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04x20 - You Made Me

Posted: 10/18/22 13:30
by bunniefuu
Okay. I'm going to
lower the screen.

Tell me what you see.

Crunchy, you look
like a rainbow.

It's beautiful. Can
you guys see that?

Nope, only you can
see it because

you're hooked up to
the aura visualizer.

But actually, I'm lying.

We can see everything
you see on this screen.

Now I'm gonna send that
image into Crunchy.


The aura's gone.

- Except...
- Whoa!

Crunchy's true
essence manifested

in the material plane.

I want to see Peppermint
Butler's aura!

You don't want to see that.

Yeah, we do! Right, Princess?

Sure, Finn. Just let me
recalibrate the device.

No! Bunk that. I'm tired.
Come on, Finn.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, me and Jake,
we got to peace out.


Hey, what's going on in here?

- Yo, guys!
- Hey, Finn.

Whoa, what's that?
Security cams?

Yeah, man. You gotta
see some crazy stu...

Yo, shut up!

- Oh, sh**t.
- What?


- What is it?
- Nothing!

Show us now!

Show you what?

What you said!

We didn't say nothing!

It's too late for take backs!

We practically know
everything already!

Now show us!

Okay, but you can't tell anyone.

Yeah, this is our weird secret.

Of course, dude.

All right. Now look
at monitor three.

Can you see it?

Oh, yeah. That's uh...
Who is that?

That's Chocoberry.

Why you guys spying
on Chocoberry?

No, man. Look there,
in the corner.

- Who's that?
- Zoom in, dude.

Plus, plus, plus, plus,
plus, plus, plus, plus...

Lemongrab! What the...?!

This is our weird secret, okay?

Remember that.

How long has this been going on?

He's shown up every night
for the past two weeks.

He goes to different rooms
and just stands there.

And you didn't tell me?!

If we told you, then
we knew you'd mess up

our weird TV show.

Banana guarding is boring.

I'm gonna talk to him.

Oh, no. You see?

Sorry, guys.



Why are you stalking my peeps?!

I am within my rights!

Yeah, but what are you doing?

It's creeping me out.

Uh, I am the Earl...

- Yeah?
- The Earl...

of nothing!

Wait! What do you
mean, "nothing"?

Castle Lemongrab
has no citizens!

You have excess candies!

You must donate. Dona-a-a-te!

In your dreams, you freak.

But you don't get
along with others.

I don't understand
you, Lemongrab.

No one... no one understands!

I am alone, and you
made me like this.

You made me!

You made me!

You're... my... glob!

You're my gob!

What are we gonna do?

Something totally bum slops.

No, no! We won't go!

Please! Please!

All I need is three
healthy volunteers

to move in with Lemongrab.

He's all by himself
with no one to govern.

No, no! We won't go!

No, no! We won't go!

Come on, Mr. Cupcake.

Just for a little while?

I can't, Princess.

My arm is broken.

Dude, you didn't
have to do that.

All right, what's it
gonna take, people?

Two things, Princess.

Yeah, that's right.
Back up, fools.

You got nerve showing
your faces here,

Notorious Pup g*ng.

Bunch of bad apples.

Back up, Finn.
I'll take you out!

We came out of hiding

'cause all y'all is
scared of a Lemon man.

And we ain't afraid,
so we gots demands.

And what is that?

One... total amnesty
for past crimes

committed by the Pup g*ng.

Hmm... granted.

Wait. They threw a basketball
at my head one time.

You gonna let that slide?

We only did that
'cause you're old.

You sacks! I'll rip your cups!

Jake, please. What is
your second demand?

We want the big
cash-money wad...

Enough to provide for
our delinquent mothers

so that, hopefully,
they'll show us the love

we always dreamed about
in our sad, young lives.


I grant you the big
cash-money wad!

Now off with you to
Castle Lemongrab!

Yo, Lemongrease.

We're gonna live here
at Lemongrabs now.


I'm Jamaica, and this
is Toughy and Blombo.

Blombo, what is that?

- What?
- On Blombo's ears?

That's his headphones.

Blombo, take them off!

Blombo! You must heed
my instructions!

Take off your things!

Whoa, settle down, Lemongrease.

I am not grease!

This is unacceptable!

What? What's going on?

All unfit citizens of Lemongrab
must be reconditioned!

Man, are you crazy?



I have to use my
sound sword now!

You guys.

What... where are we?

You are in my
reconditioning chamber.

You will receive four to
three units of juice now.


♪ Crunchy. Wake up, Crunchy ♪

Eh? Glob, is that you?

No sign of Lemongrab
for three days.

I think it worked.

Maybe. Let's keep looking.

Aw, geez.

Hey! - Huh?

What happened to
your new citizens?

They didn't understand
my Lemonstylz.

I like this way better.

Hmm... I wonder if maybe
you don't understand

their Candy stylz.

Come on! Let me
show you something.

You see, Earl, candy
people are mad special.

They need constant
stroking and snuggling.

Here, you try.

Ha-ha, ha! Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha!

Goo-goo, uh, g-goo!

Put you in my oven!

Nyah! It's gross!

And who says your
Way's right, anyway?

I look in the
Lemonheart you gave me

and see my Lemonway to act,

and that must be right!

Man, that guy's a real d-list.

Oh, dear. His candy citizens!

Let's crush this mess
all accordingly!

Crazy light-bulb freestyle!


No. He's my responsibility.

I have to try to help him.

- Okay, that's cool, too.
- Hop on.




No Lemongrab.

Come on. Let's find
the Pup g*ng quick.

Wait. I have a plan.
You guys go on ahead.

Okay, cool.


What do you got, Jake?

Just an empty room
with a Catcher's mitt.


Oh. Oh, no!

Oh! Ah! Goonie-goo-goo-foofie!


This is serious!

Pup g*ng got four units.

Maybe... maybe 10 units
for trespassers!

You got tricks, huh?

Got to fall down sometime,

and when you do...

12 units!

Lemongrab, stop!


Please, Earl. I can help you.

No! No! No more helping!

You're the one who
made me this way!

How can you help?!

You unload your
punkest boys on me?

You try to change my ways.

You poison! You poison!

You need reconditioning!


Whoa, whoa! Whoa!



Whoa, whoa. What the hey?

Wait, Lemongrab. Look!


Am I in the right room?

Huh? What?

Who's this rigmarole?

- I'm Lemongrab.
- Oh.

I made him for you
in your pantry,

for you to be with.

Two L-Lemongrabs?



Yeah, okay!


All in favor of pardoning
the prisoners?


Pardons for all!

Goodbye, Lemongrabs! Goodbye!

Take care, boys!

Yes. Yes, indeed. Ha ha!

A lemon gives by taking.

And cares by yelling.

- Hmm!
- Hmm!

Well, okay! Stop by anytime!

But call first!

Yes, goodbye!

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