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03x22 - Good Luck Charm/Diggers Split Up

Posted: 10/18/22 08:08
by bunniefuu
[school bell rings]





-[whistle blows]

Well struck, Vince.

Three words, Mafungo you da man!

That's real, thought. You clinched us out.
for the first time ever

A fourth grader
will represent our school

In the toss, boot,
and punt competition.

-[Gus] Way to go! All right!
-[T.J.]Yeah! Righteous!

Shucks, guys.
weren't nothing but a thing.

Buses from the other schools arrive
at recess today.

Until then I suggest you rest up,

and beware of the meat
in the cafeteria, trust the Kluger,

If it's gray, stay away.

Wow! Vince taking on
the best arms and feet

From every school in town.

Isn't it great, Spinelli?

Yeah, real great. Only problem is
I'll be a failure by then.

What are you talking about, man?

It's that stupid math test we got today.

I was going to study lastnight,
but I got kind of busy.

The Minister of Mayhem
squared off

Frank the Florist of Fear.

You skipped studying
for professional wrestling?

- Doesn't everybody?
-[Erwin] LaSalle,

this was supposed to be my year,
my time to shine,

My turn to toss, boot,
and punt for good old third street.

You come along and beat me?
How do you do it, fourth grader?

Hmm, let's see.
Maybe it's my shoes.

Well, I got
the same shoes as you.

Ah, then it couldn't
be the shoes

'cause I beat you bad.

Hey, I know.
Maybe it's this.

A marble?

Not just a marble, Lawson,
a lucky marble.

A lucky marble, I should've known
it was something like that.

Ha! For a minute there I thought
you were better than me.

Do third street proud,

[T.J.] Whoa! You still have that thing?

Never leave home
without it.

Hey, Vince, you know
we got this math test coming up today

and I was just wondering...

Don't say another word, pal.

Now, I've never done this before,

but seeing as how you need
a little extra juice for the test,

well... just be sure to give it back
to me

before the toss, boot,
and punt contest.

Wow, thanks, Vince.

Good luck on the quiz,

No need to wish it, buddy,
I got it right here.

Spinelli, that charm of that nature
is a very personal possession.

If you cherish your friendship with Vince,
you better guard it with your life.

Shows what you know.

If the thing works,
then i'll be lucky.

Ipso flipso, nothing bad
can happen. Duh.

Did I just get duh'd?

I hope you all took my advice

and had a nice piece of fish
for breakfast,

as this test will require
lots of brain power.

Come on, marble.

Hey! I know this stuff.

Fractions, fractions ,
they just kept coming, sarge.

Wave after wave.
It was horrible.

That was one tough test.
My brain hurts.

Personally, I feel
listless and unchallenged.

Boys and girls, feast your eyes
on the minister of math.

Thanks to this little bad boy,

those answers just popped
right into my head.

It was almost as if I've been
paying attention all year.

Hey, look,
the buses from the other schools are here.

My marble. Spinelli.

Yo, LaSalle, Where you going?
We're about to get underway here.

Be right back, coach.
I need more cereal.

Ah, complex carbos.
Way to train smart, son.

Yep, with a marble
like this,

who knows
what i could do.

Look, here comes Vince.

But first
I got to wash it.

You know what they say,
a clean charm is a lucky charm.

[Vince] Hey! Where'd Spinelli go?

I need my good luck charm.

The competition's
about to start.

She was just here.

I think she's washing
your good luck charm.

You know, for good luck.

Well, listen, I can handle
the toss without it,

but tell her that I'll need it back
before the boot portion.

Ah, good as new.

Hey, Spinelli, Vince really needs
that marble back.

He'll get it, he'll get it,
I just want to make sure

I didn't accidently wash the luck
out of it.

I mean, you wouldn't want me
to give back

a defective good luck charm,
would you?

Now let's see.
What takes some real luck?

[Spinelli] Yes.
Only a fool would try it.

A fool with a fistful
of luck!

Friends, I'm gonna prove
this thing still works.

your bow, please.

Ah, Spinelli, what are you doing?

