

Okay, rich,
are you ready?

Just one thing.

What is it?

If you can't get
all the lesion,

if you can't fix me,
k*ll me.

Everything went smoothly.
I got it all.

Will I...

You need time.

Dr. Turner.

So I'm gonna continue
seeing Whitney.

And you will continue
with Dr. Wallace.

Of course.
You can't go home yet.

Not until both of us agree

that it's the best thing
to do for your family.

Thank you...

For giving me a chance.

Think you're ready
for a couple of visitors?

I promise, whit, I will
spend the rest of my days

doing everything I can
to earn back your trust.

I really hope I can.

Dr. Turner,


Is she okay?

She's brave

and she's hopeful.

You really think
rich will be okay?

I have to believe that.

I did everything I could,

and you're gonna do
everything that you can,

and the alternative...

Is too awful to contemplate.

Well, sometimes
things work out,

even when you didn't think
they could.

Amelia, about last night--

I have to go.

This place baffles me.

It's a bunch of doctors
sticking their noses

in places
where noses don't belong,

or at least places I would
never think of sticking mine.

I mean, for family, yes,
for someone I love,

but this is an office.

Yeah, but people around here,
w-we are family.

We care about each other.

And you obviously
care about Amelia.

Of course I care,
but I'm not sure

being all up in her business
is the best way to help.

Well, then do it your way.

So what are you still
doing here anyway?

Oh, I am just
finishing up stuff.

Who's watching your baby?


Shut up.

Don't laugh at me.

Oh, it's not you
I'm laughing at.

You're getting everything
you wanted, right?

Well, I didn't...
Think about it like that.

Well, isn't this what
you've been hoping for?


♪ gone today ♪

♪ 'cause it's hard to stay
when the line ♪

Thank you.

♪ Is long ♪

♪ and it's all right ♪

I will always love you.

Are you ready?

♪ Like a dark night ♪

♪ a hard time ♪

♪ in your dreams ♪

♪ Try to bring in ♪

What do i--what do I do?

Just be with him.

Let him know you're here.

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ all right ♪


♪ Though it seems ♪

I want 40 more years
or 50.

I want everything.

I want to do
all the things with you

that I always put off
or that I took for granted.

I want to change that carpet
in the living room

that you always hated,

and... I want to watch
foreign movies with you

and not fall asleep,

and... I want to
make you laugh more.

But what we did have...

I loved it.

Every minute of it,
I really loved it.

And I love you.

And I'll never forget.

I know you always hated me
wanting to have the last word.

And I wish more than anything
that I didn't have it now.

But this time, I can.

I love you, Troy.

I love you more. I do.

I'll see you again one day.

I promise.

I love you.

No, it doesn't make sense,
Pete, all right?

He was on the l-vad,
perfectly stable, and--

I don't need
to be interrogated, Sam.

All right, well,
my patient is dead.

And the only other--
you son of a bitch.
You k*lled my son.

Whoa. Wait. Carl. Calm down.
Let him go. Sam just--

I should k*ll you!
Look, hey, hey.

I honored your son's wishes.

He did not want to be
kept alive by machines.

You don't get to choose.

You need to let it go.


Troy is gone.

He's gone.

He's gone.

My boy is...

He's gone.

Troy's dead.

My god,
what did I do?

Picking your poison?

They don't keep any of
the good stuff here anymore.

Ever since
I went off the rails,

it's all anti-inflammatories
and laxatives.

Nothing that would
actually k*ll any pain.

Yeah, well,
you can get dr*gs.

If you decide to get them, you
and I both know that you can--

there's a dealer
on the pier.

He hangs out
by the photo booth.

He has a kid
who's maybe 10.

Kid plays all night,

keeps running back
for more money, more rides,

and the dude just stands there
selling dr*gs

with his kid right there.

I don't like to give him
my business if I can avoid it.

My wife d*ed.


Her daughter was 11,
and I was, uh,

god, I was... I was
still so in love with her.

And I hoped that...

No matter how many times
I saw the signs,

saw her
playing with her chip,

saw her
staring out the window,

saw her...
Start to disappear,

I always hoped that
she would choose me instead.