I'm going to make
hustler kid a wager.

A wager? Hey,You're not gonna try

to get your christmas presents back again,
are you?

Yep, with one
blindfolded shot at the hoop.

- And if you miss?
- Simply this,

all my wordly stuff is yours.

Is she nuts? She's got
some really cool junk.

It's going to hurt
to take it all away, Spinelli.

What am I saying?
I'm going to love it.

hand her the egg.

Spinelli, the odds
against your sticking

this particular "j"
are astronomical.

Prepare to gasp,
luckless chickens.

The marble will guide me.

I can't look!

[all cheering togheter]

[Hustler kid] Of all the rotten luck.

Depends who's talking.

You got one week
to get me my stuff, son.

Man, this baby's
dripping with luck

and i'm living, breathing,

Math test-passing,
basket-swishing proof.

Ok fine, you proved your point. Now give
the marble back to Vince.

Yeah, yeah.
Just one more test,

Only this time bigger.

Here we go again.

You aren't going to jump,
are you?

You bet I am.

[Mikey] But you stink at jump-rope.

That was then,
this is now.

♪ Mink and seal
and tiger and bear ♪

♪ Cute or cuddly
we don't care ♪

♪ Snip it, cut it,
be sure it's not fake ♪

♪ How many fur coats
can we make? ♪

♪ One, two, three ♪

[all cheering]

Not bad,
for a second grader.

[all the kids] Oh!

Like, look who's talking,
miss two left boots.

I suposse you can do better?

Watch and learn.

♪ Ashley, Ashley,
turn around ♪

♪ Ashley, Ashley,
touch the ground ♪

♪ Ashley, Ashley,
in a skirt ♪

♪ Ashley, Ashley,
go eat dirt ♪

[all cheering]

In your face, Ashleys!

No one beats the cat's eye,
and while I hold it,

nothing bad
can possibly happen.


[all cheering]

Not bad, LaSalle.

Now limber up
that kicking foot.

Will do, coach, but first
another bowl of cereal.

Way to dance
with what worn are you,

very special
fourth grader.

Oh, man, I'm so upset
about this thing,

I think I'm gonna hurl.

On top of that,
here comes Vince.


-Where's Spinelli going?

What he said.

Man, I really need that good luck charm.
I did pretty good at passing.

And I should be all right
at the kicking,

but punting is my weak spot.
She say when she'd be back?

Well, if you see her,
tell her i need it , quick!

Looks like Vince's winning
streak is down the drain.

Oh, man, this whomps.

Vince trusted me
and I lost his lucky marble.

This is a classic

Guys, guys,
I think I see it!

There's got to be some way
to get that marble out of there and fast.

Hey, I got an idea.
Anybody got a stick?

-Here you go.

Now, Spinelli,
give me your chewing gum.

Stick the gum on the stick.

I think I see where you're
going with this.

Yep. I poke the gummy stick
through the grate

and presto,
we snag the marble.

Uh, Spinelli, how long
you been chewing that gum?

Couple of days.

[kids cheering]

Excellent, LaSalle,
you're leading the pack.

You just got to out-punt that big kid,
"the boot", I think they call it

Just don't forget the rule.
you gotta take three steps

before you kick the ball.

But, coach, I only take
two steps, like in the pros.

This isn't the pros, LaSalle.

I'm doomed.

I'm doomed.

[Mikey] No, you're not.


No, Mikey, we need more gum,
not another stick.

It's not a stick.
It's a very long straw.

I'm gonna suck
that marble up.

I think I swallowed it.

Nope. The marble's
still down there.

Uh, I got to go
to the nurse.

Now what are we
going to do?

[Gretchen] Behold,
explorer z-.

Just a little
extra-credit project

I worked up
for science class.

As soon as the patent
goes through,

well, let's just say
that college is paid for.

Hey, you think that thing could...

That's why
I brought it out.

I've calibrated
enough dexterity

Into the z-'s
robotic arm

that it should
reach and pick up the marble.

Up and at them,
robo fingers.

What's going on?

I can't control it!

I think she's still got
a few bugs to work out.

What are you doing,

Sliming up my arm with cooking grease
so it can slide through the grate.

You can't reach
the marble with your arm.

I got to try.

I'm staring down the barrel
of a friendship-ender here.



Well, I guess
it's all over.

Aw, come on, Spinelli,
you're overreacting.

No, I'm not, Vince trusted me

With something
important to him

and I went and lost it.
Now he's going to hate me.

Hey, me and the rest of the guys
will still like you,

we won't let you borrow our stuff,
but we'll still like you.


Ok, next up, The Boot.

Come on, Spinelli,
i need that thing.

A -yarder!

Looks like Vince
is up next.

Now seems like a good time
to hide, Spinelli.

Nope. Sometimes a kid
has got to face the sound.

Vince deserves the truth.

You're up, LaSalle.

[Spinelli] Hey, Vince.

[Vince] Perfect timing, Spinelli,
I'm up next.

You got my good luck charm?

Yeah, about that.

Listen, i'll completely

if you hate me
and never talk to me again,

but I lost
your lucky marble.

[Spinelli] It was an accident, Ok?

I know I shouldn't have
let it happen, but i did,

and I... I...

come on, man, say something.

Well, i don't know what
to say, except...

Hey, look, a shiny nickel.

This has to be better luck
than that crummy marble.

Let's go, LaSalle.

Well gotta book.

Remember. LaSalle,
three steps, not two.

- yards!

If they could just bottle
what that kid eats.

[kids cheering]

But, but what
about acing the test

and beating the Ashleys
at jump-rope?

Well, It sure wasn't the marble.

Maybe it's all
about self-confidence.

Confidence. Yeah, maybe
you got something there.

Hey, where are you going?

Gotta see the ashleys
about a rope.

Over the years, I found you can never
rub it in enough

with those girls.


Hello, little friend.

Isn't it a perfect day,
a day to treasure,

a day to savor?

Yeah, the swinger girl
is swinging,

King bob is kinging...

And all is well
with the world.

-There you go again, doing it all wrong.
-Excuse me!

All I'm saying is your digging
would improve if you choked up

on your shovel a little.

And all I'm saying is, It works just fine
the way I got it.

Well, you can do it that way,
it'll be wrong, but you can do it.

Wrong? How would you know,

considering you never
do any work around here?

Yeah right, I've been carrying you
since kindergarten.

you've been carrying me?

That's right, pal,
I've been carrying you,

and you just got
a little too heavy.

[Sam] Fine. I don't need you.

In fact, I'll get
a lot more work done

without you yapping at me
all day long.

Without my yapping, you wouldn't know
which end of the shovel was up.

It's this one, pal.

Guys, what just
happened here?

Unless I'm mistaken,
the diggers split up.

Why did this happen? Why?

[Vince] Oh, come on, Mikey,
you're taking this way too hard.

Yeah, so the diggers had
a little tiff yesterday. Big whoop.

Don't you guys see? The diggers
have been digging together

Ever since I can remember.

If they can split up
over some silly fight,

what does that say about
any friendship, even ours?

Relax, those two guys can't stay mad
at each other for one minute,

much less one day, for sure.

I'll bet they patched
the whole thing up

by now!

Gos, are you all right, man?

Yeah, I'm fine... I guess.

-Digger Sam?
-Can't stop. Behind schedule. Must dig.

[T.j.] Hey, Sam, what are you doing
digging a hole right by the front door?

-A kid could get hurt.
-Namely me.

Where's digger Dave?


Your partner,
about this big,

helmet, filthy.

Got no partner.
This gopher digs alone.

You mean you and Dave
haven't buried the hatchet?

No bury. Only dig.

Man, digger Sam
without digger Dave?

I never thought
I'd see the day.

Think about poor Dave,
all alone, no friends,

He must be a digger
with a hole in his heart.

Morning, boys and girls.

Digger Dave,
is that you?

Just call me Dave.
I'm not doing that dig thing anymore.

Doing the old
regular-kid thing now.

What about your hole?
What about Sam?

Sam? Refresh me?