I found her
on the bathroom floor.

I found her there
a lot of times before that.

Only this time...

I did c.P.R. For 40 minutes.

I couldn't stop.

She was cold and blue,
but I, uh...

I couldn't stop.

I wanted to die.

I wanted to die with her...

But her daughter...

Our daughter--

I stayed alive.

I chose to stay alive.

And right now
you haven't used yet,

so you--you can
still make that choice.

You can choose to stay alive.

You can... choose to...

Carry this baby to term.


And your baby can help
save the lives of other babies.


But once you put dr*gs
into your system,

you're no longer the one
making that choice.

Your addiction
gets to choose.

♪ looking for the line ♪

And your addiction will--
will k*ll your baby.

And your addiction
will sacrifice the lives

of those other babies.

And then your addiction
will k*ll you.

And then Sheldon
will want to die,

and... Addison
will want to die,

and... I'll want to die, too...

With you.

Everything hurts.

If you don't use,
the pain will pass.

♪ ...that started ♪

I know this tunnel is long

and dark.

But if you don't use,
the tunnel will end,

and the light will come...

Come back in.


If you use,
the tunnel never ends.

♪ Everything has its way ♪

♪ again ♪

Do you drink coffee?


I-I love coffee.

Will you get
some coffee with me?


How old
is your daughter now?

20. She's, uh...
She's 20.

How long you been
out here this time?

Um, since, uh, forever.

Ohh, yeah.

What's happening?

Henry likes, uh, he likes
his bottle on the beach.

I can't blame him.

Could be worse.


- Hi there.
- Yes, it could be.

What's happening? Uh-huh.

Sam, don't do this to me,

Don't do what?

Just... I don't know,
give me hope.

Hope for?

For what?
For us being a family.

Exactly what I kept saying
I wanted

and you kept saying
wouldn't work for you, you know?

This is comfortable,
you, me, and Henry,

but you can't just come play
house whenever you feel like it.

It's not fair.
No, Sam--

Addison, i--

Sam, Sam, it's not fair.

If you want to do this,

then you need to be able
to deliver on everything,

everything we talked about.

Can you do that?

♪ The weight
is in your hands ♪

♪ there's weight in ♪

I don't even know why
we're having this conversation

if you can't answer me now.

♪ Take away the glass ♪

♪ and there's a window ♪

♪ to the wind ♪


So I don't care what
you have to do right now.

You're gonna get up,

and we're gonna go downstairs,

and I'm gonna shove
a doughnut into your face,

and you're gonna listen
to what I have to say.

You're gonna listen
and then you'll respond,

'cause we have
some decisions to make

about us, about Lucas.

Are you even listening
to me right now?

Do you ever stop talking?

Tell me I got my facts wrong.

Tell me this did not happen.

Charlotte, can you
give us a minute, please?

Tell me you were nowhere near
Troy's room when he d*ed.

I did what was right.

You turned off
his ventilator

against his father's wishes.

No, Pete, what you did
was not right.

What's going on?
You opened this hospital
to a storm of litigations,

and as for you, his father--

I don't care.

I did what I had to do,
and I would do it again.

And I did
what I had to do.

Dr. Wilder.

♪ Again ♪

♪ and we'll go in ♪

You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Troy Davis.

No, no, Charlotte. No.
You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can
and will be used against you

in a court of law.

If you cannot afford
an attorney,

one will be appointed
to you.

Do you understand the rights
that I've just read to you?

♪ The world... ♪

I get it now.

Get what?

Every office
I've ever worked in,

I've always found my pack.

People to play hoops with
or grab a beer

or maybe even
have 'em over to dinner.

But they were just colleagues.

The job
was our only connection

so I didn't have to
invest myself emotionally.

And staying detached,
it worked for me.

But that doesn't really fly
in this place.

I guess...

I guess what I'm trying to say
is that...


this--this place,

I see that we're all
in it together.


I think I'm good with that.


What if it's more
than just soda cans

and plastic bottles
that are out there?

Maybe there are messages
in those bottles,

hopes and dreams
that have drifted together,

things that people lost
that they have

no clue that are gone,

things that if they found again
would make them so...


Do I sound delusional?