Your partner.
You two were a team

like Laurel and Hardy.

Gilbert and sullivan.

The Mad Masher
and k*ller Calhoun.

Hey, professional wrestlers
have relationships, too.

Well, not me, my digging days
with what's-his-name are over.

So what are you regular kids doing today?

Well were going to play
some kickball at recess.

I'll play first base.

[Gretchen] Ah, excuse me, Dave,
but that's my position.

You might want
to watch how I play it.

It's a good way to learn.

[Spinelli] Come on, Teej,
give me something good.

One unkickable
uncle Charlie coming up.

[Dave] Whoa, whoa, whoa,
time, Teej.

What are you doing,
directing air traffic?

But this is how I always pitch.

You've been doing it worng.
I'm surprised you haven't pulled a hammy.

Gee, I don't want
to get hurt.

Guess I could try it
your way.

I would.

[Spinelli] Ha ha! Thanks
for the melon ball, Teej.

Yeah, well, at least
I didn't pull a hammy.

I got it, I got it!

Move right, move right.

Too far. Left, left.

No, right, right,

Tried to warn you.

Maybe I should clear out
the east wall like this,

but then how do I take care
of the west wall?

Or maybe i should fortify
the south side,

Then tackle the subcircles,
or... or... oh, I'm so confused.

Poor digger Sam.
He's so flustered,

he can't figure out
what to dig next.

[Dave] Hey, guys,
mind if I join you for lunch?

You going to tell us
how to eat?

Ha, ha, that's pretty good, Spinelli,

but It would have been funnier
if you said,

"are you going to tell us
what to eat?", see? "What" is funny.

-"How" isn't.
-I'll show you funny.

Be cool, Spinelli. He's going
through some stuff.

Uh, pardon me, Dave,

But that's normally
my seat.

I'm aware that my behavior

Is mildly

but this is where I sit.
Always have.

Cheese, between this seat
and first base,

a kid could get the idea
you own everything.

Hey, what you eating there, buddy?

peanut butter and pickles.

Peanut butter and pickles?

What kind of lunch
is that?


Now that's a lunch.

But I was gonna eat that burguer.

Take it up with gus.
Ok, lets go, it's tetherball time.

Actually, Dave, we were thinking
of playing foursquare today.

That was never the plan.

We're playing tetherball.

Come on, let's go.
Time's a-wasting.

But...that was my dessert.

[ bell rings ]

Man, I thought this day
would never end.

Tell me about it, if Dave gave me
one more piece of constructive criticism,

I was going to construct him
a knuckle sandwich.

You're making me hungry.
Dave wouldn't let me eat.

It was a cube
of gelatin dessert.

-Get over it.
-I can't.

Man, I never knew
digger Dave was so bossy.

Nor did I know digger Sam
was so ambitious.

Look at that boy dig.

Hey, Sam, what's up, man?

Can't talk. Got to dig.

But, Sam, we wonder, What are you planning
on doing with all these holes?

That information is
digger-access only.

Sure, Sam.
Whatever you say.

Man, that guy's a mess.

Yeah, and look what he's doing
to the playground.

If he keeps digginf this way

the playground will be filled with more
craters than the dark side of the moon.

Actually it's a rather interesting

Without Dave telling him
what to do,

Sam is completely unfocused
and therefore digs everywhere.

yeah, and without Sam to boss around,
Dave is bossing us around.

Guys, I think our only hope is to get
the diggers back together.

But how are we gonna do that?
They won't even talk to each other.

Maybe they won't talk to each other,

but there's nothing stopping us
from talking for them.

No, no, no,
if you do it like that,

and all the blood
will rush to your head.

Oh, hey, guys, I was just giving
upside-down girl pointers

On hanging upside down.

You're clenching again.
I told you not to clench.

Swell. Listen, we thought
it might be a good idea

If you went over it and
you know apologized to Sam.

Me apologize to him?
Are you kidding?

He's the one who should
apologize to me.

I mean, have you seen
the way he digs?

He's all over the map.
Besides, that part of my life is over.

Giving up digging was
the best thing i ever did.

Hey, you with that book!
You call that reading?

Do I have to show everybody
how to do everything?

Do something
about him, Detweiler.

If I have to come down,
no one's going to be happy.

[T.J.] Hey, digger Sam,
can we talk?

Can't talk. Digging.

Listen, man, we got a problem.

It's Dave, isn't it?

-Well, actually... yes.
-It's just that he's--

-Telling you what to do?

-And he is--
-Bossing you around?

-Yeah, he's starting to --
-Drive you nuts?

You get the picture. Now, we've been
thinking the reason he's acting like this

is because he's miserable
without you.

Ha! the reason he's acting like this
because he was born.

It's just the way he is,
"Sam, hold your shovel this way."

"Sam, your helmet's askew."

Oh, Come on, you're forgetting
all about the good times.

Good times?

Sure, remember the first time
you guys met?

Oh, yeah.

Digging good.

Digging bad. Use this.


As far as I'm concerned,
he's your problem now.

Enjoy the criticism.

I know one thing

that will get those little
gravelheads back together.

Let me at them!

Come on, Spinelli.

won't solve anything.

Sure it will, I'll clobber Dave so hard,
Sam will feel it.

Wait a minute, Spinelli, I think you might
have something there.

-I do?
-Yeah, just might work.

Gretchen, what do you know
about plate tectonics?

More than a master's,
less than a PhD.

That should be plenty.
Guys, if this works out,

Sam and Dave
should be friends again

before the last bell rings.


Twosies, threesies --

How many times do I have to
tell you that's not threesies?

How many times do we have to
tell you to like get lost?

[Gretchen] Excuse me, Dave,
I need your expertise.

doesn't everybody?
Now, what is it you want?

I'm doing a science project

on the soil content
of the playground.

Since you have first hand exprience
on the trenches, sort of speak,

I was hoping you could help.

I would love to, Gretchen,
but my days in the dirt are over.

I've hung up my shovel for good.

But dirt is so fascinating.

There's the exhilaration
of excavation...

Yeah, starting a hole.

The thrill of exploring
uncharted territory...

Crawling in mud.

Feeling like being one with the earth.

Dirt in your underwear.

Come on, Dave, how about a whiff
for old times' sake?

Mmm, that aroma...

So rich and full
of earthy textures

Despite its questionable
clay content.

Wait, no!
I see what you're doing.

Don't you know how
to trick people? Pathetic!

[Mikey] It's a nightmare!
A nightmare I say!

There's been a cave-in.

What cave-in?

Digger Sam's tunne,
it collapsed.

All we found were
his helmet and shovel.

Sam in trouble?

I'm coming for you,
sammy boy!

That's not how
you save someone.

Step aside. Let me
show you how it's done.

Sam! Sam!

It's me, buddy, Dave.
Hang in there.

Do not give up!
I will find you!

You are right, Spinelli, this ice cream
is just the break I --

Dave, what are you doing?

I'm saving Sam.
What does it look like...

Sam it's you, you are all right,
you weren't trapped in the cave-in.

Why would i be trapped
in a cave-in?

Because you...
i was, uh... and I was--

You mean, you thought I was trapped
and you were trying to save me?

But I thought you hated me.

Hate you? No.
I thought you hated me.

I don't hate you, Dave.
It's that attitude of yours.

Attitude? What attitude?

You know, you're,
well, bossy.

Me bossy? I'm not bossy.
Am I bossy?

jawohl, mein kommandant.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I could try not
to boss you so much.

That would be great,
'cause the truth is

I missed you, Dave.

I missed you, too, pal.

Now, come on. You got
some digging to do.

I mean, if you want to.

Do I want to?
Is bedrock hard?

[Mikey] Just look at them,
together again,

Caring for each other
in peace and harmony.

We've done a good thing
here today.

In fact, this may be our true calling.

Perhaps it's time
we spread the word,

roaming the world
from playground to playground,

teaching children
from all walks of life

the true meaning of friendship.

Well, we could... or we can
play some kickball.

Works for me.

[all togheter] Yeah!

[school bell rings]